1. I'm Penn, and this is my partner, Teller.
Copy !req
2. Tonight we're very excited.
Copy !req
3. Teller is going to perform
Copy !req
4. the rarest, most dangerous and expensive
magic trick ever performed.
Copy !req
5. I know this looks like regular cheesy
hack Vegas
Copy !req
6. strip magic shit,
but this is no ordinary magician's bird.
Copy !req
7. This is the incredibly rare,
incredibly endangered dwarf.
Copy !req
8. Nevada snow does what we're about to do.
Copy !req
9. We could do jail time in the very least,
be paying for this trick and legal fees
Copy !req
10. for the next five years.
Copy !req
11. Now, the morality of killing an endangered
species is arguable, but the legality
Copy !req
12. is no doubt.
Copy !req
13. The Endangered Species Act is bullshit.
Copy !req
14. I find that
Copy !req
15. if I can get.
Copy !req
16. The of. The.
Copy !req
17. The world is populated by 35 million
Copy !req
18. plus species, and we're losing out on that
at an incredible rate.
Copy !req
19. And that's going to have some,
significant, consequence of this.
Copy !req
20. Endangered species in the United States
and species as a whole are declining.
Copy !req
21. Unfortunately,
there's as much an extinction crisis
Copy !req
22. in our country
as there is in the rest of the world.
Copy !req
23. In the United States alone,
Copy !req
24. there are hundreds of thousands
of different animal species.
Copy !req
25. Currently,
518 of them are officially classified
Copy !req
26. as endangered and threatened
under the endangered Species Act,
Copy !req
27. which means
they're on the verge of extinction.
Copy !req
28. The phrase endangered species
pretty much comes from the Endangered
Copy !req
29. Species Act, a bill signed by that asshole
Nixon in 1973,
Copy !req
30. which is your first clue
that it's not what it appears to be.
Copy !req
31. The act supposedly protects
both endangered animals and plants,
Copy !req
32. and its goal quote, to provide a means
whereby the ecosystems upon which
Copy !req
33. endangered species and threatened species
depend may be conserved.
Copy !req
34. That's about as straightforward
and honest as I am not a crook,
Copy !req
35. and I did not have sex with that woman
to protect animals.
Copy !req
36. The act sets out to control the land
they live on
Copy !req
37. and it's become the Land
Non Development Act.
Copy !req
38. But we'll get to that.
Copy !req
39. This is Paul Watson.
Copy !req
40. Actually this is the plane
that's carrying Paul Watson.
Copy !req
41. There he is.
Copy !req
42. He's the founder and president of the sea
Shepherd Conservation
Copy !req
43. Society and a big name in the endangered
species movement.
Copy !req
44. Boy, we're hoping
we can get a ride in that cool plane.
Copy !req
45. Paul says we're in big,
big trouble of the ecological kind.
Copy !req
46. Cue the scary music.
Copy !req
47. We are now living in an age
of great extinction of species.
Copy !req
48. We will lose between 1980 and, 20, 45.
Copy !req
49. And at 65 year period of time,
more species of plants and animals
Copy !req
50. that have gone extinct in the last
65 million years.
Copy !req
51. Paul's
against all forms of hunting and fishing.
Copy !req
52. He thinks we shouldn't even eat fish.
Copy !req
53. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and more. Jesus.
Copy !req
54. Is there someone against any
and every tasty little thing
Copy !req
55. a person might want to eat?
Copy !req
56. But I say Jesus because I mean Jesus.
Copy !req
57. If we don't take measures
to protect an endangered species
Copy !req
58. now, we're going to reach a point
in the future where it'll be too late
Copy !req
59. and things will start collapsing.
Copy !req
60. He's talking about our environment
and quite possibly life itself.
Copy !req
61. Life itself.
Copy !req
62. Holy fuck.
Copy !req
63. This show really needs a fourth season.
Copy !req
64. I gotta start paying attention.
Copy !req
65. Hey, what about this guy?
Copy !req
66. He looks calm and relaxed.
Copy !req
67. He'll ease our fears.
Copy !req
68. Well, scientists are telling us
that we are facing
Copy !req
69. the sixth extinction spasm
that our planet has ever known.
Copy !req
70. Oh, I feel better now. Hey, wait a second.
Copy !req
71. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
72. I am Bill Snape, chairman
of the Endangered Species Coalition.
Copy !req
73. Literally, species in the habitat
they depend upon are declining by the day.
Copy !req
74. And scientists view this as a crisis,
a biodiversity crisis.
Copy !req
75. But according to Paul and Bill,
Copy !req
76. this crisis is being well addressed
by the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
77. I would argue that the number one success
of the endangered Species Act is that
Copy !req
78. it has helped prevent the extinction
of hundreds of species that had.
Copy !req
79. Otherwise
we would have lost without the act.
Copy !req
80. in fact, the Fish and Wildlife Service
Copy !req
81. estimates that upwards of 40%
of all currently endangered species
Copy !req
82. are either stabilized or recovering
thanks to the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
83. It's working, it's working, it's working.
Copy !req
84. The problem is the Endangered Species
Act is an absolute disaster.
Copy !req
85. Is one of the worst, laws that's ever
been passed in American history.
Copy !req
86. And it is bad for people
and bad for species who
Copy !req
87. fuck.
Copy !req
88. This is RJ Smith.
Copy !req
89. He's the senior environmental scholar
at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Copy !req
90. And he says the government bureaucrats
who offer
Copy !req
91. the endangered Species Act
had a hidden agenda.
Copy !req
92. Government guys with a hidden agenda.
Copy !req
93. How can that be?
Copy !req
94. What they attempted to do in
there was essentially write an act that
Copy !req
95. gave the government the power of complete
and total national land use control.
Copy !req
96. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
97. Did you say total national land
use control?
Copy !req
98. No, it's to save owls and little bunnies.
Copy !req
99. Other cute shit. I mean, is it it.
Copy !req
100. It's being used for something
entirely different
Copy !req
101. than what people thought
it was being used for.
Copy !req
102. No way.
Copy !req
103. The act has been used to tell landowners
what they can do or what they can't do.
Copy !req
104. Here's how the Endangered Species
Act works.
Copy !req
105. Say you have a piece of land and say
you want to put up some awful piece
Copy !req
106. of corporate America like,
let's say, a school for orphans.
Copy !req
107. Then the state tells you
that there are gray suited tellers
Copy !req
108. living on your property, and gray suited
tellers are on the endangered
Copy !req
109. species list now. Guess what?
Copy !req
110. You can't build all the land
Copy !req
111. as long as the gray suited
tellers are there.
Copy !req
112. In fact,
Copy !req
113. you can't touch a twig on your own
property without breaking the law.
Copy !req
114. And you can't kill the gray suited fuckers
without seriously breaking the law.
Copy !req
115. Okay, so it's definitely time to sell.
Copy !req
116. But who's going to buy it?
Copy !req
117. Nobody. And the government will buy it.
Copy !req
118. Or even give you a penny in reimbursement.
Copy !req
119. You're fucked.
Copy !req
120. The land is worthless.
Copy !req
121. Thanks.
Copy !req
122. Endangered species act
fucking gray suited dealers.
Copy !req
123. But it's not really their fault.
Copy !req
124. But it's the government's. Really.
Copy !req
125. But man, we still want to kill
those gray suited fuckers
Copy !req
126. like kids.
Copy !req
127. You have.
Copy !req
128. But Bill Snape
says our example is, well, bullshit.
Copy !req
129. There just aren't
Copy !req
130. private landowners that I can identify
where the value of their property
Copy !req
131. has radically declined
as a result of the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
132. The just. These landowners don't exist.
Copy !req
133. Truth is, Bill was worried
after we taped this interview.
Copy !req
134. I don't know something about us
making fun of him.
Copy !req
135. And that probably means he's
watching the show right now in that
Copy !req
136. very living room.
Copy !req
137. Maybe he's even wearing that plaid shirt.
Copy !req
138. Well, Bill, welcome to bullshit.
Copy !req
139. Here's a tip.
Copy !req
140. Never agree to go on a show
called bullshit
Copy !req
141. unless you've done your fucking homework.
Copy !req
142. You should have looked
a little harder, Bill,
Copy !req
143. because now we're going to introduce you
to a person you say doesn't exist.
Copy !req
144. Bill, this is Linda Bon Jovi.
Copy !req
145. Hey, if anybody has been screwed
by the USA, it's her.
Copy !req
146. Linda has cerebral palsy
and is wheelchair bound.
Copy !req
147. She teaches students with learning
disabilities over the phone from her home.
Copy !req
148. Actually, it's not her home.
Copy !req
149. You see, Bill, she's homeless.
Copy !req
150. I became homeless,
basically due to the four hurricanes
Copy !req
151. that we've had here
and caused Signifi damage to my apartment.
Copy !req
152. So my best friend from college
Copy !req
153. basically said, if you need to come,
stay here, come sit here.
Copy !req
154. And she opened her home to me.
Copy !req
155. This is where my hospital beds
and its place in the middle
Copy !req
156. of her family room, which isn't
the best situation for her or her family.
Copy !req
157. Nor is it
the best for a woman in a wheelchair.
Copy !req
158. All her
Copy !req
159. bathrooms are upstairs,
so it's been very difficult for me
Copy !req
160. to do my daily living activities
Copy !req
161. as far as showering, brushing my teeth.
Copy !req
162. So, Bill, you're probably wondering
how Lindy's been screwed
Copy !req
163. by the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
164. Stay tuned.
Copy !req
165. We'll get back to Linda a bit later.
Copy !req
166. But first, Bill, a biology lesson.
Copy !req
167. About 99% of all the species
Copy !req
168. that have ever existed on
Earth are already extinct.
Copy !req
169. They went extinct naturally, or they went
extinct during the meteor impacts
Copy !req
170. that exterminated the dinosaurs.
Copy !req
171. And before that, the Permian extinction
Copy !req
172. 250 million years ago
that exterminated most life on Earth.
Copy !req
173. Patrick Moore
is the co-founder of Greenpeace only.
Copy !req
174. He left the group in 1986 because its
focus, he says, became anti-capitalism.
Copy !req
175. Today, he's out to challenge
the tactics of radical environmentalism.
Copy !req
176. We love Patrick Moore.
Copy !req
177. The biodiversity is higher on earth today
than it ever has been
Copy !req
178. in the 3.5 billion year
history of life on this planet.
Copy !req
179. This is a known fact,
and the idea that we are now
Copy !req
180. driving this great mass
extinction is complete baloney.
Copy !req
181. Baloney is smart guy jargon for bullshit.
Copy !req
182. There is no mass extinction of species
taking place
Copy !req
183. on the earth today,
and it is a complete fabrication.
Copy !req
184. You want to hear it again?
Copy !req
185. The co-founder of Greenpeace says.
Copy !req
186. There is no mass extinction of species
taking place
Copy !req
187. on the Earth today,
and it is a complete fabrication.
Copy !req
188. I think it's
because all the other predictions
Copy !req
189. of ecological collapse
and doom and gloom and Apocalypse
Copy !req
190. Now have not come true,
and so they have to invent one.
Copy !req
191. If it's bullshit,
Copy !req
192. why did those Washington bureaucrats
come up with the Endangered Species Act?
Copy !req
193. Let's find a politician.
Copy !req
194. Hold their feet to the fire.
Copy !req
195. Hey, how about this guy?
Copy !req
196. You political bastard? What's your name?
Copy !req
197. I'm Richard Pombo.
Copy !req
198. I'm a congressman from California.
Copy !req
199. I represent the 11th
Congressional district.
Copy !req
200. You are going down.
Copy !req
201. What's the deal
with the Endangered Species
Copy !req
202. Act, Come on, defend yourself,
you spineless bastard.
Copy !req
203. I would have to say
that the act has been a failure.
Copy !req
204. Say what?
Copy !req
205. Oh, sorry about that, spineless
name calling.
Copy !req
206. Turns out Congressman Pombo
is probably one of the few
Copy !req
207. on Capitol Hill who's actually read
the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
208. And he's a rancher, so he's familiar
with the many ways the U.S.A.
Copy !req
209. can fuck landowners.
Copy !req
210. He must have figured
we were from front line or no.
Copy !req
211. I mean, why would security let bullshit
into the halls of Congress?
Copy !req
212. What we need to do is go back in and
figure out a better way to recover species
Copy !req
213. and at the same time, reduce
some of the conflicts that we're having
Copy !req
214. with with private property
owners and people throughout the country.
Copy !req
215. A lot of people talk about that.
Copy !req
216. The act, creates incentives
for shoot, shovel and shut up.
Copy !req
217. I mean, that's sort of a standard joke.
Copy !req
218. Right?
Copy !req
219. That's what a landowner will spot
Copy !req
220. an animal on the endangered species
list on his property.
Copy !req
221. Kill it, bury it, and not tell anyone.
Copy !req
222. Man, that is so not funny at all.
Copy !req
223. And now that we think about it, not a
very good way to save endangered species.
Copy !req
224. Most landowners are not afraid
of wildlife on their land.
Copy !req
225. They're just afraid of the feds
on their land as well.
Copy !req
226. They should be.
Copy !req
227. The Endangered Species
Act recommends the, quote, use
Copy !req
228. of all necessary methods and procedures
to bring any endangered or threatened
Copy !req
229. species to the point at which the measures
under the actor no longer necessary.
Copy !req
230. It's a bit about unnecessary methods.
Copy !req
231. It puts a Florida
predatory stinkbug up a ass.
Copy !req
232. Yeah, because the
Copy !req
233. Endangered Species Act is so powerful,
there's there's no way out of it.
Copy !req
234. There's no wiggle room.
Copy !req
235. it's the supreme law of the land.
Copy !req
236. Seems to trump all other laws, trump
Copy !req
237. the Bill of rights,
the Constitution, and so on.
Copy !req
238. and if you want to stop some project,
you just list the species.
Copy !req
239. Okay, guys, here's a quiz.
Copy !req
240. Which of the following provides a classic
example of an endangered species?
Copy !req
241. A 50 cent cup of coffee.
Copy !req
242. David Blaine or the spotted
owl of the Pacific Northwest.
Copy !req
243. Patrick.
Copy !req
244. Well,
the classic case in endangered species
Copy !req
245. is the spotted owl of the Pacific
Northwest. Correct.
Copy !req
246. You have one membership.
Copy !req
247. You don't have anything.
Sorry. We're cable.
Copy !req
248. We were told back in the late 80s,
early 90s
Copy !req
249. that if logging continued
in the national forests of the Pacific
Copy !req
250. Northwest,
that the spotted owl would go extinct.
Copy !req
251. So to save the spotted owl,
the Endangered Species Act barred
Copy !req
252. logging in old growth forests
where trees have never been cut down.
Copy !req
253. But then they discovered
Copy !req
254. that the spotted owl
was in second and third growth forests.
Copy !req
255. So you think great.
Copy !req
256. The birds live in the younger forests
where logging is cut down.
Copy !req
257. Trees
and new ones have grown to replace them.
Copy !req
258. Now we can go back to a rotating form
of responsible logging.
Copy !req
259. Right? Wrong.
Copy !req
260. So then they started restricting activity
in those forests.
Copy !req
261. And as a result of all of that,
we've gotten to the point
Copy !req
262. now where we import lumber from
from foreign countries into our country.
Copy !req
263. When we stand with the greatest amount
of forest land that we've had
Copy !req
264. since European settlers
came to this country.
Copy !req
265. The whole crisis related to the Spotted
Owl was a completely trumped up lie.
Copy !req
266. As a result, the forest industry
was basically destroyed
Copy !req
267. on the lie
that the spotted owl would go extinct.
Copy !req
268. The spotted owl is capable of living
and breeding perfectly
Copy !req
269. well in landscapes that are dominated
by second growth forests,
Copy !req
270. which is the majority of the mountainous
lands in the whole Pacific Northwest,
Copy !req
271. all the way down into California
and northern Mexico.
Copy !req
272. The recovery plan has done little of,
if anything,
Copy !req
273. to protect the the northern spotted owl.
Copy !req
274. And at the same time has had
devastating impacts on the economies
Copy !req
275. of many small towns, lost people's jobs
because of it.
Copy !req
276. Congressman Pombo knows
because it's hit his district.
Copy !req
277. But from the comfort of Bill Snape's
Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
278. home,
Copy !req
279. everything's wonderful.
Copy !req
280. The Spotted Owl
crisis is now a success story.
Copy !req
281. The ancient forest that the spotted Owl
needs actually
Copy !req
282. have been protected
thanks to the endangered species Act.
Copy !req
283. Well, let's talk about that success story.
Copy !req
284. There are 1827 species on the U.S.
Copy !req
285. endangered species list
since the act went into effect.
Copy !req
286. Only 40 species have been delisted.
Copy !req
287. Out of those, 49 are extinct. Oops.
Copy !req
288. So the USA didn't do much for them.
Copy !req
289. 60 were put off the list by mistake.
Copy !req
290. So they don't count.
Copy !req
291. That leaves 15 supposed success stories.
Copy !req
292. And what about those 50?
Copy !req
293. Well, I'll tell you.
Copy !req
294. Three are kangaroos in Australia.
Copy !req
295. Three year birds and plow
that were undercounted.
Copy !req
296. Three bird species recovered
predominantly because DDT was banned.
Copy !req
297. EPA did that, not the USA.
Copy !req
298. One is the American alligator.
Copy !req
299. Scientists overestimated
the threat they faced.
Copy !req
300. One is the Robin sink
foil, a New Hampshire plant that was saved
Copy !req
301. by planning some and moving some hiking
trails so hikers didn't stop them.
Copy !req
302. One is the Colombian white tailed deer
and one is a subspecies of Canada goose,
Copy !req
303. both of which were saved in large part
by hunting restriction,
Copy !req
304. something that could easily have been done
without the ESR regulations.
Copy !req
305. One is the Tinian monarch,
a bird that its habitat destroyed
Copy !req
306. during World War two but was fine
by the time the essay became law.
Copy !req
307. One is the gray whale.
Now that's real shit.
Copy !req
308. We'll have more on that later.
Copy !req
309. And one is the Hoover's Wooly star.
Copy !req
310. Now, if you're paying attention,
you realize that's 41.
Copy !req
311. The wooly star was miscounted
and so removed from the list.
Copy !req
312. And yet it's also listed as recovery,
something only possible
Copy !req
313. with a government program.
Copy !req
314. And what about something like that
Copy !req
315. new fairy shrimp found by scientists
a couple of days before we taped?
Copy !req
316. Who knew there'd be a shrimp
in the desert of Idaho?
Copy !req
317. How do we tell you that?
Copy !req
318. I mean, that's a brand new species.
Copy !req
319. Now, do we get a credit?
Copy !req
320. It's a good thing
we have the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
321. What would have happened without it?
Copy !req
322. Let's check back with Lindy
Copy !req
323. Mangione, that lady from Florida
and the world's fastest wheelchair.
Copy !req
324. Fuck. She bucks.
Copy !req
325. If you remember,
we're telling Lindy story for Bill Snape,
Copy !req
326. the ignoramus in plaid
who was so misinformed that he said this.
Copy !req
327. Just aren't
Copy !req
328. private landowners that I can identify
where the value of their property
Copy !req
329. has radically declined
as a result of the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
330. The just these landowners don't exist.
Copy !req
331. Quick recap Lindy is staying with a friend
because she's currently homeless,
Copy !req
332. and there's not a bathroom on
the first floor where she sleeps so well.
Copy !req
333. You go ahead, Lindy.
Copy !req
334. This is what is different.
Copy !req
335. She comes six days at a seven
to help meet my daily needs.
Copy !req
336. I will to.
Copy !req
337. This is my mom says in Bergen County. Hi.
Copy !req
338. And she's going to be showing
you where I take my shower
Copy !req
339. at this point.
Copy !req
340. Where you take a shower.
Copy !req
341. Okay.
Copy !req
342. Wait. Where are you going?
Copy !req
343. You go to the backyard.
Copy !req
344. We'll to bring Lindy out
in her electric wheelchair,
Copy !req
345. and she sets her in this contraption,
which is a shower chair made of PVC.
Copy !req
346. Now, will, to turn the spigot on and just
Copy !req
347. kind of washes the hair.
Copy !req
348. The body rinses towels
Copy !req
349. back into the wheelchair
and back into the house.
Copy !req
350. Bill should live like this.
Copy !req
351. You want to save the environment, bill?
Copy !req
352. Dump your books and fancy house
and shower in a friend's backyard.
Copy !req
353. Buck up man.
Copy !req
354. Think of the owls.
Copy !req
355. Could be living where you so smugly sit.
Copy !req
356. And want to be able to have an environment
Copy !req
357. that I can get around and independently,
Copy !req
358. and then I don't have to rely on other
people to help meet my needs.
Copy !req
359. So five
years ago, Lindy bought this piece of land
Copy !req
360. where she could build a dream home
and be close to her mom.
Copy !req
361. My church is right at the end of the road
down that way.
Copy !req
362. My mom's house is two blocks
Copy !req
363. that way.
Copy !req
364. I want to be close to my mom.
Copy !req
365. Five years ago
she was diagnosed with cancer,
Copy !req
366. and I want to spend as much time
as I can with her
Copy !req
367. without living under the same roof.
Copy !req
368. So why is Lindy building her house yet?
Copy !req
369. The plot thickens.
Copy !req
370. Before we tell you,
we want to string Bill along a bit
Copy !req
371. because we really want him
to watch this next part, and Bill's in it.
Copy !req
372. Bill.
Copy !req
373. Well, there has been a very well-funded
attack on the Endangered Species
Copy !req
374. Act for over a decade,
and this is mostly corporate America,
Copy !req
375. a real estate developers and the major
natural resource extractive industries
Copy !req
376. who view the endangered species act
as a nuisance to their economic profits.
Copy !req
377. Fucking corporate America.
Copy !req
378. Hey, wait
till you and I are a corporation.
Copy !req
379. In fact,
Copy !req
380. most corporations are small mom and pop
organizations who make everything wrong.
Copy !req
381. That plaid shirt bill is wearing to
his fleece lined waterproof jacket.
Copy !req
382. And yet, for some reason, destroying
corporations is one of the real agendas
Copy !req
383. of the environmental
and endangered species movement.
Copy !req
384. Bash corporate America
and stop any development
Copy !req
385. you can as long as you can
keep getting lattes.
Copy !req
386. They are using endangered species issues
Copy !req
387. to basically fight
against the establishment,
Copy !req
388. against capitalism, against globalization,
against industry, etc..
Copy !req
389. How does the essay do that?
Copy !req
390. Well, say you've got a species
called the red suit and teller.
Copy !req
391. There could be thousands of them
Copy !req
392. on the other side of the mountain,
just a few miles away.
Copy !req
393. Well, let's say there's only a few
right here where we are.
Copy !req
394. Oh, guess what?
Copy !req
395. The red suited teller is now an endangered
species here, but not there.
Copy !req
396. So any and all development
that was going to happen here can
Copy !req
397. of course it can't happen over there
Copy !req
398. where the red suited
tellers really like living.
Copy !req
399. Yeah.
Copy !req
400. You can fuck up where they like to live,
just not where they don't like to live.
Copy !req
401. Okay?
Copy !req
402. This is creeping me out.
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403. Supporters of the USA claim they've saved
many species from extinction.
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404. And cite the gray whale is one of their
great success stories.
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405. Watch well, I think the great whales.
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406. A great success story.
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407. a species,
that was, listed several decades ago.
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408. and thanks to the Endangered Species
Act, it's now off the list.
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409. We stop harvesting gray whales,
half a century ago.
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410. And so they were naturally recovering.
Copy !req
411. And finally, the feds realized that
there are more whales now than there were,
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412. you know, in the 1800s,
when we started whaling.
Copy !req
413. And so they took that off
the endangered species list,
Copy !req
414. but that had nothing to do,
with the Endangered Species Act.
Copy !req
415. Nevertheless, NASA crusaders continue
to use this bullshit, save the whale claim
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416. to raise money, claim political clout,
and tug at your heartstrings.
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417. Which brings us back to this asshole,
Paul Watson.
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418. You remember him?
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419. He's the leader of the sea
Shepherd Conservation Society,
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420. and he flies around in that really cool
plane, man.
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421. Now, we've called him an asshole.
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422. We'll never get a ride on that plane.
Copy !req
423. Well,
Copy !req
424. the things we sacrificed
to make this show for you.
Copy !req
425. There's plenty of organizations
protecting people out there.
Copy !req
426. There's not many organizations
protecting endangered species.
Copy !req
427. I think the Endangered Species
Act is, really the single
Copy !req
428. most important legislation that we have
in the United States protecting,
Copy !req
429. non-human species.
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430. So besides being wrong,
what makes Paul Watson such an asshole?
Copy !req
431. He does things like ram
Japanese ships with his boat
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432. to stop them from fishing.
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433. In 1986, he helped sink
half the Icelandic whaling fleet,
Copy !req
434. which could have been more
than a couple of boats, but still,
Copy !req
435. Paul gave us cool footage to use
when we talk about him.
Copy !req
436. He thought it would prevent us
from calling him an asshole.
Copy !req
437. Didn't work, asshole.
Copy !req
438. I've had numerous, experiences
with whales.
Copy !req
439. In fact, I had one experience
that changed my life completely.
Copy !req
440. A moving first person anecdote.
Copy !req
441. Do tell.
Copy !req
442. I found myself off the coast of California
in front of 150ft
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443. Soviet harpoon vessel
that was bearing down on us.
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444. The, Harpooner pulled the trigger
and sent the harpoon
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445. over our head
and slammed into the backside
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446. of one of the whales in the pod,
and she screamed.
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447. And it was this horrendous.
It was a human like scream.
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448. I mean, it was very unnerving.
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449. Moby Dick is my favorite book.
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450. I am so ready for this.
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451. Okay, Paul Uba Ahab.
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452. And I looked up into this
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453. I and I the size of my fist and what I saw
there really changed my life forever.
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454. Because a whale understood
what we were trying to do.
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455. From hell's heart I stabbed thee.
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456. Because with a great effort, it fell back.
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457. And I saw him disappear beneath the sea.
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458. And his eye disappeared.
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459. And he died.
Copy !req
460. For Pete's sake.
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461. I spit my last breath at the sea.
Copy !req
462. It's a movie being made on you. Yeah.
Copy !req
463. There is a movie
being about to be made with Sean Penn.
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464. Actually released.
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465. Sean Penn, Sean Penn.
Copy !req
466. I'm thinking more George Wendt.
Copy !req
467. I hope that scene
is in. I'm sure it will be.
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468. His argument is for the beauty
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469. and humanity, if you will, of the whale,
and that may be valid.
Copy !req
470. He should argue that,
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471. not claim that they're endangered
because one personally touched his heart.
Copy !req
472. That's not what the word endangered means.
Copy !req
473. Let's check back in with Lindy.
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474. She's got a piece of land close to her
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475. mom in church, so all she's got to do
is build her dream house.
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476. It seems Mr. Bluebirds on her shoulder.
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477. Unfortunately,
that bluebird is the Florida scrub jay.
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478. It's basically.
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479. And Dana, that species of bird
that inhabits that land.
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480. And for that reason,
I am not able to build at this point.
Copy !req
481. I cannot fathom how the scrub
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482. jay could possibly be characterized
as an endangered species.
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483. They're all over the South.
They're everywhere.
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484. Whether there's any desert or scrub bush.
Copy !req
485. So that's crazy.
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486. Finding
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487. out that I
can build on this piece of property that,
Copy !req
488. ultimately, I wanted to build a home on.
Copy !req
489. I was very discouraged, but no biggie.
Copy !req
490. Lindy applied for a variance
with the Florida Fish
Copy !req
491. and Wildlife Conservation Commission
that would allow her to build.
Copy !req
492. After all, it worked for her neighbors.
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493. To blocks down they had the scrub
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494. j ban lifted to where you can build.
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495. But on my lot, my specific lot you can't.
Copy !req
496. It doesn't make any logical sense.
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497. And it really doesn't make sense
when you find out
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498. about the newest neighbors
to Lindy's vacant lot.
Copy !req
499. Follow the money.
Copy !req
500. Yes, there's, a Walmart Supercenter
being built in the area.
Copy !req
501. as you can see, the area is very busy
with all these cars coming and going,
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502. and it's a very residential area
with many homes around it.
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503. It's not what they would call,
a preserved wildlife area.
Copy !req
504. So Linda out Walmart in. Yep.
Copy !req
505. Even the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission love
Copy !req
506. shopping at Walmart.
Copy !req
507. If poor Linda was going to live on her
land, she'd have to write a report.
Copy !req
508. I basically said
how it was going to protect the bird
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509. there, that I was going to tear down
the trees.
Copy !req
510. Walmart report was fine, but
the commission said Lindy's wasn't enough.
Copy !req
511. I'll bet Walmart's
team of attorneys had better penmanship.
Copy !req
512. Now Linda has to develop
a more in-depth proposal
Copy !req
513. detailing exactly how she's going to try
and save the birds
Copy !req
514. while she works on this,
she'll be showering outside.
Copy !req
515. It's ridiculous.
Copy !req
516. The whole thing is absurd.
Copy !req
517. You would think that they wouldn't
take my circumstances in consideration
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518. and try and help,
and that has not been the case.
Copy !req
519. I have been to my lot several times
over the past five years,
Copy !req
520. and I have never seen a scrub tree
in this location.
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521. That scrub. Is he blue?
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522. Wait a second. It's a scrub. Jake.
Copy !req
523. Lindy, quick!
Copy !req
524. Kill it, kill it,
kill it and bury the little fucker.
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525. It's not blue.
Copy !req
526. Oh, wait, it's not blue.
Copy !req
527. It's not a scrub. Jake.
Copy !req
528. Never mind.
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529. We we didn't shout.
Copy !req
530. Kill it, bury it.
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531. We said thrill it. Marriott.
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532. Jesus.
Copy !req
533. I hope the fishing game
people don't have TiVo.
Copy !req
534. I do value environmental issues.
Copy !req
535. I don't want to say that
they're not important.
Copy !req
536. Okay, watch out, y'all.
Copy !req
537. Speed demons coming through.
Copy !req
538. A lot of these lawmakers,
they make laws and they don't
Copy !req
539. understand the ultimate effects
that it has on other people,
Copy !req
540. particularly with disabilities.
Copy !req
541. Man, it seems like she's talking
right to Bill.
Copy !req
542. I'm so glad we won
with the wheelchair case.
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543. Let these cool.
Copy !req
544. And if I could say one thing
to take a step back and look
Copy !req
545. and see what it is to live my life,
and then make a judgment
Copy !req
546. on how you write your laws.
Copy !req
547. I mean, who wants to live this
like showering outside
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548. with a garden hose in 30 degree weather?
Copy !req
549. I mean,
Copy !req
550. I challenge one of you to try and go do
Copy !req
551. It's not easy.
Copy !req
552. It sucks.
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553. Plain and simple.
Copy !req
554. I have you set me up from here.
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555. Since you're leaving.
Copy !req
556. That Lindy's a tough bird and
Copy !req
557. a more important
living thing than the fucking scrubs.
Copy !req
558. But that's not the choice.
Copy !req
559. They can both live.
Copy !req
560. It's the government
that's fucking them both up.
Copy !req
561. We sure hope Linda gets to build
that house.
Copy !req
562. Here's the first rule of bullshit.
Copy !req
563. If somebody says there ought to be a law,
there probably aren't.
Copy !req
564. We all live in an interconnected world.
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565. We don't know the consequences
of a species dying off,
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566. and then these species dying off is bad,
whether it hurts us or not.
Copy !req
567. When we try to solve a problem
Copy !req
568. by passing a law,
what we get is a bullshit political game.
Copy !req
569. So be nice to endangered species,
but don't make laws
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570. and don't feel too bad
if we lose a species now and then.
Copy !req
571. Mother nature's one cold hearted bitch
and she's running the show.
Copy !req
572. If she says it's time to go,
it's time to go.
Copy !req
573. That may mean the spotted owl.
Copy !req
574. That may mean the gray whale.
Copy !req
575. That may mean you and me.
Copy !req
576. And besides,
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577. many species are just fucking animals.
Copy !req
578. We. Hey
Copy !req
579. hey hey.
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