1. Bullshit
was doing a lot of hippie bashing.
Copy !req
2. It was starting to seem like right
wing bullshit.
Copy !req
3. So today we're going to change it up
and side with the hippies.
Copy !req
4. America has a drug problem.
Copy !req
5. It's not the turn on, tune in, drop out.
Copy !req
6. One that you expect.
Copy !req
7. The real problem is drug prohibition.
Copy !req
8. No alcohol prohibition
didn't work last century,
Copy !req
9. so someone figured it was a PR problem
and changed the name
Copy !req
10. prohibition to an even more bullshit
macho name.
Copy !req
11. The war on drugs.
Copy !req
12. It's got that word war in there.
Copy !req
13. And as much as we hate to admit it,
it seems pretty clear that our country,
Copy !req
14. which which we all love
so dearly, loves a fucking war,
Copy !req
15. even if it's a war fought
in our own streets against our own people.
Copy !req
16. The issue here is moral and ethical.
Copy !req
17. The issue is freedom.
Copy !req
18. If you live in a free country,
Copy !req
19. you have the right to put anything
you want into your own body.
Copy !req
20. Anything else is bullshit.
Copy !req
21. I. Have.
Copy !req
22. Had an.
Copy !req
23. America's public
Copy !req
24. enemy number one in
the United States is drug abuse.
Copy !req
25. The new prohibition was launched in 1971
by this crazy motherfuckers.
Copy !req
26. Politicians needed a moral battle
on their home turf to distract voters
Copy !req
27. from a morally questionable war
in a faraway country.
Copy !req
28. To fight and defeat this enemy.
Copy !req
29. It is necessary.
Copy !req
30. To wage a new.
Copy !req
31. All out offensive.
Copy !req
32. The Civil War, which started as a $350
million a year waste of our money,
Copy !req
33. has today become a $20 billion
a year, waste of our money.
Copy !req
34. This ridiculous prohibition
has been a favorite
Copy !req
35. political tactic of every power hungry
whack job
Copy !req
36. following in Nixon's random, staggering,
lying, insane footsteps.
Copy !req
37. This balanced budget includes the largest
anti-drug effort ever.
Copy !req
38. This scourge will stop.
Copy !req
39. What do you do
when someone offers you drugs?
Copy !req
40. You know, that's easy to say,
Copy !req
41. but it's not easy to do if you
if you've done it already and you like it.
Copy !req
42. The reason we buy promises from power
Copy !req
43. is we know that being a drug junkie
can be like the bottom level of hell.
Copy !req
44. It is the bottom.
Copy !req
45. Any lack of it is the bottom.
Copy !req
46. It's down.
Copy !req
47. Here is the bottom of everything.
Copy !req
48. I'm up used for.
Copy !req
49. Maybe 30 years.
Copy !req
50. Those poor fuckers.
Copy !req
51. They fucked themselves up with drugs.
Copy !req
52. It breaks your heart.
Copy !req
53. But is locking them up going to help them?
Copy !req
54. Man, if we start arresting everyone
for being miserable due to a bad decision,
Copy !req
55. we need to cuff everyone who chose
to see a Pauly Shore movie.
Copy !req
56. Even though 82% of Americans
want drugs to remain illegal.
Copy !req
57. 74% of Americans
don't think the war on drugs is working.
Copy !req
58. But that still leaves a few crazy fuckers
to tell us stuff like this.
Copy !req
59. There are 70% fewer cocaine users
Copy !req
60. than 15 years ago,
and it's been a constant.
Copy !req
61. Since we began
the war on Drugs in earnest back about.
Copy !req
62. 20 years ago.
Copy !req
63. We have substantially reduced drug use
in the United States.
Copy !req
64. We wanted to check those numbers,
but it's kind of difficult
Copy !req
65. since they pulled them directly
out of their asses.
Copy !req
66. The war on drugs is bullshit,
and we all know it.
Copy !req
67. A lot of Americans
Copy !req
68. know that a lot of Americans
on both sides of the political spectrum
Copy !req
69. have seen this war is full of shit,
and that's not doing any good.
Copy !req
70. It's creating more problems,
and it's solving.
Copy !req
71. Let's learn a little bit about history.
Copy !req
72. I mean, as long as we're
doomed and repeating it.
Copy !req
73. Back in 1990, Protestant groups decided
Copy !req
74. the government should enforce their God
given right to hate drinking.
Copy !req
75. So to deliver us all
from their temptation, they muscled
Copy !req
76. through a constitutional amendment
prohibiting the manufacture, sale,
Copy !req
77. or transportation of intoxicating liquors
for beverage purposes.
Copy !req
78. But people wanted their hooch,
and a whole underworld of bootleggers
Copy !req
79. and violent gangland lowlifes
stepped in to supply the demand.
Copy !req
80. A lot of people were fucked up
by improperly made bathtub cocktails,
Copy !req
81. and a lot of innocent kids were mowed down
by Tommy guns in prohibition
Copy !req
82. induced disputes.
Copy !req
83. The name of the gun has changed,
but innocent people
Copy !req
84. are still being mowed down in turf wars.
Copy !req
85. When you criminalize things
that aren't real
Copy !req
86. crimes, you still create real criminals.
Copy !req
87. But what does the government
want to do with the criminals it creates?
Copy !req
88. I think tough love is not a bad way to go.
Copy !req
89. Bob Weiner, drug issue strategist.
Copy !req
90. It's done a lot to help us make it
make us safer, and is one of the reasons
Copy !req
91. why we have record low crime numbers
and one of the reasons why drug abuse is
Copy !req
92. going down because of the moral framework
of a, of a tough law approach.
Copy !req
93. Bob Wiener was involved with U.S.
Copy !req
94. drug strategy home with the Office
of National Drug Control Policy.
Copy !req
95. You probably know the group
of the more warlike, freedom hating name
Copy !req
96. the drug czar's office.
Copy !req
97. We will not play politics with drugs.
Copy !req
98. That's one game the American people
simply will not afford.
Copy !req
99. Bullshit.
Copy !req
100. How much of a political game is it
to declare drugs the scourge of the earth,
Copy !req
101. then serve perfectly legal cocktails
at the white House?
Copy !req
102. It's nothing like having a few friends
over for a cocktail or two.
Copy !req
103. Not by any definition at all.
Copy !req
104. Alcohol is a mind altering drug.
Copy !req
105. It's the drug.
Copy !req
106. The most popular, lethal
and fucking pointless.
Copy !req
107. Fucking stupid drug in the world.
Copy !req
108. But the freedom to get blind, stinking
drunk remains every American's right.
Copy !req
109. Providing they don't harm anyone else.
Copy !req
110. And that's the way it should be in any
country that wants to call itself free.
Copy !req
111. So how much spin does it take
Copy !req
112. to make this freedom hating, hypocritical,
failed drug war sound like a good deal?
Copy !req
113. If you measure success by your ability
to control a problem,
Copy !req
114. keep it under control and reduce it,
then it has been successful.
Copy !req
115. I'm David Evans,
and I'm the executive director of the Drug
Copy !req
116. Free Schools Coalition.
Copy !req
117. Teenage drug use is down across the.
Copy !req
118. Board in the last couple of years.
Copy !req
119. Across the board.
Copy !req
120. You can smell that bullshit right
through your TV screen.
Copy !req
121. Since 1994, marijuana use is up
more than 60% among high school seniors
Copy !req
122. among the same group.
Copy !req
123. Use of cocaine has increased,
and since the late 90s, ecstasy use is up.
Copy !req
124. So exactly which drug is being used? Less.
Copy !req
125. Aspirin.
Copy !req
126. Truth is, the most recent,
Copy !req
127. household survey the government released
showed an increase in drug use.
Copy !req
128. and the government was quick to say that
Copy !req
129. that the increase was not real
was due to a change in methodology.
Copy !req
130. Jacob Salem, senior editor,
reason magazine
Copy !req
131. I don't think any reasonable person
can look at the evidence and say
Copy !req
132. everything is hunky dory.
Copy !req
133. Drug prohibition doesn't show
any compassion or give any help
Copy !req
134. with drug problems.
Copy !req
135. But maybe the idea is to stop
drugs from being is available so fewer
Copy !req
136. people have the money and opportunity
to make the wrong choice to do drugs.
Copy !req
137. You know, supply and demand.
Copy !req
138. So let's check the numbers.
Copy !req
139. Now we don't dance
with the monkey ourselves.
Copy !req
140. So we're going to use donuts
to represent some black tar.
Copy !req
141. We don't like drugs,
but we do dip and dab and donuts.
Copy !req
142. Yeah.
Copy !req
143. We, we abused it in the early 1970s
Copy !req
144. of the French connection
and pique your interest and smack.
Copy !req
145. Heroin cost $30 per bag.
Copy !req
146. It was 5% pure drug.
Copy !req
147. We picture buying a box of a dozen donuts
and getting this much actual donut.
Copy !req
148. Today, heroin is available
in every city in the U.S., and it costs.
Copy !req
149. Four.
Copy !req
150. Dollars per bag and is 80 to 90% pure.
Copy !req
151. Adjusting for inflation,
the same money that would have bought
Copy !req
152. this much pure lethal pleasure in 1970.
Copy !req
153. Now get you this much.
Copy !req
154. Heroin is more than 600 times
Copy !req
155. cheaper than it was
before the war on drugs.
Copy !req
156. It's hard to pass up a bargain like that.
Copy !req
157. Heroin is cheaper than a six pack
and easier for kids to get.
Copy !req
158. You see, drug dealers aren't checking ID.
Copy !req
159. So what are the feds accomplishing
by spending our money
Copy !req
160. and taking away our freedom?
Copy !req
161. I means you create
Copy !req
162. a black market and the black market,
Copy !req
163. you have these tremendous profits
for criminals.
Copy !req
164. you have violence because it's the only
way to resolve disputes in a black market.
Copy !req
165. So this becomes a tremendous shot
in the arm to organized crime.
Copy !req
166. You give people who are willing
to take that risk and break that law
Copy !req
167. tremendous profits.
Copy !req
168. What is the war on drugs doing?
Copy !req
169. Driving the prices up, driving the profit
margin up and proliferating more drugs?
Copy !req
170. Richard Stratten, editor in chief,
High Times Magazine
Copy !req
171. we're creating people like Carlos Later
and Pablo Escobar
Copy !req
172. by having these drugs illegal
in the first place.
Copy !req
173. It's a multi, multibillion dollar
Copy !req
174. It's unstoppable because of
the amounts of money that are involved.
Copy !req
175. You can arrest one person,
you can wipe out a whole network.
Copy !req
176. It'll just be replaced by another network
overnight because of the profit
Copy !req
177. that's involved.
Copy !req
178. And Richard would know he made millions
as a drug smuggler in Phoenix, Arizona.
Copy !req
179. And we're here in New York City right now.
Copy !req
180. You can walk out and buy
within half an hour or 20 minutes.
Copy !req
181. You can buy virtually whatever you want.
Copy !req
182. Heroin, cocaine,
any of these drugs are all available.
Copy !req
183. I mean, the war on drugs has not stopped
the proliferation of drugs.
Copy !req
184. It hasn't made a dent in it.
Copy !req
185. It's made it go up.
Copy !req
186. Over 700,000 people are arrested
each year for drug charges.
Copy !req
187. And that's just for marijuana.
Copy !req
188. 75% of those arrests of possession alone.
Copy !req
189. These are the Pablo Escobar's.
Copy !req
190. A lot of them are the idiots
Copy !req
191. you see smoking the sticky icky in school
parking lots and shopping malls.
Copy !req
192. Yeah. They're stupid.
Copy !req
193. But with the mandatory federal
sentencing laws on drug charges,
Copy !req
194. we're filling our prisons
with these nonviolent drug offenders.
Copy !req
195. It costs over $20,000 a year
to keep a pothead in prison.
Copy !req
196. That's a lot more than how much it cost
to have a pothead live on your couch.
Copy !req
197. Do the moral crusaders
give a damn about this?
Copy !req
198. Hell, no.
Copy !req
199. Let me point something out.
Copy !req
200. We have a record low crime rate.
Copy !req
201. One of the reasons that we do
is because we've taken a lot of the slime
Copy !req
202. off the street and put it into prisons,
and we have a safer society.
Copy !req
203. I'm glad that our cops are tough on drugs.
Copy !req
204. We wanted to meet one of these cops
on the front lines of the new prohibition.
Copy !req
205. So we took a trip
to, of all places, Phoenix, Arizona,
Copy !req
206. to meet America's toughest sheriff,
Joe Arpaio.
Copy !req
207. The reason crime has gone down in this
nation in the last ten years, 20, 25%.
Copy !req
208. I tell you why he's gone down.
Very simple.
Copy !req
209. More people are in jail
for longer periods of time.
Copy !req
210. Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, America County,
Copy !req
211. When you legalize
something, it opens the door for everybody
Copy !req
212. that would never use drugs.
So, you know, I'm going to do it.
Copy !req
213. I'm going to start
using marijuana. Cocaine.
Copy !req
214. I'll be driving my car high on this.
Copy !req
215. High on that.
Copy !req
216. It's against the law.
Copy !req
217. Against the law.
Copy !req
218. We're going to have doctors
now taking a little puff of marijuana
Copy !req
219. when they're opening. Yeah.
Oh that's great.
Copy !req
220. It really does you good. Thank you.
Copy !req
221. Marijuana is not good for you.
Copy !req
222. Drugs are not good for you.
Copy !req
223. Knock it off.
Copy !req
224. Did he just say
Copy !req
225. the only reason he doesn't drive
his car high is because of the law.
Copy !req
226. Where's his morality?
Copy !req
227. I'll tell you if, Joe
Arpaio is a general in the war on drugs,
Copy !req
228. and the government needs to surrender
Copy !req
229. I am Nick Hentoff.
Copy !req
230. I work as a criminal defense attorney
in Phoenix, Arizona.
Copy !req
231. He wanted to put, literally,
a perimeter of deputies and his posse
Copy !req
232. around Maricopa County
on the major roadways
Copy !req
233. to do random stops
to search people for drugs, and
Copy !req
234. it had to be explained to him very slowly
that that would be unconstitutional.
Copy !req
235. And he couldn't do that.
Copy !req
236. Does the end justify the means?
Copy !req
237. Well, the end never morally justifies
evil means.
Copy !req
238. But our guys with guns and attitudes
like Joe's making a difference.
Copy !req
239. The kid.
Copy !req
240. Most of the money in the war on drugs
is being spent either on preventing them
Copy !req
241. from getting into the country
or intercepting them once
Copy !req
242. they get into the country,
arresting drug dealers and traffickers.
Copy !req
243. All they're doing every now
and then is getting a major bus
Copy !req
244. that they can put on camera
and try and prove to the American public
Copy !req
245. their money isn't really going down
the rathole that it is going down.
Copy !req
246. We all know the image.
Copy !req
247. The government projects of the stoned
loser just doesn't stand up.
Copy !req
248. For years, the hardest working,
highest paid entertainers in the world
Copy !req
249. were the grateful Dead,
and they were advertising their drug use.
Copy !req
250. I hated their music, but they weren't
losers in any capitalist definition.
Copy !req
251. Let's take a look at our gallery.
Copy !req
252. Each of these folks not only used drugs,
they used them to access
Copy !req
253. none of this weekend
wussy crap for these guys.
Copy !req
254. Be it pot speed, alcohol, skank acid,
Copy !req
255. they all talked to about it publicly.
Copy !req
256. You might even recognize
some of these admitted drug abusers
Copy !req
257. as part of our government.
Copy !req
258. They learned of the dangers of drugs
Copy !req
259. so they can use your money and violence
in your name to stop others.
Copy !req
260. Are they the only ones who should be allowed the freedom to learn for themselves?
Copy !req
261. Here's one of their early efforts
Copy !req
262. at scaring the shit out of you.
Copy !req
263. There's a name
Copy !req
264. for this kind of bullshit voodoo
Copy !req
265. Voodoo pharmacology is basically the idea
Copy !req
266. that drugs make people do bad things,
Copy !req
267. that drugs take control of. You.
Copy !req
268. What's different about the illegal drugs
Copy !req
269. is that they seize control of you
and force you to sin.
Copy !req
270. The demonization of marijuana
is at the heart of the war on drugs.
Copy !req
271. Listen, people do not realize
Copy !req
272. that marijuana is the number one drug
Copy !req
273. where teens must seek treatment
in hospitals today.
Copy !req
274. That is a big shock to people.
Copy !req
275. To people who say
marijuana is not a dangerous drug,
Copy !req
276. let alone the fact that it's the number
two cause of car crashes.
Copy !req
277. I'll cut him some slack. He must be high.
Copy !req
278. The top three causes of car crashes,
according to the California DMV,
Copy !req
279. are unsafe.
Copy !req
280. Speed driving on the wrong
side of the road and improper turns.
Copy !req
281. And the number one drug causing
teen hospital visits is way alcohol.
Copy !req
282. There are
Copy !req
283. real dangers involved in drug use,
there's no doubt about that.
Copy !req
284. Kids need to know this stuff,
but not from the government.
Copy !req
285. This is how the government
gives information.
Copy !req
286. This is your brain.
Copy !req
287. This is heroin.
Copy !req
288. This is what happens to your brain
Copy !req
289. after starting heroin.
Copy !req
290. They claim success.
Copy !req
291. Youth drug use in the last
five years has really started to drop
Copy !req
292. because of general McCaffrey,
the former drug czar's media campaign.
Copy !req
293. It is succeeding by leaps and bounds.
Copy !req
294. But most kids
think these ads are a fucking joke.
Copy !req
295. They actually commissioned a research
Copy !req
296. to track the effectiveness
of these campaigns.
Copy !req
297. Meanwhile,
Copy !req
298. and the studies consistently said
there's no evidence that they work.
Copy !req
299. And the government's response
Copy !req
300. response was, well,
we have to get rid of these reviews.
Copy !req
301. They know the ads don't work.
Copy !req
302. And they don't change.
Copy !req
303. Man, that is way pothead behavior.
Copy !req
304. We have to get away from this
moralistic approach
Copy !req
305. that insists that all drug use is bad,
and start talking about
Copy !req
306. what kind of damage does
drug use do under what circumstances?
Copy !req
307. And there's plenty of real facts, real
scary facts that could be used to educate.
Copy !req
308. That is, if the government's
constitutional job were to educate people
Copy !req
309. on how to spend their personal time.
Copy !req
310. But when you say marijuana
is killing people and making them insane,
Copy !req
311. end up being a fucking job.
Copy !req
312. Kids are not stupid.
Copy !req
313. What do you say?
Copy !req
314. Marijuana is a gateway
drug and leads to more
Copy !req
315. serious drugs like cocaine and heroin.
Copy !req
316. Even grown ups know your life.
Copy !req
317. What an asshole.
Copy !req
318. I know
Copy !req
319. most people who use marijuana certainly
are not going to become heroin addicts.
Copy !req
320. You know,
a very small percentage of them will.
Copy !req
321. The first drug used by almost everyone
in almost
Copy !req
322. every instance was either alcohol
or tobacco.
Copy !req
323. Keith Straub, marijuana advocate.
Copy !req
324. So why don't we hear that
alcohol and tobacco are a gateway drug?
Copy !req
325. Well, it's because alcohol and tobacco
are a multi-billion dollar corporations,
Copy !req
326. and they make lots of money
in our society.
Copy !req
327. The typical marijuana user
Copy !req
328. is not a hardcore stoner,
but pretty much your average Joe.
Copy !req
329. There are 20 million Americans
who smoke marijuana just in the last year.
Copy !req
330. There are roughly 100 million Americans
Copy !req
331. who have smoked marijuana
at some time in their lives.
Copy !req
332. The vast majority of marijuana
smokers are people just like me.
Copy !req
333. They're good citizens.
Copy !req
334. They work hard.
Copy !req
335. They raise families. They pay taxes.
Copy !req
336. They are not criminals.
Copy !req
337. And we must stop treating them
like criminals.
Copy !req
338. Marijuana
may also have incredible medical benefits.
Copy !req
339. People ask you about medical marijuana.
Copy !req
340. that's a, just a,
Copy !req
341. an excuse by the legal advisers
to get into the issue.
Copy !req
342. When you you look at the issue of medical
marijuana, it's largely a big hoax.
Copy !req
343. First of all, there are so few people
I don't know any good
Copy !req
344. doctor out there who's going to say, hey,
take a joint is going to make you better.
Copy !req
345. Really?
Copy !req
346. It only took us a few minutes
to find a good doctor.
Copy !req
347. Doctor Lester Grinspoon,
Copy !req
348. professor of psychiatry,
emeritus at the Harvard Medical School.
Copy !req
349. Back in 1967.
Copy !req
350. This professor spent two years studying
Copy !req
351. the world's medical literature
on the subject of marijuana.
Copy !req
352. I learned that despite my training
in medicine and science,
Copy !req
353. I had been brainwashed,
like just about every other citizen
Copy !req
354. in this country,
that marijuana was not only a
Copy !req
355. not a dangerous drug, but indeed
Copy !req
356. it was remarkably nontoxic.
Copy !req
357. And, I had to, revise my view of it.
Copy !req
358. And by a painful irony, he got to
experience its benefits firsthand.
Copy !req
359. In 1967, my son Danny, who was ten years
Copy !req
360. old, was diagnosed
as having acute lymphocytic leukemia.
Copy !req
361. He had terrible nausea and vomiting
Copy !req
362. with each session
of the cancer chemotherapeutic drugs.
Copy !req
363. My wife and I heard about
Copy !req
364. a young man in Houston, Texas,
Copy !req
365. who had the same problem Danny had.
Copy !req
366. This boy in Houston found that
Copy !req
367. cannabis eliminated that nausea
and vomiting altogether.
Copy !req
368. So Danny smoked at 20 minutes
before his next session.
Copy !req
369. He had no nausea, no vomiting.
Copy !req
370. He got off the table and said, mom,
could we get a submarine sandwich
Copy !req
371. on the way home?
Copy !req
372. And I can tell you that from that time
on, for as long as he lived after that,
Copy !req
373. which was about a year and a half,
we never, never had to go through
Copy !req
374. that awful business
of his nausea and vomiting.
Copy !req
375. And because the quality of his life
was so much better, so was ours.
Copy !req
376. We didn't have to see this suffering.
Copy !req
377. And in fact, it led to the first study of,
Copy !req
378. cannabis and nausea and vomiting.
Copy !req
379. The argument for the medical.
Copy !req
380. Use of marijuana, I think, is very strong.
Copy !req
381. It helps their appetite.
Copy !req
382. It relieves pain, and it works.
Copy !req
383. That's why people use drugs.
Copy !req
384. Because they work.
Copy !req
385. They they actually do what you want them
to do.
Copy !req
386. Otherwise, why would people use it
under the federal system right now?
Copy !req
387. Marijuana is equated with heroin.
Copy !req
388. And it's it's mandated by Congress
that it has no accepted medical use.
Copy !req
389. Now, you know,
there are nine states in this country
Copy !req
390. where they have legalized
the medical use of marijuana.
Copy !req
391. If a doctor recommends that under state
law, you're allowed to have it.
Copy !req
392. We visited a location in California
where medical marijuana is grown.
Copy !req
393. Why is our crew wearing
those stupid pillowcases over their heads?
Copy !req
394. It's not because they're unattractive.
Here's why.
Copy !req
395. Although pot farms like this one can grow
Copy !req
396. for medical use under California law,
they are secretly hidden away
Copy !req
397. because the Federal War on Drugs
says these pot farms are illegal.
Copy !req
398. It's crazy.
Copy !req
399. Is everyone fucking high but us?
Copy !req
400. We shot these plants and then
put the pillowcases back on our heads
Copy !req
401. to drive to a clinic where marijuana
is suspended for medical purposes.
Copy !req
402. Well, other people actually drove.
Copy !req
403. We had pillow cases on our hands.
Copy !req
404. Surely these folks
are just a bunch of giggling potheads.
Copy !req
405. How did a k the moral fiber of our nation?
Copy !req
406. Well, no.
Copy !req
407. But they do have something in common.
Copy !req
408. They're suffering, and the marijuana
is making them feel better.
Copy !req
409. We have resources for medical marijuana
Copy !req
410. Everything
from food to housing to medical cannabis.
Copy !req
411. Jane Weirich, medical cannabis advocate,
San Francisco Bay area, California.
Copy !req
412. Everyone here has a recommendation
from a doctor licensed in California
Copy !req
413. giving them the right to use
medical marijuana.
Copy !req
414. California has a very open ended
medical marijuana law.
Copy !req
415. If you've got any conditions, okay,
you can get marijuana.
Copy !req
416. And if you look at those marijuana clinics
in San Francisco, you see people look
Copy !req
417. pretty healthy to me.
Copy !req
418. Like this woman, she's
suffering from her chemotherapy
Copy !req
419. so much, she's unable
to even smoke the marijuana.
Copy !req
420. She has to have it blown in her face.
Copy !req
421. Yeah, she looks pretty healthy to me.
Copy !req
422. But how do
Copy !req
423. we know they're not overdosing
and harming themselves?
Copy !req
424. Nobody has ever died from cannabis.
Copy !req
425. You cannot find a case in the world
Copy !req
426. Well there's that.
Copy !req
427. So let's say
we went ahead and legalized drugs.
Copy !req
428. How bad would it really be?
Copy !req
429. If drugs were legalized,
we would have a disaster in America,
Copy !req
430. in hospital emergency rooms and crime and
in car crashes and in family destruction.
Copy !req
431. It would be a terrible thing.
Copy !req
432. That would be,
the worst conceivable policy.
Copy !req
433. It's a long road.
Copy !req
434. Rod Davis house.
Copy !req
435. One from drugs, in a way of
Copy !req
436. far right.
Copy !req
437. That we would be an incredible cast.
Copy !req
438. Watch your hospital emergency rooms
if you were to, if you were to
Copy !req
439. legalize drugs, they would be
Copy !req
440. in complete catastrophic chaos.
Copy !req
441. Or we'd
Copy !req
442. have fewer victimless criminals
clogging our prisons.
Copy !req
443. The courts, police and lawyers would have
time and money to deal with real crime.
Copy !req
444. We take away the huge black market
profits from the bad guys.
Copy !req
445. We'd be able to ease some suffering.
Copy !req
446. We could seriously reduce the transmission
of HIV and hepatitis.
Copy !req
447. We control the quality and dosages
so fewer people would get sick
Copy !req
448. through contamination, overdose.
Copy !req
449. I remember who's telling you this.
Copy !req
450. I've never taken
a recreational drug. Never.
Copy !req
451. Not one hit, inhaled or not off a joint.
Copy !req
452. Never even had a single sip of alcohol.
Copy !req
453. But I'm sure not to spend money
or come to your door with a gun to stop
Copy !req
454. you from getting stoned
and listening to the Grateful Dead noodle.
Copy !req
455. It's your life.
Copy !req
456. Just stay the fuck out of my house.
Copy !req
457. All of the potheads and the government.
Copy !req
458. Let me compare
Copy !req
459. the three most common used drugs
in this country.
Copy !req
460. Recreational drugs.
Copy !req
461. And that's alcohol, tobacco and marijuana.
Copy !req
462. With alcohol, it accounts for roughly
50,000 deaths a year in this country.
Copy !req
463. Tobacco accounts for 440,000 deaths
a year in this country.
Copy !req
464. There's never been a person
in the history of mankind that died
Copy !req
465. from an overdose of marijuana.
Copy !req
466. It simply is not toxic enough.
Copy !req
467. It could not kill.
Copy !req
468. Fuck the numbers
even when they're on our side.
Copy !req
469. This is a bigger issue than numbers.
Copy !req
470. I think that
what people do with their own bodies
Copy !req
471. and their own minds
is their business, providing
Copy !req
472. they do not impose any harm
on other individuals or society.
Copy !req
473. Is it any surprise that Wiener disagrees?
Copy !req
474. It's incredibly selfish
to say it's my body when you when you,
Copy !req
475. don't recognize what you the
the the havoc that you are
Copy !req
476. wreaking on your family
and all those who are close to you.
Copy !req
477. Yeah, like the havoc
marijuana brought to Doctor Grinspoon.
Copy !req
478. Family still grieving
the loss of their beautiful son.
Copy !req
479. At least he knows that he helped ease
the pain of his son's
Copy !req
480. final months on earth.
Copy !req
481. You see, it's not your body.
Copy !req
482. It's Wiener's wiener, for Christ's sake.
Copy !req
483. Wiener, Wiener.
Copy !req
484. We fuck.
Copy !req
485. As Americans, we have an inalienable right
Copy !req
486. to make up our minds about what substances
we want to take into our bodies.
Copy !req
487. I don't think it's the government's
Copy !req
488. or should be within the government's
purview to say, you can take caffeine,
Copy !req
489. you can take nicotine,
but you can't take marijuana.
Copy !req
490. People have a right
to control their bodies,
Copy !req
491. to control what goes into their bodies,
Copy !req
492. to control their minds ultimately,
because that's what you're talking about.
Copy !req
493. If you're talking about psychoactive
drugs, you're talking about controlling
Copy !req
494. the contents of your mind,
what goes on inside your brain.
Copy !req
495. That's a pretty basic right,
you would think.
Copy !req
496. I took you guys off lockdown,
you know that?
Copy !req
497. Yeah.
Copy !req
498. But people like Sheriff
Joe couldn't care less.
Copy !req
499. The war on drugs can't be stopped
just because of something as stupid
Copy !req
500. as freedom of choice.
Copy !req
501. That freedom that make our choice.
Copy !req
502. Freedom to make our choice. Okay.
Copy !req
503. Everybody says yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
504. It's your own body.
Copy !req
505. So puppet fuel,
full of heroin or cocaine or marijuana.
Copy !req
506. You know, let them kill themselves.
Copy !req
507. Who cares?
Copy !req
508. That's garbage.
Copy !req
509. We have to protect society.
Copy !req
510. We have to protect the people.
Copy !req
511. We have to protect our, other people.
Copy !req
512. So we should never legalize drugs.
Copy !req
513. This is drugs.
Copy !req
514. These are your liberties.
Copy !req
515. And this is the government.
Copy !req
516. Any questions?
Copy !req
517. Is this not smoking a joint
in front of the Capitol?
Copy !req
518. I'm Irvin Rosenfeld.
Copy !req
519. I'm one of seven federal medical marijuana
Copy !req
520. If you ever wanted incontrovertible proof
of the government hypocrisy
Copy !req
521. on the subject of drugs.
Copy !req
522. Listen to this.
Copy !req
523. Back in 1978, the government started
a program to distribute medical marijuana.
Copy !req
524. Yep. Uncle Sam grew it and distributed it.
Copy !req
525. At its peak, 30 patients
were on the program for the last 21 years.
Copy !req
526. Irvin Rosenfeld has been receiving
this little care package
Copy !req
527. from the federal government
for his potentially lethal bone tumors.
Copy !req
528. If they grow outwardly, most of them
and what they do is a stretch
Copy !req
529. the muscles in the veins that go
from making very painful, more important,
Copy !req
530. any kind of movement can tear the muscle
and more important, tear vein.
Copy !req
531. And you can hemorrhage
Copy !req
532. a hemorrhage, break off,
break it off goes to your heart,
Copy !req
533. your brain, your lungs,
and you could be dead.
Copy !req
534. Here's how the marijuana comes.
Copy !req
535. It's 300 cigarets in this.
Copy !req
536. Cookie tin right here.
Copy !req
537. I try to smoke 2 to 3 in the morning
when I get up.
Copy !req
538. Then I smoke one on the way to work.
Copy !req
539. Driving to work.
Try to take a break around 1030.
Copy !req
540. Then I try to smoke two after lunch
if I'm able to.
Copy !req
541. It's difficult when you're trading stocks.
Copy !req
542. To be able to take breaks.
Copy !req
543. Trading stocks?
Copy !req
544. Oh that's right.
Copy !req
545. Irving's a very successful stockbroker.
Copy !req
546. Doesn't exactly fit
the mold of a pothead, does he?
Copy !req
547. Anyway, when George Senior was in office
saying things.
Copy !req
548. Like this scourge will stop.
Copy !req
549. Funding a medical marijuana program,
didn't make much political sense.
Copy !req
550. So he closed it down in 1992,
just in time for his reelection campaign.
Copy !req
551. Today, there are only seven patients
who still receive
Copy !req
552. the federal weed,
and they will until they die.
Copy !req
553. Thank God that I found it.
Copy !req
554. And thank God that I'm getting it
from the federal government.
Copy !req
555. I couldn't afford it otherwise.
Copy !req
556. I've been able to fight a very devastating
disease with the right medicine.
Copy !req
557. Irvin and the other members
Copy !req
558. of the Fortunate Seven
know they are the last of a dying breed.
Copy !req
559. And I think that's what the government's
waiting for.
Copy !req
560. Just that one day we won't be around
and then they can end it all.
Copy !req
561. So why is Herman smoking in front of
the white House and the Capitol building?
Copy !req
562. Because he can't.
Copy !req
563. And, well, you you gotta admit, it makes a
really cool shot for the promos.
Copy !req
564. We are also hoping
someone who runs the country
Copy !req
565. would look out their fucking window
and learn something.
Copy !req
566. 21 years I've been smoking marijuana
Copy !req
567. legally
provided by the federal government.
Copy !req
568. And they still don't
want to know how well it works.
Copy !req