1. Is it me?
Copy !req
2. No way. It's gotta be me.
Copy !req
3. Me, no doubt about it.
Copy !req
4. Who knows? Maybe it's me.
Copy !req
5. Ought to be me.
Copy !req
6. What about me, huh?
Copy !req
7. It's me.
Copy !req
8. Ooh! Me, me, me!
Copy !req
9. I think it's me.
Copy !req
10. Me, of course.
Copy !req
11. So, how goes it?
Copy !req
12. If he were a human, I'd classify
his neural activity as "dreaming."
Copy !req
13. But so far, there's nothing to indicate
that he's ever going to wake up.
Copy !req
14. Duly noted.
Copy !req
15. I don't think you're going to like
what you see.
Copy !req
16. All 9.9 billion of the potential
personalities in his AI
Copy !req
17. are being simulated across his face.
Copy !req
18. He's cycling through them
with incredible speed.
Copy !req
19. While in such a state of flux,
his face would be hideous.
Copy !req
20. Creation of the ultimate robot.
Copy !req
21. Perhaps it is a goal
beyond the capabilities of man.
Copy !req
22. What are we going to do?
Copy !req
23. Can we ever hope
to rouse him from his slumber?
Copy !req
24. There's a way to cut through
his endless sea of choices.
Copy !req
25. Huh?
Copy !req
26. But it may be a mistake.
Copy !req
27. When he does wake up, he may be the devil.
Copy !req
28. The devil, huh?
Copy !req
29. Dr. Tenma.
Copy !req
30. She left for home.
I thought you should know.
Copy !req
31. She who?
Copy !req
32. Gesicht's widow, Helena.
She was in Japan for a bit.
Copy !req
33. Ah…
Copy !req
34. I wish you could have met her
while she was here.
Copy !req
35. Even with her own loss to grieve,
she was very sad about Atom.
Copy !req
36. It pains me to admit it,
Copy !req
37. but we scientists focus
on the strength of a thing.
Copy !req
38. Power is the sole coin of the realm.
Copy !req
39. But Helena's sense of empathy is so keen
it would be wise to study it.
Copy !req
40. In a way,
Copy !req
41. she's as advanced as Atom himself.
Copy !req
42. By the by,
Copy !req
43. The National Diet has set the date
for Atom's state funeral,
Copy !req
44. despite my request.
Copy !req
45. I need to know
that it meant something.
Copy !req
46. That he didn't die for nothing.
Copy !req
47. As far as anyone has a soul,
your husband's is on this memory chip.
Copy !req
48. I will safeguard it
as the precious thing it is.
Copy !req
49. You are now entering
a Class-A restricted zone.
Copy !req
50. Please prepare for retinal scan.
Copy !req
51. You may proceed now.
Copy !req
52. Devil or not, I don't care!
Copy !req
53. Wake him! Nothing matters unless you do.
Copy !req
54. Tell me how!
Copy !req
55. Introduce volatile emotions into him.
Copy !req
56. What do you mean by "volatile"?
Copy !req
57. Primal.
Like anger, sorrow, hatred…
Copy !req
58. Upheaval will sweep aside the chaos
of the billions of personas within him.
Copy !req
59. If I can bring you back to life
by doing this,
Copy !req
60. I'll gladly become the devil myself.
Copy !req
61. I could feel his hatred…
Copy !req
62. as he died
Copy !req
63. in that final moment.
Copy !req
64. Who was his hatred directed at?
Copy !req
65. Rain. It's been pouring outside
for three days straight now.
Copy !req
66. I may join in Gesicht's fate
if nothing changes soon.
Copy !req
67. Epsilon, you have a guest.
He looks really strong.
Copy !req
68. It sure rains a lot here.
Copy !req
69. I'm Hogan with the Ministry of Science's
defense squad.
Copy !req
70. Epsilon.
Copy !req
71. I've been instructed
to serve as your bodyguard, sir.
Copy !req
72. With the death of Detective Gesicht,
Copy !req
73. you are almost certain to be
the killer's next target, I'm afraid.
Copy !req
74. That is not to suggest I'm stronger.
Copy !req
75. Your power is in a league of its own,
especially compared with mine.
Copy !req
76. But with all this rain
and with the sun being your energy source…
Copy !req
77. we should get you to the safe house ASAP.
Copy !req
78. ASAP? But what about the children?
Copy !req
79. The sooner you and I leave this orphanage,
the safer they are.
Copy !req
80. It's my birthday today, believe it or not.
Copy !req
81. Huh?
Copy !req
82. The kids are intending to throw me
a surprise party for the occasion.
Copy !req
83. Isn't that adorable of them?
Copy !req
84. I know about it, of course,
but I'll act very surprised.
Copy !req
85. We can wait around
but do try to make it quick.
Copy !req
86. Thank you, Hogan.
Copy !req
87. What a surprise!
Copy !req
88. Thank you, everyone.
Copy !req
89. Thank you so much! This is just wonderful!
Copy !req
90. You gotta open your gifts, Epsilon!
Copy !req
91. Ah, I get presents too?
Copy !req
92. You kids are the best!
Copy !req
93. We wrapped up this one all fancy.
Copy !req
94. What a beautiful necklace.
Copy !req
95. Did you make this yourself and everything?
Copy !req
96. Uh-huh!
Copy !req
97. Oh, and this hat is lovely too.
Copy !req
98. We have another surprise set up.
Copy !req
99. It's something we know
you love a whole bunch.
Copy !req
100. You made me the sun.
Copy !req
101. We did it so you can feel
all happy and warm,
Copy !req
102. even when it's rainy out
like today, Epsilon.
Copy !req
103. That is such a good idea.
Copy !req
104. It's working already.
Copy !req
105. See, you guys?
I told you he would love it!
Copy !req
106. 'Cause it's sun-believable!
Copy !req
107. These kids all lost their parents
in the Central Asian War.
Copy !req
108. Epsilon draws strength from the sun,
Copy !req
109. but he's the bright light
that nourishes them in turn.
Copy !req
110. Hey, Wassily.
You drew something for him, didn't ya?
Copy !req
111. Go on. Show him what you made.
Copy !req
112. Is that true?
Copy !req
113. May I?
Copy !req
114. Bora.
Copy !req
115. So this is Bora, then?
Copy !req
116. B… Bora.
Copy !req
117. Then he ate up…
Copy !req
118. Did you hear that? Wow!
Wassily said stuff other than "Bora"!
Copy !req
119. Sh.
Copy !req
120. Is that a song?
Copy !req
121. Amazing, Wassily!
Copy !req
122. It's neat, but it's weird too!
Copy !req
123. We need to get to the safe house, sir.
Copy !req
124. Five more minutes.
Copy !req
125. Arnold, hello. It's been a while.
Copy !req
126. Ah, Epsilon. A while indeed.
Copy !req
127. I was hoping you could answer a question.
Copy !req
128. But of course.
Copy !req
129. Let Arnold, the best
weather forecasting robot
Copy !req
130. in the United States of Thracia,
put you at ease.
Copy !req
131. That rain you've been having
should stop before dawn tomorrow.
Copy !req
132. Patience, friend.
Copy !req
133. Uh, not the rain. Something else.
Copy !req
134. Huh? What is it, then?
Copy !req
135. Looking through the data,
Copy !req
136. were there any odd weather events
in Persia three years ago?
Copy !req
137. For example,
Copy !req
138. something like this?
Copy !req
139. And I'm looking at what?
Copy !req
140. I'm not entirely sure.
Copy !req
141. Three years ago in Persia, huh?
Copy !req
142. Hmm.
Copy !req
143. Nothing's popping up.
Copy !req
144. Aerial photographs of the region
show a lot of smoke
Copy !req
145. from exploded artillery shells.
Copy !req
146. Some of those war orphans you took in
Copy !req
147. originally came
from this part of Persia, right?
Copy !req
148. - Yes.
- Huh?
Copy !req
149. There was something down
under the smoke. Something huge.
Copy !req
150. Can you tell what it is?
Copy !req
151. I can't make it out
any more clearly.
Copy !req
152. It's time, sir.
Copy !req
153. I'll be back before you know it.
Copy !req
154. How come you have to leave
all of a sudden, Epsilon?
Copy !req
155. What about the rest of
your surprise birthday party?
Copy !req
156. - There's a work thing I have to deal with.
- Huh?
Copy !req
157. Be good while I'm gone, okay?
Copy !req
158. Wassily.
Copy !req
159. Uh, Wassily?
Copy !req
160. Hey, look alive.
Copy !req
161. It's dark in here. Can't see for shit.
Copy !req
162. You know, for a pacifist,
Copy !req
163. you're marginally more useful
than I thought you'd be.
Copy !req
164. I've brought him, sir.
Just as you ordered.
Copy !req
165. Jesus. Little much, don't ya think?
Copy !req
166. Turn it down a notch.
Copy !req
167. I'm Brigadier General Scott
of the UN Forces.
Copy !req
168. And you're the robot who thought
he was too good for active duty.
Copy !req
169. You're a dainty little thing
for being so top-drawer, ain't ya.
Copy !req
170. I'd be scared if I were your size too.
Copy !req
171. But at least you can help
with the post-war cleanup.
Copy !req
172. See that?
That's why we brought you down here.
Copy !req
173. Wha… what is this?
Copy !req
174. You're gonna melt 'em all down for us.
Copy !req
175. Should be a walk in the park
for a high-tech fella like yourself.
Copy !req
176. You want me to unleash my Photon Energy
Copy !req
177. on other robots?
Copy !req
178. It may be a pile of robots
in the technical sense,
Copy !req
179. but all of their AIs have been taken out.
Copy !req
180. Far as I'm concerned, they're scrap metal.
Copy !req
181. I don't believe this.
Copy !req
182. I thought we had rights here.
Copy !req
183. Even under the former regime,
I thought robots were safe in Persia.
Copy !req
184. What happened to the AIs
that were taken out of them?
Copy !req
185. Hell if I know.
Copy !req
186. Anyway, just get it done quick, would ya?
Copy !req
187. I'll ping you
once we're out of the blast zone.
Copy !req
188. We're in position, Epsilon.
Copy !req
189. - I'm beginning the countdown.
- Hold on!
Copy !req
190. We've got a schedule to keep.
Burn those robots already.
Copy !req
191. No, listen to me!
There's still a person nearby!
Copy !req
192. - What?
- Someone's here!
Copy !req
193. That isn't possible.
Copy !req
194. We've checked the area.
There's no one alive.
Copy !req
195. I'm picking up a life-form right now!
Copy !req
196. It's a stray cat or something.
Just do your damn job!
Copy !req
197. Hey, there.
Copy !req
198. You're okay.
Copy !req
199. Don't be afraid.
Let's get you out of there.
Copy !req
200. Take my hand.
Copy !req
201. Huh?
Copy !req
202. Bora…
Copy !req
203. Bora, Bora, Bora.
Copy !req
204. Do you get what almost happened? Do you?
Copy !req
205. I'd have burned this boy to ashes
if I'd listened to you!
Copy !req
206. Good thing you're such a gentle soul.
Copy !req
207. We don't have a lot of time.
Just get on with it already.
Copy !req
208. Eight, seven, six,
Copy !req
209. five, four, three,
Copy !req
210. two, one…
Copy !req
211. Hey there, Epsilon. Been a minute.
Copy !req
212. Scott, from the UN Forces.
Brigadier General then. Full one now.
Copy !req
213. Hell of a job you did for us
in the sandbox.
Copy !req
214. I should've sold tickets
to that explosion.
Copy !req
215. Frankly, the thought of us
defending a robot as powerful as Epsilon
Copy !req
216. is pretty laughable,
Copy !req
217. given the destructive potential
he's packin'.
Copy !req
218. Not to mention, this place is
more of a fortress than a safe house.
Copy !req
219. Course, you are the last one standing
among you top-tier types.
Copy !req
220. If you get taken out,
it'd be a real shame for the planet.
Copy !req
221. I'm sure you already know this,
Copy !req
222. but as per the intel pulled
from the remains of Detective Gesicht,
Copy !req
223. the name of the enemy is—
Copy !req
224. Pluto.
Copy !req
225. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
226. But in his brain,
Copy !req
227. there resides the AI of another robot.
Copy !req
228. One named Sahad.
Copy !req
229. You came prepared.
I'll give you that much.
Copy !req
230. - What is Bora, General Scott? Tell me.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
231. Those robots you had me incinerate
after the war…
Copy !req
232. They're linked to Bora,
but I don't know how.
Copy !req
233. That makes two of us.
Copy !req
234. What was the Bora Fact-Finding Mission
really trying to do back then?
Copy !req
235. They discovered that cellar of dead robots
in Persia years ago,
Copy !req
236. and now they're being murdered one by one.
Copy !req
237. This is no time for secrets, General!
Your life is in danger too!
Copy !req
238. Pluto's power terrifies
all who know about it.
Copy !req
239. But a greater power lies in wait for us.
What if he ushers in something worse?
Copy !req
240. Something that could
Copy !req
241. potentially "eat up the whole earth
in one bite."
Copy !req
242. Bit melodramatic, don't ya think?
Copy !req
243. It's part of the song
that one little boy was mumbling.
Copy !req
244. Sounds like they're gearing up
to sing it even now.
Copy !req
245. How odd that it stuck with them.
Copy !req
246. Hey, Wassily.
Everyone thinks your song is really neat.
Copy !req
247. Thanks for telling us the words.
Copy !req
248. Do it again! Do it again!
Copy !req
249. Hey there, Deacon. What you looking at?
Copy !req
250. What's going on out there?
Copy !req
251. Huh?
Copy !req
252. The children are in danger back home!
They all need to evacuate!
Copy !req
253. - Evacuate who?
- What's going on?
Copy !req
254. I can't remain here!
I need to return to Australia right away!
Copy !req
255. Oh wow! What is that?
Copy !req
256. They have to get out of there!
Copy !req
257. There's something above us.
Copy !req
258. General, you need
to order your men to escape!
Copy !req
259. Like hell.
Copy !req
260. The defense system is more than capable
of instantly responding
Copy !req
261. to any attack mounted against it.
Copy !req
262. Some of us aren't in the habit
of turning tail
Copy !req
263. at the first sign of conflict.
Copy !req
264. Get out of here!
Copy !req
265. Epsilon!
Copy !req
266. If you survived the blast, please reply!
Copy !req
267. - I have to save whoever's left.
- It's too late.
Copy !req
268. Everyone else there was vaporized.
Copy !req
269. All those people murdered because of me!
Copy !req
270. We don't know that!
Copy !req
271. Come on. They could've gone after you
Copy !req
272. plenty of times
over the last three months. So why now?
Copy !req
273. They might have been trying
to assassinate the general instead of you.
Copy !req
274. Another member of
the Fact-Finding Mission.
Copy !req
275. See the blast site?
Copy !req
276. Looks like a pair of horns, huh.
Copy !req
277. The children need me.
I have to return to them.
Copy !req
278. That attack split the mountain
like it was nothing.
Copy !req
279. What kind of weapon did they use?
Copy !req
280. No weapon.
Copy !req
281. A robot.
Copy !req
282. Bora.
Copy !req
283. What's Bora even supposed to be?
Copy !req
284. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
285. There's emotion but also a lack of it.
Copy !req
286. Is he nothing more than a puppet?
Copy !req
287. Who are you?
Copy !req
288. What a kidder, huh?
Like you don't know who I am.
Copy !req
289. The Walrus himself. Principal Ban.
Copy !req
290. Oh yeah. Of course I know you.
Copy !req
291. I wasn't asking who you were.
Copy !req
292. Then who were you talking about?
We're the only folks here.
Copy !req
293. A moment ago,
I felt a pair of huge waves of sadness.
Copy !req
294. And both of them were happening
out there at the same time.
Copy !req
295. Hmm?
Copy !req
296. Pinocchio, eh?
Copy !req
297. He had his share of trouble learning
about the human heart, Pinocchio did.
Copy !req
298. But, Uran,
Copy !req
299. you have more heart
than most of the flesh-and-blood people
Copy !req
300. I encounter in life.
Copy !req
301. What's the matter?
Copy !req
302. Why do you cry?
Copy !req
303. You can tell me.
Copy !req
304. Why do you weep
like you're going to break?
Copy !req
305. That storm cloud is weird.
Copy !req
306. And it's coming this way.
Copy !req
307. It looks pretty bad.
Do you think we should run?
Copy !req
308. I'm sure we'll be okay
as long as we stay inside the house.
Copy !req
309. Gather around me! I can protect you!
Copy !req
310. Do it now!
Copy !req
311. Huddle closer!
Copy !req
312. Curl up as tight as you can!
Protect your heads, okay?
Copy !req
313. Epsilon!
Copy !req
314. Get down!
Copy !req
315. You're going to be okay now.
Copy !req
316. Please don't be afraid.
Copy !req
317. Let's get you out of there.
Copy !req
318. Take my hand.
Copy !req
319. What power.
Copy !req
320. The sun finally came out.
Copy !req
321. Oh wow! Do you see that?
Copy !req
322. Not just one of 'em.
Copy !req
323. Two suns!
Copy !req
324. Epsilon!
Copy !req
325. You're back!
Copy !req
326. Thank goodness!
Copy !req
327. So you defeated it, then?
Copy !req
328. Are you all right?
Copy !req
329. Epsi… Epsilon…
Copy !req
330. Wassily, that… that's the very first time
you've ever said my name.
Copy !req
331. Thank you, Epsilon.
Copy !req
332. Thank you, Epsilon.
Copy !req
333. Thank you, Epsilon!
Copy !req
334. Hey, Uran.
Copy !req
335. Are you there?
Can you tell me what's happening?
Copy !req
336. It feels like he's Pinocchio.
Copy !req
337. Huh?
Copy !req
338. The younger one's just like Pinocchio.
Copy !req
339. The one who was crying before,
is that who you're talking about?
Copy !req
340. He keeps looking, but he can't
Copy !req
341. find his heart.
Copy !req
342. No matter where he goes,
Copy !req
343. it's darker than inside the whale's belly.
Copy !req
344. He doesn't wanna be a puppet.
Copy !req
345. Doesn't wanna be controlled.
Copy !req
346. He thinks he's acting on his own.
Copy !req
347. But the hatred inside pulls the strings.
Copy !req
348. Then again,
Copy !req
349. he isn't the only one
who's being controlled.
Copy !req
350. Geppetto is too.
Copy !req
351. His maker, Geppetto,
Copy !req
352. is a puppet, same as him.
Copy !req
353. I wanted to figure out
what he was feeling…
Copy !req
354. but he's gone now.
Copy !req
355. Can you reach out
to your people in the government
Copy !req
356. and tell them to delay
Atom's state funeral for the time being?
Copy !req
357. I suppose I could make
some calls to that effect.
Copy !req
358. Thank you.
Copy !req
359. Come on, I'll race ya!
Copy !req
360. You'd better run faster, Wassily!
Copy !req
361. If you don't, he's gonna get you,
and then you'll be the one chasing folks!
Copy !req
362. You're it!
Copy !req
363. Hmm. Uh… Oh…
Copy !req
364. That was quite a tumble you took, Wassily!
Copy !req
365. Look! Someone's coming.
Copy !req
366. Huh?
Copy !req
367. What's Mr. Simon doing here?
Copy !req
368. Good to see you again, ma'am.
Copy !req
369. Nice weather we're having, isn't it?
Copy !req
370. Yes, very.
Copy !req
371. Is Epsilon home right now?
Copy !req
372. He's away at the moment.
Copy !req
373. Oh, so I've missed him, then?
Copy !req
374. Yes, sir.
He's currently at a hearing.
Copy !req
375. A hearing, you say.
Copy !req
376. If you would state
for the record, Epsilon,
Copy !req
377. did you or did you not
defeat your adversary?
Copy !req
378. I did.
Copy !req
379. Are you sure about that?
Copy !req
380. I thought your kind
were incapable of lying.
Copy !req
381. I defeated
the other robot, gentlemen.
Copy !req
382. Was the victory complete?
Copy !req
383. I defeated the other robot, sir.
Copy !req
384. That's all well and good, of course,
Copy !req
385. but why did you fail
to protect General Scott?
Copy !req
386. He and the entire company of soldiers
stationed at the safe house
Copy !req
387. were gone in the blink of an eye.
Copy !req
388. I wouldn't compare the two.
Copy !req
389. That attack was made
with a different weapon.
Copy !req
390. Did you say a different weapon?
Copy !req
391. In any case, gentlemen,
you should look at these.
Copy !req
392. This is debris gathered
from the fight above Epsilon's orphanage.
Copy !req
393. It makes up the left arm
of a Persian-built robot.
Copy !req
394. It was constructed
for environmental development
Copy !req
395. but subsequently repurposed into a weapon.
Copy !req
396. Only the left arm, huh?
Copy !req
397. So nothing else?
Copy !req
398. Nothing as of yet. No.
Copy !req
399. Epsilon, you've been
rather strident in terms of your pacifism.
Copy !req
400. I could imagine
you taking your enemy's arm
Copy !req
401. and letting him escape
to terrorize the world another day.
Copy !req
402. He could never be my enemy.
Copy !req
403. Even if we'd fought a thousand times.
Copy !req
404. I think we should wait until
Epsilon gets back to talk about this.
Copy !req
405. Him not being here
is the whole point.
Copy !req
406. What?
Copy !req
407. You're no fool, madam. Of that, I am sure.
Copy !req
408. You have to be aware of
what people say about this foster home.
Copy !req
409. They have their doubts
as to whether a robot can parent a human.
Copy !req
410. Please do allow me to impress upon you
Copy !req
411. my agency has no qualms
about your childcare capacities.
Copy !req
412. They're beyond reproach.
Copy !req
413. Epsilon's the problem here,
though it pains me to say it.
Copy !req
414. Epsilon cares for each one of these kids
more than any human could ever hope to!
Copy !req
415. True as that may be,
Copy !req
416. it's less confusing for the children
when we can place them with human parents.
Copy !req
417. You know that.
Copy !req
418. Lucky for us, Mr. Johansen here is eager
to open his heart and home alike
Copy !req
419. to one of these unfortunates.
Copy !req
420. That I am.
Copy !req
421. Once you transfer the boy to my care,
I promise you,
Copy !req
422. I'll move mountains
to give him a good life.
Copy !req
423. Mr. Johansen is one of the most
prominent citizens in Oslo, you see.
Copy !req
424. My wife and I have traveled
to this orphanage
Copy !req
425. on several occasions now, ma'am.
Copy !req
426. He's never far from our thoughts.
Copy !req
427. We have so much love
to give that boy if you'll let us.
Copy !req
428. But why?
Copy !req
429. Of all the kids here,
what is it about him in particular?
Copy !req
430. Yes?
Copy !req
431. I brought him, as requested.
Copy !req
432. Well, hello!
Copy !req
433. Hey, Wassily. How would you like
to come home with me?
Copy !req
434. He's scared.
Copy !req
435. You're okay now. No need to be afraid.
Copy !req
436. Bet you've never seen snow before,
have you, Wassily?
Copy !req
437. Please, Mr. Johansen,
I don't think he wants to go.
Copy !req
438. Mr. Johansen is prepared to make
a substantial donation to the foster home.
Copy !req
439. It's only natural
that the boy would be afraid.
Copy !req
440. But as the adult here,
you know that fear is merely temporary.
Copy !req
441. This is what's best for him.
Copy !req
442. Let's go see the snow together.
You and me.
Copy !req
443. Look! Epsilon's home again!
Copy !req
444. Epsilon!
Copy !req
445. - Welcome home, Epsilon!
- Epsilon!
Copy !req
446. Hey, now,
there's only one of me! Be gentle!
Copy !req
447. All right, kids.
I'm sure Epsilon's tired after a long day.
Copy !req
448. How did it go?
The hearing, I mean.
Copy !req
449. It was fine.
Copy !req
450. Well, who wants
to pick our game for today?
Copy !req
451. Hmm?
Copy !req
452. Where's Wassily?
Copy !req
453. He went away with the smiley man.
Copy !req
454. I think he's got a lot of money
or something.
Copy !req
455. What's going on?
Copy !req
456. Uh…
Copy !req
457. Where's Wassily? You need to tell me!
Copy !req
458. Oslo, by now.
Copy !req
459. He went where?
Why am I finding out after the fact?
Copy !req
460. They were gonna take him no matter what.
Copy !req
461. Come on. I don't have all day.
Copy !req
462. How many times do you plan
to stop and stand there?
Copy !req
463. Mr. Johansen is prepared to make
a substantial donation to the foster home.
Copy !req
464. Why the hell would I want
to hold onto your grubby little paw?
Copy !req
465. You see these doors?
Copy !req
466. Once you walk through them,
I'm outta here, kid.
Copy !req
467. If you know what's good for you,
you'll hurry it up.
Copy !req
468. I told you to hurry, brat!
Copy !req
469. I have the tracking results!
Copy !req
470. Wassily was taken to Vigeland Castle,
along the southern coast of Norway!
Copy !req
471. However, when I tried
to look up the man, Johansen,
Copy !req
472. who took the boy away, he doesn't exist.
Copy !req
473. But… but I…
Copy !req
474. I've brought the kid as requested, sir.
Copy !req
475. I hope you have been gentle
with our young guest.
Copy !req
476. But of course.
I treated him like he was made of glass.
Copy !req
477. If there's nothing more,
then I'll take my leave.
Copy !req
478. Bora.
Copy !req
479. Don't be afraid.
Copy !req
480. Bora! Bora! Bora! Bora! Bora! Bora!
Copy !req
481. Don't you worry.
Copy !req
482. - Everything is fine.
- Bora!
Copy !req
483. I do not think I would shout that name
with such vigor if I were you!
Copy !req
484. You are a bad boy. Did you know that?
Copy !req
485. Consider this your just reward.
Copy !req
486. Only a very bad boy
would peek at Bora back then.
Copy !req
487. But Epsilon will come flying
to the rescue, even for your sake.
Copy !req
488. Epsilon is nothing if not soft-hearted.
Copy !req
489. Wouldn't you agree?
Copy !req
490. I've gone to much trouble
to set the stage.
Copy !req
491. So failure is not an option.
Not this time.
Copy !req
492. Epsilon is
the final robot remaining.
Copy !req
493. Kill him now, and all this will be over.
Copy !req
494. You will taste victory.
Copy !req
495. With the use of but a single arm,
you will destroy our foe.
Copy !req
496. And when our righteous work is done…
Copy !req
497. …the world will sorely regret
the sins it has committed against us!
Copy !req
498. You hear me, Pluto?
Copy !req
499. Epsilon, isn't that the…
Copy !req
500. It's the body armor that was issued to me
for use in the 39th Central Asian War.
Copy !req
501. I've never worn it
since I never reported for duty.
Copy !req
502. Please, just wait!
Copy !req
503. I can't let him hurt Wassily.
Copy !req
504. The military's gearing up
for a rescue right now.
Copy !req
505. I'm the one he's after.
Copy !req
506. Tell me something.
Copy !req
507. Why didn't you finish him off
when you had the chance to?
Copy !req
508. You ended up taking his arm off, Epsilon.
Copy !req
509. I'm sure you had the chance
to strike the deciding blow.
Copy !req
510. This would all be over by now, so why?
Copy !req
511. You don't need to accompany me.
I've gotten enough people killed as it is.
Copy !req
512. Sorry, but I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
513. Do you think you'll be able to protect me?
Copy !req
514. Hell no,
but I can protect Wassily, at least.
Copy !req
515. He will be here soon, Pluto.
Prepare yourself.
Copy !req
516. Destroy him by sunrise. No later.
Copy !req
517. Hmm?
Copy !req
518. Bora! Bora! Bora! Bora!
Copy !req
519. That is enough!
Copy !req
520. What is the meaning of this?
Copy !req
521. You would disobey your father now?
Copy !req
522. To the man who created you out of nothing,
you would show this level of disrespect?
Copy !req
523. Once our battle is over,
you can go back to your original body,
Copy !req
524. or have you forgotten, my son?
Copy !req
525. You believe me. Right, Pluto?
Copy !req
526. I'm picking up Wassily's biosignature.
Copy !req
527. I'm heading in there!
Copy !req
528. I want you to hold back
at a safe distance!
Copy !req
529. You were designed
to run on Photon Energy, Epsilon!
Copy !req
530. You should wait till the sun's up.
Copy !req
531. I can't leave Wassily
in their clutches for another moment!
Copy !req
532. Hold on!
I'll go stealth mode and join you!
Copy !req
533. Behind those doors.
Copy !req
534. Hang back while I blast them open.
Copy !req
535. Engaging!
Copy !req
536. - Epsilon!
- I'm all right! Save Wassily!
Copy !req
537. - I'm not gonna le—
- Do it now!
Copy !req
538. Wassily!
Copy !req
539. Ah!
Copy !req
540. How does he have
that much energy left in him?
Copy !req
541. Wassily! Are you all right? Wassily!
Copy !req
542. I'm running out of power.
Copy !req
543. How long until
Copy !req
544. the sunrise?
Copy !req
545. Good. Now destroy him.
Copy !req
546. Squeeze until nothing is left, Pluto!
Copy !req
547. The child…
Copy !req
548. What are you saying?
Copy !req
549. Are you talking about Wassily?
Copy !req
550. I've got the boy, Epsilon!
Copy !req
551. I'm getting him to cover ASAP!
Copy !req
552. Did you wanna make sure that he was safe?
Copy !req
553. Deep inside,
I think you can still hear me!
Copy !req
554. Are you there, Sahad?
Copy !req
555. What happened to you?
This can't be what you want!
Copy !req
556. What is Abullah?
Copy !req
557. What is Bora?
Copy !req
558. The sun's up, Epsilon.
Copy !req
559. Finish him off now! The dead demand it!
Copy !req
560. Help me, please.
Copy !req
561. Begging you. Help me.
Copy !req
562. We finally meet.
Copy !req
563. You're the one
who's been leaving those flowers
Copy !req
564. at Tobio's grave, are you not?
Copy !req
565. Yes, Doctor.
Copy !req
566. When I'm here, I'm just a father.
Copy !req
567. Tell me, you wouldn't happen to be…
Copy !req
568. My name is Uran.
Copy !req
569. You are Atom's little sister.
Copy !req
570. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
571. A robot paying respects at a grave.
Copy !req
572. I never thought I'd see the day.
Copy !req
573. You're Ochanomizu's finest work.
Copy !req
574. I have to wonder
Copy !req
575. if my son Tobio
has found any happiness in heaven.
Copy !req
576. I don't know about heaven
or anything like that.
Copy !req
577. But I…
Copy !req
578. I do know that you're grieving his loss.
Copy !req
579. But how do you know it?
Copy !req
580. You understand the grief within my heart?
Copy !req
581. I've never had a heart of my own,
but I sense emotions.
Copy !req
582. Even now. Loud and clear.
Copy !req
583. They're very far away, but still,
Copy !req
584. I sense a pair in sorrow.
Copy !req
585. Two different people,
but the feeling inside of them…
Copy !req
586. is the same.
Copy !req
587. It's sunrise!
You've got all your power, Epsilon!
Copy !req
588. What are you doing? Finish him off, Pluto!
Copy !req
589. Why didn't you kill me
the last time we fought?
Copy !req
590. You could have ended this.
Copy !req
591. Why didn't you kill me
when you had the chance?
Copy !req
592. Because the wavelengths you emit told me…
Copy !req
593. …how sad you are.
Copy !req
594. If you know that,
then end my suffering!
Copy !req
595. Yes, that's it! Photon Energy!
Copy !req
596. If you have any mercy,
Copy !req
597. you'll burn away
every trace of this cursed existence!
Copy !req
598. Do it, please!
Copy !req
599. Grant me the solace of death!
Copy !req
600. Come on! Do it, damn you!
Copy !req
601. Y… you…
Copy !req
602. You're Sahad….
Copy !req
603. Let's put you back where you belong, yeah?
Copy !req
604. We'll put your AI back
in your original body,
Copy !req
605. and the nightmare will come to an end.
Copy !req
606. Aren't you tired of this?
Copy !req
607. But you have to decide that you're done.
Copy !req
608. I can't.
Copy !req
609. He's on his way.
Copy !req
610. Who is, Sahad?
Copy !req
611. Where's the sun?
It should have risen completely by now.
Copy !req
612. But it's gone.
Copy !req
613. Bora!
Copy !req
614. What's happening?
Copy !req
615. Wassily!
Copy !req
616. It's no good!
I can't hold on much longer!
Copy !req
617. I'm sending down my energy! Use it!
Copy !req
618. Epsilon.
Copy !req
619. Behold your brother, Uran.
Copy !req
620. Dr. Tenma? Where did you go?
Copy !req
621. Wassily! Are you all right?
Copy !req
622. Your hands are protecting me, Epsilon!
Copy !req
623. Children, hello.
Copy !req
624. It's so good to be home.
Copy !req
625. Wait.
Copy !req
626. Where are you going?
Copy !req
627. I see.
Copy !req
628. This is just a memory of mine.
Copy !req
629. I thought we were
all together in real life.
Copy !req
630. I even tried to give you a hug.
Copy !req
631. Give you a hug.
Copy !req
632. Huh?
Copy !req
633. Where are my arms?
Copy !req
634. Where'd my body go?
Copy !req
635. Am I…
Copy !req
636. Atom?
Copy !req
637. You recognize me, don't you?
It's Uran, your little sister!
Copy !req
638. So he's finally waking up.
Copy !req
639. What's going on?
Copy !req
640. I installed a particular type
of extraneous data into him.
Copy !req
641. - Huh?
- Emotional upheaval.
Copy !req
642. Something to cut
through the chaos of infinite possibility.
Copy !req
643. Now that he's done processing
all of the relevant information,
Copy !req
644. we merely had to wait for him
to regain conscious thought.
Copy !req
645. Now, the time is at hand.
Copy !req
646. What are these brain waves I'm picking up?
Copy !req
647. These numbers don't make any sense.
Copy !req
648. What the hell is going on inside his head?
Copy !req
649. Doctor, I felt something just now!
Copy !req
650. It happened right before
Atom opened his eyes.
Copy !req
651. It was like something landed on him.
Copy !req
652. Tell me what it was. Be exact.
Copy !req
653. It hit him like a humongous wave
Copy !req
654. of sadness.
Copy !req
655. I understand all of it now.
Copy !req
656. Pluto.
Copy !req
657. Abullah.
Copy !req
658. Even
Copy !req
659. Bora itself.
Copy !req
660. Bora! Bora!
Copy !req
661. That giant in the shadows!
Copy !req
662. Is that Bora?
Copy !req
663. Where did Epsilon go? I can't find him!
Copy !req
664. Don't look, Wassily!
Copy !req
665. Epsilon.
Copy !req
666. He's become…
Copy !req
667. the light itself now.
Copy !req
668. The morning sun
has broken through.
Copy !req
669. That giant shadow is gone.
Copy !req
670. No sign of Pluto either.
Copy !req
671. Those are…
Copy !req
672. Those are Epsilon's hands.
Copy !req
673. Yeah.
Copy !req
674. He protected us to the end and then some.
Copy !req
675. You saved me, Epsilon.
Copy !req
676. Huh?
Copy !req
677. Someone…
Copy !req
678. …anyone,
Copy !req
679. protect the earth.
Copy !req
680. Do what I can do no longer.
Copy !req
681. In my stead…
Copy !req
682. Epsilon,
Copy !req
683. forgive me.
Copy !req
684. You'd probably just shake your head
if you heard me saying this,
Copy !req
685. but I have to, okay?
Copy !req
686. People thought you were a coward
for skipping the war, but they're wrong.
Copy !req
687. You saved your fight
for when it mattered the most.
Copy !req
688. A humongous wave of sadness
landed on him, huh?
Copy !req
689. Uran, I imagine
that you're quite the little bookworm.
Copy !req
690. How come?
Copy !req
691. You were being evocative.
Copy !req
692. You didn't literally mean
something interacted with Atom.
Copy !req
693. Sensing emotion
is just a figure of speech.
Copy !req
694. But I… I do sense emotions! All the time!
Copy !req
695. I know how sad you were feeling
Copy !req
696. when we talked to each other
at Tobio's grave!
Copy !req
697. It was so heavy!
Copy !req
698. Even now, you feel so empty
it's like you might blow away!
Copy !req
699. Dr. Tenma, please don't leave!
Copy !req
700. We need you here!
Copy !req
701. Atom, it's me.
Copy !req
702. It's your sister, Uran!
Can you understand me?
Copy !req
703. I understand you.
Copy !req
704. I'm so glad.
Copy !req
705. I still can't believe
that you actually came back to life again.
Copy !req
706. I understand you, Epsilon.
Copy !req
707. Huh?
Copy !req
708. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
709. I understand you,
Copy !req
710. Detective.
Copy !req
711. Hmm?
Copy !req
712. A crack?
Copy !req
713. The earth is going to shatter.
Copy !req