1. - Tonight, Fred Willard is our guest
Copy !req
2. and we couldn't be more excited.
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3. My trusty sidekick Adam Eget is here,
Copy !req
4. and Adam, how cool is
it to have Fred Willard?
Copy !req
5. - He's the best.
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6. - He's the greatest.
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7. - I grew up watching him, I love him.
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8. - Fernwood 2 Night, you remember that?
Copy !req
9. - No, that was a little before my time
Copy !req
10. but I remember D.C. Follies and Spinal Tap
Copy !req
11. and all the Christopher Guest movies.
Copy !req
12. - He's amazing in all those
Copy !req
13. Christopher Guest movies because
Copy !req
14. he out-improvises the
other expert improvisers.
Copy !req
15. - Exactly, it's a true
testament to his ability.
Copy !req
16. - And he really was the best in
Copy !req
17. Best in Show?
Copy !req
18. - Oh, fantastic.
Copy !req
19. - I think he was—
Copy !req
20. - The commentate—
Copy !req
21. - I think he was even maybe,
Copy !req
22. am I mistaken, was he
nominated for something?
Copy !req
23. - I'm not sure.
Copy !req
24. - We can find that out.
Copy !req
25. - Yes we can find that out.
Copy !req
26. - But anyways, a brilliant improviser and,
Copy !req
27. have you ever improvised?
Copy !req
28. - Good god, no.
Copy !req
29. - I never have either, I've never tried.
Copy !req
30. I've always thought I
should go to Second City
Copy !req
31. because I always felt I could do it.
Copy !req
32. - Right.
Copy !req
33. - You know, but I never gave it a shot
Copy !req
34. 'cause I was always doing standup
Copy !req
35. but I know when I, whenever I go for
Copy !req
36. auditions they always want,
have you ever done improvise,
Copy !req
37. they don't care about standup.
Copy !req
38. Second City, Groundlings,
you know what I mean?
Copy !req
39. - It's one of those things everyone
Copy !req
40. thinks they can do, I think.
Copy !req
41. People are like, I can do that.
Copy !req
42. - I could do it, easily.
Copy !req
43. - I think I could too.
Copy !req
44. We should try that.
Copy !req
45. - What, an improvised scene?
Copy !req
46. - Yeah, we should.
Copy !req
47. - Let's try one now.
Copy !req
48. - Now?
Copy !req
49. - We have a skeleton crew.
Copy !req
50. We have a crew of skeletons.
Copy !req
51. Sometimes it's very frightening.
Copy !req
52. I was improvising.
Copy !req
53. - That was pretty good.
Copy !req
54. - So I think maybe one
of our skeleton crew
Copy !req
55. will just yell out a suggestion.
Copy !req
56. This is how they do it in improv,
Copy !req
57. and then we'll do the scene.
Copy !req
58. - Okay.
Copy !req
59. - So anybody, anybody got a suggestion?
Copy !req
60. - A guy sleeping
with his best friend's wife.
Copy !req
61. - Guy sleeping with
his best friend's wife.
Copy !req
62. - You want to be the—
Copy !req
63. - Let me think about this for a second.
Copy !req
64. Guy sleeping with his best
friend's wife, okay, whatever.
Copy !req
65. - You want to be, I'll be the guy—
Copy !req
66. - I'll be the,
what do you want to be?
Copy !req
67. - I'll be the guy who's sleeping
Copy !req
68. with the wife, with your wife.
Copy !req
69. - Okay, so you're sleeping with my wife.
Copy !req
70. Okay and I'm the guy and you're
sleeping with my wife, okay.
Copy !req
71. - Norm, I'm sleeping with your wife.
Copy !req
72. - You son of a bitch motherfucker!
Copy !req
73. You sleep with my fucking wife?
Copy !req
74. You son of a bitch cocksucker!
Copy !req
75. You fucking, you're my
best fucking friend, Adam!
Copy !req
76. Goddamn you, motherfucker!
Copy !req
77. I'll fucking kill you!
Copy !req
78. You're sleeping, that's
what you were doing
Copy !req
79. on fucking Friday night weren't you huh?
Copy !req
80. You fucking bastard.
Copy !req
81. You say you were going
to the fucking movies?
Copy !req
82. You fucking go home with my fucking wife.
Copy !req
83. She said, she said she's
going out with her friends!
Copy !req
84. Just today, a coffee
shop, and you fucking her!
Copy !req
85. You fucking her you fucker!
Copy !req
86. You dirty prick!
Copy !req
87. I lose my best friend, and I lose my
Copy !req
88. fucking wife in the same fucking day.
Copy !req
89. Okay, I apologize, we had
some technical difficulties.
Copy !req
90. Got a little carried away.
Copy !req
91. I got to apologize.
Copy !req
92. I feel partially responsible, so—
Copy !req
93. - What the, what was that?
Copy !req
94. You don't even have a wife.
Copy !req
95. You don't even have a wife.
Copy !req
96. - That's true, I never
was the marrying kind.
Copy !req
97. I just got, I guess we just both got
Copy !req
98. carried away and swept up in the improv.
Copy !req
99. It's kind of funny when
you think about it.
Copy !req
100. Now I mean, now.
Copy !req
101. At the time it was not funny,
Copy !req
102. but now looking back, we can laugh.
Copy !req
103. Anyways, listen, I think we picked a
Copy !req
104. subject that was very
fraught with emotion.
Copy !req
105. Let's get a suggestion
that's not so incendiary.
Copy !req
106. Does anyone have just
a regular suggestion?
Copy !req
107. A prosaic sort of development, anything?
Copy !req
108. - Deli counter.
Copy !req
109. - A deli counter, a deli counter.
Copy !req
110. A man goes and orders food at a
Copy !req
111. deli counter, that's an excellent.
Copy !req
112. Now would you want to be the, the customer
Copy !req
113. or the proprietor of the deli?
Copy !req
114. - Whatever.
Copy !req
115. - Huh?
Copy !req
116. - Whatever.
Copy !req
117. - Okay, well then I'll be the man
Copy !req
118. that wants to get something.
Copy !req
119. I'll be entering the deli.
Copy !req
120. I won't enter, I'll just
do it from the chair.
Copy !req
121. Excuse me, good sir.
Copy !req
122. I would like to purchase
a sandwich from you,
Copy !req
123. a corned beef on rye.
Copy !req
124. - What kind of
bread would you like it on?
Copy !req
125. - I just said I would like rye, sir.
Copy !req
126. And I would like, with that,
Copy !req
127. mustard.
Copy !req
128. I will have mayonnaise on
it and I would also like,
Copy !req
129. on the side, a pickle.
Copy !req
130. - We're out of pickles.
Copy !req
131. - You're out of pickles?
Copy !req
132. No pickles.
Copy !req
133. Well then,
Copy !req
134. why don't I get,
Copy !req
135. other than pickles.
Copy !req
136. Uh, oh whoa, whoa!
Copy !req
137. I will instead of having pickles,
Copy !req
138. I actually would prefer sauerkraut.
Copy !req
139. Could I get some sauerkraut on the—
Copy !req
140. - Oh god.
Copy !req
141. - Huh?
Copy !req
142. Sauerkraut.
Copy !req
143. Could I get some
sauerkraut on the sandwich?
Copy !req
144. - Sauer, saukerkraut's extra.
Copy !req
145. - Sauerkraut is extra.
Copy !req
146. Well I...
Copy !req
147. - Oh god.
Copy !req
148. - Wait a second.
Copy !req
149. - Oh god.
Copy !req
150. - I know who you are, fella.
Copy !req
151. I recognize you, you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
152. You're the guy who fucked my wife!
Copy !req
153. I fucking go to your
goddamn deli every day!
Copy !req
154. Fucking ordering sandwiches,
Copy !req
155. and how do you fucking repay me?
Copy !req
156. You're gonna fuck my wife you dirty prick?
Copy !req
157. I hate fucking sauerkraut.
Copy !req
158. I order fucking bagels, and you fucked
Copy !req
159. my wife, you dirty bastard!
Copy !req
160. That's the last time I ever come
Copy !req
161. to your fucking deli!
Copy !req
162. Fred Willard is with us.
Copy !req
163. Fred is a comedian and actor, a writer
Copy !req
164. and all around funny gentleman.
Copy !req
165. You know him from the great
films This is Spinal Tap,
Copy !req
166. Best in Show, A Mighty Wind,
and the Anchorman movies
Copy !req
167. as well a his Emmy nominated roles in
Copy !req
168. Everybody Loves Raymond and Modern Family.
Copy !req
169. - I thought you had those memorized.
Copy !req
170. You said I know your
work as well as you do
Copy !req
171. and now you're just reading.
Copy !req
172. - No, I was reading off camera.
Copy !req
173. - Oh I see.
Copy !req
174. - Oh my god that whole thing.
Copy !req
175. - I could have put anything in there.
Copy !req
176. - You were in Modern Family.
Copy !req
177. - I, yes, I still am.
Copy !req
178. I need a cup.
Copy !req
179. I'd love one of those Norm Macdonald cups.
Copy !req
180. - Here's a cup.
Copy !req
181. - Oh thank you.
Copy !req
182. - How long is this bit gonna go?
Copy !req
183. Is this gonna be uncomfortable for me?
Copy !req
184. Okay, so we, Adam Eget had a question
Copy !req
185. just to open things up.
Copy !req
186. - I'm just wondering, I
mean, you're always work,
Copy !req
187. what are you working on right now?
Copy !req
188. - I am just finishing a project.
Copy !req
189. This is one of the biggest projects
Copy !req
190. I have ever done, it is amazing.
Copy !req
191. It's a spectacular film.
Copy !req
192. - What kind is it a drama
or a comedy probably?
Copy !req
193. - No, it's an adventure,
it's action, science fiction.
Copy !req
194. It's amazing.
Copy !req
195. - This is a big budget movie?
Copy !req
196. - Huge budget.
Copy !req
197. I can't even quote the price.
Copy !req
198. - What?
Copy !req
199. Who's directing it?
Copy !req
200. - Well that's the interesting thing.
Copy !req
201. It's an action adventure, so we got
Copy !req
202. this guy Spike um—
Copy !req
203. - Jonze, Spike Jonze?
Copy !req
204. - Spike Jonze!
Copy !req
205. At first I thought it was
that band leader, from,
Copy !req
206. but I was wrong, it's not him.
Copy !req
207. It's the guy with the glasses.
Copy !req
208. He sits in front at the Lakers games.
Copy !req
209. Spike Jonze—
Copy !req
210. - That's Spike Lee.
Copy !req
211. - Spike Lee, that's it.
Copy !req
212. - Spike Lee did a big budget movie?
Copy !req
213. - Big adventure movie,
and there's some comedy
Copy !req
214. so it's co-directed by Woody Allen.
Copy !req
215. They brought him in to
co-direct the comedy scenes.
Copy !req
216. What we're gonna try to
do is just meld them.
Copy !req
217. Who's that comic, the
white glove and the—
Copy !req
218. - Oh Slappy White.
Copy !req
219. - Slappy White, yeah,
that's what we're trying to do.
Copy !req
220. We just have a lot of problems.
Copy !req
221. - I didn't think Slappy
White would come up.
Copy !req
222. - Here's the thing.
Copy !req
223. A meteor
Copy !req
224. with people, the undead are on this planet
Copy !req
225. and they decide to crash into the Earth,
Copy !req
226. and Bruce Willis tries to save us.
Copy !req
227. - Isn't there a lot of African Americans?
Copy !req
228. Is it a Spike Lee movie?
Copy !req
229. - There's plenty of 'em.
Copy !req
230. What we try to do is
Copy !req
231. these are the ones that
don't speak English.
Copy !req
232. So they CGI them in.
Copy !req
233. - The black people?
Copy !req
234. - They CGI'd black people?
Copy !req
235. - Well the ones, some of
the actors there are real.
Copy !req
236. - So are you saying like—
Copy !req
237. - Interesting fact, Steve McQueen,
Copy !req
238. I fought to have him in.
Copy !req
239. I thought it was the actor
Steve McQueen, it's the director
Copy !req
240. so he's not directing, he's
just acting in the movie.
Copy !req
241. He doesn't know, he keeps, you
know I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
242. But we got Steve McQueen in the movie.
Copy !req
243. - There's a director Steve McQueen?
Copy !req
244. - Yes.
Copy !req
245. - There's three directors involved.
Copy !req
246. So Woody Allen, Steve McQueen—
Copy !req
247. - He does the comedy stuff.
Copy !req
248. The undead are coming down in a planet
Copy !req
249. they're going to crash in to Earth
Copy !req
250. and then maybe we can get this reduced
Copy !req
251. to disorderly conduct, you know?
Copy !req
252. Very Woody Allen.
Copy !req
253. - Yeah, he's in it?
Copy !req
254. - Woody's not in it, no.
Copy !req
255. - You're playing a kind of
a Woody Allen character?
Copy !req
256. - No, no, I'm playing a kind of a guy—
Copy !req
257. - But you just, what are you saying?
Copy !req
258. - Well Woody, he
kept suggesting lines.
Copy !req
259. - Oh I see.
Copy !req
260. 'Cause in a lot of Woody Allen movies
Copy !req
261. the actor would be actually sort of
Copy !req
262. impersonating Woody Allen.
Copy !req
263. Did you find yourself doing that?
Copy !req
264. - I tried but I find I
can't imitate Woody Allen.
Copy !req
265. - So you're in a Bruce Willis vehicle
Copy !req
266. where you're playing the Bruce
Willis role as Woody Allen?
Copy !req
267. - No, no, I don't try to do a,
Copy !req
268. Woody Allen is directing the undead who
Copy !req
269. are trying to crash into Earth.
Copy !req
270. And then I get in a fight with
Copy !req
271. Sylvester Stallone of all people—
Copy !req
272. - Now wait a second.
Copy !req
273. Wait a second, when does
this movie come out?
Copy !req
274. - It's coming out either
late summer or early fall.
Copy !req
275. - I've never heard of this.
Copy !req
276. Why have we not heard of this?
Copy !req
277. - Didn't want it publicized at all.
Copy !req
278. It's gonna be a boutique film.
Copy !req
279. And what they want to do,
Copy !req
280. first they it appeals
to everyone from seven,
Copy !req
281. the young and old alike, but we wanted
Copy !req
282. to get from seven to 70.
Copy !req
283. But we wanted some of the even younger
Copy !req
284. than seven and older than 70,
'cause they have the money.
Copy !req
285. Anyway, the Stallone brothers—
Copy !req
286. Show for shut-ins?
Copy !req
287. - We're gonna get DVDs—
Copy !req
288. - The Stallone brothers?
Copy !req
289. - Frank, Frank Stallone.
Copy !req
290. - Frank Stallone's in this movie?
Copy !req
291. - Why would that surprise you?
Copy !req
292. - But he ends up on my
side and he sings the song,
Copy !req
293. which turns out to be the theme song.
Copy !req
294. He's an excellent guitarist.
Copy !req
295. But it's Sword of the Stone,
or Flame of the Throne,
Copy !req
296. I don't, we want to keep the title under—
Copy !req
297. - I'm beginning to think
that this is not even true.
Copy !req
298. - It sounds a little outlandish.
Copy !req
299. - April Fool's.
Copy !req
300. I missed the April Fool's show you did—
Copy !req
301. - Oh we never did an April—
Copy !req
302. - No seriously.
Copy !req
303. Things aren't going well for me.
Copy !req
304. I have, I'll be frank with you.
Copy !req
305. I have not worked in a
major project in two weeks.
Copy !req
306. - Well that's true.
Copy !req
307. That is a long time in Fred
Willard show business years.
Copy !req
308. - You've got a point.
Copy !req
309. - Fred, Fred, you have worked non-stop
Copy !req
310. probably since what year?
Copy !req
311. - Even when they call a wrap I'm still
Copy !req
312. doing lines on the stage.
Copy !req
313. Fred go home!
Copy !req
314. They even say that to me at
the beginning of the day.
Copy !req
315. Fred, go home.
Copy !req
316. - You know when I see things like,
Copy !req
317. and they surprise me from
early in your career, you know
Copy !req
318. like I got the Get Smart whole
Copy !req
319. library of Get Smart and you were on it.
Copy !req
320. - That, the guy I did that
with was my comedy partner.
Copy !req
321. They took that as a, made
that into a plotline.
Copy !req
322. There's a pantomime bit
where a bankrobber's
Copy !req
323. robbing a safe and that comes in
Copy !req
324. knocking the gun out of each other's hand.
Copy !req
325. - Wait your partner was in it?
Copy !req
326. - Yeah the guy, the
little rough guy with a—
Copy !req
327. - Yeah who's he?
Copy !req
328. - We had a comedy partner,
Greco and Willard.
Copy !req
329. - Greco and Willard.
Copy !req
330. - And they did that segment,
Copy !req
331. they used the segment basis on it
Copy !req
332. and then later our agent called us in
Copy !req
333. and he said, they want to use
that as a pilot for a series
Copy !req
334. and we said that's great
he says wait a minute,
Copy !req
335. I told him to forget about it!
Copy !req
336. They're not gonna use that
as a pilot for 800 bucks!
Copy !req
337. He saved us from our own series.
Copy !req
338. That's the kind of agent.
Copy !req
339. Oh, you're not gonna do for
$800 a pilot for a series.
Copy !req
340. - That's what I find Norman Lear shows,
Copy !req
341. 'cause I think he's horrible,
Copy !req
342. but these guys even though it's all
Copy !req
343. this socially relevant bullshit,
Copy !req
344. the actors are so great
they make it funny anyway.
Copy !req
345. Like Carroll O'Connor,
you know what I mean?
Copy !req
346. - Well it, Norman Lear's
trying to be socially relevant
Copy !req
347. but I think most of the audience
Copy !req
348. was laughing with Archie Bunker.
Copy !req
349. A lot of people were
laughing with Rob Reiner,
Copy !req
350. you know the liberals, the conservatives
Copy !req
351. yeah, Archie, you tell 'em.
Copy !req
352. - Well I think if you were neutral,
Copy !req
353. you would agree with Archie
because he was the funnier guy,
Copy !req
354. the lovable guy, and he
usually won the argument.
Copy !req
355. - Yeah, and Rob had the
beard and the whole bit.
Copy !req
356. - Yeah, and he was strident.
Copy !req
357. - Yes.
Copy !req
358. - Or maybe we're just racist.
Copy !req
359. But I think, so I think it
was a failure of Norman Lear.
Copy !req
360. - A failure—
Copy !req
361. - Well he probably wanted
everybody to laugh at
Copy !req
362. Archie Bunker, but I think most people
Copy !req
363. were on Archie's side.
Copy !req
364. - Yeah, but the one
thing about Norman Lear,
Copy !req
365. he wouldn't listen to
anything from the networks.
Copy !req
366. He'd say oh, you don't like it?
Copy !req
367. Well I just, we'll fold
the show, we won't do it.
Copy !req
368. Oh no, no, do the show.
Copy !req
369. So he, he just did everything he wanted
Copy !req
370. and that's why it's so groundbreaking
Copy !req
371. and now it's going the other way.
Copy !req
372. Last week I saw a show that they didn't
Copy !req
373. use the F word and there
were no gay people on it
Copy !req
374. I said wait a minute, and
this is groundbreaking.
Copy !req
375. There's one show, I haven't seen it.
Copy !req
376. My wife said they said
shit so many times in it.
Copy !req
377. She says I just finally had to turn it off
Copy !req
378. there were so many shits.
Copy !req
379. But you know what that is?
Copy !req
380. That's the crutch for the actors, the fuck
Copy !req
381. and shit 'cause back in the '40s—
Copy !req
382. - Did you ever do that when you were in—
Copy !req
383. - No, no, but a couple of
times I've had to say—
Copy !req
384. - Your ACME Truck Company?
Copy !req
385. - ACME, I see you did your research.
Copy !req
386. - It's Ace.
Copy !req
387. - I always liked the Ace Truck Company
Copy !req
388. because I liked the name.
Copy !req
389. It wasn't like, you know how the other,
Copy !req
390. what would a normal comedy troupe call—
Copy !req
391. - Well the comedy gang
or some crazy cats—
Copy !req
392. - Well that, but you
guys went the other way.
Copy !req
393. - Well it came from one of our
characters in an interview.
Copy !req
394. He worked for the Ace Trucking Company,
Copy !req
395. and he said you go to there's
an Ace Trucking Company,
Copy !req
396. an Ace typewriter, an Ace building,
Copy !req
397. so we just thought that it was funny.
Copy !req
398. What was I just about to say?
Copy !req
399. - You were just about
to say that you watched
Copy !req
400. a show that had too many
shits in it and fucks—
Copy !req
401. - No, that in the '40s
the actors had crutches.
Copy !req
402. They had a cigarette, they
had a drink, you know?
Copy !req
403. But now their crutch is
they throw in the F word and
Copy !req
404. yeah sure enough fuck,
I'll tell you fuck you
Copy !req
405. and then you see, you know
you're really doing something.
Copy !req
406. Boy, you're really—
Copy !req
407. - That's the new crutch.
Copy !req
408. - The few times I've had to
say it it gets a huge response
Copy !req
409. so it gets so, oh that felt
good maybe I should say it more.
Copy !req
410. - 'Cause it's a surprise coming from you.
Copy !req
411. - And when you do see
somebody do something
Copy !req
412. like genuinely hilarious,
not using that crutch
Copy !req
413. it just becomes that more evident like
Copy !req
414. oh that guy's like
Brian Regan for instance
Copy !req
415. where he doesn't curse at all.
Copy !req
416. - I love Brian Regan.
Copy !req
417. - He's completely clean.
Copy !req
418. - Because he's funny.
Copy !req
419. Oh is he your favorite?
Copy !req
420. - Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
421. - And John Pinette just passed away.
Copy !req
422. I loved him.
Copy !req
423. I never saw him in person but
I'd listen to comedy radio.
Copy !req
424. We'd always listen to the
things about the buffet
Copy !req
425. and I was really upset, you know he's—
Copy !req
426. - One of the nicest guys ever.
Copy !req
427. - I didn't know him, yeah.
Copy !req
428. - He died in a hotel room.
Copy !req
429. - What are you insinuating?
Copy !req
430. I think you know more about
this than you're pretending.
Copy !req
431. - No I'm just telling you straight out—
Copy !req
432. - There was blood all over and a knife
Copy !req
433. and the window was broken.
Copy !req
434. I, my fingerprints were
there and I don't know—
Copy !req
435. - All I'm saying is, when you die,
Copy !req
436. you don't want your obituary
he was found by a maid.
Copy !req
437. That would not be good, right?
Copy !req
438. - Robert Klein used to say that he didn't
Copy !req
439. want to be identified by
his dental photographs.
Copy !req
440. His dental records.
Copy !req
441. - You know I'd be described
as an innocent bystander.
Copy !req
442. - He meant to shoot someone else.
Copy !req
443. - You're an innocent bystander,
you're just standing by.
Copy !req
444. Innocently.
Copy !req
445. - Let's get serious.
Copy !req
446. There's a lot of world topics—
Copy !req
447. - What about if you die
from, this is what I always,
Copy !req
448. this is a big cause of death.
Copy !req
449. You have your heart attack, your cancer,
Copy !req
450. but then complications.
Copy !req
451. Which basically means the
doctor fucked up and he's,
Copy !req
452. I thought it was a simple operation?
Copy !req
453. My dad's dead it was a little complicated.
Copy !req
454. - Complications of a cold, what?
Copy !req
455. - It was simple in the book,
but when we cut him open
Copy !req
456. there was a lot of red, stringy stuff.
Copy !req
457. Very complicated.
Copy !req
458. Can you ask him a question?
Copy !req
459. - Oh, not to go back to
Ace Trucking Company—
Copy !req
460. - 'Cause he has a, tell
him about the Comedy Store.
Copy !req
461. - I managed the Comedy Store on Sunset
Copy !req
462. and I always find it fascinating—
Copy !req
463. - The world famous
Comedy Store it's called.
Copy !req
464. - We, Argus Hamilton's there every night—
Copy !req
465. - Argus Hamilton, you know him?
Copy !req
466. - I know him, sure, of course.
Copy !req
467. I love comedy, I just love standup comedy
Copy !req
468. and I love it, what were you going to say?
Copy !req
469. - I was just gonna, I
was gonna ask you about—
Copy !req
470. - Not a lot of babies named Fred.
Copy !req
471. It's like a name that you don't see.
Copy !req
472. - It's true, it's an older name.
Copy !req
473. - Is it?
Copy !req
474. - Father was Frederick, we
named my grandson Freddy,
Copy !req
475. but there's not many Freds.
Copy !req
476. - Freddy must be ten now.
Copy !req
477. - Ten?
Copy !req
478. He's so old he drove
himself to the Dodgers game.
Copy !req
479. He's 16 years old.
Copy !req
480. - Is he 16 already?
Copy !req
481. - Drove himself down, this is my grandson.
Copy !req
482. And he's a, he's a
Copy !req
483. rabid Dodger fan.
Copy !req
484. - Yeah.
Copy !req
485. I knew he was rabid, but I didn't know
Copy !req
486. that he liked the Dodgers.
Copy !req
487. - We would put a muzzle on
him 'cause he can't bite.
Copy !req
488. Didn't know, don't bite!
Copy !req
489. - I saw him with the cone, yeah.
Copy !req
490. But you had your question
about the Comedy Store.
Copy !req
491. - Yeah, no, I was wondering
if there were any like
Copy !req
492. interesting stories or what was,
Copy !req
493. do you remember what it was
like at the Comedy Store
Copy !req
494. at that time or did you not
spend a lot of time there?
Copy !req
495. - I do remember, I mean that was,
Copy !req
496. that and The Improv were the places to go.
Copy !req
497. I didn't go in, I knew
Budd Friedman at The Improv
Copy !req
498. so I hung out there more.
Copy !req
499. - You used to wear a
monocle also, didn't you?
Copy !req
500. - I tried.
Copy !req
501. - But it never worked.
Copy !req
502. - No.
Copy !req
503. - Do you think that's a
good comedy prop, a monocle?
Copy !req
504. - A monocle.
Copy !req
505. Mine was on a stick,
you know, I'd hold it up
Copy !req
506. and you know the glasses would, oh my dear
Copy !req
507. and people said it's a bit effeminate
Copy !req
508. and I said no I thought it
was a little bit British.
Copy !req
509. - Well Steve O'Donnell always tells me
Copy !req
510. about the Cleveland Barons
mascot was a monocled...
Copy !req
511. - Top hat.
Copy !req
512. - Yeah he had a top hat and a monocle.
Copy !req
513. - I forget, I remember
that was a minor league
Copy !req
514. hockey team and we were so
shocked when we found it
Copy !req
515. 'cause we had, even as a kid we had
Copy !req
516. the Indians and the
Browns, and to find out
Copy !req
517. that a local hockey team
was a minor league team.
Copy !req
518. - Imagine a hockey player with a monocle?
Copy !req
519. - Well, I forget that,
but I did see one game.
Copy !req
520. - I just noticed Ohio has the
most racist team names ever.
Copy !req
521. The Browns and the Indians?
Copy !req
522. - Well the Browns I
don't think that meant—
Copy !req
523. - Were named after Brown, their coach.
Copy !req
524. - Oh that's fine.
Copy !req
525. - It wasn't racist, they didn't
even let black guys play.
Copy !req
526. - No!
Copy !req
527. There's no racism there.
Copy !req
528. They avoided racism.
Copy !req
529. - Now we have a question here—
Copy !req
530. - Hats off to them for
avoiding those racialist—
Copy !req
531. - Top hats off to them.
Copy !req
532. There's a question here from
the Internet, loose caboose,
Copy !req
533. just a guy, that's what he calls himself.
Copy !req
534. He says starting out, you
co-founded a comedy troupe
Copy !req
535. called the Ace Trucking Company.
Copy !req
536. Did you get a lot of confused phone calls
Copy !req
537. from distributors looking to
ship grapefruit to the midwest?
Copy !req
538. - No we didn't, not that I know of, no.
Copy !req
539. - It's hard when they're
funny in the question.
Copy !req
540. - The question is funny,
the answer is very dull.
Copy !req
541. - Well you want to hear another one?
Copy !req
542. - Oh I'd love to.
Copy !req
543. - From Roger's Folliez and he spells it
Copy !req
544. with a Z, Rogerz instead of an S.
Copy !req
545. A zed, as I would say.
Copy !req
546. You're involved in a lot of charities
Copy !req
547. involving pets and animals.
Copy !req
548. But come on, there must!
Copy !req
549. And then this big word, yeah there must be
Copy !req
550. some animals you're
not crazy about though?
Copy !req
551. Come on, which ones?
Copy !req
552. - Well I wouldn't want to find out that
Copy !req
553. there's a snake in my bedroom.
Copy !req
554. But I also wouldn't want someone to
Copy !req
555. come over to kill the snake.
Copy !req
556. Rats, I don't, you don't want 'em in
Copy !req
557. your house but they're cute.
Copy !req
558. Po, we have run ours, we have skunks.
Copy !req
559. One thing that bugs me about a skunk,
Copy !req
560. if you could reason with 'em,
Copy !req
561. if they didn't spray, they'd
be fine, they're cute.
Copy !req
562. - Well say it's a lot
like, reminds me of Freddy.
Copy !req
563. - Yeah, for when his biting would get you.
Copy !req
564. - He'd spray sometimes.
Copy !req
565. - No he doesn't spray, he bites.
Copy !req
566. - He doesn't spray anymore?
Copy !req
567. - But if a skunk you
leave well enough alone
Copy !req
568. but every once in a while in our house—
Copy !req
569. - Freddy will love this show.
Copy !req
570. - Huh?
Copy !req
571. - This will be a great
show for Freddy to watch
Copy !req
572. 'cause we mentioned him three times.
Copy !req
573. - Once you get him talking, he's—
Copy !req
574. - He's a great, is he, is he,
Copy !req
575. is there comedy in his blood?
Copy !req
576. - He's, you know, he just did
Copy !req
577. and I don't like to brag,
Copy !req
578. but a year ago in his eighth grade class
Copy !req
579. he played Professor Harold
Hill in The Music Man.
Copy !req
580. - Oh in The Music Man.
Copy !req
581. - I go well you got trouble my friend
Copy !req
582. and it was my favorite musical—
Copy !req
583. - Robert Preston.
Copy !req
584. - Robert Preston, yes, and
Copy !req
585. my favorite musical and I
dreaded going to see it.
Copy !req
586. I said if he screws this up, but they did
Copy !req
587. three shows and he killed
it, he was wonderful.
Copy !req
588. And I told him I said
Freddy you don't ever
Copy !req
589. have to do anything else in your life.
Copy !req
590. His parents didn't like
that advice, but I told him.
Copy !req
591. - That's sweet.
Copy !req
592. We will return to talk more
about Fred Willard's grandson.
Copy !req
593. - Let's concentrate on me.
Copy !req
594. - On the Stan Hopper show.
Copy !req
595. - It's Hooper.
Copy !req
596. - Sam Hoo, Stan Hooper.
Copy !req
597. A Minute with Stan Hooper.
Copy !req
598. One of the funniest shows.
Copy !req
599. - Oh that's nice.
Copy !req
600. - And I say that only because I'm here.
Copy !req
601. No, it was one of the funniest—
Copy !req
602. - Norm said a favorite
line of the whole series
Copy !req
603. was the line that was written for you.
Copy !req
604. - I wrote a line for you.
Copy !req
605. You were with your son and
coming back from a hunting trip
Copy !req
606. and you said to your son,
this'll be a great memory
Copy !req
607. that I'll always cherish
long after you're dead.
Copy !req
608. He played sort of a
psychopathic cheese mogul.
Copy !req
609. - Oh that's right, yes, yes.
Copy !req
610. - The big cheese.
Copy !req
611. - We did 13, didn't we?
Copy !req
612. - Oh yeah, it was a good show.
Copy !req
613. Gol dang it.
Copy !req
614. Biliejones says you're
neighbors with Joanne Worley.
Copy !req
615. Is that a treat or a horrible living hell?
Copy !req
616. - Well it's false to begin with.
Copy !req
617. We're not neighbors,
we're very good friends.
Copy !req
618. And she is so—
Copy !req
619. - I've seen her at your parties.
Copy !req
620. - She is so full of fun.
Copy !req
621. She comes in there running, hello!
Copy !req
622. - How does she not work?
Copy !req
623. - She does, she works all, she does
Copy !req
624. a lot of regional theater.
Copy !req
625. - Oh regional theater, right.
Copy !req
626. - Individual things, no she's—
Copy !req
627. - I meant actual work.
Copy !req
628. Not regional theater.
Copy !req
629. But I really miss out because
Copy !req
630. Mickey Rooney just passed away.
Copy !req
631. Now, Mickey Rooney
Copy !req
632. you just met him.
Copy !req
633. - I just met him at the Polo Lounge.
Copy !req
634. It was some event, oh it's when
Copy !req
635. the Walt Disney movie opened—
Copy !req
636. - Sure, Fantasia.
Copy !req
637. - Mary Pop, Mr., Saving Mr. Banks.
Copy !req
638. - Saving Mr. Banks, and we were invited
Copy !req
639. to the Polo Lounge to see
Richard Sherman play music
Copy !req
640. and meet the cast, and
there's Mickey Rooney—
Copy !req
641. - Mickey, you're thinking of Mickey Mouse.
Copy !req
642. Is this Fantasia?
Copy !req
643. - No this is Mickey Rooney.
Copy !req
644. - Mickey Rooney, yeah.
Copy !req
645. - And he was there and I went up hello,
Copy !req
646. but he was at the point
where it was like ah,
Copy !req
647. he didn't quite know who
I was although I'd met him
Copy !req
648. and then I said I'd love
to get a picture with him
Copy !req
649. but I was afraid.
Copy !req
650. I was afraid that he might snap at me.
Copy !req
651. So we went in the other room
Copy !req
652. and I kept talking about
my wife finally said
Copy !req
653. go, just sit down and get a picture.
Copy !req
654. And I went and he'd gone, he'd left.
Copy !req
655. And then when I so I saw he passed away
Copy !req
656. I was really, I mean he was legendary.
Copy !req
657. - You were upset about the picture?
Copy !req
658. - No, the picture wasn't, imagine what
Copy !req
659. that would have sold for now.
Copy !req
660. Why, why?
Copy !req
661. No, but I don't want to be sentimental
Copy !req
662. but he was in movies from a little kid—
Copy !req
663. - Goodness gracious so even when you
Copy !req
664. were a child you remember him.
Copy !req
665. - Mickey Rooney?
Copy !req
666. Yes, sure, of course when
I was a child I remember—
Copy !req
667. - Because I put him in a show once and,
Copy !req
668. you know on my show and afterwards
Copy !req
669. he said thanks for the gig, buddy
Copy !req
670. and I was like this is
the biggest box office guy
Copy !req
671. and he's thinking about me you know
Copy !req
672. but it brought me to think like,
Copy !req
673. I always like to see an old guy.
Copy !req
674. Those guys are the funniest,
but they don't work, you know?
Copy !req
675. Just Betty White.
Copy !req
676. - Yeah, because of that
commercial she did.
Copy !req
677. There's a lot of old timers that are—
Copy !req
678. - Cloris Leachman is hysterical.
Copy !req
679. - I guess they think
Copy !req
680. that young people won't like old people.
Copy !req
681. Well when I was a kid I
got involved with Al Jolson
Copy !req
682. you know when they brought—
Copy !req
683. - How old are you, what?
Copy !req
684. - No, no, not back in the 1920s.
Copy !req
685. I was just a kid when
The Jazz Singer came out.
Copy !req
686. I was just, I was in high school.
Copy !req
687. No, but when Jolson, the Jolson Story,
Copy !req
688. Larry Parks, and I said who
was this guy, Al Jolson?
Copy !req
689. Very, so I loved old people.
Copy !req
690. I didn't, I wouldn't watch
a show with someone my age.
Copy !req
691. Today young people I guess want to see
Copy !req
692. another 18-year-old on the screen.
Copy !req
693. I didn't want an 18-year-old.
Copy !req
694. Bob Hope!
Copy !req
695. 40-year-old man,
Copy !req
696. and Red Skelton.
Copy !req
697. - I saw Bob Hope live and talked to him
Copy !req
698. at, when I was a child.
Copy !req
699. And I watched him, you know, a giant
Copy !req
700. he's such a big star, Bob Hope.
Copy !req
701. So it was at the Canadian
National Exhibition, you know,
Copy !req
702. which hosts 30,000 people
or something like that.
Copy !req
703. And Bob Hope was just astonishingly funny.
Copy !req
704. And you know, like you
can't quote a Bob Hope joke
Copy !req
705. because his jokes were bad,
but he was so fantastic.
Copy !req
706. - So brash and just—
Copy !req
707. - Yeah, and you know when I saw him,
Copy !req
708. he moved so subtlely he
hardly moved on stage
Copy !req
709. but after a joke he'd
shift his weight slightly
Copy !req
710. and I thought later he's such
a physical comic in movies.
Copy !req
711. You know what I mean?
Copy !req
712. He can dance and move,
but he knew in standup
Copy !req
713. to just do this very subtle, but anyways
Copy !req
714. he's my favorite standup.
Copy !req
715. Everyone says Pryor
and Carlin but Bob Hope
Copy !req
716. is my favorite standup of all time.
Copy !req
717. - Oh really?
Copy !req
718. You're right, he wasn't really that funny.
Copy !req
719. You'd listen to the jokes and that
Copy !req
720. and a lot of it was very topical.
Copy !req
721. You hear it on comedy radio
and Jerry Colonna, hello!
Copy !req
722. And it wasn't funny—
Copy !req
723. - Well you know the
thing between the jokes
Copy !req
724. that you know Carson would
do a savor or something,
Copy !req
725. but Bob Hope would do a great thing
Copy !req
726. where he'd do the jokes, stare
in the camera, and there'd
Copy !req
727. be fear in his eyes as if he'd
been found out or something.
Copy !req
728. I remember as a child I
really, always wanting,
Copy !req
729. and of course it was so great
when you just walk on Carson.
Copy !req
730. - Yeah, uh-huh.
Copy !req
731. - And he's doing a special
next door, you know?
Copy !req
732. - Well we do that with Joanne
Worley if we have a party,
Copy !req
733. a Christmas party, she'll
be at the party for an hour
Copy !req
734. then we send her outside and
she'll knock on the door.
Copy !req
735. Who is it?
Copy !req
736. It's Joanne Worley!
Copy !req
737. Oh I didn't know you were having a party.
Copy !req
738. Jo, could we, Joanne could
we coax a song out of ya?
Copy !req
739. And she looks, the first year she didn't
Copy !req
740. then next year she's when do I come in?
Copy !req
741. - Fred has the greatest parties.
Copy !req
742. Fourth of July and Christmas parties.
Copy !req
743. - We invite Norm, but
he doesn't come all—
Copy !req
744. - Oh I come, but I can't
participate as much.
Copy !req
745. I'm not as talented.
Copy !req
746. It's filled with talented,
Copy !req
747. you know character actors, you know.
Copy !req
748. Larry Storch will be there.
Copy !req
749. Not Larry Storch, Larry Hankin.
Copy !req
750. - Oh Larry Hankin.
Copy !req
751. - You probably worked with Larry Storch.
Copy !req
752. - New neighbor who we love.
Copy !req
753. He lives across the street.
Copy !req
754. - I bet is still alive.
Copy !req
755. - I think he probably is.
Copy !req
756. - Who's who is, who
lives across the street?
Copy !req
757. - Charlie Fox, that may not—
Copy !req
758. - Chuck Fox?
Copy !req
759. - Charlie Fox, he wrote the theme music to
Copy !req
760. Happy Days, the Love Boat, he
wrote just about everything.
Copy !req
761. - He must make a heck of a lot of money.
Copy !req
762. - I'm gonna ask him sometime, just
Copy !req
763. you know, how much do you make?
Copy !req
764. - What'd Norman Lear say to that?
Copy !req
765. - What?
Copy !req
766. - I say what would
Norman Lear say to that?
Copy !req
767. - Who's that?
Copy !req
768. Norman Lear?
Copy !req
769. You'll wait!
Copy !req
770. To that poor, um, I got in a—
Copy !req
771. - I went to Norman, I met Norman Lear
Copy !req
772. one time at the Aspen comedy festival
Copy !req
773. and I come up to him I
said, 'cause you know
Copy !req
774. I loved All in the Family,
it was my favorite show.
Copy !req
775. So I said All in the
Family's my favorite show
Copy !req
776. and I loved, you know,
Archie Bunker's my favorite
Copy !req
777. character ever and he said
where's the, is the car ready?
Copy !req
778. And I'm like, no I'm not
getting your fucking car.
Copy !req
779. I go I'm a performer, I'm a guy.
Copy !req
780. In show business.
Copy !req
781. - That's funny 'cause he
always intimidated me.
Copy !req
782. - Then I thought like
even if I was the car guy,
Copy !req
783. shouldn't you say thank you?
Copy !req
784. Whatever.
Copy !req
785. This is from Reretired64, re-retired.
Copy !req
786. - Re-retired, he quit once
and no one realized he quit.
Copy !req
787. So he quit again!
Copy !req
788. I quit!
Copy !req
789. - Two press conferences, okay.
Copy !req
790. This is what's the funniest
food, kumquats or octoroons?
Copy !req
791. - I've, well an octoroon
is a person isn't it?
Copy !req
792. Isn't it a, a—
Copy !req
793. - Don't.
Copy !req
794. - Kumquats, I never had a kumquat—
Copy !req
795. - What's an octoroon?
Copy !req
796. - Well I don't know it seems to be some—
Copy !req
797. - Eighth of a black guy,
Copy !req
798. is that what you were gonna say?
Copy !req
799. - Isn't that an octoroon, Andy?
Copy !req
800. - Is it an eighth of a
black guy, and who's Andy?
Copy !req
801. You were just—
Copy !req
802. - Yeah who is, who is Andy?
Copy !req
803. - You just said Andy.
Copy !req
804. - I was thinking of Andy
Kindler, my good friend.
Copy !req
805. - 'Cause you were pointing at—
Copy !req
806. - I thought he was here.
Copy !req
807. - No, that's Adam.
Copy !req
808. - Adam, well Andy and Adam.
Copy !req
809. - It sounds close, Adam
Sandler, Andy Samberg.
Copy !req
810. - Adam.
Copy !req
811. - Yeah.
Copy !req
812. - How could I forget that?
Copy !req
813. Adam.
Copy !req
814. - ForAtalaGalaxy says
you and Martin Mull play
Copy !req
815. a gay couple on Roseanne.
Copy !req
816. I remember that 'cause I wrote on
Copy !req
817. that show while that happened.
Copy !req
818. - Yeah, they wanted me to,
Copy !req
819. I saw Roseanne—
Copy !req
820. - And you had a gay marriage.
Copy !req
821. - I think we were the first one on TV.
Copy !req
822. And she and Tom Arnold loved Fernwood,
Copy !req
823. and I was at a party with them and I said
Copy !req
824. wouldn't it be funny if Martin was my boss
Copy !req
825. if I came on as his boss?
Copy !req
826. Oh funny, and then they called later
Copy !req
827. they said we'd like you
to come on and be Martin's
Copy !req
828. gay lover and I said eh, that
doesn't seem to fit right.
Copy !req
829. And the next year Martin called me he says
Copy !req
830. they have an idea.
Copy !req
831. That you're my gay lover, we
get married, and adopt a baby
Copy !req
832. and I said okay that's too good to, yes.
Copy !req
833. And I was scared to death
because in the script
Copy !req
834. when we got married it called
for us to kiss each other.
Copy !req
835. - Good god.
Copy !req
836. - And I don't know if I'm,
what just for some reason—
Copy !req
837. - You were homophobic, yeah.
Copy !req
838. - No, no, no, I wouldn't
even kiss you, Norm.
Copy !req
839. - I understand, you're homophobic.
Copy !req
840. There's nothing wrong with that.
Copy !req
841. - I know you're not gay.
Copy !req
842. I know you're bisexual, but
I still have my thoughts
Copy !req
843. about kissing someone you've known.
Copy !req
844. It's like kissing your dad on the mouth.
Copy !req
845. They said you don't have to kiss,
Copy !req
846. so we just kind of went
into embrace, but—
Copy !req
847. - Yeah, even hugging your dad is not fun.
Copy !req
848. - No I would hug my dad.
Copy !req
849. - Oh that's nice.
Copy !req
850. So you had—
Copy !req
851. - I hug a lot of people.
Copy !req
852. - So you had a nice dad.
Copy !req
853. 'Cause I feel like my
dad was of a certain age.
Copy !req
854. That he would not hug.
Copy !req
855. - He would not?
Copy !req
856. - We'd shake hands, he would shake hands.
Copy !req
857. I called him sir.
Copy !req
858. - Did you really?
Copy !req
859. When I was a kid a lot of people had
Copy !req
860. to call their fathers sir.
Copy !req
861. - Yeah sure.
Copy !req
862. - I didn't, I had to
come from a fun family.
Copy !req
863. - You sound like you did, though.
Copy !req
864. You didn't come from a fun family.
Copy !req
865. - I did not, I had aunts and
uncles who were a lot of fun
Copy !req
866. so that was my comedy
relief if they'd come over.
Copy !req
867. - My Aunt Hazel was the funniest
Copy !req
868. and then it turned out
she was a huge drunk.
Copy !req
869. That's what made her so funny.
Copy !req
870. But as a kid I didn't know.
Copy !req
871. - Yeah my aunts and uncles
were a couple of drunks
Copy !req
872. and one, my aunt was, she'd drink and then
Copy !req
873. she married a, her first husband died,
Copy !req
874. she married someone else.
Copy !req
875. We were at a party and she was like that
Copy !req
876. and he says Betty, wake
up and finish your drink!
Copy !req
877. So liquor was a big thing
back, liquor and cigarettes.
Copy !req
878. That was the big thing.
Copy !req
879. Did I mention—
Copy !req
880. - One time my Aunt Hazel was drunk
Copy !req
881. that she fell asleep
during a party on a chair
Copy !req
882. and at 4:00 in the morning
in Canada at the time
Copy !req
883. they ran The Lucy Show from
4:00 to 4:30, then 4:30 to 5:00
Copy !req
884. and the 4:30 in the morning so she just
Copy !req
885. falls asleep, you know?
Copy !req
886. And my dad can't wake her up or anything.
Copy !req
887. The party ends, everyone leaves,
Copy !req
888. and my aunt's still on the chair.
Copy !req
889. And she wakes up and The Lucy Show,
Copy !req
890. she wakes up she goes,
Copy !req
891. she goes, Gale Gordon, what time is it?
Copy !req
892. - Do you ever, are there any funny moments
Copy !req
893. from the writer's room over at Roseanne?
Copy !req
894. - Oh did you ever hear the who Jackie?
Copy !req
895. - No.
Copy !req
896. - Well Roseanne would, Roseanne hired me
Copy !req
897. as a staff, you know, I was doing standup
Copy !req
898. and Roseanne said would you
like to be on the show and act?
Copy !req
899. You know, you can be Laurie's
boyfriend I said I can't act.
Copy !req
900. I should've said I could act.
Copy !req
901. So anyway she said well
why don't you be a writer?
Copy !req
902. But one time in the writing
room she would give jobs
Copy !req
903. to crazy guys sometimes
and she gave a job to
Copy !req
904. an African American.
Copy !req
905. I don't know what you'd call them.
Copy !req
906. I call them African Americans.
Copy !req
907. - That's those two words that are never
Copy !req
908. heard in the state of Texas, you know.
Copy !req
909. That's a joke someone told me.
Copy !req
910. - So he said,
Copy !req
911. this one guy, so I don't
want to say who it,
Copy !req
912. I won't say his name, but he's a writer.
Copy !req
913. He was a comic at the Comedy Store
Copy !req
914. and just a guy, yeah.
Copy !req
915. Not really a writer.
Copy !req
916. So he says, he never says
anything in the room.
Copy !req
917. He's there for like two
years and finally he goes
Copy !req
918. I got an idea and everybody's
like you do, David?
Copy !req
919. Well his first name was David.
Copy !req
920. So he goes, he goes yeah!
Copy !req
921. What would happen, what
would happen if Dan came home
Copy !req
922. and Roseanne was washing
her big ass in the sink?
Copy !req
923. - It sounds funny.
Copy !req
924. - It did sound very funny.
Copy !req
925. So we go ahh, everybody's
like yeah, you don't want to,
Copy !req
926. he's an African American so you're like
Copy !req
927. yeah that's a good one.
Copy !req
928. And he goes, he goes yeah,
but he says the thing is,
Copy !req
929. it turns out it ain't Roseanne.
Copy !req
930. It's Roseanne's twin sister.
Copy !req
931. And then, so they say
well, Roseanne already,
Copy !req
932. you know, we already have Jackie.
Copy !req
933. He goes who Jackie?
Copy !req
934. He's been on he show two years.
Copy !req
935. Who Jackie?
Copy !req
936. He didn't know—
Copy !req
937. - One of the main characters.
Copy !req
938. - Laurie Metcalf's character that's won
Copy !req
939. like Emmys and stuff.
Copy !req
940. - He was thinking a look-a-like sister.
Copy !req
941. - Yeah he was thinking
of a, one of those twins.
Copy !req
942. We were talking earlier 'cause you know
Copy !req
943. in a lot of the earlier
shows they'd have a twin
Copy !req
944. and it'd be, you know Serena
on Bewitched you know'd
Copy !req
945. be played by Elizabeth Montgomery.
Copy !req
946. She would play her own twin.
Copy !req
947. But, Conrad Bain has
an actual twin brother.
Copy !req
948. - That's right,
that's a little known—
Copy !req
949. - Little known fact.
Copy !req
950. And you know who else?
Copy !req
951. - No.
Copy !req
952. - You don't know this, Paul Simon.
Copy !req
953. - What?
Copy !req
954. - According to Steve O'Donnell.
Copy !req
955. Paul Simon has an identical twin brother
Copy !req
956. and Daniel Kellison, who you
refer to as David Kellison.
Copy !req
957. Daniel Kellison said that he gets all,
Copy !req
958. people come up to him you're
Paul Simon aren't you?
Copy !req
959. No I'm his twin brother, yeah horseshit.
Copy !req
960. So he's like all right, I'll sign this.
Copy !req
961. You ever know any twins?
Copy !req
962. There's a lot of twins now.
Copy !req
963. - It's kind of freaky, twins.
Copy !req
964. - Isn't it, what's freaky about it?
Copy !req
965. - Well to have someone, two
people look exactly alike?
Copy !req
966. I would be very freaked out if I had
Copy !req
967. a brother who looked exactly like me.
Copy !req
968. It's one thing if it's a fraternal twin,
Copy !req
969. but it's, you know it'd be kind of weird.
Copy !req
970. - I always thought with twins, let's say
Copy !req
971. you had an exact twin.
Copy !req
972. Now Mary Willard, your wife.
Copy !req
973. - Oh here we go.
Copy !req
974. - There could be a lot of—
Copy !req
975. - Wouldn't you go like, how do
you not find him attractive?
Copy !req
976. Do you know what I mean?
Copy !req
977. - That's true.
Copy !req
978. - He looks exactly like me.
Copy !req
979. And he's much better
at sucking and fucking.
Copy !req
980. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
981. - A lot of pranks you could pull, right?
Copy !req
982. I'd send him in to make love to my wife
Copy !req
983. and then say the joke's on you!
Copy !req
984. - Bag's on you.
Copy !req
985. That's a hell of a prank.
Copy !req
986. - I like how I said sucking and fucking
Copy !req
987. and you said make love.
Copy !req
988. - Make love, that's, I'm
trying to keep the show.
Copy !req
989. I worked—
Copy !req
990. - What, this is what you never hear.
Copy !req
991. He made love to me in the ass.
Copy !req
992. - That's true, you never hear that.
Copy !req
993. Odd.
Copy !req
994. - We're building to the end of
the show, you gotta talk man.
Copy !req
995. But he's just heard it.
Copy !req
996. - But the folks at home haven't heard it.
Copy !req
997. - So we're on our way with the
rich and famous Robin Leach
Copy !req
998. and I just told you this story.
Copy !req
999. - But the folks at home.
Copy !req
1000. - And it's a beautiful paradise,
Copy !req
1001. but what did he say about it?
Copy !req
1002. - He said Bora Bora why it has ever, no,
Copy !req
1003. Bora Bora it has everything.
Copy !req
1004. White sands, majestic vistas, clear water,
Copy !req
1005. Bora Bora has everything,
everything but Tony Danza.
Copy !req
1006. And then Tony Danza showed up,
Copy !req
1007. and then he completed it.
Copy !req
1008. Okay so this is where we do jokes.
Copy !req
1009. This is a section where we do jokes.
Copy !req
1010. It's kind of comic relief.
Copy !req
1011. - Okay.
Copy !req
1012. - So would you like to do a joke?
Copy !req
1013. - If I can think of one.
Copy !req
1014. - Well no I give them to you.
Copy !req
1015. - Oh you give 'em, oh that's great.
Copy !req
1016. - The guest doesn't have to think up
Copy !req
1017. a funny story or a joke.
Copy !req
1018. Where we give them to them to read.
Copy !req
1019. - That's great, wouldn't it be great
Copy !req
1020. if your whole career could be like that?
Copy !req
1021. You went up on stage, here's a bunch of
Copy !req
1022. great jokes that are gonna kill.
Copy !req
1023. - Well that's what this
show's all about, so this is
Copy !req
1024. a topical joke about the
flight, but you just read it.
Copy !req
1025. You don't read ahead.
Copy !req
1026. - Oh, no?
Copy !req
1027. - You can if you want.
Copy !req
1028. - Malaysian flight 370 is still missing.
Copy !req
1029. You know where they're going to find it?
Copy !req
1030. The last place they looked.
Copy !req
1031. - Now is that the best
one, or is this better?
Copy !req
1032. There's two Malaysian—
Copy !req
1033. - That's a joke and a joke.
Copy !req
1034. Why do you find something
it was always the
Copy !req
1035. last place you look,
'cause you stop looking.
Copy !req
1036. So that's a joke, that's a
com, that's a very bright joke.
Copy !req
1037. - It's not only
a joke, it's a comment.
Copy !req
1038. - Comment, yes.
Copy !req
1039. - Now this is a different
Malaysian airforce joke.
Copy !req
1040. - The pilot's last words,
I've had it with these
Copy !req
1041. motherfucking snakes on
a motherfucking plane!
Copy !req
1042. That could be it.
Copy !req
1043. That's, that could be.
Copy !req
1044. You're giving me these great jokes, okay.
Copy !req
1045. - Can you do an African American accent?
Copy !req
1046. Okay.
Copy !req
1047. We'll give you an African American.
Copy !req
1048. An African American.
Copy !req
1049. - Your mama's so fat she
developed type two diabetes
Copy !req
1050. and congestive heart failure, snap!
Copy !req
1051. I don't get that.
Copy !req
1052. That so fat she developed—
Copy !req
1053. - Well it's kind of an anti-joke.
Copy !req
1054. - Oh okay.
Copy !req
1055. - You know these new meta jokes?
Copy !req
1056. - Yeah no I don't know that.
Copy !req
1057. - Well, it's, she's so
fat you expect a joke
Copy !req
1058. but then she's just so fat—
Copy !req
1059. - I get it, have you ever seen
George Wallace in Las Vegas?
Copy !req
1060. - I love George Wallace.
Copy !req
1061. - Wonderfully funny.
Copy !req
1062. And he does his yo mama jokes.
Copy !req
1063. Oh, yo mama and then they let people
Copy !req
1064. yell jokes from the audience
and pretend he's upset by it?
Copy !req
1065. I thought of one, tell me this,
Copy !req
1066. my hey George, my mother is so fat
Copy !req
1067. when she came to Vegas they
had to build another hotel.
Copy !req
1068. That's not bad, was it good enough
Copy !req
1069. to send to George Wallace?
Copy !req
1070. - Sure.
Copy !req
1071. Now, I've performed in
front of black audiences,
Copy !req
1072. African American audiences I call 'em
Copy !req
1073. and boy they're funny.
Copy !req
1074. Like they yell out funny
things rather than just like—
Copy !req
1075. - Oh do they, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
1076. - They yell out funny jokes.
Copy !req
1077. - I see a lot of shows
that just have black comics
Copy !req
1078. and I tend to go by them
because they say I can't relate
Copy !req
1079. but if you ever watch
they're hysterically funny.
Copy !req
1080. Some really good stuff.
Copy !req
1081. - Sometimes you can't relate.
Copy !req
1082. I saw one time at Def
Comedy Jam the guy goes,
Copy !req
1083. guy goes when you got the do-rag,
Copy !req
1084. you know I'm fucking my woman, you know
Copy !req
1085. and I don't want to answer the phone,
Copy !req
1086. but shit, it could be the job.
Copy !req
1087. And then, then you know after you
Copy !req
1088. take the do-rag you wipe off
yo dick with the do-rag and
Copy !req
1089. I'm like no, I don't do that, but everyone
Copy !req
1090. in the audience is like
yeah, we all do that!
Copy !req
1091. We all wipe our dicks off with...
Copy !req
1092. We're gonna have Adam Eget do a joke.
Copy !req
1093. - And it's Adam, not Andy.
Copy !req
1094. - No, I know, I'm trying, I'm trying.
Copy !req
1095. - You don't hear anymore about—
Copy !req
1096. - In the camera.
Copy !req
1097. - Oh sorry.
Copy !req
1098. You don't hear anymore about
Bob Costas infected eye.
Copy !req
1099. Who is stonewalling this investigation?
Copy !req
1100. I'm thinking it, thinking about a year
Copy !req
1101. I would work on my delivery but
Copy !req
1102. it's just not working out.
Copy !req
1103. - Yeah I get it.
Copy !req
1104. - I don't blame the joke.
Copy !req
1105. - No, no, you meant it like, huh?
Copy !req
1106. - Throw a banana.
Copy !req
1107. Do dirty work.
Copy !req
1108. - But you read that like there was
Copy !req
1109. a thorough punchline, but—
Copy !req
1110. - Yeah it's, I think the joke is—
Copy !req
1111. - You don't hear any more
about Bob Costas infected eye.
Copy !req
1112. Who's stonewalling this investigation?
Copy !req
1113. - He's a consummate amateur.
Copy !req
1114. - A refreshingly, refreshingly,
Copy !req
1115. it's a good, it's a funny joke.
Copy !req
1116. - What about this joke?
Copy !req
1117. If thinking that women are not funny,
Copy !req
1118. emotionally irrational,
and less intelligent
Copy !req
1119. than men makes me sexist,
then yes I am sexist!
Copy !req
1120. Another meta joke.
Copy !req
1121. - Is it?
Copy !req
1122. - Sort of.
Copy !req
1123. This would be a good joke
for you I feel, Fred.
Copy !req
1124. - Okay.
Copy !req
1125. - Just to the camera.
Copy !req
1126. - Here's what I've learned.
Copy !req
1127. You beat up and toss one
19-year-old Hispanic hooker
Copy !req
1128. out a moving car, and they
never let you forget it.
Copy !req
1129. That is funny.
Copy !req
1130. - That's both funny and true, yeah.
Copy !req
1131. - I gotta tell you about a
story in Canada that happened.
Copy !req
1132. That's a terrible, a guy
Copy !req
1133. was gay, it doesn't matter
if he was gay or not
Copy !req
1134. but he was a porn star.
Copy !req
1135. He was in porn.
Copy !req
1136. He was a porn character actor.
Copy !req
1137. - What?
Copy !req
1138. - No I don't know.
Copy !req
1139. They always called him porn star,
Copy !req
1140. but there must be porn character actors.
Copy !req
1141. - The William H. Macy of porn, gay porno?
Copy !req
1142. - Back in the old days
they were the great faces.
Copy !req
1143. The great penises, the great faces.
Copy !req
1144. - What a profile on this one.
Copy !req
1145. - No one can do an impression
of the modern day porn stars.
Copy !req
1146. - Anyway this guy was a porn star
Copy !req
1147. and he was gay and he had a lover
Copy !req
1148. and he killed the lover
and ate part of him
Copy !req
1149. and then the rest of him
he cut up and he sent
Copy !req
1150. pieces of this guy's
body to school children
Copy !req
1151. and some of the pieces, I
mean this guy was a real jerk.
Copy !req
1152. All right here's a joke.
Copy !req
1153. Oh I don't think you should do this joke.
Copy !req
1154. I don't know.
Copy !req
1155. I don't think anyone should do this joke.
Copy !req
1156. Should anyone do this joke?
Copy !req
1157. - I remember a joke you did on
Copy !req
1158. I think it was David Letterman.
Copy !req
1159. You said David, have you
ever seen a gay porn,
Copy !req
1160. you watch adult films and Dave said yeah,
Copy !req
1161. you said have you ever
seen the one with all men?
Copy !req
1162. He says yeah, the gay ones.
Copy !req
1163. You said they're awful!
Copy !req
1164. Made it sound like they
couldn't get any women.
Copy !req
1165. They just have nothing, they
just couldn't get any women
Copy !req
1166. but we'll do a porn movie.
Copy !req
1167. It's not gonna go, no one's
gonna put money into this.
Copy !req
1168. - I think that's you.
Copy !req
1169. I don't think I said that.
Copy !req
1170. - This was a poor rental choice.
Copy !req
1171. - I think you made that funnier than I.
Copy !req
1172. But it is true that straight pornos
Copy !req
1173. are the best things ever and
gay pornos are the worst.
Copy !req
1174. - They're not good.
Copy !req
1175. - They're not good at all.
Copy !req
1176. That's too dirty, let's do
a nice joke to clean it up.
Copy !req
1177. - Opinions are like assholes.
Copy !req
1178. Neil Patrick Harris wants to stuff—
Copy !req
1179. See you should've let me read this ahead.
Copy !req
1180. Opinions are like assholes.
Copy !req
1181. Neil Patrick Harris wants
to stuff his cock in them.
Copy !req
1182. Oh wait, that's just assholes.
Copy !req
1183. It didn't get a laugh, but I'm laughing.
Copy !req
1184. That's very funny.
Copy !req
1185. - Oh, have you ever heard
of the genre of jokes,
Copy !req
1186. the Adam Eget jokes?
Copy !req
1187. - No.
Copy !req
1188. - They're jokes about Adam Eget.
Copy !req
1189. - Oh oh, no I have not.
Copy !req
1190. - Have you met Adam Eget?
Copy !req
1191. So here's an Adam Eget joke for instance.
Copy !req
1192. - April 15 is around the corner
Copy !req
1193. and Adam Eget asked his
accountant for his extension.
Copy !req
1194. Oh sorry, that's his penis surgeon.
Copy !req
1195. See April 15th is around the corner.
Copy !req
1196. Adam Eget asked his
accountant for his extension.
Copy !req
1197. Oh sorry, that's his penis surgeon.
Copy !req
1198. Oh that's his penis surgeon.
Copy !req
1199. - That wants an extension.
Copy !req
1200. He famously has a small cock.
Copy !req
1201. - For his...
Copy !req
1202. For his taxes and...
Copy !req
1203. He ask his accountant
for his tax extension,
Copy !req
1204. oh I'm sorry, he asked his
surgeon for his penis extension.
Copy !req
1205. Just had to reword that.
Copy !req
1206. - Yeah.
Copy !req
1207. Well, the show is over.
Copy !req
1208. We're done, thanks to
the great Fred Willard.
Copy !req
1209. - I thought this would never end.
Copy !req