1. (man)
Welcome, fellow anarchists.
Copy !req
2. I am, of course,
Chief Anarchist Slice Anchorson.
Copy !req
3. First order of business—
Copy !req
4. Uh, don't you mean
first disorder of chaos?
Copy !req
5. Quiet! I have the floor!
Copy !req
6. The floor belongs
to everyone!
Copy !req
7. That's communism.
Copy !req
8. This is anarchism.
Copy !req
9. We don't believe
in communism?
Copy !req
10. We don't believe
in nothing.
Copy !req
11. Yes, we do.
Copy !req
12. Whew! These guys
are real idiots.
Copy !req
13. Agreed. Let's just go
in there.
Copy !req
14. On your mark, get set, go.
Copy !req
15. Fire!
Copy !req
16. Get out of here
in a disorderly fashion!
Copy !req
17. Crap.
Copy !req
18. - Double crap.
- Here comes backup.
Copy !req
19. Oh, God! There were
14 officers in there.
Copy !req
20. It's okay, folks.
Copy !req
21. We're cops.
Copy !req
22. Shoot at the base of the flames
where the fire's brains are.
Copy !req
23. Oh, God, no. Not again.
Copy !req
24. It's the fire department!
Copy !req
25. (man)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
26. put your hands together
for the star
Copy !req
27. of your Moonbeam City
Municipal Fire Department,
Copy !req
28. yours truly,
Sizzle Conrad.
Copy !req
29. No!
Copy !req
30. Sizzle, have sex with me!
Copy !req
31. Really? Sizzle Conrad?
Copy !req
32. How could anyone be attracted
to that showboating hose-monkey?
Copy !req
33. What's the matter,
Dazzle, jealous?
Copy !req
34. Give it up for Associate
Nozzle Grip Chill Calloway.
Copy !req
35. Wha—he looks like me!
Copy !req
36. And Junior Forensic
Flameologist Arista Boyd.
Copy !req
37. How can she afford
those frames
Copy !req
38. on a junior
flameologist's salary?
Copy !req
39. I've got a baby!
Copy !req
40. Watch me fly, ladies.
Copy !req
41. Ugh! Showoff.
Copy !req
42. Congratulations, idiots.
Copy !req
43. Not only did you
not arrest Slice Anchorson,
Copy !req
44. but you handed the goddamn
fire department
Copy !req
45. another huge victory.
Copy !req
46. Don't you ever get tired
of losing?
Copy !req
47. Sizzle Conrad
is the loser.
Copy !req
48. That ladder jockey's lucky
Copy !req
49. there's so many fires
all the time.
Copy !req
50. It's not our fault
there are no crimes to solve.
Copy !req
51. There's a gang war
going on right behind you.
Copy !req
52. That war's been
brewing for years.
Copy !req
53. You're living
in the past, Pizzaz.
Copy !req
54. I say we fight
firefighters with fire.
Copy !req
55. Meaning what exactly?
Copy !req
56. I don't know.
Copy !req
57. Burn down the fire station.
Copy !req
58. Oh,
The mayor.
Copy !req
59. (man)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mayor E.O. Jackson.
Copy !req
60. Ah, Chief Miller,
sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
61. You guys put on a better funeral
than the fire department.
Copy !req
62. I'll give you that.
Copy !req
63. Must be all the practice
you get.
Copy !req
64. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
65. And don't worry about
Slice Anchorson.
Copy !req
66. We'll track him down.
Copy !req
67. Don't bother.
Sizzle Conrad ran him over
Copy !req
68. with his fire engine
on the way home
Copy !req
69. from the blaze yesterday.
Thank God for the Sizz Man.
Copy !req
70. Am I right,
anonymous civic employee?
Copy !req
71. Seriously? It's me—
Dazzle Novak.
Copy !req
72. The Dazz Man.
Copy !req
73. Anyway,
I've been thinking.
Copy !req
74. Since the fire department is
able to do their job and yours,
Copy !req
75. maybe we don't need
a police department anymore.
Copy !req
76. You're firing us?
Copy !req
77. No, no, no.
Copy !req
78. You'll all be given new jobs
in the fire department.
Copy !req
79. How'd you like
to be a hose reeler-inner?
Copy !req
80. Oh, Chief Miller,
you'd make a fine pole shiner.
Copy !req
81. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
82. With all due respect,
Copy !req
83. Mr. Mayor,
I do feel that the city
Copy !req
84. still needs
a police department.
Copy !req
85. - Why?
- Oh, hey, drugs!
Copy !req
86. You need cops
to fight drugs, right?
Copy !req
87. Moonbeam City
doesn't have a drug problem.
Copy !req
88. We have grum.
Copy !req
89. Six homeless people
died using it last month.
Copy !req
90. Eh, why
should I care about six bums
Copy !req
91. who couldn't even be bothered
to own homes?
Copy !req
92. Hey-yo, we going or what?
Copy !req
93. Hey, right behind you,
Sizz Man.
Copy !req
94. Listen, gang, I gotta go.
Copy !req
95. ¡Vamonos!
Copy !req
96. Mr. Mayor,
what if I told you
Copy !req
97. that Moonbeam City was
about to be ravaged
Copy !req
98. by a drug epidemic
so devastating,
Copy !req
99. it'll make yesterday's
warehouse fire look
Copy !req
100. like Hiroshima—
pre-World War II
Copy !req
101. when it was a beautiful
and vibrant city
Copy !req
102. and it was the pearl
of Honshu.
Copy !req
103. Hmm. Drug epidemics
make national headlines.
Copy !req
104. This might be just what
Moonbeam City needs. Yeah.
Copy !req
105. But if there's
a new drug coming,
Copy !req
106. wouldn't you rather
nip it in the bud?
Copy !req
107. There's no glory
in nipping things in the bud.
Copy !req
108. If you went back in time
Copy !req
109. and killed Hitler
when he was a baby,
Copy !req
110. people would just say,
"Oh, my God.
Copy !req
111. That lady killed a baby."
Copy !req
112. No. I like my drug scourges big!
Copy !req
113. Just like my warehouse fires
and my police chief ta-tas.
Copy !req
114. Congrats, police department,
you ain't fired yet. Heh heh.
Copy !req
115. Ugh, this is grum?
Copy !req
116. It looks and smells
like powdered horse manure.
Copy !req
117. I think it is, mostly.
Copy !req
118. - I want to smell it.
- Rad!
Copy !req
119. Wow, it's really euphoric.
Copy !req
120. It's like my ears
are on a cloud.
Copy !req
121. Well, I guess
it's harmless.
Copy !req
122. I wonder why
it never caught on.
Copy !req
123. Aah!
Copy !req
124. Well, we can't start
a drug epidemic with this.
Copy !req
125. We need something sexy and fun.
Copy !req
126. I'm going
to go down to the chemistry lab.
Copy !req
127. Maybe those nerds
can whip up a new drug for us.
Copy !req
128. Wait, we're gonna create
a drug ourselves?
Copy !req
129. Does the mayor
know about this?
Copy !req
130. He really scares me.
Copy !req
131. We don't need
to tell the pharaoh
Copy !req
132. how the pyramids are built.
Copy !req
133. They just need to get built!
Copy !req
134. Believe me, the less that
whack-job knows, the better.
Copy !req
135. My ankles are on fire!
Copy !req
136. But my shins are freezing.
Copy !req
137. My God, he is innocent!
Copy !req
138. I've got one minute
Copy !req
139. to get this evidence
to death row before they—
Copy !req
140. Drop everything, Jericho.
Copy !req
141. Good. I've got
a new job for you.
Copy !req
142. Top secret, and you
answer only to me.
Copy !req
143. But they're gonna
execute this man—
Copy !req
144. Damn it, Jericho,
I don't have time to argue.
Copy !req
145. There's drugs to be made.
Copy !req
146. I did it.
Copy !req
147. I did it!
Copy !req
148. It's 100% pure.
Copy !req
149. - Pure what?
- I don't know!
Copy !req
150. Ladies and gentlemen,
I, and I alone,
Copy !req
151. give you glitzotrene.
Copy !req
152. Yeah, well let's see
if it's any good.
Copy !req
153. - Don't!
Copy !req
154. Uh... that's—
Copy !req
155. You can't snort glitz
with your nose!
Copy !req
156. It's meant to be administered
intra-earaly, with your ear.
Copy !req
157. All right, everybody,
Copy !req
158. we got a drug epidemic
to start
Copy !req
159. and,
ideally, quickly end.
Copy !req
160. Let's get this stuff out
on the streets.
Copy !req
161. I hate you!
Stop looking at me!
Copy !req
162. This stuff really gets
the creative juices flowing.
Copy !req
163. You can feel sweet beats
swimming through your veins
Copy !req
164. and tasty licks boning
your in your brains.
Copy !req
165. One hit of this,
you'll be as skinny
Copy !req
166. as one of those begging kids
from the commercials.
Copy !req
167. Dazzle thinks he's so cool.
Copy !req
168. But one day I'll have
my chance to be cool.
Copy !req
169. Then we'll see how cool being
cool really is—
Copy !req
170. Aah!
Ah, rats!
Copy !req
171. Skunk!
Copy !req
172. We are live as flames
have engulfed
Copy !req
173. the Theta Tau
sorority house,
Copy !req
174. considered by many
Copy !req
175. to be the hottest sorority
at Moonbeam Polytechnic.
Copy !req
176. It appears
that two utterly bodacious babes
Copy !req
177. are trapped on an upper floor.
Copy !req
178. Jump, girls,
into my jacked arms.
Copy !req
179. And there they go
Copy !req
180. right into the arms
of Moonbeam Fire's five-alarm
Copy !req
181. super hunk, Sizzle Conrad.
Copy !req
182. Fire makes me hot.
Copy !req
183. Mmm.
Copy !req
184. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
185. I don't know
who to be jealous of.
Copy !req
186. Well, Miller,
this glitz stuff has really
Copy !req
187. taken the city by storm.
Copy !req
188. Even my son is addicted.
Copy !req
189. His life is ruined.
Copy !req
190. Yes, well,
that's quite a tragedy.
Copy !req
191. Tragedy? I did six national
TV interviews this morning.
Copy !req
192. My son's an addict too.
Copy !req
193. I'm a regular person
just like them. Heh.
Copy !req
194. I think
I should run for governor.
Copy !req
195. You should! Yes!
Copy !req
196. Then you can move
to the capital,
Copy !req
197. which coincidentally,
is very far from here.
Copy !req
198. Say, Miller, why don't you
and me have lunch sometime?
Copy !req
199. You know,
you... lunch with me.
Copy !req
200. Underwear lunch
with all the fixings.
Copy !req
201. Sorry, I don't think I have
time for underwear lunch.
Copy !req
202. But thank you.
Copy !req
203. We could do it after work.
Copy !req
204. A midnight underwear lunch.
Copy !req
205. It'll be a quickie,
I promise,
Copy !req
206. as long as I don't have
a solo underwear lunch
Copy !req
207. earlier in the day.
Copy !req
208. Wow. You are...
Copy !req
209. quite the charmer, sir.
Copy !req
210. Well, Miller,
I won't keep you.
Copy !req
211. I'm sure you're all busy
planning the take down
Copy !req
212. of whichever drug lord
is responsible for this mess.
Copy !req
213. Oh, yes, we are, sir.
Copy !req
214. We're very busy.
Copy !req
215. You're not lying
to me, are you, Miller?
Copy !req
216. My snow leopards
can smell lies,
Copy !req
217. like I can smell
beautiful feet.
Copy !req
218. Well, they don't need
to bother with me.
Copy !req
219. Heh heh. No lying here.
Copy !req
220. Oh, boy,
go get, 'em Dazz Man.
Copy !req
221. Moonbeam City's
counting on you.
Copy !req
222. What about me?
Copy !req
223. Back to your cell,
Copy !req
224. Heh heh.
Copy !req
225. Ah, he called
me Dazz Man.
Copy !req
226. Eat it, Sizzle Conrad!
Copy !req
227. Now let's go bust
this drug lord.
Copy !req
228. Damn it, Dazz Man,
there is no drug lord.
Copy !req
229. Obviously this glitz business
has to end with an arrest.
Copy !req
230. What the hell
are we going to do now?
Copy !req
231. Come on,
think of something, Chrysalis.
Copy !req
232. You've been absolutely
no help thus far.
Copy !req
233. I haven't helped
because this whole thing's
Copy !req
234. a terrible idea.
Copy !req
235. But if you want
to arrest someone,
Copy !req
236. let's just find a patsy.
Copy !req
237. Yes, we'll blame it
on the Irish.
Copy !req
238. No, a patsy, a fall guy.
Copy !req
239. You need to create
a fake glitz kingpin,
Copy !req
240. then we'll take him down
and look like heroes.
Copy !req
241. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
I like it.
Copy !req
242. I like it. But who can we get
to be this villain?
Copy !req
243. Me!
Copy !req
244. If I can't be the hero,
Copy !req
245. being a villain is
the next best thing.
Copy !req
246. At least villains
are feared and respected
Copy !req
247. and not mistaken
for sex offenders.
Copy !req
248. Rad is inherently
Copy !req
249. That's true. People hate Rad
even when he's doing good.
Copy !req
250. Remember when he visited
that special needs school?
Copy !req
251. Those kids usually hug
Copy !req
252. They said they
weren't allowed to hug.
Copy !req
253. Congratulations,
Rad, you've got the job.
Copy !req
254. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Copy !req
255. Rad, get down to wardrobe
right away.
Copy !req
256. And, Dazzle,
you make sure that glitz
Copy !req
257. keeps flowin' 'til
we wrap this up.
Copy !req
258. Cancel your weekend
plans, Jericho.
Copy !req
259. We're gonna need you here
around the clock making glitz.
Copy !req
260. But my daughter's wedding
is this weekend.
Copy !req
261. Well, you better hire
a good videographer
Copy !req
262. to capture those
once-in-a-lifetime moments,
Copy !req
263. because you are
going to miss 'em.
Copy !req
264. - Now let's get cracking.
- But I—
Copy !req
265. Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.
Copy !req
266. I've had enough of this.
Copy !req
267. I think it's time to play
a little trick on Dazzle Novak.
Copy !req
268. Returning
your sex offender costume?
Copy !req
269. What? No!
Copy !req
270. These are my
regular clothes.
Copy !req
271. I need a new costume.
Copy !req
272. I'm going to be Moonbeam City's
number one-o drug lord.
Copy !req
273. Okay.
What do you need?
Copy !req
274. What do you got?
Copy !req
275. Oh, look
at the drug lord,
Copy !req
276. so dangerous
and respectable.
Copy !req
277. Yes! Respect!
Copy !req
278. Moonbeam City, get ready
Copy !req
279. to meet your new best frenemy,
with benefists.
Copy !req
280. Yeah! Ha! Fooh!
Copy !req
281. In drug lord news,
the new power rankings are in,
Copy !req
282. and—shocker—
we have a new number one.
Copy !req
283. Grum kingpin Helix Salazito
has been dethroned
Copy !req
284. by exciting newcomer
Raduardo Glitzcobar.
Copy !req
285. Joining us to talk
about these developments,
Copy !req
286. Moonbeam City Chief
of Police Pizzaz Miller.
Copy !req
287. Well, Genesis,
I can assure your viewers
Copy !req
288. that, uh, Raduardo
Copy !req
289. is very dangerous
and extremely real.
Copy !req
290. I see.
And what of the rumors
Copy !req
291. of Raduardo's strange,
malformed genitalia?
Copy !req
292. Um, would that
make him scarier?
Copy !req
293. - I think so.
- Then yes.
Copy !req
294. Chilling.
Copy !req
295. Welcome to Casa Raduardo.
Copy !req
296. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
297. Rad, you hole up here
until 6:00 Friday night.
Copy !req
298. Then we'll storm the place,
bring you in. Got it?
Copy !req
299. So elegant.
Copy !req
300. - Rad!
- What?
Copy !req
301. Did you hear the plan?
Copy !req
302. Yes, I heard.
Copy !req
303. Now, if I may get
into character—
Copy !req
304. get the
out of my house!
Copy !req
305. There was shark aquarium
in the master bedroom.
Copy !req
306. All right,
we'll see ya on Friday.
Copy !req
307. Here you go, boss.
This week's take.
Copy !req
308. $42?
Copy !req
309. Sorry, Helix,
nobody's buying grum anymore.
Copy !req
310. It's all about
glitzotrene now.
Copy !req
311. That freak Raduardo has
Copy !req
312. the market locked up along
with midget sex slaves I heard.
Copy !req
313. That's the rumor.
Copy !req
314. Bring me the head
of Raduardo Glitzcobar.
Copy !req
315. Yes. And the body?
Copy !req
316. How would you get
the head without the body?
Copy !req
317. By killing him
and cutting the head off.
Copy !req
318. What? No, don't kill him.
Copy !req
319. Just bring him here.
Send a car.
Copy !req
320. Si, si, si, si. Yes.
Copy !req
321. Got any glitz?
Copy !req
322. Sorry, friend,
no glitz here.
Copy !req
323. Ah, nobody has any.
Copy !req
324. What do you mean
nobody has any?
Copy !req
325. Don't worry, everyone.
Copy !req
326. I am a police officer.
Copy !req
327. More drugs are coming.
Copy !req
328. Jericho, where are you?
Copy !req
329. Hmm. Looks like Jericho
played a little trick on me.
Copy !req
330. Suicide.
Copy !req
331. The oldest trick in the book.
Copy !req
332. Hmm.
"... financial problems..."
Copy !req
333. Boring, boring, boring, boring.
Copy !req
334. "Dazzle Novak...
narcissist, prick...
Copy !req
335. race baiting."
Copy !req
336. Hmm. Well, he probably didn't
realize it,
Copy !req
337. but I actually come off pretty
badly in this suicide note.
Copy !req
338. Let me just punch it
up a little.
Copy !req
339. "I'm sorry I let everyone
down, especially Dazzle.
Copy !req
340. "He's such a great guy.
Copy !req
341. "Whatever you do,
don't blame him for anything.
Copy !req
342. "Well, gotta go.
Time to suicide myself.
Copy !req
343. Selfishly yours, Jericho."
Copy !req
344. God damn it!
Copy !req
345. So we can't make any more
Copy !req
346. Stand by for the mayor.
Copy !req
347. Miller, glitz numbers
are dropping.
Copy !req
348. There's neighborhoods
on the south side
Copy !req
349. that are now safe
to walk through, at night even.
Copy !req
350. That is indeed
troubling news, sir.
Copy !req
351. Well, I guess
I can shut down
Copy !req
352. the police department
after all.
Copy !req
353. Actually, we've located
the Glitzcobar compound.
Copy !req
354. We're getting ready to raid it.
Copy !req
355. Yeah, this Friday night.
Copy !req
356. - I'm almost done.
Copy !req
357. Quick retracting.
Copy !req
358. Friday night?
Oh, good. Very good.
Copy !req
359. We'll have live news coverage,
the works.
Copy !req
360. Oh, I can't wait for you
to nail that Raduardo.
Copy !req
361. There's something about him
I find really irritating.
Copy !req
362. The drug trafficking,
Copy !req
363. No, no, no.
It's his face.
Copy !req
364. - Oh, his face.
- He's got one of those
Copy !req
365. faces you just want to punch
for days.
Copy !req
366. - Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- Heh heh heh heh.
Copy !req
367. After all my years
of suffering and abuse,
Copy !req
368. things are finally going my way!
Copy !req
369. I get to live in a mansion,
wear these cool clothes,
Copy !req
370. and frighten children.
Copy !req
371. It's everything
I ever dreamed of.
Copy !req
372. Whoo-hoo! Oh!
Copy !req
373. Oh! What's happening?
Copy !req
374. His drug decimated a city.
Copy !req
375. His legend frightened a nation.
Copy !req
376. His faced annoyed a planet.
Copy !req
377. Friday night at 6:00—
Copy !req
378. it... all... ends.
Copy !req
379. Don't miss the thrilling capture
of Raduardo Glitzcobar
Copy !req
380. broadcast live
from the Glitzcobar compound,
Copy !req
381. featuring Dazzle Novak and
Moonbeam City police department
Copy !req
382. with special appearance
by mayor E.O. Jackson
Copy !req
383. and musical guest Soul Shadow.
Copy !req
384. Friday at 6:00. Be there.
Copy !req
385. I'm mayor E.O. Jackson,
and I approve this drug bust.
Copy !req
386. Today we bring
Raduardo Glitzcobar to justice
Copy !req
387. and take back the streets
of Moonbeam City.
Copy !req
388. So let's do this.
Three, two, one.
Copy !req
389. Surrendo, Raduardo.
Copy !req
390. Miller, where
the hell is Glitzcobar?
Copy !req
391. I don't know
what happened.
Copy !req
392. Someone must've
tipped him off.
Copy !req
393. Damn it.
Where the hell is Rad?
Copy !req
394. Do you know who I am?
Copy !req
395. The bandleader
on that Mexican talkshow?
Copy !req
396. No.
Copy !req
397. You want me
to guess again?
Copy !req
398. Sure.
Copy !req
399. Freddy Frijole,
the cartoon mascot
Copy !req
400. for those canned beans?
Copy !req
401. I'm not Freddy Freakin'
Copy !req
402. I am Helix Salazito.
Copy !req
403. I used to run
the grum racket around here,
Copy !req
404. and then you showed up
with your pretty pink powder.
Copy !req
405. You have cost me
a lot of money,
Copy !req
406. and now it's time
to earn it back.
Copy !req
407. Ohh...
Copy !req
408. All right.
Mouth or butt?
Copy !req
409. No! You're going to teach
my men how to make glitz.
Copy !req
410. I am?
Copy !req
411. Engage your peripheral vision.
Copy !req
412. - Uh...
- You do know how
Copy !req
413. to make glitz?
Copy !req
414. Do I know—ha ha!
Copy !req
415. Yeah.
Copy !req
416. We were able to collect
DNA from the...
Copy !req
417. the present
left on Raduardo's pillow.
Copy !req
418. It matches a known Salazito
associate, Fusion Hernandez.
Copy !req
419. I knew it was him.
Copy !req
420. That guy loves to
on pillows.
Copy !req
421. So Rad's dead, huh?
Copy !req
422. I didn't say that.
I bet the Salazitos took him
Copy !req
423. and are forcing
him to make glitz for them.
Copy !req
424. This is a disaster.
Copy !req
425. Rad was wearing over
a million dollars worth
Copy !req
426. of police issued
tactical jewelry.
Copy !req
427. Do you understand?
Copy !req
428. We have got
to find that costume!
Copy !req
429. And...
Copy !req
430. done!
Copy !req
431. Done? It's supposed
to be pink.
Copy !req
432. Why is it salmon?
Copy !req
433. Because
it's extra strength.
Copy !req
434. Okay, then try it.
Copy !req
435. I actually gave up glitz
for Lent.
Copy !req
436. - It's October.
- Jewish Lent.
Copy !req
437. That starts the third week
of July this year.
Copy !req
438. Now do it!
Copy !req
439. - That's weird.
Copy !req
440. He's
out of his eyes.
Copy !req
441. Oh, Dios, someone lock him
in a bathroom
Copy !req
442. - until he's done.
- Oh!
Copy !req
443. Have any glitz?
Anyone have any... glitz?
Copy !req
444. The Salazito compound has
to be around here somewhere.
Copy !req
445. Ugh! I need glitz.
Copy !req
446. Poor bastards.
That bastard chemist
Copy !req
447. Jericho Becker got 'em addicted
to his wonder drug
Copy !req
448. and then stopped making it.
Heartless bastard.
Copy !req
449. Aah!
Copy !req
450. No more screwing around,
Copy !req
451. Make it right this time.
Copy !req
452. Uh...
Copy !req
453. Unless you don't know
how to make it.
Copy !req
454. Maybe you're just a fraud.
Copy !req
455. Maybe you're not
a powerful drug lord at all.
Copy !req
456. If that's the case,
Copy !req
457. then you might
as well leave right now.
Copy !req
458. No!
I am.
Copy !req
459. Then make the glitz.
Copy !req
460. I don't know
how not to make gliss.
Copy !req
461. Glitz. Glitz.
Copy !req
462. I hope Rad isn't actually
trying to make glitzotrene.
Copy !req
463. He knows nothing
about chemistry.
Copy !req
464. One wrong combination and—
Copy !req
465. Let's go!
Copy !req
466. Firemen?
Copy !req
467. Oh, God!
Copy !req
468. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
469. No!
Copy !req
470. Those Dalmatian
diddling glory hogs.
Copy !req
471. They're going
to hog all the glory.
Copy !req
472. Look, Sizzle captured
Raduardo Glitzcobar.
Copy !req
473. Go, Sizzle, go!
Copy !req
474. Oh, my chiseled face!
Copy !req
475. Well, at least
he was horribly burned.
Copy !req
476. All those Sizzle groupies
are gonna be flocking to me now.
Copy !req
477. Ah, Sizzle Conrad!
Copy !req
478. Did you hear?
Copy !req
479. Sizzle has sexy new scars
and a cool mask! Aah!
Copy !req
480. Hey, what's up, ladies?
Copy !req
481. Y'all want to rub my mask?
Copy !req
482. - Aah!
- Ow!
Copy !req
483. That is it.
You are under arrest
Copy !req
484. for coveting a burn face
over a perfect diamond.
Copy !req
485. Well, at least the mayor
Copy !req
486. decided not to dissolve
the police department.
Copy !req
487. Yeah, I wonder why.
Copy !req
488. Let's just say I was able
to broker a deal.
Copy !req
489. Now, if you'll excuse me,
Copy !req
490. I'm late for
my thrice weekly...
Copy !req
491. lunch with the mayor.
Copy !req
492. But you just ate
20 minutes ago.
Copy !req
493. I know. The things
I do for Moonbeam City.
Copy !req
494. Ah, lunchtime.
Copy !req
495. Hey, why are you going
into that supply closet?
Copy !req
496. Do they serve food
in there?
Copy !req
497. Pizzaz.
Copy !req
498. Here you go.
Copy !req
499. Sorry I burned the clothes,
and the jewelry kind of
Copy !req
500. all melted together
into a big clump.
Copy !req
501. Oh, how'd it go?
Copy !req
502. Pretty terribly.
Copy !req
503. I did severe damage to almost
every major system in my body
Copy !req
504. and was almost killed
several times.
Copy !req
505. - Sorry to hear that, kid.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
506. Do you think I could
maybe keep the mustache?
Copy !req
507. Sure.
Copy !req
508. Thanks.
Copy !req
509. Ah ha ha ha ha ha.
Copy !req
510. Ah hah hah hah hah hah hah!
Copy !req
511. Ah hah-hah-hah-hah-hah
Copy !req
512. Chirp.
Copy !req