1. Male announcer: And now,
nickelodeon and dreamworks'
Copy !req
2. Monsters vs. Aliens.
Copy !req
3. - Oh, yeah,
it's freaky.
Copy !req
4. - A single human guard?
Copy !req
5. Honestly,
it's like they want me
Copy !req
6. To steal
the gigantic death ray.
Copy !req
7. It wasn't me!
I was framed!
Copy !req
8. - Attention, all personnel,
Copy !req
9. Base will self-destruct
in one minute.
Copy !req
10. - Self-destruct?
Copy !req
11. - Yup, self-destruct.
Copy !req
12. Remain calm for a safe
and orderly evacuation.
Copy !req
13. - Uh!
Aliens and children first!
Copy !req
14. Save coverton!
Copy !req
15. - That's right, people.
Copy !req
16. Keep it nice and calm.
Copy !req
17. Out of the way!
Copy !req
18. Coverton wants to live!
Copy !req
19. Oof!
Copy !req
20. - Team monster evacuated,
Copy !req
21. But I'm guessing
no one told the alien
Copy !req
22. It's a false alarm.
Copy !req
23. - Indeed.
Copy !req
24. Link merely forgot
to power down the ion reactor
Copy !req
25. After using it to tan his gills.
Copy !req
26. - Totally worth it.
Copy !req
27. I mean, almost.
Copy !req
28. - Tell it to the shame wig,
Copy !req
29. - Oh, not the shame wig!
Copy !req
30. Now, if you'll excuse me,
Copy !req
31. I was in the middle
of not stealing something.
Copy !req
32. - Freeze, alien!
Copy !req
33. On this base,
Copy !req
34. We evacuate
using the buddy system.
Copy !req
35. Good job, monsters.
Copy !req
36. But you ran out alone.
Copy !req
37. Where is your buddy?
Copy !req
38. - Uh, "boo-dee"?
Copy !req
39. What is the meaning
of this earth word?
Copy !req
40. - You don't know
what "buddy" means?
Copy !req
41. - General, allow me.
Copy !req
42. I'm a licensed buddy-ologist.
Copy !req
43. A buddy
is the nutty goodness
Copy !req
44. Inside your
peanut butter winkie.
Copy !req
45. A buddy
is the last minute of recess
Copy !req
46. Before an evil pop quiz.
Copy !req
47. Witness item "a":
Copy !req
48. My bro book,
Copy !req
49. A collection
of b.O.B.'s buddies.
Copy !req
50. My buddy karl.
Copy !req
51. My buddy sam.
Copy !req
52. My bestie, hollie.
Copy !req
53. She's got a crush on link.
Copy !req
54. Don't tell.
Copy !req
55. - Ah, uh...
Copy !req
56. - In conclusion:
Copy !req
57. Buddies are friends.
Copy !req
58. Awesome.
Copy !req
59. The end.
Copy !req
60. - You're joking, right?
Copy !req
61. - An emergency buddy
is an evacuation partner.
Copy !req
62. Good luck with yours.
Copy !req
63. - Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
64. Hey, doc,
can I borrow your atom bomb?
Copy !req
65. - What?
Copy !req
66. - Well,
I'm coverton's emergency buddy,
Copy !req
67. And the old guy
is being shy about it,
Copy !req
68. So I'm gonna show him
how helpful I am in emergencies.
Copy !req
69. - With a mushroom cloud?
Copy !req
70. - Yeah!
That's gonna be the emergency.
Copy !req
71. Now, I know
what you're thinking,
Copy !req
72. "how'd a guy without a brain
come up with an idea like this?"
Copy !req
73. Well, sometimes even I—
Copy !req
74. Whoa.
Is that a new trash can?
Copy !req
75. - Gosh, I don't even know
where to start.
Copy !req
76. - Don't have to.
We got this.
Copy !req
77. - Wait a minute—
- just go.
Copy !req
78. Go, go, go, go.
Copy !req
79. B.O.B.,
let me tell you,
Copy !req
80. That is a great idea.
Copy !req
81. - Yay!
Copy !req
82. - Go ahead and put coverton
Copy !req
83. In as many emergencies
as you want.
Copy !req
84. - No atom bombs.
Copy !req
85. no atom bombs, b.O.B.
Copy !req
86. - Thank you.
Copy !req
87. - Oh, I got you.
Copy !req
88. Start small.
Copy !req
89. Thanks, big top link!
Copy !req
90. - Clever ruse, link.
Copy !req
91. By partnering b.O.B.
With coverton,
Copy !req
92. We will gain a window
into his alien secrets.
Copy !req
93. - Nah,
just thought it'd be funny.
Copy !req
94. - I'll get the popcorn.
Copy !req
95. - Death ray for coverton,
take two.
Copy !req
96. Ah, sleep ray.
Copy !req
97. Perfec—
Copy !req
98. - Emergency!
Copy !req
99. Bro-verton!
Copy !req
100. Oh, there's
a blackout emergency.
Copy !req
101. We got to get you
Copy !req
102. - Oh, look around, simpleton.
Copy !req
103. It's bright as day in—
Copy !req
104. - The lights went out!
Copy !req
105. Oh, no!
Copy !req
106. Quick, follow me.
Copy !req
107. - Still got it?
Copy !req
108. - Oh, yeah, no, we got it.
Copy !req
109. We got the got.
Copy !req
110. - Just doing the, uh...
Copy !req
111. - Is that a plunger?
Copy !req
112. No, no, no, no, no, no.
We have to stop this.
Copy !req
113. I'll go tell b.O.B.
Copy !req
114. In just one minute.
Copy !req
115. - What the floognarg was that?
Copy !req
116. - Bro, you're supposed
to follow me.
Copy !req
117. Have you not ever
evacuumated before?
Copy !req
118. - Insufferable goo bag!
Copy !req
119. I am not your "broo,"
Copy !req
120. And I have no desire
to change that.
Copy !req
121. - Oh, yeah,
then why do you always
Copy !req
122. Let me use your floating toilet
without asking?
Copy !req
123. - What do you—
Copy !req
124. Ah!
Copy !req
125. Unclean!
Copy !req
126. Nighty-night time.
Copy !req
127. - Hurricane!
Copy !req
128. Emergency!
Copy !req
129. Don't worry, brosef!
Copy !req
130. I got you—
Copy !req
131. - Ahh!
Copy !req
132. - Oops.
Copy !req
133. - Coverton for the win!
Copy !req
134. - Attention, all bro-vertons,
Copy !req
135. Beware of runaway jeeps
in the hallway.
Copy !req
136. - Runaway what?
Copy !req
137. Wah!
Copy !req
138. - Hold tight, broman!
Copy !req
139. Someone put a mayonnaise bomb
in the jeep.
Copy !req
140. If our speed
drops below really fast,
Copy !req
141. We're doomed!
Copy !req
142. - We crashed five minutes ago.
Copy !req
143. Ah!
Copy !req
144. - Aww!
- It was just at the good part.
Copy !req
145. - Well, back to good ol' cable.
Copy !req
146. - You know, link,
monger's not here.
Copy !req
147. You don't have to wear the wig.
Copy !req
148. - All rise for judge mental.
Copy !req
149. - My bad, mr. Brojangles.
Copy !req
150. Totally almost saved you
that time.
Copy !req
151. - This was trying to save me?
Copy !req
152. - That's what buddies are for.
Copy !req
153. Up high, alien guy!
Copy !req
154. - Ay!
Copy !req
155. - Bro, here, use your hand.
Copy !req
156. Look.
Copy !req
157. - Ay!
- No, you're doing it wrong.
Copy !req
158. - Uh!
- Hand, not face.
Copy !req
159. - Ah!
- Hand!
Copy !req
160. - No, stop it!
Copy !req
161. - I'm just trying to help you,
Copy !req
162. That's what bro-f.F.S are for.
Copy !req
163. - You brainless blue buffoon—
Copy !req
164. - Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
165. - What is that?
Copy !req
166. Oh, oh, that's right.
Copy !req
167. "boo-dees" do help each other,
don't they?
Copy !req
168. And we are such good friends...
Copy !req
169. Dare I say, chumsies even?
Copy !req
170. - Obvi.
Copy !req
171. - Well, I know just the way
you can help me.
Copy !req
172. - So all I got to do
is slip in?
Copy !req
173. - Yes, and then let your "broo,"
me, inside.
Copy !req
174. - Oh, so this is
a locked door emergency?
Copy !req
175. We go in together!
Copy !req
176. - Wha—
Copy !req
177. - Emergency!
Copy !req
178. Oof!
Copy !req
179. Ah!
Copy !req
180. Gigantic...
Copy !req
181. Death ray?
Copy !req
182. Happy day!
Copy !req
183. - Yay!
Copy !req
184. Bro,
this is a bro-fect bro-ccasion
Copy !req
185. To take a bro-tograph
for the bro book!
Copy !req
186. - Oh, yes, of course.
Copy !req
187. Uh, may I see that
for a moment?
Copy !req
188. Just let me—
Copy !req
189. Zappity zap!
Copy !req
190. - You accidentally zapped-ed
my book.
Copy !req
191. - It was intentional!
Copy !req
192. - But you said we were buddies.
Copy !req
193. - I...
Copy !req
194. Lied.
Copy !req
195. - Warning.
Copy !req
196. Maniacal evil laughter
Copy !req
197. - What?
Evil laughter?
Copy !req
198. - Initiating security.
Copy !req
199. - No, no!
Copy !req
200. No!
Copy !req
201. Ah!
Copy !req
202. Ahh!
Copy !req
203. Coverton wants to live!
Copy !req
204. Ahh!
Copy !req
205. - Change of plans!
Copy !req
206. Help your buddy open the door!
Copy !req
207. Help him now!
Copy !req
208. - But we're not buddies
Copy !req
209. Our friendship was evacuumated.
Copy !req
210. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
211. - You said so.
Copy !req
212. - Oh, that?
Copy !req
213. Oh, it's what buddies do.
Copy !req
214. They say they're not buddies
and, uh, fist bump and...
Copy !req
215. "hey, 'broo,'"
and whatnot.
Copy !req
216. - I remember the day
you said we were chumsies.
Copy !req
217. It was my favorite day!
Copy !req
218. - Aha, wait here, "broo-dee."
Copy !req
219. Ah!
Copy !req
220. And there was the time
Copy !req
221. I helped you
get in the locked door!
Copy !req
222. It was my favorite-er day!
Copy !req
223. - Uh?
Copy !req
224. Oof!
Copy !req
225. Ow.
Copy !req
226. Wah!
Copy !req
227. Look, we're buddies.
Copy !req
228. Now save me,
mr. Brojangles!
Copy !req
229. - You didn't smile.
Copy !req
230. - We're friends again!
Copy !req
231. Up high!
Copy !req
232. - Ah!
Copy !req
233. - Anti-big-headed-alien missile
Copy !req
234. - Ahh!
Copy !req
235. - Fear not, buddy.
Copy !req
236. I'll save us!
Copy !req
237. - Fool,
the door is the other way!
Copy !req
238. - Door?
Copy !req
239. We don't need no stinkin' door!
Copy !req
240. - Wow, b.O.B.,
you actually got coverton
Copy !req
241. To be your buddy.
Copy !req
242. Weird.
Copy !req
243. - Tell us, b.O.B.,
how'd you do it?
Copy !req
244. - Oh, you know,
he just finally realized
Copy !req
245. How safe I keep my buddies.
Copy !req
246. - Oh...
Copy !req
247. - Shame wig!
Copy !req