1. Excuse me, sir!
Feast your eyes on these!
Copy !req
2. For you, the best of prices!
Copy !req
3. Look at the quality of my rugs.
Copy !req
4. You'd think robots made them,
but it's all human, I assure you.
Copy !req
5. Hello, my friend!
Copy !req
6. If you're in need of robotic parts,
I'm your man.
Copy !req
7. All of them from the battlefield!
Copy !req
8. Enough already, Gesicht.
Come back home.
Copy !req
9. We'll handle whatever fallout there is
from Darius XIV trying to kill himself.
Copy !req
10. I'm not a fan of Thracia
throwing its weight around anyway.
Copy !req
11. We're fine to push back on this.
Copy !req
12. Their president just does
whatever the hell he wants.
Copy !req
13. I'm beyond fed up with it.
Copy !req
14. That aside,
we're concerned about your condition.
Copy !req
15. Hoffman's worried that the cannon blast
may have weakened the structural integrity
Copy !req
16. of your Zeronium frame.
Copy !req
17. Thank you for your concern, sir.
Copy !req
18. However, I think I'm on the edge
of breaking this case wide open.
Copy !req
19. Really? You're that close?
Copy !req
20. So you must have an idea
who's behind all this.
Copy !req
21. I do. But if I had to couch it in terms of
the human experience, it's just a hunch.
Copy !req
22. A hunch? Can robots even have those?
Copy !req
23. Huh? Hey, Gesicht! You still there?
Copy !req
24. Hmm?
Copy !req
25. Hey, are you all right?
Copy !req
26. Can you stand? Here, let's get you up.
Copy !req
27. Thank you, mister.
Copy !req
28. I've been clumsy ever since
I got damaged in the war.
Copy !req
29. I see. Well, good luck to you.
Copy !req
30. Hey, wait! Wanna buy some flowers?
Copy !req
31. Actually, I think I'll pass.
I'm kind of in a hurry.
Copy !req
32. I take credit cards if that helps!
Look, I even got a reader!
Copy !req
33. I'm only here for a little while.
Copy !req
34. I don't even have a room
to put them in. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
35. Um, mister…
Copy !req
36. I did not mean to keep you waiting.
Copy !req
37. Please, by my accounting,
you are right on time.
Copy !req
38. Inspector Gesicht with Europol.
Copy !req
39. Head of the Persian Republic's
Science Ministry. Call me Abullah.
Copy !req
40. Something on your mind?
Copy !req
41. I'm fine.
Copy !req
42. Oh. Coffee, please.
Copy !req
43. You can relax around me.
I am a man of science.
Copy !req
44. They do sell energy catalyst drinks here.
Copy !req
45. Thank you. I'm okay.
Copy !req
46. The look on your face tells me
you're wondering if I'd prefer
Copy !req
47. an energy catalyst drink myself.
Copy !req
48. Unless I'm mistaken.
Copy !req
49. Worry not. Your identification system
didn't malfunction.
Copy !req
50. Most of my organic body was
yet another casualty of the war, you see.
Copy !req
51. Sorry to stare. That was rude.
Copy !req
52. Please. I am sorry you had to journey
all the way here to meet with me.
Copy !req
53. But I'm glad you came to Persia.
Copy !req
54. You can see how this country is starting
to rise from the ashes of war,
Copy !req
55. like the phoenix.
Copy !req
56. Persia was reduced to dust,
Copy !req
57. but now the bazaars
are teeming with commerce once again.
Copy !req
58. A friend of yours?
Copy !req
59. No.
Copy !req
60. I met him in the bazaar.
Copy !req
61. Kids like that
are the ones I pity most of all.
Copy !req
62. Our economy is lumbering to its feet,
Copy !req
63. but the forgotten children still suffer.
Copy !req
64. It is incumbent upon
this new republic of Persia
Copy !req
65. that we ease the sorrows of those
who have lost so much already.
Copy !req
66. I'm sure you understand.
Copy !req
67. Yes.
Copy !req
68. So what is it
you wanted to ask of me?
Copy !req
69. Yes.
I'll get right to the point.
Copy !req
70. I know our time is short.
Copy !req
71. Your relationship with Darius XIV.
What was it like?
Copy !req
72. We always got along fine.
Copy !req
73. To those who had proven
they would not betray his trust,
Copy !req
74. he could be a very kind man.
Copy !req
75. He had ambitions
of turning this desert land
Copy !req
76. into a country of verdant greenery.
Copy !req
77. A "field of flowers," I believe.
Copy !req
78. Right.
Copy !req
79. What was your involvement
with a man by the name of Goji?
Copy !req
80. I never met him.
Copy !req
81. You lead
the Persian Ministry of Science,
Copy !req
82. and you never crossed paths?
Copy !req
83. By every account, your construction
of such an advanced army of robots
Copy !req
84. was only possible thanks to Goji's genius.
Copy !req
85. An empty rumor.
Copy !req
86. But of course, much was made of Goji
by the Bora Fact-Finding Mission.
Copy !req
87. Alas, they were never able
to confirm his existence.
Copy !req
88. I wish that they had, honestly.
Copy !req
89. I would have liked
to meet this mythical genius.
Copy !req
90. Fine. What about the Tenma model AI chip
that found its way here to Persia?
Copy !req
91. The Tenma model chip?
Copy !req
92. Speaking of rumors.
Copy !req
93. I have a story I feel like
you would be keen to hear.
Copy !req
94. They say that Tenma
and your mysterious Goji
Copy !req
95. toiled to create
the ultimate robot intelligence.
Copy !req
96. A perfect AI, in other words.
Copy !req
97. Yes.
Copy !req
98. But the robot's artificial mind
was so advanced,
Copy !req
99. it never actually deigned to wake up.
Copy !req
100. Rumors say it's still asleep somewhere
in the ruins of Darius's old palace.
Copy !req
101. Inspector, you could try
to track down this marionette yourself.
Copy !req
102. Goodness.
Copy !req
103. I fear our time is up. My apologies.
Copy !req
104. Thank you for fitting me in.
Copy !req
105. One last question, if I may.
Copy !req
106. I would like you
to take a look at this image.
Copy !req
107. This young man.
Have you ever seen him before?
Copy !req
108. No. Never met him.
Copy !req
109. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
110. Know that I appreciate your cooperation.
Copy !req
111. I hope you can bring
the killer to justice.
Copy !req
112. Sorry again for thinking
you were a robot earlier.
Copy !req
113. I hope I didn't offend you.
Copy !req
114. Course not. Quite all right.
Copy !req
115. I got it wrong one time before.
Copy !req
116. It was when I met Atom.
Copy !req
117. Interesting.
Copy !req
118. He truly must have been
the flower of robotics
Copy !req
119. to fool you like that.
Copy !req
120. He was. Yes.
Copy !req
121. Also, my system finally pinged you
as a human just now.
Copy !req
122. Because of the lie you told me.
Copy !req
123. You said you'd never met
that man in the field of flowers.
Copy !req
124. According to my analytics,
that statement was a lie.
Copy !req
125. A robot would have told
the truth, Professor.
Copy !req
126. Hmm?
Copy !req
127. Hi again! Please buy some flowers!
Copy !req
128. What, have you been waiting for me?
Copy !req
129. Even a single flower.
Pretty please?
Copy !req
130. I don't want your boss
getting mad at you for this.
Copy !req
131. If it's not a sale, then move on.
Copy !req
132. Need a good luck charm?
Copy !req
133. I've got all sorts here.
Copy !req
134. Keep it in your pocket,
and this little wonder
Copy !req
135. will help you find the answers
to all of life's conundrums.
Copy !req
136. This one is Goji,
the wise sage of the sands.
Copy !req
137. Goji?
Copy !req
138. Indeed. The Almighty fashioned the man
from the desert itself.
Copy !req
139. They say he went
to the ancient Uzbek king,
Copy !req
140. who wondered about the truth of this life.
Copy !req
141. And as soon as that king
had been enlightened,
Copy !req
142. Goji turned back to sand.
Copy !req
143. "The sage of the sands."
Copy !req
144. Goji.
Copy !req
145. The robot's artificial mind
was so advanced,
Copy !req
146. it never actually deigned to wake up.
Copy !req
147. Just one is fine. Please, mister.
Copy !req
148. Okay, then. But like you said, just one.
Copy !req
149. Really? Thanks!
Copy !req
150. What's your name, anyway?
Copy !req
151. Muhammad Ali.
Copy !req
152. That's a lot of name.
Copy !req
153. They say he was the greatest.
Can I live up to that?
Copy !req
154. Yeah. Of course you can.
Copy !req
155. That's good.
'Cause I want to be a scholar!
Copy !req
156. You're going to have to study a lot,
but I know you can do it.
Copy !req
157. Do you think I can be like Sahad?
Copy !req
158. Sahad?
Copy !req
159. Yeah. You showed that man
in the café a photo of him.
Copy !req
160. This is who you mean, right?
Copy !req
161. Uh-huh. He went all the way
to the Netherlands to study
Copy !req
162. so he can turn this land
into a field of flowers.
Copy !req
163. He's my hero, mister.
Copy !req
164. Do you think I can be like Sahad
if I try hard?
Copy !req
165. What's wrong?
Copy !req
166. Nothing.
Copy !req
167. You can do it.
Don't ever lose hope, all right?
Copy !req
168. "Hope"?
Copy !req
169. Yeah. Hope's important.
Copy !req
170. Whoa!
Copy !req
171. Mister!
Copy !req
172. Will I see you around?
Copy !req
173. Yes. I'm sure we'll meet again.
Copy !req
174. But of course.
I remember dear Sahad very well.
Copy !req
175. He used to be one of my lodgers.
Copy !req
176. There. That room up on the third floor.
Copy !req
177. See those beautiful flowers
in all the windowsills?
Copy !req
178. Sahad planted every one of them. His idea.
Copy !req
179. They're gorgeous, ma'am.
Copy !req
180. Ah, so even a robot like you can tell.
Copy !req
181. The boy studied botany,
so I guess he knew what he was doing.
Copy !req
182. It's been years
since he planted those for me,
Copy !req
183. but you'd never know it to look at them.
Copy !req
184. They're all still going strong.
Copy !req
185. This one time,
I asked him if there are any flowers
Copy !req
186. that bloom nonstop and don't wither away.
Copy !req
187. Those would be easy
to take care of, right?
Copy !req
188. And what did he tell you?
Copy !req
189. According to him,
once they've made their seeds,
Copy !req
190. flowers ought to wither away.
Copy !req
191. Can't argue with that, I guess.
Copy !req
192. "Flowers ought
to wither away." Huh.
Copy !req
193. You don't happen to have
a picture of Sahad, do you?
Copy !req
194. Hmm. I'm sure I did have one,
but it's probably in an old computer now.
Copy !req
195. Ah, I remember where I packed it away.
Copy !req
196. - Check in with me later on?
- Thank you.
Copy !req
197. But if a man from Europol
is asking about him,
Copy !req
198. does that mean
Sahad's in some kind of trouble?
Copy !req
199. Huh? No, ma'am.
Copy !req
200. Glad to hear it.
Copy !req
201. I don't think that young man
had a single lawbreaking bone in his body.
Copy !req
202. Sahad was a perfect
little gentleman, truly.
Copy !req
203. You'd have never known he was a robot
if he didn't tell you himself.
Copy !req
204. He was an excellent student,
that one.
Copy !req
205. No, excellent doesn't capture
the breadth of it.
Copy !req
206. Passionate.
Copy !req
207. As if it was his whole reason for living.
Copy !req
208. Can you explain?
Copy !req
209. Yes. Sahad's home country of Persia
was exceedingly dear to him.
Copy !req
210. His dream was to see the desert in bloom
and never you mind the odds.
Copy !req
211. His research was as novel
as it was driven.
Copy !req
212. One day, I remember he said to me,
Copy !req
213. "Doctor, look how healthy and strong
dear Igor has become."
Copy !req
214. Who's Igor?
Copy !req
215. Another time, he talked
about Janus getting sick.
Copy !req
216. Then it was Ishtar getting better
after a rough spell.
Copy !req
217. Hmm?
Copy !req
218. They were
Sahad's tulips, Inspector.
Copy !req
219. Sahad insisted on naming every tulip
that was part of his research.
Copy !req
220. Said they grew better that way,
Copy !req
221. and I never had the data
to contradict him.
Copy !req
222. No offense, but the boy was a robot.
Copy !req
223. He was the best one Persia had ever made,
using the newest tech.
Copy !req
224. But he made a habit of giving voice
to the most unscientific thoughts.
Copy !req
225. "Unscientific"?
Copy !req
226. In what sense?
Copy !req
227. As in things devoid
of empirical evidence.
Copy !req
228. May I show you something, Inspector?
Copy !req
229. Over here.
Copy !req
230. A tulip.
Copy !req
231. This one,
Sahad was cultivating in particular.
Copy !req
232. Always in bloom. I've never seen it fade.
Copy !req
233. Not ever? For how long?
Copy !req
234. Three years straight.
Copy !req
235. He asked that I not plant it in the ground
Copy !req
236. until he returned
to the university someday.
Copy !req
237. If he never returns,
we'll study it as it is now,
Copy !req
238. wrapped in its cocoon of science.
Copy !req
239. You know, it feels as if this tulip
awaits his return too.
Copy !req
240. Well, now I'm the one giving voice
to unscientific thoughts, aren't I?
Copy !req
241. Did Sahad ever give this tulip a name?
Copy !req
242. Uh, I'm sure he did.
Copy !req
243. Though I couldn't tell you what.
Copy !req
244. As always,
thank you for your business.
Copy !req
245. Anton, hey.
Copy !req
246. You think you can deliver these
to Van Dyke's shop for me?
Copy !req
247. Okey dokey!
Copy !req
248. A hard worker, that one.
Copy !req
249. Yeah. Having him around
has been such a help.
Copy !req
250. Right before I came here,
Copy !req
251. I met a little robot
peddling flowers in Persia.
Copy !req
252. But his circumstances
weren't as happy as Anton's.
Copy !req
253. Uh, Sahad was from there.
Copy !req
254. I understand
he came here pretty often?
Copy !req
255. Yes, every day.
Copy !req
256. When he was off from school,
he would even help me around the shop.
Copy !req
257. I think he didn't have
many friends to speak of.
Copy !req
258. Maybe that's why
he always loved to talk my ear off.
Copy !req
259. Like wanting to fill Persia
with fields of flowers.
Copy !req
260. Hearing Sahad talk about his dreams
made me happy.
Copy !req
261. Especially knowing he was a robot.
Copy !req
262. But one day, something was different
when I saw him.
Copy !req
263. And all of a sudden,
Copy !req
264. he tells me he's going back to his country
to enlist in the army.
Copy !req
265. I tried to convince him to just stay here.
Copy !req
266. He was way too gentle of a soul
to go fight,
Copy !req
267. no matter how long the war went on.
Copy !req
268. That was when
Copy !req
269. he told me his father died in the war.
Copy !req
270. I see.
Copy !req
271. I didn't know what to say.
Copy !req
272. He looked at me, and there was
such heartbreak in his eyes.
Copy !req
273. That's when he said,
"I might end up just like him."
Copy !req
274. "Like him"?
Copy !req
275. What was the name of it again?
That tulip of his.
Copy !req
276. Ah, yes. I had been told that Sahad was
in the habit of naming all of them.
Copy !req
277. Yeah.
Copy !req
278. He ran many cultivation experiments,
trying to develop a strain of flower
Copy !req
279. that could survive the punishing heat
of a desert biome.
Copy !req
280. Stronger and more resilient.
Copy !req
281. He worked so hard for it.
Copy !req
282. But this one time, when Sahad went
to the field to check his flowers,
Copy !req
283. he saw something that made no sense.
Copy !req
284. One single, perfect tulip.
Copy !req
285. It had caused all the rest to die.
Copy !req
286. The name of that tulip.
Copy !req
287. It was…
Copy !req
288. …Pluto.
Copy !req
289. I found you his picture, like I said.
Copy !req
290. Thank you, ma'am.
I hope it wasn't much trouble.
Copy !req
291. Not at all. Do you mind?
It's been a minute since I've used it.
Copy !req
292. This should do it.
Copy !req
293. Yes, thank you.
Copy !req
294. When lodgers apply,
I always ask for a photo.
Copy !req
295. Oh, there he is.
Copy !req
296. See? What a sweet smile.
Copy !req
297. I just wanted to pinch him.
Copy !req
298. The photograph appears
to have been cropped.
Copy !req
299. Ah, yes.
Copy !req
300. I believe Sahad told me the man
in the picture with him was his father.
Copy !req
301. His father?
Copy !req
302. Well, since he's a robot, I think he meant
the man who created him.
Copy !req
303. - But I'm not one to split hairs.
- His father is…
Copy !req
304. Professor Abullah?
Copy !req
305. Why'd he say that he's dead?
Copy !req
306. Gesicht is getting closer
with every step.
Copy !req
307. I find it very impressive.
Copy !req
308. Don't you think so?
Copy !req
309. His investigative skills are amazing,
but that's not the half of it.
Copy !req
310. His sense of initiative, his weaponry…
Copy !req
311. Not to mention his Zeronium skin.
Copy !req
312. In terms of potential,
Copy !req
313. Gesicht is the most powerful robot
of mass destruction I've ever seen.
Copy !req
314. Pluto might not emerge
from this in one piece.
Copy !req
315. It's the truth!
Copy !req
316. But you know what?
Copy !req
317. There's one good way to kill Gesicht.
It's kind of perfect.
Copy !req
318. Do you want me to tell you?
Copy !req
319. Here's what you do.
Copy !req
320. From Persia
straight to the Netherlands?
Copy !req
321. Way to rub my confinement
in my face, globetrotter.
Copy !req
322. It's rather gauche of you.
Copy !req
323. But with this ruined body,
Copy !req
324. I'd be stuck in place
even if they freed me tomorrow.
Copy !req
325. So you know who's behind the murders now?
Copy !req
326. Yes.
Copy !req
327. Professor Abullah.
Copy !req
328. If any one man lived for science,
Copy !req
329. it was Dr. Ronald Newton-Howard.
Copy !req
330. The Photon Energy he discovered
has proven such a boon already,
Copy !req
331. and there's no doubt it will continue
to brighten the path to our future.
Copy !req
332. His achievements will never be forgotten.
Copy !req
333. Epsilon. Or so I assume.
Copy !req
334. Not how I hoped we would meet.
Copy !req
335. Ah, forgive me. I am Abullah.
Copy !req
336. You came all the way from Persia
for the funeral?
Copy !req
337. I regret his passing.
Copy !req
338. I wish I could have met Dr. Newton-Howard
while he was still of this world.
Copy !req
339. His work discovering Photon Energy
will go down in history.
Copy !req
340. Part of the Bora Fact-Finding Mission,
Copy !req
341. he helped to end the tyranny in my country
Copy !req
342. and helped Persia to find peace again.
Copy !req
343. To lose such a luminary like this.
Copy !req
344. We are lucky indeed you survive him.
Copy !req
345. The level of your perfection
amazes even me.
Copy !req
346. You amaze as well, Professor Abullah.
Copy !req
347. I've heard about what befell you.
Copy !req
348. How you lost most of your body
in the Central Asian War.
Copy !req
349. What is flesh
compared to the loss of a loved one?
Copy !req
350. They, you cannot replace.
Copy !req
351. Interesting.
So it's Abullah, huh?
Copy !req
352. Not that you have any hard evidence,
but you've always been a rule-breaker.
Copy !req
353. Well? I don't think you came
all this way just to share gossip.
Copy !req
354. What if a scientist loaded
every personality on Earth into one AI?
Copy !req
355. If a robot were equipped with that brain,
Copy !req
356. so far beyond
what any one of us could handle,
Copy !req
357. what do you think would happen?
Copy !req
358. They'd never even wake up.
Copy !req
359. And why is that?
Copy !req
360. Because the poor bastard
would never know who to become.
Copy !req
361. It would take an eternity to simulate
all 9.9 billion personalities on Earth
Copy !req
362. to where they could pick one.
Copy !req
363. No persona, no waking up.
Copy !req
364. Do you think anything
could force it to wake up?
Copy !req
365. Introducing extreme emotions.
Copy !req
366. That would do the trick.
Copy !req
367. Extreme emotions.
Copy !req
368. Like hatred.
Copy !req
369. Good.
Copy !req
370. And anger!
Copy !req
371. Good.
Copy !req
372. And sorrow.
Copy !req
373. Correct.
Copy !req
374. Hit it with those,
and it's sure to awaken.
Copy !req
375. But ask yourself
Copy !req
376. what kind of a robot will it be
when it opens its eyes?
Copy !req
377. It looks like
it's about to rain.
Copy !req
378. If I may ask,
do your powers weaken on such a day?
Copy !req
379. Yes.
Copy !req
380. Well, one could say it barely matters
if you have them or not.
Copy !req
381. When called upon,
you refused to fight in the war.
Copy !req
382. That was a righteous act.
Copy !req
383. No war ever fought has been just.
Copy !req
384. Abullah, I know you lost your family
in the fighting.
Copy !req
385. My wife and children.
Copy !req
386. Those treasures beyond reckoning
were stolen from me.
Copy !req
387. Uh…
Copy !req
388. You're crying.
Copy !req
389. The rain has come.
Copy !req
390. And the funeral is over now.
Copy !req
391. Yes.
Copy !req
392. Epsilon.
Copy !req
393. What would your treasure
beyond reckoning happen to be?
Copy !req
394. Hmm?
Copy !req
395. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!
The funeral is over! Let's go home!
Copy !req
396. - Okay, Epsilon!
- Epsilon!
Copy !req
397. We saw a squirrel over there!
Copy !req
398. - Really?
- I found an acorn!
Copy !req
399. - Wow!
- We made sure to grab you one!
Copy !req
400. How wonderful.
Copy !req
401. I knew you had adopted orphans
of the war, but not in such number.
Copy !req
402. Please, Epsilon,
keep taking good care of them all.
Copy !req
403. When I think of my own lost children,
Copy !req
404. I just want these kids to be loved.
Copy !req
405. I will be attending the European
Robotics Conference in short order.
Copy !req
406. To restore Persia to its former glory,
Copy !req
407. we will need to bring forth
many wonderful robots like you.
Copy !req
408. Hey. I don't see Wassily here.
Copy !req
409. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
410. Wassily!
Copy !req
411. Wassily, where'd you go?
Copy !req
412. Oh!
Copy !req
413. Found him!
Copy !req
414. Wassily, it's time to go home now.
Copy !req
415. - Come on.
- Come on. Let's go!
Copy !req
416. What's the matter, Wassily?
Copy !req
417. Bora.
Copy !req
418. Bora.
Copy !req
419. You're all right.
Copy !req
420. This isn't your hometown. Nothing to fear.
Copy !req
421. Bora.
Copy !req
422. It will lie, of course.
Copy !req
423. Once this robot is awake,
it would tell lies.
Copy !req
424. To others, naturally, but also to itself.
Copy !req
425. You are so close to solving this case.
Copy !req
426. Where do you think Pluto is now?
I need to find him.
Copy !req
427. Probably getting patched up
from all those licks Hercules got in
Copy !req
428. during their fight.
Copy !req
429. Just a guess.
Copy !req
430. Home, in other words.
Copy !req
431. So he's home?
Copy !req
432. Back in Sahad's home in Persia?
Copy !req
433. Not his, Detective. Pluto's.
Copy !req
434. Don't forget the tulip.
Copy !req
435. Professor Abullah's whereabouts?
Copy !req
436. Yes. He needs to be taken
into custody immediately.
Copy !req
437. Are you out of your mind, Gesicht?
Copy !req
438. The man is a foreign VIP!
Copy !req
439. I don't care about the optics!
Copy !req
440. I just need to know
you can track him down!
Copy !req
441. While we deal with Abullah,
what do you intend to do?
Copy !req
442. Search Pluto's lair till I find him.
Copy !req
443. Wait, you know where he is?
Copy !req
444. An agriculture research facility
in the Netherlands
Copy !req
445. that belonged to Persia pre-war.
Copy !req
446. On the outskirts of Amsterdam in Zaandam.
Copy !req
447. One single, perfect tulip.
Copy !req
448. It had caused all the rest to die.
Copy !req
449. The name of that tulip.
Copy !req
450. Pluto!
Copy !req
451. He's near.
Copy !req
452. Pluto.
Copy !req
453. Seriously, that was one
hell of a speech just now.
Copy !req
454. You absolutely deserve
that standing ovation you got.
Copy !req
455. Good job, Hoffman.
Copy !req
456. Thank you for that, really.
Copy !req
457. We're very grateful you agreed
to attend in the first place.
Copy !req
458. No one would've blamed you
for skipping the conference,
Copy !req
459. given all you've been through lately.
Copy !req
460. I hope the security we provided
met with your satisfaction.
Copy !req
461. Indeed. Because of them, I was able
to carry out my scientific duty.
Copy !req
462. Professor Hoffman,
your helicopter is here.
Copy !req
463. Case in point.
Copy !req
464. This pair of beefy bodyguards
is giving me door-to-door service.
Copy !req
465. I'll ascertain
the current status of the heliport, sir.
Copy !req
466. Uh, please don't worry about it.
I'm sure security up there is great.
Copy !req
467. I would let him.
You can never be too careful, right?
Copy !req
468. The world of robotic engineering
is depending on you
Copy !req
469. to stay out of harm's way.
Copy !req
470. Well, thank you. I'll try my best.
Copy !req
471. Please, take care.
Copy !req
472. Oh. Need the bathroom.
Copy !req
473. Safe. Already checked it.
Copy !req
474. I'm gonna go this one alone, then.
Copy !req
475. A wonderful speech
you gave tonight. So inspiring.
Copy !req
476. Hmm?
Copy !req
477. I was especially moved
by your remarks about
Copy !req
478. the potential for Zeronium
to accelerate world peace.
Copy !req
479. Do I know you?
Copy !req
480. No, but it is my pleasure to meet you now.
Copy !req
481. I am Abullah from the Republic of Persia.
Copy !req
482. It looks like
an ordinary power plant.
Copy !req
483. Faint electromagnetic waves.
Copy !req
484. The same kind Epsilon picked up
while Hercules was fighting Pluto.
Copy !req
485. They're close.
Copy !req
486. Wait, who are you?
Copy !req
487. I have always hoped
for the chance to speak with you.
Copy !req
488. After all, you are the man
who created the peerless Gesicht.
Copy !req
489. My pleasure.
Copy !req
490. And if there's anything I can do to help
with the Persia restoration efforts.
Copy !req
491. Zeronium is invaluable, as you know.
Copy !req
492. Perhaps you can lift the embargo
that prevents Persia from having any?
Copy !req
493. Uh…
Copy !req
494. Whoever it is
who's been going around destroying
Copy !req
495. the most advanced robots on the planet,
Copy !req
496. even they would lose to Gesicht.
Copy !req
497. I hope so.
Copy !req
498. That said, I did hear a rumor.
Copy !req
499. That Gesicht was recently damaged
by a cluster cannon?
Copy !req
500. Uh, you are very well-informed,
but there's nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
501. The damage was superficial.
Copy !req
502. What a relief.
Copy !req
503. So he is immune
even to that sort of weapon?
Copy !req
504. - Mmm, basically.
- Very good.
Copy !req
505. So then, Gesicht has
no weaknesses whatsoever.
Copy !req
506. Not at all. He's got his flaws.
Copy !req
507. However, I made sure
to include layer upon layer
Copy !req
508. of advanced control systems within him.
Copy !req
509. I see. Those prevent him going astray?
Copy !req
510. Astray?
Copy !req
511. Yeah, I guess.
Copy !req
512. He has his struggles and doubts,
just like any of us.
Copy !req
513. If struggles and doubts
are what you count as his flaws,
Copy !req
514. I'd say your fail-safes
are the source of both.
Copy !req
515. Given his superiority,
Copy !req
516. what would you do if your robot were
to make an irreparable mistake?
Copy !req
517. For example…
Copy !req
518. if Gesicht were to murder a human.
Copy !req
519. More of you, huh?
Copy !req
520. What are you guarding down here?
Copy !req
521. A robot that kills humans.
Copy !req
522. Such a robot was said to exist once,
was it not, Professor?
Copy !req
523. Brau1589.
Copy !req
524. He described what he did
as an "execution." His choice of word.
Copy !req
525. The same word humans use
to justify our killings.
Copy !req
526. What are you trying to say to me?
Copy !req
527. Well, is that not
what the world did to Persia
Copy !req
528. after your fact-finding?
Copy !req
529. Was the war you forced upon the innocent
not an execution writ large?
Copy !req
530. I was wrong to say that.
Copy !req
531. After all, democracy has taken root
in Persia thanks to that dark time.
Copy !req
532. But if another robot
did happen to kill a human being,
Copy !req
533. I believe that robot should be destroyed
without hesitation.
Copy !req
534. If your Gesicht
ever indulged in such a vile act,
Copy !req
535. what would you do to him, I wonder?
Copy !req
536. That would never happen, all right?
Copy !req
537. I wonder if a robot as advanced as Gesicht
would try to atone by killing himself?
Copy !req
538. Nonsense!
Copy !req
539. Or perhaps his masters
would erase such memories
Copy !req
540. without telling Gesicht.
Copy !req
541. If you took valid memories from his AI
and replaced them with events that never—
Copy !req
542. All you need to do is
see to his maintenance! That is your job!
Copy !req
543. I need to know!
Copy !req
544. What did you do to his memory, Director?
Copy !req
545. Robots' memories can be deleted.
Copy !req
546. Were that it worked on us,
Copy !req
547. I would delete mine in a heartbeat.
Copy !req
548. Gesicht!
This is Europol HQ! Do you copy?
Copy !req
549. Affirmative, loud and clear.
Copy !req
550. We've located Abullah.
He's in Düsseldorf right now,
Copy !req
551. attending the European
Robotics Conference.
Copy !req
552. Understood. Take him into custody ASAP!
Copy !req
553. We will, but there's a complication.
Copy !req
554. Professor Hoffman is also in attendance.
Copy !req
555. What?
Copy !req
556. Hoffman is there with him?
Copy !req
557. - Thank you for waiting.
- We should get going, sir.
Copy !req
558. Is there a problem, Professor?
Copy !req
559. Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. Uh, just tired.
Copy !req
560. It is the same logic.
Copy !req
561. Huh?
Copy !req
562. It is the same
as the nations of the world did to Persia.
Copy !req
563. They must be executed.
Copy !req
564. Please confirm Professor Hoffman's safety.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Copy !req
565. This is Europol!
Copy !req
566. As of now, the building's on lockdown!
Copy !req
567. Huh? What's the meaning of this?
Copy !req
568. Nobody in or out, understood?
Copy !req
569. Stay where you are for the moment!
We're doing this for your own safety!
Copy !req
570. - Excuse me!
- Hmm?
Copy !req
571. You're gonna wanna take a look
at the elevator monitor right now!
Copy !req
572. Professor Hoffman!
Copy !req
573. They're going up.
Copy !req
574. All the way to the rooftop heliport,
I assume.
Copy !req
575. Damn! Get up there and intercept them!
Copy !req
576. The other elevators aren't working, sir.
They've all been disabled.
Copy !req
577. Huh?
Copy !req
578. What the hell is that thing?
Copy !req
579. Uh, I was under the impression
that you were supposed to keep me safe!
Copy !req
580. Did someone hijack
your artificial intelligence?
Copy !req
581. How did we get here exactly?
Copy !req
582. Professor Hoffman, can you hear me?
Try to stay calm, and do not—
Copy !req
583. You're the one behind all the robot
scientist murders, aren't you?
Copy !req
584. You should be executed
for your crimes.
Copy !req
585. Becker here. Gesicht, do you copy?
Copy !req
586. Professor Hoffman is being abducted.
We need you!
Copy !req
587. I hear you.
I'll head over there as soon as I can.
Copy !req
588. But right now,
Copy !req
589. the one I'm after is here.
Copy !req
590. Why are you doing this to me?
Copy !req
591. Is it because our report led to the war?
Copy !req
592. That's on us. I know that.
Copy !req
593. But killing me now
doesn't fix what happened!
Copy !req
594. Open up! Open the door at once!
Copy !req
595. The other bodyguard.
He's in cahoots with you, isn't he?
Copy !req
596. Breaching the entrance!
Copy !req
597. Run, Professor! I'll try to distract him!
Copy !req
598. Horns.
Copy !req
599. You're going to do that to my body
after you murder me! I don't get it!
Copy !req
600. What are you?
Copy !req
601. Bora.
Copy !req
602. Huh?
Copy !req
603. Bora!
Copy !req
604. Squad A here!
Approaching the heliport!
Copy !req
605. What the hell are cockroaches doing here?
Copy !req
606. I have eyes on the target.
Copy !req
607. He has Professor Hoffman in tow
and is currently on the move.
Copy !req
608. Presence of the hostage means
no clear shot.
Copy !req
609. - Take him out.
- What?
Copy !req
610. Take him out! Do it!
Copy !req
611. Uh, but, sir.
Copy !req
612. What about the Professor?
Copy !req
613. He's right there.
Copy !req
614. What's going on over there?
Tell me if Professor Hoffman is safe!
Copy !req
615. They manufactured my body
out of a cutting-edge Zeronium alloy.
Copy !req
616. Magnetic and thermal rays
won't incapacitate me.
Copy !req
617. Stand down! I will fire!
Copy !req
618. Freeze!
Copy !req
619. Its combat readiness dropped
from one million plus
Copy !req
620. to fifty-eight hundred.
Copy !req
621. Buried itself alive, huh?
Copy !req
622. Gesicht here. Do you read?
I have found and caught the target.
Copy !req
623. Is Professor Hoffman out of harm's way?
Copy !req
624. What's the plan, Captain? Please advise.
Copy !req
625. Yes. He's fine.
Copy !req
626. Destroy the target, Gesicht.
Copy !req
627. My artificial intelligence is too advanced
to fall for these illusions. Give it up.
Copy !req
628. Field of flowers.
Copy !req
629. Pluto.
Copy !req
630. Pluto.
Copy !req
631. - Pluto!
- No!
Copy !req
632. You are not Pluto!
Copy !req
633. Pluto!
Copy !req
634. That is not who you are!
Your name is Sahad!
Copy !req
635. That's right. Listen to me.
Copy !req
636. You are Sahad.
Copy !req
637. Sahad.
Copy !req
638. Sahad.
Copy !req
639. But I thought…
Copy !req
640. I… I can't believe you're alive, Father.
Copy !req
641. But how?
Copy !req
642. I received word that you were killed
in the air strike along with everyone else.
Copy !req
643. You lived.
Copy !req
644. Yes.
Copy !req
645. Though life is a cold comfort to me now.
Copy !req
646. I am more machine than man.
Copy !req
647. Having lost most of my organic body
to the war.
Copy !req
648. But my real loss is this.
Copy !req
649. My wife, Fatima.
Copy !req
650. My daughter, Lola.
Copy !req
651. Murat, my son in all ways but flesh.
Copy !req
652. Murdering dogs!
Copy !req
653. They have ripped away from me
the people I hold most precious in life!
Copy !req
654. Our family was my treasure
beyond reckoning!
Copy !req
655. Oh, Father.
Copy !req
656. - You're all I have left.
- Huh?
Copy !req
657. You are all I have left
in this world, Sahad!
Copy !req
658. There is nothing else.
Copy !req
659. This emotion.
Copy !req
660. Do you understand it?
Copy !req
661. It's hatred, Father.
Copy !req
662. Grant me this one request.
Copy !req
663. Save this country, my son.
Copy !req
664. Do not let them kill any more Persians
on this crusade of theirs.
Copy !req
665. I beg of you,
do not let our people feel the sorrow
Copy !req
666. that threatens to eat me alive even now.
Copy !req
667. Take revenge.
Copy !req
668. But you know the war
will be over soon, Father!
Copy !req
669. And revenge only begets more revenge.
Copy !req
670. Listen to me!
The hatred would never fade away!
Copy !req
671. You're right.
Copy !req
672. About hatred. It will never fade.
Copy !req
673. Allow me to install your brain
within the strongest of bodies.
Copy !req
674. "Within the strongest of bodies?"
Copy !req
675. What would you have me do?
Copy !req
676. If you know nothing else,
please know this.
Copy !req
677. I love you, Sahad.
Copy !req
678. Father.
Copy !req
679. I love you.
Copy !req
680. Damn it, Gesicht!
Copy !req
681. What are you waiting for? Shoot it now!
Copy !req
682. You have authorization!
Copy !req
683. Destroy it!
Copy !req
684. - No.
- Huh?
Copy !req
685. What did you say?
Copy !req
686. I am not programmed to destroy a robot
that shows no signs of open hostility.
Copy !req
687. What the—
Copy !req
688. Listen carefully, Gesicht.
Copy !req
689. You destroy that thing,
and we can wrap this whole case up.
Copy !req
690. Take the shot!
Copy !req
691. Do it!
Copy !req
692. I won't.
Copy !req
693. You won't, huh?
Copy !req
694. Look at you with morals all of a sudden.
Need I remind you that—
Copy !req
695. Listen up, Gesicht.
I'm giving you a direct order.
Copy !req
696. Destroy that thing at once,
and we can forget about—
Copy !req
697. I'm not changing my mind.
Copy !req
698. How dare you?
Copy !req
699. Captain Becker.
Copy !req
700. Do I have the right
to resign from Europol?
Copy !req
701. Resign?
Copy !req
702. Where are you getting this nonsense?
Copy !req
703. You were made to be a detective.
That's the point!
Copy !req
704. You don't get a damn choice in the matter!
Copy !req
705. Then I request
a one-year leave of absence.
Copy !req
706. Excuse me?
Copy !req
707. I've had enough of all this.
Copy !req
708. Have you?
Copy !req
709. The professor is safe, you said?
Copy !req
710. Correct. Hoffman's out of danger.
Copy !req
711. Really?
Copy !req
712. Yes. I tapped into a live camera feed
from the Science Forum's heliport.
Copy !req
713. Do we know anything about that robot?
Copy !req
714. Beyond the fact
it's kidnapping Professor Hoffman.
Copy !req
715. We… we don't.
Copy !req
716. Captain Becker.
Copy !req
717. You ordered me
to fire on my assailant down here,
Copy !req
718. even though Professor Hoffman
was still in clear and immediate danger
Copy !req
719. from his unknown abductor.
Copy !req
720. - Gesicht.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
721. I offer you a trade.
Copy !req
722. Where are you?
Copy !req
723. I offer my hostage for yours.
Copy !req
724. Release my beloved Pluto, and all is well.
Copy !req
725. Show yourself!
Copy !req
726. Leave that place
without harming him,
Copy !req
727. and I will release
your Professor Hoffman at once.
Copy !req
728. Gesicht!
Copy !req
729. Don't you go over my head
on this, damn it!
Copy !req
730. What are you doing?
Copy !req
731. Your actions are in direct violation of
Article 1 Clause 3 and Article 15 Clause 2
Copy !req
732. of the International Robot Laws!
Copy !req
733. Your punishment will be severe!
Copy !req
734. You hear me?
Copy !req
735. Captain, we're moving in. The robot
in possession of Professor Hoffman
Copy !req
736. collapsed without warning.
Copy !req
737. We've secured the hostage safely.
Copy !req
738. Sahad.
Copy !req
739. If your father loved you,
he would never force you to do this.
Copy !req
740. Are you crying?
Copy !req
741. Gesicht, hello.
Copy !req
742. Hello, Helena.
Working late tonight?
Copy !req
743. Mmm. But I'm about ready for a break.
Copy !req
744. - And you?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
745. It's over.
Copy !req
746. You mean it?
Copy !req
747. Yes. I mean it.
Copy !req
748. Sure. Until the next case
that demands all your attention.
Copy !req
749. Not this time.
Copy !req
750. If you're feeling lucky,
we could try for Japan again.
Copy !req
751. From now on,
nothing's going to pull me away.
Copy !req
752. You're talking like you're going
to leave police work altogether.
Copy !req
753. We could adopt if you still want to.
Copy !req
754. We tried before. You remember?
Copy !req
755. Of course I do.
Copy !req
756. They just didn't have any kids
who were a good match for us then.
Copy !req
757. It's not like it was years ago.
Copy !req
758. It's a better system all around now.
Copy !req
759. The approval rate is way up.
Copy !req
760. How do I know
if I'd even make a good mother?
Copy !req
761. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
762. You'll be the greatest.
Copy !req
763. Huh?
Copy !req
764. And, also,
Copy !req
765. if we adopt, you wouldn't have
to feel so alone all the time.
Copy !req
766. How could I ever be lonely, dear?
Copy !req
767. I have you, don't I?
Copy !req
768. We can talk more once I'm home, Helena.
Copy !req
769. Hmm. Come home soon, Gesicht.
Copy !req
770. Always.
Copy !req
771. Professor Hoffman,
are you all right?
Copy !req
772. Yes. I'm okay, Gesicht. Just very tired.
Copy !req
773. To be perfectly frank,
I'm more worried about you.
Copy !req
774. I didn't take any damage.
Copy !req
775. And your foe? I was told
you had it cornered down there.
Copy !req
776. Correct. I'm sure
they'll capture it soon enough.
Copy !req
777. That's good.
Copy !req
778. Though I hope you don't feel like
you have to confront it again.
Copy !req
779. - Your body's not at 100% yet.
- Right.
Copy !req
780. Anyway, now we know
who's behind the whole thing.
Copy !req
781. - The genius scientist.
- Abullah.
Copy !req
782. Yes.
Copy !req
783. He even hijacked
that bodyguard robot tonight
Copy !req
784. and attacked me with him.
Copy !req
785. The man is nothing if not driven.
Copy !req
786. How does that work
with what Ochanomizu said?
Copy !req
787. He believes the true culprit is Dr. Goji.
Copy !req
788. I met the one,
and he was enough.
Copy !req
789. For now, let the others wrap this up.
You absolutely need to rest.
Copy !req
790. I hate to keep harping on it,
but that cluster cannon blast
Copy !req
791. weakened the integrity
of your Zeronium frame.
Copy !req
792. One more blast of that strength
at close range, and you—
Copy !req
793. Professor Hoffman.
Copy !req
794. Hmm?
Copy !req
795. You know the dreams
I've been telling you about lately?
Copy !req
796. Mm-hmm?
Copy !req
797. They might be gone.
Copy !req
798. I might not have to
contend with them anymore.
Copy !req
799. What makes you say that?
Copy !req
800. Nothing I can name. It's just a feeling.
Copy !req
801. That I finally figured out
the truth of it.
Copy !req
802. What? Hold on. Uh, so, your memory—
Copy !req
803. Good night, Professor.
Copy !req
804. Uh… But, Gesicht!
Copy !req
805. Squad D has arrived
Copy !req
806. at the Zaandam
Agricultural Research Facility.
Copy !req
807. We're about to head underground.
Copy !req
808. Squad F reporting in.
We're searching the tunnels.
Copy !req
809. We're almost at the spot
where Gesicht engaged the target.
Copy !req
810. That thing's combat capabilities
have dropped like a stone,
Copy !req
811. but don't let your guard down,
understood? Destroy it on sight!
Copy !req
812. I repeat! When you see it, light it up!
Copy !req
813. - Uh, director.
- Where is he?
Copy !req
814. He's on his way
to Amsterdam at the moment.
Copy !req
815. I heard the report.
Copy !req
816. Get that robot on the line ASAP!
Copy !req
817. Uh, yes, sir!
Right after the Zaandam squads—
Copy !req
818. Now, Becker!
Copy !req
819. Gesicht,
you've got a lot of explaining to do.
Copy !req
820. Not only are you disobeying orders,
Copy !req
821. but what's this I hear
about you wanting to resign?
Copy !req
822. And you put in for a one-year
leave of absence if you can't do that!
Copy !req
823. I won't allow either!
Copy !req
824. Your artificial intelligence
is on the fritz, clearly!
Copy !req
825. Come in for maintenance on the double,
Copy !req
826. and then you are getting
a thorough administrative review!
Copy !req
827. Are you even listening to me?
Copy !req
828. You and I both know there's
something we need to address first.
Copy !req
829. Why didn't you punish me three years ago?
Copy !req
830. I committed a crime,
but I was never made to atone for it.
Copy !req
831. Why did you erase those memories?
Copy !req
832. I didn't even know I'd lost them!
Copy !req
833. You do not hang up on
Director Schelling, damn it!
Copy !req
834. Gesicht!
Copy !req
835. - Oh!
- You're such a hard worker, Anton.
Copy !req
836. It's getting pretty late, isn't it?
Copy !req
837. Uh-huh.
One final delivery and I'm all done.
Copy !req
838. Evening, Inspector.
Copy !req
839. Evening.
I'd like to buy a bouquet, please.
Copy !req
840. Only the best. Who's it for?
Copy !req
841. My wife.
Copy !req
842. Lucky woman.
Copy !req
843. Uh, what kind of flowers
should we give her?
Copy !req
844. He's not dead, you know.
Copy !req
845. Sahad. I met him myself.
Copy !req
846. You mean it?
Copy !req
847. Did he do something he shouldn't have?
Copy !req
848. He didn't want to.
Copy !req
849. It's not his fault.
Copy !req
850. Hey there, Anton. We meet again.
Copy !req
851. I know you.
Copy !req
852. From the Persian bazaar. Ali.
Copy !req
853. How did you get to Amsterdam?
Copy !req
854. 500 Zeus a body.
What do you say?
Copy !req
855. Look, he did it.
He's actually walking, Gesicht!
Copy !req
856. I remember.
Copy !req
857. Come here. You're okay, Ali.
Copy !req
858. There's no need to be scared.
Copy !req
859. You heard that shot go off
just now, didn't you?
Copy !req
860. It can be a rough neighborhood.
Copy !req
861. Here. I've got you.
Copy !req
862. You know, you remind me so much
of my own little one.
Copy !req
863. Ali! What's wrong, Ali? You have to—
Copy !req
864. Last night,
in Amsterdam's Old Town,
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865. an AI member of law enforcement
was killed in cold blood.
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866. The victim has been identified as Gesicht,
one of the world's most advanced robots.
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867. The apparent killer, a small D-class robot
armed with a cluster cannon,
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868. was found deactivated at the scene.
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869. We now know
that Detective Gesicht suffered damage
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870. from the same type of weapon
a few weeks ago
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871. and that he was involved
in what's only being described
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872. by anonymous sources
as "an intense battle"
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873. mere hours before his death.
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874. Hello there.
It's been a long time, Professor Hoffman.
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875. Not since
the Fact-Finding Mission,
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876. if I remember right.
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877. But where are my manners?
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878. I'm Helena, professor. Gesicht's wife.
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879. Please know that
I'm so very sorry for your loss.
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880. If there's anything
I can do to help, anything…
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881. Please. You inviting me out to Japan
was more than generous of you.
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882. I know that my husband
was really looking forward
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883. to coming back here with me.
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884. He even talked about it
the last time I ever got to speak to him.
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885. Sir, we should get going
before the media finds us.
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886. Yes, you're right.
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887. She's brave. But I know it's difficult.
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888. Do you think Gesicht
fell victim to the same perpetrator
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889. who killed off the rest?
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890. Yes, although Europol hasn't come
to an official conclusion.
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891. Our own lives may be at risk as well.
It's hard to say at the moment.
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892. Professor Ochanomizu?
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893. I thought he was kidding,
but he was right.
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894. About what?
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895. He said the air in Japan
had the faintest trace of soy sauce in it,
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896. and he wasn't wrong about that.
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897. Acting like she's having fun
in a fruitless bid to forget.
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898. There is nuance to that behavior.
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899. Indeed.
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900. Even though robot memories are permanent
unless you erase them,
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901. she's trying her best.
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902. Europol erased some of Gesicht's memories.
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903. His subconscious
could tell they were gone.
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904. Erased them?
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905. Did they frame it
as a matter of legal necessity?
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906. No. This was outside the law.
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907. That's pretty blatant of them.
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908. I looked into it as best I could,
but I couldn't dig my way to the truth.
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909. Just because robots work for us,
it doesn't mean
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910. we can erase their memories
whenever we like.
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911. But if she gave me permission?
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912. I'd erase hers.
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913. I did ask her, you know.
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914. If she wanted me
to wipe out anything painful.
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915. She looked at me, and she said,
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916. "I don't want to lose
the least little bit of him ever."
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917. You'll be staying
in the Maple Room tonight.
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918. I hope you like it.
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919. You'll be staying in the Pine Room,
Miss Helena.
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920. This is the room Gesicht booked
for our earlier trip.
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921. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?
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922. - Yes.
- Well then, if you'll follow me.
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923. I think I can
find my own way from here.
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924. Uh, yes, ma'am.
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925. You must be Dr. Tenma.
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926. Yes.
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927. So did you bring it?
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928. Will this help to find the one
behind his murder?
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929. But of course.
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930. Dr. Tenma.
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931. Mm-hmm?
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932. Please speak freely.
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933. What if I can't process all of it?
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934. All of what?
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935. This overwhelming
mountain of grief inside of me.
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936. I think of my husband,
and the thoughts get clearer day by day.
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937. How do I… how do I bear it?
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938. Helena, go ahead and cry.
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939. In times of sorrow,
many humans react with tears.
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940. Yes.
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941. Start by imitating what you've seen.
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942. That's right.
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943. Very good.
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944. You're doing just fine, Helena.
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945. It's imitation, but it'll become
the real thing eventually.
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946. Like it became real for me.
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947. You'll be able to truly cry for Gesicht.
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948. Look at me.
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949. These are my real tears.
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950. My Atom is dead.
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951. And I am heartbroken too.
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