1. - Welcome to the end
of the world.
Copy !req
2. - I see.
Copy !req
3. Will it be catered?
Copy !req
4. - Mr. President, we're looking
at a global disaster.
Copy !req
5. There is a wisonsin-sized meteor
Copy !req
6. On a collision course
with earth.
Copy !req
7. This is armageddon!
Copy !req
8. - And armageddin' hungry
over here.
Copy !req
9. What's it take to scare up
a deli tray?
Copy !req
10. - Mr. President—
- general.
Copy !req
11. I'm not worried
about the planet,
Copy !req
12. Not with your crack team
on the job.
Copy !req
13. - Your confidence
is well placed, sir.
Copy !req
14. - Oh, I didn't mean
you monsters.
Copy !req
15. - Inferior life-forms,
Copy !req
16. I grace you with my presence.
Copy !req
17. So top secret, high level
Copy !req
18. Basically means anybody
Copy !req
19. Can just stroll in
whenever they please.
Copy !req
20. - I have been studying
Copy !req
21. The approaching meteor
for months.
Copy !req
22. This hurtling hunk of doom,
Copy !req
23. Which I have nicknamed
big ned,
Copy !req
24. Will be most difficult
to destroy.
Copy !req
25. - For a pathetic earthling,
Copy !req
26. For an alien...
Copy !req
27. Child's play.
Copy !req
28. - So you got the little cute one
rolling on this.
Copy !req
29. - Yes, sqweep is a busy bee
Copy !req
30. Modifying one of your missiles
Copy !req
31. To blast ned into space dust.
Copy !req
32. - You don't know ned
like I know ned.
Copy !req
33. He is a super-dense amalgamation
of minerals.
Copy !req
34. If the rocket does not hit
at the precise spot,
Copy !req
35. Kiss your thorax good-bye.
Copy !req
36. - Did I hear someone express
a craving for deli?
Copy !req
37. Go, aliens!
Copy !req
38. - I win... Again.
Copy !req
39. - You, sir,
forget we monsters
Copy !req
40. Have defeated aliens
in the past.
Copy !req
41. - Must have been
beginner's luck.
Copy !req
42. I feel your pain, doc.
Copy !req
43. But what are you gonna do?
Copy !req
44. They're aliens.
It's a space thing.
Copy !req
45. - Not the point, link.
Copy !req
46. Dr. C was on the case.
Copy !req
47. He named the meteor,
for crying out loud.
Copy !req
48. - Which is kind of weird.
Think that was the deal breaker?
Copy !req
49. - It sounds like things
got pretty tense in there.
Copy !req
50. Now, tell me again
about the sandwich.
Copy !req
51. - The sandwich
was the least important
Copy !req
52. Part of the story,
Copy !req
53. - Not if you skipped lunch,
Copy !req
54. Which I did...
Skip lunch.
Copy !req
55. - It's 10:00 a.M., b.O.B.
Copy !req
56. - I have low blood sugar.
Copy !req
57. - You don't have blood.
Copy !req
58. - Well, I told you it was low.
Copy !req
59. - Excuse me, guys.
Copy !req
60. - Ungh.
- ♪ oh, yeah
Copy !req
61. - oh, man.
Copy !req
62. Anybody seen my phone?
Copy !req
63. - I thought it was a candy bar.
Copy !req
64. - A candy bar with a ringtone?
Copy !req
65. - I thought it was
a really cool candy bar.
Copy !req
66. - And what do you think
you are doing?
Copy !req
67. - I have completed
my modifications.
Copy !req
68. It is now time to analyze
the meteor's flight path
Copy !req
69. And plot
the rocket's trajectory.
Copy !req
70. - Ah, buh, buh, buh.
Copy !req
71. The president put team alien
Copy !req
72. In charge of the launch.
Copy !req
73. - Affirmative.
Copy !req
74. - And I am in charge
of team alien.
Copy !req
75. So...
Copy !req
76. - So this is one of your
unpleasant bossy moments.
Copy !req
77. - Smart child.
Copy !req
78. - Pbbt.
Copy !req
79. - Must have been
beginner's luck.
Copy !req
80. Coverton will rue the day
Copy !req
81. He mocked monsters.
Copy !req
82. - Whatcha up to, doc?
Copy !req
83. - Working.
Copy !req
84. - Doctor,
your whatever this is.
Copy !req
85. - Ionic disrupter,
and do be careful.
Copy !req
86. - I work alone, b.O.B.
- Gotcha.
Copy !req
87. - I laugh alone as well, b.O.B.
Copy !req
88. okay.
Copy !req
89. - Ooh, brain wave.
Copy !req
90. Who's up for a rousing game
of hide-and-seek?
Copy !req
91. - Ooh, can I seek?
- I was thinking you might hide.
Copy !req
92. - Can I hide?
- Splendid idea, b.O.B.
Copy !req
93. Off you go.
Copy !req
94. Now, where was I?
Copy !req
95. Ah, yes.
Copy !req
96. Need to find the most awesomest
hiding place ever.
Copy !req
97. Hmm?
Copy !req
98. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
99. There it is.
Copy !req
100. - While I oversee the launch
with the president,
Copy !req
101. I command you three—
Copy !req
102. - Choose new words.
Copy !req
103. - I, uh...
Copy !req
104. Request...
Copy !req
105. - Humbly.
Copy !req
106. - Better.
Copy !req
107. - Look, I simply cannot have
Copy !req
108. Those monsters ruining this.
Copy !req
109. Wherever they go,
catastrophe follows.
Copy !req
110. Keep them out.
Copy !req
111. - Attention,
Copy !req
112. Coverton here.
Copy !req
113. There is no need to panic
Copy !req
114. Regarding the rapidly
approaching meteor.
Copy !req
115. We aliens have got your back.
Copy !req
116. - They gave him the mic?
Copy !req
117. They never gave me the mic.
Copy !req
118. - And while I have the mic,
Copy !req
119. I would like to point out that
Copy !req
120. Monsters drool,
aliens rule.
Copy !req
121. Coverton out.
Copy !req
122. - Drool not, fellow monsters.
Copy !req
123. I have done it.
Copy !req
124. - Ordered a pizza?
Copy !req
125. - We will have
sweet, sweet revenge
Copy !req
126. Against coverton
for his cruelty.
Copy !req
127. - Unless he really hates pizza,
Copy !req
128. This does not seem
like much payback.
Copy !req
129. - Ah!
Copy !req
130. - yeah.
Copy !req
131. - A whoopee cushion?
Copy !req
132. - No, no. That's too crude.
Copy !req
133. It's a whoopee cushion
with stealth mode.
Copy !req
134. - Next-generation pranking.
Copy !req
135. - Classy, guys.
Copy !req
136. But I don't think pranks
exactly advance the cause
Copy !req
137. Of getting on the president's
good side.
Copy !req
138. - We don't get blamed
if we don't get caught.
Copy !req
139. - Indeed,
and with b.O.B. Preoccupied,
Copy !req
140. The odds of inadvertent disaster
are greatly reduced.
Copy !req
141. - And in this case,
preoccupied means?
Copy !req
142. - B.O.B. And I are playing
Copy !req
143. A friendly game
of hide-and-seek.
Copy !req
144. - Except you're not seeking.
Copy !req
145. - Oh, so "preoccupied"
Copy !req
146. Means b.O.B. Could be anywhere
right now.
Copy !req
147. - Completely unsupervised.
Copy !req
148. Yeah, that usually
guarantees disaster.
Copy !req
149. - Maybe b.O.B. Picked
Copy !req
150. A completely harmless
place to hide.
Copy !req
151. - Whoa!
Copy !req
152. Kind of a rough ride.
Copy !req
153. - vornicarn, down!
Copy !req
154. It is fuel tank,
not intruder.
Copy !req
155. - Even if we split up,
Copy !req
156. I would have to put odds
of finding b.O.B.
Copy !req
157. Somewhere between hopeless
Copy !req
158. And utterly hopeless.
Copy !req
159. - Don't sugarcoat it
or anything.
Copy !req
160. - Hey, I lose stuff
all the time.
Copy !req
161. Last week, lost my phone.
Copy !req
162. Dialed it, hamper rang,
phone found.
Copy !req
163. - That would not work
Copy !req
164. Since b.O.B. Swallowed
your phone.
Copy !req
165. - B.O.B. Swallowed my phone!
Copy !req
166. - Yello, susan's phone.
Copy !req
167. - B.O.B., it's susan.
Copy !req
168. - Not likely.
Copy !req
169. If you were susan,
Copy !req
170. You would be calling me
on susan's phone,
Copy !req
171. Which you are not
since I'm holding susan's phone.
Copy !req
172. - Okay, look.
Copy !req
173. You're using susan's phone,
Copy !req
174. But you're not susan, right?
Copy !req
175. - Yeah.
Where are you going with this?
Copy !req
176. - Well, I'm not using
susan's phone,
Copy !req
177. But I am susan.
Copy !req
178. - Susan!
How you been?
Copy !req
179. - Yes!
I've located the cell phone.
Copy !req
180. - Uh, got to call you back,
Copy !req
181. I'm being pumped into something.
Copy !req
182. - What is b.O.B.
Doing on the launchpad?
Copy !req
183. - Being pumped into?
- The rocket!
Copy !req
184. - Fueling sequence engaged.
Copy !req
185. - Would you care
to do the honors, mr. President?
Copy !req
186. - You bet.
We are go for launch.
Copy !req
187. Clear the launchpad.
Copy !req
188. Ungh!
Copy !req
189. - What the?
Copy !req
190. - Coverton has given
strict orders:
Copy !req
191. This is a no-monster zone.
Copy !req
192. - As promised, another flawless
team alien operation.
Copy !req
193. Beep!
- Launch in t-minus 30 seconds.
Copy !req
194. - B.O.B. Is doomed!
Copy !req
195. - No, he's not doomed
Copy !req
196. As long as he has friends
like us.
Copy !req
197. - And?
Copy !req
198. - How about a swim?
Copy !req
199. - Launch in t-minus 20 seconds.
Copy !req
200. - Hey, sta'abi.
Copy !req
201. - Who's an alien-killing
Copy !req
202. Is it you? Is it you?
Copy !req
203. Are you
an alien-killing machine?
Copy !req
204. - Have at it, vornicarn.
Copy !req
205. - Hello.
- Greetings, bug head.
Copy !req
206. You wish to challenge sta'abi?
Copy !req
207. - If only, my dear.
Copy !req
208. Sadly, you are about to leave
in a rush.
Copy !req
209. - Bye!
Copy !req
210. - Well done.
Copy !req
211. - No problem. Just get b.O.B.
Copy !req
212. - Of course.
Copy !req
213. I'm in!
Copy !req
214. I'm out!
Copy !req
215. - Ignition.
Copy !req
216. - Whoa!
- We have liftoff.
Copy !req
217. - Aw, you found me.
Copy !req
218. - Agh!
Copy !req
219. Sweet tooth.
Copy !req
220. This rocket's trajectory
is all wrong.
Copy !req
221. It's time for the monsters
to save the planet.
Copy !req
222. Won't take but a moment.
Copy !req
223. - He did what?
Copy !req
224. - That cockroach
put in his own coordinates.
Copy !req
225. - Hmm.
Which means what exactly?
Copy !req
226. - That rocket does not blast
that meteor out of the sky,
Copy !req
227. We are doomed!
Copy !req
228. - I see.
Copy !req
229. - Shall we?
Copy !req
230. - Ow.
Copy !req
231. Boom!
Copy !req
232. - Susan!
Copy !req
233. Nice landing.
Copy !req
234. - All part of the, uh, plan.
Copy !req
235. - I'd like to be briefed
on this plan.
Copy !req
236. - Isn't it obvious?
Copy !req
237. Sabotage.
Copy !req
238. - Actually, it appears
Copy !req
239. The monsters have averted
earth's destruction.
Copy !req
240. - Cheerio, big ned.
- Monsters for the win!
Copy !req
241. - What?
Copy !req
242. - Coverton's unique blend
Copy !req
243. Of arrogance and incompetence
Copy !req
244. Prevented him
from seeing his mistake.
Copy !req
245. - hah, burn!
Copy !req
246. - Permission to jiggle
while yelling yay?
Copy !req
247. - Permission granted.
Copy !req
248. - Yay!
Copy !req
249. - But, general, you can't—
Copy !req
250. Ow!
Copy !req
251. - Why don't you take a seat,
Copy !req
252. - Allow us lucky beginners
to help.
Copy !req
253. - I am not through here.
Copy !req
254. I will be heard.
Copy !req