1. - Education, education, education
Copy !req
2. - Ian coming over?
Copy !req
3. - Oh, yeah
Copy !req
4. Got some new Mandarin flash cards.
Copy !req
5. Taking up a level
Copy !req
6. - I see you're sticking with the program.
Copy !req
7. Poor little bastard doesn't
even get a Jaffa cake.
Copy !req
8. - I'm turning Ian into a super toddler,
Copy !req
9. the chocolate reward in sight
Copy !req
10. but always just out of reach.
Copy !req
11. He is going to learn to defer
Copy !req
12. his gratification so damn hard.
Copy !req
13. - When are you finally going
Copy !req
14. to get your gratification, Mark?
Copy !req
15. - I don't know.
Copy !req
16. Sort of all at once when I finally dive
Copy !req
17. into to my pension pot.
Copy !req
18. - Ejaculate into a pile
of M & S cashmere jumpers
Copy !req
19. and cruise brochures.
Copy !req
20. - Oi, jez?
Copy !req
21. - I'd never
masturbate into cashmere.
Copy !req
22. A nightmare to wash!
Copy !req
23. - Oh, hi, Sophie. Where's?
Copy !req
24. - I'm sorry but don't start.
Copy !req
25. Ian's with my mum.
Copy !req
26. Is it okay if we do it tomorrow?
Copy !req
27. Meet us at the Kid Kave.
Copy !req
28. - But I've been preparing
all sorts of great IQ games.
Copy !req
29. I've stuffed a pinata.
Copy !req
30. It's filled with nature facts
Copy !req
31. with the odd carob covered raisins
Copy !req
32. to keep his morale up.
Copy !req
33. - Look I'm sorry, Mark,
I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
34. You got any beers in?
Copy !req
35. - This isn't America, Sophie.
Copy !req
36. I don't keep random beers in.
Copy !req
37. I might have some rum,
Copy !req
38. But you probably.
- Fine, rum.
Copy !req
39. - She's a bit rum keen.
Copy !req
40. - So,
Copy !req
41. What happened?
Copy !req
42. What happened with Ian?
Copy !req
43. - Oh it's fucking Duncan.
Copy !req
44. Obviously you're going to feel jealous.
Copy !req
45. He's around the whole time.
Copy !req
46. I know how you feel about Duncan.
Copy !req
47. - I love Duncan!
Copy !req
48. Sexless, unthreatening Duncan,
Copy !req
49. teaching him maths and tag-teaming
the Mandarin flash cards.
Copy !req
50. - Duncan's a great guy, but he's a shit
Copy !req
51. - Oh.
Copy !req
52. Okay, because since Duncan's been around
Copy !req
53. - Ugh!
Copy !req
54. - Ian's scores have
been through the roofs.
Copy !req
55. - Scores? Have you been testing our son?
Copy !req
56. - No!
Copy !req
57. I mean, yes
Copy !req
58. just a bit of basic intelligence testing.
Copy !req
59. I do it to me and Jez
too, just to keep track.
Copy !req
60. - Yeah, well, Duncan,
you know how he tutors?
Copy !req
61. - Of course! When I saw
how Ian could hold a pen
Copy !req
62. I nearly shat.
Copy !req
63. - Well, I think he's
getting a bit fucking cozy
Copy !req
64. with one of the mums, Alison.
Copy !req
65. You remember Alison?
Copy !req
66. Oh, look at my floaty dress, Sophie
Copy !req
67. is it too much for the pub?
Copy !req
68. - Oh, right
Copy !req
69. - What do I do?
Copy !req
70. I'm pretty sure he's having an affair.
Copy !req
71. - Well, I think you
shouldn't be too hasty.
Copy !req
72. Maybe everything will run its course
Copy !req
73. with Duncan and Alison.
Copy !req
74. - You think I should wait until
he's bored of humping her?
Copy !req
75. - I just think Duncan
sounds like a real catch,
Copy !req
76. and people have multifaceted.
Copy !req
77. - Just
let him get Ian started
Copy !req
78. on the viola and or ancient Greek
Copy !req
79. - Remember Grandma's Boner, Mid-Noughties,
Copy !req
80. when we teamed up with Perpertual Spinach
Copy !req
81. did a bit turbo folk?
Copy !req
82. - All the Whores of Malta.
Copy !req
83. - Exactly, well, Whores
of Malta's been picked up.
Copy !req
84. It's on a skills video for
a Hertha Berlin defender
Copy !req
85. - Oh, wow!
Copy !req
86. - Yeah, plus, I've got a cheque
here for you for 250 quid.
Copy !req
87. - Oh my god! Mark! I've done a thing.
Copy !req
88. Do you think when I do a
search this will come up?
Copy !req
89. Cos when Joe searched,
Copy !req
90. nothing really came up
apart from some shit
Copy !req
91. I wrote in a forum about
how Moby was overrated
Copy !req
92. and should be killed and his
DNA expunged from humanity.
Copy !req
93. - Hmm
Copy !req
94. - And you know, cold light of day,
Copy !req
95. it looks a bit much
Copy !req
96. - Yeah, no, no, no, this should,
Copy !req
97. this should come up now on the Internet.
Copy !req
98. - Lyrics by Super Hans
Copy !req
99. - Yeah, you did the lyrics solo, did you?
Copy !req
100. - Ah, yeah.
Copy !req
101. Definitely, definitely, didn't
Copy !req
102. - Yeah, pretty sure I helped.
Copy !req
103. - No, don't think so.
Copy !req
104. Anyway it's cool yeah?
Copy !req
105. - Oh, yeah it's cool but I just think,
Copy !req
106. would it be cool to change the credit
Copy !req
107. to a shared credit,
though, don't you think?
Copy !req
108. - Sure, sure, I'll speak to the guy.
Copy !req
109. it'll be cool.
Copy !req
110. Although there's a small chance
Copy !req
111. it might not be possible
Copy !req
112. - Cool, understood.
Copy !req
113. But you'll have a word.
Copy !req
114. - Absolutely.
Copy !req
115. - But the headlines are
Copy !req
116. we did a track,
Copy !req
117. everybody loves it.
Copy !req
118. The rest is just bean counting
for the bread-heads yeah?
Copy !req
119. - Yeah, truth to power, my friend.
Copy !req
120. - I need to
get away and count my beans.
Copy !req
121. I think he's trying to take
some of my bloody beans.
Copy !req
122. - Do you want some bread to
go with that? As ballast?
Copy !req
123. - You're my ballast Mark.
Copy !req
124. - Well, thank you
Copy !req
125. - You weigh me down.
Copy !req
126. You stop me from flying off.
Copy !req
127. You're my ballast Mark
Copy !req
128. - Happy to be of service.
Copy !req
129. - Stop
calling me your ballast
Copy !req
130. - Hey! This may sound like a crazy idea
Copy !req
131. but why don't you move into
nana's cottage with us Mark?
Copy !req
132. - I'm sorry, how do you mean?
Copy !req
133. - With me and Ian.
Copy !req
134. Fuck Duncan! He can drive around
Copy !req
135. in Alison's Mazda like a little pimp.
Copy !req
136. You move in with us, to nana's cottage
Copy !req
137. We could be fucked-up family!
Copy !req
138. You're my ballast Mark!
Copy !req
139. - Let's
see how she likes it.
Copy !req
140. - You're my ballast too, Sophie.
Copy !req
141. - think I'll
be saying no to a lifetime
Copy !req
142. of passive aggressive
mutual ballast-calling.
Copy !req
143. April?
Copy !req
144. - I'm really sorry for
turning up like this,
Copy !req
145. but I've been walking round the block,
Copy !req
146. and I just wanted to talk.
Copy !req
147. - Talk, yeah?
Copy !req
148. Very quietly at the door?
Copy !req
149. - Okay
Copy !req
150. - Do come
in and meet my ex-wife,
Copy !req
151. the drunk.
Copy !req
152. - Um, sorry, just
Copy !req
153. - I just want to put
everything on the table.
Copy !req
154. - Get
this shit off the table!
Copy !req
155. - I know we've had a nice time together,
Copy !req
156. there's obviously this mutual attraction.
Copy !req
157. - Are we
having sex on the table?
Copy !req
158. - But the kiss, that was wrong.
Copy !req
159. - Not wrong, right!
Copy !req
160. - We crossed a line
Copy !req
161. and I don't think we should
see each other anymore
Copy !req
162. - Look, can we talk tomorrow?
Copy !req
163. I'm taking my son to a
play center, The Kid Kave.
Copy !req
164. You could bring your niece.
Copy !req
165. It might be fun.
Copy !req
166. - I'm sorry Mark, I
Copy !req
167. Good bye might be simpler.
Copy !req
168. - Oh, knife in the guts!
Copy !req
169. Goodbye, April. Let the dream crumble.
Copy !req
170. Lovely, crumbly dream that
Copy !req
171. I can't even eat with custard.
Copy !req
172. - Who was that?
Copy !req
173. - Someone from the past.
Copy !req
174. - Ah, you love people from the past,
Copy !req
175. don't you Mark? Like Napoleon?
Copy !req
176. - Yes, but it wasn't Napoleon.
Copy !req
177. - Ah, that's a shame.
Copy !req
178. Butter
the toast, eat the toast,
Copy !req
179. shit the toast. God, life's relentless.
Copy !req
180. The April door closes,
the Sophie door opens.
Copy !req
181. The loveless marriage.
Copy !req
182. Cut off the cock and stick it in a jar.
Copy !req
183. Might be a relief.
Copy !req
184. - I slept on it but
actually I couldn't sleep
Copy !req
185. because I became filled
with this boiling feeling
Copy !req
186. of rage and now I've actually decided
Copy !req
187. it's the worst think that ever happened.
Copy !req
188. - Jez, Joe's beginning to
realize that I'm a loser.
Copy !req
189. It's very important that he doesn't
Copy !req
190. realize that I'm a loser.
Copy !req
191. Because I'm not a loser.
Copy !req
192. - And would an aggressive
campaign to claim
Copy !req
193. shared credit for the
lyrics on a little bit
Copy !req
194. of song on an Internet football video
Copy !req
195. make you look like a
winner, would you say?
Copy !req
196. - Yes
Copy !req
197. - I really think you need to let this go.
Copy !req
198. Take the advice of a man who's
been scientifically proven
Copy !req
199. to have above-average intelligence.
Copy !req
200. - Oh, not the IQ test.
Copy !req
201. I wasn't concentrating.
Copy !req
202. - 133 IQ
Copy !req
203. - So what
if I had a bit of help?
Copy !req
204. It's only the dunderheads
with their low IQ's
Copy !req
205. who don't figure out the
way to win is looking
Copy !req
206. stuff up on the Internet.
Copy !req
207. - I don't need to take a stupid IQ test
Copy !req
208. to know that I'm three
times as intelligent as you.
Copy !req
209. - Oh, really? And what's three times 133?
Copy !req
210. - Three
100's and 30 and 30 and 30.
Copy !req
211. But then all the three's,
is it a trick question?
Copy !req
212. - Mark no one does maths these days.
Copy !req
213. We've all got calculators in our pockets,
Copy !req
214. just like all our maths
teachers said we wouldn't.
Copy !req
215. Anyway this proves nothing.
Copy !req
216. Probably most people are below average.
Copy !req
217. oh, fuck. Hans says it can't be changed.
Copy !req
218. Apparently, the net has
run out of web space
Copy !req
219. and they don't have enough
bytes left to add my name.
Copy !req
220. - Do you think he might
be taking advantage of you
Copy !req
221. because you're mentally subnormal
Copy !req
222. and have a brain the size of pea?
Copy !req
223. - This track is my Citizen Kane.
Copy !req
224. - The lyrics you want to claim credit for,
Copy !req
225. that's the electronic voice saying
Copy !req
226. ATOL protected, ATOL protected?
Copy !req
227. - Yes, those are my words.
Copy !req
228. - Inspired
Copy !req
229. - I remember because I was
reading the small print
Copy !req
230. on a plane ticket when
I came up with them.
Copy !req
231. - Copied them.
Copy !req
232. - Discovered them.
Copy !req
233. Hang on! It was your plane ticket.
Copy !req
234. You went into a rant about
the Civil Aviation Authority
Copy !req
235. and how ATOL protection wasn't
something to make light of.
Copy !req
236. - That sounds very believable.
Copy !req
237. - Yes! You've cracked the case.
Copy !req
238. - You're not thinking of
getting back with Sophie?
Copy !req
239. A bit of a depressing backward step?
Copy !req
240. - Yeah, well, April's kaput
Copy !req
241. maybe that's just life,
Copy !req
242. your expectations get ground down and down
Copy !req
243. until finally you settle for a life
Copy !req
244. that would have mortified you 20 years ago
Copy !req
245. but now seems like a blessed relief.
Copy !req
246. - It's the journey of lie, like
Copy !req
247. Radio 1, Radio 2, classic FM,
Copy !req
248. Heart, Magic dead.
Copy !req
249. - Mm
Copy !req
250. - Yeah
Copy !req
251. - Okay, you ready
Copy !req
252. - My recollection so far as it goes
Copy !req
253. is that Jeremy did indeed make
a significant contribution
Copy !req
254. to the lyrics in question i
e the words ATOL protected
Copy !req
255. - Hi Hans, I've brought you a Panettone.
Copy !req
256. - Sweet, what is it?
Copy !req
257. - I don't know
Copy !req
258. you see them around.
Copy !req
259. - Sort of like dry, old Italian cake.
Copy !req
260. - You right, wicked.
Copy !req
261. - Yeah and also, Mark
had something to say.
Copy !req
262. - Um, my recollection so far as it goes
Copy !req
263. Is that Jeremy
Copy !req
264. - Look Jez you were there,
Copy !req
265. fine, you were part of a creative milieu.
Copy !req
266. You contributed to engendering a vibe,
Copy !req
267. out of which emerged my lyric.
Copy !req
268. - I wrote it.
Copy !req
269. - I know I wrote those lyrics
Copy !req
270. cos I keep'em in my lyrics file.
Copy !req
271. - You can't remember jack shit
Copy !req
272. because you're a crack head
Copy !req
273. with a brain made of Swiss cheese.
Copy !req
274. - You know Mate, I'm straight edge now.
Copy !req
275. I walk the line.
Copy !req
276. Moly won't even let me
live stream the Spurs.
Copy !req
277. - We're gonna come for you in the night.
Copy !req
278. - He might but I definitely won't.
Copy !req
279. - Look, calm down will ya?
Copy !req
280. Sit in the bath and have a Magnum.
Copy !req
281. - Wanker
Copy !req
282. Yeah, fuck off, Hans.
Copy !req
283. you're the fifth Beatle.
Copy !req
284. I'm the other four.
Copy !req
285. - Come on Jez, let's go
Copy !req
286. I've to get to the Kid Kave.
Copy !req
287. - Han's file, the proof!
Copy !req
288. It's in there.
Copy !req
289. And because I've got a genius IQ
Copy !req
290. - Below-average IQ
Copy !req
291. - I've cracked the code of the spare key
Copy !req
292. - It's like cracking Enigma, isn't it?
Copy !req
293. Looking under all the
different flowerpots?
Copy !req
294. Oh Christ Jez, not burgling
Copy !req
295. okay, I'm here to borrow a brolly.
Copy !req
296. If anyone comes, I'm saying I
popped in to borrow a brolly.
Copy !req
297. - Here we go,
Copy !req
298. Apple grievances, Lemme, lyrics
Copy !req
299. Nothing!
Copy !req
300. Nothing at all
Copy !req
301. right, fuck him revenge.
Copy !req
302. Revenge is the sexy
man's justice.
Copy !req
303. - Ooh! Someone who is expecting cornflakes
Copy !req
304. is gonna get a big fucking
multi hit of Shreddies.
Copy !req
305. Boom
Copy !req
306. - That is inconvenient.
Copy !req
307. - Okay, I'm going to lick these apples
Copy !req
308. and put his bank card in the freezer.
Copy !req
309. You start swapping the
CDs into the wrong cases.
Copy !req
310. - Okay I'm going.
Copy !req
311. - Wait, watch this.
Copy !req
312. - Oh
, Jesus, I'm a backup burglar.
Copy !req
313. I'm a burglar's PA
Copy !req
314. - No, Jeremy really?
Copy !req
315. Goldfish in the Shreddies?
Copy !req
316. Is that your budget version
of a horse's head in the bed?
Copy !req
317. - It's the free gift that's gonna
Copy !req
318. to send him clinically insane.
Copy !req
319. - Well, for God's sake
leave the snake alone.
Copy !req
320. - Here, fishy?
Copy !req
321. - And the
IQ testing is complete.
Copy !req
322. - Fishy, fishy
Copy !req
323. - If I could go back in time
Copy !req
324. maybe I wouldn't have split up
Copy !req
325. with Sophie in the fist place.
Copy !req
326. - Where would you go though
Copy !req
327. if you could actually go back in time?
Copy !req
328. - So many choices,
Copy !req
329. Periclean Athens,
Copy !req
330. Egypt under Ramesses the first
Copy !req
331. the Ziggurat of Ur, God!
Copy !req
332. - I think I'd probably go back to the 50's
Copy !req
333. - The 1950's
Copy !req
334. Jeremy, I'm talking about
seeing a civilization
Copy !req
335. that is unimaginably different.
Copy !req
336. - So am I
Copy !req
337. thick, thick shakes, real fat burgers,
Copy !req
338. big Chevies, cheerleaders
Copy !req
339. - But Socrates?
Copy !req
340. If you went for 14 AD,
Copy !req
341. you could nab Augustus and Jesus
Copy !req
342. - Nah
Copy !req
343. - Nah?
Copy !req
344. - If not the 50's and the 60's
Copy !req
345. see the Rolling Stones and have a Coke
Copy !req
346. - Jeremy, you can literally
still do exactly that
Copy !req
347. - I'm talking about seeing
them in their prime,
Copy !req
348. drinking Coke out of a bottle.
Copy !req
349. - Enjoy
Cokeless Rome, dickhead!
Copy !req
350. - Jesus, this is where we bring
them now, the poor fuckers.
Copy !req
351. I mean, God, net them up,
Copy !req
352. bag'em and tag'em.
Copy !req
353. - Oh, it looks fun!
Copy !req
354. You can have a cappuccino while they play.
Copy !req
355. - All I can think about is death.
Copy !req
356. - Better than that fucking park, mate.
Copy !req
357. You really want to kill
yourself at the park, alright?
Copy !req
358. - So Sophie?
Copy !req
359. Are you going to pull
on the iron underpants,
Copy !req
360. tie your knob to the Bosch
and just run yourself
Copy !req
361. over with the Morphy Richards?
Copy !req
362. - It's a real three piper.
Copy !req
363. If I say yes, I'll regret it
Copy !req
364. that's certain claustrophobic,
Copy !req
365. depressing, moldering resentment.
Copy !req
366. - Corrigan classic.
Copy !req
367. - But if I say no, I'll
also definitely regret it.
Copy !req
368. Overwhelming feelings of
regret, guilt and sadness
Copy !req
369. - The old familiar
Copy !req
370. - Mark?
Copy !req
371. - Wow, my son.
Copy !req
372. - Hi, Ian. Ian Ian Ian Ian
Copy !req
373. How are you doing, little fella?
Copy !req
374. - Flicker of recognition?
Copy !req
375. Basically uninterested.
Copy !req
376. - Hey there, little guy! High five
Copy !req
377. - Ugh the high five,
Copy !req
378. like the gray squirrel,
Copy !req
379. it will drive the hand-shake
to extinction eventually.
Copy !req
380. - Come on little fella,
Copy !req
381. let uncle Jeremy put you in the rage cage.
Copy !req
382. - So what you thinking cowboy?
Copy !req
383. The big offer? Happy families?
Copy !req
384. - Ian,
It's all about Ian.
Copy !req
385. - You know what? Let's do it.
Copy !req
386. - Wow just like that?
Copy !req
387. - Screw it, let's give it a go.
Copy !req
388. - I think it could work,
maybe in some weird way?
Copy !req
389. - I think maybe it might.
Copy !req
390. - Do you think we'll be unhappy?
Copy !req
391. - Very
Copy !req
392. - Put it there, partner.
Copy !req
393. - What this phlegm
Copy !req
394. has put together let no man break asunder.
Copy !req
395. - Um, look Mark, I've got to go.
Copy !req
396. Duncan wants to have a
drink, the total shit
Copy !req
397. and I need to phone dad,
Copy !req
398. tell him about you.
Copy !req
399. He's gonna piss blood
Copy !req
400. - Ha ha, okay
Copy !req
401. - Want to cry and be sick
at the same time, do you?
Copy !req
402. - No! I'm excited.
Copy !req
403. It's exciting.
Copy !req
404. - The
first of the million lies
Copy !req
405. that are gonna make up
our terrible relationship.
Copy !req
406. - See you later.
Copy !req
407. - Ian's in the fun pit
working with the plastics.
Copy !req
408. - What have
I done? what have I done?
Copy !req
409. - He's being detained at
capitalism's pleasure.
Copy !req
410. - I said yes.
Copy !req
411. - Okay, you my friend
are a stone cold maniac.
Copy !req
412. - Leftovers?
Copy !req
413. - I'm broke.
Copy !req
414. - Can't you just bank the YouTube money?
Copy !req
415. - It could weaken my claim.
Copy !req
416. The claim must not be weakened.
Copy !req
417. - What the fuck is that?
Copy !req
418. What's in there?
Copy !req
419. - In where? I don't know
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
420. - Your bag just moved.
Copy !req
421. What have you?
Copy !req
422. - Okay, I need a little margin,
Copy !req
423. collateral to stop Super
Hans in his tracks.
Copy !req
424. His
Copy !req
425. snake
Copy !req
426. - You brought a snake to
a children's play center?
Copy !req
427. - Oh, Mark, don't make this into a thing.
Copy !req
428. - Is it venomous?
Copy !req
429. - Probably not.
Copy !req
430. I picked it up with a oven glove,
Copy !req
431. but it didn't look venomous.
Copy !req
432. - It didn't look venomous?
Copy !req
433. - It looked perfectly chilled out
Copy !req
434. when I put it in the bag?
Copy !req
435. - And what about now
that it's been confined
Copy !req
436. to the bag for a couple of hours?
Copy !req
437. - It's fine. It's double-bagged.
Copy !req
438. I'm gonna call Super Hans,
Copy !req
439. get him to come over here
Copy !req
440. and we'll settle this
thing once and for all.
Copy !req
441. - This children's play
center is your designated
Copy !req
442. snake handover arena.
Copy !req
443. - He can't come at me
in the kid farm, can he?
Copy !req
444. It's perfect.
Copy !req
445. - Hi, Mark.
Copy !req
446. Jeremy
Copy !req
447. - April! What are you doing here?
Copy !req
448. - Sorry I know I said
Copy !req
449. but I've had more time to think.
Copy !req
450. You did invite me.
Copy !req
451. - She came.
Copy !req
452. - This is my niece, Hayley.
Copy !req
453. - Hi
Copy !req
454. - Hello, Hayley, take a seat.
Copy !req
455. - I'll thrown in if you like
Copy !req
456. into the wipe clean penitentiary.
Copy !req
457. - She actually came
Copy !req
458. - Anytime.
Copy !req
459. - Hans, its jez.
Copy !req
460. Come and meet me at the Kid Kave.
Copy !req
461. Just get to Thornton Heath
and follow the screaming.
Copy !req
462. - I wanted to have a big
talk with Angus last night.
Copy !req
463. He was okay, but he was
writing to the Pope.
Copy !req
464. He sometimes think he might be able
Copy !req
465. to heal the great Schism.
Copy !req
466. - Cuckoo!
Copy !req
467. - Intellectually, he's scintillating
Copy !req
468. but he'd never take coke
Copy !req
469. and throw an iPad out of the window.
Copy !req
470. - Yes, well, that's just how I roll.
Copy !req
471. Finally I'm the Ferrari,
Copy !req
472. and he's the fucking Volvo.
Copy !req
473. - Mark? Would you like to
do something rather naughty?
Copy !req
474. - Oh April!
Copy !req
475. - This is quite naughty
Copy !req
476. - Naughty, naughty.
Copy !req
477. - Blimey,
Disabled toilet baby
Copy !req
478. changing shelf the five sexiest words
Copy !req
479. in the English language.
Copy !req
480. Hope my son's okay with
Jeremy and the snake.
Copy !req
481. No be in the moment.
Copy !req
482. - I don't want to break the spell
Copy !req
483. but should I make haste to purchase
Copy !req
484. some condoms per chance?
Copy !req
485. - Oh, its fine, it'll be okay.
Copy !req
486. - I
wonder what kind of okay.
Copy !req
487. No baby okay or okay we're having a baby.
Copy !req
488. Quite interested but bit rude to ask.
Copy !req
489. - Well that was fun.
Copy !req
490. - That was fun!
Copy !req
491. - And does it mean?
Copy !req
492. - I think it means something
Copy !req
493. - Lovely something
Copy !req
494. - Oh, he's gone totally mental.
Copy !req
495. He's saving money to spend on
a never ending court battle.
Copy !req
496. - Jarndyce versus Jarndyce?
Copy !req
497. - Exactly
Copy !req
498. - Ah,
April, you are the one.
Copy !req
499. - I was looking for you.
Copy !req
500. Hayley's throwing a wobbly.
Copy !req
501. - Oh shit.
Copy !req
502. I'll let them take care
outside for some fresh air.
Copy !req
503. Hayley?
Copy !req
504. - Where the hell were you?
Copy !req
505. - Well, I,
Copy !req
506. - Come
on let's go just outside.
Copy !req
507. - We, we just did it in the disabled loo.
Copy !req
508. - Mark! You are on fire today.
Copy !req
509. - Shall I alert all
the other women in here
Copy !req
510. in case you try and hump
them or move in with them?
Copy !req
511. So, what are you thinking with Sophie?
Copy !req
512. - April.
Copy !req
513. It's gotta be April
Copy !req
514. - Exactly.
Copy !req
515. - Me and Sophie and Ian,
it was a crazy scheme.
Copy !req
516. It would probably do him so much harm,
Copy !req
517. living between warring parents.
Copy !req
518. - That's the line.
Copy !req
519. Yeah, do what you want mate,
Copy !req
520. shovel the kid into the kid pit.
Copy !req
521. - Better call Sophie,
Copy !req
522. see if she minds picking
up Ian later from the flat.
Copy !req
523. Where is he?
Copy !req
524. - Dunno
Copy !req
525. - I thought you were
keeping an eye on him.
Copy !req
526. - I'm not a professional
childminder, Mark.
Copy !req
527. Anyway, I probably don't
have a high enough IQ.
Copy !req
528. - The least you could do is
keep an eye on Ian while I
Copy !req
529. - Hump someone else's wife
in the disabled toilet?
Copy !req
530. I'm not a member of your entourage, Mark.
Copy !req
531. - Ian, Ian.
Copy !req
532. - Ooh, Mark mate, something
wonky this way comes.
Copy !req
533. Good luck
Copy !req
534. - Oh
fuck, she's not here.
Copy !req
535. We never talked.
Copy !req
536. The deal never happened.
Copy !req
537. - Have you been?
Copy !req
538. Have you had a drink?
Copy !req
539. - Why am I not allowed to?
Copy !req
540. Mark's booze patrol?
Copy !req
541. - She's just loves wine.
Copy !req
542. - I had a ding-dong with Duncan.
Copy !req
543. And he's off to Alison with
her little fuck-me Mazda..
Copy !req
544. - Oh
Copy !req
545. - But I don't have a fucking Mazda.
Copy !req
546. Sorry I've got a fucking Micra.
Copy !req
547. I've made my decision.
Copy !req
548. Dad might think its' mental.
Copy !req
549. Everyone might think it's mental.
Copy !req
550. - It' definitely mental.
Copy !req
551. - Look why don't I call you a cab
Copy !req
552. and you can go home
Copy !req
553. and then we can have a big chat
Copy !req
554. about everything later, yeah?
Copy !req
555. - Ah, cool your heels,
Copy !req
556. Let's have a coffee
Copy !req
557. - No, Soph, I need to find Ian.
Copy !req
558. I should never have left him with Jez.
Copy !req
559. - Ian, Ian!
Copy !req
560. - Oh for God's sake relax.
Copy !req
561. It's not like he's on the M25.
Copy !req
562. - Ian?
Copy !req
563. - Oh
this is murder on my back.
Copy !req
564. - You know what Duncan's a prick.
Copy !req
565. Fuck him.
Copy !req
566. - The naughty lady likes funny words
Copy !req
567. cos she's feeling funny.
Copy !req
568. Have you seen a little boy?
Copy !req
569. - Mark, you're freaking him out.
Copy !req
570. - He's not answering.
Copy !req
571. Why aren't you answering?
Copy !req
572. What have you done with him?
Copy !req
573. Ian
Copy !req
574. - I like you, Mark.
Copy !req
575. But I don't love you.
Copy !req
576. I hate you.
Copy !req
577. - Noted.
Copy !req
578. Oh, this is a disaster.
Copy !req
579. What's if he hurt himself?
Copy !req
580. - No, you show me a sharp corner.
Copy !req
581. - What if he's wandered out
through an emergency exit?
Copy !req
582. - No, they'll lock them all.
Copy !req
583. - They lock the emergency exit,
Copy !req
584. what if there's a fire?
Copy !req
585. Oh, Christ!
Copy !req
586. - I'm going to
have a little lie down Mark.
Copy !req
587. I'm tired.
Copy !req
588. - Okay, you have a lie
down in the ball pit.
Copy !req
589. I'll find Ian and then
we'll have a big chat
Copy !req
590. about everything.
Copy !req
591. - A big chat during which
Copy !req
592. I'll reverse out of our agreement
Copy !req
593. as elegantly as a man backing his car
Copy !req
594. into the entire peloton
of the Tour de France.
Copy !req
595. - So, look, I spoke to Molly, You know
Copy !req
596. she thinks you're a dong,
Copy !req
597. slippery, like a real sketchy fucker.
Copy !req
598. - Well, I think she's a small minded,
Copy !req
599. two faced buzz-killing machine.
Copy !req
600. - But she said I needed to man up,
Copy !req
601. have the credit changed.
Copy !req
602. - She's decent though, she is
Copy !req
603. I've always said that.
Copy !req
604. - So I made the call.
Copy !req
605. - Oh, wow! Thanks man you put me on!
Copy !req
606. Amazing, they found some
more web space then?
Copy !req
607. - Yeah, yeah, they must have,
Copy !req
608. deleted some old photos isn't it?
Copy !req
609. - And, have you been back
to your flat since we spoke?
Copy !req
610. Just out of interest.
Copy !req
611. - No, why?
Copy !req
612. - I kind of broke in,
Copy !req
613. looking for evidence and I
sort of killed your fish.
Copy !req
614. - You killed Flop?
Copy !req
615. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
616. - Yeah
Copy !req
617. - Flop was one of the good guys man.
Copy !req
618. He was old school.
Copy !req
619. - I know. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
620. I always liked Flop.
Copy !req
621. And there's one other thing I did
Copy !req
622. that I shouldn't have.
Copy !req
623. - Not Flip as well?
Copy !req
624. - No,
Copy !req
625. No.
Copy !req
626. I feel bad about this but I took
Copy !req
627. oh fuck
Copy !req
628. - What?
Copy !req
629. - I took
Copy !req
630. this
Copy !req
631. - Er, it's fine.
Copy !req
632. - Well no
Copy !req
633. - They cost money
Copy !req
634. and the bottom line is
Copy !req
635. Where's the fucking snake?
Copy !req
636. - It's your bag and I stole it
Copy !req
637. and I feel
Copy !req
638. - where the fuck is he
Copy !req
639. - incredibly ashamed of that.
Copy !req
640. - Oh, no worries dude
Copy !req
641. - Oh, I've lost my child.
Copy !req
642. I'm such a terrible, terrible human
Copy !req
643. in every single respect.
Copy !req
644. - Hans, just caved. We won
Copy !req
645. - Oh, good
Copy !req
646. - Only downside is the snake escaped.
Copy !req
647. - What?
Copy !req
648. - I can't believe it would do that.
Copy !req
649. So sneaky
Copy !req
650. - Yeah.
Copy !req
651. Who could believe a snake
would be so duplicitous?
Copy !req
652. They're so famously reliable snakes.
Copy !req
653. - The good news is,
Copy !req
654. I googled it and it's
totally not venomous.
Copy !req
655. - So reassuring.
Copy !req
656. - What are you doing?
Copy !req
657. - It's Ian.
Copy !req
658. I can't find him anywhere.
Copy !req
659. So many bloody kids.
Copy !req
660. I need to somehow get
them all cleared out.
Copy !req
661. Maybe shout fire or I could tell the staff
Copy !req
662. that you were a famous paedo.
Copy !req
663. That would clear the place
like Jaws at the beach.
Copy !req
664. - A famous paedo?
Copy !req
665. - What? You're very famous
and easy about labels.
Copy !req
666. You don't mind a bit of a bad boy rep.
Copy !req
667. I'll need to talk to Sophie.
Copy !req
668. - I think she might be balls deep.
Copy !req
669. - Soph?
Copy !req
670. She's out cold.
Copy !req
671. Oh God April!
Copy !req
672. She can't see my sort of wife
Copy !req
673. who I've sort of agreed
to get back together with
Copy !req
674. and is sort of a total fucking mess.
Copy !req
675. - I mean, you could
Copy !req
676. - Bury the body?
Copy !req
677. - I was gonna say wake her
up and get her a coffee
Copy !req
678. but Shallow ball grave?
Copy !req
679. - She's pretty much already buried.
Copy !req
680. - Well, don't fuck about
Copy !req
681. if you're gonna bury her bury her.
Copy !req
682. - This is fine.
Copy !req
683. It's just a nice multicolored siesta.
Copy !req
684. Okay, good.
Copy !req
685. This is good.
Copy !req
686. Bury Sophie, find Ian, leave with April.
Copy !req
687. - Do you think she'll be
able to breathe in her grave?
Copy !req
688. - Of course, the air holes are numerous.
Copy !req
689. - Okay, just push her down.
Copy !req
690. It's poking up a bit
Copy !req
691. - Just need to weigh her down more.
Copy !req
692. - There we go. She's gone.
Copy !req
693. She's gone Mark.
Copy !req
694. You're cool.
Copy !req
695. Hey Mark, there's Ian.
Copy !req
696. - Great! Although,
Copy !req
697. do you think he witnessed the burial?
Copy !req
698. - Eh!
Copy !req
699. - He looks Okay.
Copy !req
700. That's right son, push it all down.
Copy !req
701. My pension can go on therapy.
Copy !req
702. - Hey there, little buddy
Copy !req
703. - Hey Mark
Copy !req
704. - Hi
Copy !req
705. - Hayley was fine
Copy !req
706. but she was babbling
something about a snake.
Copy !req
707. - Oh God, well let's get
the hell out of here.
Copy !req
708. Back to mine for a wine?
Copy !req
709. - Yeah, okay, why not?
Copy !req
710. Mark, I just want to say,
Copy !req
711. I'm really pleased I came to see you.
Copy !req
712. Very pleased.
Copy !req
713. - Me too, April. Me too
Copy !req
714. - Mark?
Copy !req
715. There's a, there's a
- wha
Copy !req
716. - Oh God
Copy !req
717. - That's fine I imagine
Copy !req
718. probably some
Copy !req
719. funny buried clown.
Copy !req
720. - I should
have used some more balls.
Copy !req
721. - What?
Copy !req
722. Mark Why did you bury me?
Copy !req
723. - I didn't bury you.
Copy !req
724. - If you don't want to move in after all,
Copy !req
725. you don't have to bury me,
Copy !req
726. just send a fucking text.
Copy !req
727. - Mark?
Copy !req
728. - It's okay. Probably
been in there for months.
Copy !req
729. Just some kind of homeless ball pit witch.
Copy !req
730. - It doesn't feel quite right
Copy !req
731. leaving a snake in a
child's soft play area.
Copy !req
732. - Burying your wife alive
Copy !req
733. it just has such an unfortunate ring.
Copy !req
734. - May be we should leave a note.
Copy !req
735. - Saying?
Copy !req
736. - Sorry
Copy !req
737. Snake?
Copy !req
738. - Hmm
Copy !req