1. Hi, I'm
Penn, and this is my partner, Teller.
Copy !req
2. Usually
at least a few people are on our side
Copy !req
3. when we try to tell the truth
on this show.
Copy !req
4. We get scientists with us
when we shoot down creationism,
Copy !req
5. we get atheist with us when we mow down
Mother Theresa.
Copy !req
6. We get everybody but chiropractors.
Copy !req
7. When we put holes in chiropractors.
Copy !req
8. But this show, well, we may have
a little more trouble finding fans.
Copy !req
9. In this show, we consider the idea
of the violent overthrow
Copy !req
10. of the United States government.
Copy !req
11. It's not sexy.
Copy !req
12. It's not even fun. It's just our job.
Copy !req
13. The guys who founded our country
gave us the right to have guns.
Copy !req
14. So the time came for the next revolution.
Copy !req
15. We'd be armed and ready.
Copy !req
16. Come on, people supports gun control
for their comfort or their peace of mind.
Copy !req
17. They're forgetting that
they're killing something there, too.
Copy !req
18. Gun control is bullshit.
Copy !req
19. I find them
Copy !req
20. hard.
Copy !req
21. To have and.
Copy !req
22. They don't.
Copy !req
23. Boo boo boo boo. You.
Copy !req
24. Like.
Copy !req
25. You. You.
Copy !req
26. There's a battle raging in America
over the issue of guns.
Copy !req
27. Yes. If we reduce the number of handguns
in America, we would have less murders.
Copy !req
28. We have to do more about guns and weapons.
Copy !req
29. For too long, the gun control movement
has been made up of only victims.
Copy !req
30. People who hate them want them.
Copy !req
31. God keeping loaded and unlocked guns.
Copy !req
32. Where people kids can get at them
is just insane.
Copy !req
33. But people who love guns
don't want to give them up.
Copy !req
34. From my cold, dead hands
Copy !req
35. tonight,
we've assembled firebrands on both sides.
Copy !req
36. People
who are against guns like these two men.
Copy !req
37. One guy who's float in the middle.
Copy !req
38. A couple of folks who love guns.
Copy !req
39. A gunslinger
who packs heat in a ditch length.
Copy !req
40. And a guy who owns a gun store.
Copy !req
41. Some of George Washington's men.
Copy !req
42. And the comedian Jackie
Copy !req
43. Mason, who somehow ended up on this show
instead of the one on circumcision.
Copy !req
44. What a huge fuck up.
Where am I going to go?
Copy !req
45. The great gun
Copy !req
46. debate has been fought very effectively
over the past decade, not in Congress,
Copy !req
47. but in the great battlefield of car
Copy !req
48. Bumper stickers have been the cutting edge
of intelligent debate.
Copy !req
49. squeeze boobs, not triggers.
Copy !req
50. Arms are for hugging.
Copy !req
51. No guns are in this house.
Copy !req
52. I guess it pays to advertise.
Copy !req
53. fear the government that fears your gun.
Copy !req
54. Blaming guns for deaths is like Rosie
O'Donnell blaming her fork
Copy !req
55. because she's fat.
Copy !req
56. Ted Kennedy's
car has killed more people than my gun.
Copy !req
57. Less handguns,
more handjobs should be fewer.
Copy !req
58. Fewer hand. But that's for.
That's it in a nutshell, right?
Copy !req
59. Guns are dangerous,
but who decides who gets them?
Copy !req
60. In America, there are over 250 million
Copy !req
61. Firearms are involved in over 10,000
murders each year in the United States.
Copy !req
62. Nine American kids die every day
as a result of gun fire.
Copy !req
63. Firearms kill three people
every hour in this country.
Copy !req
64. A new gun rolls off an American
assembly line every ten seconds.
Copy !req
65. When all you do is list those numbers.
Copy !req
66. It's no wonder some people go ballistic.
Copy !req
67. I'd like to get rid of the damn things.
Copy !req
68. That is, get rid of the guns and expand
gun control.
Copy !req
69. This is Roger Rosenblatt.
Copy !req
70. He's a writer, former
columnist for time magazine,
Copy !req
71. and a passionate advocate
for Nationwide Gundam.
Copy !req
72. And that chair is too soft.
Copy !req
73. I don't know what they're around for.
Get rid of them.
Copy !req
74. Get an alarm system.
Copy !req
75. Call a cop. For up to Roger Rosenblatt.
Copy !req
76. No one would own handguns
except the police.
Copy !req
77. I'm pretty sure Mr.
Copy !req
78. Rosenblatt
would have a different point of view
Copy !req
79. if he were black or Hispanic
in South Central L.A..
Copy !req
80. It's often been brought up that owning
a gun is a civil right.
Copy !req
81. And so the Second Amendment is then cited
that one has the right to bear arms,
Copy !req
82. and that's connected
with our basic freedoms.
Copy !req
83. I can't imagine anything less true
or less provable or more nonsensical.
Copy !req
84. Religion. Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
85. Paul.
Copy !req
86. Do I believe that you, manatee,
will be improved?
Copy !req
87. That human nature will be improved
by the removal of guns?
Copy !req
88. No, I do not.
Copy !req
89. It'll just make us safer people.
Copy !req
90. He wants to feel safe, and he's happy
to give up his right to defend himself.
Copy !req
91. Because self-defense can be dangerous.
Copy !req
92. There's clear evidence that gun in
the home is for self-protection.
Copy !req
93. Is a lot more dangerous than thought.
Copy !req
94. And think again.
Copy !req
95. This is Mike beard.
Copy !req
96. He's the president and co-founder
of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.
Copy !req
97. Man, we hope they didn't
pay their graphic designer.
Copy !req
98. This guy thinks the right way to limit
accidents is to limit guns.
Copy !req
99. I don't think that there's been a week
goes by in the 30 years I've been involved
Copy !req
100. in this issue,
Copy !req
101. that I haven't had to talk to a parent
who had a gun for self-defense,
Copy !req
102. kept it loaded, unlocked, and had a child
find it and shoot himself.
Copy !req
103. A sibling or a friend?
Copy !req
104. Here's a scary piece of news.
Copy !req
105. According to the New England
Journal of Medicine,
Copy !req
106. a gun kept in the House is 43 times
more likely to kill a loved one
Copy !req
107. than an intruder.
Copy !req
108. But that doesn't count the intruders
they may scare away.
Copy !req
109. I think a gun can be a great equalizer
in certain situations.
Copy !req
110. In other situations.
Copy !req
111. I think it can set you back.
Copy !req
112. As you've guessed,
this is our floating in the middle guy.
Copy !req
113. His name is Jim Kessler.
Copy !req
114. He's the policy director
for Americans for Gun Safety.
Copy !req
115. There are 250 million guns in private
Copy !req
116. It isn't the number of guns
that people have.
Copy !req
117. It's who gets them.
Copy !req
118. He's talking about guys like this.
Copy !req
119. A former member of an L.A. gang.
Copy !req
120. I can tell you, I've been on the street
walking around with a rifle
Copy !req
121. for five minutes,
almost resorted to my friend.
Copy !req
122. And no one will dare call the cops.
Copy !req
123. Because you know what?
Copy !req
124. Because if they take that AK 47,
I'll go buy me another one.
Copy !req
125. I'll go buy them two.
Copy !req
126. Sometimes we will get guns,
do horrible things.
Copy !req
127. Like the two students in Columbine,
the Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
128. sniper, an employee of Xerox,
and these bank robbers in North Hollywood.
Copy !req
129. But this isn't new news.
Copy !req
130. People kill each other way before
guns and notorious killers like Jesse
Copy !req
131. James and Billy the Kid were already
killing in their teens.
Copy !req
132. We will look back on the time
when everybody was toting a gun.
Copy !req
133. Everybody could get a gun.
Copy !req
134. No matter.
Copy !req
135. Waiting periods. Not waiting periods.
Copy !req
136. We will look back on this time.
Copy !req
137. The way the 19th century looked back on
the 18th century.
Copy !req
138. Mad houses.
Copy !req
139. The smug Roger Rosenblatt,
a person with a gun.
Copy !req
140. Looks like this.
Copy !req
141. We'd like to introduce
him to a friend of ours.
Copy !req
142. This is Mabel Murray.
Copy !req
143. She's a pretty good shot,
and she's not practicing.
Copy !req
144. Mabel's had her first door,
where she keeps a 357 under the counter.
Copy !req
145. A strategically placed
so that I can grab it if I need it.
Copy !req
146. A pump action shotgun behind the wall.
Copy !req
147. Easy access.
Copy !req
148. One of these behind the phone.
Copy !req
149. My 45.
Copy !req
150. If I need it, it's right there in handy.
Copy !req
151. And this little cap gun in the vault case.
Copy !req
152. Things, I guess. Really get hairy.
Copy !req
153. And I have my nine
millimeter carbine. Fuck.
Copy !req
154. So why does Mabel need
such a huge arsenal?
Copy !req
155. I mean, I don't want anybody to mug me,
and I don't want anyone to try to mug me.
Copy !req
156. But am I afraid to shoot the gun?
Copy !req
157. Absolutely.
No. Do I want to shoot the gun?
Copy !req
158. Absolutely no. If I have to.
Copy !req
159. Too bad for you, buddy.
Copy !req
160. Because I lived to tell about it.
Copy !req
161. And dead people don't argue.
Copy !req
162. Mabel understands
guns from a practical point of view
Copy !req
163. or historical perspective on guns.
Copy !req
164. Let's ask one of the Founding fathers.
Copy !req
165. Well, I believe Americans need firearms
for a variety of reasons.
Copy !req
166. so I would think the first and foremost
is for protection of our rights.
Copy !req
167. George Washington
commissioned as commander in chief
Copy !req
168. of the United Colonies of America.
Copy !req
169. Yeah, we sprung for a time machine.
Copy !req
170. We were embedded with the colonial army,
Copy !req
171. and our press privileges
allowed us to talk to both sides.
Copy !req
172. Right then, Sergeant,
we've been ordered to go after
Copy !req
173. this detachment of rebels
that have been foraging in this area.
Copy !req
174. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lovelace
of His Majesty's Coldstream Guards.
Copy !req
175. He probably did realize how much British
accents have changed over the centuries.
Copy !req
176. The more Stewart
Copy !req
177. among you probably realized,
we didn't actually get a time machine.
Copy !req
178. These guys are re-enactors, people who've
made understanding history their hobby.
Copy !req
179. The colonists showed up
in their Land Rover,
Copy !req
180. and the Redcoats
were apparently a bunch of soccer moms.
Copy !req
181. But, boy,
Copy !req
182. these re-enactors have learned a lot
about the way guns have affected history.
Copy !req
183. This fall into the fire.
Copy !req
184. Tom, maybe these guys seem nuts to you,
but what they're reenacting
Copy !req
185. was a very real, very scary event
during a turbulent time in history.
Copy !req
186. The points they are making are very real.
Copy !req
187. The rebels in the Revolutionary War could
not have won our freedom without guns.
Copy !req
188. The King
Copy !req
189. and his ministers
Copy !req
190. and his army are here to strip
you of your rights.
Copy !req
191. They have repeatedly made efforts
to confiscate
Copy !req
192. all powder supplies and firearms.
Copy !req
193. And those that we cannot carry.
Copy !req
194. I want the locks removed,
Copy !req
195. the stocks broken, and the barrels
bent around the nearest tree.
Copy !req
196. We are fighting against a usurpation
of our liberties.
Copy !req
197. We are fighting against
an abridgment of our rights.
Copy !req
198. What do you have to say to yourself,
you limey bastard?
Copy !req
199. They're in rebellion.
Copy !req
200. You know, naturally,
if we're going to have to suppress
Copy !req
201. criminal activities,
I'd much rather the criminal be armed
Copy !req
202. with brickbats
rather than with bullets and bayonet.
Copy !req
203. Now he hit the bullet on the primer,
didn't he?
Copy !req
204. The second member to a lot of people
is more than just guns.
Copy !req
205. It's freedom.
Copy !req
206. Allen Gottlieb is the founder
of the Second Amendment Foundation.
Copy !req
207. He loves guns and wears a bow tie.
Copy !req
208. I bet you never thought
those two would intersect.
Copy !req
209. If deny a person
the means of self-defense,
Copy !req
210. you've also denied them
the right of self-defense.
Copy !req
211. And so, to me, it's
the ultimate civil right is being able
Copy !req
212. to protect yourself against,
you know, other people,
Copy !req
213. or for that matter, your own government
if it runs amuck.
Copy !req
214. So what does the Second Amendment
actually say?
Copy !req
215. A well-regulated militia being necessary
to the security of the Free State,
Copy !req
216. the right of the people to keep and bear
arms shall not be infringed.
Copy !req
217. That's it.
Copy !req
218. Not a lot of words.
Just very specific ones.
Copy !req
219. It means that the states have the right
to have.
Copy !req
220. A well.
Copy !req
221. Regulated militia and a 20 year.
Copy !req
222. Old kid carrying an assault weapon
on the streets of downtown
Copy !req
223. America has absolutely nothing to do
with a well-regulated militia.
Copy !req
224. Well, no.
Copy !req
225. Read the words
Copy !req
226. a well-regulated militia being necessary
to the security of a free state.
Copy !req
227. Sure.
Copy !req
228. You need an organized military force
to defend your country.
Copy !req
229. But the right of the people to keep
and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Copy !req
230. This is the people in contrast
with the militia.
Copy !req
231. It doesn't say the right of the militia
Copy !req
232. to keep and bear
arms should not be infringed.
Copy !req
233. It says the right of the people.
Copy !req
234. Now, why the word people?
Copy !req
235. Because the people who wrote
this had just fought a war
Copy !req
236. for two years
against a tyrannical state militia.
Copy !req
237. They knew the time I come
when they'd have to do that again.
Copy !req
238. So they made the possession of weapons
a right that the militia
Copy !req
239. could never take away.
Copy !req
240. Now, gun control advocates
say the phrasing is clumsy, and the comma
Copy !req
241. separating the state from the people
is just a pause to get your breath.
Copy !req
242. Strange.
Copy !req
243. They can't seem to point out
Copy !req
244. any other places where those hack framers
fucked up the wording.
Copy !req
245. In 38 states, you can now get a permit
to carry a concealed weapon.
Copy !req
246. That is, if you pass a background check.
Copy !req
247. I mean, even the NRA now supports.
Copy !req
248. One thing
that's really great about concealed
Copy !req
249. carry laws is people who choose not
to get a concealed carry permit
Copy !req
250. still benefit from the law, because
there's this great deterrent factor.
Copy !req
251. A bad guy, no longer knows who's carrying
and who isn't.
Copy !req
252. You do have to meet federal regulations.
Copy !req
253. Federal guidelines. This is Susanna Hoppe.
Copy !req
254. She's a Texas state legislator
and enthusiastic gun supporter.
Copy !req
255. And pretty damn hot for a lawmaker.
Copy !req
256. All right. How passionate she about guns.
Copy !req
257. She donated a rifle to a raffle
Copy !req
258. to help raise money for a kid's school
to build a new fence.
Copy !req
259. Beats the shit out of the bake sale.
Copy !req
260. Before we pass concealed carry
in this state,
Copy !req
261. we heard all of the talk
about how there was going to be.
Copy !req
262. It was going to be a shootout at the
okay corral.
Copy !req
263. It was going to be Dodge City.
It was going to be a bloodbath.
Copy !req
264. The fender benders were going
to be turned into shootouts.
Copy !req
265. And it simply hasn't happened.
Copy !req
266. You see, drops in violent crime
when more people are allowed
Copy !req
267. to carry concealed handgun. I'm John Lott.
Copy !req
268. I'm a scholar
Copy !req
269. at the American Enterprise Institute
and the author of The Bias Against Guns.
Copy !req
270. You can deter criminals with higher rest
rates or higher conviction rates.
Copy !req
271. But the fact that it would be
victim might be able to defend themselves
Copy !req
272. can also deter criminals
from attacking to begin with.
Copy !req
273. Criminals are scared of people with guns.
Copy !req
274. So most people are good.
Copy !req
275. More people with guns
means more good people with guns.
Copy !req
276. The balance of power
swings to the good side.
Copy !req
277. A 44 slug in the brain stops
rape in an instant.
Copy !req
278. And I've got a gun.
Copy !req
279. Often stops it before that. Here.
Copy !req
280. I have a little 32.
Copy !req
281. It's just right here,
because you can conceal it the best.
Copy !req
282. Maple gives new meaning to the phrase gun
Copy !req
283. It's a whole new
concept to Victoria's Secret.
Copy !req
284. I wonder what
it's like to get to second base with her.
Copy !req
285. You might want to make sure
she watched you before making your move.
Copy !req
286. When you walk outside of your store
at night.
Copy !req
287. It's you and your purse
and whoever else is out there.
Copy !req
288. So I kind of wanted the equalizer.
Copy !req
289. I do not think women, any more than men,
want to depend
Copy !req
290. on guns for their element of equality.
Copy !req
291. Easy for you to say.
Copy !req
292. You're a man
and an exceptionally smug one.
Copy !req
293. So really, you're not the one we should be
listening to.
Copy !req
294. You already have power on your side,
Copy !req
295. So men are stronger than women.
Copy !req
296. And I am a strong woman.
But you know what?
Copy !req
297. I am not stronger than a man.
Copy !req
298. There's no way.
Copy !req
299. Only 3.8% of violent offenders
in prison are women.
Copy !req
300. Guns don't kill people.
Copy !req
301. And women don't kill people.
Copy !req
302. It's simple. Men kill people.
Copy !req
303. So our modest proposal is this.
Copy !req
304. Now we're never for
Copy !req
305. government spending money, but just run
this as a little thought experiment.
Copy !req
306. What if every woman were issued a gun?
Copy !req
307. Should you keep it hidden
or even in a purse, or give it away
Copy !req
308. if she wants to?
Copy !req
309. And the guns should all be pink
because it's my idea.
Copy !req
310. And I think pink guns are really sexy.
Copy !req
311. Maybe some tough guys would be
too embarrassed to be seen with a pink
Copy !req
312. gun, but mostly they should be pink
because it's my idea
Copy !req
313. that supposedly half of the women decided
to carry the pinky everywhere they go.
Copy !req
314. So who's going to rob a rape
when there's a 50% chance
Copy !req
315. that Janie's got a gun?
Copy !req
316. Every woman gets a gun.
Copy !req
317. Think of how much sexier.
Copy !req
318. I mean, safer country would be.
Copy !req
319. And it would be so much sexier,
safer, safer if the women were armed.
Copy !req
320. You know, all the women, ma'am, except,
you know, some of the ones that I dated.
Copy !req
321. If you have a gun,
Copy !req
322. you are stronger than a man.
Copy !req
323. Oh, God.
Copy !req
324. Meanwhile, back at Valley Forge,
the battle was underway.
Copy !req
325. Remember, we didn't put any words
into these guys mouths.
Copy !req
326. I love the smell of gunpowder.
Copy !req
327. In the afternoon.
Copy !req
328. It smells like victory.
Copy !req
329. The horror, the horror.
Copy !req
330. Quickly.
Copy !req
331. But I think that the biggest advantage
that we have
Copy !req
332. is that we are fighting for our lives,
for our freedoms,
Copy !req
333. for our liberties, for our families
and for our country.
Copy !req
334. You know,
there is an old saying in Virginia,
Copy !req
335. you see a fox running after a rabbit,
Copy !req
336. and you ask the question,
which one will win?
Copy !req
337. And the answer is the rabbit,
because the fox is running for his dinner.
Copy !req
338. The rabbit is running for his life.
Copy !req
339. These guys dress up and march around
and think about life and death
Copy !req
340. and the cost of freedom.
Copy !req
341. Seems like a very fine hobby.
Copy !req
342. Might not hurt Mr.
Copy !req
343. Smug to walk around those battlefields
and do a little thinking.
Copy !req
344. And then it was time for lunch.
Copy !req
345. All free
Americans have a right to carry a gun.
Copy !req
346. It is a matter,
in many cases, of necessity.
Copy !req
347. Yup. Our founding fathers
swore by their guns
Copy !req
348. when they worked.
Copy !req
349. Thomas Jefferson said if we want freedom,
Copy !req
350. there should be an armed rebellion
every 20 years.
Copy !req
351. He also wrote,
what country can preserve its liberties
Copy !req
352. if their rulers are not warned
from time to time that there are people?
Copy !req
353. Preserve the spirit of resistance.
Copy !req
354. Let them take arms.
Copy !req
355. What signifies
a few lives lost in a century or two?
Copy !req
356. The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed
from time
Copy !req
357. to time with the blood of patriots
and tyrants.
Copy !req
358. It is its natural maneuver.
Copy !req
359. Well, at least one dead
guy would like this show.
Copy !req
360. It's time to take a look at some guns.
Copy !req
361. Up close on the corner of this nondescript
Maryland street
Copy !req
362. is the home of,
well, it's Baltimore's best gun shop.
Copy !req
363. You busy?
Copy !req
364. I couldn't say that if it weren't true.
Copy !req
365. You can buy, sell
or trade in your old Glock.
Copy !req
366. But don't you dare
bring a fucking cell phone in here.
Copy !req
367. Those things are lethal.
Copy !req
368. Let's have a look.
Copy !req
369. Man, I am tense.
Copy !req
370. Hold on. Change the damn music.
Copy !req
371. That's better.
Copy !req
372. Now look at all these guns.
Copy !req
373. There must be mass murders and shootings
going on all the time here.
Copy !req
374. Now I'm tense again.
Copy !req
375. Can I have some help here, please?
Copy !req
376. Oh, there's the owner, NRA board member,
Sandy Abrams.
Copy !req
377. I think of the reason why some people are
afraid of guns is because
Copy !req
378. the only exposure they get to a firearm
is through television and the movies.
Copy !req
379. And a lot of that is negative.
Copy !req
380. Fear is the politician's dance partner.
Copy !req
381. Enough fear.
Copy !req
382. And he can waltz any legislation
through the necessary steps.
Copy !req
383. With no vampire.
Copy !req
384. Politicians play with public hysteria
by passing more gun laws
Copy !req
385. like the Brady Bill,
which has been largely
Copy !req
386. ineffective in keeping guns
out of the hands of criminals.
Copy !req
387. Another feel good
law was the creation of gun free zones,
Copy !req
388. which increased the penalties for carrying
a gun into those hallowed grounds.
Copy !req
389. Gun free zones.
Copy !req
390. That's one of the most amazing crocks
I've ever heard.
Copy !req
391. you know, if you think about where these
Copy !req
392. these awful mass shootings have occurred,
you look at Columbine.
Copy !req
393. Well, wait a minute.
Copy !req
394. That couldn't happen.
Copy !req
395. That was a gun free zone.
Copy !req
396. A look at the post offices.
Copy !req
397. Oh, well, wait, that can't happen
because that was a gun free zone.
Copy !req
398. Every single one of these mass shootings
Copy !req
399. has occurred in a gun free zone.
Copy !req
400. If guns are the problem,
then explain to me
Copy !req
401. why we haven't seen these awful
shootings in places
Copy !req
402. where there are thousands of guns
Copy !req
403. in the hands of literally
at least hundreds of law abiding citizens,
Copy !req
404. like NRA conventions
or the dreaded gun show.
Copy !req
405. Can you even picture a mass murder
at a gun show?
Copy !req
406. You couldn't even point a gun
before they get you.
Copy !req
407. Another gun control law and another ban.
Copy !req
408. Another bullet ban, another, assault
weapons ban will not stop criminals.
Copy !req
409. Criminals do not obey the laws
against murder, rape, robbery and arson.
Copy !req
410. Why would they possibly obey laws
against firearms?
Copy !req
411. What we need now is a guy who really knows
a lot of shit about guns.
Copy !req
412. Maybe a guy who's been shot
and stabbed a couple times.
Copy !req
413. My name is John Doe.
Copy !req
414. I'm an OG gang member for life.
Copy !req
415. I've been shot twice, staff twice,
Copy !req
416. and I know a whole lot of shit about guns.
Copy !req
417. It's like we're psychic gang members
like myself.
Copy !req
418. Like gun control laws.
Copy !req
419. Because they're a joke.
Copy !req
420. We told them that to protect
him, we'd shoot him.
Copy !req
421. I mean, videotape him in silhouette
and change his voice and buy his lunch
Copy !req
422. and rub his feet
and send flowers to his mom.
Copy !req
423. Gun laws
Copy !req
424. don't affect
me, the criminal or the gang member.
Copy !req
425. They restrict the citizen.
Copy !req
426. I can walk into your home.
Copy !req
427. Was watching the show
Copy !req
428. and hurt you with a gun.
Copy !req
429. So how does a guy with a mile long
rap sheet get a gun?
Copy !req
430. The same way criminals do a lot of things.
Copy !req
431. They break the law.
Copy !req
432. In fact,
there's 20,000 gun laws on the books.
Copy !req
433. And thanks to one of them in Texas, the
restricted carrying a concealed weapon.
Copy !req
434. Susanna Huff.
Copy !req
435. Well, let her tell her story.
Copy !req
436. Back in 1991, I was with my parents
at a local restaurant,
Copy !req
437. and we had just finished eating
when a mad man drove his truck
Copy !req
438. through the window and very methodically
began executing people.
Copy !req
439. And he wasn't spraying bullets.
Copy !req
440. He had complete
control over the situation.
Copy !req
441. He was simply walking from one person to
the next, taking aim, pulling the trigger.
Copy !req
442. My father ran at the man
and was very easily taken out.
Copy !req
443. My mother ended up staying with him
Copy !req
444. when the gunmen got back around to her.
Copy !req
445. She was cradling
my father and the police were there
Copy !req
446. at that point,
and they saw her look up at the gunman
Copy !req
447. and he put his gun to his head
and he pulled the trigger.
Copy !req
448. You might think Susanna would be in favor
of stricter gun control laws.
Copy !req
449. You'd be wrong.
Copy !req
450. She actually had a gun with her
that afternoon.
Copy !req
451. But in the days before, right
to carry legislation, the law required
Copy !req
452. that she leave it in her car.
Copy !req
453. I was angry at myself
for having made what I realize
Copy !req
454. now was an incredibly stupid decision
to obey a bad law
Copy !req
455. and allow my family to get killed.
Copy !req
456. And I was mad at my legislature
because I absolutely felt that
Copy !req
457. they had legislated me out of the right
to protect myself and my family.
Copy !req
458. Gun control advocates might argue
that if Susanna had use of her
Copy !req
459. handgun that day, she might have made
a horrible situation even worse.
Copy !req
460. She might have accidentally shot
a bystander or been shot herself.
Copy !req
461. But I'll tell you
the one thing that nobody can argue with.
Copy !req
462. It sure as heck
would have changed the odds.
Copy !req
463. Okay, but what about the claim
that keeping a gun around the house
Copy !req
464. or in the car is an invitation
for accidental death?
Copy !req
465. The number of accidental deaths
for people under the age of 17.
Copy !req
466. It's about 150 a year. Each one is tragic.
Copy !req
467. But you know, when you look
at the relative size and scope of the gun
Copy !req
468. problem, gun violence problem
in America, it's very, very tiny.
Copy !req
469. Tell the family, whose four year old
was killed by a three year old.
Copy !req
470. That this is an overblown statistic.
Copy !req
471. Get rid of the weapon.
Copy !req
472. It wouldn't have happened.
Copy !req
473. Why don't you say
cheers should be illegal.
Copy !req
474. You know how many people
are killed with a limp?
Copy !req
475. Should be stopped because most killed up
people are killed with limps and chairs.
Copy !req
476. The with guns.
Copy !req
477. Finally, it's Jackie Mason, legendary
comedian and longtime fixture on Broadway.
Copy !req
478. What? Did I have idiots in this watching
this show. They don't.
Copy !req
479. They don't. They know who Jackie Mason is.
Copy !req
480. We have no comment at this time.
Copy !req
481. Jackie. I do have a gun.
Copy !req
482. Just take a minute and think
about how fucking crazy this show is.
Copy !req
483. I mean, do you have any idea
what the fuck we're thinking?
Copy !req
484. Do you? Don't answer me.
Copy !req
485. It's a rhetorical question.
Copy !req
486. This isn't Dora the Explorer. Oh,
Copy !req
487. you'll have a much safer society
if you eliminate chairs,
Copy !req
488. windows, furniture.
Copy !req
489. If you eliminate anything that moves.
Copy !req
490. From now on, you should break the bread
Copy !req
491. with your hands
and never use a knife anymore.
Copy !req
492. What is the.
Copy !req
493. Why does it take your shoes away?
Copy !req
494. Why don't you know that you shouldn't
be able to drive a car like that?
Copy !req
495. You should certainly bend legs because
most people like kick the the did this.
Copy !req
496. If we jumped over 200 bounces
not allowed to carry his fist.
Copy !req
497. Because any time you want,
he can grab a shot.
Copy !req
498. You and Buster's little.
Copy !req
499. Oldie on our show.
Copy !req
500. Could a Borscht
Copy !req
501. Belt comic be allowed to crystallize
the absurdities of gun control?
Copy !req
502. My position is that anybody who's in
favor of gun control is a fucking moron.
Copy !req
503. Thank you. Jacki.
Copy !req
504. We are going to keep you on our speed
Copy !req
505. Wouldn't stricter gun laws stop
horrible tragedies like Columbine?
Copy !req
506. Columbine would not have been prevented
by more gun control.
Copy !req
507. The fact of the matter is,
nobody likes to talk about it.
Copy !req
508. All the gun control laws already
on the books that these kids broke,
Copy !req
509. and the person who sold them
firearms broke.
Copy !req
510. None of them prevented Columbine.
Copy !req
511. You can't stop insane people from doing
insane things by passing insane laws.
Copy !req
512. That's insane.
Copy !req
513. A gun doesn't have fingers
to pull its own trigger,
Copy !req
514. or a brain to commit murder
or commit a crime.
Copy !req
515. So the person who misuses
that gun is the person
Copy !req
516. who should be punished for the misuse.
Copy !req
517. And punish them.
Copy !req
518. Don't punish me.
Copy !req
519. Don't punish the gun.
Copy !req
520. and for the break up.
Copy !req
521. The break.
Copy !req
522. For the hell
Copy !req
523. on the.
Copy !req
524. Back of the war, the colonists prevailed.
Copy !req
525. And since we had slept through sixth grade
social studies,
Copy !req
526. it was a real nail biter.
Copy !req
527. We tried to take all gone,
but now we've got the
Copy !req
528. American independence was secure.
Copy !req
529. Well, gentlemen.
Copy !req
530. As you know, I cannot tell a lie.
Copy !req
531. My feet are cold.
Copy !req
532. I'm thirsty.
Copy !req
533. Let's call it a day. Let's go home.
Copy !req
534. The Founding fathers
made the right to bear arms.
Copy !req
535. The Second Amendment for a reason.
Copy !req
536. It's the one that protects
all your other freedoms
Copy !req
537. which aren't worth the parchment
they're printed on.
Copy !req
538. If you don't have the means
to defend them.
Copy !req
539. I cannot see into the future.
Copy !req
540. I do not pretend to understand
what the future
Copy !req
541. will hold, and we have great
faith in future generations.
Copy !req
542. I personally know that
Copy !req
543. through public discourse,
people will make the right decision.
Copy !req
544. Americans tend to do so, and they do so.
Copy !req
545. With the common good in mind.
Copy !req
546. So let's make this clear.
Copy !req
547. We're not saying
Copy !req
548. you'll be safer if you have a gun
or that you might not get robbed.
Copy !req
549. We're seeing something much heavier.
Copy !req
550. We're saying we need the government
to be afraid of its citizens.
Copy !req
551. We want our rulers to think carefully
about what they try to take from us.
Copy !req
552. And we need to remember they can only take
from us what we give them.
Copy !req
553. You see, maybe Mr.
Copy !req
554. Smug can call the police
against a gang banger.
Copy !req
555. But who does he call against? The police?
Copy !req
556. We are discussing on a public TV show
Copy !req
557. the idea of the violent
overthrow of the country.
Copy !req
558. And it's covered under free speech.
Copy !req
559. How cool is that?
Copy !req
560. But we can't trust the government
to always be okay with that.
Copy !req
561. We have to trust. Well,
Copy !req
562. the Americans all around us.
Copy !req
563. Have had.
Copy !req
564. To go.
Copy !req
565. Have you heard about the,
TV show Desperate Housewives?
Copy !req
566. The. What's.
Copy !req
567. The.
Copy !req