1. I'm Pam.
Copy !req
2. This is my partner, teller.
Copy !req
3. Today we're talking about safety.
Copy !req
4. We're Americans.
Copy !req
5. Give us liberty or give us death.
Copy !req
6. We are not afraid of anything.
Copy !req
7. Well, not that, except for bacteria.
Copy !req
8. Mad cows, terrorists, electromagnetic
fields, terrorists, toilet seats,
Copy !req
9. TV brain cancer, terrorists, DDT,
Copy !req
10. sex people with guns and terrorists.
Copy !req
11. Oh. Bullshit.
Copy !req
12. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
13. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
14. Do you.
Copy !req
15. Americans are obsessed with safety.
Copy !req
16. That's why we spend billions every year
on products that claim to make us safer.
Copy !req
17. Antibacterial soaps and cleansers.
Copy !req
18. SPF 50 sunscreen. Car alarms.
Copy !req
19. Burglar alarms. Fences. Gates.
Copy !req
20. Cement barriers.
Copy !req
21. Mace. Tear gas. Stun guns.
Copy !req
22. Tasers. Pepper spray.
Copy !req
23. Handguns. Shotguns.
Copy !req
24. Automatic weapons. Gas masks.
Copy !req
25. Christ, we go on forever.
Copy !req
26. And why do we buy all this crap?
Copy !req
27. Because nobody wants to get sick, beaten
up, robbed, mugged, stabbed or shot.
Copy !req
28. The truth is, in 2004, crime, disease
Copy !req
29. and all types of violence are down.
Copy !req
30. Not up.
Copy !req
31. And you're a lot safer and healthier today
than you would have been 50 years ago.
Copy !req
32. Violent crime is the lowest
it has been since 1973,
Copy !req
33. and property crime is down
50% in the last ten years.
Copy !req
34. But that's not the message we're getting.
Copy !req
35. My number one fear is
Copy !req
36. an attack on a nuclear power plant.
Copy !req
37. Biological or a chemical attack?
Copy !req
38. A dirty bomb,
Copy !req
39. crop duster.
Copy !req
40. Some kind of lethal agent?
Copy !req
41. Anthrax.
Copy !req
42. A combination of tacks
all at the same time.
Copy !req
43. This is Paul West.
Copy !req
44. He's a clockmaker,
Copy !req
45. and he listens to what his government
and his media are telling him.
Copy !req
46. So naturally, he's terrified.
Copy !req
47. I've had a tremendous amount of anxiety
ever since nine over 11.
Copy !req
48. I have lost a considerable amount
of sleep.
Copy !req
49. Paul feels the danger is close
and he's doing something about it.
Copy !req
50. I'm trying to guarantee myself
protection from,
Copy !req
51. radioactive or biological or chemical.
Copy !req
52. Attack.
Copy !req
53. Paul is wrapped
his entire house in black plastic.
Copy !req
54. 30500ft² for just $200.
Copy !req
55. The question is,
and why is Paul doing this?
Copy !req
56. The question
is, why are the rest of us not?
Copy !req
57. If the
Copy !req
58. terrorist threat is as real
as Tom Ridge on TV makes it seem,
Copy !req
59. why shouldn't every house of the USA
be wrapped in a garbage bag?
Copy !req
60. It's often said that people are irrational
about their fears.
Copy !req
61. I'm David Ropeik of the Harvard Center
for Risk Analysis.
Copy !req
62. But it's entirely rational to want to
get your butt to tomorrow to survive.
Copy !req
63. And when you don't have all the facts
and come on,
Copy !req
64. none of us have all the facts, right?
Copy !req
65. And you have these ancient instincts
that we all share.
Copy !req
66. You're going to use
whatever you can to survive.
Copy !req
67. So why are we so scared?
Copy !req
68. Biologically, we're wired to be more
afraid than to be reasoning animals.
Copy !req
69. When you try and figure out
what's risky in the world,
Copy !req
70. think about
Copy !req
71. whether you're actually exposed or not,
whether there's a boogeyman out there,
Copy !req
72. but whether you're
going to be exposed to it.
Copy !req
73. Since 9/11, a
Copy !req
74. whole industry has sprung up catering to
and exploiting our fear of the terrorist
Copy !req
75. boogeyman inside of this
new York City office building
Copy !req
76. is the showroom of safer American.
Copy !req
77. With a massive website and customers
all over the world.
Copy !req
78. This company's
the Walmart of the apocalypse.
Copy !req
79. I am Sarah Hori,
co-founder of Safer America.
Copy !req
80. Well,
we offer a very wide variety of products
Copy !req
81. such as high rise
parachutes, emergency kits, survival
Copy !req
82. kits, flashlights, the crank radios,
all these emergency items.
Copy !req
83. Here, Cyril demonstrates one of the best
selling items the high rise parachute.
Copy !req
84. You have that handle that you attach
Copy !req
85. they go.
Copy !req
86. Oh. That doesn't work here.
Copy !req
87. Okay. Almost anywhere.
Copy !req
88. but at least these parachutes
are priced to sell, right?
Copy !req
89. This one is, ten, 99.
Copy !req
90. 11 bucks.
Copy !req
91. Your kid would only have to skip lunch
for a week.
Copy !req
92. $1,099.
Copy !req
93. $1,099.
Copy !req
94. The kid will start anything cheaper?
Copy !req
95. This is only 720.
Copy !req
96. with this one,
Copy !req
97. they, They say that you might.
Copy !req
98. It will save your life,
but you might end up with a broken leg.
Copy !req
99. The reason that a lot of safety products
Copy !req
100. come into being
is that we want to survive.
Copy !req
101. So anything that says buy this
and you'll be safer,
Copy !req
102. which is attractive
to you, to me, to anybody.
Copy !req
103. This is the only suit in the world
Copy !req
104. that without lead,
that will protect you against radiation.
Copy !req
105. These products are a good example
of how we reach for things
Copy !req
106. that can solve our safety concerns without
having the full range of information.
Copy !req
107. This is an item.
Copy !req
108. This is an item that is portable.
Copy !req
109. and you can have in your pocket
or in your purse.
Copy !req
110. That sounds handy
in the event of an anthrax attack.
Copy !req
111. It's pretty quick and easy to put this
critical safety product on a loved one.
Copy !req
112. I. Personally, when I take the subway,
Copy !req
113. I always have an escape code with me
beside it.
Copy !req
114. And you put this in your mouth.
Copy !req
115. On it.
Copy !req
116. And running in the other direction.
Copy !req
117. That's a good idea to.
Copy !req
118. To be fair,
the poor bastard was nervous on TV.
Copy !req
119. But, you know, you might be nervous
during an anthrax attack.
Copy !req
120. Two if you knew about it.
Copy !req
121. The human ass is dirty and sexy, but.
Copy !req
122. But dirty too. And and sexy.
Copy !req
123. But. But dirty. We all know that, right?
Copy !req
124. What could be more dangerous
than going into a public restroom
Copy !req
125. and putting your naked ass on a seat
where strangers naked ass is gone before?
Copy !req
126. Fortunately, in the 1920s,
a Seattle dentist patented
Copy !req
127. the perfect medical solution
a paper toilet seat cover.
Copy !req
128. He's a genius.
Copy !req
129. Yup. You can find this device.
Copy !req
130. More public bathrooms in George Michael.
Copy !req
131. These goddamn things are everywhere.
Copy !req
132. But do we really need them?
Copy !req
133. We did a full scale bullshit investigation
to find out.
Copy !req
134. First, here's a toilet in our Los Angeles
production office.
Copy !req
135. Holy shit.
Copy !req
136. Nothing can protect you
from that nightmare.
Copy !req
137. And that's not what the toilet seat cover
was invented for, anyway.
Copy !req
138. But here are three other public toilets.
Copy !req
139. This one's in a midtown
Manhattan office building.
Copy !req
140. Here's one on an East Coast
commuter train.
Copy !req
141. And here's one on the 27th floor
of a famous New York City skyscraper.
Copy !req
142. Surprising, They all look pretty clean.
Copy !req
143. And yet you'd still use
a toilet seat cover to protect you
Copy !req
144. from the millions of germs
that are in your juicy ass.
Copy !req
145. Why do people think there's a risk
of getting infection
Copy !req
146. from sitting on a toilet seat?
Copy !req
147. It's a myth.
Copy !req
148. My name is Larry Scola,
Copy !req
149. and I am chief of the Acute
Communicable Disease Control program.
Copy !req
150. Los Angeles
County Department of Health Services.
Copy !req
151. Hold on, doc, let us do the investigating.
Copy !req
152. We swabbed our toilet seat
and brought the sample to Edward
Copy !req
153. Hotchkiss, our family doctor.
Copy !req
154. Whose time we wasted on a busy day
dealing with sick people.
Copy !req
155. He didn't even need to look at our swab.
Copy !req
156. Urine has no bacteria, no viruses.
Copy !req
157. It's a sterile solution.
Copy !req
158. You get smelly and wet if you touch urine,
but you don't get sick.
Copy !req
159. So the toilet seat is not the problem.
Copy !req
160. It's the fear of the previous ass
that's out there.
Copy !req
161. But just how dirty is the human ass?
Copy !req
162. We asked three people to help us
with a totally unscientific study.
Copy !req
163. Tracy, a suburban mom.
Copy !req
164. Judd, a bartender.
Copy !req
165. And Josh, a writer.
Copy !req
166. I don't think toilet seat covers
have shown to me scientifically
Copy !req
167. that they do anything for us.
Copy !req
168. Doc, you're going to spoil our ending.
Copy !req
169. Let us do the goddamn test.
Copy !req
170. Okay, so here's what we did.
Copy !req
171. We took three subjects
to a real medical clinic for a test.
Copy !req
172. Would involve some nudity.
Copy !req
173. Oh, and in the interest of science,
we brought along a control subject.
Copy !req
174. This is Paige, a model.
Copy !req
175. We met at a car show.
Copy !req
176. Okay, now that we know you're not changing
Copy !req
177. the channel, let's switch gears a bit
and take a look what we're told.
Copy !req
178. So one of the biggest dangers out
there are electromagnetic fields.
Copy !req
179. And then I swear to be
right back to the nudity.
Copy !req
180. I put this on over 15.
Copy !req
181. My gas right here.
Copy !req
182. So I suggest you don't stand
in front of your microwave
Copy !req
183. watching your stuff cook
because the fields are cooking.
Copy !req
184. You too.
Copy !req
185. I'm Doctor Sam. Malcolm.
Copy !req
186. I'm a chronic disease epidemiologist.
Copy !req
187. Doctor
Bill has made a career out of studying
Copy !req
188. the effects of electromagnetic fields
for the Department of Health
Copy !req
189. in Washington state.
Copy !req
190. He's got a beta, and he isn't afraid
to use it on anything like this lamp's.
Copy !req
191. When I turn it on.
Copy !req
192. It jumps up to 4 or 5.
Copy !req
193. This kitchen light, it's high.
Copy !req
194. This microwave.
Copy !req
195. 13. Fuck. 13.
Copy !req
196. That's a lot, isn't it?
Copy !req
197. So when do you get a magnetic field?
Copy !req
198. Now, magnetic
fields are only generated when,
Copy !req
199. when current passes through wires.
Copy !req
200. I do a show just last season about people
that want you to wear magnetic fields
Copy !req
201. to help you heal. Jesus, the Jew.
Copy !req
202. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
203. I think we're going to have a hell
of an epidemic of brain cancers.
Copy !req
204. People who use cell phones a lot.
Copy !req
205. Brain cancer.
Copy !req
206. We use our cell phones a lot. Fuck.
Copy !req
207. Our cell phones are basically microwave
Copy !req
208. The real hazardous
because it's right against your head.
Copy !req
209. When you use your cell phone, you've
got an antenna, which is the active part.
Copy !req
210. The transmitting part.
Copy !req
211. Putting microwaves into your brain.
Copy !req
212. Why is that bad?
Copy !req
213. Since microwaves cook food faster,
they might make you think faster.
Copy !req
214. There has never been any credible research
Copy !req
215. cell phone use to any sort of health
effect in humans.
Copy !req
216. That's Steve Milloy.
Copy !req
217. He's a scholar at the Cato Institute,
Copy !req
218. and he's got a cool
website called Junk science.com.
Copy !req
219. If there were some health problems
associated with cell phone use,
Copy !req
220. we surely would have seen them by now.
And we haven't.
Copy !req
221. There have been,
Copy !req
222. you know, tens of millions of dollars
of research have gone into cell phones.
Copy !req
223. More than $100 million.
Copy !req
224. And there have been no health
effects linked with cell phone use.
Copy !req
225. Okay, but that's just one guy
from some wonky think tank in Washington.
Copy !req
226. What we need is a real cancer specialist,
Copy !req
227. like a guy from the American Cancer
Copy !req
228. I'm Doctor Michael Toon.
Copy !req
229. I direct epidemiologic research for
the American Cancer Society in Atlanta.
Copy !req
230. Yeah. Like him?
Copy !req
231. Well, there's no proven connection
between cell phones and brain cancer
Copy !req
232. or other cancers.
Copy !req
233. And this is one of the top cancer
guys talking.
Copy !req
234. Look, he's right next to the sign.
Copy !req
235. You really wouldn't expect
cell phones to cause cancer.
Copy !req
236. They don't emit ionizing radiation
that damages DNA.
Copy !req
237. For all the science geeks,
our college dude is going to give us
Copy !req
238. the actual scientific reason
cell phones don't cause cancer.
Copy !req
239. The waves that come out of this
device are too fat.
Copy !req
240. They're literally too big
Copy !req
241. to hit an atom.
Copy !req
242. Break off an electron.
Copy !req
243. Make that atom
go searching for another atom
Copy !req
244. so it can add its electron to be balanced
again and rip apart DNA and cause cancer.
Copy !req
245. See? The waves are too big.
Copy !req
246. They're just too big.
Copy !req
247. What about all those other
magnetic fields?
Copy !req
248. Like power lines?
Copy !req
249. They still cause cancer, right?
Copy !req
250. Well, there've been lots of studies
of power lines
Copy !req
251. and a whole spectrum of cancers,
which have been largely negative.
Copy !req
252. Again, you can never 100% prove no risk.
Copy !req
253. But what you can say is that
Copy !req
254. if there is any risk, it's
an extraordinarily small risk.
Copy !req
255. And then there's this guy.
Copy !req
256. He's the inventor of a wildly popular
safety product
Copy !req
257. and sells hundreds of thousands of them
at 40 bucks a pop.
Copy !req
258. For some, orders are small.
Copy !req
259. They may only be 100,
Copy !req
260. or they could be individuals
from people buying on the internet.
Copy !req
261. In other cases, we're shipping
a large order of several thousand.
Copy !req
262. And what is this miracle of space age?
Copy !req
263. Modern science?
Copy !req
264. I'm Shelly Kellner, and I created the wave
Copy !req
265. Oh, good, a wave shield.
Copy !req
266. And what's protecting us from tsunamis?
Copy !req
267. Heat, headache, fatigue, tingling.
Copy !req
268. Memory loss.
Copy !req
269. Memory loss.
Copy !req
270. Wait, are we still worrying
about magnetic fields.
Copy !req
271. When you put the phone up against
your head, you don't even know it's there.
Copy !req
272. But we're blocking the radiation
that's coming through those holes.
Copy !req
273. Oh, it's a little piece of metal that goes
over that ear piece of your cell phone.
Copy !req
274. 40 bucks.
Copy !req
275. Let me just have a guy tell us cell phones
don't give you cancer.
Copy !req
276. First thing I tell people is there is no
proof cell phones cause cancer or tumors.
Copy !req
277. Great.
Copy !req
278. He's going to announce on our show
Copy !req
279. that he's closing his place down
and sending back all the money.
Copy !req
280. Now, the jury's still out on the long
term effects of cell phone years.
Copy !req
281. Meanwhile, we have a proven
Copy !req
282. and tested product
that reduces the potential health risk.
Copy !req
283. Why take a chance?
Copy !req
284. Proven.
Copy !req
285. Attested to suck 40 bucks
right out of your wallet.
Copy !req
286. But wait.
Copy !req
287. Maybe he's done some breakthrough
research for the American Cancer Society.
Copy !req
288. Just hasn't heard about yet.
Copy !req
289. My background is advertising
and marketing.
Copy !req
290. I'm a, x ad agency person.
Copy !req
291. Jonas Salk was an ad agency
guy, wasn't he?
Copy !req
292. The marketplace is going to take advantage
of the fact that we're afraid,
Copy !req
293. and look for ways to sell us products
Copy !req
294. that at least make us feel safer.
Copy !req
295. And that's really my focus.
Copy !req
296. There is no proof.
Copy !req
297. My job and focus is to reduce
the potential health risk.
Copy !req
298. Potential risk.
Copy !req
299. Got to avoid risk.
Copy !req
300. So my set up man is a Great Dane,
Copy !req
301. But I'm not sure about that stake.
Copy !req
302. I mean, haven't you heard of Mad Cow?
Copy !req
303. We'll get to that in a second.
Copy !req
304. But first of all, that,
that butter, In the U.S.,
Copy !req
305. 700,000 people
a year die of heart disease.
Copy !req
306. Now, I know you don't have a history
of heart disease in your family.
Copy !req
307. I know that you work out,
but do you really want to risk it?
Copy !req
308. Heart disease.
Copy !req
309. Now, about 6000 people
a year are killed by fires.
Copy !req
310. Now, I know that's not smoking in bed,
but it's still fire.
Copy !req
311. Another 20,000 people a year are killed.
Copy !req
312. Murdered?
Copy !req
313. Most by someone they know.
Copy !req
314. Someone they know. Well?
Copy !req
315. Very well.
Copy !req
316. See you a little later.
Copy !req
317. Okay.
Copy !req
318. You're better off without her.
Copy !req
319. She was just about to snap.
Copy !req
320. I could tell anybody.
Copy !req
321. She didn't snap.
Copy !req
322. You still get flu or pneumonia?
Copy !req
323. That kills one another 62 grand a year.
Copy !req
324. Okay, let's talk about your steak.
Copy !req
325. You know, since 1996, 139
people in the world
Copy !req
326. have died of an odd variation
of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Copy !req
327. When cows get it, it's called mad cow.
Copy !req
328. You know, as far as we know, the disease
doesn't cross species barriers.
Copy !req
329. Cows can't even catch it from other cows.
Copy !req
330. And there's no evidence at all, none
that humans can get it from eating mad
Copy !req
331. cow beef.
Copy !req
332. Not for the last eight years,
a total of 139 people have died
Copy !req
333. of a variant of this terrible disease,
and we don't know why.
Copy !req
334. Yeah, it's very likely
that many of those people weren't
Copy !req
335. eating beef at all, but that's 139
out of 6 billion people in the world.
Copy !req
336. That means your chance of getting mad cow
disease are about 139.
Copy !req
337. In 6 billion.
Copy !req
338. You're going to
Copy !req
339. chance it, With a name like Mad Cow.
Copy !req
340. Ha! turning into a cow
would be bad enough. But.
Copy !req
341. But a mad cow.
Copy !req
342. And scientists don't know everything.
Copy !req
343. I mean, there might be some as yet
undiscovered risk.
Copy !req
344. Is it really worth it?
Copy !req
345. And this new beef disease might have a
scary and a little bit funny common name.
Copy !req
346. The TV. Meat Puppets.
Copy !req
347. Love to say lots of PR money
Copy !req
348. from Peta that could be behind it
and you get scared to death.
Copy !req
349. Dot seems a lot of people in this country
are getting scared to death.
Copy !req
350. Drive carefully teller.
Copy !req
351. You know, in the U.S.
Copy !req
352. alone, 150 people a. Day.
Copy !req
353. Die in car collisions. Okay.
Copy !req
354. Okay.
Copy !req
355. 139 and 6 billion is fine.
Copy !req
356. Odds.
Copy !req
357. Worrying about things that are unlikely
is, is a waste of precious life.
Copy !req
358. Mad cow is total bullshit.
Copy !req
359. Cow shit. 139 and 6 billion.
Copy !req
360. You never even got to meet someone
who had a friend.
Copy !req
361. Who had a friend who had mad cow.
Copy !req
362. Our friend Paul Provenza
says the world is not made of nerf.
Copy !req
363. The sharp edges.
Copy !req
364. You will get cut, but not too deep
if you're careful.
Copy !req
365. Not too careful. Just careful enough.
Copy !req
366. To wash your hands.
Copy !req
367. It's okay.
Copy !req
368. And now, back to our unscientific test
and the truth behind toilet seat covers.
Copy !req
369. I don't worry about toilet seats.
Copy !req
370. I'm not worried about the toilet seat
that's going to,
Copy !req
371. you know, cause me to get,
an infectious disease that will kill me.
Copy !req
372. Doc, you're ruining it for us.
Copy !req
373. We're pretending to be real scientists.
Copy !req
374. Man, she almost blew it.
Copy !req
375. So are guinea pigs.
Copy !req
376. Have stripped down to their undies
and put on flimsy paper robes.
Copy !req
377. Because for our hygiene test,
Copy !req
378. we're going to test for germs
on their face, hands and ass. Why?
Copy !req
379. To find out
just how dirty our butts really are.
Copy !req
380. First our doctor.
Copy !req
381. Swab the hands of Judd, Tracy,
Josh and Paige.
Copy !req
382. Then she swabbed their faces.
Copy !req
383. Just going to be along your nose. Okay.
Copy !req
384. Then it was on to their butts.
Copy !req
385. Bend over. Okay.
Copy !req
386. We could have gone
just for the fleshy part
Copy !req
387. that actually touches the toilet seat,
but we said, fuck it.
Copy !req
388. Let's go one inch from the crack
where it's Filth City.
Copy !req
389. Thanks very much.
Copy !req
390. Hey, it's car model girl time.
Copy !req
391. 00000.
Copy !req
392. And we would check that ass
with our tongues.
Copy !req
393. But we have to put her in a movie
for that.
Copy !req
394. Okay.
Copy !req
395. And the next one
is going to be from your scrotal area.
Copy !req
396. Are you serious? Indeed we are.
Copy !req
397. Just go ahead and pull them down.
Copy !req
398. Okay. Ready?
Copy !req
399. Tasteful motherfuckers. Ain't we?
Copy !req
400. Have a nice day.
Copy !req
401. Bacteria and viruses and fungal elements
Copy !req
402. like to live in a warm and wet area.
Copy !req
403. I'm doctor Katrina miller.
Copy !req
404. And usually a toilet seat
doesn't really stay wet or warm very long.
Copy !req
405. So it's an inhospitable environment
for those kinds of things.
Copy !req
406. Bacteria, viruses, fungal elements.
Copy !req
407. And so basically they can't live there.
Copy !req
408. Enough with the interruptions.
Copy !req
409. After we swab the decks of our research
monkeys, the swabs was delivered
Copy !req
410. to a comprehensive testing lab in L.A.,
where the germs were transferred
Copy !req
411. to a petri dish allowed to grow,
then run through a battery of tests
Copy !req
412. and examined thoroughly by a fully
qualified state licensed technician
Copy !req
413. who thought we were complete idiot.
Copy !req
414. But before we get the results, let's check
back in with Cyril at Safer America.
Copy !req
415. We are such assholes.
Copy !req
416. Yep. We were obsessively about terrorism,
cancer, and germs.
Copy !req
417. If you're making a list,
the next thing on it should be school
Copy !req
418. violence.
Copy !req
419. With all the money
being spent on security guards,
Copy !req
420. metal detectors, and cameras, it's
now harder to get into class
Copy !req
421. than it is
to get into the prom queen's pants.
Copy !req
422. And not because she's getting easier.
Copy !req
423. Yes, the events at Columbine were tragic,
Copy !req
424. and gun violence in school is intolerable.
Copy !req
425. But the truth about school
violence is not what you'd expect.
Copy !req
426. After listening
to the fear mongers on the news.
Copy !req
427. What's so ironic about this is that school
Copy !req
428. has been declining since 1990
pretty steadily.
Copy !req
429. Ben Weisner, American Civil Liberties
Union, Los Angeles.
Copy !req
430. Statistically, kids
are much safer at school than they are
Copy !req
431. pretty much anywhere else. Exactly.
Copy !req
432. According to the Justice Department,
violent crime in schools
Copy !req
433. has dropped nearly 40% since 1992.
Copy !req
434. Horrible
Copy !req
435. anomalies make the news,
but you're nearly four times more likely
Copy !req
436. to get hit by lightning
than shot at a public school.
Copy !req
437. Today, our school policies
are being driven by irrational fears.
Copy !req
438. Even worse are having a perverse effect.
Copy !req
439. When you suspend millions of children
from public school every year.
Copy !req
440. You're making our society less safe,
not safer.
Copy !req
441. And schools aren't
just kicking out little hoodlums like us.
Copy !req
442. I think these schools are using zero
zero tolerance policies
Copy !req
443. as an opportunity
to get rid of the underachieving kids,
Copy !req
444. the kids who have discipline problems,
to get them out of the school
Copy !req
445. and make it easier
for everyone else to learn.
Copy !req
446. Okay, we expect this kind of talk
from a guy of the ACLU,
Copy !req
447. but what's going on in public schools
in the name of safety is, well,
Copy !req
448. it's bullshit.
Copy !req
449. Check this out.
Copy !req
450. Armed cops and their drug sniffing
pig dogs stormed a high school
Copy !req
451. in North Carolina
looking for weed, coke and crack.
Copy !req
452. Some of the officers had their weapons
drawn at a low ready position,
Copy !req
453. which is not pointing at the faces
or heads of students.
Copy !req
454. First, we're not going to make a comment
about his haircut or accent.
Copy !req
455. My dad was in law enforcement.
Copy !req
456. What this bastard did
isn't what real cops do.
Copy !req
457. But wait, what did he say?
Copy !req
458. Some of the officers had their weapons
drawn at a low ready position.
Copy !req
459. Oh, ready, my aching ass.
Copy !req
460. Here you are,
holding a gun at a kid's head.
Copy !req
461. We were wrong.
Copy !req
462. We aren't going to make a comment
about his hair.
Copy !req
463. If it weren't for your stupid
fucking lame ass haircut, we wouldn't
Copy !req
464. be able to tell it was your lame ass
pointing a gun at an unarmed,
Copy !req
465. trusted fucking school
because you require an American kid.
Copy !req
466. Anytime there's narcotics involved,
anytime there's a
Copy !req
467. large sums of money involved,
there's the very much the likelihood
Copy !req
468. that weapons, too, are involved.
Copy !req
469. This raid didn't turn up a single joint
or a line of coke or a wad of cash
Copy !req
470. or a weapon. Fucking nothing.
Copy !req
471. Let's see what the principal had to say.
What are we?
Copy !req
472. Porter questioned him about the way
he treated the kids in his charge.
Copy !req
473. I don't think it was an overreaction
on our part.
Copy !req
474. I'm sure it was an inconvenience.
Copy !req
475. To those individuals who were on that
hallway, but I think there's.
Copy !req
476. A valuable experience there.
Copy !req
477. You want to know what valuable lesson
these kids learned?
Copy !req
478. They learned what happens when these men
get a little bit of power?
Copy !req
479. Sure, parents want schools to be safe,
Copy !req
480. but you're never going to be safe
from the unforeseen nugget.
Copy !req
481. They've been around since before
Jesse James and Billy the Kid.
Copy !req
482. So maybe schools should try
keeping students safe from something
Copy !req
483. more predictable, like uniformed
government needle dick employees
Copy !req
484. who throw children on the ground
and point firearms at their head.
Copy !req
485. Fear is useful if it's fear of something
that you can prevent,
Copy !req
486. but it's impossible to prevent
the freak tragedy like Columbine,
Copy !req
487. because troubled kids will always find
a way to break our hearts,
Copy !req
488. and Michael Moore
will always find a way to cash in on it.
Copy !req
489. Okay, so we're all scared shitless
Copy !req
490. about terrorism,
germs, cancer, and school violence.
Copy !req
491. No, we need someone to blame.
Copy !req
492. Everything that makes us more afraid
Copy !req
493. makes a journalist more excited.
Copy !req
494. Look, we know it's a cliché
to blame the media, but in this case,
Copy !req
495. the empty fear is kind of their fault.
Copy !req
496. I'm Peter Hart
and I'm a media analyst at Fair.
Copy !req
497. That's an organization that monitors
fairness and accuracy in reporting.
Copy !req
498. Wait wait wait.
Copy !req
499. Failing the FAA.
That's what it stands for.
Copy !req
500. The media need to secure an audience
and the best way to do that.
Copy !req
501. Something the media have discovered
is to focus on some of these stories
Copy !req
502. that are titillating, shocking,
Copy !req
503. That sort of thing.
Copy !req
504. When this is what bombards
you from TV, radio and newspapers.
Copy !req
505. It's hard not to feel scared.
Copy !req
506. The government
and the media gain power and make money
Copy !req
507. when you're scared shitless.
Copy !req
508. Your mind may know
that close ups of horror
Copy !req
509. are statistically insignificant, but
you're only human and your gut tells you
Copy !req
510. these nightmares are as close
as your television screen.
Copy !req
511. When the media go wall to wall
with a story,
Copy !req
512. when they obsess over a story,
whether it's crime, violent crime,
Copy !req
513. whether it's abduction,
you get the sense that this is happening,
Copy !req
514. in such a profound way
all across the country, all across
Copy !req
515. your community, that it really affects
your sense of of reality.
Copy !req
516. We can't blame the media for everything.
Copy !req
517. I mean, what about 9/11?
Copy !req
518. That was as real as it fucking gets.
Copy !req
519. Aren't our fears of terrorism justified.
Copy !req
520. Terrorism on 901 became an attack on the
homeland and anthrax, particularly after.
Copy !req
521. Right. Because everybody gets the mail.
Copy !req
522. Now, it could happen to me statistically.
Copy !req
523. Still probably a pretty low risk.
Copy !req
524. Probably about the same as it was on 991.
Copy !req
525. Oh, right.
Copy !req
526. But now can happen to me.
The fear goes up.
Copy !req
527. All right.
Copy !req
528. Now the results of our ass hygiene test.
Copy !req
529. But first, a little background.
Copy !req
530. We tested for a variety of germs
and bacteria.
Copy !req
531. And to quantify the amount,
Copy !req
532. the lab uses a scale where scant indicates
almost no bacteria,
Copy !req
533. while overgrown indicates, well,
an ass load on the hand swab.
Copy !req
534. Both Paige and Tracy had skin growth,
while Josh and Judd had light.
Copy !req
535. That's weird.
Copy !req
536. A girl's hands are cleaner
than the boys on their faces.
Copy !req
537. Tracy had skin grafts.
Copy !req
538. Our car model, Paige and Josh had light
while Judd showed
Copy !req
539. signs of moderate bacteria,
meaning it's okay to shake his head.
Copy !req
540. However, you might not want
to lick his face in our ass
Copy !req
541. test where we would expect
to find the most bacteria.
Copy !req
542. Is it any surprise to anyone,
the lovely Paige had scant growth.
Copy !req
543. But you know who else had skin growth?
Copy !req
544. That's right.
Copy !req
545. Tracy, Judd and Josh.
Copy !req
546. People seem to think it's anything
below your waist that's dirty.
Copy !req
547. Really?
Copy !req
548. It's your hands and your mouth
of the dirtiest things, not your butt.
Copy !req
549. Exactly.
That's what we were trying to say.
Copy !req
550. And we proved it.
Copy !req
551. But we're not done yet.
Copy !req
552. Remember, we also tested Judd's. Winona's.
Copy !req
553. Well, the doctor found scant evidence
of any germs there, too.
Copy !req
554. Meaning in Judd's case,
his ashleys are cleaner than his face.
Copy !req
555. But let's not forget the point of all this
when you see a toilet like this
Copy !req
556. one. Feel free to park your ass
and enjoy yourself without a
Copy !req
557. flimsy toilet seat. Cover.
Copy !req
558. However you slice it.
Copy !req
559. Asses are cleaner than hands,
Copy !req
560. so we have a new way of greeting people,
sort of shaking hands.
Copy !req
561. Rub asses.
Copy !req
562. We're going to win Nobel Prize for this.
Copy !req
563. If you saw this show, try it to us
when you see us on the street.
Copy !req
564. So now it's 30 minutes later.
Copy !req
565. What have we been trying to say?
Copy !req
566. Our perspective about life
and our survival instincts
Copy !req
567. are all out of fucking whack.
Copy !req
568. The glass of
Copy !req
569. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
570. The glass of life isn't half empty.
Copy !req
571. It's overflowing.
Copy !req
572. Take off your gas mask and breathe.
Copy !req
573. Relax.
Copy !req
574. We're all going to die.
Copy !req
575. Hey! Come on, we're going to dinner.
Everybody, it's on me.
Copy !req
576. Come on. Hey, Tyler.
Copy !req
577. We're going to dinner.
Copy !req
578. We have dinner. Mom. Let's go.
Copy !req
579. Somebody's out. Come on.
Copy !req
580. Callie. Come on.
Copy !req
581. Kill the lights and come off.
Copy !req
582. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
583. You know.
Copy !req