1. You have to move back!
Copy !req
2. Please, everyone.
It's for your own safety.
Copy !req
3. What are we looking at?
Copy !req
4. Ah, Inspector Nakamura.
You're not gonna believe this.
Copy !req
5. Eyewitnesses said
a tornado touched down here,
Copy !req
6. flipped a single truck, and then moved on.
Copy !req
7. A city full of cars,
Copy !req
8. and it tosses the one van
full of wild animals?
Copy !req
9. Yes, sir. Lions, tigers, and cheetahs.
Copy !req
10. Five big cats in all.
Copy !req
11. Did you say five?
Copy !req
12. - Inspector! We've got a problem!
- Huh?
Copy !req
13. There's… there's a little kid!
Copy !req
14. There's gotta be something we can do.
Copy !req
15. We have multiple teams
with guns trained on the animals, sir.
Copy !req
16. But if we don't take out
all five at once, they could…
Copy !req
17. Damn it!
Get more sharpshooters up here now!
Copy !req
18. What is it?
Copy !req
19. Look at that little girl!
She's headed straight for them!
Copy !req
20. What the hell is she doing?
Copy !req
21. Hey there, kitties.
Copy !req
22. I know you're afraid. So who wants pets?
Copy !req
23. You're okay. Don't be scaredy-cats.
Copy !req
24. Moving in!
Copy !req
25. All teams! We've secured the boy!
Copy !req
26. - Quit it!
- Huh?
Copy !req
27. You're freaking them out
with all those guns! Put 'em away already!
Copy !req
28. Ah, why, hello there, Uran.
Copy !req
29. You guys are so dumb.
Copy !req
30. You sensed
they were afraid, is that it?
Copy !req
31. Yup.
Copy !req
32. Okay, then. Let me get this straight.
Copy !req
33. You want me to believe
those lions and tigers were scared.
Copy !req
34. Um…
Copy !req
35. I don't know. I guess so.
Copy !req
36. And that's why
you headed to the scene,
Copy !req
37. taking a three-kilometer detour
from your usual path to school?
Copy !req
38. Silly, you know I did.
Copy !req
39. In other words,
you can sense fear in animals
Copy !req
40. over that long of a distance?
Copy !req
41. Kinda, yeah.
Copy !req
42. Hmm.
Copy !req
43. - Wow!
- What a wonderful ability.
Copy !req
44. - So…
- Hmm?
Copy !req
45. I'm bored. Can I go home now?
Copy !req
46. Atom!
Copy !req
47. I'm so sorry, Inspector Nakamura.
I know my little sister can be a handful.
Copy !req
48. No, no, to the contrary.
Copy !req
49. She really helped us out today.
Copy !req
50. Yeah, Atom. Thanks to me, we wrangled
the kitties without anybody hurting them.
Copy !req
51. And none of them ate that little kid.
Copy !req
52. You deserve
a special police award for that.
Copy !req
53. Why would I want a boring old certificate?
No, thanks!
Copy !req
54. Uh, Uran!
Copy !req
55. I'll take that lion
if you wanna give me something.
Copy !req
56. Thanks anyway. Have a good day, sir.
Copy !req
57. - Inspector!
- Huh?
Copy !req
58. He's here. Like, right now.
Copy !req
59. They're meeting up with him
down in the lobby.
Copy !req
60. What?
Copy !req
61. - And where's Tawashi?
- I just pinged him.
Copy !req
62. Good man.
Copy !req
63. Uran, how many times do I have to tell you
not to take detours?
Copy !req
64. A million, I guess.
I couldn't help it.
Copy !req
65. Oh. Hey, kids.
Copy !req
66. You two are supposed to go
through that gate.
Copy !req
67. Huh?
Copy !req
68. Actually, this is the right one, sir.
Copy !req
69. Huh? So you're robots?
Copy !req
70. Man, it's getting to where
you can't hardly tell them apart anymore.
Copy !req
71. Please. Right this way, sir, if you would.
Copy !req
72. Are you listening to a word I say, Atom?
Copy !req
73. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
74. As I was trying to tell you,
it wasn't just some random detour.
Copy !req
75. I felt something weird,
so I had to check it out, right?
Copy !req
76. Hello. Uh, thank you for coming.
Copy !req
77. My name is Superintendent Tawashi.
Copy !req
78. Welcome to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police.
Copy !req
79. Uh…
Copy !req
80. It's so nice
to have you with us here.
Copy !req
81. - Uh…
- Would you get me a translator already?
Copy !req
82. Yes. Right away, sir.
Copy !req
83. Don't bother.
I can speak your language perfectly well.
Copy !req
84. Oh. I see.
Copy !req
85. Smartest man in Central Asia.
I should've guessed it, right?
Copy !req
86. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
87. Make yourself comfortable.
Copy !req
88. I know this drab little room
isn't ideal for conversation.
Copy !req
89. Sorry, Professor Abullah.
Copy !req
90. Please, there is nothing to apologize for.
Copy !req
91. Your country is beautiful.
Copy !req
92. Not so, my homeland, Persia, as of late.
Copy !req
93. Is this visit a part of
the post-war reconstruction efforts?
Copy !req
94. Indeed.
Copy !req
95. I'm here to attend
the World Science Conference in Tokyo.
Copy !req
96. By the way, Professor Abullah,
Copy !req
97. you were also here in Japan
three months ago, were you not, sir?
Copy !req
98. Yes.
Copy !req
99. I believe you had a meeting
Copy !req
100. with a legal scholar
named Junichiro Tazaki, right?
Copy !req
101. The news of Tazaki's death
came as such a shock.
Copy !req
102. He was a great man.
Copy !req
103. Why was he slaughtered
and in such a brutal fashion?
Copy !req
104. As it turns out, you were the last person
to see him alive.
Copy !req
105. You're not under any suspicion, of course.
Your alibi is ironclad.
Copy !req
106. At the time of death,
Copy !req
107. you had already boarded your flight back
to Persia and were waiting to take off.
Copy !req
108. It's just that…
Copy !req
109. Well, did you notice anything unusual?
Copy !req
110. He had so many wonderful things
to tell me.
Copy !req
111. The ideas poured from him.
Copy !req
112. The International Robot Laws
were his brainchild, as you know.
Copy !req
113. All told, I'd say it was
the greatest ambition of his life
Copy !req
114. that robots and humanity
would learn to coexist.
Copy !req
115. Robots actually feel
a lot more stuff than humans think we do.
Copy !req
116. Wouldn't you agree, Atom?
Copy !req
117. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
118. But overall, I gotta say,
Copy !req
119. robotkind, not so good
at expressing itself.
Copy !req
120. Without sensor gates,
humans can't tell with us advanced models.
Copy !req
121. But it's so obvious.
Copy !req
122. Humans make such weird faces sometimes.
Copy !req
123. Like this one!
Copy !req
124. That man back there.
Copy !req
125. Back where? What man?
Copy !req
126. At the sensor gate. Coming in as we left.
Copy !req
127. I couldn't figure out
Copy !req
128. if he was human or robot.
Copy !req
129. Well then, Professor,
thanks for sharing your time.
Copy !req
130. Of course.
I just wish I could've helped more.
Copy !req
131. Huh?
Copy !req
132. Idiot! Didn't I tell you
to turn the damn thing off?
Copy !req
133. - Uh, sorry!
- He's a VIP!
Copy !req
134. I am afraid most of my organic body
was another casualty of the war in Persia.
Copy !req
135. Uh, I am so sorry, Professor!
Copy !req
136. Please, it's fine. An honest mistake.
Copy !req
137. Apropos of nothing,
Copy !req
138. I heard there was another tornado
in Tokyo today.
Copy !req
139. There was.
Copy !req
140. Could you perhaps
tell me where it took place?
Copy !req
141. Something is scared.
Copy !req
142. The cats are all okay,
so it's not them, right?
Copy !req
143. Hmm?
Copy !req
144. What I felt just now,
it came out of nowhere really fast.
Copy !req
145. Like, whoosh! And there it was!
Copy !req
146. Was it separate from the cats,
or do you think it was one of them?
Copy !req
147. Can't tell, but it was strong.
Copy !req
148. And that feeling,
you're still picking up the same one now?
Copy !req
149. Uh-huh, but it's coming in faint.
Copy !req
150. Which direction? Can you tell?
Copy !req
151. It's so faint,
its source could be anywhere.
Copy !req
152. When they're afraid, like, really afraid,
lions will hide their fear.
Copy !req
153. But right now,
Copy !req
154. the one who's
the biggest scaredy-cat of all
Copy !req
155. is you, Atom.
Copy !req
156. Mmm…
Copy !req
157. You were looking at it again.
Copy !req
158. What happened to him wasn't your fault.
Copy !req
159. - Hey, Helena.
- Hm?
Copy !req
160. We should take a vacation.
Copy !req
161. Are you sure?
Copy !req
162. I mean, I did mention it the other day.
Copy !req
163. But can you take the time away from work?
Copy !req
164. With Brando having killed his attacker,
Copy !req
165. the higher-ups consider
the matter dealt with.
Copy !req
166. In that case,
a change of scenery might be nice.
Copy !req
167. Definitely. I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
168. What are your thoughts on a Japan trip?
Copy !req
169. Why Japan?
Copy !req
170. I was just there on the job,
and I found the whole place enchanting.
Copy !req
171. Japan it is, then.
Copy !req
172. Yes, Marco Polo Travel Bureau.
Copy !req
173. Uh, hello there. I'm a returning customer.
Copy !req
174. Greetings, Mr. Gesicht.
Copy !req
175. I would like to make
another reservation with you.
Copy !req
176. Thank you very much, sir.
Copy !req
177. A trip to Japan for my wife and me.
Copy !req
178. Excellent choice.
Copy !req
179. Actually, I think we'll have to enter her
in your system before we book.
Copy !req
180. No, sir. We already have
your wife's info on record.
Copy !req
181. That's unlikely, as she's never left
the Euro Federation before.
Copy !req
182. Both of you registered for travel
with Marco Polo in the past
Copy !req
183. but canceled your reservation later.
Copy !req
184. We did what?
Copy !req
185. But when?
Copy !req
186. Two years ago, ma'am.
Copy !req
187. Interestingly, also for a trip to Japan.
Copy !req
188. So we booked a trip to Japan?
Copy !req
189. Why did she say that?
Copy !req
190. Two years ago, we were in Spain.
Copy !req
191. I was on my training assignment
with Europol.
Copy !req
192. That's right.
Copy !req
193. We lived in Madrid for a whole 12 months.
Copy !req
194. Yeah. Remember all our photos?
Copy !req
195. Ah. It's our day
at the Sagrada Família.
Copy !req
196. Aw, and that was in Andalusia.
Copy !req
197. You tripped
right into those sunflowers.
Copy !req
198. And then I got all turned around
looking for you!
Copy !req
199. How could I forget?
Copy !req
200. You had to use your GPS to find me.
And even then, it took a while.
Copy !req
201. The two of us sure took
a lot of photographs, didn't we?
Copy !req
202. Yes.
Copy !req
203. Maybe too many.
Copy !req
204. Yeah.
Copy !req
205. We try to copy human behavior,
but we don't take it that far.
Copy !req
206. We had fun, didn't we?
Copy !req
207. Yes. Course we did.
Copy !req
208. And apparently, we planned a trip
to Japan in the middle of that trip.
Copy !req
209. All done, Gesicht.
Rise and shine.
Copy !req
210. Scans are clear. There's nothing abnormal.
Copy !req
211. Well, thanks for the once-over.
Copy !req
212. Look, I know you wouldn't have pushed
for this diagnostic
Copy !req
213. if you weren't experiencing
some sort of malfunction,
Copy !req
214. but according to the data I pulled,
everything looks normal.
Copy !req
215. I still think
it's a case of simple fatigue.
Copy !req
216. What happened to Brando isn't your fault,
so don't blame yourself.
Copy !req
217. For all of its failings,
human memory is a very convenient thing.
Copy !req
218. We have a great capacity to forget.
Copy !req
219. Our lives would be tough indeed if we had
to hang onto every painful reminder.
Copy !req
220. Thus, forgetting is something of a balm.
Copy !req
221. But it doesn't work like that for robots,
my friend.
Copy !req
222. Your memories endure permanently.
Copy !req
223. The only fix for a bad robot memory
is to delete it.
Copy !req
224. - Professor.
- Yes?
Copy !req
225. If I'd had that done to me,
they would log it in my file,
Copy !req
226. would they not?
Copy !req
227. They would log it,
but I'm not seeing any record of that.
Copy !req
228. Then how about the insertion of
inaccurate memories. Any luck?
Copy !req
229. "Inaccurate" like the thing
just never happened, right?
Copy !req
230. Yes.
Copy !req
231. Back in the day, you'd hear rumors
about that being done to robots in jail,
Copy !req
232. but now,
with robots having rights, no way.
Copy !req
233. Any particular reason you ask?
Copy !req
234. What if someone
had deleted certain memories
Copy !req
235. and replaced them in my head with fakes?
Copy !req
236. Hmm.
Copy !req
237. What if my nightmare is
a remnant of that process?
Copy !req
238. It's an interesting theory, to be sure.
Copy !req
239. I'm headed to a meeting right now.
Whatever it is, it can wait.
Copy !req
240. Please, Director Schelling.
This will only take a moment of your time.
Copy !req
241. Then you can have
that moment tomorrow.
Copy !req
242. Did you manipulate
Detective Gesicht's memory somehow?
Copy !req
243. Uh…
Copy !req
244. I need to know!
Copy !req
245. How many robots of
Gesicht's caliber are left in the world?
Copy !req
246. Huh?
Copy !req
247. How many robots
have there ever been
Copy !req
248. that could be converted
into weapons of mass destruction?
Copy !req
249. There used to be seven of them altogether.
Copy !req
250. That's right.
Copy !req
251. And now, three of those initial seven,
Mont Blanc, North No.2, and Brando,
Copy !req
252. have been destroyed.
Copy !req
253. Only four of these
priceless machines still exist.
Copy !req
254. And your Detective Gesicht
Copy !req
255. is one of them.
Copy !req
256. I know that, sir,
but it doesn't answer my question.
Copy !req
257. If you took valid memories from his AI
and replaced them with—
Copy !req
258. Do you have the slightest idea
how much we've invested in Gesicht?
Copy !req
259. All you need to do is
see to his maintenance. That is your job.
Copy !req
260. And only that.
Copy !req
261. What did you do to his memory, Director?
Copy !req
262. Whatever you're hiding,
I need to know! Tell me!
Copy !req
263. Look at these horns.
Copy !req
264. You think it's the same killer
from the other cases, or what?
Copy !req
265. What do you make of this,
Detective Gesicht?
Copy !req
266. Copycat. This is not the same guy.
Copy !req
267. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
268. The perpetrator wore hybrid sneakers
Copy !req
269. in the hopes of
not leaving any footprints,
Copy !req
270. but I see
traces of their steps everywhere.
Copy !req
271. Weight, 78 kilograms.
Copy !req
272. 175 centimeters tall.
Copy !req
273. You'll want to check that drawer.
Copy !req
274. Your perp had a tough time
getting it open,
Copy !req
275. so they took off their gloves momentarily.
Copy !req
276. They left viable prints.
Copy !req
277. I'll get forensics.
Copy !req
278. So this is a basic robbery
made to resemble the horns murders?
Copy !req
279. Yes, going by the data.
Copy !req
280. Your analysis was perfect, as always.
You don't miss a thing!
Copy !req
281. Perfect.
Copy !req
282. They tell me you're on vacation?
Copy !req
283. Sorry to call you on a day off.
You're a big help.
Copy !req
284. - Detective Fersen.
- Yes?
Copy !req
285. Pardon my asking, but this is
the second time we've met, isn't it?
Copy !req
286. Come now, Inspector. As a robot,
it's not like you could've forgotten.
Copy !req
287. The Salzburg case, three years ago.
You were invaluable then, as well.
Copy !req
288. Three years ago.
Copy !req
289. Right! I remember you hadn't been home
from the 39th Central Asian War
Copy !req
290. very long at that point.
Copy !req
291. You shared a fair number of stories
about your deployment.
Copy !req
292. At Karl's bar that night.
Copy !req
293. You drank seven beers by yourself,
if I recall.
Copy !req
294. See, Gesicht? You remember me just fine.
I'm still a beer man, through and through.
Copy !req
295. Well then, Detective,
it was a pleasure to see you again.
Copy !req
296. Feeling's mutual.
Copy !req
297. When you have the time,
let's knock a few back.
Copy !req
298. I remember
three years ago perfectly.
Copy !req
299. It's been four years since
the end of the 39th Central Asian War,
Copy !req
300. and democracy is starting
to take root in Persia.
Copy !req
301. The 39th Central Asian War.
I was there.
Copy !req
302. We are here
with the peacekeeping forces!
Copy !req
303. Known terrorists have taken shelter
within this neighborhood!
Copy !req
304. For your safety,
all residents must evacuate immediately!
Copy !req
305. I repeat.
Copy !req
306. Known terrorists have taken shelter
within this neighborhood!
Copy !req
307. You're wrong, you know.
Copy !req
308. You see terrorists everywhere,
but there aren't any here!
Copy !req
309. Do you want to know who was here?
My infant child!
Copy !req
310. You and your peacekeeping forces
dropped a bomb on my sleeping baby!
Copy !req
311. Look around!
Copy !req
312. You say you want to liberate us,
but are dead babies your idea of justice?
Copy !req
313. If you have an ounce of humanity,
then you understand!
Copy !req
314. How can your eyes remain so dead
to my suffering?
Copy !req
315. Because I am a robot, sir.
Copy !req
316. Calm down!
Copy !req
317. What is he doing?
Copy !req
318. The man's in despair.
Copy !req
319. It's probably more emotion than a robot
like you can hope to understand.
Copy !req
320. That's despair.
Copy !req
321. Four years ago.
I remember it all.
Copy !req
322. Huh? Come on! I totally got that!
Copy !req
323. - What the— Mom!
- I'm so sorry, dear.
Copy !req
324. I only got this yesterday.
Copy !req
325. - Now it's all wet!
- Hans.
Copy !req
326. How come we don't just
get a robot maid, huh, Mom?
Copy !req
327. - All the other kids in my class have one—
- Enough, Hans!
Copy !req
328. Your mother here maintains this household
as best she can.
Copy !req
329. Be more respectful in how you talk to her.
Copy !req
330. Besides, what have I said
about games at the table?
Copy !req
331. I know.
Copy !req
332. So, dear, what do you
have planned for today?
Copy !req
333. Hmm?
Copy !req
334. It's the day
of your brother's death.
Copy !req
335. Mmm.
Copy !req
336. You're going to claim his body, right?
They'll let you.
Copy !req
337. Finally.
Been dead for three whole years.
Copy !req
338. I think it's shameful how the authorities
wouldn't even let you bury him until now.
Copy !req
339. Well, that's the law.
Nothing to be done for it.
Copy !req
340. "Any corpse of a criminal is
hereby detained for 36 months."
Copy !req
341. It couldn't be helped, Ilsa.
Copy !req
342. My older brother was not a good man.
Copy !req
343. But, you know,
Copy !req
344. despite everything,
he looked out for me as best as he could.
Copy !req
345. A proper burial is
the least I can do for him now,
Copy !req
346. even though he was a criminal.
Copy !req
347. A Berlin hotel was the scene
of a fiery explosion last night.
Copy !req
348. Judge Neuman from the German
Ministry of Justice died in the blast.
Copy !req
349. Neuman was best known as
Copy !req
350. the world's first robot
to preside over court cases.
Copy !req
351. His groundbreaking rulings on cases
like the Greifelt lawsuit
Copy !req
352. earned him kudos in the world of law.
Copy !req
353. The cause of the explosion
is still being investigated,
Copy !req
354. but according to prelim—
Copy !req
355. Adolf, how are you this fine morning?
Copy !req
356. I just heard the news on the radio.
Copy !req
357. What news would that be?
Copy !req
358. Someone murdered a robot judge.
Copy !req
359. Well, "destroyed" is more accurate.
Copy !req
360. Hmm.
Copy !req
361. Death to the machines, right?
Copy !req
362. Death to the machines.
Copy !req
363. Death to the machines.
Copy !req
364. Death to the machines.
Copy !req
365. Corpse number 902886.
Copy !req
366. Right this way, sir.
Copy !req
367. In full accordance with the König Law,
Copy !req
368. we acknowledge the passage
of three years since death
Copy !req
369. and hereby relinquish the body
to the family.
Copy !req
370. And do you authorize said transfer?
Copy !req
371. Yes.
Copy !req
372. Please affix your signature here.
Copy !req
373. The body. I don't have to confirm
that it's him, do I?
Copy !req
374. Well, sir,
given the scope of his injuries,
Copy !req
375. I wouldn't recommend it.
Copy !req
376. My brother was shot to death
by a police officer, wasn't he?
Copy !req
377. Which was found to be
both appropriate and lawful.
Copy !req
378. Please state your destination.
Copy !req
379. Go to Hofgarten Cemetery.
Copy !req
380. Confirmed, sir.
Copy !req
381. No. Reroute.
We're going somewhere else first.
Copy !req
382. Dr. Schiller's place.
Copy !req
383. Confirmed, sir.
Copy !req
384. Sorry, doctor.
I should've called ahead first.
Copy !req
385. You want me to take a look
at your brother's remains, I presume?
Copy !req
386. Yes.
Copy !req
387. Something catch your eye
in the autopsy report?
Copy !req
388. No, uh, it's nothing like that.
Copy !req
389. Well, you can say your goodbyes, at least.
Copy !req
390. Let's see.
Copy !req
391. Hmm? My God!
Copy !req
392. What is it?
Copy !req
393. What's the matter, dear?
Copy !req
394. Huh? I'm fine. I'm just tired, is all.
Copy !req
395. You see more of them out to eat now.
Robots, I mean. It's weird, right?
Copy !req
396. Robots can think like we do.
Copy !req
397. That's what all the experts love
to tell us.
Copy !req
398. Doesn't seem possible, does it?
Copy !req
399. - Sh!
- Huh?
Copy !req
400. You can't just say something like that
in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
Copy !req
401. You know better. It's discriminatory.
Copy !req
402. The International Robot Laws
are very clear about that.
Copy !req
403. There's something I need to take care of
at work before I can head home.
Copy !req
404. You go on without me.
Copy !req
405. Okay. I'll see you there.
Copy !req
406. Armed robbery in progress!
Multiple suspects involved!
Copy !req
407. Fleeing in an armored military vehicle!
They've broken through into Ward N-6!
Copy !req
408. Gesicht responding.
I'll try to head them off.
Copy !req
409. The getaway vehicle is in sight.
Requesting permission to fire the SAAW!
Copy !req
410. Proceed!
Copy !req
411. Gesicht! Did you get them?
Copy !req
412. I took out their wheels.
They're not going anywhere.
Copy !req
413. Hands where I can see them! On the double!
Copy !req
414. Do as he says, or we'll shoot!
Copy !req
415. That's one way to end a chase.
Copy !req
416. Some kind of anti-tank gun, or—
Copy !req
417. Hardly.
Copy !req
418. For a vehicle with that much armor,
you need something more unique.
Copy !req
419. What are we talking about exactly?
Copy !req
420. Shells crafted
of an alloy called Zeronium.
Copy !req
421. Brethren, it is my dearest wish
Copy !req
422. to wipe every robot
from the face of this planet
Copy !req
423. until the day when none of them remain!
Copy !req
424. Now is the time to lay low
these abhorrent machines for their hubris!
Copy !req
425. Together, we will usher in
the day of reckoning!
Copy !req
426. Repeal the International Robot Laws!
Copy !req
427. Yes!
Repeal the International Robot Laws!
Copy !req
428. Abolish the use of police-bots!
Copy !req
429. Abolish the use of police-bots!
Copy !req
430. Robots only exist to serve us!
Copy !req
431. Robots only exist to serve us!
Copy !req
432. Robots are nothing but slaves!
Copy !req
433. Robots are nothing but slaves!
Copy !req
434. Robots are inferior to man!
Copy !req
435. Robots are inferior to man!
Copy !req
436. Death to the machines!
Copy !req
437. Death to the machines!
Death to the machines!
Copy !req
438. Death to the machines!
Death to the machines!
Copy !req
439. Apologies. The rally ran long.
Copy !req
440. So, then.
Copy !req
441. What's this urgent news
you needed to tell me?
Copy !req
442. I claimed my brother's body
from the police today.
Copy !req
443. Ah, yes. That brother.
Copy !req
444. I think I knew that sooner or later,
Copy !req
445. he would come to a bad end.
Copy !req
446. But they…
Copy !req
447. Go on.
Copy !req
448. They pulverized him, sir.
Copy !req
449. Pulverized him how?
Copy !req
450. What they used to kill my brother
three years ago reduced him to meat.
Copy !req
451. Firing it produces more blowback
than a human can withstand.
Copy !req
452. But a robot could use it
and survive the blast.
Copy !req
453. What are you saying?
Copy !req
454. If it's true, then you and I
are sitting on a powder keg!
Copy !req
455. Yes, sir, I know that.
"No robot can harm or murder a human."
Copy !req
456. It's forbidden
by the International Robot Laws,
Copy !req
457. as per Article 13.
Copy !req
458. I checked.
There are only a few in the world
Copy !req
459. that are even strong enough
to have used that weapon.
Copy !req
460. What did they employ to kill your brother?
Copy !req
461. An explosive shell
composed of a Zeronium alloy.
Copy !req
462. As luck would have it,
Copy !req
463. I can name the very machine
you're looking for.
Copy !req
464. They call it Detective Gesicht,
Copy !req
465. and Europol dumped nearly endless funds
and resources into developing the thing.
Copy !req
466. They say it's gotten to the bottom
of many difficult cases.
Copy !req
467. During the 39th Central Asian War,
Copy !req
468. it served as a member
of the peacekeeping forces.
Copy !req
469. If it murdered your brother,
if a mere robot blew a human to pieces…
Copy !req
470. Well, it's too repulsive to imagine.
Copy !req
471. My brother,
I know he was a horrible person.
Copy !req
472. I know he was.
Copy !req
473. But even so, he deserved better than
to die at the hands of a damn robot!
Copy !req
474. I couldn't agree with you more,
my dear Adolf.
Copy !req
475. Please lend me your resolve, sir!
Copy !req
476. Give me the strength
to destroy this heinous thing!
Copy !req
477. It's been a while, huh?
This old battle suit.
Copy !req
478. I haven't worn it since the war.
Copy !req
479. You kept it maintained?
Copy !req
480. Yes, sir. As much as I could.
Copy !req
481. I had to keep it under wraps, obviously.
It was risky.
Copy !req
482. If they find out
I borrowed a battle suit, I am done.
Copy !req
483. I'm in your debt.
I know I've asked a lot of you.
Copy !req
484. Come on now. You and I go back a long way.
Copy !req
485. But what's the plan?
Copy !req
486. I'm not trying to second-guess you,
Copy !req
487. but if they hear about this,
they won't let you fight anymore.
Copy !req
488. - Let 'em do their worst.
- Huh?
Copy !req
489. 'Bout time I retired.
Copy !req
490. End of an era.
Copy !req
491. I've missed military-grade!
Copy !req
492. Packs a lot more punch
than my pankration suit!
Copy !req
493. Yeah!
Copy !req
494. The left arm output
feels a bit underpowered.
Copy !req
495. Copy that. I'll get it up to snuff.
Copy !req
496. Huh?
Copy !req
497. Two suns. What the hell?
Copy !req
498. Hercules!
Copy !req
499. Just a few days ago, a police robot
fired a Zeronium shell at humans.
Copy !req
500. Spokesperson Wagner, you care
to defend Europol's choice there?
Copy !req
501. Actually, the target
was the armored vehicle they were in.
Copy !req
502. But if that shell were to hit a human,
they would be eviscerated.
Copy !req
503. Any use of it
needs prior approval from HQ.
Copy !req
504. We always act
with the safety of humans in mind.
Copy !req
505. And what if HQ gets it wrong?
Copy !req
506. Look, we don't take that weapon lightly.
Copy !req
507. How many of your robots
Copy !req
508. are walking around
with this bomb tucked up their sleeve?
Copy !req
509. How do we go through our day
Copy !req
510. knowing some random robot
could be our judge, jury, and executioner?
Copy !req
511. More to come on this contentious topic
after a brief commercial break.
Copy !req
512. So what do you think?
Copy !req
513. We're pushing
the "dangerous robots" narrative.
Copy !req
514. It's starting to bear fruit
across several forms of media.
Copy !req
515. Why are we being so passive about this?
Copy !req
516. To rush is to bungle the job.
Copy !req
517. What's important is that Gesicht
will be an outcast by the time we're done.
Copy !req
518. I've already looked into
the robot's schedule, sir.
Copy !req
519. He leaves on a long trip
a few days from now.
Copy !req
520. We have to destroy him while we can.
Copy !req
521. Hmm. No matter where it may run off to,
Copy !req
522. we'll never stop denouncing the thing
as a public menace.
Copy !req
523. But, sir—
Copy !req
524. If we rush, your brother's background
will come to light in all of this.
Copy !req
525. I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
Copy !req
526. When I hear
the particulars of what he did,
Copy !req
527. even I feel downright sick to my stomach.
Copy !req
528. If any of that becomes public knowledge,
Copy !req
529. our anti-robot campaign is doomed,
and all of us are pariahs.
Copy !req
530. Surely, you understand.
Copy !req
531. Where are you going, huh?
We're not done here!
Copy !req
532. Hercules!
Copy !req
533. Are you okay?
Copy !req
534. Is this force I'm feeling
Photon Energy?
Copy !req
535. Epsilon!
Copy !req
536. For our first time meeting,
that was one hell of a handshake.
Copy !req
537. It was rather overt. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
538. But I had to stop you decisively.
Copy !req
539. How you figure?
Copy !req
540. North No.2, Mont Blanc, and Brando.
Copy !req
541. Whatever killed them
is still alive, isn't it?
Copy !req
542. Don't forget
that you're a target too.
Copy !req
543. I am well aware.
Copy !req
544. Why the hell'd you interfere, then?
Copy !req
545. We must not fight. We can't.
Copy !req
546. Hmm. Of course you're a peacenik.
Copy !req
547. Is that the reason you sat out the war
while the rest of us were doing our duty?
Copy !req
548. That war was in no way
a righteous conflict.
Copy !req
549. "Wasn't righteous?"
Copy !req
550. All those robots were destroyed,
and you've got the gall to say that?
Copy !req
551. You're scared.
You can dress it up all you like.
Copy !req
552. Scared then,
and you're just as scared now.
Copy !req
553. You're right. It's a fearful time.
Copy !req
554. They forced you into clean-up duty
in Persia after we won, right?
Copy !req
555. I heard conditions on the ground
were pretty grim.
Copy !req
556. People the world over
heckled and abused me.
Copy !req
557. It wasn't the heroes' welcome
the rest of you got.
Copy !req
558. But thanks to that,
I gained something priceless.
Copy !req
559. Yeah? Like what?
Copy !req
560. I met children
orphaned by the war.
Copy !req
561. And so I took them in.
Copy !req
562. We're a family now.
Copy !req
563. Heard about that.
The robot who's raising human kids.
Copy !req
564. Yet another thing about you I don't like.
Copy !req
565. That priceless thing
you discovered after the fact.
Copy !req
566. You telling me it's love?
Copy !req
567. And what of you?
Copy !req
568. What did you bring home
from the battlefield, I wonder?
Copy !req
569. Did humans teach you
all about their hatred?
Copy !req
570. This is what I think.
Copy !req
571. Humans and robots are becoming more alike.
Copy !req
572. If we bridge that gulf,
Copy !req
573. tragedy will follow in its wake.
Copy !req
574. What we see unfolding now
Copy !req
575. is the first sign of that calamity.
Copy !req
576. A sign, you say?
Copy !req
577. We have to break this cycle of hate…
Copy !req
578. no matter what it might cost us.
Copy !req
579. This isn't a piece
you can find just anywhere, pal.
Copy !req
580. Standard issue
in the Central Asian War, sure,
Copy !req
581. but you can't make 'em
or sell 'em these days.
Copy !req
582. A compact cluster cannon.
A guided rocket launcher, basically.
Copy !req
583. Once it has a target lock,
Copy !req
584. it delivers its payload
with 100% accuracy.
Copy !req
585. Detonates inside the body.
It'll even blow robots to bits.
Copy !req
586. Hey. Careful where you're pointing that.
Copy !req
587. Getting caught with one is enough for them
to charge you with attempted murder.
Copy !req
588. I won't kill anyone.
Copy !req
589. Human, at least.
Copy !req
590. When I was a kid,
advances in robotics
Copy !req
591. led to vast improvements
in economic productivity.
Copy !req
592. Meanwhile, newly unemployed humans
Copy !req
593. fell between the cracks
everywhere you looked.
Copy !req
594. My own father was one of the victims.
Copy !req
595. I'm hungry!
Can I have something to eat, Dad?
Copy !req
596. Yeah! Let's see what I can do.
Copy !req
597. Aw, I'm getting tired
of sandwiches all the time.
Copy !req
598. Why can't it be a nice, juicy steak?
Copy !req
599. And how the hell
we gonna pay for that, you idiot?
Copy !req
600. I don't know.
Maybe Dad found a decent job again.
Copy !req
601. He's looking at the job listings
because he hasn't found anything yet.
Copy !req
602. Don't you worry, boys.
Your old man is gonna figure this out.
Copy !req
603. Dad? When's Mom coming back, huh?
I miss her.
Copy !req
604. Don't worry about Mom, okay?
I'm gonna get that figured out too.
Copy !req
605. I wish I had a ball to play with.
Copy !req
606. Hey, lookie here.
Copy !req
607. Huh?
Copy !req
608. Wow, it's brand-new! Thanks!
Copy !req
609. Hold on. Where did you get this?
Copy !req
610. Don't worry. I mean it. Just have fun.
Copy !req
611. Oh! Thank you, Dad!
Copy !req
612. Your turn!
Copy !req
613. Did it!
Copy !req
614. Uh-huh!
Copy !req
615. He is the thief!
He stole the ball from the store!
Copy !req
616. There is footage to prove it!
Copy !req
617. It's all a mistake! I didn't steal it!
Copy !req
618. He is the thief! He is the thief!
Copy !req
619. I'm sorry, okay?
Please just let me go!
Copy !req
620. Damn it!
Copy !req
621. Come on, it was a friggin' ball!
Damn it to hell!
Copy !req
622. The cops released him
after a few days.
Copy !req
623. He began drinking. A lot.
Copy !req
624. Three months later…
Copy !req
625. …he jumped off our building's roof.
Copy !req
626. Oh. What's up?
Copy !req
627. Hey, little bro.
Don't say I never gave you nothing.
Copy !req
628. Enjoy.
Copy !req
629. Wait.
Copy !req
630. This is a portable prep school module!
Copy !req
631. Mmm, why is your shoulder bleeding?
Copy !req
632. I had to off one to get you that.
Copy !req
633. Off one?
Copy !req
634. I took out a robot.
Copy !req
635. They're not allowed to kill us,
thanks to how they're put together,
Copy !req
636. but there's nothing keeping us from
killing their dumbasses all day long.
Copy !req
637. Uh…
Copy !req
638. Study hard, Adolf. You're smart.
Copy !req
639. Learn all you can, then use it
to take this world back from them.
Copy !req
640. Huh? He's changing course.
Copy !req
641. Did he notice me tailing him?
Copy !req
642. This could be my chance.
Copy !req
643. The hell is he doing?
Copy !req
644. This is it.
Copy !req
645. You're Epsilon, I presume?
Copy !req
646. Sorry to have asked you here
on such short notice.
Copy !req
647. It's fine.
Copy !req
648. Clearly, it's not the sort of thing
you talk about over a data link.
Copy !req
649. Only you can stop the killer.
Copy !req
650. No one else is strong enough
to take them into custody.
Copy !req
651. Whoever they were, they're dead now.
Brando killed them.
Copy !req
652. That's Europol's stance,
which is why they shut down the case.
Copy !req
653. And do you believe that, Detective?
Copy !req
654. We can't allow Hercules to fight them.
Copy !req
655. A death match between the two of them
Copy !req
656. would prove
nothing less than catastrophic.
Copy !req
657. Or one with you.
Copy !req
658. You don't need to worry about me.
It's my duty to uphold the law.
Copy !req
659. If we don't act soon,
another war will start.
Copy !req
660. That's something none of us can afford.
Copy !req
661. The orphans in my care
experienced all the pain war has to offer.
Copy !req
662. No one else should live that nightmare.
Copy !req
663. Tell me, Detective.
Copy !req
664. Are you aware of the new malady
they're calling Persian War Syndrome?
Copy !req
665. I am. It's an umbrella term
Copy !req
666. for the deep psychological damage
exhibited by the survivors.
Copy !req
667. Many of the children in my care
suffer from quite severe cases.
Copy !req
668. One little boy in particular.
Copy !req
669. His entire village disappeared
in the blink of an eye.
Copy !req
670. He was the only survivor.
Copy !req
671. Everyone else was gone.
Copy !req
672. There's an image burned into his memory.
Copy !req
673. Something huge
lurching into the desert beyond.
Copy !req
674. Years have passed,
but the boy only ever says one word.
Copy !req
675. It's the word uttered
by the terrifying thing he saw that day.
Copy !req
676. Bora.
Copy !req
677. Atom, where are you?
Copy !req
678. Come on, slowpoke! We gotta hurry,
or we'll be late for school.
Copy !req
679. Yeah, I know,
but I think I just felt something again!
Copy !req
680. What was it?
Copy !req
681. Like a little animal, and it's all afraid
because the world is so big,
Copy !req
682. and it can't find its way home again.
Copy !req
683. That's kinda vague.
Copy !req
684. - I gotta go make sure it's all right!
- Wait!
Copy !req
685. - What do I tell your teacher?
- I bet you'll think of something good!
Copy !req
686. She's nothing but trouble.
Copy !req
687. Is it this way?
Copy !req
688. What am I looking at?
Copy !req
689. You're the worst painting ever.
Copy !req
690. Um…
Copy !req
691. Hey there. Are you dead?
Copy !req
692. Someone felt scared. Was it you?
Copy !req
693. Wait. You're a robot, huh?
Copy !req
694. Hold on. I'm gonna get help!
Copy !req
695. Don't leave.
Copy !req
696. Huh?
Copy !req
697. Don't worry, okay?
This human I know is super smart.
Copy !req
698. Professor Ochanomizu
can fix anything if it's robotic.
Copy !req
699. There's no need.
Copy !req
700. There is, too, a need!
If you don't get help, you're gonna die!
Copy !req
701. It's too late. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
702. I can't do that, dummy!
Copy !req
703. No humans, please.
Copy !req
704. Then, tell me what you need.
What kind of energy do you take?
Copy !req
705. SOL 208355.
Copy !req
706. I've never heard of that one before.
Will anything else work?
Copy !req
707. ER 1059.
Copy !req
708. I'm not rated for it, but…
Copy !req
709. It'll help you for now?
Got it! I'll be right back!
Copy !req
710. Don't try to move while I'm gone!
Copy !req
711. Are you okay?
Does your body not like it?
Copy !req
712. Thank you for this.
I feel a little bit better now.
Copy !req
713. That's good to hear.
So, mister, what's your name?
Copy !req
714. Don't really know.
Copy !req
715. Okay, then. Where are you from?
Copy !req
716. I don't remember anything.
Copy !req
717. The one thing I do remember is running.
Copy !req
718. I ran naked, as fast as I could,
running away from something.
Copy !req
719. Running from what? What something?
Copy !req
720. I couldn't tell you what it looked like,
but I know it was terrifying.
Copy !req
721. Oh.
Copy !req
722. And I found a little shack over there.
Copy !req
723. It's probably a supply shed
for all the local repairs.
Copy !req
724. That's where I found the clothes
I'm wearing now.
Copy !req
725. Now I know why they fit you so bad.
Copy !req
726. No kidding.
Copy !req
727. I made you smile, huh!
My name is Uran!
Copy !req
728. A nice name.
Copy !req
729. Hey, those squiggles on the wall.
Did you paint them?
Copy !req
730. Yes, I found a few cans of it
in that shed.
Copy !req
731. Are you, like, an artist?
Copy !req
732. Not that I know of.
Copy !req
733. But it felt like something I had to do.
Copy !req
734. I know what they call this.
Copy !req
735. Abstract painting.
When you can't tell what the picture is.
Copy !req
736. Abstract painting.
Copy !req
737. Robots can paint or draw something
to look like the real thing, right?
Copy !req
738. So it's rare to see art by a robot
Copy !req
739. where you don't know
what you're looking at!
Copy !req
740. Or maybe you tried your very best,
and it still turned out all squiggly.
Copy !req
741. Who can say?
Copy !req
742. Even now, I can't tell you
what I was trying to depict up there.
Copy !req
743. Or why I bothered painting it
to begin with.
Copy !req
744. I just don't know.
Copy !req
745. Hey, it's me!
Copy !req
746. Huh? I found you!
Copy !req
747. Hmm?
Copy !req
748. Uran, hello.
Copy !req
749. What you looking at?
Copy !req
750. These flowers. They're beautiful.
Copy !req
751. Flowers?
Copy !req
752. Oh!
Copy !req
753. This spot was nothing but grass yesterday.
Copy !req
754. Oh! That's right!
I got you some more stuff!
Copy !req
755. Yummy energy catalyst.
Copy !req
756. And this bag's all paint.
Copy !req
757. But why?
Copy !req
758. You're gonna need more colors
to finish that wall, right?
Copy !req
759. Mister! Hey!
Copy !req
760. I picked up some clothes
that'll fit you better!
Copy !req
761. Uh…
Copy !req
762. I finished it.
Copy !req
763. Wait.
Copy !req
764. I finally figured out
what it's supposed to be.
Copy !req
765. A field of flowers?
Copy !req
766. Mister, I know
I called it Squiggly before,
Copy !req
767. but now
Copy !req
768. I wanna cry when I look at it.
Copy !req
769. Thank you, Uran.
Copy !req
770. Uran!
Copy !req
771. Oh, hey. You're up early. Good morning.
Copy !req
772. "Good morning's" a stretch.
The sun is barely out.
Copy !req
773. - Oh, yeah? Guess I didn't notice.
- Where do you keep going?
Copy !req
774. Uh, well, I found a stray cat,
and he's super cute, so…
Copy !req
775. I found
this empty bottle of catalyst.
Copy !req
776. What? Has the cat been drinking these?
Copy !req
777. Uh…
Copy !req
778. It was stuffed down
in your book bag.
Copy !req
779. How come you were looking through
my book bag without permission?
Copy !req
780. How come you went straight to bed
Copy !req
781. after asking me for help
with your homework so I had to do it all?
Copy !req
782. But did I mention that it's a robot cat?
Copy !req
783. Report it
to the Ministry of Science, Uran.
Copy !req
784. I don't wanna!
Copy !req
785. If it needs repairs, we could ask
Professor Ochanomizu for help.
Copy !req
786. What's the model number?
Copy !req
787. I don't actually know
what the model number is.
Copy !req
788. Meaning it wasn't made in Japan?
Copy !req
789. What country is this robot from?
Copy !req
790. I don't care where he's from!
All I know is he's scared!
Copy !req
791. He's finally starting
to warm up to me a bit.
Copy !req
792. I don't want him to run away.
Copy !req
793. As soon as he's done being skittish,
I'll bring you along so you can meet him.
Copy !req
794. Cross my heart!
Copy !req
795. But until then,
please don't tell anybody about him?
Copy !req
796. Thanks! You're the best!
Well, see you later!
Copy !req
797. One more thing.
Copy !req
798. If you keep snooping in girls' bags,
they're not gonna like you.
Copy !req
799. Hey, mister!
Copy !req
800. Where'd you go? It's me!
Copy !req
801. Oh no.
What if he really did run away again?
Copy !req
802. Are you over here?
Copy !req
803. Mister—
Copy !req
804. What the heck?
How'd your clothes get so dirty already?
Copy !req
805. I just gave you those.
Copy !req
806. Hello? Are you in there?
Copy !req
807. Sorry for the mess.
Copy !req
808. But I finally figured out
what I was born to do.
Copy !req
809. Huh?
Copy !req
810. Right there. Look at them.
Copy !req
811. So many flowers.
But where'd they all come from?
Copy !req
812. Easier to show you.
Copy !req
813. Incredible!
Copy !req
814. It was dead, and you made it bloom again!
Copy !req
815. Mister, who are you?
Copy !req
816. Someone who was meant
Copy !req
817. to do exactly this.
Copy !req
818. You painted this
'cause of what you can do.
Copy !req
819. Maybe I did.
Copy !req
820. It's faint,
but I can recall an image like this,
Copy !req
821. and I didn't want the memory to slip away.
Copy !req
822. It's amazing!
Copy !req
823. The way you can breathe life
into things, like flowers.
Copy !req
824. Do you think
that we will eventually die one day?
Copy !req
825. Die?
Copy !req
826. I remember you mentioning death
the other day when you first found me.
Copy !req
827. You told me
that if I didn't get help, I would die.
Copy !req
828. Mmm…
Copy !req
829. If our computerized brains got broken,
that would do it.
Copy !req
830. Professor Ochanomizu says
depending on how broken our AI units get,
Copy !req
831. sometimes they're too messed up to fix.
Copy !req
832. Even if they did,
you wouldn't be you anymore.
Copy !req
833. So is that what death is to our kind?
Copy !req
834. Hmm…
Copy !req
835. What does it mean to exist no longer?
Copy !req
836. This field of flowers represents life,
Copy !req
837. but there's another image I remember.
Copy !req
838. A world of death.
Copy !req
839. "A world of death"?
Copy !req
840. Utterly devoid of life.
Copy !req
841. What is that? What do I see?
Copy !req
842. A giant monstrosity
rising through the smoke!
Copy !req
843. What is it? What am I looking at?
Copy !req
844. I'm scared! I'm scared! I'm scared!
Copy !req
845. You're okay!
I know it's scary, but it isn't real!
Copy !req
846. You're okay.
You're not alone. I'm right here.
Copy !req
847. Don't be scared. You're safe.
Copy !req
848. - Bora.
- Huh?
Copy !req
849. Bora.
Copy !req
850. "Bora"?
Copy !req
851. I'm approaching the park complex
as you requested of me, Professor Abullah.
Copy !req
852. Well, this is sooner
than I thought you'd arrive there.
Copy !req
853. No trouble getting through customs,
I would assume?
Copy !req
854. No trouble whatsoever.
Copy !req
855. I'm at the location where
the tornado was spotted most recently.
Copy !req
856. I know it is a lot to ask for,
with the park being so large and all…
Copy !req
857. It's no problem, sir,
Copy !req
858. because you gave me this body
suited to the task.
Copy !req
859. Remember now, it's important
that you not do any damage to it
Copy !req
860. during the process of retrieval.
Copy !req
861. End of the day, that body
is one of my creations as well.
Copy !req
862. Allow me to repeat the model number
you are there to extract.
Copy !req
863. SOL 2083553.
Copy !req
864. But his true identity is Pluto.
Copy !req
865. I've located the target,
Professor Abullah.
Copy !req
866. Very good.
Copy !req
867. I am on my way to you,
Copy !req
868. Pluto.
Copy !req
869. I know you can do it, mister!
Copy !req
870. You can make the whole world bloom,
just like your painting!
Copy !req
871. Just like my painting?
Copy !req
872. Uh-huh!
Copy !req
873. You can fill the world
with beautiful flowers.
Copy !req
874. You said it yourself.
You were meant to do this, remember?
Copy !req
875. I was meant to do exactly this.
Copy !req
876. Yeah! If you can get your memory back,
Copy !req
877. then you can turn the earth
into a giant garden.
Copy !req
878. Think how pretty it'll be.
Copy !req
879. Not what it is.
Copy !req
880. What do you mean?
Copy !req
881. My painting's not a garden, after all.
Copy !req
882. Huh?
Copy !req
883. That's not it.
Copy !req
884. It's something…
Copy !req
885. Something much…
Copy !req
886. Much what?
Copy !req
887. Something much bigger.
Copy !req
888. Nature, at its most primal.
Copy !req
889. A tornado!
Copy !req
890. Oh!
Copy !req
891. It's raining.
Copy !req
892. Hey, look!
Copy !req
893. They're growing so fast,
I can watch it happen!
Copy !req
894. This is amazing! Look!
Nothing but flowers as far as I can see!
Copy !req
895. It's beautiful! I love it!
Copy !req
896. Beautiful.
Copy !req
897. Uran!
Copy !req
898. You need to get away from that guy!
Copy !req
899. Something's wrong with him!
He's got a weird electromagnetic field!
Copy !req
900. Atom, why?
Copy !req
901. Listen, you need
to come over here right now.
Copy !req
902. You too, Professor Ochanomizu?
Copy !req
903. They're here because
I called the Ministry of Science!
Copy !req
904. I thought I might need their help!
Copy !req
905. I can't believe you! You promised
you wouldn't tell anyone about him!
Copy !req
906. That's not what's important right now!
Listen to me!
Copy !req
907. The robot next to you is dangerous!
Copy !req
908. Huh?
Copy !req
909. Squad A has got eyes on the target!
Copy !req
910. Squad B, ready to engage.
Copy !req
911. - What?
- You even brought police?
Copy !req
912. Professor!
Copy !req
913. Why the hell would you
get the police involved?
Copy !req
914. I had to report it, sir.
We have rules about this sort of thing.
Copy !req
915. Metro Police Department!
Are you all right?
Copy !req
916. How could you?
Copy !req
917. How could you?
Copy !req
918. I trusted you, Atom!
Copy !req
919. Atom.
Copy !req
920. You can hate me later!
Just get away from him!
Copy !req
921. Atom.
Copy !req
922. Uh…
Copy !req
923. Atom.
Copy !req
924. Hatred!
Copy !req
925. System overload!
Copy !req
926. Stop! Stop right there!
This is your final warning!
Copy !req
927. Mister, come back.
Copy !req
928. I'm going to explode!
Copy !req
929. I can't control it.
Copy !req
930. This surge of rage!
Copy !req
931. Take the shot!
Copy !req
932. Wait!
Copy !req
933. So many robots
Copy !req
934. dead.
Copy !req
935. They deserve to die.
Copy !req
936. They deserve it.
Copy !req
937. How many did I murder?
Copy !req
938. Does anyone know?
Copy !req
939. I…
Copy !req
940. Flowers blooming in the desert.
Copy !req
941. An endless world of death.
Copy !req
942. Horns!
Copy !req
943. Mister!
Copy !req
944. No! Impossible!
Copy !req
945. What do you see down there, Professor?
Talk to us!
Copy !req
946. It doesn't make any damn sense.
Copy !req
947. His computerized brain is gone!
Copy !req
948. What just happened?
Copy !req
949. Hey, there it is!
Copy !req
950. Sorry, but I gotta grab that body!
Copy !req
951. - Huh?
- I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
952. Well, yeah.
Copy !req
953. I'm a construction robot
at the site nearby.
Copy !req
954. That's my off-duty body.
Copy !req
955. Huh?
Copy !req
956. I was wrapping up
my 100-hour work shift, see?
Copy !req
957. And that's when I realized
I couldn't find it where I had left it.
Copy !req
958. So, you're saying
this body on the ground belongs to you?
Copy !req
959. I looked everywhere for it.
Copy !req
960. I'm so glad I can go home now.
Copy !req
961. What manner of skulduggery is this?
Copy !req
962. A robot without artificial intelligence…
Copy !req
963. functioned on its own?
Copy !req
964. It's right over here.
Copy !req
965. To call it "a wandering soul"
bestows upon it a certain dignity.
Copy !req
966. But it was just an empty shell
Copy !req
967. being puppeted with electromagnetic waves
like a marionette.
Copy !req
968. Satisfied now?
Copy !req
969. You've had your little walkabout.
Copy !req
970. Time to come back.
Copy !req
971. This body
is your only body, Pluto.
Copy !req
972. Don't forget your orders
to track down Atom and kill him.
Copy !req