1. Thanks for waiting.
Copy !req
2. This is all I can make.
Copy !req
3. Here.
Copy !req
4. Amazing. It's twice cooked pork.
Copy !req
5. I was just feeling really hungry.
Copy !req
6. I wonder if you'll be able to
identify the secret ingredient.
Copy !req
7. You must have gone all out,
to use a secret ingredient.
Copy !req
8. Thanks for the food.
Copy !req
9. I can't taste
anything but miso...
Copy !req
10. Her secret ingredient
isn't secret at all.
Copy !req
11. In fact, the more I chew,
Copy !req
12. the worse this secret
ingredient tastes.
Copy !req
13. I'm against this
secret ingredient!
Copy !req
14. Not bad!
Copy !req
15. Mio, Mio.
Copy !req
16. What is this?
Copy !req
17. A kappa?
Copy !req
18. Why did she draw a kappa?
Copy !req
19. And what does she
mean by "isn't he cool"?
Copy !req
20. Well... it might be fun
Copy !req
21. to draw something
fantasy-themed this time.
Copy !req
22. Something like a
giant demon, or a kappa.
Copy !req
23. Kappa... it could work.
Copy !req
24. Kappa. Kappa, huh?
Copy !req
25. Kappa... kappa-pa... pa... pa...
Copy !req
26. Parasite.
Copy !req
27. Just kidding.
Copy !req
28. I guess we're playing
picture shiritori now.
Copy !req
29. Here, Yukko.
Copy !req
30. Thanks.
Copy !req
31. Parashite?
Copy !req
32. Is this what a
parashite looks like?
Copy !req
33. This arrow must mean...
Copy !req
34. she's challenging me to
a game of picture shiritori.
Copy !req
35. I accept her challenge...
Copy !req
36. Parashite, huh? Te... te...
Copy !req
37. All right.
Copy !req
38. It's huge!
Copy !req
39. And it's a tengu.
Copy !req
40. She must have read
"parasite" as "parashite."
Copy !req
41. Well, whatever.
Tengu, huh?
Copy !req
42. Tengu... gu... gu...
Copy !req
43. Gu... gu!
Copy !req
44. You can't be serious!
Copy !req
45. Tengo!
Copy !req
46. A tengo? What's a tengo?!
Copy !req
47. No, wait a minute!
Copy !req
48. There's no way a high school student would make such a childish mistake.
Copy !req
49. She drew a picture of a tengu
Copy !req
50. before adding the words...
Copy !req
51. I don't understand.
Copy !req
52. I don't get it, but
I guess I'll use "go"...
Copy !req
53. Here.
Copy !req
54. What's with this Goku?
Copy !req
55. Huh? Goku?
Copy !req
56. I thought I drew a tengu...
Copy !req
57. I guess I can see how
"gu" might become "go"...
Copy !req
58. I'll get a juice from her later.
Copy !req
59. Let's see! U, huh?
Copy !req
60. Okay.
Copy !req
61. Uni. No, usa...
Copy !req
62. It's a cow?!
Copy !req
63. This cow is terrible!
Copy !req
64. Here.
Copy !req
65. Tongue! It's a tongue!
Copy !req
66. That gives me ta. Ta... Ta...
Copy !req
67. Taxi...
Copy !req
68. Here.
Copy !req
69. Y-y-you've
got to be kidding!
Copy !req
70. This isn't a "taxi", it's a "taxy"!
Copy !req
71. I'll just draw whatever...
Copy !req
72. Breaking out the slang, are we?
Copy !req
73. She must be getting into it.
Copy !req
74. Okay, okay, okay!
Copy !req
75. Oh, no... I can't end on "n"!
Copy !req
76. No, wait... I-I'll
just fix this here, and...
Copy !req
77. Here.
Copy !req
78. There's nothing to do...
Copy !req
79. There's nothing to do, Sekiguchi.
Copy !req
80. Hey, Sekiguchi.
Let's have a contest.
Copy !req
81. I'll start.
Copy !req
82. Ready, and... two!
Copy !req
83. Sekiguchi...
Copy !req
84. There's nothing to do. Won't you play with me once in a while?
Copy !req
85. President.
Copy !req
86. Sekiguchi...
Copy !req
87. Forgot my homework...
Copy !req
88. And had to stand in
the hallway, Mogami River.
Copy !req
89. Yukko.
Copy !req
90. I can't believe I'm
standing in the hallway
Copy !req
91. over a forgotten assignment...
Copy !req
92. How shall I spend
this time, Mogami River?
Copy !req
93. Yukko.
Copy !req
94. E-everyone,
th-there's a deer...
Copy !req
95. Wh-What is the principal
doing to that deer?!
Copy !req
96. Th-the principal...
th-the deer...
Copy !req
97. Principal!
Copy !req
98. Hey... Hey everyone...
Copy !req
99. the principal is... going to...
Copy !req
100. Is that...
Copy !req
101. a deer biscuit?
Copy !req
102. Hey... everyone...
Copy !req
103. the principal is... d-dying.
Copy !req
104. He got up.
Copy !req
105. He climbed up...
Copy !req
106. He jumped!
Copy !req
107. And fell down!
Copy !req
108. He climbed up again!
Copy !req
109. He climbed down!
Copy !req
110. It's a stalemate!
Copy !req
111. Principal!
Copy !req
112. Principal...
Copy !req
113. Everyone...
Copy !req
114. death... the principal is... death.
Copy !req
115. He stood up!
Copy !req
116. Hey, everyone...
Copy !req
117. Everyone, listen!
Copy !req
118. Uh, um...
Copy !req
119. Th-th-the pri...
Copy !req
120. Pri...
Copy !req
121. All's quiet in the hallway!
Copy !req
122. That was the truth,
from the bottom of her heart.
Copy !req
123. She was neither trying
to protect the principal,
Copy !req
124. nor too lazy to explain the scenario.
Copy !req
125. Perhaps she wished
to show respect
Copy !req
126. for the two who
had just fought.
Copy !req
127. Gather the early summer
rains, Mogami River.
Copy !req
128. What does that even mean?
Copy !req
129. All right.
Copy !req
130. You'll be the referee, Mio.
Copy !req
131. You don't need a
referee for 10-yen soccer.
Copy !req
132. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Copy !req
133. You don't get it, do you?
Copy !req
134. It's all about the mood.
Copy !req
135. Let's kick off!
Copy !req
136. I guess I have no choice.
Copy !req
137. Bring it on!
Copy !req
138. Okay.
Copy !req
139. First comes rock,
then comes paper...
Copy !req
140. You can't throw all of them,
Copy !req
141. rock, paper, scissors!
Copy !req
142. Chomp.
Copy !req
143. What am I going to do?
Copy !req
144. I caught a cockroach...
Copy !req
145. C-careful...
Copy !req
146. I've got to be careful!
Copy !req
147. I've got to come up with a plan to prevent these disgusting things
Copy !req
148. from spreading
into the house again.
Copy !req
149. Bug spray!
Copy !req
150. No, I can't.
Copy !req
151. It won't die in one spray,
Copy !req
152. so it might escape.
Copy !req
153. Besides...
Copy !req
154. I don't want to see it squirm!
Copy !req
155. What about detergent?
Copy !req
156. I'll trap it by covering
the area around the bowl
Copy !req
157. before targeting it directly.
Copy !req
158. N-no!
Copy !req
159. With nowhere to run, it'll fly.
Copy !req
160. If it takes off, it's over.
Copy !req
161. It'll charge right at people.
Copy !req
162. If it touches my body...
Copy !req
163. or worse, my face...
Copy !req
164. No!
Copy !req
165. If it gets inside my mouth...
Copy !req
166. If this thing gets in my mouth...
Copy !req
167. It's a one-shot rock and roll!
Copy !req
168. This is it! I have no choice!
Copy !req
169. Once I lift this bowl, my only
options are kill or be killed!
Copy !req
170. Death or die!
Copy !req
171. I've got to... I've got to do it!
Copy !req
172. What are you doing?
Copy !req
173. Mr. Sakamoto! Please help me.
Copy !req
174. Under this bowl,
there's a ro-roa... a roach...
Copy !req
175. A what?
Copy !req
176. You mean a cockroach?
Copy !req
177. Fine. I'll take care of it.
Copy !req
178. Thank you.
Copy !req
179. Hey.
Copy !req
180. Yes?
Copy !req
181. What are you doing?
Copy !req
182. I'll get it, so lift the bowl.
Copy !req
183. What?
Copy !req
184. No... I'm telling
you to lift the bowl.
Copy !req
185. If you don't, I can't get it.
Copy !req
186. Hey!
Copy !req
187. Wha... what are you saying?
Copy !req
188. You want me to release
this minion of evil?
Copy !req
189. This is Pandora's box!
Copy !req
190. When I open it,
it's death or die!
Copy !req
191. No, no, no.
Copy !req
192. How am I supposed to get
it if you don't lift the bowl?
Copy !req
193. Lift it yourself!
Copy !req
194. How am I supposed to do that?
Copy !req
195. What am I going to do?
Copy !req
196. Mr. Sakamoto left...
Copy !req
197. Nano, what's today's snack?
Copy !req
198. Good timing!
Copy !req
199. The professor isn't bothered
by bugs, so she'll help me.
Copy !req
200. Professor, there's a
cockroach inside this bowl.
Copy !req
201. I-I'd appreciate it if
you'd take care of it.
Copy !req
202. Sure.
Copy !req
203. R-r-r-rock and roll!
Copy !req
204. Thank you. Please do.
Copy !req
205. Okay.
Copy !req
206. I'll knock it out with a single blow.
Copy !req
207. Head strike!
Copy !req
208. I missed.
Copy !req
209. I-I'm clearly upset by this,
Copy !req
210. but she... but she...
Copy !req
211. I hate you, Professor!
Copy !req
212. She's crying?
Copy !req
213. I-I'm just kidding! Gosh...
Copy !req
214. There's no way I would hate you.
Copy !req
215. Professor, I love you.
Copy !req
216. Nano!
Copy !req
217. Oh, Professor...
Copy !req
218. Nano!
Copy !req
219. Now, it's time to rock and roll.
Copy !req
220. It's hot. Can I get out?
Copy !req
221. What? You just got in.
Copy !req
222. But it's hot.
Copy !req
223. You can get out on 10.
Copy !req
224. 20 log root 10!
Copy !req
225. What?
Copy !req
226. I got to 10. Can I get out now?
Copy !req
227. Um...
Copy !req
228. You have to count, 1... 2...
Copy !req
229. What?
Copy !req
230. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
231. Everyone said they had
cram school and left...
Copy !req
232. And you're no fun, Sekiguchi.
Copy !req
233. Don't you go to cram
school, Sekiguchi?
Copy !req
234. You're joking!
Copy !req
235. Delicious.
Copy !req
236. Yukko, how's the curry?
Copy !req
237. It's almost done.
Copy !req
238. I'm pretty hungry.
Copy !req
239. Yeah, me too.
Copy !req
240. Mai, how are things over there?
Copy !req
241. A big one's coming.
Copy !req
242. We'll have a feast tonight.
Copy !req
243. All right. This should be good.
Copy !req
244. Thanks for waiting.
Copy !req
245. The crazy delicious
super-curry is done.
Copy !req
246. These will take a little longer.
Copy !req
247. We should have started
them before the curry.
Copy !req
248. Well, they say you
have to be patient.
Copy !req
249. Oh, we should have
brought mayonnaise.
Copy !req
250. Don't you think mayonnaise
goes with curry, Yukko?
Copy !req
251. M-mayo...
Copy !req
252. What do you think, Yukko?
Copy !req
253. B-barf!
Copy !req
254. Just kidding.
Copy !req
255. No, no. Th-this isn't
what it looks like...
Copy !req
256. Here, lo-look. We've
still got jelly noddles.
Copy !req
257. Jelly noo... just kid...
Copy !req
258. What color...
Copy !req
259. Mio?
Copy !req
260. What color...
Copy !req
261. What color is your blood?
Copy !req
262. Sorry, Mai!
Copy !req
263. There's no curry
or rice for lunch!
Copy !req
264. Mai?
Copy !req
265. We still have jelly noodles.
Copy !req
266. Mai!
Copy !req
267. Release.
Copy !req
268. Well.
Copy !req
269. Here, we have a single
package of jelly noodles.
Copy !req
270. Just one?
Copy !req
271. I think we should pass
it around and share it.
Copy !req
272. However, you and I are to blame...
Copy !req
273. So, Mai, you eat first.
Copy !req
274. Rock, paper, scissors!
Copy !req
275. Yes!
Copy !req
276. Just don't eat it all in one bite!
Copy !req
277. I wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
278. I'm not mean.
Copy !req
279. I'll eat first.
Copy !req
280. I choked...
Copy !req
281. I know! Let's play cards!
Copy !req
282. No.
Copy !req
283. At this rate, we'll remember this as a disappointing camping trip!
Copy !req
284. Let's give it a happy ending!
Copy !req
285. I know!
Copy !req
286. What's up?
Copy !req
287. I completely forgot.
Copy !req
288. At times like this,
adults drink, right?
Copy !req
289. Yeah.
Copy !req
290. Don't you agree, Mai?
Copy !req
291. I actually brought some.
Copy !req
292. You're not serious, Mio.
Copy !req
293. I'm dead serious.
Copy !req
294. A delinquent.
There's a delinquent here.
Copy !req
295. Ta-dah!
Copy !req
296. Let's chug it!
Copy !req
297. Mio, stop! You'll kill yourself!
Copy !req
298. We've still got Mai's!
Copy !req
299. This is cider.
Copy !req
300. After a bath,
Copy !req
301. I drink a glass of milk
and pretend to be drunk.
Copy !req
302. I'm Peso!
Copy !req
303. I'm 10 yen!
Copy !req
304. I'm a Wadou Kaichin!
Copy !req
305. No, no! You can't measure
a person's value in money!
Copy !req
306. {\an8}The next episode of {\i1}Nichijou{\i0} is episode 7.
Copy !req
307. {\fad(500,472)\pos(956,596)}Narration:\h\hTachiki Fumihiko
Copy !req
308. {\an8}Don't miss it.
Copy !req