1. I'm Penn, and this is my partner, Teller.
Copy !req
2. Last season
Copy !req
3. we got a couple of Emmy nominations,
and with that comes a bit more freedom.
Copy !req
4. So when teller wanted to do a bullshit
of union philosophy, he.
Copy !req
5. I was right there.
Copy !req
6. We were going to beat Carl Jung
like a pinata on Cinco de Mayo.
Copy !req
7. And then damn Showtime
Copy !req
8. said, whoa, we want something
a bit more television friendly.
Copy !req
9. They also wanted us to stop
being such dicks.
Copy !req
10. That got us thinking.
Copy !req
11. Television friendly means dick jokes.
Copy !req
12. So let's talk about dick
and the trauma that overwhelms
Copy !req
13. what should be those
first few joyous dick moments.
Copy !req
14. We're going to check out the bullshit
of circumcision.
Copy !req
15. Now, I wanted to do an ass
Copy !req
16. load of dick jokes,
but teller wanted to take the high road.
Copy !req
17. We compromised.
Copy !req
18. We'll be tasteful work
for truth and justice and do an ass
Copy !req
19. load of dick jokes.
Copy !req
20. We're going to separate the meat from the
shaft because circumcision is bullshit.
Copy !req
21. I. Can
Copy !req
22. get. And.
Copy !req
23. I. Do.
Copy !req
24. the heartwarming cool of a newborn baby.
Copy !req
25. Actually, that crying is the result
of the most common surgery
Copy !req
26. performed in America.
Copy !req
27. Sadly,
this is even more common than the tit job.
Copy !req
28. Circumcision.
Copy !req
29. It happens to over 60% of newborn
male babies in the U.S.
Copy !req
30. 1 million times a year.
Copy !req
31. 3000 times a day, once every 26 seconds.
Copy !req
32. A newborn
baby boy has the tip of his penis cut off.
Copy !req
33. No wonder that little bastard so bad.
Copy !req
34. Truth is,
Copy !req
35. most people don't even know
what a circumcision is.
Copy !req
36. Seriously. Just listen.
Copy !req
37. I don't really know that much
about circumcision.
Copy !req
38. To tell you the truth. I'm so unprepared.
Copy !req
39. I usually study
kind of like skinning a potato.
Copy !req
40. Right foot slice being,
Copy !req
41. since random people on the street
didn't know dick about dick.
Copy !req
42. We turn to the father of foreskin,
a pediatrician who's cut more wieners
Copy !req
43. than Oscar Meyer.
Copy !req
44. Well, a
Copy !req
45. circumcision,
as is removal of the foreskin.
Copy !req
46. Doctor Ed Gershon, pediatrician.
Copy !req
47. Oh, it's tough
Copy !req
48. not to make fun of that bow tie, but, hey,
we are here to make dick jokes.
Copy !req
49. In the United States,
almost all boys are circumcised.
Copy !req
50. And there are generally done
in the newborn period
Copy !req
51. by either a pediatrician, an obstetrician,
or a family practitioner.
Copy !req
52. Like this one.
Copy !req
53. The foreskin is a, area of skin
Copy !req
54. that is on the tip of the penis.
Copy !req
55. I'm doctor Elizabeth Lister.
Copy !req
56. I'm an obstetrician and gynecologist.
Copy !req
57. The foreskin in an adult male,
is similar to the appendix.
Copy !req
58. And you remove it
using a number of procedures there.
Copy !req
59. There are some clamps
that help you to do it.
Copy !req
60. Here's the clamp they use in
the circumcision.
Copy !req
61. Looks kind of sort of like a stapler.
Copy !req
62. Kind of. Sort of.
Copy !req
63. And here's another and another
and some other really scary shit.
Copy !req
64. But a doctor would never hurt a child.
Copy !req
65. I mean, you know,
unless the little bastard kid is pants
Copy !req
66. on. Even though the
Copy !req
67. infant feels this pain,
the infant recovers very quickly.
Copy !req
68. Oh, that's a relief.
Copy !req
69. Seemed like that
little baby was crying his ass off.
Copy !req
70. Like somebody
just cut off the head of his cock.
Copy !req
71. When I do, circumcision to the babies
usually tolerate it extremely well.
Copy !req
72. Why don't you show us how you do it? Okay.
Copy !req
73. This is the tray that I use.
Copy !req
74. These are the soft foam rubber straps,
and I secure the baby's legs
Copy !req
75. so that he doesn't move or twist
while I'm doing the procedure.
Copy !req
76. And what about the arms?
Copy !req
77. I don't need to secure the arms.
Copy !req
78. Because babies can't punch.
Copy !req
79. I mean, if he could,
she's got the reach on him and a knife.
Copy !req
80. Where is Amnesty International?
Copy !req
81. Oh, I guess it's not a human rights
violation because the straps are soft.
Copy !req
82. This is the gum co clamp.
Copy !req
83. This is the part that we call the bell.
Copy !req
84. And the
Copy !req
85. foreskin gets pulled up around the bell.
Copy !req
86. And the cut is performed against the bell.
Copy !req
87. So with this clamp
Copy !req
88. used correctly, there's zero chance
of hurting the baby's penis.
Copy !req
89. Now, when she says hurt,
she's not referring to the pain
Copy !req
90. of having a chunk of your dick lopped off.
Copy !req
91. She means the decorative result
will be pleasing.
Copy !req
92. So pleasing, in fact,
that the penis who's married to Doctor
Copy !req
93. Lister has been altered to match her
fashion sense.
Copy !req
94. Russell Lister was circumcised
seven years ago.
Copy !req
95. The reason
Copy !req
96. I was circumcised
is because I converted my religion.
Copy !req
97. I converted to Judaism.
Copy !req
98. No, doctor Lister didn't
cut off her husband's foreskin,
Copy !req
99. just his balls.
Copy !req
100. Meet Misty and Dylan.
Copy !req
101. They're a couple from Toluca Lake,
Copy !req
102. He's a cool hairdresser.
Copy !req
103. She's a hot property manager.
Copy !req
104. I can see that.
Copy !req
105. They're visiting her gynecologist
because she's due in six weeks.
Copy !req
106. Hence the sappy music.
Copy !req
107. Oh my gosh.
Copy !req
108. This is their unborn son, Ethan.
Copy !req
109. Wow. This is Ethan's penis.
Copy !req
110. And Ethan's penis
is presenting his parents with a problem.
Copy !req
111. Circumcision. We disagree on that.
Copy !req
112. Misty wants to circumcise her son.
Copy !req
113. Dylan does not.
Copy !req
114. You know, I just want to.
Copy !req
115. Make the best decision for him.
Copy !req
116. You know, I just.
Copy !req
117. Want one.
Copy !req
118. And we're doing the best we can.
Copy !req
119. I just want him to be happy.
Copy !req
120. And I don't want him to hurt.
Copy !req
121. You know?
Copy !req
122. It sucks
that we gotta lay all this over his penis.
Copy !req
123. All right.
Copy !req
124. Why is there so much drama
about the whole cookies thing?
Copy !req
125. I had a girl and just had to worry about.
Copy !req
126. Then you have to worry
about every other penis.
Copy !req
127. It's tough.
Copy !req
128. We don't disagree on anything. Hardly.
Copy !req
129. And it's tough for something
to be this big
Copy !req
130. and so to disagree on it.
Copy !req
131. So what do you think.
Copy !req
132. I don't know.
Copy !req
133. I don't know.
Copy !req
134. So Dylan's on the fence.
Copy !req
135. Okay, doc, convince us.
Copy !req
136. Why should baby Ethan be circumcised?
Copy !req
137. There are significant medical advantages
to newborn circumcision.
Copy !req
138. The most important is prevention
of severe urinary tract infections.
Copy !req
139. Fuck.
I have a urinary tract, and I use it.
Copy !req
140. Hey, doc.
Copy !req
141. What else?
Copy !req
142. The foreskin is delicate,
Copy !req
143. and during intercourse,
it's liable to get little terrors.
Copy !req
144. Because of that, the doctor says
uncircumcised guys are more likely
Copy !req
145. to get sexually transmitted diseases,
which is bad.
Copy !req
146. Very bad.
Copy !req
147. Uncircumcised guys are 2 to 7 times
more likely to get Aids,
Copy !req
148. which is worse than very bad
and even worse than worse.
Copy !req
149. Uncircumcised guys are 35 times
more likely
Copy !req
150. to be accused of being French.
Copy !req
151. Of course, all of these are prevented
by wearing a condom, except the, you know,
Copy !req
152. the French thing.
Copy !req
153. Well, the origin of circumcision
is straight from the Bible, where God
Copy !req
154. tells Abraham,
you have to keep my covenant.
Copy !req
155. You were being chosen
to father a new nation,
Copy !req
156. and the symbol of the covenant
is going to be the circumcision.
Copy !req
157. This is Rabbi Shmuley talk, and I'm
so glad he's not wearing a bow tie.
Copy !req
158. He's a circumcision advocate,
the author of the book Kosher Sex.
Copy !req
159. And for a Rabbi, he's got a surprising
number of old Dirty Bastard CDs.
Copy !req
160. And as a reward for his devotion.
Copy !req
161. God says I will now
connect myself in your very flesh.
Copy !req
162. And I did was
he would become a godly man by doing it.
Copy !req
163. So cut off your dick and be God's friend.
Copy !req
164. I hate to see how the Almighty
treats his enemies.
Copy !req
165. All right. They,
they burn in hell forever.
Copy !req
166. But on the plus side, Doctor Sean says cut
dicks are cool with the ladies.
Copy !req
167. About 90% of them
preferred to circumcise penis.
Copy !req
168. I wonder how big his personal chick
sample is.
Copy !req
169. Edgar claims the circumcised penis
smells better and looks better.
Copy !req
170. But shouldn't we be asking
someone who really knows dicks?
Copy !req
171. I mean, isn't there
like a Catholic priest around?
Copy !req
172. Well, maybe we were
Copy !req
173. wrong about the whole circumcision thing.
Copy !req
174. I mean, we've been wrong on bullshit
before, right?
Copy !req
175. I can't think of a time,
but we must have been.
Copy !req
176. I mean, humble is TV friendly.
Copy !req
177. Oh, don't look at me like that, man.
Copy !req
178. Jesus.
Copy !req
179. Oh, what the hell?
Copy !req
180. Let's keep looking.
Copy !req
181. In my opinion, it's.
Copy !req
182. Oh, God. It's the most brutal.
Copy !req
183. It's the most brutal thing
I've ever seen in my life.
Copy !req
184. This is Linda Otis.
Copy !req
185. She's an anti circumcision
advocate in San Francisco.
Copy !req
186. And it still upsets me to this day
that that happened to my baby
Copy !req
187. and that I didn't know
have the education to protect him.
Copy !req
188. Can you imagine what it would be like
to have needle stuck into your penis?
Copy !req
189. Not fun.
Copy !req
190. Can she imagine what it would be like
to have needles stuck into her penis?
Copy !req
191. Can she imagine having a penis?
Copy !req
192. Can she imagine having my penis?
Copy !req
193. How come she never calls it done?
Copy !req
194. It's a crime. It's a it's a sex crime.
Copy !req
195. Hi, I'm Marilyn Milos.
Copy !req
196. I'm the director
of the National Organization
Copy !req
197. of Circumcision
information resource Centers.
Copy !req
198. No circ.
Copy !req
199. Why are we still allowing this?
Copy !req
200. traumatic. Painful. Unnecessary.
Copy !req
201. Brutal surgery to be done to our baby
Copy !req
202. Studies have shown that these.
Copy !req
203. That the baby's
nervous system is hyper developed.
Copy !req
204. They feel pain even more than adults do.
Copy !req
205. My name is Mark Reece.
Copy !req
206. I'm a retired physician.
Copy !req
207. I live in San Francisco,
Copy !req
208. and I am the vice president of doctors
opposing Circumcision.
Copy !req
209. Don't.
Copy !req
210. I mean, their blood
pressure goes sky high.
Copy !req
211. They're they're they're enzymes.
Copy !req
212. They're, steroid levels in the body
go way up.
Copy !req
213. So it is an extraordinarily painful
procedure, even when anesthetic is used.
Copy !req
214. I mean, just go watch one.
Copy !req
215. That's all you have to do.
Copy !req
216. Good idea.
Copy !req
217. Here's a baby about to be circumcised.
Copy !req
218. See the clamp on his penis?
Copy !req
219. Cool little baby.
Copy !req
220. It's not
the most brutal thing in the world.
Copy !req
221. he's about to fall asleep.
Copy !req
222. When they're falling asleep.
Copy !req
223. What they're really doing
is going into a state of neurogenic shock.
Copy !req
224. Fuck.
Copy !req
225. Imagine for a second
that we live in a world where
Copy !req
226. circumcision isn't the norm.
Copy !req
227. What happens to people
that do that to a baby?
Copy !req
228. How long do they spend in prison for just
downloading pictures of that operation?
Copy !req
229. How different is circumcision
from female genital mutilation?
Copy !req
230. You know where where tribes
Copy !req
231. chop off the clitoris and snip
the labia of young girls is there?
Copy !req
232. Welcome to womanhood.
Copy !req
233. The U.N.
Copy !req
234. and Amnesty International are fighting.
Copy !req
235. That is a fucking human rights violation.
Copy !req
236. And in Africa, in the Middle East.
Copy !req
237. And why has circumcision become
so prevalent in the United States?
Copy !req
238. It all started in the mid 1800s.
Copy !req
239. The idea being that
Copy !req
240. if we got rid of the foreskin
because it is such a sensitive part of the
Copy !req
241. the male penis, then perhaps little boys
won't touch themselves down there.
Copy !req
242. This is a vom cave Fulbright.
Copy !req
243. Not our mistake.
Copy !req
244. This is a Vaughn Fulbright.
Copy !req
245. Thing, but this is one huge dildo.
Copy !req
246. She's a sexologist and owner of sexuality.
Copy !req
247. source.com.
Copy !req
248. And a lot of fun parties.
Copy !req
249. It was seen as if you masturbated.
Copy !req
250. And that took away from your love for God.
Copy !req
251. And for Christ.
Copy !req
252. It sure worked for me.
But what is she saying?
Copy !req
253. What sort of nut
would come out against sexual pleasure?
Copy !req
254. There were a couple of, major players
Copy !req
255. with the anti masturbation movement,
one of them being Mr.
Copy !req
256. Kellogg, as in Kellogg's Corn Flakes
that was originally marketed
Copy !req
257. as something that was going to help,
Copy !req
258. discourage young people
from masturbating, as well as a mr.
Copy !req
259. Graham from Graham crackers.
Copy !req
260. And you
Copy !req
261. thought you should eat graham
crackers in bed because of the crumbs.
Copy !req
262. God's admonition
wasn't enough for masturbating.
Copy !req
263. Hayden Graham
and his crunchy and milk pal Kellogg.
Copy !req
264. And the scary thing is, they want
Copy !req
265. we're all cutting off our baby's dick.
Copy !req
266. Because Tony, the Tigers
dad, said we should get.
Copy !req
267. And here's something else shocking.
Copy !req
268. The vast majority of the world knows
there's no reason to circumcise.
Copy !req
269. Not one national
Copy !req
270. or international medical association
in the world recommend circumcision.
Copy !req
271. Someone should tell the doctors.
Copy !req
272. But even Dylan understands
why Misty wants it for their son.
Copy !req
273. It's more of an esthetic thing in America.
Copy !req
274. We're in a society where we're not happy
with the way we the way we're made.
Copy !req
275. You know, we cut the foreskin off.
Copy !req
276. We get boob jobs and facelifts
and Botox and liposuction
Copy !req
277. and all that kind of thing.
Copy !req
278. Yeah, but adults make the decision
to do all those things to themselves.
Copy !req
279. Babies don't get to choose.
Copy !req
280. Here's what the American Academy
of Pediatrics actually has to say.
Copy !req
281. The benefits are not sufficient
to recommend
Copy !req
282. that all infant boys be circumcised,
Copy !req
283. it's the most brutal thing
I've ever seen in my life.
Copy !req
284. Okay, they didn't say that last part,
but remember Linda?
Copy !req
285. She did.
Copy !req
286. It's the most brutal thing
I've ever seen in my life.
Copy !req
287. Linda in Maryland are part
of a growing movement in San Francisco
Copy !req
288. of activists, activists
who want to keep men's foreskin intact.
Copy !req
289. Once you have seen an intact child,
Copy !req
290. from then on,
every circumcised child looks wrong.
Copy !req
291. I'm really angry at doctors
Copy !req
292. who love to play with baby boys penises
and cut them off.
Copy !req
293. Hi, I'm Wayne Griffiths.
Copy !req
294. I'm the co-founder and executive director
of the National Organization
Copy !req
295. of Restoring Men.
Copy !req
296. Oh, I get it, Norm.
Copy !req
297. I'm getting better at this.
Copy !req
298. Guess what?
Copy !req
299. By the end of this program,
one of these three will drop their pants
Copy !req
300. and show us to be restored
for skin on their penis.
Copy !req
301. And have good lungs.
Copy !req
302. The anti circumcision movement
also has a kindly old advocate.
Copy !req
303. No bow tie.
Copy !req
304. But he is the father of Heidi Fleiss.
Copy !req
305. Really?
Copy !req
306. Paul Fleiss is a Los Angeles
pediatrician with 35 years experience,
Copy !req
307. and the author of the book,
Copy !req
308. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
About Circumcision.
Copy !req
309. Oh, splices.
Copy !req
310. They love to talk dirty. Listen.
Copy !req
311. The male is supposed to have loose skin
Copy !req
312. that slides back and forth
over the shaft of the penis.
Copy !req
313. Back and forth
over the shaft of the penis.
Copy !req
314. Now you're speaking our language.
Copy !req
315. where was I? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
316. There's three more purposes
for the foreskin.
Copy !req
317. It keeps the glans of the penis
Copy !req
318. as a internal organ.
Copy !req
319. And it protects the baby against,
soiling with feces and urine.
Copy !req
320. as an infant.
Copy !req
321. And it protects the urinary tract,
which is meant to be sterile.
Copy !req
322. And yet, the
Copy !req
323. demon barber of Cock Street
remains unconvinced.
Copy !req
324. To him, an intact foreskin is nothing
but a sweater on a dog.
Copy !req
325. He's even written poetry about it.
Copy !req
326. It's a great work of art.
Copy !req
327. Like a statue of Venus.
Copy !req
328. If you're wearing a hat
on the head of your penis.
Copy !req
329. We have our own world
famous poet, Ron Jeremy.
Copy !req
330. doc Stone thinks he's a great doc.
Copy !req
331. As he taught us.
He works around the clock.
Copy !req
332. He preaches it's hip and takes only a snip
as he lops off
Copy !req
333. the end of your cock.
Copy !req
334. But enough of the poetry slams.
Copy !req
335. What about Doctor
Copy !req
336. Sean's claim that uncircumcised boys
have more urinary tract infections?
Copy !req
337. They do not have more,
urinary tract infections.
Copy !req
338. Even if they did, they're easily treated.
Copy !req
339. Sure. Antibiotics. But what about Aids?
Copy !req
340. The fact is that uncircumcised
males are more liable to get
Copy !req
341. HIV infection.
Copy !req
342. Doctor Sean, again, is absolutely wrong.
Copy !req
343. There's no evidence that they that,
Copy !req
344. attracts HIV.
Copy !req
345. You're both wrong or you're both right.
Copy !req
346. There have been studies that say
circumcision shows a protective effect
Copy !req
347. against HIV infection.
Copy !req
348. And yet there have also been studies
to prove conclusively the exact opposite.
Copy !req
349. Recommending routine circumcision to
prevent HIV is scientifically unfounded.
Copy !req
350. So what should we do?
Copy !req
351. People have to practice, safe sex.
Copy !req
352. Let's check in on our young couple,
Misty and Dylan,
Copy !req
353. and find out
if there any closer to making a decision
Copy !req
354. to come up and curl around.
Copy !req
355. It's just a one time instance in school
Copy !req
356. I mentioned that I was uncircumcised.
Copy !req
357. you know, some guys in gym class
Copy !req
358. and they all, like, took a step back
and freaked out, like, ooh, oh, gross.
Copy !req
359. Oh. That's disgusting.
Copy !req
360. So forever
after that, I felt really embarrassed.
Copy !req
361. so, you know, I just, I disguised it.
Copy !req
362. If I was ever going to be with a girl,
Copy !req
363. I'd make sure my foreskin was pulled back
so they couldn't tell.
Copy !req
364. but my thing is,
Copy !req
365. I've spent all this time,
all your life pulling your foreskin back.
Copy !req
366. Exactly.
Copy !req
367. Like you're not circumcised.
Copy !req
368. So why would you not circumcise your son?
Copy !req
369. I want to, you know, hopefully instill
that kind of value in him, of
Copy !req
370. of not being a follower,
but just staying true to himself
Copy !req
371. and embracing who he is and what he is.
Copy !req
372. Which brings
Copy !req
373. us back to Judaism and the rabbi
with the rap CDs with uncut.
Copy !req
374. Jimmy.
Copy !req
375. You can't be a Jew right. In the turn,
God almighty.
Copy !req
376. I mean, no, you are not Jewish
because you have or don't have a foreskin.
Copy !req
377. Remember, the circumcision does not
in any way affect someone's Jewishness.
Copy !req
378. But in those.
Copy !req
379. Jews are a wacky bunch, aren't they?
Copy !req
380. Now, before we reveal which of these three
is going to show you the restored penis,
Copy !req
381. there's one more circumcision argument
left to spank.
Copy !req
382. Just toss another dick joke on to the ass
Copy !req
383. Earlier, Doctor Lister said
the foreskin is useless or, in her words.
Copy !req
384. Similar to the appendix.
Copy !req
385. The foreskin is there for a reason.
Copy !req
386. There are 10 to 20,000
Copy !req
387. nerve endings compacted in the foreskin.
Copy !req
388. These are the nerve endings that let
Copy !req
389. a man know where he is in relationship
to the ejaculatory trigger.
Copy !req
390. When you're removing the trigger
of the ejaculatory reflex,
Copy !req
391. it stands to reason that
your sexual enjoyment is going to go down.
Copy !req
392. I mean, I mourned,
literally mourned for my foreskin.
Copy !req
393. And while others saw you was just a dead
Copy !req
394. piece of vestigial flesh to me,
you were at the top of the class.
Copy !req
395. You put the dick. And relative to.
Copy !req
396. Yeah, literally my eight year, my ass.
Copy !req
397. But but, you know, metaphorically
and maybe literally.
Copy !req
398. Losing some sexual
pleasure is a major pain in the ass.
Copy !req
399. Our foreskin funeral got us thinking.
Copy !req
400. What the hell happened to the 1
million foreskins cut off every year?
Copy !req
401. To find out, we conducted a 60 minute
style, thorough investigation.
Copy !req
402. Meaning we spent five minutes on it.
Copy !req
403. We called a few hospitals
we found on the Yellow Pages.
Copy !req
404. I was wondering what hospitals do with
foreskin after babies are circumcised.
Copy !req
405. Throw them away.
Copy !req
406. Throw away all or usually is tucked away
in medical waste.
Copy !req
407. So there you have it.
Copy !req
408. They throw it away.
But then we call this guy.
Copy !req
409. Five minutes
was exactly the right amount of research.
Copy !req
410. Damn. We're good.
Copy !req
411. Some of some of the tissue
gets thrown out.
Copy !req
412. A lot of it.
Copy !req
413. Without the permission of the parents,
Copy !req
414. obviously the permission of the baby
gets used for other purposes.
Copy !req
415. This is Stephen Sabater.
Copy !req
416. He's the executive director of attorneys
for the Rights of the child.
Copy !req
417. So after Rock, he's a Harvard Law grad.
Copy !req
418. He's really pissed off.
Copy !req
419. Why? Well,
it isn't just because his acronym sucks.
Copy !req
420. There's a multimillion dollar industry
that's based on the use of foreskins,
Copy !req
421. to use them for research,
to make insulin, to make products,
Copy !req
422. for treating people who are burn victims
and to make cosmetics.
Copy !req
423. Diabetics and burn victims great.
Copy !req
424. But we're using Dick's skin for cosmetics.
Copy !req
425. That is so fucking sexy.
Copy !req
426. It's weird, but.
Copy !req
427. But it's.
Copy !req
428. But it is sexy. But it's weird.
Copy !req
429. But it's sexy. But weird, but okay.
Copy !req
430. I rub my dick on your face
and all the wrinkles disappear.
Copy !req
431. I like that.
Copy !req
432. According to Super Bowl two, though,
Copy !req
433. the biotech industry doesn't need infant
Copy !req
434. Everything they do with the human foreskins, they can do using other products.
Copy !req
435. So they're just doing it for kicks.
Copy !req
436. And that's exactly what we heard from
the American Association of Tissue Banks.
Copy !req
437. They told us there are no shortages
of skin to treat trauma cases, adding,
Copy !req
438. we peel it off. Dead people.
Copy !req
439. Sorry, dead people, but thanks.
Copy !req
440. Okay, though that would be made up.
Copy !req
441. So why the fuck are doctors and hospitals
still encouraging circumcisions?
Copy !req
442. Well, the foreskin is cut off
once every 26 seconds.
Copy !req
443. An average cost of $40.
Copy !req
444. Circumcision is a $400 million
a year industry.
Copy !req
445. Any time you're going to pay a hospital,
you're going to pay a physician
Copy !req
446. some money
for a certain procedure to be done.
Copy !req
447. It makes it more likely
that it's going to happen.
Copy !req
448. Damn them Harvard cocks. They're smart.
Copy !req
449. Back in San Francisco, Marilyn has
some other startling news about foreskin.
Copy !req
450. When? When the male penetrates a woman.
Copy !req
451. Hey, foreskin rolls back.
Copy !req
452. So actually, even
Copy !req
453. exposing this little ridge band
and all those nerve endings, we'll.
Copy !req
454. Take it from here.
Copy !req
455. A rolled back foreskin is like,
I know, a condom.
Copy !req
456. Ribbed for her pleasure.
Copy !req
457. Why are they ripped?
Copy !req
458. To stimulate the
foreskin, which gets cut off.
Copy !req
459. Meanwhile, our friend
Copy !req
460. Misty is worrying about her son
Ethan fitting in.
Copy !req
461. I don't ever want him to feel embarrassed.
Copy !req
462. I don't ever
want him to feel like she's different.
Copy !req
463. I don't want him to ever feel as though
he's less than.
Copy !req
464. It's no wonder she feels this way.
Copy !req
465. Listen to how women talk.
Copy !req
466. I've never really seen uncircumcised,
Copy !req
467. and I don't know if I want to.
Copy !req
468. I'm uncomfortable.
Copy !req
469. I don't have this nice foreskin.
Copy !req
470. I don't understand how women can turn
Copy !req
471. their noses up at the way
the human penis was meant to be.
Copy !req
472. You have males losing
half the surface tissue of their penis,
Copy !req
473. and people don't seem to understand
what's being lost.
Copy !req
474. Doctor Fleiss knows what's being lost.
Copy !req
475. You're making your penis smaller
Copy !req
476. by, having a circumcision.
Copy !req
477. Ouch.
Copy !req
478. So sex is worse and your dick is smaller.
Copy !req
479. I am really, really angry
that part of my penis is missing.
Copy !req
480. Hell, yes. This is William Stoll.
Copy !req
481. A few years ago, he actually sued
the doctor who circumcised him.
Copy !req
482. And what a bunch of money.
Copy !req
483. Pretty good, And he's got some great news
for everyone who's been circumcised.
Copy !req
484. You can actually non surgically restore
your foreskin.
Copy !req
485. Remember who you're talking to.
Copy !req
486. It better not involve magnets or sway.
Copy !req
487. If it works off of a very simple principle
of dermatology,
Copy !req
488. where if you apply gentle,
constant tension to an area of skin
Copy !req
489. for a long enough period of time,
it promotes the growth of new skin cells.
Copy !req
490. It's not stretching.
Copy !req
491. It's, We call it tugging.
Copy !req
492. I've done some tugging on my cock,
and so is Wayne.
Copy !req
493. You can do it manually if you want,
by pulling your shaft skin forward
Copy !req
494. and holding it for 10 or 15 minutes
a couple of times a day.
Copy !req
495. Or you use weights or elastics.
Copy !req
496. We can talk about it
till we're blue blowing the balls,
Copy !req
497. but nothing is going to explain it
better than seeing it.
Copy !req
498. So if you were betting on which of the
three was going to show you their penis.
Copy !req
499. It's Marilyn. I'm kidding.
Copy !req
500. For the next 60s,
I'm going to remain silent.
Copy !req
501. Tighty whities.
Copy !req
502. Now, this is TV friendly. There I am.
Copy !req
503. There it is. That's a restored
Copy !req
504. penis.
Copy !req
505. If you look.
Copy !req
506. For that,
Copy !req
507. right back here is where the scar is.
Copy !req
508. It was dark brown when I started.
Copy !req
509. Now that it's an internal organ again.
Copy !req
510. Why? It's,
Copy !req
511. Epidermis.
Copy !req
512. You just lay this on top of the gland.
Copy !req
513. Put it in.
Copy !req
514. Pushed all the way and.
Copy !req
515. Know.
Copy !req
516. And put tape on.
Copy !req
517. It's a bit too much, but it works.
Copy !req
518. And so that's what I wore.
Copy !req
519. It's not painful, I assure you.
Copy !req
520. It's just fine.
Copy !req
521. And it looks horrible. No. Just sexy.
Copy !req
522. Hell, hang one on each ball
and you get one of these great Newtonian
Copy !req
523. motion toys.
Copy !req
524. Then there's
Copy !req
525. the penis uncircumcised device. Yup.
Copy !req
526. Pod has something to do with suspenders.
Copy !req
527. Cool.
Copy !req
528. That's why Larry King's
been wearing those for 20 years.
Copy !req
529. His foreskin
must be the size of a sleeping bag.
Copy !req
530. Wolf Blitzer, camp's in it. Nothing.
Copy !req
531. Nothing. Newscaster.
Copy !req
532. Wolf Blitzer
that's just Larry's pet name for his cock.
Copy !req
533. You know what?
Copy !req
534. It's kind of sad that a man has to go
to this length to feel good about himself.
Copy !req
535. And yet, today,
with his foreskin restored, a foreskin.
Copy !req
536. William
won't show us something about integrity.
Copy !req
537. Taste pussy.
Copy !req
538. At least he's a little less angry.
Copy !req
539. Why? Sex is better.
Copy !req
540. Just ask Mrs. Foreskin restoration.
Copy !req
541. A circumcised penis is like having sex
with a broomstick
Copy !req
542. compared to a well oiled piston.
Copy !req
543. Now that his
the head of his penis is more sensitive.
Copy !req
544. He doesn't have to.
Copy !req
545. You know, thrust is hard.
Copy !req
546. But you can still thrust hard
if you both like it that way.
Copy !req
547. But you don't have to
because of one word, one
Copy !req
548. funny word, one very funny word.
Copy !req
549. Smegma.
Copy !req
550. The word
Copy !req
551. smegma is kind of a dirty word,
you know, it's its normal,
Copy !req
552. collection of sweat, body secretions.
Copy !req
553. Desk animated cells, urine
Copy !req
554. that's collected behind the foreskin.
Copy !req
555. And if you don't like that kind
of collection hanging off your dinner,
Copy !req
556. there's not the kind of lubrication
you want.
Copy !req
557. You just wash it off a little soap
and water.
Copy !req
558. We're in America, not some gutter
on the poor side of Calcutta.
Copy !req
559. Let's go wash our cocks with sand
Copy !req
560. plus water.
Copy !req
561. Today.
Copy !req
562. Soap is soft and fights bacteria
and smells like spring rain in Ireland.
Copy !req
563. Or so we're told.
Copy !req
564. And how tough do you think it is
to get a kid
Copy !req
565. to rub his cock in the shower?
Copy !req
566. And speaking of penises to wash.
Copy !req
567. Here's Misty and Dylan's son, Ethan.
Copy !req
568. Look, we talk about a lot of bullshit
on this show,
Copy !req
569. but a newborn baby, it's just fantastic.
Copy !req
570. Stories not done yet?
Copy !req
571. There's still a big decision left to make.
Copy !req
572. What will Misty and Dylan do?
Copy !req
573. Here's
some final thoughts from our experts.
Copy !req
574. If you hear the scream, it's a scream
you never forget.
Copy !req
575. I've done hundreds of circumcisions
and I regret every one.
Copy !req
576. It's not a big secret anymore
that the foreskin is an important
Copy !req
577. part of the penis.
Copy !req
578. It has sexual function
for both the male and the female.
Copy !req
579. And your child will thank you for it
when he gets older and realizes
Copy !req
580. that he's a whole man.
Copy !req
581. So circumcision started as a sacrifice
because God wanted the Jews dickheads.
Copy !req
582. Then it kept going because Christians
hated the fun of masturbation.
Copy !req
583. We saw through that.
Copy !req
584. Suddenly circumcision prevented disease.
Copy !req
585. Now we find that's bullshit too.
Copy !req
586. So the only excuse we have
now is conformity.
Copy !req
587. Not a very compelling argument.
Copy !req
588. What's next?
Copy !req
589. So your cock head
is a little easier to pierce.
Copy !req
590. So you don't whistle in the wind
to stop the terrorists.
Copy !req
591. Let's end this now.
Copy !req
592. The first rule of medicine is to do
no harm.
Copy !req
593. Cutting off the tip of the penis
is a very least a harm.
Copy !req
594. And quite possibly fucking bad.
Copy !req
595. Then bad for fucking.
Copy !req
596. So all you penis butchers out there,
put down the knife.
Copy !req
597. Step away from the baby and do no harm.
Copy !req
598. Take the whole baby home.
Copy !req
599. Please take the whole baby home.
Copy !req
600. Have you guys decided
what you're going to do?
Copy !req
601. Nothing has.
Copy !req
602. Wayne.
Copy !req
603. Wayne, thanks.
Copy !req
604. Show's over.
Copy !req
605. Okay, I'm on my.
Copy !req