1. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
3. The pump caught
in my trouser leg.
Copy !req
4. My pump caught
in my trouser leg,
Copy !req
5. and my sandwiches
were badly crushed.
Copy !req
6. Thirty-five p, please.
Copy !req
7. These sandwiches were
an excellent substitute.
Copy !req
8. Give us ten woods,
Copy !req
9. Hello. It's funny how one can
go through life, as l have,
Copy !req
10. disliking bananas and being
indifferent to cheese,
Copy !req
11. but still be able
to eat and enjoy
Copy !req
12. a banana-and-cheese sandwich
like this.
Copy !req
13. -Thirty-five p.
Copy !req
14. Oh, I have only a 50.
Do you have change?
Copy !req
15. Well, I'll have to look,
Copy !req
16. -but I may have to go to the bank.
-l'm most awfully sorry.
Copy !req
17. -Fifteen p.
-Oh, what a stroke of luck.
Copy !req
18. Well, all the very best.
Copy !req
19. And thank you again
for the excellent
Copy !req
20. banana-and-cheese delicacy.
Copy !req
21. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
23. And the pump got caught
in my trouser leg.
Copy !req
24. And that's how
they were damaged.
Copy !req
25. The eggs. You remember,
the hard-boiled eggs
Copy !req
26. l was telling you about.
Copy !req
27. They were in a Tupperware
Copy !req
28. reputedly self-sealing,
Copy !req
29. which fell open
upon contact
Copy !req
30. with the tarmacadam surface
of the road.
Copy !req
31. The B489.
The Dawlish Road.
Copy !req
32. That shouldn't happen to a self-sealing
container, now, should it?
Copy !req
33. What do you keep
your hard-boiled eggs in?
Copy !req
34. I think, in future,
Copy !req
35. I will lash them to the
handlebars with adhesive tape.
Copy !req
36. This should obviate a recurrence
of the same problem.
Copy !req
37. Well, I can't stand around
here chatting all day.
Copy !req
38. I'm on a cycling tour
of North Cornwall.
Copy !req
39. Must be off.
Copy !req
40. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
41. [CRASHING, cow MOOS]
Copy !req
42. PITHER: August the 26th. Fell
off near Ottery St. Mary.
Copy !req
43. The pump caught
in my trouser leg.
Copy !req
44. Decided to wear short
trousers from now on.
Copy !req
45. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
Fell off near Tiverton.
Copy !req
48. Perhaps a shorter pump
is the answer.
Copy !req
49. Excuse me, madam,
I wonder if you could tell me
Copy !req
50. of a good bicycle shop
in this village
Copy !req
51. where I can either find a means
of adapting my present pump,
Copy !req
52. or, failing that,
of purchasing a replacement?
Copy !req
53. There's only one shop here.
Copy !req
54. What a stroke of luck.
Copy !req
55. Now perhaps cycling
will become less precarious.
Copy !req
Copy !req
57. Yes?
Copy !req
58. Um, a Mr. Pither
to see you, doctor.
Copy !req
59. His bicycle pump
got caught in his sock.
Copy !req
60. Ah, thank you, nurse,
show him in, please.
Copy !req
61. This way, please.
Copy !req
62. Morning.
Copy !req
63. And a very good morning
to you too, doctor.
Copy !req
64. I understand
you had an accident.
Copy !req
65. That's right.
My pump got--
Copy !req
66. -Caught in your sock.
-Abso|ute|y, yes.
Copy !req
67. My fruitcake
was damaged on one side.
Copy !req
68. Well, now--
Copy !req
69. In fact,
it's got grit all over it.
Copy !req
70. Well, now,
are you in pain?
Copy !req
71. -Oh, heavens no.
-Well, where are you hurt?
Copy !req
72. Fortunately,
I escaped without injury.
Copy !req
73. Well, what is the trouble?
Copy !req
74. Please, could you tell me
the way to lddesleigh?
Copy !req
75. -l'm a doctor, you know.
-Oh, yes, absolutely.
Copy !req
76. Normally, I would have asked a
policeman or a minister of the church.
Copy !req
77. But finding no one available,
Copy !req
78. I thought it better to consult a man
with professional qualifications,
Copy !req
79. rather than rely on the possibly
confused testimony of a passerby.
Copy !req
80. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
81. Take this to a chemist.
Copy !req
82. Thank you.
Copy !req
83. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
September the 2nd.
Copy !req
86. Did not fall off
outside lddesleigh.
Copy !req
87. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
89. My foot caught
in my trouser leg,
Copy !req
90. and that's how
the bottle broke.
Copy !req
91. Tell her today,
you could ring her.
Copy !req
92. I can't. I can't.
Copy !req
93. I said you'd never guess.
Copy !req
94. Sixteen years
we've been together.
Copy !req
95. l can'tjust
ring her up.
Copy !req
96. If you can't do it now,
you never will.
Copy !req
97. Do you like Tizer?
Copy !req
98. -What? No.
Copy !req
99. Do you want me or not, James?
It's your decision.
Copy !req
100. I suppose it is still
available in this area.
Copy !req
101. Do you want me or not,
Copy !req
102. -What?
-A Tizer.
Copy !req
103. Yes or no?
Copy !req
104. Is it still available
in this area?
Copy !req
105. -I don't know.
-I see.
Copy !req
106. In that case,
it's goodbye forever, James.
Copy !req
107. No. I mean, yes.
Copy !req
108. Oh, it is, is it?
Copy !req
Copy !req
110. You never could
make up your mind.
Copy !req
111. I can.
Copy !req
112. Goodbye, James.
Copy !req
113. l have.
No, wait, Lucille.
Copy !req
114. Does your lovely little
daughter like Tizer, eh?
Copy !req
115. Lucille!
Copy !req
116. Wouldn't mind buying her
a bottle of Tizer.
Copy !req
117. If it's still available
in this area, that is.
Copy !req
118. Would you like me
to show you the door?
Copy !req
119. Oh, that's kind of you,
but I saw it on the way in.
Copy !req
120. You stupid little rat!
Copy !req
121. The very words of the garage
mechanic in Bude.
Copy !req
122. I'd just fallen off my bicycle--
This is most kind of you.
Copy !req
123. --and my lemon curd tartlet--
Copy !req
124. Damn your lemon curd tartlet!
Copy !req
125. [SOBBING]
Copy !req
126. Hmph. Hm.
Copy !req
127. Just had a chat
with your dad.
Copy !req
128. [CRYING]
Copy !req
129. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
131. Really? And what happened
to the corned-beef rolls?
Copy !req
132. The rolls were crushed
out of all--
Copy !req
133. How did you know about
my corned beef rolls?
Copy !req
134. I noticed them, or what remained
of them, in the road.
Copy !req
135. I noticed also
that the lemon curd tart
Copy !req
136. had sustained
some superficial damage.
Copy !req
137. That's right.
The curd had become--
Copy !req
138. -Detached from the pastry base.
-Absolutely right, yes.
Copy !req
139. OthenNise, the contents of the
sandwich box were relatively unharmed,
Copy !req
140. although I detected small particles
of bitumen in the chocolate cupcakes.
Copy !req
141. But they were wrapped
in foil.
Copy !req
142. Not the hard chocolate top,
I'm afraid.
Copy !req
143. Oh, that's the bit I like.
Copy !req
144. The sausage roll, the crisps and
the ginger biscuit were unscathed.
Copy !req
145. How do you know
so much about cycling?
Copy !req
146. Well, I'm making a special study
of accidents involving food.
Copy !req
147. -Really?
Copy !req
148. Do you know, in our laboratories,
we have developed a cheese sandwich
Copy !req
149. that can withstand an impact of
4000 pounds per square inch?
Copy !req
150. -Good heavens.
-Amazing, isn't it?
Copy !req
151. We've also developed a tomato which can
eject itself when an accident is imminent.
Copy !req
152. -Even in an egg-and-tomato roll?
Copy !req
153. Even in your stomach,
it senses an accident,
Copy !req
154. it'll come up your throat
and out of the window.
Copy !req
155. You know what this means?
Copy !req
156. -Safer food!
Copy !req
157. No longer will food be squashed,
crushed and damaged
Copy !req
158. by the ignorance
and stupidity of the driver.
Copy !req
159. Whole picnics will be built to
withstand the most enormous forces.
Copy !req
160. Snacks will be safer
than ever.
Copy !req
161. A simple pot of salad dressing,
treated in our laboratories
Copy !req
162. has been subjected to the impact
of a 4000-pound steam hammer
Copy !req
163. every day for
the last 16 years.
Copy !req
164. -And has it broken?
Copy !req
165. Of course it has. But there
are things that haven't.
Copy !req
166. Safety straps for sardines,
for example.
Copy !req
167. -[WH|ZZ|NG NOISE] -Here, that
tomato's just ejected itself.
Copy !req
168. Really?
It works! It works!
Copy !req
Copy !req
170. Mr. Gulliver appears
to have lost his memory,
Copy !req
171. and far from being interested
in safer food
Copy !req
172. is now convinced
that he is Clodagh Rodgers,
Copy !req
173. the young girl singer.
Copy !req
174. I am taking him
for medical attention.
Copy !req
175. Is this
the Casualty Department?
Copy !req
176. Yes, that's right.
Copy !req
Copy !req
178. And what can I do for you?
Copy !req
179. [SCREAMS]
Copy !req
180. I am at present on a cycling tour of the
North Cornwall area taking in Bude and--
Copy !req
181. Yes. Could I have
your name, please?
Copy !req
182. Ah. My name is Pither.
Copy !req
183. -What?
Copy !req
184. As in brotherhood, except with a "P-l"
instead of a "B-R-O", and no "hood."
Copy !req
185. | see.
Copy !req
186. -I had just visited Taunton--
Copy !req
187. Shh!
Copy !req
188. --and was cycling north
towards the--
Copy !req
189. Yes, where were
you injured?
Copy !req
190. Oh, just where
the A237 llfracombe--
Copy !req
191. -On your body.
Copy !req
192. No, no, it's not I who was
injured, it's my friend.
Copy !req
193. -Name?
Copy !req
194. No, no, no.
Your friend's name.
Copy !req
195. Oh, Clodagh Rodgers.
Copy !req
196. Clodagh Rodgers?
Copy !req
197. Well, only since about 4:30--
Copy !req
198. Yes. I think you'd better
talk to Dr. Wu. Doctor?
Copy !req
199. What? Damn.
Copy !req
200. [SCREAMS]
Copy !req
201. What's the trouble?
Copy !req
202. I'm on a cycling tour
of North Cornwall--
Copy !req
203. He thinks
he's had an accident.
Copy !req
204. l have friend who,
as a result of his injuries,
Copy !req
205. thinks he is Clodagh Rodgers.
Copy !req
206. -He what?
-Well, what happened was--
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
209. PITHER: September the 4th.
Well, lnever.
Copy !req
210. We are now in the
Alpes-Maritimes region
Copy !req
211. of Southern France.
Copy !req
212. Clodagh seems more intent
on reaching Moscow
Copy !req
213. than on rehearsing
her new BBC 2 series
Copy !req
214. with Buddy Rich
and the Younger Generation.
Copy !req
215. Oh, hello.
Copy !req
216. We cannot stay here.
Copy !req
217. We must leave immediately.
Copy !req
218. There is a ship
in Marseilles.
Copy !req
219. I did enjoy your song
for Europe, Clodagh.
Copy !req
220. l have seen an agent
in the town.
Copy !req
221. My life is in danger.
Copy !req
222. Danger, Clodagh?
Copy !req
223. Stalin has always hated me.
Copy !req
224. No one hates you, Clodagh.
Copy !req
225. I will not let myself fall
into the hands of these scum.
Copy !req
226. I think you should go have
a little lie-down, my dear.
Copy !req
227. It's a busy day tomorrow of
concerts and promotional tours.
Copy !req
228. l was one of the founders
of the greatest nation on earth!
Copy !req
229. l, whom Lenin has called
his greatest friend.
Copy !req
-Oh, dear.
Copy !req
231. I, who have worked all my life
that my people should live.
Copy !req
Copy !req
233. Oh, my name is Pither.
Copy !req
234. Oh, you are English?
Copy !req
235. Yes, that's right. I'm on a
cycling tour of North Cornwall--
Copy !req
236. I will not be defeated.
Copy !req
237. I will return to my country
Copy !req
238. to fight against
this new tyranny!
Copy !req
239. This is Clodagh Rodgers,
the Irish-born girl singer.
Copy !req
Copy !req
241. "Jack in the Box."
Copy !req
242. J‘ I’m just a jack-in-the-box J‘
Copy !req
243. J‘ You know
Whenever love knocks J‘
Copy !req
244. J‘ I’m gonna bounce up and down
On my spring J‘
Copy !req
245. J‘ Bam, bam, bam J‘
Copy !req
246. Michelle, Paul!
Copy !req
Copy !req
248. And I will never surrender!
Copy !req
Copy !req
250. -Wha...?
Copy !req
251. Trotsky?
Copy !req
Copy !req
253. ...Lenin.
Copy !req
254. Ah, Lenin.
Copy !req
Copy !req
256. J‘ lfl ruled the world J‘
Copy !req
257. J‘ Every day would be
The first day of spring J‘
Copy !req
258. Lenin. My friend. I come!
Copy !req
259. Oh, excuse her, she has not
been very well recently.
Copy !req
260. Pressure of work, laryngitis,
you know.
Copy !req
261. [IN FRENCH]
Copy !req
262. "Little White Bull," eh?
Copy !req
263. Oh, formidable.
Copy !req
264. Lenin!
Copy !req
265. -Clodagh! Clodagh, my dear!
-GULL|VER: Lenin.
Copy !req
266. I come.
Copy !req
267. I come. My friend, I come.
Copy !req
268. Lenin!
Copy !req
269. Clodagh!
Copy !req
270. Lenin.
Copy !req
271. Je t'aime...
Copy !req
272. Mmm.
Copy !req
273. Maurice, regardez!
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
277. J‘ You know
Whenever love knocks J‘
Copy !req
278. J‘ I’m gonna bounce up and down
On my spring J‘
Copy !req
279. PITHER:
After several days,
Copy !req
280. I succeeded in tracking down
my friend, Mr. Gulliver,
Copy !req
281. on the outskirts of Smolensk.
Copy !req
282. Smolensk,
200 miles east of Minsk.
Copy !req
283. Two hundred north of Kursk.
Copy !req
284. Fifteen hundred miles
west of Omsk.
Copy !req
285. Thank you.
Copy !req
286. PITHER: Anyway, as we
were so far from home,
Copy !req
287. and as Mr. Gulliver, still
believing himself to be Trotsky,
Copy !req
288. was very tired from haranguing
the masses from Monte Carlo--
Copy !req
289. Monte Carlo.
Hundred miles south of Turin.
Copy !req
290. Hundred miles east of Pisa.
Copy !req
291. Five hundred miles
west of Bilbao.
Copy !req
292. Thank you.
I decided to check--
Copy !req
293. PITHER:
I decided to check--
Copy !req
294. Sorry, you go on.
Copy !req
295. PITHER: [decided to
check him into a hotel
Copy !req
296. while I visited
the British Embassy
Copy !req
297. to ask for help
in returning to Cornwall.
Copy !req
298. And so we registered
at the Smolensk
Copy !req
299. Young Men's
Anti-Christian Association.
Copy !req
300. YMACA. Corner of Anti-Semitic
Street and Pogrom Square.
Copy !req
301. Go away. No, not you.
No, no, no.
Copy !req
302. A single room
for my friend, please?
Copy !req
303. Yes, sir.
Bugged or unbugged?
Copy !req
304. I think I'd be happier
with a bugged one.
Copy !req
305. Right, one bugged with bath.
Copy !req
306. Well, just have a nice lie-down
and I'll go down to the Embassy.
Copy !req
307. Trotsky?
Copy !req
308. My lack of God, it's Trotsky!
Copy !req
309. Comrades.
Socialism is not a--
Copy !req
310. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
311. Oh, uh, excuse me.
Is this the British Consulate?
Copy !req
312. Yes, yes, si, si,
that is correct.
Copy !req
313. Yes. Piccadilly Circus,
miniskirt and Joe Lyons.
Copy !req
314. Oh. l'd to see the consul,
Copy !req
315. Yes, yes, speaky-speaky,
me Blitish consul.
Copy !req
316. Oh.
Copy !req
317. You are Rear Admiral
Sir Dudley Compton?
Copy !req
318. No. He died.
Copy !req
319. He have heart attack
and fell out of window
Copy !req
320. onto exploding bomb
Copy !req
321. and was killed
in a shooting accident.
Copy !req
322. Oh, yes.
| his, how you say...?
Copy !req
323. Succa...
Copy !req
324. Oh, successor.
Copy !req
325. I'm his successor,
yes, Mr. Atkinson.
Copy !req
326. Oh.
Copy !req
327. Would you like drinky,
or game bingo?
Copy !req
328. Oh. A drink
would be very nice, yes.
Copy !req
329. Mr. Livingstone.
Copy !req
330. -Go get sake.
-Yes, boss.
Copy !req
331. Oh.
Copy !req
332. How is Tunblidge Wells?
Copy !req
333. How I long to see again
Copy !req
334. walls of famous Shakespeare-style
theatre in Stlatford-on-Avon.
Copy !req
335. I'm a West Country man myself,
Mr. Atkinson.
Copy !req
336. Oh, Texas, Arizona,
Kit Carson, super scout.
Copy !req
337. No, no. West of England.
Copy !req
338. Oh. Coronworl.
Copy !req
339. Cornwall.
Copy !req
340. Coronworl. Oh, yes,
know Coronworl very well.
Copy !req
341. Went to school there,
mother and father live there.
Copy !req
342. Oh, yes, go many weekend parties
and polo playing in blidge club.
Copy !req
343. Belong many clubs
in Coronworl.
Copy !req
344. Ah, Mr. Livingstone, thank you.
Sake and Bakewells tart.
Copy !req
345. Well, chaps,
buttocks up.
Copy !req
346. Rather.
Copy !req
347. -Now, Mr...?
-Ah, Pither.
Copy !req
348. Mr. Pither,
we Blitish here in Smolensk
Copy !req
349. very interested in clicket.
Copy !req
350. Oh, cricket?
Copy !req
351. No, no. You no speak English
very wells.
Copy !req
352. No. Not clicket, clicket.
Copy !req
353. Clickety-click. Clicket.
Housey, housey. Bingo.
Copy !req
354. -Oh, bingo.
-Oh, bingo!
Copy !req
355. -Bingo!
Copy !req
356. Bingo. Bingo.
Copy !req
357. ALL:
Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!
Copy !req
Copy !req
359. Bingo!
Copy !req
360. Sorry. Our boys
got very excited.
Copy !req
361. -Bingo.
-Shut face!
Copy !req
362. Now, Mr. Pither, perhaps you
could put in good word for us
Copy !req
363. so we can join a very smart
bingo club in Coronworl.
Copy !req
364. Well,
it's not really my--
Copy !req
365. We sit very quiet at back,
not say anything
Copy !req
366. except shout "housey, housey."
Copy !req
Copy !req
368. CROWD: Housey, housey!
Housey, housey!
Copy !req
Copy !req
370. ...bingo cards!
Copy !req
371. Bingo cards.
Copy !req
Copy !req
373. Now, Mr. Pither,
tell me which better:
Copy !req
374. Hackney Star Bingo or
St. Albans Top Rank Suite?
Copy !req
375. l was hoping you could help me and
my friend get back to England.
Copy !req
376. Hackney Star Bingo.
Copy !req
377. You see, we're on a cycling
tour of North Cornwall.
Copy !req
Copy !req
379. Bingo. Bingo. Bingo.
Copy !req
380. Housey, housey!
Copy !req
Copy !req
382. ls Mr. Trotsky in his room,
Copy !req
383. No.
He has gone to Moscow.
Copy !req
384. Moscow.
Fifteen hundred miles south--
Copy !req
385. -Shut up!
Copy !req
386. Come with us, please.
Copy !req
387. Oh, who are you?
Copy !req
388. Well, we're not
secret police, anyway.
Copy !req
389. That's for sure.
Copy !req
390. If anything, we are ordinary
Soviet citizens
Copy !req
391. with no particular interest
in politics.
Copy !req
392. None at all.
Come with us.
Copy !req
393. Oh,
where are you taking me?
Copy !req
394. What do we tell him?
Copy !req
395. -Don't tell him any secrets.
Copy !req
396. Tell him anything except
we're taking him to Moscow
Copy !req
397. where Trotsky is reuniting
with the Central Committee.
Copy !req
398. We are taking you
to a Clambake.
Copy !req
399. Oh, a Clambake. I've never
been to one of those.
Copy !req
400. Right, let's go.
Copy !req
401. Who's giving orders
around here?
Copy !req
402. lam. I'm senior to you.
Copy !req
403. No. You're a greengrocer,
I'm an insurance salesman.
Copy !req
404. Greengrocers are senior
to insurance salesmen.
Copy !req
405. -No, they're not.
-Cool it!
Copy !req
406. I'm an ice cream salesman,
I am senior to both of you.
Copy !req
407. You're an ice cream
Copy !req
408. I thought you were
a veterinarian.
Copy !req
409. I got promoted.
Copy !req
410. -Taxi.
-CABBY: Yes.
Copy !req
411. Drive us to Moscow.
Copy !req
412. -l have no cab.
-Why not?
Copy !req
413. I'm in the secret police.
Copy !req
414. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
418. And now, comrades,
Copy !req
419. the greatest moment
of a great day,
Copy !req
420. the moment when | ask you
to welcome the return
Copy !req
421. of one of Russia's
greatest heroes,
Copy !req
422. creator of the Red Army,
Copy !req
423. Lenin's greatest friend,
Copy !req
424. Lev Davidovich Trotsky!
Copy !req
Copy !req
426. Comrades, Bolsheviks,
Copy !req
427. friends of the revolution,
I am returned.
Copy !req
428. The bloodstained shadow of
Stalinist repression is past.
Copy !req
429. I bring you the new light
of permanent revolution.
Copy !req
430. I may have been ousted
from power,
Copy !req
431. I may have been expelled from
the party in 1927,
Copy !req
432. I may have been
deported in 1926...
Copy !req
433. J‘ But I'm just
An old-fashioned girl J”
Copy !req
434. J‘ With an old-fashioned mind I
Copy !req
435. Comrades, I don't want
to destroy in order to build.
Copy !req
436. I don't want a state founded
on hate and division.
Copy !req
437. J‘ I want
An old-fashioned house I
Copy !req
438. J‘ With an old-fashioned fence J‘
Copy !req
439. J‘ And an old-fashioned
Millionaire J‘
Copy !req
440. PITHER: Our friend, Mr. Gulliver,
was clearly undergoing
Copy !req
441. another change of personality.
Copy !req
442. So you have duped us.
You shall pay for this.
Copy !req
443. Guards, seize him!
Copy !req
444. J‘ The sound of oil wells J‘
Copy !req
445. J‘ As they slurp
Slurp, slurp...J‘
Copy !req
446. Shall I seize him too?
Copy !req
447. No, I think we have to keep
him, he's going down well.
Copy !req
448. He's more fun
than he used to be.
Copy !req
449. He's loosened up a lot.
Copy !req
450. This is an old Lenin number.
Copy !req
451. J‘ That are labeled
"Hers" and "hers"... I
Copy !req
452. PITHER: April 26th.
Thrown into Russian cell.
Copy !req
453. Severely damaged my Mars bar.
Copy !req
454. Shall I ever see
Bude bus station again?
Copy !req
455. Oh, excuse me.
Copy !req
456. What a pleasant exercise yard.
Copy !req
457. How friendly
they were all being.
Copy !req
458. Cigarette?
Copy !req
459. Oh, no, thank you,
I don't smoke.
Copy !req
460. After a few moments, I perceived
a line of gentlemen with rifles.
Copy !req
461. They were looking
in my direction.
Copy !req
462. I looked around,
but could not see the target.
Copy !req
463. Blindfold?
Copy !req
464. No, thank you, no.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
467. Nyet! Nyet!
Copy !req
468. N yet!
Copy !req
469. A telegram?
Copy !req
470. From the Kremlin.
Copy !req
471. The Central Committee.
It says:
Copy !req
472. "Carry on
with the execution."
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
475. PITHER:
Now I was really for it.
Copy !req
476. How could you miss?
Copy !req
477. He moved.
Copy !req
478. Shut up. Go and practice.
Copy !req
479. I'm so sorry. Would you mind
waiting in your cell?
Copy !req
480. PITHER:
What a stroke of luck.
Copy !req
481. My Crunchie was totally intact.
Copy !req
482. I settled down
to a quick inter-meal snack.
Copy !req
Copy !req
484. -[DRUMROLL]
Copy !req
Copy !req
486. Next time, definitely.
Copy !req
487. Now, how many
have been injured?
Copy !req
488. Oh, God.
Copy !req
489. PITHER: As [lay down to the
sound of the Russian gentlemen
Copy !req
490. practicing their shooting,
Copy !req
491. I realized
I was in a bit of a pickle.
Copy !req
492. My heart sank as I realized
I should never see
Copy !req
493. the Okehampton Bypass again.
Copy !req
494. Come on, dear.
Wake up, dear.
Copy !req
495. Mother.
Copy !req
496. Come on, dear.
Copy !req
497. So it was all a dream.
Copy !req
498. No, dear, this is the dream,
you're still in the cell.
Copy !req
499. We're going to have another
try. I think we've got it now.
Copy !req
500. My boys have been looking down
the wrong bit, you see.
Copy !req
501. Oh, no, you've got to look
down that bit there.
Copy !req
502. I thought you had
to look down that bit.
Copy !req
503. You've got to look down that,
or you won't hit anything.
Copy !req
504. All right, we'll give it
a whirl. Guards, seize him!
Copy !req
505. Listen, you've got
to look down this bit.
Copy !req
506. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
512. ...Eartha Kitt!
Copy !req
Copy !req
Union leaders, I would say this:
Copy !req
515. We ’ve done our part.
Copy !req
516. Now, on behalf
of the community,
Copy !req
517. we have a right to expect you
Copy !req
518. the Trade Union leaders,
to do yours.
Copy !req
Copy !req
520. Nyet! No talking!
Copy !req
521. Edward Heath!
Copy !req
Copy !req
523. --an unjustifiable wage today.
-MAN: Sing "Old-fashioned Girl!"
Copy !req
Copy !req
525. Sing "Old-fashioned Girl"!
Copy !req
526. [CROWD SHOUTING] "Old-fashioned Girl"!
"Old-fashioned Girl!"
Copy !req
527. That turnip's
certainly not safe.
Copy !req
528. Oh, no. Mr. Pither. Pither!
Copy !req
"Old-fashioned Girl!"
Copy !req
530. Pither! Mr. Pither!
Copy !req
531. Mr. Pither.
Copy !req
532. Mr. Pither! Mr. Pither!
Mr. Pither!
Copy !req
533. Mr. Pither!
Copy !req
534. Mr. Pither!
Copy !req
535. PITHER: Here.
Copy !req
536. Gulliver.
Copy !req
537. Pither.
What a stroke of luck.
Copy !req
538. Well, yes and no.
Copy !req
539. Squad, fix bayonets!
Copy !req
540. -Charge!
Copy !req
541. Phew. What an amazing escape.
Well, goodbye, Reginald.
Copy !req
542. Goodbye, Mr. Pither,
and good luck with the tour.
Copy !req
543. [J‘J‘J‘]
Copy !req
544. Hey,
I think he's finally gone.
Copy !req
545. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
546. Ready, Maurice?
Copy !req
547. Right-o, Kevin. Let's go.
Copy !req
548. All right,
maestro, hit it.
Copy !req
549. J‘ I’m just your
Jack-in-the-box J‘
Copy !req
550. J‘ You know
Whenever love knocks J‘
Copy !req
551. J‘ I’m gonna bounce up and down
On my spring J‘
Copy !req
552. J‘ A toy used up when it stops J‘
Copy !req
553. J‘ I’m just your
Jack-in-the-box J‘
Copy !req