1. We're all obsessed with fitness.
Copy !req
2. Not that good sort of obsession
where we actually work
Copy !req
3. out of the gym, watch what we eat,
and feel good about ourselves.
Copy !req
4. More like the sort where you park your car
in front of this fitness house
Copy !req
5. late at night and watch the windows
with a pair of binoculars.
Copy !req
6. I'm Pam, this is my partner, and tell her,
Copy !req
7. like most Americans,
we have more money than we do.
Copy !req
8. Self-discipline.
Copy !req
9. We watch, we eat a little,
and we work out a few times a week
Copy !req
10. and we feel pretty good.
Copy !req
11. But we still look like fucking Penn
and Teller.
Copy !req
12. Hell, we could work out 50 hours a week,
and that wouldn't change.
Copy !req
13. Even if we busted our asses
and live like bugs,
Copy !req
14. we still only be slightly more toned
because, like it or not,
Copy !req
15. these are the bodies
our genes fucking give us.
Copy !req
16. This is what we are.
Copy !req
17. That's the power of genetics.
Copy !req
18. Anybody that tells you different
is selling a
Copy !req
19. load of bullshit for five.
Copy !req
20. I. Have.
Copy !req
21. To boo
Copy !req
22. boo boo.
Copy !req
23. Mean.
Copy !req
24. You do.
Copy !req
25. Look at
Copy !req
26. how silly people used to be back
when everything was black and white.
Copy !req
27. Falling for useless devices that they
thought would make them healthy and shit.
Copy !req
28. These poor saps had no clue.
Copy !req
29. But you can shake every fat
into your body to collapse.
Copy !req
30. But you'll never escape
the power of genetics.
Copy !req
31. The weasel selling those shaken machines
guaranteed results that never came.
Copy !req
32. And look at us now.
Copy !req
33. Same bullshit pitch.
Copy !req
34. Same bullshit results.
Copy !req
35. It's just in color now.
Copy !req
36. Health clubs, fitness trainers,
books, video supplements, stretchers, butt
Copy !req
37. burners.
Copy !req
38. Some of these won't do anything
more than the shaky machine,
Copy !req
39. but thanks to false hopes,
they sell like crazy.
Copy !req
40. How the hell do we get to this point
anyway? One.
Copy !req
41. One. Two.
Copy !req
42. Oh, put something into it. Come on. There.
Copy !req
43. Well, maybe the trouble
started over 50 years ago with this guy.
Copy !req
44. The goddamn Godfather of fitness. Hi.
Copy !req
45. I'm Jack LaLanne.
Copy !req
46. We have more fat people.
Copy !req
47. And we've never had in our history.
Copy !req
48. When the fattest nation
in the history of the world.
Copy !req
49. Fat. Fatal.
Copy !req
50. Awful. Terrible.
Copy !req
51. Gotta train like an athlete.
Copy !req
52. You got to exercise.
Copy !req
53. You gotta eat right.
Copy !req
54. Think right
what it's all about. That's right.
Copy !req
55. Jack LaLanne has spent a lifetime
preaching his gospel.
Copy !req
56. The keys to a perfect body
are moderate exercise, a reasonable diet.
Copy !req
57. They're absolutely delicious.
Copy !req
58. You and I, tight, shiny jumpsuit.
Copy !req
59. It's not that tough.
Copy !req
60. And if you can't afford a half an hour, 3
or 4 times a week for taking care
Copy !req
61. of the most important person in the world,
you, you've got to be sick.
Copy !req
62. And it's good advice.
Copy !req
63. Exercise will help you maintain better
Copy !req
64. We're not arguing that.
Copy !req
65. But even Jack can't change this fact.
Copy !req
66. Your body shape is all mapped out
from the day you were born.
Copy !req
67. In other words,
all this will never turn you into this.
Copy !req
68. Make no
Copy !req
69. mistake, Jack LaLanne hit the genetic
Copy !req
70. Genetics play the most major role
with regard to the type of body
Copy !req
71. that you ultimately end up with.
Copy !req
72. Doctor Nuala troche,
Copy !req
73. orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine
specialist in Los Angeles, California.
Copy !req
74. To a very large degree,
we are prisoners of our own genetic code.
Copy !req
75. However, within our genetic
predisposition, exercise is very helpful
Copy !req
76. in elevating your own body's
fitness and function.
Copy !req
77. But after decades of watching
super Man here,
Copy !req
78. our goal went
beyond a little extra fitness.
Copy !req
79. We fucking wanted to be Jack LaLanne.
Copy !req
80. Too bad only a small percentage of us
had the genes to even try.
Copy !req
81. While more proof really
gets the back of your arms and your chest.
Copy !req
82. You're looking here at a 90 year old man.
Copy !req
83. And sure, he's
taken great care of himself,
Copy !req
84. but this is a result of nature's
as much as nurture.
Copy !req
85. Somebody like Jack LaLanne,
who has been able to remain so active
Copy !req
86. at such an advanced age,
obviously has the genetic foundation
Copy !req
87. to be able to stay fit and stay vibrant
at that age.
Copy !req
88. Exercise has also helped him
to maintain his fitness level,
Copy !req
89. but you can't escape the
genetic foundation that the man must have.
Copy !req
90. Okay,
so Jack was given a leg up by genetics,
Copy !req
91. but the fuckers that followed him
built fortunes
Copy !req
92. by promising us those unattainable bodies
and they added a twist.
Copy !req
93. They told us
we could have perfection in an instant
Copy !req
94. without the genetics or the work.
Copy !req
95. Well, you can't say the thigh thing that
we're not allowed to say in the name of.
Copy !req
96. Does it work?
Copy !req
97. This I need it now.
Copy !req
98. Attitude is the perfect environment
for the legions of bullshitters
Copy !req
99. who make a living by selling false hopes,
impossible dreams,
Copy !req
100. and springy things.
Copy !req
101. Yeah.
Copy !req
102. I'm Clark Bartram, personal trainer
and fitness model, motivator
Copy !req
103. and owner of International Fitness
in San Marcos, California.
Copy !req
104. What a guy.
Copy !req
105. Clark Bar
Trump has built the name for himself.
Copy !req
106. Even if that name is awfully close
to a candy bar name.
Copy !req
107. Clark Bar Trump offers
services and products that promise
Copy !req
108. to help people build better bodies.
Copy !req
109. Okay, I'm trying to bring everything
Copy !req
110. that a person would need
in order to get in great shape.
Copy !req
111. Whether it's information,
motivation, encouragement.
Copy !req
112. Big beach balls, designer beef jerky,
you know all the essentials.
Copy !req
113. When you say Clark Bartram,
I want you to think of fitness.
Copy !req
114. The fitness industry certainly likes
Clark Barr.
Copy !req
115. Trump.
Copy !req
116. His studly torso, is a frequent sight
on fitness.
Copy !req
117. Print ads and magazine covers.
Copy !req
118. Put me on the cover.
Copy !req
119. I'm going to help you sell more issues,
because I think I look
Copy !req
120. how people want to look like.
Copy !req
121. If his program works, why
aren't his students and everyone that buys
Copy !req
122. his products, putting him out of business
by taking turns posing for these covers?
Copy !req
123. I get asked probably 50 times a month,
hey man, how can I get in the magazine?
Copy !req
124. Bro, I saw you in the, you know, whatever.
Copy !req
125. How can I do that?
Copy !req
126. Okay, bro, time for reality check.
Copy !req
127. A lot of us would like to be fitness
Copy !req
128. Well, no, but very few of us
like to be fitness models.
Copy !req
129. We want to do something with our lives.
Copy !req
130. But most of us
would like to look like a fitness model.
Copy !req
131. Unfortunately,
that's out of reach for most of us.
Copy !req
132. Because aftermarket tints aside,
great DNA requires great DNA.
Copy !req
133. It's a cold fact of genetics.
Copy !req
134. So there are three basic body types.
Copy !req
135. First, there's the Ecto more,
which is the tall, lean person.
Copy !req
136. This individual just doesn't
have the genes to become heavily muscled,
Copy !req
137. skinny fucked.
Copy !req
138. Next there's the endo more,
which is the rounder, softer individual.
Copy !req
139. According to genetic scientists,
Copy !req
140. nearly impossible
for them to become lean and mean.
Copy !req
141. Fat fuck. And finally,
Copy !req
142. there's the met
Copy !req
143. someone, the Clark Bartram types
who find it easier to build muscle tissue
Copy !req
144. and make a decision
on whether to shave or wax.
Copy !req
145. Just plain fuck.
Copy !req
146. Even Clark Barr,
Copy !req
147. Trump agrees to become a fitness model.
Copy !req
148. You'd better have the right genes.
Copy !req
149. Genetically, I was predisposed
to do what I do, I believe.
Copy !req
150. So there is a lot of effort
that I've put forth,
Copy !req
151. but I've been blessed
with some really good genetics.
Copy !req
152. Yeah. Blessed. And as for the rest of us.
Copy !req
153. I would say of all the people that I see
walking the streets,
Copy !req
154. if I'm in a mall and a gas station
or whatever, there are very few people
Copy !req
155. that I just, my opinion think could be on
the cover of somebodies magazine.
Copy !req
156. So does Clark gently tell aspiring
Copy !req
157. fitness models to their expectations
may be unrealistic.
Copy !req
158. I've actually written a book called
YouTube Can Be a Fitness model.
Copy !req
159. That's right.
Copy !req
160. According to Clark,
you can't be a fitness model.
Copy !req
161. But according to Clark's popular book,
you two can be a fitness model.
Copy !req
162. You two can be a fitness model.
Copy !req
163. Here's where the borderline between
good trainer and self-serving bullshitter
Copy !req
164. starts to blur.
Copy !req
165. Go ahead and sit up.
I'm going to show you off for a minute.
Copy !req
166. This is my prophetic statement right here
that Sarah will be on or in a magazine
Copy !req
167. one day, because she is one of the most
determined people that I've ever seen.
Copy !req
168. And I am so motivated
by what you're doing.
Copy !req
169. And I'm telling you right now,
you will make it. You've got the look.
Copy !req
170. You've got the physique.
Copy !req
171. These so-called fitness experts
like to promise people the impossible
Copy !req
172. that you can reshape your body
into whatever you want it to be.
Copy !req
173. Sedrick Bryant,
Copy !req
174. chief exercise physiologist
for the American Council on Exercise.
Copy !req
175. If you look like a stud,
you're going to have people
Copy !req
176. who are going to follow you
and they're going
Copy !req
177. to want to do what you do
because you do this.
Copy !req
178. What they surmise is that, hey,
it obviously works, works for you.
Copy !req
179. So I want to give it a try
and see if it's going to work for me.
Copy !req
180. So maybe Clark's book won't make you
a fitness model like the bullshit
Copy !req
181. title says it will.
Copy !req
182. You have a better chance of the book
making you taller.
Copy !req
183. Or at least you can stand on
and maybe look a little taller.
Copy !req
184. Clark is just biding his time
till he can become Clark.
Copy !req
185. Barred from superhero.
Copy !req
186. I'm being noticed in this industry.
Copy !req
187. People know who I am.
Copy !req
188. They read about me,
Copy !req
189. they see me in the magazines,
they see me on television or whatever.
Copy !req
190. I want my name to be synonymous
with fitness.
Copy !req
191. I want to be the next Jack LaLanne.
Copy !req
192. Sorry, Beefcake.
Copy !req
193. You'll never look as cool
as Jack in a jumpsuit.
Copy !req
194. And Jack will never die. What? Two.
Copy !req
195. When it comes to making money off muscle
Copy !req
196. cars like Clark
Bartram are small potatoes.
Copy !req
197. The big money's in the franchise.
Copy !req
198. Mega gyms that shine and gleam at the low.
Copy !req
199. But the hookers I.
Copy !req
200. Oh, I'm
Copy !req
201. sorry, I
Copy !req
202. my bad.
Copy !req
203. Myths abound
Copy !req
204. when you walk into any gym
because there's really nothing magical
Copy !req
205. in terms of what happens to you
from a body composition standpoint.
Copy !req
206. And so what happens is people fail,
Copy !req
207. they become discouraged,
and at worst they may become injured.
Copy !req
208. That's why as average monkeys quit
going to the gym after a few short weeks.
Copy !req
209. Must be tough for business.
Copy !req
210. If only there were some way
to get you to keep paying.
Copy !req
211. Their contract terms, usually
Copy !req
212. for three years,
which people use for about two months.
Copy !req
213. Primary fitness trainer.
Copy !req
214. So where other 34 months
they're still paying their fees, but
Copy !req
215. they're not using the gym and there's
really no way to back out of it.
Copy !req
216. So how do gyms suck you into it?
Copy !req
217. By using hard shell tactics
to get you to sign on the bottom line.
Copy !req
218. We decided to see for ourselves
with our bullshit detecting gym bag camp.
Copy !req
219. We stuck it in a pile of sweaty socks
and hit it off
Copy !req
220. to stink up several well-known gym chains.
Copy !req
221. This is how it works.
Copy !req
222. We have achieved promotion.
Copy !req
223. Achieved promotion.
Copy !req
224. Decided by now with $19,
now $19 per month, a membership.
Copy !req
225. This is 36 months after 36
months is nonrenewable
Copy !req
226. 99 hour on the fee
plus $45 plus a $50 card fee.
Copy !req
227. Total 159.
Copy !req
228. Since these guys know
you're not going to stick it out for long.
Copy !req
229. The name of the game is get as much money
upfront as humanly possible.
Copy !req
230. Let us say it is. Usually around $150.
Copy !req
231. He first month
and you pay your last month upfront.
Copy !req
232. So this is 569 a day to get started.
Copy !req
233. Would it be something you want to pay
thousand dollars a month?
Copy !req
234. Looks like abs and asses
aren't the only thing
Copy !req
235. these guys are working over.
Copy !req
236. Yeah,
it was all about money in the pocket.
Copy !req
237. Unfortunately, when people discover
that working out
Copy !req
238. isn't, well, working out,
they look for help.
Copy !req
239. Powdered help.
Copy !req
240. Today,
Copy !req
241. there are hundreds of dietary supplements
on the market promoted with claims.
Copy !req
242. Add some powder or a pill is going to help
you bulk up.
Copy !req
243. Tone up and slim down. It's all bullshit.
Copy !req
244. But if you tell people, control
your calorie intake
Copy !req
245. and exercise in moderation,
there's nothing to sell.
Copy !req
246. So you guys get discounts and other stuff.
Copy !req
247. And they are also asking us to try to push
as much supplements and other products
Copy !req
248. off the shelf as possible.
We have our own supplements.
Copy !req
249. We sell our own protein.
Copy !req
250. They have their own creatine.
Copy !req
251. They wanted us to be selling.
Copy !req
252. I believe it was $150 worth of supplements
every week.
Copy !req
253. My boxes of protein bars
to buy individual protein bars.
Copy !req
254. Meal replacement drinks.
Copy !req
255. That's what these actually are.
Copy !req
256. So our stuff
helps you just get extra results.
Copy !req
257. $40,000 for one.
Copy !req
258. Reason that we checked his name tag
and it didn't say doctor on it.
Copy !req
259. I'm sure it was just an oversight.
Copy !req
260. If you're not a registered dietitian,
you really are not in a position
Copy !req
261. to dispense information
regarding supplements.
Copy !req
262. You're really working outside
your scope of practice.
Copy !req
263. Let's focus on me for the blue.
Copy !req
264. This is more for building muscle,
Copy !req
265. I don't know much about this, but this.
Copy !req
266. But I know it's not for building muscle.
Copy !req
267. If you want to be in the bed.
Copy !req
268. Paging Doctor Jim Lackey.
Copy !req
269. Glucosamine is for joints and cartilage,
not muscle.
Copy !req
270. Muscle. While you're on a roll.
Copy !req
271. You got anything that burns fat.
Copy !req
272. And there's that burning.
And there building.
Copy !req
273. That was going to get metabolized faster.
Copy !req
274. And the building is going to start working
on the fact that you have in your body
Copy !req
275. and absorb all this fat.
Copy !req
276. The theory behind
many of these fat burners
Copy !req
277. is that they're going to cause you
to become this real fat burning furnace.
Copy !req
278. And unfortunately,
most of those substances
Copy !req
279. aren't revving up your metabolism
as much as they're revving up
Copy !req
280. your cardiovascular system.
Copy !req
281. And therein lies the problem, because
that's what puts the individual at risk.
Copy !req
282. So you can take the beating
and the fat burning together.
Copy !req
283. It doesn't look better.
Copy !req
284. These two nitwits were more than happy
to play doctor all day,
Copy !req
285. but at least one health club salesman
knew enough to suggest caution.
Copy !req
286. Don't ever get.
Copy !req
287. Really? Why?
Copy !req
288. My friend passed away just a month ago.
Copy !req
289. This is taking stuff away.
Copy !req
290. I'm like that and I make stuff up.
Copy !req
291. Get a product. But it doesn't work.
Copy !req
292. Oh, awful.
Copy !req
293. You know,
we're not even buying that story.
Copy !req
294. Evidence must be skimpy of even fitness
gurus like Clark bah
Copy !req
295. Trump
admit that supplements are overrated.
Copy !req
296. Yeah, there's this big boom lately
with dietary supplements,
Copy !req
297. fat burners
and protein powders and and pro hormones.
Copy !req
298. You can get big if you take these things
and all this different type of stuff.
Copy !req
299. There is an overemphasis
with these products now.
Copy !req
300. Well, said Clarke, it's
good to see a real,
Copy !req
301. Well, the biggest selling product here for
this gym is actually my brand,
Copy !req
302. Clarke Bartram Nutrition for fitness.
Copy !req
303. And the reason it's the best selling
is because I push it.
Copy !req
304. Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
305. The dumbbell fall on your head.
Copy !req
306. What could cause such short term
memory loss?
Copy !req
307. We were right to hate him
for the way he looks.
Copy !req
308. There are some of us.
Copy !req
309. The mega gyms can't weasel.
Copy !req
310. We're talking about those of us
who are too lazy to even leave the house.
Copy !req
311. Good news.
Copy !req
312. There's a whole world of bullshit
fitness products
Copy !req
313. rolling our way.
Copy !req
314. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
315. Still, like I live in a resort.
Copy !req
316. Look at this place.
Copy !req
317. Life in a mansion by a golf course.
Copy !req
318. You'd probably have to work your ass off
to get a place like this.
Copy !req
319. Well. Not quite.
Copy !req
320. I'm Tammy Lee Webb,
better known as buns, is still.
Copy !req
321. Buns still came to me through a friend.
Copy !req
322. They were looking for a woman that could
actually, you know, do the exercises,
Copy !req
323. put it together and had a bottom
Copy !req
324. that was something that they could market.
Copy !req
325. Yep. Tammy
Lee built a fitness empire on her ass.
Copy !req
326. Let's get you warmed up
and get you the buns you want.
Copy !req
327. Okay.
Copy !req
328. For the past
15 years, her bestselling workout tapes
Copy !req
329. have fueled women's
dreams of turning asses of covered
Copy !req
330. in the buns of steel,
all in the comfort of their own homes.
Copy !req
331. Buns still took off
because of a lot of things.
Copy !req
332. One, it was the name of it,
the packaging, the marketing,
Copy !req
333. and of course, the the workout itself.
Copy !req
334. Step together. Step to the other side.
Copy !req
335. Looks fun, But as Tammy Lee already said,
Copy !req
336. she had that,
but before they even hired her.
Copy !req
337. Nobody gets that ass
by doing this for 20 minutes a day.
Copy !req
338. And unfortunately, transforming
your body doesn't work that way.
Copy !req
339. In that we have certain genetic
limitations that are placed upon us.
Copy !req
340. But most of us are really looking
for that quick fix.
Copy !req
341. When pressed, even Tammy Lee admits that
it all boils down to that dreaded G word.
Copy !req
342. You've got to work with what you're given,
and that's genetics.
Copy !req
343. If you're an individual
that is very thin and tall
Copy !req
344. and you have a flat,
Copy !req
345. but then you're
always going to have a flat,
Copy !req
346. but you're not going to get certainly not
Copy !req
347. It's never going to be advanced
still, but.
Copy !req
348. It's never going to be a buns of steel.
Copy !req
349. But we're just guessing that tape's named.
Copy !req
350. If you're very thin and tall
and you have a flat, but
Copy !req
351. then you're always going to have a flat
butt, might be tough to sell,
Copy !req
352. but just look at the claims
printed right on Tammy Lee's boxes.
Copy !req
353. No matter what your body type or schedule,
Tammy Lee can help
Copy !req
354. you feel great and achieve
the body you've always dreamed of.
Copy !req
355. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
356. Get the buns you want today.
Copy !req
357. You now can get the abs,
arms, the buns and body pockets.
Copy !req
358. Always want.
Copy !req
359. Yeah.
Copy !req
360. The ones you always wanted
were pictures on a videotape.
Copy !req
361. My tapes don't give false hope.
Copy !req
362. And the reason is, is because I'm in it
and I know what I'm saying.
Copy !req
363. And I'm telling people
the truth. The truth.
Copy !req
364. One, two. Three. And.
Copy !req
365. If you have a flat, but
then you're always going to have a flat.
Copy !req
366. But more it's never going to be
a bounce is still better.
Copy !req
367. Tammy Lee.
Copy !req
368. But we have to give Tammy Lee credit
for having balls of steel.
Copy !req
369. She came on the show
and stood behind her product.
Copy !req
370. Most of the beefcake bozos
who peddle videos
Copy !req
371. told her next size machines hit on the bed
when they saw us on caller ID.
Copy !req
372. You know who you are. Fuckers.
Copy !req
373. Some folks are probably wondering
why I tell her I have these cards
Copy !req
374. on their foreheads.
Copy !req
375. It's another one of our beloved
overextended metaphors,
Copy !req
376. two of our big time
fitness experts have told you that
Copy !req
377. genetics is the most important factor
in how your body reacts to working out.
Copy !req
378. That means you may not be the best judge
of your potential.
Copy !req
379. It's like Indian poker.
Copy !req
380. Everyone else goes with your gut.
Copy !req
381. It's hard to bluff anyone but yourself.
Copy !req
382. If you've got honest engine pals
and you ask, they might tell you
Copy !req
383. what body type you're holding.
Copy !req
384. Okay, who's the next metamorph media trying to convince us we can defy genetics?
Copy !req
385. Hi, I'm John Abdo,
Copy !req
386. health and fitness motivator
and inventor of fitness equipment.
Copy !req
387. Hello, everybody.
Copy !req
388. Is everyone working for Adobe?
Copy !req
389. Come on.
Copy !req
390. Over the last few years, one product
that sold 2.5 million units
Copy !req
391. by promising to tighten up America's
abdominal muscles was the ABS.
Copy !req
392. Sure. Nice and easy.
Copy !req
393. It definitely does the abdominals.
Copy !req
394. But quit thinking just the abs and start
thinking about the entire midsection.
Copy !req
395. Exactly how is wiggling around
like a monkey supposed to tone
Copy !req
396. your entire midsection?
Copy !req
397. We'll let the inventor.
Explain the abdur during.
Copy !req
398. You sit down and you move your body
in all these different,
Copy !req
399. wonderful positions, like a dancer,
like a figure skater, like a boxer
Copy !req
400. in a controlled setting where
your spinal column and torsos held up.
Copy !req
401. Right.
Copy !req
402. So now, anatomically, your body is in
a technically correct position.
Copy !req
403. Literally,
Copy !req
404. you can engage all the muscles and trim
the entire region from one movement.
Copy !req
405. We love a guy who says literally
when his bullshit come on.
Copy !req
406. The ab doer ab don't.
Copy !req
407. The bun in thigh toners
in the in the ab toners and so forth
Copy !req
408. that promise you
that we can target that specific area
Copy !req
409. and shape it and spot it and sculpted spot
reduction is a myth.
Copy !req
410. It's it's a physiological impossibility.
Copy !req
411. And the fact of the matter
Copy !req
412. is, that's what we do
in terms of dieting and weight loss.
Copy !req
413. That really affects
how we look in a given region.
Copy !req
414. But when you doing aerobics
routine like that and makes you leaner.
Copy !req
415. Yep. A true aerobics workout
can help you lose weight.
Copy !req
416. But a study by the American Council
on Exercise found that the App Store
Copy !req
417. burns far fewer calories
than traditional aerobic exercise,
Copy !req
418. and it does not appear to live up to
the claims made by its manufacturer.
Copy !req
419. So what made it sell so well?
Copy !req
420. Introducing the out the seductive power
of a slick infomercial.
Copy !req
421. But with one simple phone call
you can have,
Copy !req
422. the Abdul are getting you into the shape
you've always wanted.
Copy !req
423. The hope in the consumer at home
at 3:00 in the morning
Copy !req
424. that's 2,030 pounds overweight.
Copy !req
425. They're always looking for the quick fix.
Copy !req
426. Wendy Cooper, infomercial producer.
Copy !req
427. Wendy Cooper's business see
Copy !req
428. Spot Run Entertainment makes responsible
infomercials with honest claims.
Copy !req
429. There's some really great infomercials
with great products and great companies.
Copy !req
430. And then there's the ugly ones.
Copy !req
431. Now you can go from layers of flab
to rock hard abs in just minutes a day.
Copy !req
432. With the app doer.
Copy !req
433. There's the ab swing, the ab doer,
the AB roller, the ab scissors.
Copy !req
434. The ab this.
Copy !req
435. The ab that just get down on the floor,
do some crunches or do some sit ups.
Copy !req
436. We've did it for years in school.
Copy !req
437. It was called calisthenics, for God's
Copy !req
438. The average result for the AB
Copy !req
439. or that that I have seen is people
can lose 3 to 4in in one month easily.
Copy !req
440. It doesn't happen that way.
Copy !req
441. If you're not consistent in your diet
and your workout,
Copy !req
442. then you're not going to lose weight
and you're not going to get sick, do you?
Copy !req
443. There's no magic pill.
Copy !req
444. There's no magic machine.
Copy !req
445. I'm finding this a.
Copy !req
446. Very good piece of machinery
because it's very versatile.
Copy !req
447. I think consumers need to understand
Copy !req
448. that the people that they see in
the infomercials are paid models.
Copy !req
449. When they have those bodies.
Copy !req
450. And of course, they're blessed
with great genetics.
Copy !req
451. They probably have very disciplined
eating and exercising habits.
Copy !req
452. And that's why they look like that,
not because of their use of the products.
Copy !req
453. According to Wendy, there are many tricks
Copy !req
454. some infomercial producers
used to sell fitness products.
Copy !req
455. Instant abs took me from Fat
Dad to Cool Dad.
Copy !req
456. You get your best friend, you know,
you drag people in off the street
Copy !req
457. and you pay him 50 bucks.
Copy !req
458. What's great about this machine
is that you have a total twisting motion.
Copy !req
459. The director will tell him what to say.
Copy !req
460. They'll give him a cue card.
Copy !req
461. You know, they'll tell him what to say.
Copy !req
462. And then there are the bullshit.
Copy !req
463. Before and after photos.
Copy !req
464. Look at the posture.
Copy !req
465. Is the person standing there pushing their
belly out and then the after picture?
Copy !req
466. Are they standing straight up
and sucking their belly in?
Copy !req
467. Nobody walks around with their rib
cage showing.
Copy !req
468. You know, that's basically a suck it.
Copy !req
469. I weighed at one time.
Copy !req
470. My highest was 159
and I never had a flat stomach.
Copy !req
471. The best boy of all time,
a genetically blessed ecto.
Copy !req
472. More, one of the moments in their life
they have a belly.
Copy !req
473. A lot of times they will use
pregnancy photos, because that's pretty
Copy !req
474. much the only photo the gal can find other
than being fat on the abdomen system.
Copy !req
475. All in all, in about four weeks
I've lost about 13 pounds.
Copy !req
476. Let's get real.
Copy !req
477. If the length of their hair
is six inches longer,
Copy !req
478. you know that before
and after picture is probably not true.
Copy !req
479. I've lost.
Copy !req
480. Look at the color of the hair.
Look at the age of the of the face.
Copy !req
481. Just look at the overall picture
before you make a determination of
Copy !req
482. oh wow, is that really six weeks ago?
Copy !req
483. And there's one more psychological trick
that's guaranteed to boost sales.
Copy !req
484. An infomercial format has
Copy !req
485. got to have the element of it's
going to change your life.
Copy !req
486. I know for a fact that by using the app,
it will definitely change your life.
Copy !req
487. We're betting if you bought an app dour,
it did change your life.
Copy !req
488. You're not thin with six pack abs,
but instead a little bit more cautious
Copy !req
489. with your allowance.
Copy !req
490. If you didn't learn that lesson
the first time, Mr.
Copy !req
491. Abdo is ready to further your education.
Copy !req
492. Oh, this is really easy.
Copy !req
493. I like this definitely.
Copy !req
494. I definitely feel it in
the oblique section.
Copy !req
495. The instant abs
is exactly what the ab door isn't.
Copy !req
496. The Andrew.
Copy !req
497. You sit down and you wiggle
your upper body, the instant abs.
Copy !req
498. You sit down, you wiggle your lower body.
Copy !req
499. He's a genius.
Copy !req
500. We call it free motion technology.
Copy !req
501. The instant abs.
Copy !req
502. You're able to freely move your lower
body, but you're perfectly secured.
Copy !req
503. So what about the name instant abs?
Copy !req
504. Does that mean it works faster?
Copy !req
505. People ask me, where does the name Instant
ABS come from? Has?
Copy !req
506. Because when you instantly
get on a machine,
Copy !req
507. you instantly know
that you're engaging muscles
Copy !req
508. that you've never really engaged
before in one setting.
Copy !req
509. So even the name is instant bullshit.
Copy !req
510. The abductor targets your upper abs, lower
abs, people
Copy !req
511. that want government babysitting
or asking,
Copy !req
512. can't the Federal Trade Commission
just shut them down?
Copy !req
513. Not even if the FTC fines the company
$10 million.
Copy !req
514. The company has already made 20, 30, 40,
Copy !req
515. 50, 60, 70, sometimes 100200 million.
Copy !req
516. So the mentality really is.
Copy !req
517. So what if I get a $10 million?
Copy !req
518. Fine, I've made this over here.
Copy !req
519. And some companies
find a way to avoid the FTC altogether.
Copy !req
520. The success of instant
ABS really started in Europe.
Copy !req
521. That's where the marketing company
Copy !req
522. decided to launch it,
and it's just been phenomenal.
Copy !req
523. If an American product
is only being marketed in Europe or Japan,
Copy !req
524. Korea, Canada, wherever it might be,
does that say something about the product?
Copy !req
525. Absolutely.
There is no FTC internationally.
Copy !req
526. Speaking of making a bundle of money,
John isn't done yet.
Copy !req
527. He's a doer.
Copy !req
528. You you you. You
Copy !req
529. you're fresh.
Copy !req
530. Jump into fitness.
Copy !req
531. There's nothing else like it.
Copy !req
532. Jumping to fitness is an absolute blast.
Copy !req
533. I redesigned a whole trampoline system.
Copy !req
534. I put a numerical design on the surface so
now people know where to put their feet.
Copy !req
535. The tilt ability is unbelievable.
Copy !req
536. You're right.
Copy !req
537. We don't believe this is anything
but a lopsided version
Copy !req
538. of one of the mini trampolines
that sell in stores for about 35 bucks.
Copy !req
539. This one costs more than twice as much
because it has numbers painted on it.
Copy !req
540. The jump into fitness
with the whole package is just remarkable.
Copy !req
541. It sells for under $80.
Copy !req
542. Now, who said exercising
can't be fun for us?
Copy !req
543. That's who you.
Copy !req
544. What's up cool about this product?
Copy !req
545. I like most of this equipment.
Copy !req
546. This one can be used as a sundial.
Copy !req
547. You know, we were outside.
Copy !req
548. Tell me.
Copy !req
549. We got to get the funnels to move
evenly across the ceiling.
Copy !req
550. As we're shooting on these days,
I'm sure they.
Copy !req
551. Look at this shit.
Copy !req
552. But, I mean, this thing we can do to
these motherfuckers is sure
Copy !req
553. what their crap looks like in regular
lighting without genetically perfect
Copy !req
554. steroid and surgically enhanced
people who don't need it using it.
Copy !req
555. Paul shows right here people,
look at this shit.
Copy !req
556. This is what you'll actually get.
Copy !req
557. And this would look
Copy !req
558. like in the corner of your closet
with your clothes draped all over it.
Copy !req
559. We're not saying that getting
this finished is a bad thing.
Copy !req
560. Working out is great.
Copy !req
561. I can make it feel better
Copy !req
562. and look better, just not as much
or as quickly as you might like.
Copy !req
563. And real fitness is not expensive.
Copy !req
564. Eat less, be more active.
Copy !req
565. Should make your lifestyle cost less.
Copy !req
566. But take it from two contented
and dumb offs.
Copy !req
567. You're going to be a lot better off
Copy !req
568. if you recognize the genetic card
you were dealt, and play them.
Copy !req
569. You sure don't need a royal flush to enjoy
a game of cards or a stray metaphor.
Copy !req
570. Finally, remember when you buy this shit
you said
Copy !req
571. in front of the same jock head fucks you,
made you feel like shit in high school.
Copy !req
572. Don't let them fuck you over again for.
Copy !req
573. Hey. You know.
Copy !req