1. Penn, this is my partner, Teller.
Copy !req
2. We're the hosts of this show,
and most of these shows,
Copy !req
3. he's had a real personal interest.
Copy !req
4. We drink bottled water,
we're circumcised.
Copy !req
5. I'm fat.
Copy !req
6. I don't like to exercise.
Copy !req
7. And one of us used to date that bitch,
Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
8. But today's show is a little bit
Copy !req
9. Tonight we're talking about hell.
Copy !req
10. And we know a lot of people care
a lot about hair.
Copy !req
11. They're trying to grow more hair
or get rid of hair.
Copy !req
12. Or if they don't have enough hair,
they're trying to put fake hair on.
Copy !req
13. But I haven't lost any hair.
Copy !req
14. It's just full now.
So there was a teenager.
Copy !req
15. I just wash it and tie it back
or have Phyllis tie it back.
Copy !req
16. Of course,
there's a lot of bullshit about hair.
Copy !req
17. But tell her and I,
we just don't think about it very much.
Copy !req
18. Tell her. Tell her
Copy !req
19. the hair stuff is bullshit.
Copy !req
20. I find that.
Copy !req
21. Hair gets.
Copy !req
22. The love
Copy !req
23. of. You.
Copy !req
24. Every year, American spend $34 billion
Copy !req
25. on retail haircare products
and 10 billion more in places like this.
Copy !req
26. There are more than 300,000 hair salons
in the U.S.
Copy !req
27. and nearly 700,000 licensed hairdressers.
Copy !req
28. There are hundreds of hair styles
and even more kinds of products.
Copy !req
29. Hair is one huge fucking business.
Copy !req
30. What's the big fucking deal
Copy !req
31. tonight?
Copy !req
32. Look at this hair hysteria
from every facet.
Copy !req
33. We'll meet people
Copy !req
34. who sell some hair gadgets
that promise more, and they can deliver.
Copy !req
35. Oh, people who take hair off.
Copy !req
36. Oh, good.
Copy !req
37. People who put hair back on a 60s folk
Copy !req
38. I'm Arlo Guthrie.
Copy !req
39. A few hairy people.
Copy !req
40. Okay, that's just for laughs.
Copy !req
41. The greatest hair trick in the world.
Copy !req
42. A hair historian.
Copy !req
43. Every episode needs a smart guy.
Copy !req
44. We'll also meet
a man who's fixated on his hair.
Copy !req
45. And we've got the biggest name in hair
Copy !req
46. Jose Eber, or at least
the biggest name in hair in 1978.
Copy !req
47. Is there one big name in hair today?
Copy !req
48. This is Mike Davis from Houston, Texas.
Copy !req
49. Few people think more about their hair
than he does.
Copy !req
50. I'm probably obsessed with my hair
at this point because I'm losing it.
Copy !req
51. Over the last year, the loss has gotten
much more rapid and much more progressive.
Copy !req
52. It makes me sad to know that I will,
Copy !req
53. one day be a bald man and old bald man.
Copy !req
54. Hey, Mike. Cheer up.
Copy !req
55. You're not alone.
Copy !req
56. According to the FDA, hair
loss affects nearly 40 million men.
Copy !req
57. Bald can be cool.
Copy !req
58. Michael Jordan, Ving Rhames.
Copy !req
59. Scatman Crothers.
Copy !req
60. If only Mike were black
and could act or play basketball.
Copy !req
61. Being bald is,
Copy !req
62. there.
Copy !req
63. There's a stigma attached to it,
and there's,
Copy !req
64. esthetic attached to it
that I'm not comfortable with.
Copy !req
65. And what's the stigma?
Copy !req
66. Hair is about two things.
Copy !req
67. It's about sex and power.
Copy !req
68. Some people equate baldness with weakness.
Copy !req
69. Who are those people?
Strong guys with hair.
Copy !req
70. This is Steve Z.
Copy !req
71. That me?
Copy !req
72. He's a professor of history
at West Virginia University,
Copy !req
73. and he specializes in the history of hair
and hairdressers.
Copy !req
74. Seriously?
Copy !req
75. And he asked us to give him this haircut
in exchange for our interview.
Copy !req
76. Being a professor of hair
must not pay very well.
Copy !req
77. We asked him why men go bald.
Copy !req
78. Professor.
Copy !req
79. I don't really know why men get bald,
but they seem to want to not be bald.
Copy !req
80. Okay, he was third choice on our list.
Copy !req
81. And so they turned to hair weaves and wigs
and and,
Copy !req
82. the juice of monkey glands
and all kinds of concoctions
Copy !req
83. to try and rub in their scalps
and make the hair grow again,
Copy !req
84. which generally doesn't work.
Copy !req
85. If we'd known in advance he was going
to say juice of monkey glands.
Copy !req
86. He would have been our first choice.
Copy !req
87. Man, this show delivers.
Copy !req
88. Anyway, professor,
what's the purpose of hair?
Copy !req
89. The purpose of hair on the head
seems to be to attract mate.
Copy !req
90. Seems purpose of, eyebrows.
Copy !req
91. I suppose it's to
keep things from rolling into your eyes.
Copy !req
92. Suppose he's supposed to be our expert.
Copy !req
93. The purpose of pubic hair.
Copy !req
94. Probably.
Copy !req
95. It's for, sexual cues.
Copy !req
96. And the same, with, with underarm hair.
Copy !req
97. Okay. So much for hair historian.
Copy !req
98. But at least he said juice of monkey
glands and pubic hair.
Copy !req
99. How about we talk to Josie Bear,
Copy !req
100. the world famous hairstylist to the stars.
Copy !req
101. Stars like Farrah, Cher and Liz Taylor.
Copy !req
102. I've always believed that
there's beauty in every woman
Copy !req
103. and that it's up to us stylist
to bring it out.
Copy !req
104. Josie charges 400 bucks for a haircut.
Copy !req
105. With prices like that,
there's got to be bullshit here.
Copy !req
106. I mean, he's wearing a black hat.
Copy !req
107. He must be a bad guy.
Copy !req
108. Sorry, I'm jumping to conclusions.
Copy !req
109. Maybe he's open some doggies later.
Copy !req
110. Let's meet one of his clients.
Copy !req
111. They can't be happy
dropping 400 bucks for Erica.
Copy !req
112. I come to the Jersey beer salon
Copy !req
113. because I feel a lot better about myself.
Copy !req
114. And I feel younger.
Copy !req
115. I feel like I look younger,
and it's worth every penny.
Copy !req
116. Of very clever, happy customers.
Copy !req
117. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
118. What if we make fun of what you do, I
mean, you can make fun of it, but I don't.
Copy !req
119. It's my business.
Copy !req
120. I love what I'm doing,
so I won't ever put it down
Copy !req
121. and take it lightly and make fun of it.
Copy !req
122. Like Penn and Teller will probably.
Copy !req
123. Fuck.
Copy !req
124. That's no fun, Josie.
Copy !req
125. Cool people really fuck up our show.
Copy !req
126. Meanwhile, back in Houston, our friend
Mike is still worried about his looks.
Copy !req
127. I wish hair was not so important.
Copy !req
128. I wish it was not as important in society.
Copy !req
129. I wish it was not as important
in the way that we're.
Copy !req
130. We're judged with looks.
Copy !req
131. To fight his baldness. Mike took the drug.
Copy !req
132. What? What? Oh, I guess we can't say that.
Copy !req
133. But it's rather expensive.
Copy !req
134. And you have to continue
to take it for it to work.
Copy !req
135. So I went online
and I ordered two months worth of online
Copy !req
136. on one of the online pharmacies,
and it was shipped from Mexico.
Copy !req
137. So Mike cut out that pesky
Copy !req
138. middleman is doctor and bought directly
from a Mexican pharmacy.
Copy !req
139. Muy, muy bad idea.
Copy !req
140. So after the second month that I took the,
Copy !req
141. I started noticing a little difficulty
in urination or,
Copy !req
142. you know, after
I would go to the bathroom,
Copy !req
143. I would dribble a little bit
more than what I was thought.
Copy !req
144. But I was in my mind,
I thought, well, if I can grow hair,
Copy !req
145. I can get over this
part. It's not a big deal.
Copy !req
146. A dribbling wiener.
Copy !req
147. Totally worth it.
Copy !req
148. A woman sees your hair long before she's
close enough to smell urine, dribble.
Copy !req
149. During the third month
of taking the Mexican,
Copy !req
150. I woke up one morning and had wet the bed.
Copy !req
151. I was in a huge puddle of piss.
Copy !req
152. Shit, I mean piss.
Copy !req
153. Maybe the drug you took lacked
the juice of monkey glands.
Copy !req
154. But I decided to continue
and a few days later
Copy !req
155. the same thing occurred and I thought,
oh, this is just crazy.
Copy !req
156. I can't believe I've gone to this length
to grow my hair.
Copy !req
157. But thankfully you did.
Copy !req
158. It's a great story for our show
and what else really matters.
Copy !req
159. The morning routine.
Copy !req
160. Basically, it's it's toned down more
so now than it was in the past.
Copy !req
161. I mean, basically it's one shampoo
Copy !req
162. which is a thickening shampoo
with a conditioner.
Copy !req
163. Mike we'll take it from here.
Copy !req
164. Now, after the
Copy !req
165. shower, Mike first sprays
some minoxidil into his hair
Copy !req
166. and he sprays it with some other shit,
probably a juice of monkey glands,
Copy !req
167. then rubs in some thickening
gel and mousses it real good.
Copy !req
168. Mousse it again,
Copy !req
169. wipes it all off,
Copy !req
170. but he brushes it
Copy !req
171. put, spraying it,
Copy !req
172. brushes it again.
Copy !req
173. And then he's done and done.
Copy !req
174. Other than people in the circus
who hang by their hair in jungle.
Copy !req
175. How many jobs are there really require
Copy !req
176. Okay, you tell me. Come on, lift me.
Copy !req
177. Lift. Get us some more guys in here.
Copy !req
178. Get the crew in here.
Copy !req
179. Let's make perfect.
Copy !req
180. Come on, you pussies, with me. Lift!
Copy !req
181. Okay. Don't lift me.
Copy !req
182. Go with me.
Copy !req
183. Don't stop with the lifting, okay? Oh.
Copy !req
184. The next place we're looking for
bullshit was
Copy !req
185. at the offices of As Seen on tv.com.
Copy !req
186. You know, this is the stuff
they sell on late night infomercials.
Copy !req
187. It's a pretty successful business.
Copy !req
188. Apparently, people awake at 2:00
am are agonizing about their hair.
Copy !req
189. Hare. Hare. Hare.
Copy !req
190. Everybody wants to do something
with their hair.
Copy !req
191. Danfoss Arnault, CEO of As Seen on TV.com.
Copy !req
192. Dan agreed to our interview.
Copy !req
193. As long as you met him in this hotel
conference room.
Copy !req
194. Something about not wanting
a bunch of vans with the word
Copy !req
195. bullshit printed on the side of them,
parked in front of his headquarters.
Copy !req
196. Scaredy cat I've seen on TV
offers a wide range of products for hair.
Copy !req
197. everything from hair removal to hair
trimming to hair
Copy !req
198. straightening and hair
growth and hair additions.
Copy !req
199. And then at the half of it,
they've got a mile of stuff.
Copy !req
200. things.
Copy !req
201. doohickeys.
Copy !req
202. plastic products primarily made
by Third World laborers, as seen on TV.
Copy !req
203. You know, you never know what's
going to come out for hair, but, you know,
Copy !req
204. thicker, longer, beautiful,
better groomed hair is where it's at.
Copy !req
205. Especially if you got the rival hairstyle
sold you to the company's pitchman.
Copy !req
206. He's going to pitch it for us.
Copy !req
207. People used to say, wives tale,
that you're supposed to
Copy !req
208. brush your hair 100 times,
so that way it keeps it nice and shiny.
Copy !req
209. Not everybody has enough time
to brush it 100 times.
Copy !req
210. But with this or you're going to do
is you're going to turn it on
Copy !req
211. and it's going to brush it for you.
Copy !req
212. And hey, we brush our hair and we like
battery operated phallic hand toys.
Copy !req
213. All the way.
Copy !req
214. Oh, no. Stop the tape before anyone see.
Copy !req
215. Oh, I hope that one doesn't go on
TV. Fuck.
Copy !req
216. Sorry, Saul.
Copy !req
217. Okay, maybe that wasn't fair.
Copy !req
218. They sell a lot of other things.
Copy !req
219. Maybe some of them actually work
like this thing
Copy !req
220. endorsed by the porn star Jenna Jameson.
Copy !req
221. She sure seems trustworthy in her movies.
Copy !req
222. Sometimes it's not the hair on top,
but it's the hair on the bottom
Copy !req
223. that you really want to take care of.
Copy !req
224. Well, this one is called Jenna Jameson
Hot Trimmer.
Copy !req
225. It's for personal grooming.
Copy !req
226. How personal can it be?
Copy !req
227. Your company is as seen on TV.
Copy !req
228. Personal grooming.
Copy !req
229. We're among adults here.
Copy !req
230. You can say feminine snatch shaven bush,
Copy !req
231. prune in your book,
or even kneading the beef curtains.
Copy !req
232. Any of those is fine.
Copy !req
233. Wow. Check it out.
Copy !req
234. The hot
Copy !req
235. trimmer comes
with all these cool stencils too,
Copy !req
236. so you can become
the Michelangelo of pubic hair.
Copy !req
237. This guy they dragged along for
their office is going to demonstrate.
Copy !req
238. If we run, HBO would have gotten the guy
and the pretty girl on the upside.
Copy !req
239. He can now add pubic hair model
to his resume.
Copy !req
240. Fuck.
Copy !req
241. You think Disney really gave them rights
for a pubic mouse?
Copy !req
242. What are you able to.
Copy !req
243. Remember?
Copy !req
244. You can only get these kind of results
with Jenna's hot trauma.
Copy !req
245. Yup. With the beef curtain. Neener.
Copy !req
246. You can turn oral sex in a dinner
and a show.
Copy !req
247. You getting. It? Moving on.
Copy !req
248. This is legendary folk singer
Arlo Guthrie, I love him.
Copy !req
249. I was at Woodstock.
Copy !req
250. And he's going to enlighten us
about the important relationship
Copy !req
251. between long hair and 1960s
era radicalism.
Copy !req
252. Well, you know, back in the 60s, there was
an established way of doing things.
Copy !req
253. And so people wanted to know
who they were, apart
Copy !req
254. from the established way of doing things,
apart from the establishment.
Copy !req
255. He got that right.
Copy !req
256. The establishment was responsible
for gross civil rights violations
Copy !req
257. at a despicable police action.
Copy !req
258. And this asshole and these tallawahs
Copy !req
259. I go on forever. Not to think of it,
I will.
Copy !req
260. And this jerk and these pricks
and this son of a bitch.
Copy !req
261. And you were pissed off.
Copy !req
262. Your government had lied to you.
Copy !req
263. Your ideals have been trampled.
Copy !req
264. Your music was marginalized
and your message of hope was called
Copy !req
265. unpatriotic. Fuck.
Copy !req
266. It was enough to make you
not get a haircut for a long time.
Copy !req
267. There was enough of us who said,
well, let's stop doing such idiotic stuff.
Copy !req
268. We don't need to go here.
We don't need to build that.
Copy !req
269. We don't need to do this.
Copy !req
270. And one of the ways
we looked a little different
Copy !req
271. was it just let our sort of natural selves
be what they were.
Copy !req
272. So people started to run around
naked and stuff
Copy !req
273. like that,
or letting their hair grow long.
Copy !req
274. I wasn't one of the
first category, by the way.
Copy !req
275. Yep. Back then, hair meant something,
Copy !req
276. but we wanted to know do
people still get so worked up about hair?
Copy !req
277. To find out, we set up shop
in this empty office and hired these two
Copy !req
278. actors, David and Julie, to play CEOs
looking for a temporary receptionist.
Copy !req
279. We wanted to see how accepting people
would be to a wide range of hairstyles
Copy !req
280. during a job interview.
Copy !req
281. The one setting where they're just
not allowed to show how they really feel.
Copy !req
282. Could we get our interviewees to crack
when they saw hair like this?
Copy !req
283. I think so.
Copy !req
284. So, And of course, you know, this is
like, the most busy time of the year.
Copy !req
285. You know,
it's like a totally hairy right now.
Copy !req
286. You do it.
Copy !req
287. Do you know Excel or Microsoft Word?
Copy !req
288. Yes. Your hair is like
I mesmerized by it. It's just gorgeous.
Copy !req
289. Thank you.
Copy !req
290. It's like I wish I had, like,
really long red curly hair.
Copy !req
291. Amazing.
Copy !req
292. to ease just a little bit of.
Copy !req
293. It's close to here.
Copy !req
294. We like these people.
Copy !req
295. We really had a job to offer.
Copy !req
296. Who cares about body hair and your boss?
Copy !req
297. But we're assholes.
We couldn't let it in there.
Copy !req
298. What's going on?
Copy !req
299. I have, like, the worst cramps in my foot.
Copy !req
300. Excuse me.
Copy !req
301. Hairy legs and hobbit toes.
Copy !req
302. That's not a real hair, but.
So what if it were?
Copy !req
303. These people are cool.
Copy !req
304. they must really want this job.
Copy !req
305. All right, what about this?
Copy !req
306. Well,
do you know Excel and Microsoft Word?
Copy !req
307. Great.
Copy !req
308. These are really tolerant people. Are you.
Copy !req
309. What if hair brought to mind
a lot of evil.
Copy !req
310. Would they crack then.
Copy !req
311. Oh, hey.
Copy !req
312. Oh. I'm sorry. You have somebody in here.
Copy !req
313. Oh that's okay. Mark.
Copy !req
314. This is hairy.
Copy !req
315. The thing is, the sky is the limit.
Copy !req
316. We are really taking off
and we are going to the top.
Copy !req
317. Holy shit.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Copy !req
318. He's Hitler.
Copy !req
319. we're starting in Europe now. Germany.
Copy !req
320. And then we're pushing into Poland.
Copy !req
321. The sky is the limit.
Copy !req
322. I mean, as far as I'm concerned.
Copy !req
323. World
domination of accounting is is my goal.
Copy !req
324. Everybody kept their goal.
Copy !req
325. They were behaving
exactly like you'd hope.
Copy !req
326. Was this really how they felt?
Copy !req
327. We'll tell you in just a little bit of a.
Copy !req
328. Well, people like our friend
Mike are desperate for more hair.
Copy !req
329. Some folks want less.
Copy !req
330. And for that, you can either shave
or go to a place like this.
Copy !req
331. Pink cheeks in Sherman Oaks, California.
Copy !req
332. They're the forefront of the modern
waxing revolution.
Copy !req
333. When you wax hair,
you take it out by the root,
Copy !req
334. and it takes six weeks to come back
and it comes back finer and lighter.
Copy !req
335. This is Cindy Thorn.
Copy !req
336. She owns Pink Cheeks, the store,
and maybe the things.
Copy !req
337. She's been waxing men and women
for more than 20 years.
Copy !req
338. And waxing becomes necessary to a client
Copy !req
339. after they've experienced it,
because they love the hygiene of it.
Copy !req
340. And intimately, it's wonderful.
Copy !req
341. And, hygienically, you can't beat it.
Copy !req
342. So waxing
is cleaner and dirtier and cleaner
Copy !req
343. and and dirtier and cleaner
Copy !req
344. and dirtier.
Copy !req
345. I mean, we go in and out all crevices.
Copy !req
346. We open them up and we go in and, you
know, wherever there's hair, we're there.
Copy !req
347. That's our motto.
Copy !req
348. That's a good motto, too. It rhymes.
Copy !req
349. Our motto is laughter. Your shit yourself.
Copy !req
350. Our motto sucks.
Copy !req
351. So here's our waxing works.
Copy !req
352. First, we need some hairy people.
Copy !req
353. We found Aaron, Adam and Michael
through an ad on craigslist.org.
Copy !req
354. Next, they each got naked. Fuck!
Copy !req
355. The internet's fantastic.
Copy !req
356. I wonder if Michael gets much work
as a pen lookalike.
Copy !req
357. Next, Cindy broke up a hot beeswax,
Copy !req
358. a wooden sticks, and the muslin rags.
Copy !req
359. We didn't move for today. Ron.
Copy !req
360. Save yourself.
Copy !req
361. Too late.
Copy !req
362. There.
Copy !req
363. Oh, no.
Copy !req
364. We could.
Copy !req
365. One. Two. Three.
Copy !req
366. Good.
Copy !req
367. Like that.
Copy !req
368. The girl.
Copy !req
369. Tighter. The skin.
Copy !req
370. The more thorough the pull.
Copy !req
371. I'm doing it.
Copy !req
372. But put a little glitter on you.
Copy !req
373. What usually surprises
people is how fast it goes.
Copy !req
374. It's kind of like a shark.
Copy !req
375. And then it's done and they go.
Copy !req
376. Oh, that wasn't so bad.
Copy !req
377. once it's done, it's wonderful.
Copy !req
378. Well, one of them seems to be enjoying
Copy !req
379. We'll come back for more, I swear.
Copy !req
380. As we studied hairstyles for this episode.
Copy !req
381. One style above all.
Copy !req
382. The others kept grabbing our attention.
Copy !req
383. The comb over that
Copy !req
384. antique, gravitational physics
defying eighth wonder of the world.
Copy !req
385. How the fuck do they do that?
Copy !req
386. Well,
this is our good friend Johnny Thompson,
Copy !req
387. one of the world's top magicians.
Copy !req
388. He works with us on our stage show.
Copy !req
389. This is a hard way to do it.
Copy !req
390. It's called a bank shot.
Copy !req
391. Seem.
Copy !req
392. But Johnny's bottle cap trick isn't
why he's here.
Copy !req
393. It's because he doesn't.
Copy !req
394. Even more baffling levitation
with his hair.
Copy !req
395. Johnny, you see,
has the greatest comb over in history.
Copy !req
396. I need a full head of hair.
Copy !req
397. And as you can see,
I really don't have one.
Copy !req
398. And now,
Copy !req
399. ladies and gentlemen, from his bathroom
in the shadow of the Las Vegas Strip.
Copy !req
400. Using only a hairbrush. Some hairspray.
Copy !req
401. A blow dryer, in this case,
the brown headband.
Copy !req
402. The great Tom. Sony.
Copy !req
403. I cut my hair out of the way here
a little bit so I can get the sand
Copy !req
404. away.
Copy !req
405. Well, I guess the comb over
Copy !req
406. don't look too good.
Copy !req
407. With your hair mousse.
Copy !req
408. So get everything the comb over.
Copy !req
409. And, I thought
Copy !req
410. you should.
Copy !req
411. Know.
Copy !req
412. Hairspray.
Copy !req
413. Works.
Copy !req
414. From time to time.
Copy !req
415. Care.
Copy !req
416. It's a fucking work of art. If.
Copy !req
417. Tell her I live a thousand years
will never do a trick as great as that.
Copy !req
418. Now it's time to check back in with Mike.
Copy !req
419. He's thinking about hair replacement.
Copy !req
420. I am open to the idea of hair
Copy !req
421. I'm curious about,
again, about the risk of infection.
Copy !req
422. I'm curious about the cost.
Copy !req
423. We want to know about hair
transplantation, too.
Copy !req
424. So we took Mike to see this guy.
Copy !req
425. Doctor Matt Leavitt, medical director
and founder of medical hair restoration.
Copy !req
426. Nice poster.
Copy !req
427. I wonder if those are his real teeth. Yep.
Copy !req
428. So, doc, why do some guys go bald?
Copy !req
429. There is a hormone
that is converted from testosterone.
Copy !req
430. that genetics allows to attach to hair.
Copy !req
431. Up here in the front and on the corners
Copy !req
432. and it causes the hair to shrink down
and eventually be lost.
Copy !req
433. And it only affects hair on the top
of your head, not the hair on your sides.
Copy !req
434. As you can see on
this piece of birthday cake,
Copy !req
435. it's what.
Copy !req
436. The hell is.
Copy !req
437. before that, what we're doing
is we're taking hair back here,
Copy !req
438. and we remove it actually in a very narrow
strip and under a microscope,
Copy !req
439. or cutting that hair
Copy !req
440. into one, two and three hairs,
which is how hair naturally grows.
Copy !req
441. And then we're making tiny,
tiny little incisions, little punctures,
Copy !req
442. and we're putting the hair
as close together as we can,
Copy !req
443. trying to duplicate nature.
Copy !req
444. And the doc isn't just the doc.
Copy !req
445. He's also a client.
Copy !req
446. If you take a look at my head,
this is all transplants up here. Wow.
Copy !req
447. Okay.
Copy !req
448. Yet if you put your hand in here, it's
not as dense is here or here.
Copy !req
449. But when people take a look at me,
they don't go, you know, doc,
Copy !req
450. you know, a nice transplant
or you're losing your hair.
Copy !req
451. It just looks like a natural head of hair.
Copy !req
452. It looks fine.
Copy !req
453. So should my go to
your hair transplant doctor.
Copy !req
454. We're
going to go in between and interdigital.
Copy !req
455. In between all these hairs.
Copy !req
456. Like here, you have more hair loss.
Copy !req
457. So we'll put a lot of hair
like in this area digitally.
Copy !req
458. There must be some fancy medical term
Copy !req
459. where we can figure it out from context
and the roots.
Copy !req
460. It means.
Copy !req
461. whatever I put on InterDigital,
if I was to do his head
Copy !req
462. from the front to the back,
it would probably cost about 70, five.
Copy !req
463. Hundred, 7500 bucks.
Copy !req
464. Oh, Mike's not this desperate, right?
Copy !req
465. But do you think you might actually do
it? Absolutely.
Copy !req
466. Even to that ray gun behind
Mike's head must be sucking out his brain.
Copy !req
467. In the meantime, our doohickey parade
Copy !req
468. as seen on TV continues.
Copy !req
469. Now. Cut your own hair.
Copy !req
470. Cut your family's hair
in just a few minutes.
Copy !req
471. It's a personal, versatile hair cutting
salon in the palm of your hand.
Copy !req
472. All you need is a vacuum cleaner
and the flow.
Copy !req
473. And you have to go.
Copy !req
474. The vacuum
Copy !req
475. pulls your hair into the chamber,
and it's cut by little teeth, so it sucks.
Copy !req
476. It's always being
Copy !req
477. offered at a very reasonable price
of about 5995.
Copy !req
478. There you go.
Copy !req
479. It's a damn sight
cheaper to suck hair off and stick it on.
Copy !req
480. We love this thing. Why?
Copy !req
481. Because if you're like this guy, you
clearly don't give a shit how you look.
Copy !req
482. And that is true liberation.
Copy !req
483. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
484. The rest will follow him.
Copy !req
485. So look at these faces.
Copy !req
486. These are the people
who are making a living from our vanity.
Copy !req
487. You'll meet this lady in a bit.
Copy !req
488. And then there's this asshole hole. Yes.
Copy !req
489. We've been setting it up for two
and a half seasons.
Copy !req
490. Woo hoo!
Copy !req
491. Oh my goodness.
We could go camping in that.
Copy !req
492. We kind of have nicknames for body parts
because it makes people laugh.
Copy !req
493. It lightens them up.
It makes them feel comfortable.
Copy !req
494. We call them vagina area hooter.
Copy !req
495. We call that a Larry, a wanker.
Copy !req
496. And I, I call it the winker
because when they put hot wax on it,
Copy !req
497. it usually winks at me.
Copy !req
498. To me, pussy.
Copy !req
499. An asshole
like cute enough had pink cheeks.
Copy !req
500. When they do this, it's called a Playboy.
Copy !req
501. When they get all the hair out
of your ass, they call that a Brazilian?
Copy !req
502. Not if you're a Brazilian.
Copy !req
503. And have some idea why. Please write in.
Copy !req
504. Oh, and in Clude a photo of yourself
and a daytime phone number.
Copy !req
505. You're set babe. You're done.
Copy !req
506. You're totally great.
Copy !req
507. Let's imagine you're looking for romance.
Copy !req
508. Someone who loves you is attractive and
sexy and has a job shares your worldview.
Copy !req
509. Now, a lot of that
you can find out on the web.
Copy !req
510. But once you meet face to face,
is there any stupid a way
Copy !req
511. to pick them by looking at the hair?
Copy !req
512. Do you really want to miss out on her
Copy !req
513. because of this hair?
Copy !req
514. Does this hair make him less hunky?
Copy !req
515. If all you're looking at
is the hair, you're
Copy !req
516. missing some major points.
Copy !req
517. Now, this is what you should be
looking for.
Copy !req
518. Now we have a level
Copy !req
519. playing.
Copy !req
520. Now you know we want some credit for this.
Copy !req
521. We could have easily done this scene
with editor and who cares?
Copy !req
522. You're just looking at nearly naked people
Copy !req
523. But we had to do it the hard way.
We did it live.
Copy !req
524. We really did.
Copy !req
525. If you want some credit
for that, how cool is this?
Copy !req
526. I should have done it with editing.
Copy !req
527. Back in Houston,
our friend Mike is visiting
Copy !req
528. the office of Jackie
Donovan, a 25 year licensed cosmetologist
Copy !req
529. and owner of Changing Images,
one of Houston's finest toupee shops.
Copy !req
530. But don't say the T word.
Copy !req
531. There's no such thing as a toupee today.
Copy !req
532. Some people call it hairpiece.
Copy !req
533. I prefer a hair system or grafted hair.
Copy !req
534. As technology changes,
we've become more sophisticated.
Copy !req
535. I'm not sure sophisticated
is the word I'd use.
Copy !req
536. And just so you know, Jackie told us her
rugs were a technology.
Copy !req
537. Eight other times.
Copy !req
538. Technology.
Copy !req
539. Technology technology technology
technology technology.
Copy !req
540. You. Technology. The technology.
Copy !req
541. Okay, so why would anyone want a two part
hair system?
Copy !req
542. Technology? It builds self-confidence.
Copy !req
543. When they leave with good head of hair,
I can see a huge difference.
Copy !req
544. They hold their shoulders
up, their head up.
Copy !req
545. I mean, it just makes a big difference
in their self-esteem.
Copy !req
546. Them some big words.
Copy !req
547. Let's see if Mike's shoulders go up
Copy !req
548. for. Me.
Copy !req
549. You can run your hands through your hair
and you.
Copy !req
550. Cannot tell it to. Do.
Copy !req
551. Show up.
Copy !req
552. Do you think Penn or Teller
either one have artificial hair?
Copy !req
553. Or do you think that's
actually their hair? What do you think?
Copy !req
554. I think the one with the ponytail is fake.
Copy !req
555. I resent that, Mike.
Copy !req
556. This is absolutely my own hair.
Copy !req
557. And I didn't have to wet
the bed to get it.
Copy !req
558. Hey, he started one of my hands.
Copy !req
559. However, totally fake,
and want to tell his
Copy !req
560. eyes.
Copy !req
561. Man, that is a hair system.
Copy !req
562. I'm really amazed at how I look.
Copy !req
563. It's it's.
Copy !req
564. I think it's taken years off
my, My appearance.
Copy !req
565. It's really. It's a strange feeling
to have a head full of hair.
Copy !req
566. Not only is it hair, it's a comedy prop.
Copy !req
567. Sort of.
Copy !req
568. Mike sniffs too much hairspray
and decides to get one of his
Copy !req
569. ladies to, I mean, technology systems.
Copy !req
570. We take it off and throw it away
every three months and give you a new one.
Copy !req
571. So you're so
everything is always fresh and nice.
Copy !req
572. That program, it runs $1,250 down
Copy !req
573. $250 a month.
Copy !req
574. That includes two weeks of service.
Copy !req
575. I mean service every two weeks
Copy !req
576. and new hair every three months.
Copy !req
577. That's almost five grand a year.
Copy !req
578. I could not see myself wearing a rug.
Copy !req
579. There's no way. The ultimate.
Copy !req
580. At the end of the day,
Copy !req
581. I'm still miked. It's
not going to really matter
Copy !req
582. if I've got a few extra strands of hair
or not.
Copy !req
583. I just I just need to be who I am.
Copy !req
584. Don't tell me someone's going to learn
something from this fucking episode.
Copy !req
585. Hey, we almost forgot.
Copy !req
586. Karen. Thank you.
Copy !req
587. You okay?
Copy !req
588. Back on our job
interview are receptionist candidates.
Copy !req
589. We're still keeping their cool.
Copy !req
590. No way we are going to let them get away
with that.
Copy !req
591. Julie. Oh, crap.
Copy !req
592. Could you just help Mike? Sure.
Copy !req
593. This is usually not part of the interview,
Copy !req
594. but if I just want to get that underneath
and cover it up.
Copy !req
595. But yet. There.
Copy !req
596. Okay.
Copy !req
597. Better. Good. Good. Okay.
Copy !req
598. Oh, I don't want to say we got desperate,
but the airport.
Copy !req
599. Yeah. Period.
Copy !req
600. I cannot find the Bates file anywhere.
Copy !req
601. I'm sorry. Do you have.
Copy !req
602. Did I? Oh, no.
Copy !req
603. Oh, no. Yes.
Copy !req
604. There's one other thing I got.
Copy !req
605. So they beat us fair and square.
Copy !req
606. We had to confess.
Copy !req
607. You're on television.
Copy !req
608. Excuse me.
Copy !req
609. This is actually Penn and Teller.
Copy !req
610. Bullshit.
Copy !req
611. You'll be on showtime.
Copy !req
612. Oh, God.
Copy !req
613. Oh, that's.
Copy !req
614. Oh my God.
Copy !req
615. What did our hidden camera
experiment prove?
Copy !req
616. That was the worst.
Copy !req
617. If you got bad hair,
no one is going to tell you.
Copy !req
618. At least not on a job interview.
Copy !req
619. I'm still looking for a job.
Copy !req
620. I just think in a free country,
you ought to be free.
Copy !req
621. And part of being free means that
Copy !req
622. you give as much room to other people
so they can be free.
Copy !req
623. And whether somebody has got short hair,
medium hair, this hair, long hair, black
Copy !req
624. hair, blond hair, blue hair or whatever
it is, spiky hair or an unspoken here.
Copy !req
625. I mean, people ought to be free
to have some fun and try out
Copy !req
626. being different people
Copy !req
627. until you settle in on
somebody that you're comfortable being.
Copy !req
628. So it seems like it isn't hair
or hair products that are bullshit.
Copy !req
629. It's how we feel about ourselves
and each other.
Copy !req
630. Be nice.
Copy !req
631. We can't all have great hair.
Copy !req
632. Don't hate us because we're beautiful.
Copy !req
633. Hate us because we're assholes.
Copy !req
634. Harry. Assholes.
Copy !req
635. Good night. Oh!
Copy !req