1. I'm Penn, and this is my partner, Charlie.
Copy !req
2. This week's show is all about life
Copy !req
3. people
you hire to push you along in your life.
Copy !req
4. Like a flashlight, flashlight person.
Copy !req
5. Now, Teller's working on a trick
called the cups and balls.
Copy !req
6. But I want to make it clear
that I can't do these moves.
Copy !req
7. He's doing.
Copy !req
8. Man, that hand looks cramped
because he doesn't want him to look.
Copy !req
9. And yet I can help him.
I'm outside of him.
Copy !req
10. I can see mistakes like that one.
Copy !req
11. I can also give advice such as a trick
like this needs more talking.
Copy !req
12. My coaching might help teller
do a better job.
Copy !req
13. There you go.
Copy !req
14. Very good. I didn't see the low.
Copy !req
15. Very good.
Copy !req
16. A life coach should help
you do a better job of your life.
Copy !req
17. In theory, that's great.
Copy !req
18. In reality, life coaching is bullshit.
Copy !req
19. Oh, chocolate. Raisins.
Copy !req
20. Tasty.
Copy !req
21. I find them,
Copy !req
22. they can get.
Copy !req
23. And. The
Copy !req
24. boo boo boo boo. You.
Copy !req
25. Back. Who?
Copy !req
26. You do. You.
Copy !req
27. We wanted to see what life
coaching is all about.
Copy !req
28. So we found life coaches who made lists
Copy !req
29. and life coaches who meditated,
Copy !req
30. had life coaches
who opened cardboard boxes,
Copy !req
31. and life coaches who danced.
Copy !req
32. Had life coaches who cuddled
Copy !req
33. and had life coaches
who we couldn't possibly understand.
Copy !req
34. Okay. Back. More on that later.
Copy !req
35. Life coaching is more popular than ever.
Copy !req
36. books, and there are over
15,000 life coaches in America.
Copy !req
37. But just because something's
popular doesn't mean it makes sense.
Copy !req
38. Like religion.
Copy !req
39. Sorry.
Copy !req
40. It's a it's a life coaching show. Oh,
Copy !req
41. but first, what the fuck is life coaching?
Copy !req
42. Life coaching really means you're taking
action steps to transform your life.
Copy !req
43. If we had all had coaches 100 years ago,
Copy !req
44. the world might be in a different place
Copy !req
45. It's a revolutionary
new professional relationship.
Copy !req
46. Revolutionary thing.
Copy !req
47. Well, maybe we should hear them out
and then we'll say it's bullshit.
Copy !req
48. Rich Raffles leadership relationship
and life.
Copy !req
49. Coach is our first life coach
standing in the middle of the street. Wow.
Copy !req
50. Not much traffic savvy,
but apparently Rich has
Copy !req
51. a natural talent for coaching,
tutoring and mentoring.
Copy !req
52. See, it says so on his resume.
Copy !req
53. He was also certified four years ago
by the coaches Training Institute.
Copy !req
54. He's wearing the official coaches jersey.
Copy !req
55. Life can be joyful, magical and fun.
Copy !req
56. It can be.
Copy !req
57. You can have your dreams.
Copy !req
58. That's what coaching is about.
Copy !req
59. Oh, no no, no.
Copy !req
60. I hope not all my dreams. Not.
Copy !req
61. Not the one where I'm naked
with a giant snake attacking my ass.
Copy !req
62. But a joyful and magical and fun life.
Copy !req
63. Sounds good. And other than having to
Copy !req
64. keep your eyes open, that wide
life coaching sounds great.
Copy !req
65. Rick shares his coaching magic
with clients like this woman.
Copy !req
66. I want a life coach
because I want to live a big,
Copy !req
67. enjoyable, fun, magnificent life
Copy !req
68. and if I want to do all that,
I need people on my team.
Copy !req
69. This is Susan.
Copy !req
70. She's a successful businesswoman.
Copy !req
71. She even built her own house.
Copy !req
72. Susan has had Rick on her team
for the past four years.
Copy !req
73. Don't look that.
Copy !req
74. Rich.
Copy !req
75. Helps me to find answers
Copy !req
76. that I wouldn't find on my own.
Copy !req
77. And that I may
well not find with my friends.
Copy !req
78. What kinds of answers?
Copy !req
79. Well, Susan and Rich were kind enough
to let us tape one of their sessions.
Copy !req
80. Like many life
coaches, Rich did it over the telephone.
Copy !req
81. Life coaches love going hands free.
Copy !req
82. Hey, Susan. How's it going?
Copy !req
83. Well, it's going.
Copy !req
84. You should, said on your prep form
that you wanted to kind of,
Copy !req
85. you know, spend some time
in the don't know perspective.
Copy !req
86. I really would like to be more comfortable
with the don't know mode.
Copy !req
87. So, Susan,
what would bring you deeper comfort
Copy !req
88. being in that don't know place.
Copy !req
89. Cultivating
this perspective of don't know is fun.
Copy !req
90. Don't know is fun.
Copy !req
91. We don't know what the fuck
they're talking about.
Copy !req
92. Yeah. Let's go, let's go. Forward.
Copy !req
93. We've done this before.
Copy !req
94. You know, the next step is to make a plan.
Copy !req
95. Make a plan to be comfortable
in the don't know place.
Copy !req
96. Are these guys spies?
Copy !req
97. They speaking in code?
Copy !req
98. What's the Susan's nefarious plan?
Copy !req
99. What I hope I'm going to have in March
for my birthday.
Copy !req
100. And going to be this wonderful
Copy !req
101. gong outside my front door.
Copy !req
102. gong?
Copy !req
103. Grabbing this big mallet and just whacking
this gong and having this huge
Copy !req
104. vibration going out over the land.
Copy !req
105. And vibration going out over the land.
Copy !req
106. God damn it! Damn.
Copy !req
107. They must be planning an attack.
Copy !req
108. You certainly wouldn't hire a coach
to help you decide whether or not you want
Copy !req
109. a gong in front of your house.
Copy !req
110. Oh, fantastic. Susan,
it looks like you got it.
Copy !req
111. You got a plan
for living in this new perspective?
Copy !req
112. That's right. Nice job, nice job.
Copy !req
113. I'm there to help them grow
and move forward in their lives.
Copy !req
114. So if they fail,
Copy !req
115. if they don't
follow through on a commitment.
Copy !req
116. Am I upset with them?
Copy !req
117. No I'm not. What do I do?
Copy !req
118. I look for the learning.
Why did that not work? Great.
Copy !req
119. You failed. Awesome.
Copy !req
120. You failed. Awesome.
Copy !req
121. I am so fucking confused.
Copy !req
122. That's great.
Copy !req
123. Perfect. Wonderful.
Copy !req
124. Go to that place. Go to that place.
Copy !req
125. Put. Put it out to the universe
and know if you feel good about it.
Copy !req
126. The audience will not see the card
and will not see the card.
Copy !req
127. Feel good about it. Great, great.
Copy !req
128. Have a.
Copy !req
129. Have a terrific show.
Copy !req
130. Have a terrific show.
Copy !req
131. He'll be back.
Copy !req
132. People can become coaching
junkies, excessively dependent
Copy !req
133. upon their coach to determine
virtually everything in their life.
Copy !req
134. A kind of guru
who makes all of their value judgments
Copy !req
135. as they increasingly suspend their ability
to make value judgments of their own.
Copy !req
136. This is Rick Ross by day.
Copy !req
137. He's an expert on cults
and other controversial movements.
Copy !req
138. By night, Rick Ross is a crime
fighting superhero.
Copy !req
139. Just kidding.
Copy !req
140. But Ross does think this life coaching
stuff is a joke.
Copy !req
141. He's been studying it for several years
and says there's a reason
Copy !req
142. people like rich rivals
take up coaching a bad reason.
Copy !req
143. Life coaching
Copy !req
144. has become increasingly popular because
it's a very good source of revenue.
Copy !req
145. It can be done from a person's home.
Copy !req
146. It can be done over email.
Copy !req
147. So all you need is a roof
and a telephone headset.
Copy !req
148. And then you two can become, well, rich.
Copy !req
149. And if that seems like a lot of overhead,
you could buy a pair
Copy !req
150. of flannel pajamas
and become a different type of life coach.
Copy !req
151. Welcome to California. My name. Is.
Copy !req
152. This is read Margot and Marshall Basinski,
Copy !req
153. their relationship coaches, and they run
something called a cuddle party.
Copy !req
154. A cuddle party is a workshop
and a social event, sort of put together,
Copy !req
155. where people can get affection
and practice communication
Copy !req
156. skills and boundaries,
setting and meet new people.
Copy !req
157. A bunch of strangers in a room
practicing boundary setting.
Copy !req
158. This is an odd kink.
Copy !req
159. So far I like it.
Copy !req
160. Rule number one pajamas.
Copy !req
161. Stay on the whole time.
Copy !req
162. What the fuck is the fucking point?
Copy !req
163. The communication skills
that people are getting out of Cuddle
Copy !req
164. party are transforming
their other relationships.
Copy !req
165. On your marks. Get set. Go!
Copy !req
166. Tip yourselves onto each other.
Copy !req
167. Your cow tipping now. Help!
Copy !req
168. You an
Copy !req
169. exit.
Copy !req
170. Come up.
Copy !req
171. At least tell us
there's going to be some dry humping.
Copy !req
172. Rule number seven is our favorite.
Copy !req
173. And it's no dry humping.
Copy !req
174. Rule number seven is your favorite.
Copy !req
175. Since Reed Marshall was kind enough
to come on to our bullshit show.
Copy !req
176. We're going to give them a little life
Copy !req
177. First, drop rules one and seven,
especially seven.
Copy !req
178. Better, especially one.
Copy !req
179. Now, this is a cuddle party.
Copy !req
180. These are a couple more live coaches.
Copy !req
181. What is it with life coaches
and standing with?
Copy !req
182. They can be hit by cars.
Copy !req
183. Jermaine and I believe that coaching
is a sacred privilege, because our clients
Copy !req
184. are opening up their lives to us
and allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
Copy !req
185. Hello, my name is Gedney Tourer.
Copy !req
186. And my name is Jermaine Pausch.
Copy !req
187. And we're professional coaches.
Copy !req
188. They look like professionals too.
Copy !req
189. Nice color coordination.
Copy !req
190. Jed and Jermaine own a business
called Eagle's View Consulting,
Copy !req
191. and they've created something
called the Eagle's View System.
Copy !req
192. All rights reserved.
Copy !req
193. Eagle's view
is about getting altitude in your life.
Copy !req
194. Okay.
Copy !req
195. Pilot training or mountain
climbing classes?
Copy !req
196. Eagle's view is,
Copy !req
197. time management
and project management course.
Copy !req
198. And we've had a breakthrough in time
that we call time transformation.
Copy !req
199. So it's about looking at time differently.
Copy !req
200. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
201. Because you're up high like an eagle.
Copy !req
202. You can look at time differently.
Copy !req
203. I'm still not getting the fuck.
Copy !req
204. We better sit in on a jet and jermaine's
coaching sessions.
Copy !req
205. These nice people are Don and David.
Copy !req
206. They're husband and wife,
and they're business people.
Copy !req
207. Coaching helps you with perspective.
Copy !req
208. We've actually been able to get more done
that the other things that we wanted
Copy !req
209. to get done.
Copy !req
210. On the day we visited, David
and Don wanted coaching on
Copy !req
211. how to train their new receptionist.
Copy !req
212. We want to try and
Copy !req
213. get some things in place
so that we can train this person properly.
Copy !req
214. Do you have a training manual.
Copy !req
215. For a receptionist?
Copy !req
216. The one thing I'm thinking about is
we can put up an Eagles
Copy !req
217. view of all the parts of this job.
Copy !req
218. Oh Eagles view. Eagles view.
Copy !req
219. That's their breakthrough
in time management.
Copy !req
220. This should solve Don and David's
big person to answer the phone problem.
Copy !req
221. And that's why time.
Copy !req
222. Front desk.
Copy !req
223. Well the first element she's got to have
a tremendous amount of energy.
Copy !req
224. So a lot of energy. What else.
Copy !req
225. You know, making sure
that the appointments are made and kept.
Copy !req
226. What else?
Copy !req
227. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
228. All she's doing is writing down
what they're saying.
Copy !req
229. In fact, that's all she did
the entire session.
Copy !req
230. Isn't that in the manual?
Copy !req
231. One way we could do this.
Copy !req
232. Your office.
Copy !req
233. Got it.
Copy !req
234. Sometimes,
a coach's job is just to listen.
Copy !req
235. and you might be thinking, well,
anybody can do that.
Copy !req
236. Yeah. But it's how we listen. Many times.
Copy !req
237. Well, you know, I'll have a client
and they'll work out their own problem
Copy !req
238. and just are their own situations, and I.
Copy !req
239. All I'm doing is listening.
Copy !req
240. Germain's being modest.
Copy !req
241. She can listen and use a magic marker
at the same time.
Copy !req
242. And she's good at our game. Me, too.
Copy !req
243. She made that really big rectangle
into a really big square.
Copy !req
244. Maybe I'm harsh on this mellow, but is it
writing a list on a big piece of paper,
Copy !req
245. something David
and Don could have done by themselves?
Copy !req
246. Could we have gotten there on our own?
Copy !req
247. Yes, it would have taken us,
you know, 3 or 4 times as long.
Copy !req
248. For writers, I guess.
Copy !req
249. It's a fucking receptionist job. You know.
Copy !req
250. Ring, ring, ring.
Copy !req
251. Pick up the phone. Say hello.
Copy !req
252. That's fucking it.
Copy !req
253. So much coaching of Don and David had.
Copy !req
254. We have been coached by Jean Germain
for three years.
Copy !req
255. I get coached by Jed and Jermaine
generally about once a week.
Copy !req
256. Once a week for three years.
Copy !req
257. That's over 156 stupid lists.
Copy !req
258. Maybe they're getting high on an ass
load, a magic marker fumes,
Copy !req
259. and it's affecting their judgment.
Copy !req
260. If only there were some way to get Eagles
View products at home.
Copy !req
261. This is our Eagle's View tool kit.
Copy !req
262. A cardboard box.
Copy !req
263. Wonder how much this thing costs.
Copy !req
264. It comes with a workbook, 40 page
Copy !req
265. workbook and audio CD's.
Copy !req
266. A a spiral notebook
and some CD's they burned at home.
Copy !req
267. That probably goes for 30 bucks.
Copy !req
268. And this is a project panorama.
Copy !req
269. A project panorama. Is that even a thing?
Copy !req
270. Well, we pay ten bucks and the blank form.
Copy !req
271. That's worth at least a dollar.
Copy !req
272. These are telephone message cards.
Copy !req
273. Post-it notes. Those are worth 250.
Copy !req
274. We also have graph cards for people
who like lines on their cards.
Copy !req
275. Lines 270. Five.
Copy !req
276. These are the panorama cards.
Copy !req
277. Index cards with the complicated name.
Copy !req
278. All right. Five bucks.
Copy !req
279. And then our grand total $51.25.
Copy !req
280. His price. And it's $250.
Copy !req
281. $250 for a shitty school supply kit.
Copy !req
282. Holy Christmas, Jew.
Copy !req
283. What the fuck are they talking about?
Copy !req
284. People can be, bled out financially
Copy !req
285. by paying out for these coaches
over a period of time.
Copy !req
286. They also might make bad business
decisions or decisions
Copy !req
287. in their personal life
based on advice from a coach
Copy !req
288. with a dubious track record.
Copy !req
289. This is Daniella Billman,
and she has a degree in movement
Copy !req
290. therapy from the Google
Buell Institute in Switzerland.
Copy !req
291. She also is the inventor of the vibrant
Living a Life coaching process.
Copy !req
292. My specialty is what I call the vibrant
Copy !req
293. vibrant living movement with joy.
Copy !req
294. Because,
I assist people in getting in touch
Copy !req
295. with their inner nature
and their inner challenges.
Copy !req
296. And it's transformation
through joyful awareness.
Copy !req
297. Transformation through joyful awareness.
Copy !req
298. This life coaching stuff makes me feel
all good, can be all.
Copy !req
299. Deep inhale.
Copy !req
300. Deep. Exhale.
Copy !req
301. Allow your shoulders to relax.
Copy !req
302. Allow your head to drop just a little bit.
Copy !req
303. This is Wilma.
Copy !req
304. She's an operating room nurse.
Copy !req
305. That's a really stressful job.
Copy !req
306. It's even more stressful
when you're in pain.
Copy !req
307. Wilma had six
Copy !req
308. major surgeries in two years,
and that's why she started seeing Daniela.
Copy !req
309. When I came to Daniela
for was to help me move physically.
Copy !req
310. Move better.
Copy !req
311. And what I discovered in this work
was that there's parts of my past
Copy !req
312. that I didn't want to address.
Copy !req
313. Wilma has a lot of serious physical
and emotional issues to deal with.
Copy !req
314. So what's Daniela solution?
Copy !req
315. So much so.
Copy !req
316. I can address everything with movement.
Copy !req
317. Because I work with,
Copy !req
318. I get to the center of your being
to help you to connect to that.
Copy !req
319. We have no idea what the center
of our being really is,
Copy !req
320. but I hope it's chock with crane.
Copy !req
321. You are one, Wilma. Free.
Copy !req
322. But you are free.
Copy !req
323. All right.
Copy !req
324. When will my shoes flapping her arms?
Copy !req
325. It's. It's big stuff.
Copy !req
326. It's almost like you're, like, checking
Copy !req
327. opinions of others away.
Copy !req
328. Oh, I don't want to feel the.
Copy !req
329. Oh, it's here.
Copy !req
330. And you are with it.
Copy !req
331. And it's wonderful
because it's yours and you're owning it.
Copy !req
332. You are free to express who you are.
Copy !req
333. Now, I say, when a person retains
Copy !req
334. a life coach,
the understanding is I need help.
Copy !req
335. I need coaching.
Copy !req
336. Something's broken
and it needs to be fixed.
Copy !req
337. And I'm hiring you to do the job.
Copy !req
338. So from the very start,
there's an imbalance in power
Copy !req
339. between the person who's paying the coach
and the coach
Copy !req
340. who's in a one over one relationship
with that individual.
Copy !req
341. So just how does Daniela convince
smart people like Wilma
Copy !req
342. to pay her to play shitty
pop music and dance?
Copy !req
343. It's fun. It's.
Copy !req
344. It makes very difficult issues very easy.
Copy !req
345. You don't tell her is my life coach.
Copy !req
346. Amazing. I mean, just amazing.
Copy !req
347. He really gets to the core of things.
Copy !req
348. He breaks really tough problems.
Copy !req
349. Down to easy answer.
Copy !req
350. No. I never signed up. Bullshit.
Copy !req
351. Released
parade my personal life on camera.
Copy !req
352. So I'll just tell you that
I had that important decision to make.
Copy !req
353. I asked teller
if I should take this big step.
Copy !req
354. With barely a moment's hesitation,
he said,
Copy !req
355. it is certain
what I asked about a relationship
Copy !req
356. I was in, and immediately
said, you may rely on.
Copy !req
357. Amazing.
Copy !req
358. So I asked about this other little problem
I was having with the monologue,
Copy !req
359. and I guess maybe I'm pushing a little
too hard because he said reply hazy.
Copy !req
360. Try again.
Copy !req
361. I have
no idea where he gets all the wisdom.
Copy !req
362. I guess he's really in touch
with the very center of my being.
Copy !req
363. And And he's really wonderful.
Copy !req
364. I know. Tell me one more question.
Copy !req
365. What about those cuddle people?
Copy !req
366. This is Lee waters.
Copy !req
367. He wrote the feature film artwork.
Copy !req
368. It's about someone with an empty life.
Copy !req
369. Takes advantage of those
she's supposed to be protecting.
Copy !req
370. Now that. Works.
Copy !req
371. Lee is also a life coach in Los Angeles,
and the author of the book
Copy !req
372. Three Days to a Life That Works
Three Days.
Copy !req
373. He's quick.
Copy !req
374. What I do
is I remind people of common sense.
Copy !req
375. That's what any coach does.
Copy !req
376. But Lee's not just any coach.
Copy !req
377. During his coaching sessions.
Copy !req
378. He channels someone called Andrew.
Copy !req
379. Andrew is a personality of the greater
wisdom, if you will, a greater energy
Copy !req
380. that that came about
as a result of my asking
Copy !req
381. for practical applications
of spirituality.
Copy !req
382. It's pretty scary, folks.
Copy !req
383. Hold on to your seats.
Copy !req
384. This is Lee.
Copy !req
385. Lee waters life coach and channeler.
Copy !req
386. And this is Lee channeling Andrew.
Copy !req
387. We're amused.
Copy !req
388. This should be fun.
Copy !req
389. We are.
Copy !req
390. Andrew, one voice of the greater wisdom,
the God of energy, the universe
Copy !req
391. we speak through. Lee waters.
Copy !req
392. The spirit asshole uses the royal wing.
Copy !req
393. But to help you to differentiate
between Lee and Andrew.
Copy !req
394. Teller will play his zither.
Copy !req
395. Whenever Andrew is talking
wise of the music, because it's our show.
Copy !req
396. And things do get really confusing when
Lee channels Andrew to talk about Lee.
Copy !req
397. Lee had a boss one time.
Copy !req
398. He used to get very infuriated with him
for for being too calm.
Copy !req
399. One of the things that drives Lee crazy
that his son does,
Copy !req
400. but it's really cute, is to constantly ask
why Lee is.
Copy !req
401. Lee is. Lee is.
Copy !req
402. Lee is a great questioner.
Copy !req
403. He's great. Ask her. He's
beneath Lee when channeling.
Copy !req
404. Andrew thinks Lee is great, but Lee isn't
the only one Andrew has spoken through.
Copy !req
405. We've come.
Copy !req
406. We've chosen
many different people to speak through.
Copy !req
407. you you have
you have the older, older, older
Copy !req
408. teachers like Muhammad and even Jesus.
Copy !req
409. That's right.
Copy !req
410. Lee, as Andrew just compared himself
to Jesus and Muhammad.
Copy !req
411. And we are so with him on that one.
Copy !req
412. We're heading down to the beach to see Lee
do that cool walking on water thing.
Copy !req
413. Lee and Andrew are holding a session
with this woman.
Copy !req
414. Her name is Georgia
Jane, and she's, Well,
Copy !req
415. caterer
slash assisted slash psychic slash.
Copy !req
416. As a caterer slash personal assistant.
Copy !req
417. Georgia Jane has had some money problems.
Copy !req
418. Oddly, as a psychic, she can't see her
own future well enough to pick a career.
Copy !req
419. I would like to pay off all my credit
cards by the end of the year.
Copy !req
420. How is the
Copy !req
421. best way that I should be
putting that out to the universe?
Copy !req
422. Let's, let's ask Andrew about that.
Copy !req
423. Let's see what they say.
Copy !req
424. Here comes
Copy !req
425. Jesus Mohammed Andrew to help this woman
solve her credit card problems.
Copy !req
426. If there were a God
and you got to ask it one question,
Copy !req
427. would you really ask him
about your credit card debt?
Copy !req
428. Welcome back.
Copy !req
429. Welcome back. It's good to see you again.
Copy !req
430. When you think about money,
when you think about relationships,
Copy !req
431. when you think about work, just spend time
in those places where it feels good.
Copy !req
432. There's no law
that says you have to feel bad, right?
Copy !req
433. Feel good.
Copy !req
434. That's Jesus.
Mohammed Andrew's philosophy.
Copy !req
435. And in an amazing coincidence, Lee said
the exact same thing a few minutes.
Copy !req
436. Later, finding thoughts that feel better.
Copy !req
437. That's the most powerful thing
Copy !req
438. anybody can do, is just find thoughts
that feel better around money,
Copy !req
439. for instance, around career
or whatever it is.
Copy !req
440. Thank you Jesus.
Copy !req
441. But what about those bills you need to pay
bills, not put them out to the universe?
Copy !req
442. A life coach who's exploiting people
Copy !req
443. can keep them on as a client by,
Copy !req
444. first of all, soliciting
a subjective experience from them.
Copy !req
445. Do you feel better?
Copy !req
446. I always. Feel good.
Copy !req
447. I feel very positive after saying him.
Copy !req
448. I, I feel free, I feel lighter.
Copy !req
449. I'm getting touch and human connection,
which feels really nice.
Copy !req
450. I would still accomplish a lot
without Rich, but I wouldn't
Copy !req
451. enjoy it as much.
Copy !req
452. So how much do all these good feelings
cost anyway?
Copy !req
453. Let's ask those Eagles view clients.
Copy !req
454. You know.
Copy !req
455. I don't know exactly what it cost
to get coach,
Copy !req
456. because I don't pay the bills
in my office.
Copy !req
457. Big surprise.
Copy !req
458. Lead charges his clients $100 an hour.
Copy !req
459. Andrew explains.
Copy !req
460. We we we gave we gave $100 an hour figure.
Copy !req
461. I have a package
monthly fee that runs from 300 to $400.
Copy !req
462. $400 a month.
Copy !req
463. You don't even dance or channel.
Copy !req
464. If it's free.
Copy !req
465. It's not costing them anything,
so they'll blow it off.
Copy !req
466. They won't take it suit, you know,
if they're paying for it and it's cut,
Copy !req
467. they're going to show up.
Copy !req
468. They're going to work their butt off,
you know,
Copy !req
469. because they're writing that
check every month.
Copy !req
470. So the big service you're providing
is taking their money.
Copy !req
471. Well, we finally agree.
Copy !req
472. Sometimes people need to pay for advice
before they'll listen to it.
Copy !req
473. That's exactly what Jesus said.
Copy !req
474. Weird. Of course, money is good.
Copy !req
475. That's why life coaching does work
for at least one person.
Copy !req
476. My shit is more together than ever been.
Copy !req
477. I am more psyched on my life
than I ever have been.
Copy !req
478. And do we have a pillow for.
Copy !req
479. And meanwhile, back of a cuddle party.
Copy !req
480. Things were cuddling over in,
Copy !req
481. okay.
Copy !req
482. The cuddling looks a little dull,
but these people seem to like it.
Copy !req
483. I would absolutely pay $30
to come to a cuddle party.
Copy !req
484. Whoa.
Copy !req
485. Did she just say pay 30 bucks for this?
Copy !req
486. All they did was lie around.
Copy !req
487. No grab ass, no hide the pickle,
and absolutely no dry humping.
Copy !req
488. Fucking rule number seven.
Copy !req
489. With cuddle party.
Copy !req
490. The reason we turned it into a,
Copy !req
491. you know, for profit business
was it became a full time job immediately.
Copy !req
492. And it was clear to us
that there was a lot more to develop
Copy !req
493. and and research.
Copy !req
494. Develop and research.
Copy !req
495. You know, the fucking Mayo Clinic.
Copy !req
496. This is hugging.
Copy !req
497. Next you're going to saying
they want to patent it.
Copy !req
498. You know
I wish we could patent it. Told you.
Copy !req
499. But why would someone pay for this?
Copy !req
500. I'm a guy who used to not get
a lot of touch at all,
Copy !req
501. and I'm getting more and more.
Copy !req
502. Hey, you're a handsome guy.
Copy !req
503. You've got that cool John Malkovich look,
you don't need some pajama
Copy !req
504. wearing, floor crawling,
blue ball getting slumber party.
Copy !req
505. People are
Copy !req
506. looking for problem solving solutions.
Copy !req
507. They're looking for answers
to their issues.
Copy !req
508. Loneliness, divorce.
Copy !req
509. They're also looking for instant,
Copy !req
510. Somebody once asked us
if we were taking advantage of
Copy !req
511. lonely people and our.
Copy !req
512. Our textbook reply is, well,
our restaurant
Copy !req
513. is taking advantage of hungry people.
Copy !req
514. So yes, there's something we forgot
to tell you about those eagle people.
Copy !req
515. When getting aren't busy
coaching clients, they're cranking out
Copy !req
516. new coaches through their business
Coach Lab International.
Copy !req
517. Part of our philosophy, about coaching
is that anyone can learn to be a coach.
Copy !req
518. That sure matches what we've seen.
Copy !req
519. But let's play along.
Copy !req
520. What's a guy
got to do to be certified as a life coach?
Copy !req
521. Well, a person has to go through the three
month long certification program.
Copy !req
522. Actually,
their course is 18 hours of instruction
Copy !req
523. spread over three months,
and most of that's done over the phone.
Copy !req
524. Oh, and there's one more requirement.
Copy !req
525. One of the key things is that they have
to have client paying client,
Copy !req
526. Once they
Copy !req
527. become coaches and they're out there
and their business
Copy !req
528. is they're coaching people
and we're coaching them
Copy !req
529. in their coaching practice
and how they're coaching people.
Copy !req
530. And what coach do I pay
to figure that out?
Copy !req
531. Speaking of money, how much does Jet
and Jermaine certification cost?
Copy !req
532. The investment for a person
to be certified is $5,000.
Copy !req
533. 5000 bucks?
Copy !req
534. I mean 5000 bucks.
Copy !req
535. And all you have to do
is talk on the phone for 18 hours.
Copy !req
536. Fuck.
Copy !req
537. We teach a couple of these classes
and we could buy a real live eagle.
Copy !req
538. We name ours Eddie.
Copy !req
539. Feel safe.
Copy !req
540. And those cuddle parties will train you
to be a cuddle party facilitator
Copy !req
541. for a mere 700 bucks. Downright cheap.
Copy !req
542. But you have to supply your own jammies.
Copy !req
543. And what qualifies them
to run these classes?
Copy !req
544. I've been a bartender for 15 years
now, and so, you know,
Copy !req
545. one way to look at it is for 15 years,
I've been doing field work.
Copy !req
546. Sure, you could look at it like that
if you were a money grubbing
Copy !req
547. cattle monger.
Copy !req
548. Oh, by the way,
remember the channel monkeys
Copy !req
549. book Three Days to a Life that Works?
Copy !req
550. Half the pages are blank.
Copy !req
551. It's really only a day and a half.
Copy !req
552. The lack of regulation
for the coaches themselves
Copy !req
553. means that virtually
anyone can hang out a shingle.
Copy !req
554. And he does mean anyone.
Copy !req
555. Shouldn't Jermaine
take a lot of other people's money?
Copy !req
556. But at the end of the day, they do
one thing pro bono because they're givers.
Copy !req
557. May I call to please.
Copy !req
558. Please Jermaine?
Copy !req
559. Jermaine and I have conversations
where I might be coaching her
Copy !req
560. and she might be coaching me.
Copy !req
561. Man. Coach, you. Sure?
Copy !req
562. But before we do any coaching,
we make sure we have permission.
Copy !req
563. You don't want to tell your spouse things
unless they're willing to listen.
Copy !req
564. We've learned that, right, honey? Yeah.
Copy !req
565. We actually developed a course called,
Transforming nagging to coaching.
Copy !req
566. I'm surprised
you're not watching the game.
Copy !req
567. Hand me one of those, please.
Copy !req
568. Give me the other one.
Copy !req
569. Please. Hand me that.
Copy !req
570. Just walk fun and go.
Copy !req
571. We have a really good marriage.
Copy !req
572. we don't always,
appear happy like we are.
Copy !req
573. All right.
Copy !req
574. you know, I could push you right in the,
like, breakdown. Now.
Copy !req
575. That would have been a life
coaching lesson.
Copy !req
576. I pay to see. When people need help.
Copy !req
577. The first line to seek help from
is the support system around you.
Copy !req
578. Your friends, your family,
Copy !req
579. the people that you've known
and trusted all of your life.
Copy !req
580. So maybe you're not good enough to go pro
Copy !req
581. as a dancer,
a prostitute, or a ventriloquist.
Copy !req
582. There's good news. Become a life coach.
Copy !req
583. People have always had problems,
and ever since the first confessional
Copy !req
584. went into a church,
there's always been somebody making
Copy !req
585. a living telling you how to feel better
without actually solving your problems.
Copy !req
586. Life coaches are like hookers,
which is good, except they're running
Copy !req
587. you ears instead of genitals
and you never get to come.
Copy !req
588. So if you need help with your problems
before you spend a lot of money
Copy !req
589. on some asshole selling a metaphor,
why not save a few bucks
Copy !req
590. and give yourself
something that will last,
Copy !req
591. like one of these?
Copy !req
592. A friend.
Copy !req
593. Now, what qualifies you to be
a life coach?
Copy !req
594. I'm 47,
Copy !req
595. has patience.
Copy !req
596. And I'm like.
Copy !req