1. - Oh, no! Up there!
- It's gonna crash!
Copy !req
2. Don't look, don't look.
Copy !req
3. Oh, no!
Copy !req
4. What was that?
Copy !req
5. Uh, there's a fire
on the blimp. We have to—
Copy !req
6. Look!
Copy !req
7. Is everyone okay?
Copy !req
8. I'll take that as a yes.
Copy !req
9. Who... Who are you?
Copy !req
10. Just call me—
Copy !req
11. Superman!
Copy !req
12. I'd like
to interview you
for the Daily Planet.
Copy !req
13. Uh, sorry. No comment.
Copy !req
14. Uh, got to go...
Gotta go take care
of that blimp.
Copy !req
15. Oh, come on. Not again.
Copy !req
16. Superman, if I could just have
a minute of your time.
Copy !req
17. - All right. Listen up.
- Kyle!
Copy !req
18. Have you found her yet?
Copy !req
19. How many times
do I have to tell you
not to use our real names
Copy !req
20. while doing crimes,
Rough House?
Copy !req
21. Oh. Sorry, Kyle.
Copy !req
22. I just... Ugh.
Copy !req
23. I'll only ask once.
Copy !req
24. Which jail cell
is Siobhan McDougal in?
Copy !req
25. Kyle?
Copy !req
26. Albert?
Copy !req
27. - Sis!
- Oh, so she gets to use
our names?
Copy !req
28. What are you guys doing here?
Copy !req
29. Long story short,
a crazy lady gave us
stupid, powerful weapons.
Copy !req
30. And we're busting you... Out.
Copy !req
31. For you.
Copy !req
32. Amplifies sound.
Copy !req
33. Aw, you guys.
Copy !req
34. Mm!
Copy !req
35. Missed you too, sis, but—
Copy !req
36. Prisoner 839
and associates!
Copy !req
37. Drop your weapons
and stand down.
Copy !req
38. Uh, no.
Copy !req
39. What was that?
Copy !req
40. I said...
Copy !req
41. no!
Copy !req
42. Late, late, I'm so late.
Copy !req
43. Hey, Lo...
Copy !req
44. Uh, Lois, are you okay?
Copy !req
45. You're not hurt, are you?
Copy !req
46. I didn't see you.
I mean, I did,
but I got you coffee.
Copy !req
47. This is from Waid's Cafe.
Copy !req
48. You said it was your favorite.
I happened to jog past.
Copy !req
49. That's clear across the city.
Copy !req
50. It was a long jog.
Copy !req
51. Are you sure you're okay?
Copy !req
52. I am now, thanks to you.
Copy !req
53. And I really need this
after the morning I've had.
Copy !req
54. Oh, uh, really? What were you,
uh, doing this morning?
Copy !req
55. Oh, I'll tell you what.
Copy !req
56. I've been trying to
interview Superman,
but he keeps running away.
Copy !req
57. Seriously, what is that guy
so scared of?
Copy !req
58. Well, just a guess.
Copy !req
59. Maybe he doesn't want you
to find out all his secrets
and publish them?
Copy !req
60. Yeah, but he doesn't know
that's my plan.
Copy !req
61. Saying yes to an interview
is simple.
Copy !req
62. Here, look, I'll be me
and you pretend to be Superman.
Copy !req
63. Hello, Superman. Lois Lane,
reporter for the Daily Planet.
Copy !req
64. It's a pleasure,
Ms. Lane.
Copy !req
65. Clark, come on.
With a little more confidence.
Copy !req
66. It's a pleasure... ma'am, miss.
Copy !req
67. You saved my life
and I want to know
more about you.
Copy !req
68. It would mean the world to me
if you let me interview you.
Copy !req
69. What do you say?
Copy !req
70. If it was within my power,
I would do anything
for you, Lois.
Copy !req
71. Well, see how easy that was?
So why can't that guy say it?
Copy !req
72. Back!
Back you monsters!
Copy !req
73. What's going on?
Copy !req
74. You're getting scooped
is what.
Copy !req
75. Oh, no.
Copy !req
76. Allow us to introduce
ourselves. Lights!
Copy !req
77. You're talking
to the Daily Planet's
star news team.
Copy !req
78. Sports reporter Steve Lombard.
Copy !req
79. Award-winning journalism,
people-pleasing good looks!
Copy !req
80. Yeah, gossip
and human interest, Cat Grant.
Copy !req
81. If you can't say
something nice, darling,
then come sit by me!
Copy !req
82. But not too close.
Copy !req
83. I'm not doing this.
Copy !req
84. Ah, come on, Ronnie.
Copy !req
85. They got to know
who's scooping them.
Copy !req
86. No. We have real work
to do.
Copy !req
87. Ronnie Troupe,
investigative journalist.
Copy !req
88. I apologize about Steve.
Copy !req
89. He thinks scoop
means "to steal,"
which it doesn't, Steve.
Copy !req
90. It just means getting a story
before another reporter.
Copy !req
91. And I'm scooping this.
Copy !req
92. Not the murder board!
- Perry assigned...
Copy !req
93. No. No, no, no, wait.
Copy !req
94. You can't just...
Copy !req
95. Harry assigned us
the Superman beat.
Copy !req
96. He said you compiled research
we could use,
Copy !req
97. so we'll take this
and get out of your hair.
Copy !req
98. This isn't fair.
Copy !req
99. The Superman story
we wrote was perfect.
Copy !req
100. Look, you got a lucky break.
Copy !req
101. But Perry wants real reporters
on this.
Copy !req
102. We'll make sure you get
an additional reporting credit
when we're done.
Copy !req
103. Thank you.
Copy !req
104. Scooped.
Copy !req
105. Also, the copier's broken.
Please fix it by lunch.
Copy !req
106. Ugh.
Copy !req
107. Lois, are you all right?
Copy !req
108. I thought those pictures
would make Perry
take us seriously.
Copy !req
109. But if that didn't work,
Copy !req
110. then we'll have to beat
the Scoop Troop
and get to Superman first.
Copy !req
111. And I'll get it on Flamebird.
Copy !req
112. This could get me
to seven followers.
Copy !req
113. This could be
a seven-follower day.
Copy !req
114. I still think
we'd be better off
finding a different story.
Copy !req
115. There are other big things
happening in Metropolis
besides Superman.
Copy !req
116. Like what?
Copy !req
117. Turn it up.
Copy !req
118. to prisoners
at a press conference
earlier today.
Copy !req
119. Suspects have reportedly used
unknown tech-weapons
to escape.
Copy !req
120. That looks like the tech
Livewire had!
Copy !req
121. That's what I've been calling
the electric-woman
on Flamebird.
Copy !req
122. Livewire nearly destroyed
half the city
with just one crazy weapon.
Copy !req
123. With three on the loose...
Copy !req
124. I have to track down
those criminals and stop them.
Copy !req
125. I mean, write about them.
I mean, we go to write
about them.
Copy !req
126. This is the story
we should cover!
Copy !req
127. We get the scoop
for the Planet.
Copy !req
128. And then Perry will have
to take us seriously.
Copy !req
129. What are we waiting for?
Lead on, Smallville.
Copy !req
130. Huh. Didn't expect you
to give up on the Superman
story so easily.
Copy !req
131. Who says I am? Hmph.
Copy !req
132. This is Bethany Snow
for Channel 52 News,
Copy !req
133. asking the question
we all have on our minds.
Copy !req
134. With sci-fi weapons
and a Superman
becoming the norm,
Copy !req
135. what is next for Metropolis?
Copy !req
136. What is it?
Copy !req
137. The last thing we got
from the crazy lady.
Copy !req
138. Allow Kyle to demonstrate.
Copy !req
139. Stand back.
Copy !req
140. More.
Copy !req
141. Whoa.
Copy !req
142. I know, right?
Copy !req
143. And this button turns it off.
Copy !req
144. Move!
Copy !req
145. Boys,
they've looked down
on us our whole lives.
Copy !req
146. But now, with this,
we are about to get
the respect we deserve.
Copy !req
147. What do you say?
Copy !req
148. We say...
Copy !req
149. Fine.
Copy !req
150. Intergang forever!
Copy !req
151. Okay. We need to find out
all we can
about Siobhan McDougal,
Copy !req
152. her accomplices and where
they could be going next.
Copy !req
153. Also, how to convince them
to let three interns...
Copy !req
154. talk to the warden.
Copy !req
155. And how to get her to reveal
the government's secret
Copy !req
156. meta-human soldier program
on Flamebird.
Copy !req
157. Uh, maybe not that one.
Copy !req
158. Yeah, no. I can get us in,
Copy !req
159. but you have to promise
not to be upset.
Copy !req
160. Why would I...
Copy !req
161. You stole their badges?
Copy !req
162. No, I borrowed them... secretly.
Copy !req
163. When they weren't looking.
Copy !req
164. That's the definition
of stealing.
Copy !req
165. There is no way me and Jimmy
are going to go along with—
Copy !req
166. Dibs on anyone
who is not Steve.
Copy !req
167. Ugh.
Copy !req
168. Fine. I'm not doing this.
Copy !req
169. Fine.
Copy !req
170. Then we can go back
and brainstorm
how to interview Superman.
Copy !req
171. I'm sorry. Who are you?
Copy !req
172. We're the Daily Planet's
star news team.
Copy !req
173. Cat Grant, human interest.
Copy !req
174. If it's not real news,
then tell me all about it.
Copy !req
175. Ronnie Troupe,
investigative journalist.
Copy !req
176. A little patronizing,
but mostly professional.
Copy !req
177. Steve.
Copy !req
178. Sports.
Copy !req
179. Anyway, we're here
about the breakout, darling.
Copy !req
180. What can you tell us
about the escapee?
Copy !req
181. Exactly what I said
at the press conference.
Copy !req
182. Siobhan's the leader
of Intergang.
Copy !req
183. A crew of small-time crooks
who rob convenience stores.
Copy !req
184. Kyle! Siobhan!
Cops are outside.
Copy !req
185. Stop using our real names!
Copy !req
186. Wait. Is that a camera?
Copy !req
187. And they are bad at it.
Copy !req
188. Siobhan spent most of her
time here yelling that one day
she'd land a big score.
Copy !req
189. Wait, I don't remember
seeing you at the conference.
Copy !req
190. We don't like to bring
attention to ourselves.
Copy !req
191. You literally pirouetted
into my office two seconds ago.
Copy !req
192. Yeah, that was fun.
Copy !req
193. Anyways, we were hoping
we could interview inmates,
Copy !req
194. investigate the cell?
Copy !req
195. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
196. I can't let the press
waltz through my prison.
Copy !req
197. There's protocols,
as you know—
Copy !req
198. Yeah, No.
The Planet reporters
are already here.
Copy !req
199. Of course I'm sure.
I'm looking at them right—
Copy !req
200. Hmm.
Copy !req
201. Okay, the exit
has to be somewhere.
Copy !req
202. Once we get out,
we can regroup, try to
figure out something else.
Copy !req
203. Or we investigate the site
of the breakout.
Copy !req
204. But the door's locked.
Copy !req
205. Unless someone had
the warden's keycard.
Copy !req
206. Oh, look.
Copy !req
207. Wait a minute.
Was that a smile?
Copy !req
208. - No, of course not.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
209. I'm very perturbed
by your actions.
Copy !req
210. - Of course.
- Because stealing is wrong.
Copy !req
211. But?
Copy !req
212. Okay, look for anything
that could give us a clue...
Copy !req
213. to where they might
be going next,
and let's do it fast.
Copy !req
214. She's written down times.
Copy !req
215. Why?
Copy !req
216. Yeah?
Well, find where
those imposters went, okay?
Copy !req
217. And bring 'em back here.
Copy !req
218. Shoot.
Copy !req
219. We got to get out of here.
Copy !req
220. Okay. So, we know Siobhan
wants to do something big.
But what?
Copy !req
221. Oh, my friends, this is why
you have me on your side.
Copy !req
222. Bam! It was on the back
of her poster.
Copy !req
223. That's a bank layout.
Copy !req
224. They're planning to rob a bank.
Copy !req
225. But it won't be just any bank.
Copy !req
226. Siobhan wants respect.
Copy !req
227. That means it's going
to have to be the biggest
financial center in the city.
Copy !req
228. The hardest one to crack.
Copy !req
229. The Metropolitan City Bank.
Copy !req
230. Those times,
they must be when
armored cars come in
Copy !req
231. with cash transfers.
Copy !req
232. It's a quarter till 5:00 now,
which means...
Copy !req
233. It's all going down
in the next 15 minutes.
Copy !req
234. Hmm.
Copy !req
235. Well, gang, what do you say?
Copy !req
236. Let's get rich!
Copy !req
237. Yeah!
Copy !req
238. That's what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
239. Hey, come on.
Let's get this and go.
Copy !req
240. Relax, Mist.
Copy !req
241. This isn't like
the smash and grabs
we did before.
Copy !req
242. This time,
we have everything
under control.
Copy !req
243. There it is.
Copy !req
244. Stay here, out of sight
where it's safe.
Copy !req
245. I'll call the authorities.
Copy !req
246. And we'll go get captured.
Copy !req
247. Wait. What?
Copy !req
248. You call for help, Jimmy
and I will get taken hostage,
Copy !req
249. and then Superman
will come and save us.
Copy !req
250. That's when we'll get
our interview with him.
Copy !req
251. This was your plan
the whole time?
Copy !req
252. To find trouble,
then ambush Superman
when he flies in?
Copy !req
253. I mean, it worked
when we did it with Livewire.
Copy !req
254. You did that on purpose?
Copy !req
255. Hands up!
Copy !req
256. The authorities
are on their way,
so just leave.
Copy !req
257. Watch out!
Copy !req
258. Clark, are you okay?
Copy !req
259. Ms. Lane, Mr. Olsen.
Copy !req
260. Get to safety.
Copy !req
261. Huh?
Copy !req
262. For the well-being
of the people of Metropolis,
Copy !req
263. I need you
to unfreeze everyone.
Copy !req
264. How about no?
Copy !req
265. Huh?
Copy !req
266. Then I'll do it.
Copy !req
267. Mist, do your thing.
Copy !req
268. Mist, this guy
ain't staying down.
Copy !req
269. Gotcha!
Copy !req
270. Albert!
Copy !req
271. Code names!
Copy !req
272. Turn it off.
Copy !req
273. It's jammed.
Copy !req
274. I can't move.
Copy !req
275. I got it.
Copy !req
276. Wait,
not with the gloves.
Copy !req
277. - Everybody get back.
- Oh, no!
Copy !req
278. Go! Go!
Copy !req
279. It's not stopping.
At this rate,
it'll overtake the whole city.
Copy !req
280. What do we do?
Copy !req
281. We evacuate everyone
and keep looking for Clark.
Copy !req
282. Come on.
Copy !req
283. Huh?
Copy !req
284. No! Aah!
Copy !req
285. - Huh?
- Let's go people.
This way. Come on.
Copy !req
286. Lois, Jimmy, run!
Copy !req
287. How'd you...
Copy !req
288. Hmm?
Copy !req
289. I took out the machine
causing this, but the people
in the back got hit hard.
Copy !req
290. They need help.
Copy !req
291. Clark!
Copy !req
292. - Clark! Where are you?
- Clark! Come on, man.
Copy !req
293. Ms. Lane, Mr. Olsen.
Copy !req
294. Superman. We can't find Clark.
Copy !req
295. He's okay.
Copy !req
296. I, uh... I saw him phoning
for help before I flew in.
Copy !req
297. I understand you want
an interview, Ms. Lane?
Copy !req
298. Superman! Oh, hello!
Copy !req
299. - Superman! Superman, it's me.
- Yo, Superman!
Copy !req
300. What do you say
we take this interview
Copy !req
301. I'd say... hold on.
Copy !req
302. Is this how you see the world?
Copy !req
303. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
304. Yeah. Beautiful.
Copy !req
305. Phew, well,
that's one way to, um...
Copy !req
306. Um, sorry.
Copy !req
307. It's all right.
I'm... I'm nervous too.
Copy !req
308. Then why agree to this?
Copy !req
309. I think we've
pretty firmly established,
I can't outrun you.
Copy !req
310. Because when I told you
and Jimmy to save yourselves,
you stayed to help others.
Copy !req
311. If you can face down
a city-destroying freeze ray,
Copy !req
312. I think I can answer
a couple of questions.
Copy !req
313. Well, let's start
with the basics.
Copy !req
314. Where do you come from?
Copy !req
315. I don't know.
Copy !req
316. How do your powers work?
Copy !req
317. I'm still figuring that out.
Copy !req
318. Who are you?
Copy !req
319. What are you?
Copy !req
320. I'm kind of figuring
that out too.
Copy !req
321. Ms. Lane, the truth is,
I'm still piecing together
who I am and what I can do.
Copy !req
322. But at the end of the day,
I'm here to help the people
of Metropolis.
Copy !req
323. That's what matters.
Copy !req
324. Lois.
Copy !req
325. Clark!
Copy !req
326. You're all right.
Copy !req
327. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you
my plan to interview Superman.
Copy !req
328. - I put you in danger
because of it and I—
- It's okay, Lois.
Copy !req
329. I know how important
this is for you,
Copy !req
330. and I promise,
from here on out,
Copy !req
331. I'll do whatever I can
to help you get that interview.
Copy !req
332. Actually, I just got it.
Copy !req
333. Wow! You got the interview?
Copy !req
334. That's incredible.
Copy !req
335. I... I knew you'd get it.
Copy !req
336. So, what'd you think
of Superman?
Copy !req
337. Pretty great guy, right?
Copy !req
338. Oh, he's a liar.
Copy !req
339. Grea... What?
Copy !req