Copy !req
2. Hello. I'm Mr. Ed.
Copy !req
3. J'ai le crayon.
Copy !req
4. I have the pencil.
Copy !req
5. J'ai le crayon.
Copy !req
6. [Ed]
J'ai le crayon.
Copy !req
7. You have the pencil.
Copy !req
8. Vous avez le crayon.
Copy !req
9. [Ed]
Vous avez le crayon.
Copy !req
10. Hey, what's
goin' on here?
Copy !req
11. Oh, hello, chéri.
Copy !req
12. How are you?
Copy !req
13. What's with the beret
and the phonograph?
Copy !req
14. Where'd you get 'em?
Copy !req
15. I orders zem
Copy !req
16. over ze telephone.
Copy !req
17. I am thinking
Copy !req
18. of taking ze trip
around ze world.
Copy !req
19. The only trip you're taking
is around ze stable.
Copy !req
20. - A horse wanting to travel.
Copy !req
21. That's the most ridiculous thing
I ever heard of.
Copy !req
22. But I want to see Spain...
Copy !req
23. - France... China.
- China?
Copy !req
24. - Mm-hmm.
- China coming up.
Copy !req
Copy !req
26. Ah. Get in the rickshaw.
I'll be right with you.
Copy !req
27. Ohh! Oh, hop in rickshaw, sir.
Copy !req
28. Uh, 25 yen first mile.
Copy !req
29. I am very fast.
Oh, come on. Here we go.
Copy !req
30. Ohh. And here we have
Great Wall of China.
Copy !req
31. Here, on the left,
a carpet place.
Copy !req
32. And on the right,
we have the fa—
Copy !req
33. I think you've flipped
your fortune cookie.
Copy !req
34. Hi, Roger.
Copy !req
35. Well.
Copy !req
36. What's new?
You still married to Kay?
Copy !req
37. Wilbur. I don't understand
what goes on in here.
Copy !req
38. Somehow, you're
a different man
Copy !req
39. once you come
into this barn.
Copy !req
40. You talk to yourself.
You act strangely.
Copy !req
41. Why don't you
give up this place
Copy !req
42. and get yourself
an office on the outside?
Copy !req
43. I can't.
I'm not well.
Copy !req
Copy !req
45. I'll see the world
Copy !req
46. if I have to join
the Navy.
Copy !req
Copy !req
48. [Ed] Hello?
Copy !req
49. Hello. This
is George Hausner
Copy !req
50. from radio station WPXQ.
Copy !req
51. What's on your mind, George?
Copy !req
52. I'm calling for
our Giant Jackpot contest.
Copy !req
53. Is this Mr., uh... Post?
Copy !req
54. How much is the prize?
Copy !req
55. $100.
Copy !req
56. This is Mr. Post.
Copy !req
57. What's your question?
Copy !req
58. Mr. Post, you have just
one minute to answer.
Copy !req
59. Now, you may feel free
to use any books that you have.
Copy !req
60. Your friends can help you.
Copy !req
61. Stop gabbin', George,
and ask the question.
Copy !req
62. All right, Mr. Post.
You have one minute to answer.
Copy !req
63. Can you tell us?
Copy !req
64. What is the capital
of Iceland?
Copy !req
65. That's easy.
Copy !req
66. Uh, Reykjavik.
Copy !req
67. Congratulations, Mr. Post.
Copy !req
68. You have won
a hundred dollars,
Copy !req
69. and you are now eligible
Copy !req
70. for our Giant Jackpot
$5,000 prize next week.
Copy !req
71. $5,000!
Copy !req
72. Ho ho!
Copy !req
73. Thank you!
Copy !req
74. Thank you!
Copy !req
75. Those little Spanish fillies
Copy !req
76. are practically sitting
on my lap now.
Copy !req
77. Ohh!
Copy !req
78. What? What's the matter?
Copy !req
79. Why didn't you tell me
you won a contest?
Copy !req
80. Oh, well, I—
Copy !req
81. What contest?
Copy !req
82. This contest. Oh,
you should've told me.
Copy !req
83. Um...
Copy !req
84. "Wilbur Post,
17 Valley Road...
Copy !req
85. "won contest...
Copy !req
86. eligible for $5,000
final next week!"
Copy !req
87. Uh, must be
some other Wilbur Post.
Copy !req
88. Living at the same address?
Copy !req
89. You've got a point there.
Copy !req
90. Oh, dear,
I'm so proud of you.
Copy !req
91. Honey, I tell you,
it wasn't me.
Copy !req
92. I'm gonna call
the radio station and—
Copy !req
93. It was me, buddy boy.
Copy !req
94. Had you fooled
for a minute, didn't I?
Copy !req
Copy !req
96. Oh, Wilbur!
How did you know
Copy !req
97. that the capital
of Iceland was Reykjavik?
Copy !req
98. It is?
I mean, it is! Yes.
Copy !req
99. Any school horse knows—
Any schoolboy knows that.
Copy !req
100. Well, how's
our famous quiz kid?
Copy !req
101. Congratulations, my boy!
Copy !req
102. Isn't it wonderful?
Just imagine—
Copy !req
103. If he answers this question,
we get $5,000!
Copy !req
104. Two mink coats
as the fur flies.
Copy !req
105. Wilbur, uh...
Copy !req
106. what do you intend to do
Copy !req
107. with the 5,000
if you win?
Copy !req
108. Well, I really
hadn't thought about it.
Copy !req
109. Well, we've always
wanted to travel.
Copy !req
110. But we never
could afford it.
Copy !req
111. - Maybe we could
go to Europe. - Sure.
Copy !req
112. And if we run out of money
in Copenhagen,
Copy !req
113. I'll just pick up the phone
and win another 5,000.
Copy !req
114. Oh, I wish
we could go along.
Copy !req
115. Why not? Money
was meant to be spent.
Copy !req
116. Oh, I think
it's a wonderful idea.
Copy !req
117. The four of us should have
a rousing time in Europe.
Copy !req
118. Sure! We'll spend
the 5,000 we won,
Copy !req
119. and then, with the 5,000
you're gonna spend,
Copy !req
120. we will have
a rousing time!
Copy !req
121. You mean...
Copy !req
122. we're not going
as your guests?
Copy !req
123. Well, on second thought...
Copy !req
124. let's see America first.
Copy !req
125. It's— It's more patriotic.
Copy !req
126. And cheaper.
Copy !req
127. Yeah.
Copy !req
128. Oh, honey.
Copy !req
129. I always said
you were smart.
Copy !req
130. Wait till my family
read about your winning.
Copy !req
131. My father always thought
you were a dumbbell.
Copy !req
132. Yeah, well,
this'll prove—
Copy !req
133. He did?
Copy !req
134. Well! I bet
he doesn't know
Copy !req
135. that Reykjavik
is the capital of Sweden.
Copy !req
136. Iceland.
Copy !req
137. Yeah, well,
I just wanted to see
Copy !req
138. if you were
on your toes.
Copy !req
139. Well, if you want me, dear,
I'll be in my office...
Copy !req
140. resting my brain.
Copy !req
141. Ho ho!
Copy !req
142. Oh, Wilbur.
Copy !req
143. Maybe you should
start studying.
Copy !req
144. Who knows what question
they're gonna ask you next week.
Copy !req
145. Just let them dial.
I'll be ready at my end.
Copy !req
146. Ed? Oh, boy.
Copy !req
147. Ed, how did you do it?
Copy !req
148. Oh, it was nothing.
Copy !req
149. Look, start
at the very beginning. Tell me all about it.
Copy !req
150. Nothing to tell.
Copy !req
151. The phone rang,
I answered,
Copy !req
152. and please put the hundred
in my account.
Copy !req
153. Carol is so excited.
Copy !req
154. You know,
if we win that $5,000, I'm gonna take her to Europe.
Copy !req
155. Sure. We can't
leave her here.
Copy !req
156. - Let's take her with us.
- What?
Copy !req
157. And we'll travel
first class.
Copy !req
158. I don't like to mix
with the hoi polloi.
Copy !req
159. Ed, forget about it.
We can't take a horse along.
Copy !req
160. Now, hold it, mac.
Copy !req
161. Who's takin' whom?
Copy !req
162. I answered the phone
last night.
Copy !req
163. Yeah, but
you used my name.
Copy !req
164. But I used my brain.
Copy !req
165. Well, we'll try
Copy !req
166. to work something out, Ed.
Copy !req
167. Meanwhile, I'd better
start boning up.
Copy !req
168. Wilbur.
Copy !req
169. I've been thinking.
Copy !req
170. When that phone rings
next week, you may get stage fright.
Copy !req
171. They may ask you
a perfectly simple question,
Copy !req
172. like, "Who was the 13th
president of the United States?"
Copy !req
173. You can't answer.
The next day,
Copy !req
174. millions of people
are going to be laughing at you.
Copy !req
175. Why is your horse
wearing this Tyrolean hat?
Copy !req
176. Oh. Well, I let him eat a piece
of my Swiss cheese sandwich,
Copy !req
177. and it went to his head.
Copy !req
178. You were right.
You aren't well.
Copy !req
Copy !req
180. Ed.
Copy !req
181. The, um,
13th president.
Copy !req
182. Abraham Lincoln?
Copy !req
183. Andrew Jackson.
Copy !req
184. Zachary Taylor?
Copy !req
185. Try Mickey Mouse.
Copy !req
186. Who was it?
Copy !req
187. Millard Fillmore.
Copy !req
188. Born January 7, 1800.
Copy !req
189. All right,
don't rub it in.
Copy !req
190. Ed, I'll feel like a fool
if I miss an easy question.
Copy !req
191. And you can't help me
because Carol and the Addisons will be with me.
Copy !req
192. Well, don't worry
about that.
Copy !req
193. Just cancel all
your engagements this week.
Copy !req
194. What for?
Copy !req
195. I'm gonna coach you.
Copy !req
196. Ed, I would really
appreciate it.
Copy !req
197. Cut the corn.
Just repeat after me...
Copy !req
198. George Washington,
Copy !req
199. born February 22nd...
Copy !req
200. Carol, be sensible.
Is it worth it?
Copy !req
201. Your husband is driving
himself to exhaustion.
Copy !req
202. He's been studying
every night this week.
Copy !req
203. He hasn't slept.
He's been skipping meals.
Copy !req
204. He's been—
Copy !req
205. Wilbur...
you look tired.
Copy !req
206. Can I get you
some coffee?
Copy !req
207. Coffee. Brazil.
Copy !req
208. 3,288,050 square miles.
Copy !req
209. He's a walking zombie.
Copy !req
210. Honey, you skipped dinner.
Can I fix you a turkey sandwich?
Copy !req
211. Turkey.
Republic since 1923.
Copy !req
212. Bordered on the west
by Greece, Bulgaria, and the Aegean Sea.
Copy !req
213. Look what he's going through
to win this contest.
Copy !req
214. And you want him
to throw away that prize money.
Copy !req
215. The international rate
of exchange.
Copy !req
216. In Greece, the currency unit
is the drachma.
Copy !req
217. In Guatemala,
it's the quetzal.
Copy !req
218. In Honduras, it's the lempira.
Copy !req
219. In Iceland, it—
Copy !req
220. Iceland, it's—
Copy !req
221. Dried fish.
Copy !req
222. Oh, Addison, why don't you
leave him alone?
Copy !req
223. A loan: The act of lending,
or a sum of money lent for interest.
Copy !req
224. See "Interest."
Copy !req
225. Honey, maybe you've studied
enough tonight.
Copy !req
226. Hmm? No. I've got a lot more
reading to do, dear.
Copy !req
227. If you want me,
I'll be in the barn.
Copy !req
228. Darling,
the barn's over here.
Copy !req
229. Good morning, Roger.
Good morning, Kay.
Copy !req
230. 9:00 at night,
and he says "Good morning"?
Copy !req
231. Is this worth
a trip to Europe?
Copy !req
232. A continent
with adjacent islands.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
237. Uh, get your thinkin' cap
on, amigo.
Copy !req
238. We're doin' Spain.
Copy !req
239. Yes, master.
Copy !req
240. What is the capital?
Copy !req
241. The cap— The cap— capital of Spain.
Copy !req
242. The capital of Spain...
Copy !req
243. let's see...
Copy !req
244. Oh, Ed.
Ed, it's no use. I'm worn out.
Copy !req
245. Shall I give you
a massage?
Copy !req
246. Ed, it won't help.
Copy !req
247. When that phone rings
Copy !req
248. I'll— I'll be too tired
to think of the answer.
Copy !req
249. And with Carol and Addison
in the room with me,
Copy !req
250. you won't be able
to help me.
Copy !req
251. Oh, yes, I will.
Copy !req
252. Ed. You mean...
Copy !req
253. you're gonna talk
in front of everyone?
Copy !req
254. No. It's gonna
be just you and me in this barn, chum.
Copy !req
255. Mmm. Here.
Copy !req
256. How far is the earth
from the moon?
Copy !req
Copy !req
258. Uh, 250,000 miles.
Copy !req
259. Right. Uh, what year
was Lincoln assassinated?
Copy !req
260. 1865.
Copy !req
261. The month?
Copy !req
262. April.
Copy !req
263. The day?
Copy !req
264. The 14th.
Copy !req
265. Do you want to know
what Abe had for dinner?
Copy !req
Copy !req
267. Oh, we're a cinch
to win tonight, Ed.
Copy !req
268. Mmm. Then I'll—
Copy !req
269. I'll take you
on the continent. All over.
Copy !req
270. Oh, we'll eat
like a king.
Copy !req
271. In Italy, it'll be
hay parmesan.
Copy !req
272. And France...
oats Suzette.
Copy !req
273. And Germany...
carrots Weiner schnitzel.
Copy !req
274. Oh, that's
what I call eating.
Copy !req
275. Wilbur, you've been
around that horse so long,
Copy !req
276. you're starting
to eat like one.
Copy !req
277. Hi, Roger.
Pull up a chair.
Copy !req
278. Thanks.
Copy !req
279. Uh, have a grape.
Copy !req
280. No. No, no, no.
Copy !req
281. Wilbur. I've come
to appeal to you.
Copy !req
282. If you answer that question
correctly tonight,
Copy !req
283. you may break up
a happy marriage.
Copy !req
284. Oh, no.
Carol loves me.
Copy !req
285. I'm talking about
my own marriage.
Copy !req
286. I'm gonna be
frank with you.
Copy !req
287. I'm not as well off
as Kay thinks.
Copy !req
288. And if she goes
on a spending spree in Europe,
Copy !req
289. I'll come home a pauper.
Copy !req
290. Please. I happen to know
you are loaded.
Copy !req
291. Why don't you want
to take your wife on a trip through Europe?
Copy !req
292. Because I'm not only loaded,
I'm stingy.
Copy !req
293. Wilber?
This is Mr. Hausner
Copy !req
294. from the Giant Jackpot show.
Copy !req
295. - Oh, don't get up,
Mr. Post. - Thank you.
Copy !req
296. Mr. Hausner,
this is my neighbor, Mr. Addison.
Copy !req
297. Mr. Addison.
Copy !req
298. How do you do?
Copy !req
299. If you'll excuse me,
Copy !req
300. I have an appointment
Copy !req
301. with the bankruptcy board.
Copy !req
302. Honey, Mr. Hausner's
here to give you
Copy !req
303. last-minute instructions.
Copy !req
304. That's right, Mr. Post.
Copy !req
305. I want to make sure,
first of all,
Copy !req
306. that you'll be home at 9:00
Copy !req
307. when we make that big
telephone call.
Copy !req
308. Oh, don't you worry.
I'll be here.
Copy !req
309. Honey, would you wake me
at, oh, about 5 to 9?
Copy !req
310. I'll be taking
a little nap.
Copy !req
311. Isn't he confident?
Copy !req
312. Do you know he has
barely looked at a book in two days.
Copy !req
313. Well, once I read something,
I never forget it.
Copy !req
314. I have total recall.
Copy !req
315. Total recall?
Copy !req
316. He can't remember
what he ate today.
Copy !req
317. Just one more reminder,
Mr. Post.
Copy !req
318. You'll have one minute
to answer the question.
Copy !req
319. Now, then. Feel free to use
any reference books.
Copy !req
320. Your friends or your wife
can help you.
Copy !req
321. No, thank you.
I don't need anybody with me.
Copy !req
322. You certainly have
the most amazing confidence.
Copy !req
323. I just left your competitor,
Carl Schultz,
Copy !req
324. at his grocery store,
Copy !req
325. and you've never seen
a more nervous man.
Copy !req
326. Well, some people have it,
and some people don't.
Copy !req
327. He's pretty smart
with my brains.
Copy !req
328. Well, good luck,
Mr. Post.
Copy !req
329. Thanks, but
I won't need it.
Copy !req
Copy !req
331. Oh. Did, uh...
Copy !req
332. did I leave my briefcase
in your living room, Mrs. Post?
Copy !req
333. Briefcase? No.
You didn't have any.
Copy !req
334. Oh. Uh, I must've
left it somewhere.
Copy !req
335. Well, remember,
you'll have just 60 seconds
Copy !req
336. to come up
with the right answer.
Copy !req
337. 60 seconds for a simple
geography question.
Copy !req
338. Hmm. I wonder what I'll do
with the extra 59.
Copy !req
Copy !req
340. Here. I'll show you out,
Mr. Hausner.
Copy !req
341. Thank you.
Copy !req
342. Carl.
Copy !req
343. Do you think
it's all right
Copy !req
344. to come back here?
Copy !req
345. Nobody answered
the front door.
Copy !req
346. Maybe there's
somebody back here.
Copy !req
347. But, Carl,
maybe we should bring Mr. Hausner's briefcase
Copy !req
348. to his radio station.
Copy !req
349. He must be
looking for it.
Copy !req
350. But he told us
he will be coming here.
Copy !req
351. Maybe there's somebody
back in the barn.
Copy !req
352. Let's look.
Copy !req
353. Nobody answers.
Copy !req
354. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
355. What a beautiful horse.
Copy !req
356. Carl, if you are lucky enough
to win the contest,
Copy !req
357. could we buy a little farm
and a nice horse like that?
Copy !req
358. There you go,
dreaming again, Freda.
Copy !req
359. People like us
don't have such luck.
Copy !req
360. I guess you are right.
Copy !req
361. Look at this beautiful house.
Copy !req
362. He must be
a very smart man, that architect.
Copy !req
363. Yes, Freda, he must be.
Copy !req
364. Carl, if we are
lucky enough, if we win,
Copy !req
365. maybe we can send
for my mother.
Copy !req
366. I haven't seen her
in 33 years.
Copy !req
367. We'll see, Freda.
We'll see. Come on.
Copy !req
368. 33 years?
Copy !req
369. That's a long time
not to see your mother.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
372. Oh, those Schultzes
Copy !req
373. are gonna need some help.
Copy !req
374. Carol, shouldn't you
be waking him?
Copy !req
375. They'll be calling
in a few minutes.
Copy !req
376. Oh, Addison, doll,
you do want Wilbur to win after all.
Copy !req
377. Well, nobody wants to live
next door to a loser.
Copy !req
378. Oh, Roger,
you'll love Europe.
Copy !req
379. Of course! They say
travel is very broadening.
Copy !req
380. When it comes to money,
it can be very flattening.
Copy !req
381. Wilbur! It's time!
Copy !req
382. Coming, dear.
Copy !req
383. Honey, guess what.
If you win, Roger is coming to Europe with us.
Copy !req
384. Well!
Copy !req
385. We'll come down the stairs
and say hello to you.
Copy !req
386. Honey.
Copy !req
387. Are you sure
you don't want us to go to the barn with you?
Copy !req
388. We could look
for the answer in the books.
Copy !req
389. I'm an expert page turner.
I used to date a librarian.
Copy !req
390. Thank you, thank you.
That won't be necessary.
Copy !req
391. At a time like this,
I should be alone with my thoughts.
Copy !req
392. I'm a lucky girl
to be married to such a brilliant man.
Copy !req
393. Well, um, Addison
may not be smart, sweetie,
Copy !req
394. but, uh, he's loaded.
Copy !req
Copy !req
396. Oh, what a time
for company.
Copy !req
397. - Mrs. Post?
- That's right.
Copy !req
398. I'm Charley Grant
from the Giant Jackpot show.
Copy !req
399. I'm here to take some pictures
of your husband.
Copy !req
400. Ed, in a few minutes,
that phone's gonna ring.
Copy !req
401. You'll give the answer,
and soon you'll be serenading
Copy !req
402. a Spanish filly
under her stable window.
Copy !req
403. Pull up a chair, Wilbur.
Copy !req
404. For you or me?
Copy !req
405. Wilbur, there comes
a time in your life
Copy !req
406. when you have to make
Copy !req
407. What do you mean?
Copy !req
408. 33 years
is a long, long time
Copy !req
409. not to see
your old mother.
Copy !req
410. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
411. - Mr. Post?
- Yes?
Copy !req
412. I'm Charley Grant
from Giant Jackpot.
Copy !req
413. Oh, yes. Well, would you mind
waiting in the house?
Copy !req
414. I'm expecting a call
in a few seconds.
Copy !req
415. Well, that's why I'm here.
I'm gonna take your picture.
Copy !req
416. Oh. Well, why don't you
take it after I win?
Copy !req
417. I'll have a bigger
smile on my face.
Copy !req
418. Well, no. I'd lose my job
if I didn't get a shot
Copy !req
419. of you on the phone.
Copy !req
Copy !req
421. You'd better answer it,
Mr. Post.
Copy !req
422. That's 5,000 bucks.
Copy !req
423. Yeah. Oh, yes. Uh...
Copy !req
424. - Uh...
Copy !req
425. Well.
Copy !req
426. Uh... hello?
Copy !req
427. Mr. Post,
you have 60 seconds
Copy !req
428. to answer our
Giant Jackpot question.
Copy !req
429. For $5,000,
Copy !req
430. in what ocean
are the Cape Verde Islands?
Copy !req
431. The... Cape Verde Islands?
Copy !req
432. The Cape Verde Islands?
Copy !req
433. Cape... Verde... Islands.
Copy !req
434. J-Just a minute!
Copy !req
435. Help! Roger, help!
Copy !req
436. Kay! Help!
Copy !req
437. Geography.
Where's the geography book?
Copy !req
438. Hold on, hold on.
Copy !req
439. Geography. Come on,
where are you?
Copy !req
440. Wait, wait. I—
Copy !req
441. Geography. Excuse me.
Copy !req
442. Geography.
Copy !req
443. Geography, geography.
Where is it?
Copy !req
444. Oh. Wilbur.
What's the matter, huh?
Copy !req
445. - What's the matter?
- What's wrong? - Wilbur! What's happened?
Copy !req
446. Where are
the Cape Verde Islands?
Copy !req
447. Oh, no.
Copy !req
448. Addison, tell him!
Copy !req
449. - Ohh...
Copy !req
450. Wilbur, the book.
Which book would have it?
Copy !req
451. The geography book!
Help me find the geography book!
Copy !req
452. Geography book.
Copy !req
453. Yeah, just—
just a minute!
Copy !req
454. - Geography book!
- Don't stand there!
Copy !req
455. - [overlapping
panicky chatter] - Look over there!
Copy !req
456. Mr. Post, you have
just 20 seconds.
Copy !req
457. 19...
Copy !req
458. 18...
Copy !req
459. Hurry!
Copy !req
460. It's got to be
here somewhere!
Copy !req
461. 15... 14... - Under this! Under...
Copy !req
462. 13... 12...
Copy !req
463. - Quiet!
- 11...
Copy !req
464. 10...
Copy !req
465. 9...
Copy !req
466. 8...
Copy !req
467. 7...
Copy !req
468. - The Cape Verde Islands
- 6...
Copy !req
469. are...
Copy !req
470. in the Pacific Ocean?
Copy !req
471. No, I'm sorry,
Mr. Post.
Copy !req
472. They're
in the North Atlantic.
Copy !req
473. I was wrong.
Copy !req
474. They're
in the North Atlantic.
Copy !req
475. Just— Just slightly off.
Copy !req
476. How far?
Copy !req
477. $5,000 worth.
Copy !req
478. Mr. Post.
Copy !req
479. How about a big smile?
Copy !req
480. Wouldn't you rather
have an honest picture of a man crying?
Copy !req
481. Thanks a lot.
Better luck next time.
Copy !req
482. Oh, Addison.
Copy !req
483. Don't you fret,
my dear.
Copy !req
484. I'll take you
on a trip real soon.
Copy !req
485. Where to, Big Daddy?
Copy !req
486. Why don't you kids
come over for coffee in a few minutes.
Copy !req
487. I should be
over my nervous breakdown by then.
Copy !req
488. Aw, never mind, honey.
Copy !req
489. We'll take a trip someday.
Copy !req
490. Yeah, but not
to the Cape Verde Islands.
Copy !req
491. Why don't you give Kay a hand.
I'll be right in, dear.
Copy !req
492. All right.
Copy !req
Copy !req
494. Ed, why did you turn
your back on me?
Copy !req
495. It wasn't my fault.
Copy !req
496. I know you
were looking forward
Copy !req
497. to taking this trip,
but I couldn't
Copy !req
498. get rid
of the photographer.
Copy !req
499. And about
that geography book.
Copy !req
500. What do you suppose
could've happened to it?
Copy !req
501. There, there.
Copy !req
502. Ed! Why did you hide it?
Copy !req
503. I mean...
we might've won!
Copy !req
504. I did it
for Carl and Freda.
Copy !req
505. Carl and Freda?
Who are they?
Copy !req
506. Well, that's
a long story.
Copy !req
507. As I said,
there comes a time in your life
Copy !req
508. when you have to
make sacrifices.
Copy !req
509. This old couple...
Copy !req
510. she hasn't seen her mother
in 33 years.
Copy !req
511. I just felt terrible
about it.
Copy !req
512. Ed, here's a picture
of the Schultzes
Copy !req
513. accepting the $5,000.
Copy !req
514. They're cute.
Copy !req
515. You're not sore at me,
are you, Wilbur?
Copy !req
516. Oh, of course not.
Copy !req
517. That was a nice thing
you did,
Copy !req
518. making it possible
for Mrs. Schultz
Copy !req
519. to bring her mother over.
Copy !req
520. Yeah, I always was
a softie.
Copy !req
521. Closed-Captioned By
J.R. Media Services, Inc. Burbank, CA
Copy !req
522. ♪ I am Mister Ed ♪
Copy !req
523. This has been a Filmways television presentation.
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