1. I love being me.
Morning horn.
Copy !req
2. "Morning, Jeremy."
Copy !req
3. I need to go to work.
Copy !req
4. Mmm... Ring in sick. Tell
Copy !req
5. Dr. Jeremy says you've got to
stay in bed with plenty of
Copy !req
6. Sexual fluids.
Copy !req
7. Hope she doesn't think I'm
really a doctor.
Copy !req
8. First sex with Elena, and it
was the best sex I ever had.
Copy !req
9. Wonder why. I just did my
usual stuff.
Copy !req
10. Snog, diddle, tongue, diddle,
front, behind, cuddle. The set
Copy !req
11. Oh, and could you iron my top
for me quickly, Jez?
Copy !req
12. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
13. Why did I say that? I never
iron. I have never ironed.
Copy !req
14. I don't even know where the
batteries go.
Copy !req
15. Oh, my God, I'm in love.
Copy !req
16. I'm in love with Elena.
Copy !req
17. Oh, my giddy ass.
Copy !req
18. Oh, God. The battle of
the bulge.
Copy !req
19. There's a baby in there,
about the size of a croissant.
Copy !req
20. A terrifying, life-altering
croissant baby.
Copy !req
21. Do we want to know in advance
whether it's going to be a boy
or a girl?
Copy !req
22. Not sure. Let it be a
Copy !req
23. Of course it'll be a boy. And
he'll be just like me.
Copy !req
24. It'll be like going through
it all again. The PE hell,
Copy !req
25. the stolen packed lunch,
having to do a little dance
and sing "I'm a gaylord"
Copy !req
26. to the tune of Like A Virgin.
Copy !req
27. Although, the tune will be
different in 11 years' time.
Copy !req
28. So given all that, I've
decided I want to go private.
Copy !req
29. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
30. It'll cost about £6,000.
Copy !req
31. But I'm unemployed!
Copy !req
32. Mom and Dad can contribute
half, so we need to find the
Copy !req
33. Right. Got you.
Copy !req
34. £3,000. Jesus.
Copy !req
35. More than the boiler and the
sofa combined. I hope he's
Copy !req
36. I will definitely resent
paying three grand for an
Copy !req
37. How's the job-hunting
Copy !req
38. Oh, er, you know... good.
Copy !req
39. - Thinking of changing career
- Like what?
Copy !req
40. Teach English as a foreign
language, import Pecorino?
Copy !req
41. Something... different,
more... fulfilling.
Copy !req
42. It would be really great if
you were happy, but it's not
the most pressing thing.
Copy !req
43. No, of course not.
Copy !req
44. There are some jobs going at
Farrell's, the loss adjusters.
Copy !req
45. Might be worth a punt.
Copy !req
46. Er, OK, I'll fire off a CV.
Copy !req
47. Loss adjustment. I could do
Copy !req
48. My entire life has been one
continual adjustment to loss.
Copy !req
49. Right, Corrigan. Need a job.
Copy !req
50. You're a man with imminent
Copy !req
51. So really quick look at
Facebook and a tiny bit of
Copy !req
52. and then I'll get a CV off to
the loss adjusters.
Copy !req
53. Shit. Where's the whirr? Oh,
no. Oh, my God, why didn't I
back up?
Copy !req
54. I'm exactly the kind of
person who backs up!
Copy !req
55. Thank God I abandoned
Business Secrets Of The
Copy !req
56. - Hey.
- Bloody computer's dead.
Copy !req
57. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
58. Oh, that's really dreadful for
you. Oh, come here.
Copy !req
59. Ugh! Hugging?
Copy !req
60. - Poor you.
- Are you OK?
Copy !req
61. Is this... ecstasy? You're not
getting into ecstasy again,
are you?
Copy !req
62. I'm in love, Mark. With
amazing Elena.
Copy !req
63. I don't want to tempt fate
Copy !req
64. but I think everything's going
to be totally great forever.
Copy !req
65. I'm pleased for you.
Copy !req
66. You don't understand, Mark.
I've realized that everything
Copy !req
67. is just a substitute for being
in love.
Copy !req
68. Reading, running in the
Olympics, getting a job, being
a doctor.
Copy !req
69. And I don't need those
substitutes any more. Elena is
my one true soul mate.
Copy !req
70. It's remarkable, isn't it,
that out of the three billion
adult women in the world
Copy !req
71. your one true soul mate
Copy !req
72. happens to live in the same
block of flats as you,
Copy !req
73. rather than, say, in a village
in Mozambique.
Copy !req
74. Who knows how these things
Copy !req
75. There are powers at work
beyond our understanding.
Copy !req
76. - No, there aren't.
- What did Shakespeare say?
Copy !req
77. He said a lot of things,
Copy !req
78. He basically said something
about how there are more
things there
Copy !req
79. than... there are actual things
that you can see with your eyes.
Copy !req
80. - That's not the exact quote.
- Isn't it?
Copy !req
81. Anyway, I'm going to tell
Elena that I love her. Over
dinner, tonight.
Copy !req
82. Why take the risk? She might
not say it back.
Copy !req
83. Why do you have to bring worry
and doubt into everything?
Copy !req
84. You're like some kind of mad
evangelist for anxiety.
Copy !req
85. Lots to go round, old son.
Copy !req
86. I'm probably a couple of
grams lighter now.
Copy !req
87. Nice office for a charity. I
wonder if the people who give
Copy !req
88. know it goes on massive
luxury chairs.
Copy !req
89. Hiya, sweetheart. Ready to go?
Copy !req
90. God, I am so ready to
go. It's just been desperately
horrible here today. Peter...
Copy !req
91. Wow. Normally, listening to
someone else bang on about
their job,
Copy !req
92. with their e-mails and
meetings and Peters, is
incredibly tedious.
Copy !req
93. But I'm actually interested.
Copy !req
94. Peter sounds like a honking
great wanker.
Copy !req
95. He is!
Copy !req
96. Why am I so nervous?
Copy !req
97. I feel like I'm about to take
an exam, but one that actually
Copy !req
98. not some mad university
Copy !req
99. Mmm! This rye bread is good.
Copy !req
100. Maybe I should text "I love
you" to her.
Copy !req
101. Is that romantic? Or is that
Copy !req
102. in the same way that Steve
Wright's Sunday Love Songs is
so hugely shit?
Copy !req
103. - Not hungry?
- Mm?
Copy !req
104. Oh... God, yes!
Copy !req
105. I'm doing it now.
Let's roll.
Copy !req
106. The bread really is excellent,
isn't it?
Copy !req
107. Nice and... dense. I love you
very much.
Copy !req
108. Mark actually got some bread
recently that was made from
spelt flour.
Copy !req
109. The best spelt-flour bread
I've ever had
Copy !req
110. was when I lived down in
Hastings, from Impson's.
Copy !req
111. OK... Interesting response.
Did she hear?
Copy !req
112. Maybe it went in anyway. Like
when you slip tablets into your
dog's food.
Copy !req
113. Jeremy, I love...
Copy !req
114. that you love me. But it's
Copy !req
115. I'm a complicated person.
Copy !req
116. And, um, I just need to...
Copy !req
117. Sorry...
Copy !req
118. No. Yes. That's good. Great.
Copy !req
119. Just to be clear... You don't
love me back?
Copy !req
120. It's really complicated. It's
like... a Rubik's cube... or
Copy !req
121. Do you think I'm vain? Some
people think I'm quite vain.
Copy !req
122. Or lazy? Do I talk too much?
Copy !req
123. Am I talking too much now?
Shall I shut up?
Copy !req
124. - None of those things.
- I'm selfish, aren't I?
Copy !req
125. No!
Copy !req
126. Well, maybe a little. Really,
Copy !req
127. I think you're one of the best
people I've ever known.
Copy !req
128. Got it?
Copy !req
129. Got it.
Copy !req
130. I'm a huge selfish bastard.
Copy !req
131. I knew I should have gone
down on her for ten minutes
instead of the set-menu five.
Copy !req
132. A la carte! I should have
gone a la carte!
Copy !req
133. Pick your feet up, Jeremy.
Copy !req
134. Morning. Are those the same
clothes you had on yesterday?
Copy !req
135. Yeah. I didn't really go to
Copy !req
136. I just sort of listened to
some music and did a bit of
Copy !req
137. Oh, dear. He's having an
Copy !req
138. Should I put my hand on his
Copy !req
139. No. That sets a precedent.
Copy !req
140. - Right. I'm off to Hastings.
- Hastings.
Copy !req
141. There's a baker's there that
does Elena's favorite bread.
Copy !req
142. Made of spelt flour. I'm
getting her some.
Copy !req
143. You're going to buy bread from
Copy !req
144. Yeah. It's a selfless act.
Copy !req
145. I mean, Hastings is, like, a
really long, long way away.
Copy !req
146. - It's in Kent or somewhere
- Sussex.
Copy !req
147. I'm trying to do less selfish
Copy !req
148. Fewer.
Copy !req
149. .. and more altruistic stuff,
to prove I'm worthy of Elena's
Copy !req
150. I'm worried you might be going
a... little bit mad.
Copy !req
151. You've obviously never been in
Copy !req
152. Yes, I have. How dare you say
I've never been in love?
Copy !req
153. Yeah, got to go. See you
Copy !req
154. Just because I've never been
to Zimbabwe to buy someone a
fucking cake!
Copy !req
155. Lovely. Getting my computer
fixed for free
Copy !req
156. and sneaking a look at
Dobby's bum.
Copy !req
157. The dream ticket.
Copy !req
158. Tea for the worker!
Copy !req
159. - You done me 12 sugars?
- I done your 12 sugars, love!
Copy !req
160. We're bantering. The sign
that everything's absolutely
fine again.
Copy !req
161. Afraid your PC's screwed,
Mark. The hard disk's firmware
is corrupted.
Copy !req
162. Asses! I need it to do a CV
for this shit job Sophie wants
me to apply for.
Copy !req
163. Anonymous desk-flesh. Faceless
office droid.
Copy !req
164. MarkBot 3000.
Copy !req
165. Yeah!
Copy !req
166. I'd better go, but come down
to my history walks place
Copy !req
167. you can borrow Jan's spare
Copy !req
168. Thanks. How... How's that
Copy !req
169. IT is IT, Mark. Doesn't matter
where I'm working,
Copy !req
170. I'm still on my knees with
dickwads perving at my ass.
Copy !req
171. Ohh...
It's not perving, it's
Copy !req
172. Actually, though, that's a job
you should do.
Copy !req
173. History walks. That would be a
great job for you.
Copy !req
174. Talking about history?
Copy !req
175. It's not possible.
I'd actually enjoy working.
Copy !req
176. That's not something that
could realistically happen.
Copy !req
177. You don't want it to be
something that could
realistically happen.
Copy !req
178. You don't want to be happy.
Copy !req
179. It makes you worried cos you
think it'll end and you'll be
more miserable.
Copy !req
180. Pop psychology but pretty
much on the money.
Copy !req
181. Look, I'll get us some free
Copy !req
182. and you can see one of our
guys in action, yeah?
Copy !req
183. Yeah, OK.
Copy !req
184. Bye, Mark.
Copy !req
185. Good old Dobby. The anxious,
self-hating man's crumpet.
Copy !req
186. But probably best if I never,
ever say that to her.
Copy !req
187. I got you your favorite
bread. Impson's bread.
Copy !req
188. That's lovely. Thanks.
Copy !req
189. I got you some truffle oil
to drizzle on it. Everyone's
into truffle oil...
Copy !req
190. Jamie, Nigella, those two men
who look like burglars on
Copy !req
191. Wine?
Copy !req
192. Sure.
I've been to fucking Hastings!
Copy !req
193. In Kent!
Copy !req
194. How was work?
Copy !req
195. I'm going to lose my job and
everything has turned to shit.
Copy !req
196. The IT guy at work has found
Copy !req
197. bad stuff that I've been...
downloading on my hard drive.
Copy !req
198. Bad stuff?
Copy !req
199. Do you mean... porn?
Copy !req
200. Horny porno?
Copy !req
201. - Yeah.
- You watch porn at work?
Copy !req
202. Now and then.
Copy !req
203. I didn't tell you cos I
thought it might bother you.
Copy !req
204. Course it doesn't bother me!
It's hot!
Copy !req
205. Do you...
Copy !req
206. you know... while you're
Copy !req
207. - Masturbate?
- God, this is
Copy !req
208. What am I going to do? They're
going to sack me.
Copy !req
209. I'll think of a plan to sort
this out.
Copy !req
210. But first, let's get you some
Impson's bread and odd oil.
Copy !req
211. That's really sweet that you
went to Hastings to get me
some bread.
Copy !req
212. You watch porno,
you watch porno
Copy !req
213. That's the best thing in
the world!
Copy !req
214. So...
Copy !req
215. So... yes.
Copy !req
216. Shit. Is this a good idea?
Copy !req
217. When Meat Loaf sang, "I would
do anything for love but I
won't do that,"
Copy !req
218. maybe this is what he meant.
Copy !req
219. Um... I am quite busy, so...
Copy !req
220. Right.
Copy !req
221. I'm going with the plan. Come
on, plan.
Copy !req
222. So as I was saying, er, I came
in here to collect Elena,
and... you saw me.
Copy !req
223. Mm-hm.
Copy !req
224. But then she had to go and
make a call. Elsewhere.
Copy !req
225. And it was at that point that
I then... downloaded and
Copy !req
226. the... inappropriate material
that was found on her
Copy !req
227. You did?
Copy !req
228. Yep. I get bored very quickly.
Copy !req
229. But Elena had nothing to do
with it, and I am... sorrowful.
Copy !req
230. Payload delivered.
Copy !req
231. - Right.
- Good. So... that's all
cleared up, then. Great.
Copy !req
232. Er, not really.
Copy !req
233. I'm not entirely sure I...
believe that happened,
Mr. Usbourne.
Copy !req
234. Why would you do that... here?
Copy !req
235. Shit. OK. Time to go
Copy !req
236. Look, Peter... the truth is...
Copy !req
237. I'm... a sex addict.
Copy !req
238. I... wank 10, maybe... 12 times
a day.
Copy !req
239. 12 times?
Copy !req
240. Yes. Or more.
Copy !req
241. It's... a disease.
Copy !req
242. A... wanking disease.
Copy !req
243. One more for luck?
Copy !req
244. I have a wanking disease.
Copy !req
245. Look, I like Elena, a lot,
Copy !req
246. and I really don't want to
lose her, so...
Copy !req
247. it would be very convenient
Copy !req
248. if I, say... had doubts about
my doubts?
Copy !req
249. Right...
Copy !req
250. Sorry, no, I'm not with you.
Copy !req
251. If I say I believe you.
Copy !req
252. Brilliant!
Copy !req
253. So... she's got away with it?
Excellent. OK. Thanks, dude.
Copy !req
254. My genius plan has worked.
I'm golden with Elena now.
Copy !req
255. I took a wank bullet for her.
Copy !req
256. This day may become special
for us.
Copy !req
257. Our internet wank blame
anniversary day.
Copy !req
258. They mount the ladder,
these traitors,
Copy !req
259. these thieves and cutpurses...
Copy !req
260. He's good, isn't he, Michael?
He's one of our regulars.
Copy !req
261. He does this one, Georgian
Smithfield and a Ripper walk.
Copy !req
262. Of course he does. Whitechapel
is almost entirely made up of
Ripper walks.
Copy !req
263. Shame they weren't all
around in 1888, they'd have
probably caught him.
Copy !req
264. I love that she knows it was
Copy !req
265. So few women these days are
Copy !req
266. Quiet. Can you hear the cracks
Copy !req
267. of their lily-white necks as
they swing from the crossbeam?
Copy !req
268. Thanks very much, folks.
Copy !req
269. He think's he's Dick Turpin!
Copy !req
270. He's a highwayman all right,
holding up the carriage of
Copy !req
271. That didn't happen. He's
playing fast and loose with
the truth.
Copy !req
272. The only public executions
during this period were at
Tyburn and Newgate.
Copy !req
273. He's zhuzhing it right up.
Copy !req
274. He's Zhuzh Michael. Making
history fun.
Copy !req
275. Why does everything have to be
fun to be worthwhile?
Copy !req
276. "Crick and Watson have
discovered the double helix. "
Copy !req
277. "Did they do it on a
skateboard? No? Fuck off,
then, I'm not interested."
Copy !req
278. Hope you liked it, guys.
Copy !req
279. I'm not entirely sure you were
correct there, about the
Copy !req
280. If it's a choice between the
truth and the myth, I say
print the myth.
Copy !req
281. - "Print the legend."
- Exactly! It's only history.
Copy !req
282. Um, I... I assume you're an
out-of-work actor,
Copy !req
283. like they have at Hampton
Copy !req
284. An episode of The Bill and
then it's nine months as
Sir. Thomas More in a maze.
Copy !req
285. No, it's my living. Two tours
a day, the rest of the time's
your own.
Copy !req
286. This morning I went to the
National Portrait Gallery,
Copy !req
287. big lunch and a snooze. Now
I'm off for a pint.
Copy !req
288. OK. Wow.
Copy !req
289. Museum, lunch and a snooze.
Copy !req
290. Museum, lunch and a snooze.
The big three.
Copy !req
291. Dobby, do you think you could
recommend me for a trial walk?
Copy !req
292. I do have that power, yes.
Copy !req
293. I'll have a word with Jan.
She'll like you, you've got
tidy hair.
Copy !req
294. Hah! 30 years of ignoring
fashion finally pays off.
Copy !req
295. Horse racing's just a freak
show, isn't it?
Copy !req
296. "Oh, let's put lots of tiny,
Copy !req
297. "seven-stone men on horses and
make them race each other." It's
Copy !req
298. They don't make them race.
Copy !req
299. Oh, right, they enjoy it, do
they, the tiny men?
Copy !req
300. Like the elephant enjoys doing
the ballet moves?
Copy !req
301. It's exploitation, Mark. What
are you doing?
Copy !req
302. Research for my history walk.
"A Mercantile History of the
East End."
Copy !req
303. I'm excited, Jez, genuinely
excited that this could be my
actual job.
Copy !req
304. Although... there's the Sophie
Copy !req
305. Mm. The speed bump.
Copy !req
306. "Slow down, children ahead."
Copy !req
307. Exactly. She'll want me to
take that loss adjuster's job
Copy !req
308. so I can pay for her to give
birth on a trampoline made of
Copy !req
309. in a reconstruction of
Greenham Common.
Copy !req
310. Oh, fuck her. This is your
dream, man. We're both living
the dream.
Copy !req
311. I'm in love with Elena, you're
in love with the past-oes.
Copy !req
312. - Past-oes?
- The people from the past.
Copy !req
313. The olden-days-ers.
Copy !req
314. Right, I'm off downstairs.
Copy !req
315. Got to be in for the Ocado man
at Elena's.
Copy !req
316. Then I'm picking up her dry
Copy !req
317. You're sure she's not
exploiting you at all, Jez?
Copy !req
318. You're not being treated like
a love jockey?
Copy !req
319. No, this is all voluntary.
Copy !req
320. My job is being in love with
Copy !req
321. It's a great job. And
she's almost definitely in
love with me now,
Copy !req
322. after I took the wank bullet.
Copy !req
323. Yeah... didn't you feel at all
Copy !req
324. telling a total stranger that
you were some kind of...
extremist masturbator?
Copy !req
325. I did feel a bit... humiliated
and awful.
Copy !req
326. But it's worth it for Elena.
Copy !req
327. Oh, and I saw the porn she was
looking at. Man, it's hot.
Copy !req
328. I mean, she's got great taste.
It's the most fantastic porn
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
329. Isn't it the usual...
Copy !req
330. dead-eyed men fucking
dead-eyed women in a desperate
world of pain?
Copy !req
331. No, it's great. Like
everything she's into.
Copy !req
332. You know, girl on girl... on
another girl... with a guy... in
a warehouse.
Copy !req
333. Wow. Four-way sex on a pallet
of dishwasher salt.
Copy !req
334. You're right, that is about
the most erotic thing I can
Copy !req
335. I've been thinking, Mark,
since you phoned. Having a big
old think.
Copy !req
336. A big old placenta-befuddled
think. Here comes the
marshmallow trampoline.
Copy !req
337. I don't want you to resent our
Copy !req
338. When our child looks at
you, I want them to see a
happy, contented role model.
Copy !req
339. Not some grey-faced, dull-eyed
drone who's hated his job and
his life for years.
Copy !req
340. Must ring Dad.
Copy !req
341. So I think you should... go for
it. The walking tour thing.
Copy !req
342. Forget the loss adjusters,
just... live the dream and
just bloody do it.
Copy !req
343. Shit, there's nothing
stopping me now! But can I go
through with it?
Copy !req
344. Maybe it's better off staying
as a nice idea, like the
private finance initiative.
Copy !req
345. This really has to be good
Copy !req
346. I'm... I'm about to live the
dream, but I'm scared it'll be
that dream
Copy !req
347. where I'm naked on a toilet
outside Carpet Right.
Copy !req
348. It'll work, don't worry.
Copy !req
349. This is it, though, isn't it?
My big chance.
Copy !req
350. I can start again and do
something interesting
Copy !req
351. after years of horrific
Copy !req
352. Like Sister Wendy.
Copy !req
353. You need a bit of zhuzh,
Copy !req
354. Not sell out, just maybe a
costume or something?
Copy !req
355. What about doing it as
Sherlock Holmes?
Copy !req
356. Well, Holmes is certainly the
Copy !req
357. But... I don't think I really
want a costume.
Copy !req
358. You could say elementary
a lot.
Copy !req
359. He... he never really said
Copy !req
360. Yes, he did. Everyone knows
Copy !req
361. - It's elementary.
- Shut up.
Copy !req
362. You could just have the pipe.
Copy !req
363. Yes... Should, of course, be a
black clay pipe rather than the
mythical Meerschaum.
Copy !req
364. Yeah, but you'd look wrong
without a proper Sherlock
Holmes pipe.
Copy !req
365. An incorrect Sherlock Holmes
Copy !req
366. Mark, are you actually
Sherlock Holmes?
Copy !req
367. No. Look, I'll... I'll think
about the pipe.
Copy !req
368. But I just don't want to
dilute the content too much.
Copy !req
369. You need a USP, and that's
Copy !req
370. No frills, no wigs, no spin,
just telling it like it was.
Copy !req
371. Right, I'm off. Need to take
Copy !req
372. Shit. Have I...
Copy !req
373. I don't think I've cleared
off the... thing I was
Copy !req
374. Actually, would... would it be
all right if I... hung on to
that for a bit?
Copy !req
375. Sorry, Mark. Jan wants me to
install some extra memory.
Copy !req
376. See you at the walk tomorrow,
Captain History!
Copy !req
377. Shit. If she finds it, I
could always say I look at
porn in an ironic way,
Copy !req
378. to look at the moustaches and
wallpaper. It's the usual
get-out, isn't it?
Copy !req
379. Jez, mate. Big problem.
Copy !req
380. - Balls again?
- N... No, not my balls.
Copy !req
381. Dobby's taken back her boss's
laptop and... I don't think I
cleaned off the...
Copy !req
382. that porn you recommended.
Copy !req
383. I didn't recommend it. I'm not
Time Out.
Copy !req
384. - You did. You gave it five
- And you didn't wipe it?
Copy !req
385. I don't remember. I might
Copy !req
386. Always wipe, Mark. "Discharge
your pipe, then have a wipe."
That's the rhyme.
Copy !req
387. Anyway, I... I was wondering
if... if you could say, if
Dobby does find it,
Copy !req
388. that it was... you who was
looking at the porn?
Copy !req
389. No.
Copy !req
390. Oh... come on, Jez. It's going
really well again with Dobby,
I... I don't need this.
Copy !req
391. And, Christ, if Jan finds out,
I'm dead, tidy hair or no tidy
Copy !req
392. I just want you to...
Copy !req
393. take a wank bullet for me.
Copy !req
394. I don't want to take another
wank bullet. What am I? A wank
Copy !req
395. Oh, right. I see.
Copy !req
396. So you'll take a wank bullet
for Elena, but you won't for
Copy !req
397. Ten minutes with her is worth
more than ten years with me.
Copy !req
398. Well... I think we can count
our friendship pretty much
over from now on.
Copy !req
399. Oh, don't be a cock.
Copy !req
400. I'm not a cock. But the cock
has certainly crowed.
Copy !req
401. Thrice.
Copy !req
402. When? What are you talking
Copy !req
403. It means you've betrayed...
It's... It's the New
Copy !req
404. You cock.
Copy !req
405. There. I got you this.
Emergency pipe.
Copy !req
406. In case you need to zhuzh it
Copy !req
407. Thanks. I... I think it is
pretty zhuzhy, though.
Copy !req
408. Dobby, er... about Jan's laptop
that... that you lent me.
Copy !req
409. Do you mean the "jazz movies"
that were on there?
Copy !req
410. Oh, you've found those.
Copy !req
411. You didn't delete them from
Temporary Internet Files,
Copy !req
412. I didn't have to be, like, the
Holmes of porn.
Copy !req
413. Don't worry, I've got rid of
them. You should have told me,
Copy !req
414. I know. I'm... I'm really
Copy !req
415. Look, you're a man. Men like
to look at
Copy !req
416. troubling images of heroin
addicts showing their genitals
for money.
Copy !req
417. That's hard-wired, like
spatial awareness.
Copy !req
418. I mean, it is disgusting and
shameful, but, you know, so's
the textile industry.
Copy !req
419. Right. Thanks.
Copy !req
420. God, you're great. I would
definitely go to Hastings to
get bread for you.
Copy !req
421. Fuck, I'd even pop over to
Ostend for waffles.
Copy !req
422. I've lost three already.
Copy !req
423. Three have wandered off.
Copy !req
424. I don't think they went for
the Huguenots at all.
Copy !req
425. And there's Jan, noting down
my failures and mistakes and
idiocy for posterity,
Copy !req
426. like an evil Boswell to my
shit Dr. Johnson.
Copy !req
427. Right. So... how's it all
Copy !req
428. Of course it's not going
Copy !req
429. I've got an audience of six,
and three of them look like
sex tourists.
Copy !req
430. Right, well, this former
Huguenot chapel
Copy !req
431. was actually converted into a
synagogue in 1870
Copy !req
432. for Jewish people of Dutch
Copy !req
433. Does anyone know what the
trades were that the Dutch
Jews were mainly involved in?
Copy !req
434. Where did Jack the Ripper kill
his first victim?
Copy !req
435. Oh, God, a heckler!
Copy !req
436. No-one?
Copy !req
437. Er, well, actually it was the
cigar and diamond-cutting
Copy !req
438. leading a contemporary joker
Copy !req
439. Was... Was it near here that
he killed them?
Copy !req
440. This is Mercantile History,
I'm afraid, sir.
Copy !req
441. So he didn't kill anyone near
Copy !req
442. Yes... he did. You're
right, he did.
Copy !req
443. Just over there, by Jessops
the camera shop.
Copy !req
444. You'd have thought they'd have
got a picture. Have you even
Copy !req
445. Public highway, I stand
where I like.
Copy !req
446. Right, well, you're... stealing
a walk.
Copy !req
447. Everybody else here realizes
you're stealing this walk.
Copy !req
448. Not worth paying for anyway.
You're shit.
Copy !req
449. This is a disaster. This is a
massive pedestrian car crash.
Copy !req
450. Sorry, historical rigor.
Copy !req
451. Sorry, past-oes.
Copy !req
452. Right... Well, even though our
friend there was, in many ways,
a thief,
Copy !req
453. he has brought me onto the
next stage of the tour.
Copy !req
454. Because, yes, ladies and
Copy !req
455. the game's afoot! Saucy Jack
is on the loose!
Copy !req
456. His victims lie strewn all
over Whitechapel.
Copy !req
457. We must track this villain.
But how?
Copy !req
458. Well, that's... elementary!
Copy !req
459. I've sold out. A little bit
of me has died.
Copy !req
460. But you know what? A lot of
me doesn't give a shit.
Copy !req
461. So... Mark.
Copy !req
462. Obviously, a little dry at the
Copy !req
463. Wee bit "dusty bin"?
Copy !req
464. I don't like you, Jan.
Copy !req
465. But you really pulled it off
towards the end.
Copy !req
466. For a first-timer, you really
impressed me.
Copy !req
467. Wow. Thank you.
Good old lovely Jan.
Copy !req
468. So I'll... be in touch about
organizing some more tours.
Copy !req
469. That would be marvelous.
Copy !req
470. Oh... There was a file you
left on the computer that you
borrowed from us.
Copy !req
471. Shit.
Was there?
Copy !req
472. Yes.
Copy !req
473. I had a look at it. I'm sorry,
Copy !req
474. but it was an application from
you for a full-time job with a
loss adjusters?
Copy !req
475. I just wanted to make sure
that you would actually be
available to work for us.
Copy !req
476. Oh, yes, I'd... I'd absolutely
be available, Jan.
Copy !req
477. The loss adjusters application
was just insurance. If you'll
pardon the pun.
Copy !req
478. It was actually quite a good
Copy !req
479. Is it over? How did he do?
Copy !req
480. Shit, then shitter, but then
Copy !req
481. Great. I was feeling a bit
guilty about not coming.
Copy !req
482. I've been taking Mark a bit
for granted since I started
seeing Elena.
Copy !req
483. You know, it's been "Elena
this, Elena that" all the
Copy !req
484. Elena, Elena, Elena. And
that's wrong.
Copy !req
485. Elena said I should come and
make it up with him, so... here
I am.
Copy !req
486. Right. Well, he's just talking
to Jan at the moment.
Copy !req
487. So I can... delete that file on
the laptop, then?
Copy !req
488. Yes, please.
Copy !req
489. File? Ah... That wasn't
actually Mark's fault, that
Copy !req
490. No... No, Jeremy. You... You
don't need to do this. Really.
Copy !req
491. The porn on your computer,
Copy !req
492. the hardcore pornographic sex
film on your laptop...
Copy !req
493. That was me. I'm fundamentally
a... sex addict.
Copy !req
494. I wank... 10, maybe 12 times a
Copy !req
495. It's a disease. A wanking
Copy !req
496. I done the downloading, and
then I done a wank.
Copy !req
497. I... I'm so sorry, Jan.
Copy !req
498. This won't be a problem, will
Copy !req
499. Um, I... I'll, er...
Copy !req
500. give you a ring, Mark.
Copy !req
501. Superb. That's the single
nicest thing Jeremy has ever
done for me,
Copy !req
502. and it's completely ruined my
Copy !req
503. You lovely... shithead.
Copy !req