1. Hi, I'm Penn Jillette.
Copy !req
2. There's a lot of unexplained shit
in the world.
Copy !req
3. Things go bump.
Copy !req
4. Books fall off, shelves suck.
Copy !req
5. We can't explain
why showtime keeps us on the air.
Copy !req
6. According to some polls, 51% of Americans
Copy !req
7. believe
the unexplained shit is caused by ghosts.
Copy !req
8. Come on. Ghosts.
Copy !req
9. If somehow the pollster guys are correct
in their guesstimates,
Copy !req
10. we're pretty sure
that none of that 51% watches this show.
Copy !req
11. And we don't want them.
Copy !req
12. We don't mind preaching to the converted
if the non converted
Copy !req
13. are that fucking stupid.
Copy !req
14. We're among friends here
and we like it that way.
Copy !req
15. I mean are we really going to have to do
a bullshit episode about Elvis sightings?
Copy !req
16. Ghosts and pollsters are bullshit.
Copy !req
17. I don't.
Copy !req
18. Have. Any.
Copy !req
19. Boo boo boo boo boo.
Copy !req
20. Do you.
Copy !req
21. Tonight we're spending the country
in the search
Copy !req
22. for ghostly ectoplasm, mysterious
electrical fields and the truth.
Copy !req
23. Not necessarily in that order.
Copy !req
24. This team of Ghostbusters. Hey.
Copy !req
25. One of them is pretty hot,
and we're not saying
Copy !req
26. which one will give us a tour of the most
haunted town in Texas.
Copy !req
27. We'll also meet another Ghostbuster
who calls what he does science
Copy !req
28. and his assistants.
Copy !req
29. A lady who talks to the dead.
Copy !req
30. An Ivy League professor
who says ghosts are a load of hooey.
Copy !req
31. And the 2004 Nobel Prize
winner in physics,
Copy !req
32. who for some reason,
we interviewed in his garage.
Copy !req
33. The idea of ghosts is fucked up in
so many ways.
Copy !req
34. The dead always return dressed
or wearing sheets.
Copy !req
35. Wouldn't
real ghosts always been naked like this?
Copy !req
36. Why would clothing
Copy !req
37. have an afterlife
if not baptized newborns?
Copy !req
38. Sons of Catholics aren't saved.
Copy !req
39. Would Jesus die on the cross for my socks?
Copy !req
40. Is the soaked cycle of my washing machine
baptizing their souls?
Copy !req
41. And if clothing does have a soul,
why don't your old shirts come back to
Copy !req
42. haunt you?
Copy !req
43. Maybe the dead are returning
because they want to change their clothes.
Copy !req
44. Because their pants are too tight.
Copy !req
45. Ghost.
Copy !req
46. Ghost. Ghosts.
Copy !req
47. We scoured the globe to find them.
Copy !req
48. We traveled all the way to Leesburg,
Copy !req
49. then made our way across to Jefferson,
Copy !req
50. Okay, we didn't really cross the globe.
Copy !req
51. We barely left our time zone.
Copy !req
52. In Jefferson,
we met Nick, Lisa, and Clayton.
Copy !req
53. They're ghost hunters.
Copy !req
54. In Leesburg, we found Joe Holbert.
Copy !req
55. He's a paranormal investigator.
Copy !req
56. Two teams who believe in ghosts.
Copy !req
57. But will either one actually
find anything?
Copy !req
58. Not sure.
Copy !req
59. I haven't read far enough into the script.
Copy !req
60. Up first.
Copy !req
61. Leesburg, Virginia.
Copy !req
62. Locals say this French cafe is haunted.
Copy !req
63. Look at that sign.
Copy !req
64. It's moving by itself.
Copy !req
65. What?
Copy !req
66. Oh, just the wind.
Copy !req
67. I almost pissed myself.
Copy !req
68. And that's, Joe Hobart.
Copy !req
69. He is the head of Virginia Science
Copy !req
70. There are a team of ghost hunters.
Copy !req
71. Slash ghost chasers slash Ghostbusters.
Copy !req
72. But our ghost hunters are not ghost
Copy !req
73. We're not Ghostbusters.
We are strict scientists.
Copy !req
74. using equipment and, protocols.
Copy !req
75. Wow, a real scientist.
Copy !req
76. Have we thought
this show was just going to be
Copy !req
77. a parade of whack jobs
with beeping meters and name badges?
Copy !req
78. Thankfully, that's not you.
Copy !req
79. We are working with.
Copy !req
80. With hard science and hard science.
In fact.
Copy !req
81. Hard science
and attractive young assistants.
Copy !req
82. So what's Joe's area of expertise?
Copy !req
83. Electromagnetic fields.
Copy !req
84. It looks like the chicks dig them well.
Copy !req
85. Electromagnetic fields are very common.
Copy !req
86. They're everywhere.
Copy !req
87. we all have them as humans.
Copy !req
88. And the planet has one.
Copy !req
89. But these are.
Copy !req
90. Well, we're looking for fields that are
that are not supposed to be there.
Copy !req
91. Joe says ghosts leave behind energy
fields, too.
Copy !req
92. Go ahead, Joe, ditch the badge.
Copy !req
93. You're on TV now. You're a celebrity.
Copy !req
94. When people say that, they see something
or hear something, we find a field.
Copy !req
95. What ghost?
Copy !req
96. Two people see at the Eiffel Tower cafe.
Copy !req
97. A tall man
in a top hat who lived during the 1830s.
Copy !req
98. So, Lincoln, a young Lincoln,
can make contact with the ghost.
Copy !req
99. Joe and his assistants are going to use
this device specially designed
Copy !req
100. to detect electromagnetic fields
around invisible top hats.
Copy !req
101. So, Joe, explain.
Copy !req
102. Why the fuck would you use an electric
meter to detect a nonphysical entity?
Copy !req
103. And if it's paranormal beyond science,
why would you pretend you're a scientist?
Copy !req
104. Hey, come on, pick some more shit up,
would you?
Copy !req
105. Boys, light energy here.
Copy !req
106. Oh, this is what we call a fixed field.
Copy !req
107. Because that field does not move.
Copy !req
108. It's attached only to the building.
Copy !req
109. It's just like Christy.
Copy !req
110. But it's like Christy
with some kind of memory attached to us.
Copy !req
111. It's just an image that's stuck in time.
Copy !req
112. Kind of like a paranormal video.
Copy !req
113. Joe, the bad news is
that makes no fucking sense.
Copy !req
114. The good news is our music
makes you almost forget.
Copy !req
115. It makes no fucking sense.
Copy !req
116. We're going to leave here for a bit
and head to Jefferson, Texas, where
Copy !req
117. ghosts have been spotted
at this old abandoned building
Copy !req
118. and in the popular Jefferson Hotel
and in this house.
Copy !req
119. And it's here
we met this team of ghost hunters.
Copy !req
120. Now, some people say we make
people look like idiots on this show.
Copy !req
121. All right,
we'll make these idiots look cool.
Copy !req
122. They already walk almost in step.
Copy !req
123. They got leather jackets,
maybe leatherette shit.
Copy !req
124. We'll even give a techno soundtrack.
Copy !req
125. Now slow it down.
Copy !req
126. What does it look like? Film.
Copy !req
127. Oh, ghost hunters look cool in sepia.
Copy !req
128. Now, how could we be nicer than that?
Copy !req
129. Okay, that's
all we're going to get out of us now.
Copy !req
130. Let's watch them fuck themselves.
Copy !req
131. I think this is a,
We have a very experienced team
Copy !req
132. of ghost hunters
and paranormal investigators.
Copy !req
133. Lisa Farwell, paranormal investigator
and author of Haunted Texas Vacations.
Copy !req
134. Under Texas Vacations.
Copy !req
135. Where have I seen that?
Copy !req
136. Wasn't that the title of her paper
in Scientific American,
Copy !req
137. or was that in the journal nature?
Copy !req
138. Oh, no no no, wait wait wait.
Copy !req
139. Maybe I'm thinking of the map
rack of the Jefferson Hotel.
Copy !req
140. That's it.
Copy !req
141. Right next to the Cave of Mystery
Copy !req
142. My interest in the paranormal began
when I was 15.
Copy !req
143. my father passed away,
and about a week after he died,
Copy !req
144. I saw him standing in our living room.
Copy !req
145. The perfect choice
for an impartial observer.
Copy !req
146. The week after my dad died,
I was in no state
Copy !req
147. to answer the phone,
let alone decide to do science.
Copy !req
148. Lisa heads a team of investigators
that includes Nick Redfern.
Copy !req
149. He's the bald guy, and Clayton Stapleton,
Copy !req
150. the guy who isn't bald and isn't a woman.
Copy !req
151. One theory that's
been put forward to explain why ghosts
Copy !req
152. might remain around after death,
if you like, is not for their benefit.
Copy !req
153. It's not for the ghost's benefit,
Copy !req
154. but to actually try and comfort
the surviving relatives and friends.
Copy !req
155. Do you even know what the word theory
Copy !req
156. You must think it means shit
that you make up.
Copy !req
157. Is he trying to make Joe and his beeping
meter seem scientific by comparison?
Copy !req
158. Nick is the editor of phenomenon magazine.
Copy !req
159. And it covers everything from UFOs
to ghosts
Copy !req
160. to Bigfoot to life
after death conspiracy theories.
Copy !req
161. Hey, just like this show, without the
critical thinking and the research.
Copy !req
162. Oh, and the desire
to find reality and common sense.
Copy !req
163. And he doesn't use the word asshole
as much.
Copy !req
164. So actually, nothing like our show.
Copy !req
165. The last member of Lisa's team is Clayton.
Copy !req
166. He's the tech guy.
Copy !req
167. That means he gets to carry
the camcorder and tripod.
Copy !req
168. But why should we be hunting ghosts?
Copy !req
169. I say that,
people couldn't believe man could fly.
Copy !req
170. And we did.
Copy !req
171. people couldn't
believe that man could go to the moon.
Copy !req
172. And we have.
Copy !req
173. And I believe ghost or paranormal activity
is just
Copy !req
174. the essence of a person who lived.
Copy !req
175. Breathe. And
Copy !req
176. they're gone on to the next dimension.
Copy !req
177. And we believe that you believe
that believing is all
Copy !req
178. it takes to make something real.
Copy !req
179. But flying and going to the moon
took more than believing.
Copy !req
180. It took hard work.
Copy !req
181. Science does tell us that there is matter
and there's energy.
Copy !req
182. What I believe
is that when our physical bodies
Copy !req
183. die, this energy is left.
Copy !req
184. And according to your colleague, bald
Copy !req
185. that energy comes back
to give solace to the bereaved.
Copy !req
186. Let's think about that.
Copy !req
187. How much solace do we get
from having our electronics fucked up
Copy !req
188. and feeling a chill in the air?
Copy !req
189. The spirits come back from the dead
because they forgot
Copy !req
190. to make someone uncomfortable.
Copy !req
191. Let's for a minute assume
Copy !req
192. we don't think calling ghost typing
scientific is an insult to real science.
Copy !req
193. Sorry. Can't do it.
Copy !req
194. It's a it's
a fucking insult to real science.
Copy !req
195. But they sure try to sound scientific.
Copy !req
196. There are a lot of techniques
that paranormal investigators
Copy !req
197. use to try to measure
the presence of ghosts.
Copy !req
198. using a variety of equipment.
Copy !req
199. some of the tools of the trade are,
Copy !req
200. electromagnetic field detectors.
Copy !req
201. That's the chick magnet Joe was using.
Copy !req
202. And Lisa's got one, too.
Copy !req
203. They also use digital cameras,
35 millimeter cameras, a video camera,
Copy !req
204. tape recorders record electronic voice
phenomenon, a device
Copy !req
205. that detects changes in temperature
that would be a thermometer.
Copy !req
206. And this cool looking gun that picks up
sounds and can be used to track Bigfoot.
Copy !req
207. Bigfoot hunters
like to use it down in the woods.
Copy !req
208. And we all know how effective that's been.
Copy !req
209. And which of these devices
was actually designed and proven to detect
Copy !req
210. ghosts, not a needle pointing,
battery operated stick of it.
Copy !req
211. But let's let them put their circuits to
use up first in this abandoned building.
Copy !req
212. And hey, there's Lisa, Nick and Clayton.
Copy !req
213. Let's do the effect again.
Copy !req
214. No others do.
Copy !req
215. The two ghost hunters.
Copy !req
216. But they're ghost hunters.
Copy !req
217. Once inside, the team got right to work,
and so did Gary Stockdale,
Copy !req
218. who writes our music.
Copy !req
219. We use things like this EMF detector
to help,
Copy !req
220. point in the right direction
Copy !req
221. of anomalous energy.
Copy !req
222. I'm using night
Copy !req
223. scope on this camera,
so usually I can see orbs flying around.
Copy !req
224. If there's any orbs.
Copy !req
225. And I'm not getting any.
Copy !req
226. For once, we agree with you 100%.
Copy !req
227. There's there's a lot of this
that we're not getting.
Copy !req
228. What I'm hoping is that
if we're getting anomalous readings
Copy !req
229. on the EMF detector
and I take pictures in the same location,
Copy !req
230. and if anything anomalous turns up, then
potentially we can put the two together
Copy !req
231. and make a case for something unusual
being in that particular vicinity.
Copy !req
232. So if something he doesn't understand
happens, or better still, if two things
Copy !req
233. he doesn't understand happen, he concludes
he has a haunted manhole.
Copy !req
234. And we're getting an unusually high
reading on our EMF detector.
Copy !req
235. Ghost hunters are classic
pseudo scientists.
Copy !req
236. They think they're doing science.
Copy !req
237. They're sort of running around playing
Copy !req
238. at being scientists,
but they're not doing any actual science.
Copy !req
239. Doctor Stephen Novella is a physician,
a professor of neurology
Copy !req
240. at the Yale University
Copy !req
241. School of Medicine and president
of the New England Skeptical Society.
Copy !req
242. And he is harvesting brains.
Copy !req
243. Oh, no, that's that's just a model.
Copy !req
244. Simply recording electromagnetic waves
and spinning a fancy scientific
Copy !req
245. sounding theory about what
could be causing it is not doing science.
Copy !req
246. Well, I think it's interesting.
Copy !req
247. You know, we're getting these
anomalous readings on the EMF detector
Copy !req
248. so you can actually detect something, even
if visually you're not able to see it.
Copy !req
249. Science is about formulating
a way of testing your ideas
Copy !req
250. and then and then subjecting it
to an experimentation or an observation
Copy !req
251. that could
that could potentially prove false.
Copy !req
252. In science, we have the motto that,
Copy !req
253. extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence.
Copy !req
254. This is doctor Frank will check
a professor at MIT with a PhD in physics.
Copy !req
255. He knows ghost hunters are full of it.
Copy !req
256. The phenomena
they claim don't fit easily or at all
Copy !req
257. into a very powerful, very coherent
Copy !req
258. view of the world that I and my colleagues
Copy !req
259. have developed over
centuries of careful investigation.
Copy !req
260. And who are his, colleagues?
Copy !req
261. Oh, just all the other Nobel Prize
winners. Yep.
Copy !req
262. Doctor Frank will check.
Copy !req
263. Is the 2004 Nobel Prize winner in physics.
Copy !req
264. Let's just look at him for a minute.
Copy !req
265. This is the smartest guy
we've ever had on the show.
Copy !req
266. All right,
this guy gets a really cool effect.
Copy !req
267. Oh, and our winning discovery was,
Copy !req
268. figuring out what protons and neutrons
Copy !req
269. are made out of, namely quarks and gluons.
Copy !req
270. Quarks and gluons.
Copy !req
271. So you really work on
testing your theories.
Copy !req
272. You don't just make shit up.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, whatever. Nobel dude.
Copy !req
274. So are the ghost or what?
Copy !req
275. When the, physical operation of the brain
and other parts of the body stop,
Copy !req
276. then there's no known
or credible mechanism,
Copy !req
277. whereby what used to be going on,
Copy !req
278. can continue to affect
the physical world.
Copy !req
279. Wow. Can we just stay with
doctor will Jack and forget the morons?
Copy !req
280. Well, they're easy to make jokes about.
Copy !req
281. We'll come back to our real scientist
in a bit.
Copy !req
282. I can't tell you how excited we are
waiting for each other to die.
Copy !req
283. There are a lot of reasons,
but the main one is
Copy !req
284. the only way he communicates with me
is through cold
Copy !req
285. spots, drafts,
electromagnetic fluctuations.
Copy !req
286. That means when teller is dead,
Copy !req
287. I'll still be able to understand
his messages from beyond.
Copy !req
288. I've already worked out the chill code.
Copy !req
289. he's asking me
Copy !req
290. why, when we have a chance
to talk to a Nobel Prize winner.
Copy !req
291. We're asking such stupid, fucking
insulting elementary school questions
Copy !req
292. when Doctor Wheeljack
could be teaching us about quarks.
Copy !req
293. I know, man, it's tough.
Copy !req
294. Now watch the compass.
Copy !req
295. Now, teller is saying that he wishes
this bit were over
Copy !req
296. because he's hungry for some grouper
with black eyed peas
Copy !req
297. and artichoke hearts and some butterscotch
pudding for dessert
Copy !req
298. with whipped cream.
Copy !req
299. But he has one more comment.
Copy !req
300. Let's head back to Leesburg, Virginia.
Copy !req
301. Perhaps Joe's gotten our message
and will be a little more lucid
Copy !req
302. about his work.
Copy !req
303. Before
people could actually see something.
Copy !req
304. This field
we have to register over 100 millivolts.
Copy !req
305. Nope.
Copy !req
306. Okay, Joe.
Copy !req
307. Now, why don't you just introduce
us to the scientists you work with?
Copy !req
308. This is Kate, and she's, does
a lot of technical stuff for us.
Copy !req
309. Uses equipment. So.
Copy !req
310. Kate looks like a nice person.
Copy !req
311. We have to make sure
everything's documented.
Copy !req
312. We don't have anything interfering
with what we're getting on.
Copy !req
313. Try fields or anything human at all.
Copy !req
314. So documenting try fields.
Copy !req
315. Kate must have gone MIT and got a degree
in electrical engineering, right?
Copy !req
316. Kate is
Copy !req
317. currently at school working on her
degree in psychology.
Copy !req
318. Got it.
Copy !req
319. What about this other observer?
She's standing around.
Copy !req
320. Must be a scientist in charge of protocol.
Copy !req
321. I do.
Copy !req
322. Title examinations
for, an insurance company.
Copy !req
323. What about this other team member?
Copy !req
324. She's writing shit down.
Copy !req
325. I work for a shelter companion in hospice
Copy !req
326. Fuck.
Copy !req
327. I mean, it's great to help people who are
dying, but I'm starting to suspect
Copy !req
328. that Joe's hiring criteria is based solely
on the perking of the technicians.
Copy !req
329. Gluons, and not on their resume.
Copy !req
330. Last chance.
Copy !req
331. Maybe this guy who takes
pictures of ghosts is a scientist.
Copy !req
332. I'm a fine art photographer,
and I do not photograph ghosts.
Copy !req
333. Finally, someone with some passion.
Copy !req
334. Let's have him say one more thing.
Copy !req
335. Oh, get a load of this.
Copy !req
336. Are you a Ghostbuster?
Copy !req
337. It's an insult to call me a Ghostbuster.
Copy !req
338. We're not hunting ghosts.
Copy !req
339. Easy, big fella.
Copy !req
340. You think Ghostbuster is an insult?
Copy !req
341. How about asshole? Asshole?
Copy !req
342. You know what? This team needs?
Copy !req
343. Well, other than a smack
on the side of the head, a psychic.
Copy !req
344. We could never use a psychic on our team.
Copy !req
345. It's not possible.
Copy !req
346. It would invalidate the data we got.
Copy !req
347. Joe's right.
Copy !req
348. Psychics have nothing to do with science,
but they have a lot to do with funny TV.
Copy !req
349. This is Deborah Harrigan.
Copy !req
350. She's the psychic
we brought to piss off Joe.
Copy !req
351. We put Deborah in the same room
where Joe and his team searched
Copy !req
352. for electrical energy
left behind by a tall man with a hat.
Copy !req
353. What would she say?
Copy !req
354. You see somebody right now? Yes.
Copy !req
355. Yes. Well, yes,
I do see someone right now.
Copy !req
356. She, This particular person is standing,
Copy !req
357. maybe a foot or so behind me.
Copy !req
358. With luck, it's a waitress,
and she's got a big, tall glass of.
Copy !req
359. Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
360. Back in Jefferson, Texas. Clayton.
Copy !req
361. Lisa and Nick arrived at this house.
Copy !req
362. Hey, here's the owner. His name's Mitch.
Copy !req
363. There is no doubt in my mind
that there are supernatural experiences
Copy !req
364. that happen almost on a daily basis
in this house.
Copy !req
365. And historically,
when we look back, they've been happening
Copy !req
366. for a number of years.
Copy !req
367. The team didn't waste any time.
Copy !req
368. They headed straight for the attic. Why?
Copy !req
369. Because in an old house,
that's where the creepy shit happens.
Copy !req
370. Everyone knows that.
Copy !req
371. But before they got there.
Copy !req
372. Clayton's, battery
on his camera just died and came back. On.
Copy !req
373. No spooky music, Gary.
Copy !req
374. We will not help them with the music.
Copy !req
375. That's better.
Copy !req
376. We had a huge spike, and all of a sudden
my camera was dead.
Copy !req
377. These presences really seem to affect
batteries and electrical equipment.
Copy !req
378. Okay, it's just a dead battery.
Copy !req
379. But when you're starved for entertainment,
it'll have to do.
Copy !req
380. And in the attic, some more shit happened.
Copy !req
381. Just freak out.
Copy !req
382. Oh, my gosh,
look at his camera's going crazy.
Copy !req
383. Now, again, interesting,
because we were picking up some really
Copy !req
384. high readings on the EMF detector
Copy !req
385. just prior to the camera malfunction.
Copy !req
386. Batteries can die for for unknown reasons.
Copy !req
387. electrical equipment
is notoriously unreliable.
Copy !req
388. When things don't happen
exactly as as you might expect them to be,
Copy !req
389. the tendency is to interpret it as
whatever phenomenon you're interested in.
Copy !req
390. If you're interested in ghost, a ghost,
Copy !req
391. if you're interested in aliens,
then an alien did it.
Copy !req
392. The team was so excited
Copy !req
393. with their discovery,
they immediately checked into this hotel.
Copy !req
394. Sadly,
it was just to look for more ghosts than.
Copy !req
395. There are several spirits
that haunt the hotel.
Copy !req
396. everyone from,
former prostitutes to ghostly children
Copy !req
397. that have been heard running up
and down the stairs and down the hallway.
Copy !req
398. Things like that.
Copy !req
399. All the way up to a ghost
climbing in bed and spooning you,
Copy !req
400. which I would have not guessed
would ever happen to me, but it did.
Copy !req
401. In the Jefferson Hotel.
Copy !req
402. You heard right.
Copy !req
403. Lisa was spawned by a ghost.
Copy !req
404. Plus, the ghost ate all the snacks
out of the minibar.
Copy !req
405. Bastard. You know what that should cost?
Copy !req
406. Back at the hotel, the team was headed
to the very room where Lisa got groped.
Copy !req
407. Hey, Gary.
Copy !req
408. It's a cool shot again.
Copy !req
409. Try, some spaghetti western music.
Copy !req
410. First, Clayton's set up his camera,
Copy !req
411. and they took some readings
and some photos.
Copy !req
412. And then, for some reason,
we turned on the night vision.
Copy !req
413. Clayton turned on a mini
cassette to record EVP.
Copy !req
414. That's ghost voices.
Copy !req
415. Then in the avant garde portion
of our program, Lisa spoke to the bed.
Copy !req
416. What is your name?
Copy !req
417. More night vision than some listening.
Copy !req
418. Listening with the Big Foot gun.
Copy !req
419. Even Nick got bored.
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420. Then they stared at the camera.
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421. And Lisa summed up the night.
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422. So basically, in here,
we're not picking up anything,
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423. with any of the equipment. Oh.
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424. I wonder what they would have reported
if we hadn't been there.
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425. And then a pseudo
scientist dressed in leather
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426. stumbled clumsily
around the well lit bedroom.
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427. One of them said the night
before she felt the presence,
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428. and the other two believed her.
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429. A battery went dead
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430. and then the video screen
got weird for a few seconds.
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431. They took lots and lots of pictures
and weeks later
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432. when they were developed,
a couple of them had lens flare
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433. and they didn't remember
fucking up the pictures.
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434. And then
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435. the electromagnetic gizmo
that they hadn't calibrated at all
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436. went from 3 to 7,
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437. getting some every time.
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438. Okay.
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439. Ghostbusters are primarily motivated
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440. by just the appeal fascination
of the fantastical.
Copy !req
441. life is more interesting
if you're running around hunting ghosts
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442. than if you're just spending your 9
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443. to 5 in your cubicle
and not doing anything else.
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444. Let's knock off
a few more of these mysteries like EVP,
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445. Electronic Voice Phenomena, recording
ghost voices.
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446. They're really just dredging vast amounts
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447. of noise and data
for an apparent word or two.
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448. And then, of course, they believe that
that that is a communication from a ghost.
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449. When we get back
home, I'll be listening to the tape.
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450. I'll be listening to headphones so
I can listen to every noise that is made.
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451. Every whisper on the tape.
Copy !req
452. Oh, if I can even stay awake
listening to him talk about it.
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453. And what about orbs?
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454. Lisa?
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455. Nick took these photos and sent them
to us, along with a note that says,
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456. these are two orbs that we caught on
digital camera during our investigation.
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457. Adding an orb is the basic energy
pattern of the spirit world.
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458. Okay, and here's what they say an orb is.
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459. And this thing two.
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460. Is that fucking proof of a ghost to you?
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461. It could be a smudge on the lenses
or the.
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462. Wall. Man.
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463. When you're a hot chick, you can get away
with a lot of dumb ass shit.
Copy !req
464. Lisa said to let her know
if we had any more questions.
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465. Well we do.
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466. How the fuck do you have the nerve
to call this bumbling bullshit science?
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467. Late that night, the team
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468. went back to that grate in the floor
in that old abandoned building.
Copy !req
469. See? Readings going
pretty much off the scale right now.
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470. We got elevated readings
where there really wasn't
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471. any electrical circuits
that could interfere with the AMF.
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472. And yet this was in precisely
the same location where people are talked
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473. about actually saying, you know, spirits,
disembodied spirits, etc..
Copy !req
474. Look. The idiot's got to go down there.
Copy !req
475. I mean, that's something I enjoy doing
is actually kind of,
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476. you know, getting into the thick of things
and carrying out a as in-depth
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477. an investigation as possible.
Copy !req
478. Climbing down
a well at night is kind of spooky.
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479. And I guess, you know, late at night,
you know, in a cellar in a haunted house
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480. is the ideal location
to do the investigation and.
Copy !req
481. Climb on down there. Shaggy.
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482. Okay.
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483. Wish me luck.
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484. Got a Scooby Snacks with you?
Copy !req
485. I think when I was in the cellar
perched upon this rocky ladder, you know,
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486. with no lighting, and it was kind of like
an underground chamber full of water.
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487. It was an underground chamber
full of water.
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488. It's a sewer.
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489. Oh, that's
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490. that's a that is literally
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491. at the very end of the chart.
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492. And what's obviously very interesting is
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493. there can't be anything electrical down
in that setting at all.
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494. What do you mean?
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495. It's interesting.
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496. I oh, fuck.
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497. Let's just get out of the sewer
and head back to Leesburg, Virginia
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498. and see how Joe's misusing his machinery
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499. Maybe he'll put his tongue on a battery.
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500. Sadly, no.
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501. Now, he says he's found a mysterious
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502. electrical field on this pineapple,
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503. This wood should not have
an electrical field.
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504. Just shouldn't.
Now, it's literally impossible.
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505. electromagnetic signals are everywhere.
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506. And especially in
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507. any home with electricity is going to have
signals with power wires running nearby.
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508. There's
going to be electromagnetic fields.
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509. So what?
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510. Joe and his team and Lisa
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511. and her team have relied so heavily
on the device that they're dancing around
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512. with is proof of paranormal activity,
is measuring household wiring.
Copy !req
513. Yes, sir. Graham, off.
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514. Electromagnetic fields
are simply ubiquitous in our world.
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515. So is it
any wonder the meters were beeping
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516. in this lit room
and the nicely lit stairs of the attic?
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517. Look, there's an electrical panel
on the wall and all these sockets.
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518. And here and in the hotel room there are
lamps and lights and a video camera.
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519. And the Eiffel Tower cafe.
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520. Lights and plugs, too.
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521. And this house with the banister.
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522. Lights in the ceiling on the wall. Fuck.
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523. Electric wiring is everywhere.
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524. Not only that, electricity is also behind
several other scientific principles.
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525. That to the ignorant, I see mysterious.
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526. But the scientists are well understood.
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527. So here, by controlling an AC current,
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528. I induce magnetic and electric fields that
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529. can move this,
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530. ring up and down.
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531. And if you didn't know
about the laws of physics,
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532. you would think it was some sort of magic
or spirit at work.
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533. And this cool spinning top.
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534. Look, it's floating in midair.
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535. We're looking at magnetic fields
holding up a spinning top.
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536. It's a well understood physical effect,
although quite an interesting
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537. and subtle one for physicists.
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538. Damn. That's cool.
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539. So there's nothing left to debunk
except this.
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540. Why do people believe in ghosts?
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541. Our sensory apparatus was,
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542. built
to deal with certain kinds of problems.
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543. Like, sensing saber tooth tigers
and being ready to run away.
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544. I get it,
our senses are built to detect big things.
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545. Predators,
dramatic changes in temperature.
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546. But not the little things.
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547. Things
like little gusts of wind at a distance
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548. or a static electricity
or magnetic fields.
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549. Those could confuse us.
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550. So some of us start making shit up.
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551. And then some instinct
to generalize that to spirits.
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552. Somehow causing those events.
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553. The ghost hunters haven't even established
that any of their phenomenon,
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554. whether it's, cold spots or
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555. EMF fields or photographs, are anomalous,
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556. let alone saying that
the anomaly is due to spirits.
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557. So there are two steps away from anything
that would be assigned to argument.
Copy !req
558. We'd love to be scientists
and get to wear a lab coat,
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559. but the problem is you have to be really
smart and study for years
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560. before they'll even let you in the lab
to wash the dishes.
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561. I just want to be a scientist,
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562. like a guy who's five foot
four wanted to play in the NBA.
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563. That ain't going to happen.
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564. So we do the best we can.
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565. We cheer.
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566. We're cheerleaders for science.
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567. We can't play in the big game.
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568. But fuck, at least we can wave pom poms.
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569. Ghost hunters
have that same fetish for science,
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570. but they don't just cheer like us.
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571. They dress up and jerk off.
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572. Real scientists spend most of their lives
finding nothing.
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573. When they find stuff, it's really sexy
because it's real.
Copy !req
574. A science fetish is great, but
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575. if you're not going to do the real shit,
be a cheerleader like us.
Copy !req
576. Maybe someday
someone will let you wear a lab coat.
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577. To me. You.
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