"He's awakened..." Mika was seen within the world of PSO2. Aika's strange behavior after Mika's return. Itsuki finds the situation suspicious and begins investigating Aika on his own. But from an outsider's perspective, it looksl like Itsuki is chasing Aika around. As Rina and Itsuki make rounds visiting each club's president to make the after party a reality, Aika occasionally comes up in conversation. Itsuki asks his PSO2 friends and keeps looking for Aika, which irritates Rina. Meanwhile, they hear rumors that PSO2 players sometimes go missing.
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1. No, no.
2. Quest 08 Turning Point
3. Morning-daisy, Ai-Ai!
4. Good morning!
5. Good morning!
6. Good morning.
7. Let's discuss the details after school.
8. Got it.
9. Good work, everyone.
10. Good work.
11. Will the club presidents
agree to this proposal?
12. I think they will once they see we're willing
to handle all miscellaneous tasks.
13. What matters now is how little we
can make them think we compromised.
14. You mean, so they don't think
we're being condescending?
15. Yes.
16. Now, if you'll excuse me.
17. How we tell them, huh?
18. You're still thinking about
the other day's quest?
19. I told you about Konoe-san's cut.
20. It's a coincidence.
21. Even if is, I can't stop thinking about it.
22. Suzuki-san must be hiding something.
23. Playing detective is all well and good,
but I need you to work on the after party.
24. But you're the one who suggested
we hold an after party in the first place.
25. I'm counting on you.
26. Izumi-senpai, good morning.
27. Good morning.
28. Good morning.
29. Good morning.
30. Good morning.
31. Izumi-senpai sure is great.
32. I admire her.
33. During a certain emperor's reign,
34. while a number of court ladies and
attendants were serving him,
35. there was one lady of not
particularly noble status
36. who had earned his favor...
37. Can I help you?
38. Looks like you're headed
somewhere deserted for lunch.
39. I'm going to the PE storeroom.
40. I was asked to set up for PE this afternoon.
41. Oh, really?
42. Have you taken an interest in me?
43. What?
44. Yeah, pretty interested.
45. Is he confessing?
46. No, he's responding to her confession...
47. of love.
48. Oh, no. It's not like that.
49. Really.
50. Excuses.
51. Unseemly.
52. Say something!
53. What do you want me to say?
54. What? Well...
55. Hey, hold on.
56. Rejected?
57. Rejected.
58. You guys are even more
in sync than usual today.
59. Anyway,
60. I thought of a way to distribute
the after party proposal.
61. Dodging the issue.
62. Give me a break...
63. So the student council will
manage and execute everything.
64. Please. At least consider it.
65. Captain, Itsuki helps us out all the time.
66. Yeah, but...
67. Please.
68. What? Oh, no. President, please...
69. Do we have your support, then?
70. In that case, well...
71. I'll talk to the manager
72. and try to be positive...
73. Thank you.
74. Please.
75. No, thank you.
76. Thank you.
77. Will doing this over and
over again really work?
78. Things seem to be going well so far.
79. You're popular to begin with,
80. so people will listen if you talk to them.
81. Hey, hold on a minute!
82. Kota?
83. I heard Rina-senpai's going around
convincing all the club presidents!
84. Yeah.
85. And on top of her clasping her
hands with tears in her eyes
86. and begging please, she'll do anything?
87. Who told you that?
88. Why haven't you come to the karate club?
89. Weren't you in favor all along?
90. Maybe I'll switch sides, then.
91. Kota-kun.
92. Pre-tty puh-leeze!
93. That's creepy.
94. Man, you sure are acting funny.
95. Is it because you confessed
your feelings for Aika-chan?
96. What?
97. You did?
98. No!
99. Apparently he did.
100. The two of them should just emcee
the after party together already.
101. We're not going to!
102. It's not like that. I told you this morning.
103. Suzuki-san is—
104. Why don't you, then?
105. What?
106. Emcee the event with Aika-san.
107. I'm not going to do that.
108. What's going on?
109. Wait on customers?
110. Yeah, at the maid café our class is holding.
111. Ai-Ai, will you wait on customers with us?
112. You've got a nice body.
113. I know you'd look great in the uniform.
114. It would definitely be a huge success.
115. Do I need this ribbon to wait on customers?
116. The ribbon is important.
117. Huh...
118. You won't?
119. I don't mind.
120. Really?
121. As a member of this class,
assisting you is one of my responsibilities.
122. Thanks, Ai-Ai!
123. That's great.
124. Excuse us.
125. If we can get approval from all the
club presidents and class reps,
126. we'll be good to go.
127. Do you want to do it that badly?
128. Emcee for the after party.
129. I told you...
130. You're the one who suggested
an after party in the first place.
131. Someone disappeared again?
132. They've become more active lately.
133. I understand.
134. I'll collect information tomorrow.
135. The situation has become quite tense.
136. I shouldn't need to emphasize this, but...
137. What?
138. Don't forget that you're there on a mission.
139. Yes, sir.
140. Creatures that inhabit Planet Amduscia. While they may have individually distinct appearances, they're all part of the same species. Aggressive by nature, but Darker corruption makes them go berserk and attack ARKS as enemies. Most notable among them is the Vole Dragon, which has traumatized several ARKS as the first formidable enemy they face.
141. A particle discovered in 2016, it largely remains a mystery in 2026. With the ability to transfer data at extremely high speeds, it changed the world as people knew it. The ESC-A towers constructed all over the world disseminate Ether, making high-speed, wireless communication possible.
142. She's a blonde summoner.
143. A summoner, huh?
144. I don't know.
145. Did something happen?
146. Oh, good.
147. Will you help me?
148. I'm asking around to see if anyone's
seen Suzuki-san in game.
149. Is there a problem?
150. I see you're quite infatuated with her
both in real life and at Oracle.
151. What?
152. Are you mad about something?
153. Not really.
154. Kid! Silver!
155. Aika?
156. She's a blonde summoner
157. who wears a beret and a ribbon on her chest.
158. You've been observing her quite closely.
159. There are a lot of ARKS who look like that.
160. Let me know if you see her.
161. Hey.
162. How long did it take for that person
who went missing to come back?
163. What?
164. You mean Konoe-san?
165. Yeah.
166. She came back two days later.
Why do you ask?
167. A college student went missing
in her neighborhood.
168. It's been happening a lot lately, right?
169. And apparently some staff went missing at the
Fan Festa that was held the other day.
170. Silver, what does this missing person look like?
171. Why are you asking?
172. They could be in a field somewhere.
173. That's impossible. We're talking about
a real-life human here.
174. You still think Mika was actually here?
175. If we find the missing college student,
176. Suzuki-san might appear there again.
177. Let's look for them.
178. Look for them yourself.
179. What?
180. Emergency alert.
181. The ARKS Ship City is
under attack by Darkers.
182. Hey, wait! Wait up!
183. All ARKS please report to the
nearest quest counter immediately.
184. Itsuki-kun!
185. That limited edition rare item
you were after is on Game Mate—
186. Don't we have a meeting with the president?
187. Tailing someone is meaningless
if you do it that poorly.
188. You didn't notice me until now.
189. I noticed you from the start.
190. You were so obvious, I didn't even
feel like trying to lose you.
191. If you're curious, instead of
sneaking around, come at me openly.
192. What are you doing all the way out here?
193. I don't have to tell you that.
194. This massive tower, tall enough to
pierce the heavens, is the ESC-A Tower.
195. Along with the popularization of
high-speed wireless communications
196. I've never seen it up close before.
197. known as "Ether Communications"
and an international commitment,
198. It's bigger than I imagined.
199. construction of said towers
began across the world in 2016.
200. "Keep out"...
201. Itsuki?
202. Silver.
203. On a date? Way to go.
204. Actually, no.
205. What are you doing here?
206. My house is nearby.
207. What? Oh, really?
208. Is that where you're headed?
209. It's a popular place, with cafés and stuff.
210. It's too bad, though.
211. Did something happen?
212. Remember the missing college
student I told you about?
213. They disappeared inside there.
214. Is that where you were headed?
215. Is that any way to talk to her?
216. Hey, wait!
217. Look. You made her mad.
218. It's not like that.
219. Fine, then. Want me to go
on a date with you instead?
220. What?
221. I want ice cream!
222. Hey, wait!
223. Man, that was brutal.
224. Is Suzuki Aika-san...
225. She's back.
226. Really?
227. I-I just got back.
228. I don't care where you go or who
you go with on your Saturdays.
229. Not even if it's Suzuki-san.
230. We didn't go out together.
231. But!
232. It's a different story if you're skipping
after party meetings to do it.
233. And you didn't answer your phone.
234. I-I forgot to take my phone with me.
235. No excuses!
236. Y-Yes, ma'am...
237. Anyway, I think Suzuki-san is involved
in the disappearances after—
238. Don't change the subject.
239. Sorry.
240. I don't know whether to feel
jealous or sorry for him.
241. I haven't seen her.
242. What about you?
243. I don't know.
244. I see.
245. Where could Suzuki-san be?
246. Itsuki.
247. Thanks for lunch.
248. Sure.
249. What? Silver, you ran into Itsuki-kun?
250. While he was on his date.
251. I see.
252. E-Excuse me.
253. Itsuki.
254. I saw the ARKS you were talking about.
255. Really? Where?
256. Kill!
257. I'll help.
258. That's not necessary.
259. Fomelgion!
260. Wow.
261. I failed to finish it off.
262. Leave it to me!
263. Don't, Itsuki!
264. Not good.
265. Itsuki!
266. That's Over End...
267. Are you okay?
268. Suzuki-san, who in the world are you?
269. What do you—
270. Tell me.
271. A guardian.
272. A guardian? Of what?
273. Itsuki, you still haven't noticed
your own appearance?
274. Wh-What is this?
275. Why have I changed?
276. You'll learn eventually.
277. Hey, wait. I'm not done talking.
278. They seem to have noticed, as well.
279. You know what this means.
280. Roger that.
281. I'm off to eliminate more Darkers.
282. Hold it!
283. I'm good.
284. I remember doing something similar
in my high school days, too.
285. I had girls on my mind
and acted without thinking.
286. It's part of being young.
287. But you still have to follow the rules.
288. Is Ai-Ai in one of the free rooms?
289. No.
290. Even I broke a rule or two, but...
291. What are we going to do?
292. Suzuki-san's not in her room?
293. No. We were going to talk to her
about her maid café uniform.
294. Hey, I'm still talking here!
295. What's wrong?
296. Nothing. Sorry to have bothered you.
297. Hey!
298. I was just getting to the
really bittersweet man talk!
299. Why?
300. Wh-What is that?
301. Are you kidding me?
302. Suzuki-san?
303. What is this?
304. What's going on?
305. Run.
306. What?
307. Go! Now!
308. What?
309. So he's awakened.
310. Next Episode
311. Next Episode
312. Hey.
313. Don't you think we lack presence?
314. Yeah, we're pretty plain.
315. Is there any opportunity for us to stand out?
316. Don't copy me.
317. No you.
318. Starting next week, we're getting
ready for the school festival.
319. I'm sure we'll get our chance to shine, too.
320. Try not to steal the spotlight.
321. You copied me again.
322. No, you copied me.
323. If you're that desperate for attention,
324. maybe you should keep
talking at the same time.