1. Feel free to... Ow!
Jump... Oof!
Copy !req
2. In here... Aah!
Copy !req
3. - I knew you cared.
Copy !req
4. - This much I care.
Copy !req
5. - Wah! Whoa! Oof!
Copy !req
6. - Prepare to be awestruck
Copy !req
7. By my latest ingenious—
Copy !req
8. - Just blast it!
Copy !req
9. - I got this!
Copy !req
10. Wah!
Copy !req
11. - Got it!
Mmph, ugh!
Copy !req
12. Can't hold it very long.
Copy !req
13. Aah!
Copy !req
14. Blast it all!
Another failure!
Copy !req
15. - But, general monger,
we won.
Copy !req
16. - That's the problem.
Copy !req
17. You shouldn't be able to beat
the unstop-o-bot.
Copy !req
18. Nobody should.
Copy !req
19. - 'cause then it's
a stop-o-bot?
Copy !req
20. - Right, b.O.B.
Copy !req
21. - How's our little project
coming along, general?
Copy !req
22. - What project is that, sir?
Copy !req
23. - The top-secret one.
Copy !req
24. Why am I paying
for a $42 billion boondoggle
Copy !req
25. When you won't even tell me
what it is?
Copy !req
26. - It's top-secret, sir.
Copy !req
27. And we both know
you're not very good
Copy !req
28. At keeping secrets.
Copy !req
29. - What?
I've never told anyone
Copy !req
30. About that awkward birthmark
you've got on your—
Copy !req
31. sir.
Copy !req
32. - Okay, point taken.
Copy !req
33. But can't you just give me
a hint?
Copy !req
34. Like, is the secret project...
Copy !req
35. The world's most expensive
video game?
Copy !req
36. - Oh, cool!
Copy !req
37. - It's not a video game, sir.
Copy !req
38. - Aww.
Copy !req
39. - Listen, if you don't tell me
what it is,
Copy !req
40. I—well, I'm gonna—
I'm gonna hold my breath
Copy !req
41. Until I turn blue.
Copy !req
42. - Me too.
Copy !req
43. - B.O.B., you already know
about the top-secret project.
Copy !req
44. It's the unstop-o-bot.
Copy !req
45. - And you're already blue.
Copy !req
46. And you don't breathe.
Copy !req
47. - Oh, right.
Copy !req
48. - Ladies and gentlemen
Copy !req
49. And miscellaneous others,
Copy !req
50. The unstop-o-bot
has got to work.
Copy !req
51. And I want you
to figure it out.
Copy !req
52. - You have come
to the right roach.
Copy !req
53. - You and sqweep.
Copy !req
54. - But, general, the child is
an insufferable know-it-all.
Copy !req
55. - I don't know it all.
Copy !req
56. Just significantly more
than you.
Copy !req
57. - Yada, yada, yada.
You two work it out.
Copy !req
58. That's an order.
Copy !req
59. Really?
Copy !req
60. - What can you possible do
to improve
Copy !req
61. The biggest, strongest
battle suit ever invented?
Copy !req
62. - It does have its flaws.
Copy !req
63. - Such as?
- The blasted noise, obviously.
Copy !req
64. You can hear that
infernal contraption coming
Copy !req
65. A mile away.
Copy !req
66. - How ironic
that a creature with eyes
Copy !req
67. As large as yours
cannot see
Copy !req
68. The most obvious problem.
Copy !req
69. - Excuse me?
Copy !req
70. - It's so big
it can be seen
Copy !req
71. From a volarian hectare away.
Copy !req
72. Even a lower life form
like yourself
Copy !req
73. Should realize that.
Copy !req
74. - Lower life form?
Copy !req
75. - Ooh, burn.
Copy !req
76. Oh!
Oof! Argh.
Copy !req
77. - Can we put the sniping aside
and get back
Copy !req
78. To solving the problem?
Copy !req
79. - oof!
Copy !req
80. - I will not stand here
and be insulted
Copy !req
81. By this—
this juven-alien delinquent!
Copy !req
82. From now on,
I only work with someone
Copy !req
83. Whose genius equals
my own!
Copy !req
84. - Ooh, me! Pick me!
Copy !req
85. - I meant myself, b.O.B.
Copy !req
86. - May the best brain win.
Copy !req
87. - Hmm.
Copy !req
88. - If they're not gonna tell me
what the secret project is,
Copy !req
89. I'll just have to find out
for myself.
Copy !req
90. - Blackout!
Henry's afraid of the dark!
Copy !req
91. Henry, where are you?
Copy !req
92. - Done.
Copy !req
93. - Done.
Copy !req
94. - Yay!
I know the secret!
Copy !req
95. Ahem.
Copy !req
96. So how's our little project
coming along?
Copy !req
97. - We're just programming
the aerotank
Copy !req
98. To accept general monger's
voice commands.
Copy !req
99. - General monger?
Why him?
Copy !req
100. I'm voice-commander-in-chief.
Copy !req
101. It should be set
to my voice commands...
Copy !req
102. In chief.
Copy !req
103. I'm the president.
Do what I say.
Copy !req
104. - Affirmative.
Copy !req
105. Awaiting orders.
Copy !req
106. - Protect and defend—
I don't know—
Copy !req
107. The base from stuff,
I guess.
Copy !req
108. - Order received.
Copy !req
109. - Fantastic top-secret project.
Copy !req
110. Well worth the $42 billion
we spent.
Copy !req
111. - Oh, no, mr. President,
this isn't that project.
Copy !req
112. That's down the hall.
Copy !req
113. - Oh. Gotta run.
Copy !req
114. - Whoa!
Copy !req
115. Aw, that's cute.
Copy !req
116. What does it do?
Copy !req
117. - In simple terms
that even you can understand,
Copy !req
118. It's a cloaking device.
Copy !req
119. - Well, you'll never guess
what I've concocted.
Copy !req
120. It's a—
Copy !req
121. - A silencer.
- How did you—
Copy !req
122. Well, no,
it's a very special,
Copy !req
123. Very technologic-logical
Copy !req
124. Silence-inducing device.
Copy !req
125. It's very, very complicated.
Copy !req
126. - I imagine for you
it would be.
Copy !req
127. - Jackpot!
Copy !req
128. Just as I suspected—
Copy !req
129. A super cool, ultra-surround,
3-d video game!
Copy !req
130. Where's the start button?
Copy !req
131. I wonder if I need
a quarter.
Copy !req
132. - welcome to unstop-o-bot.
Copy !req
133. Are you ready to battle?
Copy !req
134. - Sweet!
Copy !req
135. - We both used magnetic
installation protocols?
Copy !req
136. - Yes, well,
it only made sense.
Copy !req
137. - Curious.
Copy !req
138. what was that?
Copy !req
139. - Super-punch.
Disrupter ray.
Copy !req
140. Mega-kick.
Jet boots.
Copy !req
141. - Oh, that one.
Copy !req
142. - Aah!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
143. - Aah, oh!
Copy !req
144. - Oh!
Copy !req
145. - Listen! Silence.
Copy !req
146. - Look! Cloaking.
Copy !req
147. - On a positive note,
Copy !req
148. My device
is working perfectly.
Copy !req
149. - Mine too.
Copy !req
150. - Security breach detected.
Copy !req
151. Activate base defense mode.
Copy !req
152. - Ha ha!
Copy !req
153. - Super-smash,
Copy !req
154. - Seriously? No gold coins?
This level stinks.
Copy !req
155. - Intruder detected.
Copy !req
156. - All right!
This game just got exciting.
Copy !req
157. Eat laser, tank!
Copy !req
158. - Energy cannon.
Copy !req
159. - You're telling me
someone swiped
Copy !req
160. The unstop-o-bot,
Copy !req
161. Which you two made
completely invisible
Copy !req
162. And inaudible?
Copy !req
163. - We were hoping
it might be you,
Copy !req
164. Testing us again.
Copy !req
165. - Obviously, it wasn't.
Copy !req
166. - Area 50-something is
the most secure place on earth!
Copy !req
167. How could—
Copy !req
168. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
169. Bring up
the security footage
Copy !req
170. Outside project unstop-o-bot
just before.
Copy !req
171. - Jackpot!
Copy !req
172. ugh, jerkbot.
Copy !req
173. - Monsters, aliens,
Copy !req
174. Find that unstop-o-bot
and stop it!
Copy !req
175. - Really?
Copy !req
176. The same unstop-o-bot
you asked us
Copy !req
177. To make impossible
for us to stop?
Copy !req
178. - Do you see where this
is gonna be a problem?
Copy !req
179. - And don't harm the president!
Copy !req
180. - Oh!
Copy !req
181. - That wasn't me.
Copy !req
182. - Hey, the monsters and aliens
are in this game too.
Copy !req
183. Boy, you'd think
with a billion-dollar budget,
Copy !req
184. They could've made them look
more realistic.
Copy !req
185. - The unstop-o-bot!
Copy !req
186. - Uh, sorry, susan.
Copy !req
187. I'm almost sure I didn't do
that on purpose.
Copy !req
188. - Don't let it get away!
Copy !req
189. - Sure,
'cause it's silent
Copy !req
190. And invisible.
Copy !req
191. So this should be,
pfft, easy.
Copy !req
192. How do we know it's here?
Copy !req
193. - Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
194. - Leg swipe.
- Oof!
Copy !req
195. - I feel like a doofus.
Copy !req
196. Do I look like a doofus?
I do, don't I?
Copy !req
197. - You always look
like a doofus.
Copy !req
198. - Yipe, yipe!
Copy !req
199. - Oof!
- Ooh!
Copy !req
200. - Invisibility. Good one.
Copy !req
201. - Okay, going
for the triple bonus.
Copy !req
202. - Roundhouse kick.
Copy !req
203. - No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
204. - Intruder identified.
Copy !req
205. - Stand down!
That's the president!
Copy !req
206. - Voice command
not authorized.
Copy !req
207. - Of course...
Copy !req
208. It's authorized.
Copy !req
209. I'm the general!
Who else would—
Copy !req
210. - Only the president
is authorized.
Copy !req
211. - Well, don't that
just figure?
Copy !req
212. - I'm losing
health points here.
Copy !req
213. Time to get
out of this level.
Copy !req
214. - As much as it pains me
to admit it...
Copy !req
215. - Perhaps if we put
our minds together...
Copy !req
216. - We might find a way
to stop
Copy !req
217. That metallic monstrosity.
Copy !req
218. - Yes, but without sight
and without sound,
Copy !req
219. How do you catch
a metallic—
Copy !req
220. It's metal!
- Metal!
Copy !req
221. There!
Copy !req
222. - Activate mega-magnet.
Copy !req
223. - Got it!
Copy !req
224. - Huh?
Copy !req
225. - Electromagnetics
for the win!
Copy !req
226. - What an elegantly
simple solution.
Copy !req
227. - So this isn't
a video game?
Copy !req
228. - Destroy intruder.
Copy !req
229. stop!
Copy !req
230. No blasting,
no blasting!
Copy !req
231. - Scared little crybaby voice
command not recognized.
Copy !req
232. - Ahem.
Stand down!
Copy !req
233. - Command received.
Copy !req
234. - You beginning to see why
we keep certain things
Copy !req
235. Secret from you,
mr. President?
Copy !req
236. - Yes.
Well, in my defense,
Copy !req
237. I still think this would make
an awesome video game!
Copy !req
238. unfortunately,
Copy !req
239. You monsters and aliens
still beat my bot.
Copy !req
240. So I expect new ideas
on how to make
Copy !req
241. The unstop-o-bot
Copy !req
242. - General, I'm sorry,
Copy !req
243. But what you ask
is simply impossible,
Copy !req
244. Because when it comes
to monsters and aliens...
Copy !req
245. - We are an unbeatable
Copy !req