1. Hi, I'm Penn Jillette.
Copy !req
2. This is my partner, Teller.
Copy !req
3. We received this, letter from a viewer,
and it really.
Copy !req
4. It really moved us.
Copy !req
5. We wanted to share it
with our only friend. You,
Copy !req
6. dear Penn and Teller.
Copy !req
7. So far, so good.
Copy !req
8. Fuck you.
Copy !req
9. You see, I.
Copy !req
10. I could feel it turning right there.
Copy !req
11. You've taken away my self-righteous
joy of recycling the calm
Copy !req
12. I received from Feng Shuang.
Copy !req
13. And now that I know
reflexology is bullshit.
Copy !req
14. My sciatica is acting up again.
Copy !req
15. Are you trying to ruin everything
that's good in this world?
Copy !req
16. Have you no decency?
Copy !req
17. What's next?
Copy !req
18. You're gonna dig up shit and tell us.
Copy !req
19. Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi
and the Dalai Lama are assholes.
Copy !req
20. Fuck you.
Copy !req
21. Sincerely, Michael Goodall.
Copy !req
22. Well, thanks for writing, Michael.
Copy !req
23. Good thinking.
Copy !req
24. We get kind of all caught up
in the American bullshit.
Copy !req
25. We sometimes forget there's a whole wide
world full of bullshit out there.
Copy !req
26. It's time we get off our American asses
and search for some bullshit overseas.
Copy !req
27. Hey, we can smell it from here.
Copy !req
28. So we checked.
Copy !req
29. And. Yep, when it comes to Mother Teresa,
Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama,
Copy !req
30. there really is a lot of bullshit.
Copy !req
31. I sure hope hell is bullshit too,
because if not,
Copy !req
32. we are going there for this one.
Copy !req
33. I find this.
Copy !req
34. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
35. Okay okay
Copy !req
36. okay. I.
Copy !req
37. Hope. You.
Copy !req
38. See? You.
Copy !req
39. Is blessed by God.
Copy !req
40. And he's a very giving person.
Copy !req
41. Very caring. He loves children.
Copy !req
42. He's very generous.
Copy !req
43. I mean, he just never.
Copy !req
44. I mean, he always amazes me.
Copy !req
45. No, she's not talking about Gandhi,
the Dalai Lama or Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
46. These women have gathered on this night
to worship yet another savior.
Copy !req
47. But can you guess?
Copy !req
48. Who are you?
Copy !req
49. Cares for everybody.
Copy !req
50. And he makes you feel important as well.
Copy !req
51. All the dreams that we want to happen.
Copy !req
52. He's made them happen.
Copy !req
53. Well, that is a really.
Copy !req
54. It's just incredible
what he's done to bring us all together.
Copy !req
55. I think if it was up to him,
he would be out there with us.
Copy !req
56. How many people can touch lives like that?
Copy !req
57. We'll check back with these ladies
in a bit.
Copy !req
58. It's the same old story.
Copy !req
59. Almost every successful religion
Copy !req
60. is built on some guy or gal
who is holier than thou.
Copy !req
61. For the best recent example.
Copy !req
62. Look no further than this woman,
Mother Teresa,
Copy !req
63. who is more popular today than she was
before her death in 1997.
Copy !req
64. This has been lost in the Vatican,
Copy !req
65. which has her book
To the Express train to sainthood.
Copy !req
66. They're not stupid.
Copy !req
67. Well, they're not that kind of stupid.
Copy !req
68. Maybe it's just us,
but it sure seems like anyone
Copy !req
69. who has an aura of holier
than thou is usually pretty often.
Copy !req
70. Kind of always not.
Copy !req
71. We're really sure that there's a lot
of bullshit involved with Mother Teresa,
Copy !req
72. and if we're wrong, it's pretty clear
God is going to strike, is dead.
Copy !req
73. We're betting that's bullshit, too.
Copy !req
74. So to make it easier for God, we're
wearing the lightning rods on our heads.
Copy !req
75. Come on, God, we're right here.
Copy !req
76. Any time, any place.
Copy !req
77. Mother Teresa. Bullshit.
Copy !req
78. Here's a man
who was such an authority on holiness.
Copy !req
79. He once tried to prevent Penn and Teller
from performing at the Super Bowl.
Copy !req
80. And now we happily let him on our TV show.
Copy !req
81. Maybe we are holier than thou, asshole.
Copy !req
82. And I've never seen any single person
as revered as Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
83. From people all over the world
from different civilizations, religions,
Copy !req
84. and demographic groups.
Copy !req
85. I'm Bill Donahue, and I'm
Copy !req
86. the president of the Catholic League
for Religious and Civil Rights.
Copy !req
87. Bill likes to point out mother Teresa's
message of peace and love.
Copy !req
88. We should have more people
like as a role model.
Copy !req
89. Unfortunately we don't. One man's opinion.
Copy !req
90. Here's another.
Copy !req
91. I would just climb
Mother Teresa as a fraud.
Copy !req
92. A fanatic and a fundamentalist.
Copy !req
93. I'm Christopher Hitchens,
and I'm the author of a book
Copy !req
94. called The Missionary Position,
which investigates Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
95. Christopher Hitchens is to the Catholic
Church and Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
96. What Michael Moore is to a ham sandwich.
Copy !req
97. Relentless, unstoppable and without fear.
Copy !req
98. We love. Hitchens.
Copy !req
99. Everything
everybody thinks they know about is false.
Copy !req
100. Not just most of the things.
Copy !req
101. All the things.
Copy !req
102. It must be the most single, successful
emotional con job of the 20th century.
Copy !req
103. She was corrupt, nasty, cynical and cruel.
Copy !req
104. Mother Teresa was known for her home
for the dying in Calcutta, India.
Copy !req
105. It sure ain't a hospital.
Copy !req
106. We don't. Doctors saving lives.
Copy !req
107. This is just a place for victims
to suffer and die by the rules
Copy !req
108. of the Catholic Church.
Copy !req
109. You went to Calcutta.
Copy !req
110. You had a 50% chance of running into her.
Copy !req
111. Maybe much more likely you'd find her
with Nancy Reagan
Copy !req
112. or Princess
Diana off in some foreign capital
Copy !req
113. of beating the bushes
and posing for pictures.
Copy !req
114. Or even worse than that,
with real crooks and exploiters
Copy !req
115. and robbers of the poor
such as the Duvalier family in Haiti.
Copy !req
116. Wait up the same Duvalier family
that raped and pillage
Copy !req
117. the Haitian countryside, terrorizing
everyone and their iron fisted rule.
Copy !req
118. Hard to believe,
but all Mother Teresa, in this 1991
Copy !req
119. photo op with baby Doc's wife
proclaims, devalues love.
Copy !req
120. The poor for the poor loved them.
Copy !req
121. And most outrageous of all, quote.
Copy !req
122. It was a beautiful lesson for me.
Copy !req
123. She did press
some people who were wealthy to give money
Copy !req
124. so that she could use it in a way
to help the poor,
Copy !req
125. and to set up the orphanages
and the hospices.
Copy !req
126. Oh, she used the dough to help
the very people from whom it was taken.
Copy !req
127. Well, no.
Copy !req
128. If there is a big program to ameliorate
Copy !req
129. Haiti run by her order,
I've never heard of it. Yep.
Copy !req
130. According to some, she took the
undisclosed amount and ran back to India.
Copy !req
131. The Haitians, you know,
the ones who worked for the money
Copy !req
132. that had stolen from them
by their government got diddly squat.
Copy !req
133. So how does the Catholic Church
defend the spectacle of sleaze
Copy !req
134. as usual and bullshit?
Copy !req
135. The end always justifies the means.
Copy !req
136. Well, she's not endorsing them.
Copy !req
137. She's simply shaking hands.
Copy !req
138. I mean, quite frankly,
Copy !req
139. if you're going to take money
from some people to give to the poor,
Copy !req
140. does it make any sense
to take it from the poor?
Copy !req
141. Does it make any sense
to take it from the middle class?
Copy !req
142. Wouldn't you take it from the rich?
Copy !req
143. I find myself rather astonished.
Copy !req
144. It's simply an excuse.
Copy !req
145. Excuse making for theft and for deceit.
Copy !req
146. It's softness on crime.
Copy !req
147. Mother tea also accepted over $1 million
from Charles Keating, whose junk
Copy !req
148. bond debacle caused more than 21,000
Copy !req
149. old folks to lose their life savings.
Copy !req
150. When she got the money
from Charles Keating,
Copy !req
151. he hadn't been indicted about anything.
Copy !req
152. He hadn't even been accused of anything.
So what was she supposed to do?
Copy !req
153. The money was already spent
Copy !req
154. by the time that we found out
that this guy was a crook.
Copy !req
155. So the Vatican couldn't write a check.
Copy !req
156. There's something asshole in that,
Copy !req
157. no matter what the evidence.
Copy !req
158. Fuckers like Bill Donahue
see only the good in Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
159. For her work.
She's won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Copy !req
160. She's won 124
different international prizes.
Copy !req
161. She's the most revered person
amongst the people
Copy !req
162. in India,
with the exception of Mahatma Gandhi.
Copy !req
163. We'll get back to Mother Teresa
in a moment.
Copy !req
164. But, man,
we're glad the fucker mentioned Gandhi.
Copy !req
165. Now, Gandhi did a lot of good
for the world.
Copy !req
166. He used nonviolence to free his people
from British colonial rule.
Copy !req
167. Gandhi was a good guy.
Copy !req
168. Our problem with Mahatma Gandhi
isn't the Gandhi part.
Copy !req
169. That just means grocer.
Copy !req
170. It's the Mahatma part that bothers us.
Copy !req
171. Mahatma means sage or saint, which is how
people think of them nowadays.
Copy !req
172. We're fine with sage.
Copy !req
173. He was a very wise man.
Copy !req
174. And sage is terrific. Rubbed on turkey.
Copy !req
175. But Saint same applies
an information source beyond even Google.
Copy !req
176. I had a wonderful relationship
Copy !req
177. with him around Gandhi,
grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.
Copy !req
178. Yep, we actually pestered Gandhi's
grandson to answer our questions. It's
Copy !req
179. amazing when a couple of Emmy nominations
and a ftdi tickler book can get you.
Copy !req
180. I think that he was a very simple,
sincere person.
Copy !req
181. He was a very committed person.
Copy !req
182. He was a very humble person.
Copy !req
183. Sincere, committed, even humble.
Copy !req
184. We'll give you all that.
Copy !req
185. But Mahatma,
this guy has got quite a different take.
Copy !req
186. Hey, what's the one of the bad guys
in the second Indiana Jones movie?
Copy !req
187. Colonel J.B.
Copy !req
188. Singh, author of Gandhi
Behind the Mask of Divinity.
Copy !req
189. Guess not.
Copy !req
190. Behind this image of Gandhi
that we came to accept.
Copy !req
191. There's a lot more going on.
Copy !req
192. JB Singh has been studying Gandhi
for 21 years.
Copy !req
193. A former follower in his younger
Copy !req
194. days, Singh won his own way
after uncovering some kind of a Mahatma.
Copy !req
195. Facts about the bald and bespectacled one.
Copy !req
196. Singh focuses on Gandhi's
early years in South Africa,
Copy !req
197. where he wore this really bitchin doo
and fought against discrimination.
Copy !req
198. Well, discrimination
against Indians, not a native Africans.
Copy !req
199. Gandhi's
Copy !req
200. politics in South Africa was driven
by race,
Copy !req
201. particularly
a racial hatred of black people,
Copy !req
202. calling them curfews
that were just niggers,
Copy !req
203. uncivilized, uneducated animals.
Copy !req
204. Now, before we rip Gandhi
a new asshole for being racist and he was,
Copy !req
205. let us not get too fucking holier
than thou.
Copy !req
206. Well, Gandhi was bad mouthing
the African blacks.
Copy !req
207. Our U.S.
Copy !req
208. Supreme Court was backing segregation
and the KKK were the heroes.
Copy !req
209. And the hit movie birth of a nation.
Copy !req
210. So sure as fuck.
Copy !req
211. We are not saying any of us Americans
were holier than Gandhi.
Copy !req
212. But listen to
what Gandhi said about blacks in Africa.
Copy !req
213. Now tell her, and I don't want to be on
camera during this. Tell her.
Copy !req
214. Get our little Gandhi puppet.
Copy !req
215. The the cafe is solely a mission.
Copy !req
216. Is to collect a certain number of cattle
to buy a wife with,
Copy !req
217. and then best his life in indolence
and nakedness.
Copy !req
218. They are loafers, a species of humanity
almost unknown.
Copy !req
219. Among the events.
Copy !req
220. Okay, so my bullshit Indian accent
Copy !req
221. is pretty fucking racist,
but did you hear those words?
Copy !req
222. He's telling everyone.
Copy !req
223. No no no no.
Copy !req
224. Do not mistake
the Indians for the niggers.
Copy !req
225. He did not want to be with them.
Copy !req
226. He did not like their food.
Copy !req
227. He did not like their behaviors.
Copy !req
228. He just had nothing to do with them.
Copy !req
229. But I was very careful
Copy !req
230. to make my own position very clear.
Copy !req
231. He sure did.
Copy !req
232. Gandhi started a newspaper,
Indian Opinion, in which he laid out
Copy !req
233. his racial beliefs in four languages.
Copy !req
234. Gandhi had written at least 16 columns
Copy !req
235. in that newspaper inciting the Indians,
Copy !req
236. inciting the Indians to go after blacks.
Copy !req
237. I don't agree
that grandfather was a racist.
Copy !req
238. You know, he was living in a different era
Copy !req
239. and different circumstances
than we are living now.
Copy !req
240. That's true.
Copy !req
241. He was living in a time
when racism was the norm.
Copy !req
242. So Gandhi was normal
and pretty clearly not a saint.
Copy !req
243. If you happen to go to volume eight
and nine of of collected works of Mahatma
Copy !req
244. Gandhi, you can read Gandhi's own writings
about the racial hatred of black people.
Copy !req
245. Gandhi never claimed to be a saint.
Copy !req
246. He said he had all the weaknesses
of an ordinary person and
Copy !req
247. one of the weaknesses was sexual sex.
Copy !req
248. Who's talking about sex?
Copy !req
249. But hey, if you want to go there.
Copy !req
250. Gandhi is sleeping naked with young girls.
Copy !req
251. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
252. He's sleeping naked with the girls.
Copy !req
253. And the girls are naked too.
Copy !req
254. He's sleeping naked with the girls.
Copy !req
255. And the girls are naked too. Cool.
Copy !req
256. Grandfather did indulge in this experiment
to find out whether he had been able
Copy !req
257. to conquer his sexual,
you know, weaknesses.
Copy !req
258. What he's doing is preserving his semen.
Copy !req
259. And according to the yoga doctrine,
that gives him a spiritual power.
Copy !req
260. Sure. In one nasty case of blue balls.
Copy !req
261. But hold on.
Copy !req
262. There's more shit on Gandhi. Literally.
Copy !req
263. Sources
say Gandhi was concerned about internal.
Copy !req
264. Cleanliness and routinely received.
Copy !req
265. Enemas and also performed enemas
on young girls night.
Copy !req
266. That's wrong.
Copy !req
267. He never performed young animals
on young girls.
Copy !req
268. Well, at least it wasn't standard
operating procedure.
Copy !req
269. Giving enemas became a standard
operating procedure for him.
Copy !req
270. Oh, the Holy Father will ask them to.
Copy !req
271. Sister,
did you have a good bowel movement?
Copy !req
272. And of course, if sisters didn't have the
Copy !req
273. good bowel movement,
the Holy Father would be ready there to
Copy !req
274. put it in the back
and let them have the enema.
Copy !req
275. So early in the morning,
the shit is all over.
Copy !req
276. Yep. Gandhi was a giver.
Copy !req
277. I believe in constructive criticism, but
Copy !req
278. raking up this kind of,
Copy !req
279. negativity there,
it doesn't really make much sense to me.
Copy !req
280. Man, we're lucky he's into that
nonviolence thing.
Copy !req
281. Back of the mysterious gathering.
Copy !req
282. The food was nice and hot,
and the ladies were warming up.
Copy !req
283. He puts out that he's a Christian and
he has certain things that he believes in.
Copy !req
284. I met him last March in a meet and greet,
Copy !req
285. and we weren't allowed
to ask him questions.
Copy !req
286. He wasn't supposed to talk.
Copy !req
287. We like to identify with people
Copy !req
288. who are seen as incredibly moral, as
incredibly powerful, incredibly righteous.
Copy !req
289. Tom Basinski, a social psychologist
at the University of Colorado
Copy !req
290. at Colorado Springs.
Copy !req
291. They make us feel secure.
Copy !req
292. They exemplify our values.
Copy !req
293. They provide a shining example of what
we think the world ought to be like.
Copy !req
294. He's involved in so many, so many
charities and so many things for children.
Copy !req
295. I mean, it's it's a beautiful thing.
Copy !req
296. And, it just warms my heart.
Copy !req
297. Who the fuck are they talking about?
Copy !req
298. Sounds like a male motherfucking Theresa.
Copy !req
299. You know what?
Copy !req
300. Mother Theresa isn't even her real name.
Copy !req
301. That's her real name.
Copy !req
302. What's she hiding?
Copy !req
303. She never had kids.
Her name is not Theresa.
Copy !req
304. So what's the deal with all the money?
Copy !req
305. Agnes.
Copy !req
306. Guten tag.
Copy !req
307. The bow hug. Mother Theresa.
Copy !req
308. Agnes. Gonzales. Boyardee. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
309. On a world travel, she raised well over 50
million bucks by some account.
Copy !req
310. And yet, where did all of it go?
Copy !req
311. Well, as with most bullshit.
Copy !req
312. Follow the money.
Copy !req
313. Mother Teresa's money is mostly spent on
religious activities and not on the poor.
Copy !req
314. Doctor Arup Chatterjee,
author of Mother Teresa The Final Verdict.
Copy !req
315. According to this guy.
Copy !req
316. Mother Teresa built over 100 facilities
around the world, all bearing her name
Copy !req
317. and that of her organization,
missionaries of Charity.
Copy !req
318. Which is a lot
better than the original name.
Copy !req
319. Nuns on the Dole.
Copy !req
320. If you look at the breakdown
of our organization
Copy !req
321. throughout the world,
you would find that half or slightly
Copy !req
322. more than half
are actually nunnery and brothers homes.
Copy !req
323. I don't think that's what people thought
they were giving their money for.
Copy !req
324. Was the building
of a religious institutions to hire
Copy !req
325. and train an order of completely obedient,
uneducated nuns.
Copy !req
326. I don't know what's creepier
that this was a real agenda for that.
Copy !req
327. Stooges like Catholic boy here. Admit it.
Copy !req
328. Mother Teresa was not interested
in having blue chip hospices.
Copy !req
329. She was interested in expanding them.
Copy !req
330. Let's take a tour of her home
for the dying and Calcutta.
Copy !req
331. It won't be a happy stroll.
Copy !req
332. This so-called home for the dying,
Copy !req
333. which is our flagship
home, is the grimmest place imaginable.
Copy !req
334. Mother Teresa's
Copy !req
335. order does not provide
for proper beds in the home.
Copy !req
336. There are little hammocks.
Copy !req
337. There's a communal toilet that people have
to defecate in presence of each other.
Copy !req
338. They're not allowed visits
from their friends or relatives.
Copy !req
339. Very strange.
Copy !req
340. They have to line the better.
Copy !req
341. Sit in the bed consistently.
Copy !req
342. She had the fucking point
and she pissed it away on these.
Copy !req
343. Okay, this is really pissing us off.
Copy !req
344. Come on, let's check out her books and,
Copy !req
345. you know,
see exactly how all of her money is spent.
Copy !req
346. missionaries of Charity is the only
Copy !req
347. Indian charitable organization
which do not
Copy !req
348. publish its accounts
Copy !req
349. for the public to obtain them.
Copy !req
350. much of our foreign
money is kept in the Vatican Bank.
Copy !req
351. This is.
Copy !req
352. Fucking quote.
Copy !req
353. but these bullshit living conditions.
Copy !req
354. That's not very Christlike.
Copy !req
355. Or is it?
Copy !req
356. This is Christ and the broken body.
Copy !req
357. And we catch him.
Copy !req
358. And that that is, comes from the deep
faith that Christ cannot deceive.
Copy !req
359. It was her obsession with suffering
Copy !req
360. and and her obsession
Copy !req
361. that people need to suffer
in order to come close to Jesus.
Copy !req
362. Obsession with suffering.
Copy !req
363. All we need is an insider who can verify
Copy !req
364. You know, like a former nun or something.
Copy !req
365. I'm Kelly Dunham.
Copy !req
366. I'm an excellent on the run
and a stand up comic.
Copy !req
367. And I'm hanging out here
in front of this Catholic church.
Copy !req
368. Seek and ye shall find.
Copy !req
369. So, like most of you,
I'm sure I, used to be a nun.
Copy !req
370. I'm an excellent.
Copy !req
371. Kelly's a stand up comic in Philadelphia.
Copy !req
372. But at one time she was called Sister
Mercy and worked side by side with Mother
Copy !req
373. Teresa in a convent in New York,
which she saw surprised her.
Copy !req
374. The biggest thing that I think that Mother
Teresa should maybe be held
Copy !req
375. accountable for is this cult of suffering
that she's created.
Copy !req
376. She definitely has a kind of harsh side.
Copy !req
377. At the
Copy !req
378. convent, Kelly was moved by the pain
and misery of the residents, but angered
Copy !req
379. by how she was instructed to deal with it,
she was told to be like Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
380. It was required for you to kind of subvert
every human emotion.
Copy !req
381. If one of the goals of the missionaries
of Charity is to really love people.
Copy !req
382. you've essentially cut yourself off
from loving people.
Copy !req
383. That was a life Kelly didn't want.
Copy !req
384. Hopefully this will cover my soul
for talking shit about Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
385. So she quit the church.
Copy !req
386. Could never get them lit
when I was a nun, either.
Copy !req
387. They're in the business
of alleviating suffering, but I think that
Copy !req
388. they believe a lot in suffering,
and it's hard to do both at the same time.
Copy !req
389. So what was it with Mother Teresa's
Copy !req
390. Kink. Is that how she got off?
Copy !req
391. Mother Teresa wanted people
Copy !req
392. to live in impoverished conditions
so she could identify with the poor
Copy !req
393. whom she serving.
Copy !req
394. Whoa! Let's play that back.
Copy !req
395. Did he just say what I think he said?
Copy !req
396. Oh, absolutely.
Copy !req
397. Mother Teresa wanted people
Copy !req
398. to live in impoverished conditions
so she could identify with the poor
Copy !req
399. whom she serving.
Copy !req
400. They had to suffer so mother
fucking Teresa could be enlightened.
Copy !req
401. Oh, what a saint she must.
Copy !req
402. She must have been so enlightened
she glow in the dark.
Copy !req
403. She wasn't in the least bit interested
Copy !req
404. in alleviating poverty.
Copy !req
405. We asked Christopher Hitchens about it,
and after a few more cigarets
Copy !req
406. and glasses of scotch,
he summed it up for us.
Copy !req
407. Can we. Do that?
Can we finish this first? Okay.
Copy !req
408. I would say it was a certainty
that millions of people, died
Copy !req
409. because of her work, and millions
more were made poorer, stupider,
Copy !req
410. more sick, more disease,
more fearful and more ignorant.
Copy !req
411. There's ignorance.
Copy !req
412. And then there's Hollywood celebrities.
Copy !req
413. When Shirley MacLaine,
Sharon Stone and Steven Seagal attend
Copy !req
414. the same event, it's bound to be
a stunning display of gullibility.
Copy !req
415. And sure enough.
Copy !req
416. Ladies and gentlemen,
I have the honor to introduce
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417. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.
Copy !req
418. Hey, wait a second.
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419. Isn't that Indiana Jones?
Copy !req
420. Oh, I hope there isn't going to be
a fight in front of a lama.
Copy !req
421. The very purpose of our life is happiness.
Copy !req
422. Ever since these Tibetans fled their
homeland, the threat of the Communist
Copy !req
423. Chinese in 1959, their leader,
a Dalai Lama, has been traveling the globe
Copy !req
424. with a trite greeting card
philosophy and a warm smile.
Copy !req
425. Desperately trying to enlist
help in his quest to free Tibet
Copy !req
426. and return to power.
Copy !req
427. I believe you see every human being
Copy !req
428. have the potential to develop compassion.
Copy !req
429. This idea that he's
Copy !req
430. a humble, spiritual man with just a robe
Copy !req
431. and a bow and a prayer bead isn't really
what the Dalai Lama is all about.
Copy !req
432. I'm Michael Parenti,
a political writer, author,
Copy !req
433. and noted after dinner raconteur.
Copy !req
434. He headed a social system
that was exploitative,
Copy !req
435. terribly,
terribly unequal and terribly brutal.
Copy !req
436. Tibet was Shangri-La.
Copy !req
437. That is, if you were the Dalai Lama.
Copy !req
438. No wonder he wants it back.
Copy !req
439. He had a palace and a pile of servants.
Copy !req
440. The rest of the Tibetans
Copy !req
441. lived in huts and eight roast
barley meal and yak butter tea.
Copy !req
442. You had a privileged priest class
Copy !req
443. living in utter luxury and opulence,
Copy !req
444. and you had a mass of serfs
living in utter misery.
Copy !req
445. And if you broke the law,
Copy !req
446. then torture and mutilation, including eye
gouging, the pulling out of tongues
Copy !req
447. and even disemboweling
reportedly common punishments.
Copy !req
448. The Dalai Lama sounds more like Moe
Howard than a saint.
Copy !req
449. No, no, no. Why? He's got.
Copy !req
450. Yeah, those are those are eyeballs.
Copy !req
451. Since Mr.
Copy !req
452. Lama has been run out of Tibet,
Copy !req
453. the Chinese are going to do secular
education, running water and electricity.
Copy !req
454. So maybe life is a bit
better on the ground there.
Copy !req
455. Of course, the Chinese have also thrown
thousands into labor camps and prisons.
Copy !req
456. Stop that.
As much free speech as possible.
Copy !req
457. And there's that whole fucked up
communism thing.
Copy !req
458. But if you ask Tenzin Gyatso, Deba Lama,
Copy !req
459. what is with these
holy people and their aliases?
Copy !req
460. His holiness will tell you
that he must return to power
Copy !req
461. for the good of his people.
Copy !req
462. In this case, good may translate
into people living in squalor
Copy !req
463. and his government condoning slavery.
Copy !req
464. Remember,
the lesser of two evils is still evil,
Copy !req
465. and the enemy
of my enemy is not my friend.
Copy !req
466. As the State
Copy !req
467. Department internal memo
reveals, the Dalai Lama at one time
Copy !req
468. took $180,000 a year from the CIA
for his living expenses
Copy !req
469. and 1.5 million a year from the spy agency
Copy !req
470. to finance Tibetan
guerrilla operations against the Chinese,
Copy !req
471. which included running a covert
guerrilla training center in Colorado.
Copy !req
472. Maybe they were nonviolent covert
Copy !req
473. Violence
Copy !req
474. and telling lies.
Copy !req
475. Cheating.
Copy !req
476. These,
I believe, basically against human nature.
Copy !req
477. To be fair, the robbed one isn't
taking money from the CIA any longer.
Copy !req
478. Once people found out,
it became a bit of a PR problem
Copy !req
479. with no more handouts from government
bureaucrats, the Dalai
Copy !req
480. Lama had to find a group of people
even more gullible.
Copy !req
481. Hey, there's Richard Gere.
Copy !req
482. He was great in American Gigolo.
Copy !req
483. And, oh, there's, Steven Seagal.
Copy !req
484. He was great in, Well,
he's he's way into the Dalai Lama.
Copy !req
485. The only thing that is of great importance
in my life
Copy !req
486. is to try to become a better human being.
Copy !req
487. To ease the suffering of others
and make the world a better place.
Copy !req
488. I don't care about power or fame or money.
Copy !req
489. Fuck.
Copy !req
490. That's easier to say
when you're rich, famous and powerful.
Copy !req
491. So what would happen if the Dalai Lama
returned to power in Tibet?
Copy !req
492. If he
Copy !req
493. had his
way, he would want the Chinese out.
Copy !req
494. He would bring the Lama class back.
Copy !req
495. It would be ruled by monasteries.
Copy !req
496. The aristocrats of the exile community
would all go back with him.
Copy !req
497. And it would be like old Tibet,
with maybe a few reforms.
Copy !req
498. New from bed, bath and Way Beyond.
Copy !req
499. You're having a fancy dinner party
with friends.
Copy !req
500. Like something a little different
and a little special
Copy !req
501. for the trip to the kitchen for salt.
Dressed for the occasion.
Copy !req
502. The always fashionable Gandhi baby wrap.
Copy !req
503. Now you've got the salt.
Copy !req
504. But feel like you're close enough.
Copy !req
505. To your God, you're Gandhi.
Copy !req
506. He quickly changes into the mother team.
Copy !req
507. Pour a bit of that salt into any wound
you find in your guests,
Copy !req
508. and instantly you're in the company
of increased suffering.
Copy !req
509. And for those times, you just want
everyone to get along with you as leader.
Copy !req
510. A quick flip.
Copy !req
511. And you've got the trademark
orange of the Dalai Lama.
Copy !req
512. Sound impossible for one garment?
Copy !req
513. Not with a holier than thou
bath towel and magical wardrobe.
Copy !req
514. As an added bonus, you like to combine
these sayings and have Christianity,
Copy !req
515. racism, a touch of separatism,
plus the sensual intrigue of a mask.
Copy !req
516. You can always wear your holier
than thou shroud and the all inclusive
Copy !req
517. special KKK style if you order now.
Copy !req
518. We'll also include our exclusive home,
Shroud of Turin kit.
Copy !req
519. You can turn your holier than thou robe
into an authentic religious relic to sell
Copy !req
520. on eBay.
Copy !req
521. Order now.
Copy !req
522. And then. Then you're on your own.
Copy !req
523. Meanwhile, our worshipers are still
rhapsodies about their chosen one.
Copy !req
524. We all kind of
want to help him and his cause.
Copy !req
525. There's just something about him.
Copy !req
526. There's just something about him
I mean, I can't really put into words.
Copy !req
527. It's an X factor.
Copy !req
528. This is creeping me out.
Copy !req
529. Let's get back to Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
530. Well, bless you, mother, thrice.
Copy !req
531. God bless. You.
Copy !req
532. In spite of Mother Teresa's
glowing reputation.
Copy !req
533. The Catholic Church is in trouble.
Copy !req
534. Priests raping boys will do that.
Copy !req
535. There's panic in the Vatican
and something has to be done.
Copy !req
536. One way of keeping the faithful together
Copy !req
537. is the old time
religion is the good old fashioned stuff.
Copy !req
538. Let's find a real saint.
Copy !req
539. One who, even the non-Catholics love.
Copy !req
540. Vatican rules say the Mother
Copy !req
541. Teresa hasn't been dead
long enough to be a saint.
Copy !req
542. But the Pope said a few magic words
and presto, change all.
Copy !req
543. The problem is, God.
Copy !req
544. But Pope land rules require.
Copy !req
545. Mother Teresa must have performed two
count them two miracles after her death.
Copy !req
546. The Pope changed that requirement to one.
Copy !req
547. And then how do ya.
Copy !req
548. In a village outside of Calcutta,
the church found a woman willing to claim
Copy !req
549. that a church with Mother Teresa's face on
it had cured her stomach tumor.
Copy !req
550. Now the woman's own husband said,
this miracle is a hoax.
Copy !req
551. My wife was cured by doctors.
Copy !req
552. But who listens to him?
Copy !req
553. No, miracles do not occur.
Copy !req
554. Am dead.
Copy !req
555. People do not cure living.
Copy !req
556. People have disease.
Copy !req
557. It doesn't happen.
Copy !req
558. It's a scandal.
Copy !req
559. There's no truth fairy either.
Copy !req
560. I mean, there's no Santa Claus I have to
keep from breaking this stuff to people.
Copy !req
561. And every time they say,
what? Are you sure?
Copy !req
562. And I say, yes.
Copy !req
563. Yes, absolutely. I am.
Copy !req
564. Back of the mysterious gathering.
Copy !req
565. The ladies are on the move.
Copy !req
566. It's a rainy night,
but nothing is going to stop them. Yep.
Copy !req
567. They're on their way for an audience
with the subject of their adoration.
Copy !req
568. Finally, the wait is over.
Copy !req
569. It's time to meet their idol.
Copy !req
570. Oh, but he's not just any idol I know.
Copy !req
571. He's their American idol.
Copy !req
572. Oh, I know.
Copy !req
573. In today's world,
we're sort of inundated with heroes.
Copy !req
574. There's so many of them.
Copy !req
575. When you think of Gandhi or Mother Teresa
or even the Dalai Lama,
Copy !req
576. you know these cultural icons.
Copy !req
577. Beneath it all are human beings
with the same basic
Copy !req
578. needs and desires
and fears that we all have.
Copy !req
579. You know, it's unrealistic
to think that their motives
Copy !req
580. are always absolutely pure
and absolutely selfless.
Copy !req
581. I have this one on my saved on
the computer, but this one I don't have.
Copy !req
582. That's a new one to my collection.
Copy !req
583. Hey! Come on. God.
Copy !req
584. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
585. Here we are.
Copy !req
586. Come on, you pussy. It's right here.
Copy !req
587. Any time. Right there.
Copy !req
588. That's all you got to hit.
Copy !req
589. That's all you got to hit
Copy !req
590. before you start idolizing
some sadist in white who loves
Copy !req
591. suffering a racist animal queen
or a splatter to stop dictator.
Copy !req
592. I just want his slaves back.
Copy !req
593. Or some American dude who came in
second on a TV singing contest.
Copy !req
594. Remember this? There's.
Copy !req
595. There's no such thing as holier than thou.
Copy !req
596. We're all just people
sharing a short time together
Copy !req
597. and making the best of this
mysterious experience we call life.
Copy !req
598. Take that adoration.
Copy !req
599. Give it to something beautiful
that deserves it.
Copy !req
600. Jazz, for example.
Copy !req
601. And don't waste it on.
Copy !req
602. Love and faith go together.
Copy !req
603. They complement each other.
Copy !req
604. Faith is the surrender of the mind.
Copy !req
605. It's the surrender of reason.
Copy !req
606. It's the surrender of the only thing that
makes us different from other mammals.
Copy !req
607. It's our need to believe and to surrender
our skepticism, our reason,
Copy !req
608. our yearning to discard that
and put all our trust or faith in someone
Copy !req
609. or something.
Copy !req
610. That is the sinister thing to go.
Copy !req
611. All the virtues, all the supposed virtues.
Copy !req
612. Faith must be the most overrated.
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