1. Monsters vs. Aliens.
Copy !req
2. - Oh, yeah,
it's freaky.
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3. - Wait. Wait. Whoa, wait.
Whoa, wait. Whoa.
Copy !req
4. We were supposed to have
another monster on the team?
Copy !req
5. - They call it
"the man-beast."
Copy !req
6. General monger flew out here
to recruit him years ago,
Copy !req
7. But he came back
Copy !req
8. - So with monger's
"may or may not be birthday"
Copy !req
9. Coming up tomorrow,
Copy !req
10. We're gonna bring home
the one that got away.
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11. - Birthday present
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12. And a new teammate/best friend?
Copy !req
13. Better practice
my super-excited face!
Copy !req
14. let's do this.
Copy !req
15. - Has anyone considered
perhaps the general
Copy !req
16. Left the man-beast here
for good reason?
Copy !req
17. - So maybe he forgot his key
and he has a temper.
Copy !req
18. Anyway, who's taking point here?
- I'll go.
Copy !req
19. Just have to talk it out,
monster to monster.
Copy !req
20. But you guys come in hot
if it goes bad.
Copy !req
21. - Got your back, suze.
Copy !req
22. - Wait!
Let me.
Copy !req
23. I know just how to deal
with a ferocious beast.
Copy !req
24. Fetch!
Catch the ball!
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25. Walkies, who wants walkies?
Copy !req
26. - Peace, my strange blue friend.
Copy !req
27. A monster I may be
but not a dog.
Copy !req
28. right in my nose!
Copy !req
29. - Nobody eats b.O.B.
On my—whoa!
Copy !req
30. - Back, you feral—
Copy !req
31. - ow!
Copy !req
32. Oh, my gosh,
who's the sparkle fangs fan—
Copy !req
33. - Susan!
Copy !req
34. Bad man-beast! Bad!
Copy !req
35. - Oh, no.
Copy !req
36. What have I done?
Copy !req
37. - Rest, little sparrow.
I've got you.
Copy !req
38. okay.
Copy !req
39. - Thanks for the save.
Copy !req
40. And sorry about
the fighting you stuff.
Copy !req
41. We thought you'd be
all bitey, not so—
Copy !req
42. - Soulful, piercing eyes
that hide a whisper of sadness.
Copy !req
43. - Okay, yeah,
I was not gonna say that.
Copy !req
44. - It's all right.
Copy !req
45. I'm used to being
Copy !req
46. Tragically misunderstood.
Copy !req
47. - Susan, are you all right?
Copy !req
48. - Sorry.
Copy !req
49. Sad bad boys are, like,
my secret romantic weakness.
Copy !req
50. - Hi, I'm b.O.B.
Copy !req
51. You're gonna join our team now.
Copy !req
52. Best friends, yay!
Copy !req
53. - I don't understand.
Copy !req
54. Join what?
- Team monster.
Copy !req
55. Earth's freakish heroes?
Area 50-something?
Copy !req
56. - Of course.
Copy !req
57. That jetpack general
who yelled a lot
Copy !req
58. And made my feelings
so very, very...
Copy !req
59. Sad.
Copy !req
60. Sorry, sorry,
all good.
Copy !req
61. Carry on.
Copy !req
62. - I-I still don't know
Copy !req
63. That I can trust myself
around other people.
Copy !req
64. This horrible curse—
Copy !req
65. You don't know
what it's like.
Copy !req
66. - My good sir,
I believe you'll find
Copy !req
67. We do know what it's like.
Copy !req
68. - Yeah, we're all monsters.
Copy !req
69. You'll totally fit in.
Copy !req
70. - Although dreamy,
handsome guy spot's
Copy !req
71. Already taken,
so, you know, ocupado.
Copy !req
72. I don't know.
Copy !req
73. Maybe you could be
the funny one.
Copy !req
74. oh, yeah, he's the funny one!
Copy !req
75. - I accept.
Copy !req
76. - Yes!
High fives!
Copy !req
77. b.O.B., you silly!
Copy !req
78. We always do welcome hugs...
Copy !req
79. While staring smolderingly
into each other's souls,
Copy !req
80. Sharing our deepest hurt...
Copy !req
81. - Sometimes
I think I'm pudding.
Copy !req
82. - Monsters,
explain this unauthorized
Copy !req
83. Jet-swiping overnight mission.
Copy !req
84. - Surprise!
Copy !req
85. - Happy birthday, probably.
Copy !req
86. - While I cannot confirm
the accuracy
Copy !req
87. Of your celebration,
I will accept your present.
Copy !req
88. Thank you.
Give me.
Copy !req
89. - Behold,
your newest monster,
Copy !req
90. The dangerously yummy
Copy !req
91. - Wow, secret army base!
You guys have lasers, right?
Copy !req
92. - Uh, what is that?
Copy !req
93. - Hey!
- Whoo!
Copy !req
94. - You brought
that pencil-necked werewolf
Copy !req
95. On my base
on my birthday?
Copy !req
96. Which it may or may not be.
Copy !req
97. - Wait. He's a werewolf?
Copy !req
98. - Whoo!
Copy !req
99. Hi, I'm the man-beast.
Copy !req
100. You can call me "the beast"
or for dinner
Copy !req
101. 'cause you're pretty
and we should kiss.
Copy !req
102. I'm gonna touch
all the buttons now!
Copy !req
103. oh, buttons.
Copy !req
104. Feel you, bro.
Copy !req
105. - No, no, no, no,
this is impossible.
Copy !req
106. He's a savage
but sensitive beast.
Copy !req
107. That's his horrible curse.
Copy !req
108. - No, that's his curse:
Copy !req
109. One night a month
of awesome beast,
Copy !req
110. 29 days of that guy.
Copy !req
111. - Wow, a rocket!
Copy !req
112. It's a pretty good rocket,
but I've actually seen
Copy !req
113. Better rockets,
so actually, it's lame.
Copy !req
114. Ow, I'm blind!
Copy !req
115. - Which is exactly why I didn't
recruit him the first time!
Copy !req
116. - So your "may or may not
be birthday" present
Copy !req
117. May or may not be
ready yet.
Copy !req
118. Why don't you go
enjoy your day,
Copy !req
119. And we'll fix this, okay?
Copy !req
120. - Tell me "fix it" means
Copy !req
121. "take the man-dweeb back
to the geek shack."
Copy !req
122. - J.K.
Totally not blind.
Copy !req
123. But I did find this in my ear.
Copy !req
124. Does it look infected?
Copy !req
125. - Mm,
he's the doctor.
Copy !req
126. - I'm not that kind of doct—
Copy !req
127. Ugh, he wiped it
on my lab coat.
Copy !req
128. - Star-crossed romance, link.
Don't fight my destiny!
Copy !req
129. - Pretty sure your destiny
doesn't involve
Copy !req
130. Dingus dorkburger
wiping earwax on lab coats.
Copy !req
131. - Yes, he's in a bad place
right now.
Copy !req
132. But somewhere inside
that dorkburger
Copy !req
133. Is a tragically beautiful beast
waiting to get out.
Copy !req
134. All he needs is a righteous babe
who won't give up on him.
Copy !req
135. - Righteous?
Copy !req
136. - Hey, girl.
Copy !req
137. I can make noises
with 17 parts of my body.
Copy !req
138. This one's a mouth noise...
Copy !req
139. - Okay, forget the babe plan.
Copy !req
140. Can you just mad-science
shrieky geeky
Copy !req
141. Back into tasty wolf mode
or something?
Copy !req
142. - I thought you'd never ask.
Copy !req
143. Synthetic moonstone:
Copy !req
144. 97% lunar minerals,
3% assorted filler.
Copy !req
145. - Ooh, glowy.
Copy !req
146. - Full moonlight causes
the man-beast's transformation,
Copy !req
147. And the lunar energy
in this stone
Copy !req
148. Should produce the same effect.
Copy !req
149. - Faster, doc.
He's messing with the dvr!
Copy !req
150. - Did you know
there's a whole channel
Copy !req
151. Of air being let
out of balloons?
Copy !req
152. - Put the amulet on his neck,
Copy !req
153. And he should transform back
to wolf mode,
Copy !req
154. Unless the 3% filler
Copy !req
155. Causes an unforeseen
negative reaction to—
Copy !req
156. - Thanks, dr. C!
Copy !req
157. - Susan, the disclaimer!
Copy !req
158. - Wow, a present!
Copy !req
159. Aw, you must be totally into me.
Copy !req
160. You know, they're gonna
call us "beast-normica."
Copy !req
161. We should lip lock.
Copy !req
162. - How about after
you try on your present?
Copy !req
163. - Wow!
Copy !req
164. Wow!
Copy !req
165. Wow...
Copy !req
166. - So there was talk
of maybe locked lips?
Copy !req
167. - Hey!
Second date, buddy, second date.
Copy !req
168. - Whoa.
Copy !req
169. - He looks bitier
than I remember.
Copy !req
170. - Negative reaction,
Copy !req
171. Just as I unexpected.
Copy !req
172. Well, it's not like
it's science.
Copy !req
173. - Don't let him get—
Copy !req
174. Dang.
Copy !req
175. - Guard your cheeseburgers!
Copy !req
176. - Unhand the ham...
Copy !req
177. Burgers.
Copy !req
178. - Is he even stronger
than last time?
Copy !req
179. - It's the synthetic moonstone.
Copy !req
180. We must destroy that amulet.
Copy !req
181. - Okay, sure,
that's an option.
Copy !req
182. Or couldn't you just
fix the moonstone,
Copy !req
183. You know, add some
"handsome-onium" or whatever?
Copy !req
184. - You know that eventually
the meat patties will run out.
Copy !req
185. What will your darling man-beast
eat then, susan?
Copy !req
186. Hmm?
- That guy?
Copy !req
187. - Ugh, fine.
Copy !req
188. Heads up. Going big.
Copy !req
189. Hold still.
Copy !req
190. - Got you!
Copy !req
191. Susan?
Copy !req
192. - You're okay.
Copy !req
193. And you're so snuggly.
Copy !req
194. Mm.
- For now, yes.
Copy !req
195. But I already feel the change
wrenching my soul.
Copy !req
196. I'm so sorry,
little sparrow.
Copy !req
197. - No, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
198. I should never have tried
to change you.
Copy !req
199. Deep down, I always knew
the real lesson was—
Copy !req
200. Ah, forget lessons;
we should just kiss
Copy !req
201. While you're still super cute.
Copy !req
202. - Agreed.
Copy !req
203. ugh!
Copy !req
204. - Wow, you are
a really, really weak kisser.
Copy !req
205. I could do better.
See you.
Copy !req
206. gross.
Copy !req
207. Ew.
Copy !req
208. - You know, I got to give props
where props is due.
Copy !req
209. The dorkburger does exit
with style.
Copy !req
210. - I'm riding off
into the sunset!
Copy !req
211. - That's the sunrise,
Copy !req
212. Ugh.
Just go away!
Copy !req