1. Can you believe Featherweight
got his cutie mark?
Copy !req
2. Featherweight! Before us!
Copy !req
3. Great cutie mark, Featherweight!
Copy !req
4. Looking good!
Copy !req
5. I give up...
Copy !req
6. I've got it!
Copy !req
7. The answer to all our problems!
Copy !req
8. The Foal Free Press?
Copy !req
9. How's the school paper
gonna get us our cutie marks?
Copy !req
10. Move your caboose!
Copy !req
11. That's Granny Smith. Gotta run!
Copy !req
12. Maybe there's something
to this newspaper idea.
Copy !req
13. Guess it's worth a shot...
Copy !req
14. Apple Bloom, your newspaper idea
was nothing but a big bust.
Copy !req
15. We tried everything, from papier-mâché
to making birds nests and nothing worked.
Copy !req
16. What's so funny?
Copy !req
17. What I meant was,
we should write for the paper!
Copy !req
18. We can get our cutie marks as journalists!
Copy !req
19. Season 2 | Episode 23
Ponyville Confidential
Copy !req
20. Okay class, see you tomorrow!
Copy !req
21. Oh, and for those of you who want
to join the newspaper staff,
Copy !req
22. stay here because we're meeting right now!
Copy !req
23. Cutie marks in journalism!
Copy !req
24. Such a good idea.
Copy !req
25. Welcome, everypony.
Copy !req
26. Now, as you know,
our editor-in-chief graduated last year.
Copy !req
27. Yes?
Copy !req
28. What's an editor-in-chief?
Copy !req
29. Good question, Sweetie Belle,
I like those reporters' instincts.
Copy !req
30. The Foal Free Press
is a student-run paper.
Copy !req
31. I'm only involved as an advisor.
Copy !req
32. So the editor-in-chief
is the pony in charge.
Copy !req
33. From choosing the stories,
to making sure it gets to press on time.
Copy !req
34. Now, as I said,
we have a new editor this year!
Copy !req
35. Diamond Tiara?
Copy !req
36. I'll leave you alone now to discuss
everypony's assignments.
Copy !req
37. Have fun!
Copy !req
38. Alright, listen up.
Copy !req
39. The Foal Free Press is a joke.
Copy !req
40. Yay!
Copy !req
41. First things first,
where's the staff photographer?
Copy !req
42. Get out there and document everything.
Copy !req
43. I'll decide what's important.
Copy !req
44. The rest of you, I want hard-hitting news
and interesting thinkpieces.
Copy !req
45. No more namby-pamby stories
like last year's editor.
Copy !req
46. But Namby-Pamby was a great editor.
Copy !req
47. Well, there's a new regime now,
and I want juicy stories.
Copy !req
48. The juicier the better!
Copy !req
49. Now get out there and report!
Copy !req
50. Let's get out of here, girls.
Copy !req
51. Maybe we can try packing boxes again.
Copy !req
52. But this could be our last chance
to earn our cutie marks!
Copy !req
53. If we really are supposed
to be journalists,
Copy !req
54. isn't it worth a little grief?
Copy !req
55. I guess you're right.
Copy !req
56. We can take a little bit of Diamond Tiara
for a lifetime of cutie marks.
Copy !req
57. C'mon! Let's go get those marks!
Copy !req
58. My first story's gonna be
an exclusive interview.
Copy !req
59. I saw a brand new nest
of baby birds the other day.
Copy !req
60. I bet our readers would eat up
a sweet story like that!
Copy !req
61. Granny Smith has all sorts
of great stories!
Copy !req
62. I reckon I'll do a piece
on the history of Ponyville.
Copy !req
63. I hope you've got something,
because everything so far is unusable.
Copy !req
64. "Baby Birds Born...?"
"Rarity's Hot New Hat...?"
Copy !req
65. "Ponyville, The Early Years...!"
Copy !req
66. I don't know what you call this,
but it sure isn't news!
Copy !req
67. We just... thought...
Copy !req
68. Get something else on my desk
by the end of the day,
Copy !req
69. and it better be juicy!
Copy !req
70. Now what? Do you know what
I had to do to get that story?
Copy !req
71. Oh, you don't even wanna know
what I had to sit through.
Copy !req
72. Get it off me, Snails!
Copy !req
73. Yeah, you get it off me, Snips?
Copy !req
74. Stop it! You are making it worse!
Copy !req
75. Oh, great.
Copy !req
76. I'll get it.
Copy !req
77. Get it off! Get it off!
Copy !req
78. Hey, Featherweight, c'mere!
Copy !req
79. Take a few pictures of this,
then meet me during lunch.
Copy !req
80. Girls, I have our story.
Copy !req
81. Snips and Snails in bubblegum fails!
Copy !req
82. "And that's when the biggest jokester
in school really stuck his hoof in it..."
Copy !req
83. "... literally!"
Copy !req
84. The Foal Free Press is usually
just boring news and stuff.
Copy !req
85. So funny!
Copy !req
86. Our mothers always told us
we'd end up in the papers someday.
Copy !req
87. Yeah, and look!
Copy !req
88. We finally got the gum out!
Copy !req
89. Your column is a sensation!
Copy !req
90. I don't want you doing news anymore.
Copy !req
91. I want more columns like this.
Copy !req
92. Columns about ponies
and their private lives...
Copy !req
93. The things they do when
they think they're alone...
Copy !req
94. You three are my new gossip columnists!
Copy !req
95. And I love the way you signed it!
Copy !req
96. Gabby Gums...
that was a stroke of genius!
Copy !req
97. We couldn't fit all of our names.
Copy !req
98. So we decided to create one
for all three of us.
Copy !req
99. Well, I want more Gabby Gums!
Copy !req
100. Nice work, girls.
Copy !req
101. But we sure seem
to have a gift for gossip.
Copy !req
102. If we can write a few more
of these Gabby Gums columns,
Copy !req
103. we'll earn our cutie marks for sure!
Copy !req
104. Scootaloo...? Do you have anything?
Copy !req
105. Nope.
Copy !req
106. Apple Bloom?
Copy !req
107. Sorry.
Copy !req
108. Let's face it, nothing very juicy
happens at this school.
Copy !req
109. We're doomed.
Copy !req
110. Sweetie Belle... was she raised
in a barn or something?
Copy !req
111. You really shouldn't be snooping, Rarity.
Copy !req
112. Oh, but it's so much fun, Rarity.
Copy !req
113. Hello... what's this?
Copy !req
114. Gum on their bum!
Copy !req
115. Too rich!
Copy !req
116. Can you please keep it down
with all the laughter?
Copy !req
117. I'm trying to- hey!
Copy !req
118. I was just...
Copy !req
119. Are you snooping through my saddlebag?
Copy !req
120. How dare you!
Copy !req
121. Oh, but this Gabby Gums
column is so funny!
Copy !req
122. You actually like the school paper?
Copy !req
123. It's so much juicier than anything
in the boring old Ponyville Express.
Copy !req
124. Could I borrow this to show my friends?
Copy !req
125. Your friends would wanna read
the Foal Free Press?
Copy !req
126. Oh, they'd just love Gabby Gums!
Copy !req
127. Who is she, anyway?
Copy !req
128. I've never heard of her before.
Is she a new-
Copy !req
129. We gave up too quickly, girls.
Copy !req
130. Forget trying to squeeze stories
out of this school.
Copy !req
131. We need to expand!
Copy !req
132. We can find all kinds of great gossip
out there in Ponyville!
Copy !req
133. We'll need to tell Featherweight
to start working overtime.
Copy !req
134. Sweetie Belle, you're a genius!
Copy !req
135. "Pound and Pumpkin Cake trip
to the store ends in tears."
Copy !req
136. Gabby Gums comes through again!
Copy !req
137. The Ponyville news stand
wants to carry the Foal Free Press!
Copy !req
138. Ponies keep coming by and asking for it!
Copy !req
139. Send 'em twenty copies,
and if they run out of those,
Copy !req
140. we'll send 'em twenty more!
Copy !req
141. You three are doing
a great job for this paper.
Copy !req
142. Keep those columns coming!
Copy !req
143. This is great!
Copy !req
144. Oh, this is the life, isn't it, girls?
Copy !req
145. The best hooficure I've ever had!
Copy !req
146. You said it.
Copy !req
147. I don't know if I've ever been
so relaxed.
Copy !req
148. You guys!
Copy !req
149. The new Gabby Gums just came out!
Copy !req
150. "The Great and Powerful Trixie's
secrets revealed!"
Copy !req
151. We already read that one, Rainbow Dash.
Copy !req
152. Come on, relax, have a hooficure,
it feels amazing.
Copy !req
153. Did you forget who you're talking to?
Copy !req
154. The day I get a hooficure
is the day I turn in my daredevil license.
Copy !req
155. Besides, I haven't read
this Gabby Gums yet.
Copy !req
156. Well, do it quietly, will ya?
Copy !req
157. Some of us are trying to unwind!
Copy !req
158. I like Gabby Gums too, but don't
you think she can be a little mean?
Copy !req
159. She's not mean, Twilight, she's a hoot!
Copy !req
160. "Celestia, just like us?"
Copy !req
161. Gabby Gums doesn't value
anypony's privacy.
Copy !req
162. Oh, lighten up, Twilight,
there's nothing but harmless gossip!
Copy !req
163. Yeah, Twilight, I mean listen to this one.
Copy !req
164. "Mayor, not naturally gray!"
Copy !req
165. "The Mayor in a mane dyeing scandal?"
Copy !req
166. Who wouldn't wanna read that?
Copy !req
167. I just can't help feeling sorry for
the ponies featured in her columns.
Copy !req
168. It's gotta be a little embarrassing.
Copy !req
169. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
170. Do you know how awesome it is
to get your name in the paper?
Copy !req
171. Rainbow, why don't you join me
in one of these delicious hooficures?
Copy !req
172. It's that good, huh?
Well, maybe just one little hoof.
Copy !req
173. Forget it, I don't like ponies
touching my hooves.
Copy !req
174. Man... I'd love it if Gabby Gums
did a story on me.
Copy !req
175. She did one on me.
Copy !req
176. What?
Copy !req
177. "Exclusive! Local dragon tells all."
Copy !req
178. "Spike opens up about Canterlot,
naps, and his favorite jams!"
Copy !req
179. It's our best column yet!
Copy !req
180. More like your worst column yet!
Copy !req
181. Gabby Gums didn't become
the biggest thing in Ponyville
Copy !req
182. with namby-pamby stories like this!
Copy !req
183. Yeah, she's right.
Copy !req
184. This column is a little softer
than our usual gossip.
Copy !req
185. Were you guys feeling guilty
about all the gossip too?
Copy !req
186. Like... maybe we could be
hurting other ponies' feelings?
Copy !req
187. Yeah, I didn't wanna say anything because
everypony loves Gabby Gums so much,
Copy !req
188. but... I was sorta hoping we could start
writing more stories like this one.
Copy !req
189. Me too.
Copy !req
190. If we're gonna get our cutie marks,
we've got to give the ponies
Copy !req
191. what they want.
Copy !req
192. "Applejack, asleep on the job!"
Copy !req
193. Can y'all believe this?
Copy !req
194. And this one:
Copy !req
195. "Big Macintosh, what's he hiding?"
Copy !req
196. Who the hay does this Gabby Gums
think she is?
Copy !req
197. Listen to this one.
Copy !req
198. "Twilight Sparkle, I was a Canterlot snob."
Copy !req
199. "A well-placed scaly source
close to the prissy pony says..."
Copy !req
200. "Twilight Sparkle thinks Ponyville
is nothing but muddy roads..."
Copy !req
201. "... and low-class rooves."
Copy !req
202. Spike!
Copy !req
203. How could you say such a thing?
Copy !req
204. Well, I didn't! Gabby Gums made that up!
Copy !req
205. I never said anything like that!
Copy !req
206. Everypony, please!
Copy !req
207. She's just a harmless schoolpony
engaged in a little idle gossip.
Copy !req
208. You're really making too big a deal
out of this.
Copy !req
209. But it's all lies!
Copy !req
210. Gabby Gums prints whatever she wants.
Copy !req
211. She doesn't care whose reputation
she destroys!
Copy !req
212. "Fluttershy has tail extensions!"
Copy !req
213. "Pinkie Pie is an out-of-control
party animal!"
Copy !req
214. What?
Copy !req
215. It's true! I do have a problem!
Copy !req
216. Oh look! According to this one,
the Cakes are breaking up!
Copy !req
217. We are?
Copy !req
218. Well, my life is officially... over.
Copy !req
219. Gabby Gums has made it to Cloudsdale.
Copy !req
220. "Rainbow Dash,
Speed demon or super softie?"
Copy !req
221. I grabbed as many copies as I could,
but it was too late!
Copy !req
222. I'm a laughing stock!
Copy !req
223. See, Rarity?
Copy !req
224. Your so-called 'harmless gossip'
can be very hurtful!
Copy !req
225. Honestly, you ponies
have no sense of humor.
Copy !req
226. So she tweaks a few ponies
every now and then,
Copy !req
227. maybe they deserv-
Copy !req
228. I'll destroy her!
Copy !req
229. "The drama queen diaries."
Copy !req
230. She's reprinted my diary!
Copy !req
231. How could Gabby Gums possibly
get access to my private diary?
Copy !req
232. We've got to put a stop to this
once and for all!
Copy !req
233. Sweetie Belle's on the newspaper staff.
Copy !req
234. Maybe she knows who Gabby Gums is!
Copy !req
235. My sister would never associate
with anyone as beastly as Gabby Gums!
Copy !req
236. I resent you even suggesting
such a thing, Twilight!
Copy !req
237. Why, she's the most innocent,
most lovely...
Copy !req
238. most evil pony in Equestria!
Copy !req
239. My own sister steals my private diary.
Copy !req
240. How could my own sister be...
Gabby Gums?
Copy !req
241. Et tu, Gabby Gums?
Copy !req
242. You know? How'd you find out?
Copy !req
243. The gilded pages of your betrayal!
Copy !req
244. Oh yeah.
Copy !req
245. How could you do this to me?
Copy !req
246. You stole my secret diary and published it
for all the world to read!
Copy !req
247. Gossip can be a very hurtful thing.
Copy !req
248. It is an invasion of privacy, just like
when I snooped through your saddlebag.
Copy !req
249. You didn't like that much, did you?
Copy !req
250. No...
Copy !req
251. What is important is that you understand
how your column makes the ponies
Copy !req
252. that you're writing about feel!
Copy !req
253. I do understand,
and we've all been feeling guilty.
Copy !req
254. But we just want our cutie marks so badly!
Copy !req
255. Do you really think that
writing nasty things
Copy !req
256. and making everypony feel horrible
is your destiny?
Copy !req
257. Well, when you put it that way...
Copy !req
258. No!
Copy !req
259. I won't let you quit!
Copy !req
260. But the gossip we've been printing
is hurting everypony's feelings!
Copy !req
261. Feelings? I don't care about feelings!
Copy !req
262. Gabby Gums is my bread and butter.
Copy !req
263. And I'm not gonna let you
goody two horseshoes
Copy !req
264. take that away from me!
Copy !req
265. We're sorry, Diamond Tiara,
but we've made our decision.
Copy !req
266. Yeah, you can't force us
to keep gossiping.
Copy !req
267. When you see these...
Copy !req
268. You may not want to quit after all.
Copy !req
269. I told Featherweight
to document everything...
Copy !req
270. And that's exactly what he did.
Copy !req
271. Gimme those!
Copy !req
272. Sorry, girls, property of
the Foal Free Press.
Copy !req
273. And if Gabby Gums really
does go into retirement,
Copy !req
274. I'll need something to fill
that empty column space.
Copy !req
275. Now get out there
and bring me more Gabby Gums!
Copy !req
276. We'll find a way out of this, girls.
Copy !req
277. Maybe Rainbow Dash
will have a story for us.
Copy !req
278. She's always good for some gossip.
Copy !req
279. Rainbow Dash! Hey, Rainbow Dash!
Copy !req
280. Well, if it isn't Gabby Gums.
Copy !req
281. You heard too, huh?
Copy !req
282. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
283. Everypony in town knows it's you three.
Copy !req
284. Don't suppose you'd let us
write a column on you, huh?
Copy !req
285. Oh, hi Angel, is Fluttershy home?
Copy !req
286. Hey, what gives?
Copy !req
287. Twilight thought you might try
to show your faces around here,
Copy !req
288. so she put up a force field.
Copy !req
289. Aw, c'mon, Applejack!
Copy !req
290. You're not mad at us too, are you?
Copy !req
291. Yup.
Copy !req
292. You're not even gonna talk to us?
Copy !req
293. Nope.
Copy !req
294. You should be ashamed of yourself,
humiliatin' your sister 'n' me like that.
Copy !req
295. We don't wanna talk to
any y'all right now,
Copy !req
296. so take your little gossip column
and your embarrassing photographs
Copy !req
297. and just go away!
Copy !req
298. We've ruined all of our friendships
and we still don't have our cutie marks!
Copy !req
299. This is the worst day ever!
Copy !req
300. Oh yeah? Wait 'til tomorrow.
Copy !req
301. Our most embarrassing moments
are about to be published
Copy !req
302. for everypony to laugh at.
Copy !req
303. So, what do we do?
Copy !req
304. I don't know.
Copy !req
305. We're not leaving this clubhouse
until we think of something!
Copy !req
306. That's it, Gabby Gums is out of time.
Copy !req
307. Run these instead.
Copy !req
308. I want this paper on every
street corner in Ponyville!
Copy !req
309. Yes, ma'am!
Copy !req
310. Stop the presses!
Copy !req
311. Uh, they haven't started yet.
Copy !req
312. We have a Gabby Gums column!
Copy !req
313. You're lucky I'm nice.
Copy !req
314. This better not happen again, or else.
Copy !req
315. Well done, Diamond Tiara.
Copy !req
316. You've averted yet another crisis
with your amazing diplomatic skills.
Copy !req
317. "An open letter to Ponyville
by Gabby Gums"?
Copy !req
318. What is this?
Copy !req
319. They're not gonna get away with this!
Copy !req
320. I'll publish those photos tomorrow!
Copy !req
321. They messed with the wrong pony!
Copy !req
322. To the citizens of Ponyville.
Copy !req
323. For some time now, you've been reading
this column to get the latest dirt
Copy !req
324. and the hottest buzz.
Copy !req
325. But this will be my final piece.
Copy !req
326. We want to apologize for the pain
and embarrassment we've caused.
Copy !req
327. Y'see, I'm actually three little fillies.
Copy !req
328. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.
Copy !req
329. As the popularity of our column grew,
we got swept up in the hype.
Copy !req
330. We knew that what we were
doing didn't feel quite right,
Copy !req
331. but we ignored the guilt,
because everypony
Copy !req
332. seemed to want to read
what we were writing.
Copy !req
333. From now on, we promise to respect
everypony else's privacy.
Copy !req
334. and we won't engage
in hurtful gossip any more.
Copy !req
335. All we can do is ask for
your forgiveness, Ponyville.
Copy !req
336. Signing off for the very last time,
XOXO, Gabby Gums.
Copy !req
337. Well, staff, I guess I gave
a little too much authority
Copy !req
338. to a first-time editor.
Copy !req
339. I'm sorry, Diamond Tiara,
I have to strip you of your title.
Copy !req
340. And for the next editor
of the Foal Free Press...
Copy !req
341. Here's your new editor-in-chief,
Copy !req
342. Oh, him? But what about me?
Copy !req
343. Here ya go! I've been promoted
to staff photographer!
Copy !req