1. It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,
Copy !req
2. a beautiful day for a neighbor.
Copy !req
3. Would you be mine?
Copy !req
4. Could you be mine?
Copy !req
5. It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,
Copy !req
6. a neighborly day for beauty.
Copy !req
7. Would you be mine?
Copy !req
8. Could you be mine?
Copy !req
9. I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.
Copy !req
10. I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you,
Copy !req
11. so let's make the most
of this beautiful day.
Copy !req
12. Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?
Copy !req
13. Could you be mine?
Copy !req
14. Won't you be my neighbor?
Copy !req
15. Won't you please?
Copy !req
16. Won't you please?
Copy !req
17. Please, won't you
be my neighbor.
Copy !req
18. Hi, neighbor.
Copy !req
19. Glad we're together again.
Copy !req
20. Can you imagine what
might be in this bag?
Copy !req
21. It's fairly heavy, and it's
something that I can pour,
Copy !req
22. but it's not a liquid
like water or milk.
Copy !req
23. Shall I open it and pour it?
Copy !req
24. Well, I'll have to go outside
to do that, through the kitchen
Copy !req
25. and out the back door.
Copy !req
26. Does that give you a hint?
Copy !req
27. Let's do it.
Copy !req
28. I'll be back later, fish.
Copy !req
29. Sand table.
Copy !req
30. Sand.
Copy !req
31. That's what it is— sand.
Copy !req
32. So I'll pour this sand
into the sand table.
Copy !req
33. I just needed a
little extra here.
Copy !req
34. And save the bag.
Copy !req
35. I love sand.
Copy !req
36. In fact, it's fun to do
things like that with it.
Copy !req
37. Play with the trucks.
Copy !req
38. It feels good, too.
Copy !req
39. You know, sometimes, I
just like to look carefully
Copy !req
40. at sand like this and
think of the many things
Copy !req
41. that people do with it.
Copy !req
42. - So many fine things
we can do with sand.
Copy !req
43. I think I'll just take a—
a cup of it to the kitchen.
Copy !req
44. I have some ideas.
Copy !req
45. You probably have
a lot of good ideas
Copy !req
46. as to what you'd
like to do with sand.
Copy !req
47. I was just thinking
about this, though.
Copy !req
48. - Oh, that's the phone.
Copy !req
49. Hello?
Copy !req
50. Hi, Tony.
Copy !req
51. Oh, I would.
Copy !req
52. Yeah.
Copy !req
53. Well, certainly,
we'll come over.
Copy !req
54. Yeah.
Copy !req
55. All right, thanks very much.
Copy !req
56. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
57. That was Tony Shiroldus
calling from his shop.
Copy !req
58. He wants us to
come over and hear
Copy !req
59. him read a short book
with some children.
Copy !req
60. Why don't we do that now?
Copy !req
61. What in the world
would you like to do today?
Copy !req
62. We'll come
back here after we
Copy !req
63. visit with Tony and his friends.
Copy !req
64. Come along.
Copy !req
65. - Hi.
Copy !req
66. Hi, everybody.
Copy !req
67. - We're so glad
you could join us.
Copy !req
68. - Thank you.
Copy !req
69. Is it all right if
I watch and listen?
Copy !req
70. - Yes!
Copy !req
71. - We're going to read a
book in another language.
Copy !req
72. A book in Spanish titled
Copy !req
73. MR..
Copy !req
74. By Ann Morris
and Nancy Sheehan.
Copy !req
75. And
means, I'm six years old.
Copy !req
76. Let's see what we
find out over here.
Copy !req
77. MR.How many of
you all are six
Copy !req
78. And how many are more than six?
Copy !req
79. And how many are
fewer than six years?
Copy !req
80. You're fewer than six?
Copy !req
81. - Just kidding.
Here we go.
Copy !req
82. It says,
I am six years old.
Copy !req
83. So she is six years old.
Copy !req
84. And as we turn the
page, we find that
Copy !req
85. the boy.
Copy !req
86. I am six years old.
Copy !req
87. And the girl over here
Copy !req
88. Well, they're all six years old.
Copy !req
89. Oh, they get together in their
school, so.
Copy !req
90. This is our class.
Copy !req
91. Do you have a class?
Copy !req
92. MR.Do you have a class?
Copy !req
93. And you also have a teacher.
Copy !req
94. It says there,
Copy !req
95. So the word for teacher
Copy !req
96. Can you all say
Copy !req
97. And it means?
Copy !req
98. MR. Teacher.
Copy !req
99. Good job!
Copy !req
100. MR. Are you—
are you a teacher?
Copy !req
101. - Sometimes.
- Yeah, you seem like a teacher.
Copy !req
102. You have this shop, and
yet you're a teacher, too.
Copy !req
103. - I love to teach.
Copy !req
104. - Sure.
Copy !req
105. - And let's see what we find
around the corner here.
Copy !req
106. All right.
Copy !req
107. This is our school.
Copy !req
108. So the word for school
Copy !req
109. MR.
Copy !req
110. Good job.
Copy !req
111. So here starts another part
of the story that says,
Copy !req
112. , our
snake, hm.
Copy !req
113. , our hamster.
Copy !req
114. MR. They have
a snake and a hamster.
Copy !req
115. And a hamster.
Copy !req
116. Hamster in English
and Spanish seems
Copy !req
117. to be the same word, Mr. Rogers.
Copy !req
118. MR. Yeah.
Copy !req
119. ,
our little mouse—
Copy !req
120. they all live in our school.
Copy !req
121. Hm.
Copy !req
122. Do you have pets in your school?
Copy !req
123. - I have a pet in my school.
Copy !req
124. In your school?
Copy !req
125. What kind of pet?
Copy !req
126. - A bunny.
Copy !req
127. A baby bunny.
And you?
Copy !req
128. - And you can pet him.
Copy !req
129. - I used to have, um,
four butterflies.
Copy !req
130. Four butterflies?
Copy !req
131. Let's see what
they do at school.
Copy !req
132. It says here that they read,
which is what we're doing.
Copy !req
133. So I'm sure you read in school.
Copy !req
134. Let's see, what else do they do?
Copy !req
135. ,
we write in school.
Copy !req
136. We count things in school.
Copy !req
137. Oh, I like this one.
Copy !req
138. What are they doing?
Copy !req
139. Singing.
Copy !req
140. They're
singing away in school.
Copy !req
141. We play every day.
Copy !req
142. Do you play at school?
Copy !req
143. - Yeah.
All right.
Copy !req
144. We laugh.
Copy !req
145. We have fun.
Copy !req
146. We're friends.
Copy !req
147. MR.You know what?
Copy !req
148. We don't know any of
those people in the book,
Copy !req
149. but they all do a lot of
that same things that we do.
Copy !req
150. - And somehow, you discover
that in English or Spanish—
Copy !req
151. - All over the world—
Copy !req
152. - We do the same things
and different things.
Copy !req
153. - That's why we can be neighbors
and friends for each other.
Copy !req
154. Thanks for letting
me be with you.
Copy !req
155. - Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
156. - Well, thank you.
Copy !req
157. Thank you, amigos.
Copy !req
158. I was about six years
Copy !req
159. old when I did a
lot of sand art.
Copy !req
160. Do you ever make pictures
using glue and sand?
Copy !req
161. Well, that's what I was
thinking of doing right now.
Copy !req
162. Take some paper.
Copy !req
163. Maybe I'll use two
different colors of paper.
Copy !req
164. Then, you put it sort
of like this on a tray.
Copy !req
165. Never done it this way,
but— do something different.
Copy !req
166. Then, you put glue.
Copy !req
167. Maybe I'll make a six.
Copy !req
168. A big six.
Copy !req
169. There.
Copy !req
170. Look like a six to you?
Copy !req
171. OK.
Copy !req
172. Then maybe just some
dots here and there.
Copy !req
173. There.
Copy !req
174. And then you pour
sand over the glue.
Copy !req
175. Let it.
Copy !req
176. I like that.
Copy !req
177. Think I'll just take it with
me and put my craft box back.
Copy !req
178. Clean that up later,
because I think we
Copy !req
179. should get the trolley
for some make-believe.
Copy !req
180. Come on, Six.
Copy !req
181. Hey, Trolley?
Copy !req
182. Six, Trolley.
Copy !req
183. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
184. Let's think some more about
art in the Neighborhood
Copy !req
185. of Make-Believe.
Ready, Trolley?
Copy !req
186. Good.
Copy !req
187. Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
Copy !req
188. - Oh, yes.
Copy !req
189. Very good.
Copy !req
190. Oh, you are so good.
Copy !req
191. I just love to see you
do that, Hula Mouse?
Copy !req
192. - Now, are you sure that
you would like to see it?
Copy !req
193. - Well, I thought it
might be fun to make
Copy !req
194. a picture using a lot of threes.
Copy !req
195. I think King Friday
Copy !req
196. wants us to plan
an art festival.
Copy !req
197. Well, I'll go get my three
creation for you to see.
Copy !req
198. Really,
it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
199. We could chatter on about
this or that or go on a bike,
Copy !req
200. go on a hike.
Copy !req
201. What in the world would
you like to do today?
Copy !req
202. - Now, how does one say
Art Festival in Spanish?
Copy !req
203. - Well, that is what we shall
have in this neighborhood.
Copy !req
204. - Exactly.
Copy !req
205. You may tell the
world, Hula Mouse.
Copy !req
206. - Any kind of art.
Copy !req
207. It will be a superb festival.
Copy !req
208. Naturally, I will
play the bass viol.
Copy !req
209. Farewell, H.M.
Copy !req
210. - Oh, good.
Copy !req
211. Now, I'll get you my threes.
Copy !req
212. - OK.
Copy !req
213. - And you may look at them.
Copy !req
214. - Ah!
Copy !req
215. - Pretty dry.
Copy !req
216. - Lots of threes.
Copy !req
217. - Lots of threes.
Copy !req
218. Well, what is your
favorite number?
Copy !req
219. - Well, I'll make one
for you of all sixes.
Copy !req
220. - Ah!
Copy !req
221. - Oh, if you just put
it right here, please.
Copy !req
222. Thank you.
Copy !req
223. That'll be fine.
Copy !req
224. Now, I'll go and create
your one of sixes.
Copy !req
225. - Buenos dias, H.M.
Copy !req
226. - Buenos dias, Neighbor Aber.
Copy !req
227. - Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
Copy !req
228. Could you help me, H.M.?
Copy !req
229. We just heard about
the arts festival.
Copy !req
230. - Oh, yes.
Copy !req
231. Between Make-Believe
and Westwood,
Copy !req
232. word travels very fast.
Copy !req
233. Now, the reason I need your
help is that Mayor Maggie and I
Copy !req
234. thought the Westwood
contribution to the arts
Copy !req
235. festival could be
a sand sculpture.
Copy !req
236. - Oh, no.
Copy !req
237. This is only part of the sand.
Copy !req
238. I need help bringing the
rest of it from Westwood.
Copy !req
239. Do you have time?
Copy !req
240. - Oh, terrific.
Copy !req
241. I should be back in Westwood
in maybe three and a half,
Copy !req
242. so I'll meet you at the
mayor's office then.
Copy !req
243. All right?
Copy !req
244. - Not so fast, Buster.
Copy !req
245. Not so fast.
Copy !req
246. - Sounds like Lady
Elaine Fairchild.
Copy !req
247. Well, hello, Lady Elaine.
Copy !req
248. - Hello, Neighbor Aber.
Copy !req
249. - Not good.
Copy !req
250. What's the matter?
Copy !req
251. - I don't like what's
passing for art around here.
Copy !req
252. - Well, nothing
looks like anything!
Copy !req
253. Tuesday makes a funny-looking
tower for Grandpere,
Copy !req
254. and Sarah makes a thing
with threes all over it—
Copy !req
255. Oh, but—
Copy !req
256. - No buts about it.
Copy !req
257. Now, I'll show
you some real art.
Copy !req
258. Some real art.
Copy !req
259. Hm.
Copy !req
260. Wonder what she means?
Copy !req
261. - Here, Toots.
Copy !req
262. Now you can tell what
that is, can't you?
Copy !req
263. - Yes, I can.
Copy !req
264. In fact, you have a lot of
them on your museum-go-round—
Copy !req
265. - There you go.
Copy !req
266. - In all different colors.
Copy !req
267. - There you go.
Copy !req
268. So, are you going
to make something?
Copy !req
269. - Oh, yes, we're going to
make a sand sculpture.
Copy !req
270. Well, make it look
like something,
Copy !req
271. because I'm going
to be the judge.
Copy !req
272. - Oh, how nice— wait a minute.
Copy !req
273. You're the judge?
Copy !req
274. - Yes.
Copy !req
275. - King Friday asked
you to be the judge?
Copy !req
276. - No.
Copy !req
277. - Well—
Copy !req
278. - I run this
Copy !req
279. - Right.
Copy !req
280. - And museums specialize
in art, so I'll
Copy !req
281. specialize in judging it.
Copy !req
282. See that you make your
sand look like something
Copy !req
283. if you want to win, Toots.
Copy !req
284. See you.
Copy !req
285. - Wait a minute— can't
we talk about this?
Copy !req
286. Hm.
Copy !req
287. Somehow, that doesn't seem fair.
Copy !req
288. Have you seen what
Queen Sarah made
Copy !req
289. and what Prince Tuesday
drew of the tower?
Copy !req
290. What do you think?
Copy !req
291. Well, I'm just going
to look for myself.
Copy !req
292. Oh, look at that!
Copy !req
293. Isn't it marvelous how she
used just threes to make that?
Copy !req
294. I think that's very
artistic, don't you?
Copy !req
295. Oh, that must be the prince's
drawing hanging on the tower.
Copy !req
296. Let's look.
Copy !req
297. Oh, I like this.
Copy !req
298. It gives a real feel about
the tower, don't you think?
Copy !req
299. Hey there,
Toots, can you help me?
Copy !req
300. - Surely.
Copy !req
301. - OK, now, use this one instead.
Copy !req
302. Well,
why would I do that?
Copy !req
303. Well, I mean,
because it looks like a tower.
Copy !req
304. It's real art.
Copy !req
305. - Lady Elaine, different people
see things in different ways.
Copy !req
306. - Yes, some much
stranger than others.
Copy !req
307. - Hi, Grandpere.
Copy !req
308. - Bonjour, Grandpere.
Copy !req
309. - Well, we're taking
your silly picture
Copy !req
310. and giving you a good one.
Copy !req
311. - Yes.
Copy !req
312. Lady Elaine thinks
this drawing is silly.
Copy !req
313. - Oh, no.
I love
Copy !req
314. that picture
Tuesday made for me.
Copy !req
315. It doesn't even like
your place at all!
Copy !req
316. - It has the feel
of this place here.
Copy !req
317. That is what is important to me.
Copy !req
318. Uh, what do you
think, Neighbor Aber?
Copy !req
319. - Well, frankly, I like it, too.
Copy !req
320. It's whimsical and charming.
Copy !req
321. - OK.
Copy !req
322. You all will never win.
Copy !req
323. Just remember, I warned you.
Copy !req
324. - I guess different people see
things in different ways, huh?
Copy !req
325. - And each artist does, too.
Copy !req
326. That's what makes
art so fantastic.
Copy !req
327. - I agree.
- Hello!
Copy !req
328. you
are a work of art yourself.
Copy !req
329. - Yes, indeed.
Copy !req
330. - Oh, Hula Mouse, and I
didn't help you at all!
Copy !req
331. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
332. - Ah, never mind.
Copy !req
333. It's not heavy.
Copy !req
334. It's make-believe.
Copy !req
335. - I hope you'll have a
good day, gentlemen.
Copy !req
336. - Adios!
Copy !req
337. - Goodbye, Grandpere.
Copy !req
338. Tell me something, Hula Mouse.
Copy !req
339. What do you think
of this drawing?
Copy !req
340. - Where did you put
the rest of the sand?
Copy !req
341. - Great.
Copy !req
342. - Let's go get to
our sand sculpting.
Copy !req
343. - OK.
Copy !req
344. - We're going to make
a sand sculpture.
Copy !req
345. - Well, Lady Elaine must think
that art can be only one way.
Copy !req
346. That's far from the
truth, isn't it?
Copy !req
347. Let's feed the fish.
Copy !req
348. Now, if I ask everyone
in your family
Copy !req
349. and all your friends to
look carefully at these fish
Copy !req
350. and to make a drawing or a
sculpture or a dance or a song
Copy !req
351. from what you see,
each one of you
Copy !req
352. would create
something different.
Copy !req
353. Do you know why?
Copy !req
354. Because each person in
the world is unique.
Copy !req
355. Unique— that means that nobody
is exactly like anybody else.
Copy !req
356. So when people make art, each
person's art will be different.
Copy !req
357. I think that's
important to remember.
Copy !req
358. I'll just pick up
my piece of art.
Copy !req
359. Now, it could look like
something on its side, too,
Copy !req
360. couldn't it?
Copy !req
361. What's that look like to you?
Copy !req
362. And what about that?
Copy !req
363. That looks like a kite
to me, or a balloon.
Copy !req
364. All kinds of things to
think about in this life.
Copy !req
365. Gives me a good feeling.
Copy !req
366. It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.
Copy !req
367. It's such a happy feeling.
Copy !req
368. You're growing inside.
Copy !req
369. And when you wake
up ready to say,
Copy !req
370. I think I'll make
a snappy new day.
Copy !req
371. It's such a good feeling—
a very good feeling.
Copy !req
372. The feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,
Copy !req
373. and I'll have more
ideas for you,
Copy !req
374. and you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.
Copy !req
375. I will, too.
Copy !req
376. I'll
be back next time.
Copy !req
377. Goodbye.
Copy !req
378. For anyone
who would like to know,
Copy !req
379. here's the PBS Neighborhood
online address.
Copy !req