1. - There she is, hovering ominously,
Copy !req
2. Dobby's yellow head.
Copy !req
3. I'm not about to masturbate
looking at the head.
Copy !req
4. That's what they want me to do.
Copy !req
5. Hm, same noodle bar she went
to yesterday, and Tuesday.
Copy !req
6. What's going on at the noodle bar?
Copy !req
7. Three-star reviews.
Copy !req
8. It's possible she just likes the food.
Copy !req
9. But hard to completely believe.
Copy !req
10. - Mark, can I put the
heating on, I'm freezing.
Copy !req
11. - No, wear a jumper, walk about.
Copy !req
12. - You want me to stride about
the flat covered in wool
Copy !req
13. simply to stay alive?
Copy !req
14. New York?
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
15. Seems Dobby never deleted me
off her Find My Friends app.
Copy !req
16. - This is your perfect way
of going out with someone,
Copy !req
17. isn't it, safe in your sexual GCHQ?
Copy !req
18. - I'm trying to build up a
picture of her mental state.
Copy !req
19. For example, there's this
organic bakery she's been to
Copy !req
20. this afternoon and twice more this week.
Copy !req
21. I checked their Twitter and
their carrot cake just ran out.
Copy !req
22. The other day, she was in
and the same thing happened.
Copy !req
23. It could be a coincidence.
Copy !req
24. I'm not saying she's
eating a whole carrot cake
Copy !req
25. every time she goes in there,
but you've got to admit,
Copy !req
26. it's interesting.
Copy !req
27. - Fascinating, here's a radical idea.
Copy !req
28. Why don't you stop being a
psycho and give her a ring?
Copy !req
29. - She stopped answering my calls
Copy !req
30. after I went a bit overboard that time.
Copy !req
31. - The million-text month?
- Mm.
Copy !req
32. So unfair.
Copy !req
33. The 327-text month.
Copy !req
34. Put it back, Jeremy.
Copy !req
35. That thing eats electricity.
Copy !req
36. It's only seven hours
till the central heating
Copy !req
37. comes back on.
Copy !req
38. It's going in the vault.
Copy !req
39. The new regime.
Copy !req
40. Heater in the cupboard,
tracker tag on the nice towel
Copy !req
41. mousetrap in the Frosties.
Copy !req
42. - It's great you do home visits.
Copy !req
43. - I find it makes for a more conducive
Copy !req
44. life-coaching environment
than you at my place,
Copy !req
45. my socks on the radiator
and me sitting on a bongo.
Copy !req
46. - I've done some more art boxes.
Copy !req
47. - Megan's so lovely.
Copy !req
48. I'm definitely falling in love with her.
Copy !req
49. But what the hell's she talking about?
Copy !req
50. Focus.
Copy !req
51. I need to give her a
really useful, usable bit
Copy !req
52. of actual handcrafted wisdom
that, ooh, is that Watchmen?
Copy !req
53. I never saw Watchmen.
Copy !req
54. - Sorry I'm back so early.
Copy !req
55. I'll, um I'll hide out in the bedroom.
Copy !req
56. - No, it's okay, Jeremy,
this is Joe, my boyfriend.
Copy !req
57. - Oh, hey, Joe.
Copy !req
58. He's eyeing me.
Copy !req
59. There's an atmosphere.
Copy !req
60. Does he want to hit me?
Copy !req
61. - Jeremy was just saying
I should quit my job
Copy !req
62. and concentrate, like, 100% on my boxes.
Copy !req
63. - Fuck, did I?
Copy !req
64. - Really, wow, that's a, that's a big one.
Copy !req
65. - Sure, big call.
Copy !req
66. - Quite the wise old guru.
Copy !req
67. - Hey, less of the old, young man.
Copy !req
68. I'm still young enough to give
you a bloody good duffing up.
Copy !req
69. We're not going to fight,
Copy !req
70. but I 'reckon I could duff
him up, if I needed to.
Copy !req
71. Take him out, take him
apart, sort him out big-time.
Copy !req
72. I could take him, definitely.
Copy !req
73. If I needed to.
Copy !req
74. - Thanks for seeing me, Mark, mate.
Copy !req
75. - No problem.
Copy !req
76. Mate?
Copy !req
77. He wants my liver for a transplant?
Copy !req
78. Well, he can't have it.
Copy !req
79. And I'm saving my kidneys for little Ian.
Copy !req
80. - Look, um I don't think
I've ever said this before,
Copy !req
81. but I've got a huge, huge
amount of respect for you, yeah?
Copy !req
82. When UKIP come to round us
all up, you'll be there,
Copy !req
83. won't you, at the barricades, saying, no?
Copy !req
84. - Oh, that's, that's very
nice of you to say, Hans.
Copy !req
85. - Yeah, so, er, well, it's like this.
Copy !req
86. Er, I want you to be
best man at my wedding.
Copy !req
87. Best man, but what about Jez?
Copy !req
88. - Molly hates him.
Copy !req
89. I need a norm.
Copy !req
90. And you, well, you're a
real meat and potatoes,
Copy !req
91. straight up and down, beef Wellington,
Copy !req
92. don't trust the Argies,
dick in the vagina,
Copy !req
93. Cheddar cheese and
chicken tikka masala man.
Copy !req
94. - Thank you?
Copy !req
95. There is nothing that could
persuade me to strap myself
Copy !req
96. to the huge, flaming Super
Hans wedding zeppelin
Copy !req
97. with a gang of drugged-up goons.
Copy !req
98. Oh, hang on.
Copy !req
99. Is Dobby invited?
Copy !req
100. - Er, yeah.
Copy !req
101. We've got a no smackheads,
no crackheads rule,
Copy !req
102. so, the, er, the old long
list is pretty short.
Copy !req
103. - I mean, I-I'd love to come.
Copy !req
104. But maybe without being your best man.
Copy !req
105. - Yeah, I bet you
would, you cheeky fucker.
Copy !req
106. No, you're going to have to
earn your rack of lamb, buddy.
Copy !req
107. - Oh, strap on the cummerbund.
Copy !req
108. - Need to
professionalize in here.
Copy !req
109. Lose the lions, put up my certificate,
Copy !req
110. get a filing cabinet.
Copy !req
111. Except, have I got anything
to f, what is that?
Copy !req
112. Wait, is that a fucking thermometer?
Copy !req
113. He's finally bloody lost it.
Copy !req
114. Hello.
- Hello.
Copy !req
115. - What are you doing?
Copy !req
116. - Just taking a temperature reading.
Copy !req
117. I thought perhaps you'd
bought your own fan heater.
Copy !req
118. - Oh, for fuck's sake!
Copy !req
119. - I need to get off for Fakenham,
Copy !req
120. to be there the night
before, for everything.
Copy !req
121. - He's in his
jacket, going to everything.
Copy !req
122. - While I'm gone, no
turning the central heating
Copy !req
123. to constant.
Copy !req
124. - So, off you go, the best man.
Copy !req
125. - I'm sorry, Jez.
Copy !req
126. - The single best man there is.
Copy !req
127. You know they haven't even
invited me to the ceremony,
Copy !req
128. just the reception.
Copy !req
129. - I only said yes because of Dobby.
Copy !req
130. To win her back.
Copy !req
131. I need to get back to the good times.
Copy !req
132. Hours on the sofa, DVDs
and takeaway lamb pasanda.
Copy !req
133. I'm going to be the Mark
Dobby always wanted,
Copy !req
134. who goes to those
spoken-word poetry events
Copy !req
135. where most of the poems are by women
Copy !req
136. about the awesome power of the C-U-N-T.
Copy !req
137. - You can't even say it.
Copy !req
138. - There's enough
unpleasantness in the world.
Copy !req
139. See you tomorrow.
Copy !req
140. I have so many funny stories
about Hans, where do I start?
Copy !req
141. The time he tried to cut my legs off
Copy !req
142. when he was tripping because
he thought I was a demon?
Copy !req
143. Or the time he just went straight for me
Copy !req
144. with a chicken skewer
for no apparent reason?
Copy !req
145. Shit, Dobby's off-grid.
Copy !req
146. She could be anywhere.
Copy !req
147. So selfish.
Copy !req
148. Quick Neighbourhood Watch over
my own personal neighborhood,
Copy !req
149. then maybe a disappointing
Skype chat with my son.
Copy !req
150. There's nothing unethical
Copy !req
151. about secretly filming my own flat.
Copy !req
152. If he's got nothing to hide,
he's got nothing to fear.
Copy !req
153. A vest?
Copy !req
154. That heat-thieving bastard.
Copy !req
155. I should put a mousetrap
in there, that'd be fun.
Copy !req
156. It's time for the show trial.
Copy !req
157. I'm going to make him confess
his thermostat crimes.
Copy !req
158. The heating Stasi are
coming for you, Jeremy.
Copy !req
159. - Oh, hey, Mark.
Copy !req
160. How's the advance party going?
Copy !req
161. - Oh, good, Jeremy, you?
Copy !req
162. You're looking quite toasty over there.
Copy !req
163. - Er, yeah, well, it was quite a warm day.
Copy !req
164. - Oh, really?
Copy !req
165. Not according to the Met Office, it's not.
Copy !req
166. - Microclimate.
Copy !req
167. - There is no microclimate
around Apollo House.
Copy !req
168. - Well, that would explain why
I'm feeling quite chilly now.
Copy !req
169. - You don't look chilly.
Copy !req
170. - Brrrr.
Copy !req
171. - Bullshit.
Copy !req
172. It's an hour outside the
agreed heating window
Copy !req
173. and the flat looks incredibly warm.
Copy !req
174. - How could it look warm, you maniac?
Copy !req
175. - Who's that?
Copy !req
176. - Oh, that'll be the Isis
guys that I've invited round
Copy !req
177. to charge their mobiles on your coin.
Copy !req
178. - Don't joke.
Copy !req
179. Now, turn the heating off, put a jumper on
Copy !req
180. and text me a picture of you wearing it
Copy !req
181. in front of the thermostat
with today's paper.
Copy !req
182. - Hey.
Copy !req
183. - Oh, hi.
Copy !req
184. - Er, wondered if you had time
for a bit of life coaching,
Copy !req
185. um, off the clock.
Copy !req
186. - Sure.
Copy !req
187. Hey, I know what the weird atmosphere is.
Copy !req
188. - Coming, Hans.
Copy !req
189. Oh, God, Dobby.
Copy !req
190. - Hi.
Copy !req
191. - Wow, did you just arrive?
Copy !req
192. Did-did your phone die?
Copy !req
193. - Er, yeah, it did, how did you know?
Copy !req
194. - Great to see you.
Copy !req
195. - I just wanted to say hi
Copy !req
196. and head off any potential weirdness
Copy !req
197. by being as weird as possible right now.
Copy !req
198. So, rrrraaaarrgh!
Copy !req
199. - Good option.
Copy !req
200. Blaaaargh!
Copy !req
201. Okay, she's still adorable.
Copy !req
202. Time to go to DEFCON 1.
Copy !req
203. Roll out the new Mark manifesto.
Copy !req
204. Dobby, come in.
Copy !req
205. There was actually
something I wanted to say.
Copy !req
206. No pressure, but go out
with me or I'll hang myself.
Copy !req
207. - Hey, er, my toothbrush isn't charging.
Copy !req
208. I think the voltages are wrong here.
Copy !req
209. Can I, er?
Copy !req
210. - Who the fuck are you?
Copy !req
211. And what have you got against
240 lovely British volts?
Copy !req
212. Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
213. - That's Gregory.
Copy !req
214. - Fuck this
shit, it won't go in.
Copy !req
215. - And what does Gregory do?
Copy !req
216. - He's resting and writing a
great blog about digital rights
Copy !req
217. and how Brooklyn is
changing for the worse,
Copy !req
218. and comparing the different
coffee shops he doesn't like
Copy !req
219. and how their coffee isn't real coffee.
Copy !req
220. - And the carrot cakes?
Copy !req
221. - Er, yeah, sometimes.
Copy !req
222. - I knew it.
Copy !req
223. - Okay, it's, er, charging.
Copy !req
224. I'm going to go back to the room.
Copy !req
225. I think I've got a headache.
Copy !req
226. But I'm not sure.
Copy !req
227. You coming, Dobby?
Copy !req
228. Leave poor old million-text
Mark to his surveillance.
Copy !req
229. - That's Jeremy.
Copy !req
230. - What's Jeremy doing in my bedroom?
Copy !req
231. - Mark, have you rigged
your flat up with spy cams?
Copy !req
232. - Webcams.
Copy !req
233. If Jeremy has nothing to
hide, he has nothing to fear.
Copy !req
234. - Who's that?
Copy !req
235. - Some guy.
Copy !req
236. He's taken some guy into my room.
Copy !req
237. Oh, God.
Copy !req
238. Is he going to sell all my stuff, or,
Copy !req
239. or download something
horrible onto my computer?
Copy !req
240. - Wow.
- Okay.
Copy !req
241. - Jeremy's gone gay, okay.
Copy !req
242. Is he playing the field, or
is this guy his boyfriend?
Copy !req
243. - Don't know, he's
always been pretty slutty
Copy !req
244. and a bit, but not actually the full,
Copy !req
245. God, maybe he does this
every time I leave the house.
Copy !req
246. Oh, God, what are they going to do next?
Copy !req
247. - I think I know what
they're going to do next.
Copy !req
248. - Well, why can't they do it in his bed?
Copy !req
249. We should turn this off.
Copy !req
250. - Yeah, we definitely should.
Copy !req
251. - That reading light's going to go.
Copy !req
252. - I wonder if they're going
to be into penetration
Copy !req
253. or just clip each other off.
Copy !req
254. - Yeah, that gives it a certain suspense.
Copy !req
255. I really feel I shouldn't
be watching this.
Copy !req
256. Are they, is my room all right?
Copy !req
257. - Your room's fine, but Jeremy's cock's
Copy !req
258. getting quite the hammering.
Copy !req
259. - Oi-oi, Marco, ready to go?
Copy !req
260. Molly's gang are staying here,
Copy !req
261. so Team Hans are off to
burn down the village.
Copy !req
262. - Ooh.
Copy !req
263. - What you watching?
Copy !req
264. - Jez get fucked by some
guy on Mark's webcam.
Copy !req
265. - Right, fair play.
Copy !req
266. How long you been filming
Jez having sex, Mark?
Copy !req
267. - It's accidental.
Copy !req
268. I just wanted to make sure he hadn't
Copy !req
269. turned up the central heating.
Copy !req
270. - You can relax on that front.
Copy !req
271. I don't think they're going
to need any central heating.
Copy !req
272. - I will not watch this.
Copy !req
273. I'm going to go and stare into the mirror
Copy !req
274. and wait out the fucking
like it's an air raid.
Copy !req
275. - Whoo, the
reading light's gone, Mark!
Copy !req
276. - Ugh.
Copy !req
277. Anything else for the speech?
Copy !req
278. - Gregory, it's all cool.
Copy !req
279. Mark is not going to jump me.
Copy !req
280. He's not an alpha male asshole.
Copy !req
281. - Heh-heh, everyone
trusts the pathetic worm.
Copy !req
282. It's good to be a pathetic worm.
Copy !req
283. - Stop being a psycho and
go back to live-tweeting
Copy !req
284. your headache.
Copy !req
285. - Oh, right, I once fucking
totaled a mate's car,
Copy !req
286. smashed the shit out of it big-time,
Copy !req
287. and we fell out and he
came for me, but I did him.
Copy !req
288. - Uh-huh.
Copy !req
289. That's, that's a good story, um.
Copy !req
290. Any-anything I could use that
might be a bit more romantic?
Copy !req
291. Also, and I know this might sound
Copy !req
292. like a bit of a starter
question, but what's your name?
Copy !req
293. - Megan doesn't need to
know about this, right?
Copy !req
294. - Oh, sure.
Copy !req
295. Just watching TV with a guy.
Copy !req
296. It's like watching TV with Mark.
Copy !req
297. Except, generally, I don't
have Mark's jizz on my leg.
Copy !req
298. - How would it be if, I mean,
I've had a really nice time
Copy !req
299. and, er, I don't want to push
it, but what if I stayed over?
Copy !req
300. - Er.
Copy !req
301. Cuddling up all night with Joe,
Copy !req
302. as if we were boyfriend and boyfriend?
Copy !req
303. Am I going to go the
full three dimensions?
Copy !req
304. Love to, but I've got to
get on a coach to Norfolk.
Copy !req
305. It's best friend's wedding.
Copy !req
306. - Now?
- Yeah, got to go.
Copy !req
307. Can't hang around here
cuddling all night long.
Copy !req
308. Got to get on a night coach
to King's Lynn, my friend.
Copy !req
309. - I understand, and I'm
sorry for being rude.
Copy !req
310. No, you've explained the economics
Copy !req
311. of running a rural taxi firm very clearly.
Copy !req
312. Three hours for a cab.
Copy !req
313. - How are we going to get back?
Copy !req
314. We're in the middle of nowhere.
Copy !req
315. - Fuck, right.
Copy !req
316. - Oh, no, Hans, no, not that.
Copy !req
317. - Wicked, hitching!
Copy !req
318. Well, one of us is definitely
going to get murdered.
Copy !req
319. Probably bloody me, it's usually the girl.
Copy !req
320. - Relax, there are three of us.
Copy !req
321. If they try anything,
just whip out a bootlace
Copy !req
322. and take 'em
out from behind, nice and easy.
Copy !req
323. - Er, so, yeah, Dobs,
I just wanted to say,
Copy !req
324. about the million-text month,
Copy !req
325. sorry.
Copy !req
326. - I was just not feeling like chatting.
Copy !req
327. After the weird picnic, I just felt,
Copy !req
328. you know when you want
to get the fuck out,
Copy !req
329. because you're getting suffocated?
Copy !req
330. Those last few months, me
and you, do you remember?
Copy !req
331. We used to just sit on
the sofa watching DVDs
Copy !req
332. and eating lamb pasanda
like a pair of zombies.
Copy !req
333. - Yeah, was sort of like
a living death, wasn't it?
Copy !req
334. It was lovely.
Copy !req
335. Yeah, 'cos I've actually
been thinking of maybe
Copy !req
336. training it to Budapest
and getting into mime
Copy !req
337. and fucking street theater.
Copy !req
338. - Yeah?
Copy !req
339. You don't want to hitch in England,
Copy !req
340. but you want to mime in Hungary?
Copy !req
341. - Oh, God, no.
Copy !req
342. Why would anyone be driving
around at this time?
Copy !req
343. It doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
344. Dobby, we're not seriously going
Copy !req
345. to get into a stranger's car?
Copy !req
346. - It's an adventure, Mark.
Copy !req
347. They could be anyone.
Copy !req
348. Poets, hippies, freaks, norms.
Copy !req
349. - Maniacs, people
smugglers, organ harvesters.
Copy !req
350. Mm, everyone's drinking the Kool-Aid.
Copy !req
351. I don't want any delicious Kool-Aid.
Copy !req
352. - The tinny vibration,
God, that's annoying.
Copy !req
353. That has got to hurt.
Copy !req
354. I'm aggressively glancing,
constant eye flicks and no smile.
Copy !req
355. Man, he's got to be hurting.
Copy !req
356. This is inhuman, I'm slaying him.
Copy !req
357. What the hell am I doing
in this horrible coach
Copy !req
358. instead of spooning with a lovely guy?
Copy !req
359. Do I love Joe?
Copy !req
360. Do I love Megan?
Copy !req
361. Do I love this guy sitting next to me?
Copy !req
362. Am I a guy who just slept
with a guy, which is fine,
Copy !req
363. or am I a guy who is a gay
guy, which is also fine,
Copy !req
364. or am I a guy who
sometimes sleeps with guys
Copy !req
365. and sometimes doesn't?
Copy !req
366. Which is also fine.
Copy !req
367. It's all totally fine.
Copy !req
368. - So, why are you all out, then?
Copy !req
369. You guys looking for a good time, or what?
Copy !req
370. - God, they're doggers,
I'm going to get dogged.
Copy !req
371. Oh, we've just been out
for a few tomato juices,
Copy !req
372. heading home.
Copy !req
373. - Do you know anywhere haunted?
Copy !req
374. Properly haunted, not just
bullshit for tourists?
Copy !req
375. - What do you think, have we
got time for a quick detour?
Copy !req
376. - We could go up to the
old air-raid shelter
Copy !req
377. up on the top road maybe.
Copy !req
378. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
379. I knew someone was going to get murdered.
Copy !req
380. Hans!
- What?
Copy !req
381. - Do not murder him.
Copy !req
382. - What did you say?
Copy !req
383. - Er, nothing.
Copy !req
384. - Did you tell him to murder us?
Copy !req
385. - No, no, I said not to murder you.
Copy !req
386. - Just doing up my laces, guys.
Copy !req
387. Relax, for fuck's sake.
Copy !req
388. - Why are you talking about murdering us?
Copy !req
389. - No, no murdering,
it's a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
390. - 'Cos if you come for us,
Copy !req
391. I'll chop you up and feed you
into a fucking septic tank.
Copy !req
392. - Touche!
Copy !req
393. We, we relent, seriously,
no, no harm meant.
Copy !req
394. I-I momentarily thought that
there was an outside chance
Copy !req
395. that my pal might be
going to try to murder you
Copy !req
396. and I was just checking that
he wasn't, so we're all good.
Copy !req
397. So, what's, er, what's your position
Copy !req
398. on the whole Euro situation?
Copy !req
399. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
400. I thought Hans was actually
going to garrotte him.
Copy !req
401. - I know.
Copy !req
402. - And then I thought no-one
was going to challenge
Copy !req
403. that guy on his xenophobic
rant, but I just had to say it,
Copy !req
404. I couldn't let it go.
Copy !req
405. - I think it's good how you said it.
Copy !req
406. I mean, I would have said it eventually.
Copy !req
407. Maybe a bit closer to our destination.
Copy !req
408. - How much further is it?
Copy !req
409. - Fuck knows, like, three miles.
Copy !req
410. - Man, Molly's going
to shit a house brick.
Copy !req
411. Right I'm running.
Copy !req
412. - No shoes?
- No, man.
Copy !req
413. Mother Nature's trainer, the human foot.
Copy !req
414. Right, laterz.
Copy !req
415. Oh, and, er, watch out for wolves.
Copy !req
416. - There are no wolves
in East Anglia, Hans.
Copy !req
417. - Yeah, you keep telling
yourself that, Marko.
Copy !req
418. Ooh, you fucker!
Copy !req
419. - Oh, God, five miles?
Copy !req
420. - If it gets too freezing, we
could always sleep in a barn.
Copy !req
421. - The prospect of spending the
night huddled in a haystack
Copy !req
422. with Dobby should be thrilling,
Copy !req
423. but all I can think about is my hotel bed
Copy !req
424. and my pillow chocolate.
Copy !req
425. I want my pillow chocolate.
Copy !req
426. Oh, no pillow chocolate.
Copy !req
427. I don't expect them to
actually run me a bath.
Copy !req
428. I simply want to eat some
chocolate off my pillow
Copy !req
429. like a normal human being.
Copy !req
430. Could it be Dobby?
Copy !req
431. Maybe Gregory's minor
headache was an aneurysm.
Copy !req
432. Heh-heh, naughty but nice.
Copy !req
433. Oh.
- Hey.
Copy !req
434. - I thought you'd be here tomorrow.
Copy !req
435. I am actually quite tired, so.
Copy !req
436. The inevitable Jez.
Copy !req
437. - How's the Dobby mission going?
Copy !req
438. - Disaster, she's got a boyfriend.
Copy !req
439. She seems a lot happier,
comfier in her own skin.
Copy !req
440. She's blossomed.
Copy !req
441. - I hate it when that happens.
Copy !req
442. Yeah, so, um, I know we don't have
Copy !req
443. that many heart-to-heart chats, but, um,
Copy !req
444. there's something I need
to talk to you about.
Copy !req
445. - Uh-huh.
Copy !req
446. I know nothing, don't pre-empt.
Copy !req
447. Blank face, blank face.
Copy !req
448. - Look, you're the last
person who I would ideally
Copy !req
449. talk to about this, but the fact is,
Copy !req
450. this will come as something of a shock.
Copy !req
451. - Total surprise.
Copy !req
452. - Earlier tonight, I had sex
with a man in my bedroom, and—
Copy !req
453. - I'm, I'm sorry, in your bedroom?
Copy !req
454. - Yeah, and I have
feelings for this guy Joe,
Copy !req
455. but I kind of walked out on him and—
Copy !req
456. - Just to clarify, you
were in your bedroom?
Copy !req
457. - Yes, Mark, anyway, um, as I was saying,
Copy !req
458. I really like this guy—
Copy !req
459. - Not the kitchen, or-or the living room,
Copy !req
460. or any other room in the flat?
Copy !req
461. - I'm talking about
possibly the biggest thing
Copy !req
462. that's ever happened in my
life and you're obsessing
Copy !req
463. about roomal geography?
Copy !req
464. - No, fine, go on, I-I-I'm sorry.
Copy !req
465. - I thought I was just
totally open, totally cool,
Copy !req
466. but now I wonder if
inside, I don't have some
Copy !req
467. shame or confusion deep in there.
Copy !req
468. - Uh-huh, I get it, mate.
Copy !req
469. And-And what, out-out of
interest, was the temperature
Copy !req
470. like in the room when,
when you were doing it?
Copy !req
471. - Normal, unheated,
regular air temperature.
Copy !req
472. - Hey, Mark, Gregory
forgot his toothbrush.
Copy !req
473. Oh, hey, Jez.
- Hey, Dobs.
Copy !req
474. - Sorry, am I interrupting?
Copy !req
475. I'll-I'll leave you two to, sorry.
Copy !req
476. Good luck!
Copy !req
477. - Dobby, are you all right?
Copy !req
478. - Sorry, it's just I
know something about you
Copy !req
479. which I shouldn't really
know, but I do know,
Copy !req
480. but it's not my fault.
Copy !req
481. Anyway, really great,
Jez, everything, bye.
Copy !req
482. - Did you, do you know?
Copy !req
483. - Look, I'm sorry, Jez,
Copy !req
484. but I've, I've got a webcam in my bedroom.
Copy !req
485. - Oh, my God,
Copy !req
486. you watched me—
Copy !req
487. - I saw the whole thing and so did Dobby.
Copy !req
488. - Hey, Mark, Dobs forgot
the charger, can I grab it?
Copy !req
489. Oh, wow, you must be Jeremy.
Copy !req
490. - Yes, how do you—
Copy !req
491. - I, er, must have seen you before around.
Copy !req
492. See you later.
Copy !req
493. - Him as well?
Copy !req
494. - You chose to go into my bedroom.
Copy !req
495. You, you filmed yourself.
Copy !req
496. - I didn't know your room was bristling
Copy !req
497. with surveillance equipment.
Copy !req
498. - All right, Jez?
- Hans.
Copy !req
499. - So, er, it's all cool with Molly.
Copy !req
500. Look, I just wanted to say about tonight,
Copy !req
501. um, sorry about the garrotting.
Copy !req
502. I fucked up a nice lift
home for us there and,
Copy !req
503. er, well, you didn't
break my nuts about it.
Copy !req
504. That's what real mates do,
they, er they take a pounding,
Copy !req
505. but they still come up smiling.
Copy !req
506. Bit like Jez with that bloke in your bed.
Copy !req
507. - God, has the entire world
seen this fucking video?
Copy !req
508. I came here to talk to someone about this,
Copy !req
509. get some perspective.
Copy !req
510. Turns out I can just read
the fucking YouTube comments.
Copy !req
511. - Yeah, they might be good comments.
Copy !req
512. - Good afternoon.
Copy !req
513. My name's Katie Mitchell.
Copy !req
514. - First mistake, no
bouncers at the wedding.
Copy !req
515. I'm in.
Copy !req
516. Plus, the great thing is,
Copy !req
517. I've escaped the strong, comforting arms
Copy !req
518. of the sexy, affectionate man.
Copy !req
519. - To conduct this
ceremony for them today.
Copy !req
520. So, it's my great pleasure—
Copy !req
521. - Gregory sure loves his phone.
Copy !req
522. Looking at his phone and she loves it.
Copy !req
523. I could look at my phone, we
all want to look at our phones.
Copy !req
524. - They will now recite the vows
they have written together.
Copy !req
525. - I will not fail nor falter.
Copy !req
526. I shall succeed.
Copy !req
527. My perception is altered.
Copy !req
528. I do believe.
Copy !req
529. Faith is so strong now.
Copy !req
530. Nothing shall bar my way.
Copy !req
531. From conviction, no fiction.
Copy !req
532. This is my day.
Copy !req
533. I can move, move, move any mountain.
Copy !req
534. - I can move, move, move any mountain.
Copy !req
535. - I can move,
move, move any mountain.
Copy !req
536. - Simon?
Copy !req
537. - Simon?
Copy !req
538. Super Simon?
Copy !req
539. Simon Hans?
Copy !req
540. - And into my heart.
Copy !req
541. You are the best of men.
Copy !req
542. The truest, kindest, most generous of men.
Copy !req
543. - I think he
might be the opposite
Copy !req
544. of all those words.
Copy !req
545. - I'm getting married.
Copy !req
546. And I would punch in the throat
anyone who tried to stop me.
Copy !req
547. That is how I feel today, Molly.
Copy !req
548. So suffused with love, I'd put
a glass in the face of anyone
Copy !req
549. who tried to stop us
joining our souls together.
Copy !req
550. I'd hospitalize them.
Copy !req
551. - Hear, hear, the bride and groom!
Copy !req
552. Mention the seven years working
in Richer Sounds in Kew,
Copy !req
553. miss out the Thai jail, onto the bands,
Copy !req
554. drop the first marriage,
Copy !req
555. hit Jeremy and their long friendship,
Copy !req
556. minus all the bad blood and occasional
Copy !req
557. sucking each other off, blah, blah, blah,
Copy !req
558. wrap up with a toast to
the bride and groom, Hans,
Copy !req
559. or possibly Simon, and his wife,
Copy !req
560. whose Christian name I've
unfortunately forgotten.
Copy !req
561. Shit, I don't really know
either of their names.
Copy !req
562. There's Dobby.
Copy !req
563. She doesn't like pasanda
and quality TV drama.
Copy !req
564. She likes hitchhiking and
terrifying actual drama.
Copy !req
565. We don't fit.
Copy !req
566. Oh, my God, I'm letting go.
Copy !req
567. I've crossed the bridge into adulthood.
Copy !req
568. I'm moving on.
Copy !req
569. I'm going to delete her off my GPS.
Copy !req
570. Weird, it looks like
she's right behind me.
Copy !req
571. Fuck, what the—
Copy !req
572. - I know you're stalking Dobby.
Copy !req
573. I tracked your IP address,
you still love her.
Copy !req
574. - Gregory, believe me, I don't.
Copy !req
575. I'm not, I've stopped.
Copy !req
576. - When?
- Literally just now.
Copy !req
577. I was just about to
delete her off my phone.
Copy !req
578. - You douchebag!
Copy !req
579. - I promise you, I
don't like her any more.
Copy !req
580. She always saying exactly
what she's thinking,
Copy !req
581. with no regards for the consequences
Copy !req
582. and she's got weird hair, and she smokes.
Copy !req
583. Ah, please don't punch me.
Copy !req
584. I wish you both well.
Copy !req
585. I wish you both well!
Copy !req
586. - Um, excuse me, ladies and gents.
Copy !req
587. Oi!
Copy !req
588. Sorry, hi, er, I'm afraid the, er,
Copy !req
589. the best man, er, has gone AWOL.
Copy !req
590. Um, but don't worry.
Copy !req
591. Just eat some cheese
and I'll get it sorted.
Copy !req
592. Jez, Jez.
Copy !req
593. Um, would you?
Copy !req
594. - But I've got nothing prepared.
Copy !req
595. - That's all right, just
freestyle it, man, yeah?
Copy !req
596. - But don't, er, obviously, don't rap.
Copy !req
597. Remember, after Stoke?
Copy !req
598. You never rap.
Copy !req
599. - Hans, Super Hans,
Copy !req
600. I've known Hans for many a year now.
Copy !req
601. It's been a long road and
now, as you've found Molly,
Copy !req
602. er, and I don't really
want to get into this,
Copy !req
603. but I've started it now, but
I'm going to bring it round,
Copy !req
604. so don't worry.
Copy !req
605. People said Molly wasn't right for you.
Copy !req
606. That she was a downer.
Copy !req
607. But you know what?
Copy !req
608. If someone loves someone,
he just loves them.
Copy !req
609. And if that person is
considered to be a downer,
Copy !req
610. or even a yawn-a-thon,
Copy !req
611. who cares?
Copy !req
612. And even if someone loves another man, or,
Copy !req
613. what's in a name, or gender?
Copy !req
614. Is it possible to love two people at once?
Copy !req
615. Three, four is surely the limit.
Copy !req
616. But is it?
Copy !req
617. What is love anyway?
Copy !req
618. Is it, er an act or a feeling or,
Copy !req
619. who am I to speak?
Copy !req
620. Who are you to listen?
Copy !req
621. Why is a marriage a marriage?
Copy !req
622. But society says it's wrong
for two men to love one another
Copy !req
623. even though now it says it
says that now it's okay?
Copy !req
624. Is it okay because society says it's okay?
Copy !req
625. What next, dogs getting married?
Copy !req
626. Could I marry my own son, no.
Copy !req
627. Possibly not, correct.
Copy !req
628. Or is it?
Copy !req
629. What I'm trying to say
is that people should do
Copy !req
630. whatever they want to do at a temperature
Copy !req
631. that suits them within limits.
Copy !req
632. Thank you.
Copy !req
633. Pretty sure someone's
going to print that speech
Copy !req
634. on a tea towel someday.
Copy !req
635. Yeah, eat that, Obama, fuck off, Mandela.
Copy !req
636. Take that, Mark, I'm the best man.
Copy !req
637. I'm the best man who ever lived.
Copy !req