1. You know Ian.
He does what he wants. He's the boss.
Copy !req
2. Not mine though. We're equals now.
Copy !req
3. To be clear, I'm the boss.
Copy !req
4. We're doing both our ideas.
So we split the expansion down the middle.
Copy !req
5. The work is perfect.
Copy !req
6. But don't you see how that's a problem?
Copy !req
7. Just need one good idea
to buy myself some time.
Copy !req
8. - Let's get to—
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
9. Legs have gone to sleep!
Copy !req
10. - No, don't touch them!
- I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
11. Started dating again.
Copy !req
12. Dirty Dave dropped his line
off the back of the boat.
Copy !req
13. Posting your wedding photos
on your dating profile?
Copy !req
14. I cut her out.
Copy !req
15. She cut you out.
Copy !req
16. I actually had the art department
whip up something.
Copy !req
17. How do I look?
Copy !req
18. That is so much more weird.
Copy !req
19. You need to keep
both your mind and your body sharp.
Copy !req
20. And that's part of being a boss.
It's just the way it's always been done.
Copy !req
21. Maybe I don't wanna do it
the way it's always been done.
Copy !req
22. Great. We'll call up old Doc Brown,
have him pull up the DeLorean.
Copy !req
23. We'll go back in time
to change human nature.
Copy !req
24. Who's Doc Brown?
Copy !req
25. Okay. New expansion.
Copy !req
26. First job for the new partners.
Copy !req
27. Clean slate. Fresh start.
Copy !req
28. Goodbye Raven's Banquet.
Hello... something else.
Copy !req
29. - Okay, I was think—
- I think—
Copy !req
30. - We both have ideas.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
31. That's good. Co-creative directors.
Copy !req
32. - Yes, equals now.
- Why don't you go first?
Copy !req
33. - Really? Okay.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
34. So I was thinking that
the new expansion could be set at sea.
Copy !req
35. I was thinking land.
Copy !req
36. Well, we're not gonna figure this out
today, so I'm gonna take off.
Copy !req
37. Wait, you're leaving?
Copy !req
38. Yeah, you know what? I might actually
go out to the desert for a little bit.
Copy !req
39. You know, sorta clear my mind,
reconnect with my physical form.
Copy !req
40. I don't know anyone that is more connected
with their physical form than you.
Copy !req
41. - Thank you.
- That wasn't a compliment.
Copy !req
42. All right. I'll see you next week.
Copy !req
43. Next— No, you can't leave for a week.
We only just started.
Copy !req
44. Don't worry. I'll just tell David
to shut down the office while I'm gone.
Copy !req
45. No. You don't need to
shut the office down. I'm here.
Copy !req
46. I'm gonna noodle on the new expansion.
I don't need you.
Copy !req
47. Okay. You don't need me. Fine.
Copy !req
48. Just a little bit of advice though, Pop.
Copy !req
49. You're not gonna get this done today.
Just relax a little bit.
Copy !req
50. Go out, get drunk.
Copy !req
51. Maybe get laid.
Copy !req
52. It could clear your head.
Copy !req
53. See ya.
Copy !req
54. Get laid.
Copy !req
55. That was nice.
Copy !req
56. How was it for you?
Copy !req
57. I gotta say, Pop.
Copy !req
58. It was pretty terrible.
Copy !req
59. So...
Copy !req
60. Everlight was pretty great, huh?
Copy !req
61. Yeah.
Copy !req
62. Hey, so...
Copy !req
63. I was thinking.
Copy !req
64. - Maybe we should—
- What up, ladies?
Copy !req
65. You busy?
Copy !req
66. - Yeah, actually, we were right—
- Cool, I was thinking that we could hang.
Copy !req
67. Like, have a little girl chat.
Copy !req
68. Put the controllers down.
Copy !req
69. I was thinking that we could talk
about, like, what's on our minds,
Copy !req
70. what's going on in the world.
Copy !req
71. To be honest, I've actually been feeling—
Copy !req
72. I was thinking I talk and you listen.
Copy !req
73. Not that I don't care about the thing
that you were gonna say, but...
Copy !req
74. I don't.
Copy !req
75. It's just...
I need to get something off my chest,
Copy !req
76. and I can talk to you guys,
because no one pays attention to you.
Copy !req
77. Also, if you said anything,
you would be fired.
Copy !req
78. What?
Copy !req
79. Does your girl talk
always involve veiled threats?
Copy !req
80. Sorry. Was that veiled?
I meant for that to be clear.
Copy !req
81. If you say anything about this,
you will be fired.
Copy !req
82. Anyway, I've been having this...
Copy !req
83. work-related... dream.
Copy !req
84. Well, no, it's more of a nightmare.
It's kind of been messing with my head.
Copy !req
85. You had a sex dream about Ian, didn't you?
Copy !req
86. What? No!
Copy !req
87. No! No, no. Shut up! No.
Copy !req
88. - What if I did, though?
- It's not a big deal.
Copy !req
89. I've had the same dream.
Copy !req
90. What? No!
Copy !req
91. I mean, you have?
Copy !req
92. Yeah. It's pretty common
to have dreams about your boss.
Copy !req
93. It's not sexual. It's really about power.
Copy !req
94. But Ian's not my boss anymore.
We're equals.
Copy !req
95. Not according to your subconscious.
Copy !req
96. See, the dream is just a representation
of our need for his approval.
Copy !req
97. Right.
Copy !req
98. So that's why afterwards
he says it was bad.
Copy !req
99. He didn't tell me it was bad.
He liked it in my dream.
Copy !req
100. - I thought it wasn't sexual.
- It isn't.
Copy !req
101. Then why do you care if he likes it?
Copy !req
102. I was just saying that
I was better at it than Poppy.
Copy !req
103. I can hear you. And, no, you weren't.
Copy !req
104. I am super good at sex, okay?
I'm, like, so good at sex.
Copy !req
105. Okay.
Copy !req
106. Whatever.
Just tell me how to make it stop.
Copy !req
107. Well, if it's really about power,
Copy !req
108. then maybe you need
to assert your authority in real life.
Copy !req
109. And then maybe your subconscious
will catch up.
Copy !req
110. Yeah.
Copy !req
111. No, I like that. Assert my authority.
That's what I'm gonna do.
Copy !req
112. That's what I'm gonna do. Girl chat over.
Copy !req
113. That was weird, huh?
Copy !req
114. Yeah.
Copy !req
115. Super weird.
Copy !req
116. - Did you wanna talk?
- Nope.
Copy !req
117. No. I'm good.
Copy !req
118. Hi, Carol. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
119. No. It's a new dawn, remember?
Copy !req
120. - Please, it's not what you think.
- This isn't about Dana?
Copy !req
121. Okay, I guess it is what you think.
But my issue is...
Copy !req
122. Okay, so...
Copy !req
123. I thought that Dana and I
were so close to the next step.
Copy !req
124. Now it turns out
she might not even be gay.
Copy !req
125. Which is fine. She doesn't have to be gay.
Copy !req
126. She could be bi or "Q," I guess.
Copy !req
127. To be honest, I never figured out
if "Q" meant queer or questioning.
Copy !req
128. I mean, she's definitely cis.
Not that that matters.
Copy !req
129. Unless she's not cis.
Oh, my God, Carol. What if she's not cis,
Copy !req
130. and I've just been assuming
this whole time she's cis?
Copy !req
131. Okay. Dear God, you are spinning.
Copy !req
132. You're right. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
133. I just— I don't wanna say the wrong thing
and offend her.
Copy !req
134. This stuff
is really important to talk about.
Copy !req
135. I do talk about it...
Copy !req
136. in the seminars I hold
on workplace discrimination
Copy !req
137. that no one attends.
Copy !req
138. Including you.
Copy !req
139. Yeah, I had a thing that day.
Copy !req
140. Right. Let's jump into it one-on-one
Copy !req
141. because you're entitled to
everything you want whenever you want it.
Copy !req
142. I'm kinda sensing
some microaggression, Carol.
Copy !req
143. You're sensing macroaggression.
Copy !req
144. Look, the problem is you're talking to me
when you should be talking to her.
Copy !req
145. You're so busy not wanting to offend her
that you're not telling her the truth.
Copy !req
146. Oh, my God, you're right.
I just need to be direct.
Copy !req
147. I need to go on the forums and educate
myself on the whole "Q" thing and then...
Copy !req
148. she and I can talk it out.
Copy !req
149. Thank you, Carol.
I feel really seen and heard.
Copy !req
150. That's the problem, 'cause
I don't wanna see you or hear you.
Copy !req
151. Guess who Ian just screwed.
Copy !req
152. Hey.
Copy !req
153. No!
Copy !req
154. I mean... who?
Copy !req
155. Me.
Copy !req
156. I just found this stuck
to my office window when I got to work.
Copy !req
157. "Tempe"?
Copy !req
158. Yeah. Tempe, Arizona. It's where
Ian does his little annual sabbatical.
Copy !req
159. Please, it's not a sabbatical.
Copy !req
160. It's a sleepaway camp for 40-year-old men
who wanna learn how to do MMA.
Copy !req
161. - It's pathetic.
- It's so pathetic.
Copy !req
162. - Did you know about this?
- Sort of.
Copy !req
163. He asked me to take care of his rings,
Copy !req
164. because they're priceless,
and he got them in the Amazon.
Copy !req
165. Oh, my—
What is his deal with those rings?
Copy !req
166. I think he thinks
that it makes him look younger.
Copy !req
167. You know he cut his beard
because it was getting too gray?
Copy !req
168. - Do you know he takes hair pills?
- But he calls them...
Copy !req
169. Vitamins.
Copy !req
170. What doctor prescribes vitamins?
It's pathetic.
Copy !req
171. So pathetic.
Copy !req
172. What am I gonna do now?
Copy !req
173. Ian and I
were supposed to talk to Montreal
Copy !req
174. and update them about the new expansion.
He just up and left.
Copy !req
175. Well, you know Ian. He does what he wants.
He's the boss.
Copy !req
176. Not mine though. We're equals now.
Copy !req
177. Yeah. To be clear, I'm the boss.
Copy !req
178. He works for me, and so do you.
Copy !req
179. But you're right.
You're not under Ian anymore.
Copy !req
180. Yo.
Copy !req
181. What?
Copy !req
182. In your new position.
It's your time to be on top.
Copy !req
183. Stretch your legs,
grind it out like a boss.
Copy !req
184. Yes, you can help me.
Copy !req
185. And if Ian doesn't like it, fuck him.
Copy !req
186. I won't! I don't—
Copy !req
187. What do you need, David? I'm very busy.
Copy !req
188. Just the title for the new expansion.
Copy !req
189. Right. We don't have one.
Copy !req
190. Ian and I have
fundamentally different ideas
Copy !req
191. of what the new expansion should be.
Copy !req
192. See, I wanna—
Copy !req
193. Poppy! Don't care.
Yeah, I just need a title.
Copy !req
194. If we don't come up with a good one,
Montreal's gonna stick us with a bad one.
Copy !req
195. So I need a good one, and I need it now.
Copy !req
196. Okay, yeah.
I can do that. I don't need Ian.
Copy !req
197. I have the authority, and I will assert—
Copy !req
198. - Title?
- Right. Yes, no, okay.
Copy !req
199. So the title of the new expansion...
Copy !req
200. - The title will be...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
201. Mythic Quest...
Copy !req
202. Sea of Ashes.
Copy !req
203. Great. All right,
I'll have the art team mock something up.
Copy !req
204. And I just gotta figure out a way
to hold off Montreal till tomorrow.
Copy !req
205. Can't you just sic Jo on them?
Copy !req
206. Yeah.
Copy !req
207. Unfortunately, Jo and I parted ways.
Copy !req
208. She finally left you, huh?
Copy !req
209. What? No, she didn't leave me.
No, it was mutual.
Copy !req
210. She just left to explore
other opportunities in the company.
Copy !req
211. Jo, I'm glad you left David for me.
That was a dead-end relationship.
Copy !req
212. - He's such a pussy.
- That goes without saying.
Copy !req
213. You probably shouldn't say it,
Copy !req
214. not because it's inappropriate,
but because it's obvious.
Copy !req
215. I have so much to learn.
Copy !req
216. That's good,
'cause I have so much to teach.
Copy !req
217. Lesson one, no notes.
Never leave a paper trail.
Copy !req
218. Now—
Copy !req
219. Eventually you'll learn enough to grow
from my protégée
Copy !req
220. into my sworn enemy.
Copy !req
221. If I have trained you properly,
you will try to devour me.
Copy !req
222. But if I devour you during
your attempts to devour me,
Copy !req
223. that'll only make me stronger.
Copy !req
224. I'm already thinking
about ways to devour you.
Copy !req
225. I know you are. That's why I like you.
Copy !req
226. Hey, Pop.
Copy !req
227. That may actually have been worse.
Copy !req
228. Agreed. Totally uninspired.
Copy !req
229. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
230. The tension was thick.
Copy !req
231. You could hear a pin drop.
Copy !req
232. And then Poppy turns to me,
and she looks me right in the eye,
Copy !req
233. and she says to me—
Copy !req
234. Poppy says— She says...
Copy !req
235. "Whatever you need, David."
Copy !req
236. Wow. Wow!
Copy !req
237. - She said that? She called you "David"?
- Yeah. Well...
Copy !req
238. Yeah. I mean, that's my name.
Copy !req
239. Anyway, so I say,
Copy !req
240. "Look, I need that title now, Pops.
No ifs, ands or buts."
Copy !req
241. And thus was born Sea of Ashes.
Copy !req
242. Like the dust of Christ.
Copy !req
243. Yeah— No.
There's no religious connotations.
Copy !req
244. Are you sure? There's a cross right there.
Copy !req
245. That's a sword. That's always been there.
Copy !req
246. Okay. Either way, good for you,
Copy !req
247. because it takes a lot of gumption
to talk that way to your boss.
Copy !req
248. Yeah. Well...
Copy !req
249. No, I'm Poppy's boss.
Copy !req
250. When did that happen? Congratulations.
Copy !req
251. Always been.
Copy !req
252. I guess I forget sometimes
just 'cause you have such kind eyes.
Copy !req
253. Oh, well. Thank you.
Copy !req
254. I gotta say, Sue, you get a—
Copy !req
255. You get a very different
David Brittlesbee than they get upstairs.
Copy !req
256. Let's just say that.
The David they know, he's—
Copy !req
257. He's firm, but he's fair.
He's an authoritarian.
Copy !req
258. David, there you are!
I need to talk to you. Got a sec?
Copy !req
259. Well, sure, yeah. Always got
time to talk to my subordinates.
Copy !req
260. Actually, I was just showing
Sue here the artwork to Sea of Ashes.
Copy !req
261. - Trash it. It's not the title.
- Yeah, I thought they did—
Copy !req
262. Sorry, wait, what?
Copy !req
263. Nah, it doesn't work.
It's totally... uninspired.
Copy !req
264. No. You came up with it. It works.
Copy !req
265. It doesn't! It doesn't!
If it did, it would. But it didn't.
Copy !req
266. I just need more time
to assert my dominance.
Copy !req
267. I don't know what is going on with you
and that,
Copy !req
268. but I don't have any more time, Poppy.
Copy !req
269. - Okay? I have to tell Montreal the title.
- Just tell them that it's TBD.
Copy !req
270. - TBD. I like that.
- That's not a title!
Copy !req
271. Look, you know what? No.
Copy !req
272. Sea of Ashes is the title,
and that is final.
Copy !req
273. It's not. It's not good enough.
Copy !req
274. Then come up with one
that's good enough. Now!
Copy !req
275. I will.
Copy !req
276. What are you doing?
Copy !req
277. Don't tell me what to do!
You're not the boss of me!
Copy !req
278. I am the boss of you!
I am all of your bosses!
Copy !req
279. Why does no one understand that?
Copy !req
280. It's the eyes, David.
Copy !req
281. Come on, do this, big boy. Yeah! Come on.
Copy !req
282. Poppy.
Copy !req
283. Poppy!
Copy !req
284. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
285. Hey.
Copy !req
286. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
287. How have you been?
Copy !req
288. Awesome. Yeah, super awesome.
Copy !req
289. - Great.
- Good.
Copy !req
290. Yeah, same for me.
I'm with Brad now.
Copy !req
291. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Yeah.
Copy !req
292. - Hey, what's up, man?
- Hey, man.
Copy !req
293. - For the record, she came to me.
- No, man. It's all good.
Copy !req
294. - All good.
- Yeah, it's all good.
Copy !req
295. Don't worry, David.
I'm sure you'll find someone soon.
Copy !req
296. Yeah, I'm not even looking, really.
Copy !req
297. Yeah, I've just been super busy.
Cycling a lot, obviously.
Copy !req
298. And nose to the grindstone.
Copy !req
299. Working on the new expansion.
Copy !req
300. Boom. We just came up with this.
What do you think?
Copy !req
301. - Yeah, that's...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
302. It's...
Copy !req
303. - It's fun!
- Good.
Copy !req
304. So, you don't like it.
Copy !req
305. I mean, you could do better.
Copy !req
306. - Could he?
- I don't...
Copy !req
307. It's not the final title.
Copy !req
308. I mean, there's still wiggle room.
Copy !req
309. We're working it out. It's a process.
Copy !req
310. - Yeah. Right.
- That's good.
Copy !req
311. Yeah. Cool.
Copy !req
312. Pussy.
Copy !req
313. - Jo.
- Sorry.
Copy !req
314. Hey.
Copy !req
315. - That is not a way to talk to your boss.
- It's not.
Copy !req
316. - Also, he knows already.
- Right. Right.
Copy !req
317. Okay.
I get what's going on. No, it's cool.
Copy !req
318. You guys are in the honeymoon phase.
Copy !req
319. I'm the bad guy. I'm the joke.
I'm the wimp. I'm the "P."
Copy !req
320. - Yeah. Just—
- Yeah.
Copy !req
321. I'm not a "P," okay?
Copy !req
322. I am a boss, all right?
Copy !req
323. Just to be clear, I'm your boss.
And yours.
Copy !req
324. Okay? I don't need you guys.
I don't need either of you.
Copy !req
325. Or Poppy. Or Ian, for that matter.
Copy !req
326. I'm gonna come up with my own title,
Copy !req
327. very cool title, all by myself,
even if I have to stay up all night.
Copy !req
328. Gonna handle my business like a boss,
in the boss's office.
Copy !req
329. Or Ian's office, obviously.
Copy !req
330. I'm his boss, so... Back to work!
Copy !req
331. And get me a coffee, please. Decaf.
Non-dairy milk.
Copy !req
332. Please.
Copy !req
333. Whatever.
Copy !req
334. What did you ever see in him?
Copy !req
335. I was young.
Copy !req
336. Hey, Carol.
Copy !req
337. Jesus.
Copy !req
338. You two are like little pixie snipers.
Copy !req
339. - What?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
340. Let me guess.
Copy !req
341. - You wanna talk about Rachel.
- Rachel.
Copy !req
342. She's been avoiding me for a few days.
Copy !req
343. And then, she sent me an invitation to
Copy !req
344. "an open forum of shared feelings
in a nonjudgmental safe space."
Copy !req
345. - What does that mean?
- No idea, but it's in my calendar.
Copy !req
346. Is it illegal
to have a workplace relationship?
Copy !req
347. No, it isn't. There's nothing illegal
about dating someone from work.
Copy !req
348. It's stupid, and it can only end badly,
Copy !req
349. but it is actually not an HR issue. So...
Copy !req
350. Great. That is great, because—
Copy !req
351. Okay, so,
Poppy had this sex dream about Ian, right?
Copy !req
352. And I had one too.
Copy !req
353. Rachel got all weird because
in my dream, I totally got him off.
Copy !req
354. - And Poppy couldn't and—
- Okay.
Copy !req
355. This is an HR issue,
Copy !req
356. because y'all
should not be coming into work
Copy !req
357. telling each other about sex dreams.
Copy !req
358. - But you just said—
- I'ma cut to the chase.
Copy !req
359. Do you like this woman?
Copy !req
360. You mean "like" like her?
Copy !req
361. Okay. This generation is a hot mess.
Copy !req
362. You can't have a conversation,
and you're devolving into third graders.
Copy !req
363. I'm sorry. It's just—
Copy !req
364. Rachel really loves to talk things out.
Like, a lot.
Copy !req
365. And she wants to break everything down
and analyze everything. And I don't.
Copy !req
366. I guess I'm not great with confrontation.
Copy !req
367. You crept up on me quiet as the night
and pounced like a damn jungle cat.
Copy !req
368. - I call that confrontation.
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
369. You know what you should do?
Copy !req
370. You should speak to one another.
Copy !req
371. Be clear. Okay? No more Q's, just A's.
Copy !req
372. Even if the A's are, "We're still Q'ing."
Copy !req
373. At least you're talking to each other
and not to me.
Copy !req
374. You're right.
Copy !req
375. I just gotta be direct. Thanks, Carol.
Copy !req
376. God, I miss remote working.
Copy !req
377. Okay, I think I got it.
Copy !req
378. Yeah, I got it. Here we go.
Copy !req
379. And the title is...
Copy !req
380. Fuck.
Copy !req
381. Sea of Nazis doesn't even make sense!
Copy !req
382. What are you doing?
Copy !req
383. Hey.
Copy !req
384. I was—
Copy !req
385. You're back from camp.
Copy !req
386. It's not camp.
Copy !req
387. It's a guided retreat where
we harness the power of the male body
Copy !req
388. through the discipline
of Brazilian jujitsu.
Copy !req
389. - Okay.
- Why are you in my office?
Copy !req
390. I was trying to come up
with a title for the new expansion.
Copy !req
391. Poppy was supposed to do it, but—
Copy !req
392. You know women.
Copy !req
393. They get real emotional.
Copy !req
394. Yeah, David, you seem emotional.
Copy !req
395. Yeah. I am kinda having a hard time.
Copy !req
396. It's just been a long night. I've been
trying to come up with this title.
Copy !req
397. My mom's right, you know?
I'm not a creative. I'm a numbers guy.
Copy !req
398. Hey, relax, relax, buddy. Relax.
Copy !req
399. Look, if I learned anything this week,
Copy !req
400. it's that true power
does not come from without.
Copy !req
401. It comes from within.
Copy !req
402. Look, David,
don't be held back by reality.
Copy !req
403. My reality is different than your reality.
Copy !req
404. You realize
that I'm actually seven feet tall?
Copy !req
405. What do they teach you at this thing?
Copy !req
406. Okay, what are you doing? 'Cause you—
Copy !req
407. You've come back from this thing
real aggressive.
Copy !req
408. Yeah.
Copy !req
409. Now, listen. Tell me how you feel.
Copy !req
410. Safe.
Copy !req
411. That's right. Old Ian's got ya.
Copy !req
412. And, David,
Copy !req
413. you have all the answers you need
deep inside you.
Copy !req
414. Would you like me to help you find them?
Copy !req
415. - Yeah.
- Okay.
Copy !req
416. The name of the expansion is...
Copy !req
417. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
418. Yeah, that's it. Now, you go ahead and...
Copy !req
419. - What are we doing?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
420. Now, that's good stuff.
Copy !req
421. Oh, no.
Copy !req
422. - David.
- Hey. What's going on?
Copy !req
423. Why are you sleeping in my office?
Copy !req
424. I was trying to channel Ian's mindset
Copy !req
425. to come up with a title
for the new expansion,
Copy !req
426. - but I couldn't come up with one.
- I thought of it.
Copy !req
427. You did?
Copy !req
428. What is it?
Copy !req
429. "Titans' Rift." That's good. I like that.
Copy !req
430. I can see the artwork already, you know?
Copy !req
431. It's like two titans locked in a battle.
Copy !req
432. One struggling to dominate the other.
One won't submit though.
Copy !req
433. - Something like that. I don't know.
- Yeah. That's great.
Copy !req
434. Hey, how did you
come up with it, by the way?
Copy !req
435. It came to me in a dream.
Copy !req
436. Oh, yeah? That's cool. What kind of dream?
Copy !req
437. Just a dream.
Copy !req
438. You probably wouldn't understand
because you're not creative,
Copy !req
439. but we creatives,
we have dreams like this sometimes.
Copy !req
440. You had the Ian sex dream, didn't ya?
Copy !req
441. No! No.
Copy !req
442. No. No.
Copy !req
443. No.
Copy !req
444. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
445. Yeah, well, you know. I've had
the dream too. We all have.
Copy !req
446. It's not uncommon
to have sex dreams about your boss.
Copy !req
447. It's like a power thing.
Copy !req
448. But, David, you're his boss.
Copy !req
449. Right.
Copy !req
450. Gonna have to unpack that one.
Copy !req
451. And besides, I wasn't even having
sex with him in the dream. You were.
Copy !req
452. - Me?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
453. Ian whispered the title in your ear
while you were...
Copy !req
454. What?
Copy !req
455. Sorry. Is that... supposed to be sex?
Copy !req
456. Yeah.
Copy !req
457. - Shut up. I'm good at it.
- Okay.
Copy !req
458. Anyway, the point is, you told me
to come up with the title, and I did.
Copy !req
459. Yes, you did. I mean, Ian did.
Copy !req
460. No, it—
Copy !req
461. It was in my head.
Copy !req
462. So, yes, Ian came up with it,
Copy !req
463. but it was in my dream.
Copy !req
464. Therefore, it was my dream,
I came up with it.
Copy !req
465. Yeah, but you still needed him.
Copy !req
466. And so did I.
Copy !req
467. We probably
shouldn't be talking about this.
Copy !req
468. - No, no one needs to know. Right?
- Especially not Ian.
Copy !req
469. - No, definitely not Ian. We did it!
- We did it!
Copy !req
470. Yeah.
Copy !req
471. - Hey, Pop.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
472. - Did I satisfy him?
- David.
Copy !req
473. I was just wondering if he... you know.
Copy !req
474. Hey.
Copy !req
475. Hey.
Copy !req
476. Okay, here it goes.
Copy !req
477. Okay, here it goes.
Copy !req
478. Thanks for meeting me here.
Copy !req
479. I know it's kinda weird
to meet in a garage,
Copy !req
480. but I just wanted a neutral space,
Copy !req
481. and I brought this literature to help us
frame the conversation in a safe and—
Copy !req
482. Sorry.
Copy !req
483. But if I didn't do that now,
I don't know if I would be able to later.
Copy !req
484. You okay?
Copy !req
485. Yeah. Just... making sure
this isn't a dream.
Copy !req
486. The first one was cute, but
I ain't sitting through another one. Move.
Copy !req
487. Mazel tov. Don't fuck in the office.
Copy !req
488. I gotta say,
the more you do it, the better you get.
Copy !req
489. Nobody satisfies me like you.
Copy !req
490. Nice.
Copy !req