1. It all started with this one thing Elma said.
Copy !req
2. I demand improvements to labor conditions!
Copy !req
3. Where'd that come from? You hungry?
Copy !req
4. We have to work way too much overtime!
Copy !req
5. Like, in the first place, the amount of work
assigned to each of us is unreasonable.
Copy !req
6. What Elma's saying is absolutely true.
Copy !req
7. However, it's unavoidable given our schedule.
Copy !req
8. Also, the foundations have solidified significantly
since the company was established
Copy !req
9. and working conditions are improving, albeit slowly.
Copy !req
10. Unfortunately, all we can do is resign ourselves to our lot and accept the current workload.
Copy !req
11. I explained all of this to her, but...
Copy !req
12. Don't say there's nothing we can do!
Copy !req
13. I'm gonna fight,
Copy !req
14. and I'm gonna take back my freedom!
Copy !req
15. Everyone here had grown accustomed to being
exploited and bumbling aimlessly through each day.
Copy !req
16. Elma was the only one to take a stand.
Copy !req
17. Good luck.
Copy !req
18. Miss Kobayashi, please take a look at this.
Copy !req
19. Two days later, Elma came to me with a proposal
Copy !req
20. that she'd put together
in the brief moments between work.
Copy !req
21. I was reminded once again of
just how capable dragons are.
Copy !req
22. However...
Copy !req
23. Why are you laughing at me?
Copy !req
24. Here it says "staff increases."
Copy !req
25. Right.
Copy !req
26. We're carrying out mid-term recruitment efforts
right now, but not a single person has applied.
Copy !req
27. Why's that?
Copy !req
28. The programming language we use is kinda obscure.
Copy !req
29. Even if we took on new graduates,
it would take time to train them.
Copy !req
30. All they have to do is instantly memorize it.
Copy !req
31. Not everyone's like you.
Copy !req
32. Anyway, rewrite it taking that into account.
Copy !req
33. I'm done editing it!
Copy !req
34. That was quick.
Copy !req
35. The speed was impressive,
but what was really remarkable was the content.
Copy !req
36. The underdeveloped parts had all been improved,
Copy !req
37. and every part contained coherent,
beautifully composed text.
Copy !req
38. This is great!
Copy !req
39. Really?
Copy !req
40. Go hand it in to the department head right away.
Copy !req
41. Got it!
Copy !req
42. He turned it down.
Copy !req
43. The company's profit and expenditures,
Copy !req
44. something way beyond regular employees like us,
Copy !req
45. came into the conversation
and she didn't stand a chance.
Copy !req
46. I couldn't stand to see Elma so dejected,
so this is what I said to her:
Copy !req
47. No way!
Copy !req
48. I revised it!
Copy !req
49. That was too quick!
Copy !req
50. We were overwhelmed by Elma's determination, and started reading the document.
Copy !req
51. And...
Copy !req
52. Contained within were the schedules
of each and every employee,
Copy !req
53. time away from their desks,
like in the bathroom or slacking off,
Copy !req
54. time spent with their elbows on their desks,
Copy !req
55. and the number of times they crossed
and uncrossed their legs.
Copy !req
56. All documented in meticulous detail along
with personalized proposals for improvement.
Copy !req
57. It read like an incantation.
Copy !req
58. Absolutely no regard was given
to the idea of privacy,
Copy !req
59. and the personal nature
of the information included made you wonder
Copy !req
60. how much more humane it
would be to publish a collection
Copy !req
61. of nude pics of each employee
without their permission.
Copy !req
62. How the hell did she get all this information?
Copy !req
63. From the woman herself:
Copy !req
64. Why, my clairvoyance, obviously.
Copy !req
65. I split my visual field into
a thousand-view multi-display.
Copy !req
66. You can tell that work's really taken over her life.
Copy !req
67. She headed off in high spirits to hand it in.
Copy !req
68. While the content itself
was somewhat objectionable,
Copy !req
69. there was no denying its
persuasiveness as a bargaining tool.
Copy !req
70. It felt like the dream of getting off early
on Fridays could finally be within our grasp.
Copy !req
71. But...
Copy !req
72. I can't relax unless I've worked
at least eight hours in a day.
Copy !req
73. Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
74. However, those dreams of
a brighter future didn't last long.
Copy !req
75. The three of us were called in to see the CEO.
Copy !req
76. Were we all gonna be laid off?
Copy !req
77. We headed anxiously
and begrudgingly to the CEO's office.
Copy !req
78. Come in.
Copy !req
79. Excuse us.
Copy !req
80. Hi.
Copy !req
81. Thank you for looking after my Shouta.
Copy !req
82. Don't mention it.
Copy !req
83. Shouta's dad is a wizard.
Copy !req
84. Did you read my proposal?
Copy !req
85. Yes. It's very well written.
Copy !req
86. Joui Elma.
Copy !req
87. Or rather,
Copy !req
88. should I call you "Priestess of the Holy Sea"?
Copy !req
89. Huh?
Copy !req
90. I'm an employee here now,
so call me as you wish.
Copy !req
91. Why did you call us here?
Copy !req
92. I wanted a chance to meet the friends of the god
Copy !req
93. that Shouta inadvertently summoned.
Copy !req
94. Don't you think she's a bad influence
on your son's education?
Copy !req
95. That bimbo...
Copy !req
96. Er, ex-god.
Copy !req
97. It's a rule in our family that we take
responsibility for things we bring about.
Copy !req
98. Besides, I think Shouta's learning a lot from her.
Copy !req
99. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Copy !req
100. Your son's being sexually corrupted.
Copy !req
101. All right.
Copy !req
102. Moving on.
Copy !req
103. Shall we talk shop, then?
Copy !req
104. Well, dang. I guess that's out.
Copy !req
105. If it's only for our department,
Copy !req
106. and not the whole company,
it'll bring about discontent.
Copy !req
107. He's got a point.
Copy !req
108. But he showed us his plans
to slowly improve the company.
Copy !req
109. People are leaving on time more often recently, and before long—
Copy !req
110. No!
Copy !req
111. No, no!
Copy !req
112. We've gotta wipe out this exploitation and corruption!
Copy !req
113. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
114. You just let him bribe you with expensive chocolates.
Copy !req
115. That's one thing. This is another. Besides, these chocolates are low sugar.
Copy !req
116. What's that all about?
Copy !req
117. Elma held on to her bribe,
but she didn't give up the cause.
Copy !req
118. She tried to form a labor union
Copy !req
119. and set up workers' consultation meetings,
Copy !req
120. tirelessly campaigning for improvements
to the working environment.
Copy !req
121. The most unexpected part was that Tohru helped her.
Copy !req
122. If things go well, you might get home a little earlier.
Copy !req
123. So that's why.
Copy !req
124. Don't mess this up, Elma.
Copy !req
125. Right back at you.
Copy !req
126. Two enemies brought together by common interests.
Copy !req
127. It looked like this could actually work,
Copy !req
128. but the CEO was cunning.
Copy !req
129. He used a combination of logic
and sophistry to parry every attack.
Copy !req
130. Damn it! Why?
Copy !req
131. El—
Copy !req
132. At this rate, I'll never be able to line up for
the limited-time candy in front of the station.
Copy !req
133. So that's your motive?
Copy !req
134. I miraculously finished work and made it in time
to line up for the last day of the candy sale.
Copy !req
135. Three, please.
Copy !req
136. Three?
Copy !req
137. Two, please.
Copy !req
138. Two, please.
Copy !req
139. Uh, one's fine, actually.
Copy !req
140. Thank you!
Copy !req
141. I've got the day off!
Copy !req
142. And I'm gonna spend it eating delicious snacks!
Copy !req
143. Yes?
Copy !req
144. Huh? What's going on?
Copy !req
145. We wanna go for a picnic.
Copy !req
146. We're not allowed to go without an adult.
Copy !req
147. What about Miss Kobayashi?
Copy !req
148. Oh yeah, she said she'd be working on her day off.
Copy !req
149. What about Tohru?
Copy !req
150. She gave me this note.
Copy !req
151. Let's see.
Copy !req
152. Kanna was watching a survival show
Copy !req
153. and suddenly started saying she
wanted to go to the mountains.
Copy !req
154. I'm helping out at the maid café today, so I can't go.
Copy !req
155. Could you go with them?
Copy !req
156. I trust you to do this,
so show me that trust is deserved.
Copy !req
157. She trusts me.
Copy !req
158. It's a little condescending, but...
Copy !req
159. Okay! I'll do it. I'll take you!
Copy !req
160. Yay!
Copy !req
161. You did it, Kanna!
Copy !req
162. Let's put the tent up here.
Copy !req
163. We found Shouta on the way to your house,
Copy !req
164. and he said he'd come, too.
Copy !req
165. He's a good sport, isn't he?
Copy !req
166. What are we gonna do now, then?
Copy !req
167. Fishing.
Copy !req
168. We rented the gear.
Copy !req
169. Fishing, huh?
Copy !req
170. That takes me back.
Copy !req
171. Kanna, what are you gonna catch?
Copy !req
172. An anaconda!
Copy !req
173. To when I was fished back in the day.
Copy !req
174. I'm bored.
Copy !req
175. Already?
Copy !req
176. Isn't there a quicker way to catch them?
Copy !req
177. Grab them with our hands?
Copy !req
178. Yeah, maybe.
Copy !req
179. Try more that way, maybe?
Copy !req
180. There are fish over there.
Copy !req
181. We caught some!
Copy !req
182. Yep. I figured that's where I would go if it were me.
Copy !req
183. If it were you?
Copy !req
184. Yum!
Copy !req
185. The curry and rice are ready, too.
Copy !req
186. Yay!
Copy !req
187. Kanna, there's curry on your cheek.
Copy !req
188. Looking after kids is no big deal.
Copy !req
189. This curry's so good!
Copy !req
190. That was yummy.
Copy !req
191. Look at this weird insect.
Copy !req
192. It's poisonous!
Copy !req
193. It's spicy.
Copy !req
194. I guess I'll get some R&R, too.
Copy !req
195. Where are you going, Shouta?
Copy !req
196. On an investigation.
Copy !req
197. I'm currently researching the possibility
of obtaining mana from undulating energy
Copy !req
198. and the flow of such energy
is strong here in mountains.
Copy !req
199. Sounds fun.
Copy !req
200. I'll go with you!
Copy !req
201. Boys love those kinds of stories, don't they?
Copy !req
202. Oh no!
Copy !req
203. Where did the kids go?
Copy !req
204. I took my eyes off them for a second
and they disappeared!
Copy !req
205. If I don't find them...
Copy !req
206. Can't you even do something as simple as this?
Copy !req
207. Pathetic.
Copy !req
208. No!
Copy !req
209. Oh, right! I've got my clairvoyance!
I'll find them easily!
Copy !req
210. What's up, Shouta?
Copy !req
211. Someone was trying to observe me from a distance.
Copy !req
212. It must be Lucoa.
She does this sometimes.
Copy !req
213. I blocked it.
Copy !req
214. Ah.
Copy !req
215. Boys.
Copy !req
216. Why? I can't locate them at all.
Copy !req
217. I should never have asked you.
Copy !req
218. So dumb.
Copy !req
219. So. Dumb.
Copy !req
220. You guys!
Copy !req
221. Hey, don't you wanna go back?
Copy !req
222. We might forget the way we came.
Copy !req
223. No need to worry.
Copy !req
224. I just followed the undulating energy,
Copy !req
225. so we can follow it back.
Copy !req
226. Boys.
Copy !req
227. I just realized we left without saying anything to Elma.
Copy !req
228. Let's hurry back.
Copy !req
229. Can you hear some kind of roaring sound?
Copy !req
230. I wonder if there are bears or something.
Copy !req
231. There we go. Made it back.
Copy !req
232. Elma's not here.
Copy !req
233. Maybe she got mad at us for leaving and went home.
Copy !req
234. She might have gone looking for us.
Copy !req
235. No way! Where did they go?
Copy !req
236. Moron! Bow down to me.
Copy !req
237. Useless!
Copy !req
238. Good for nothing!
Copy !req
239. Yup! You tried and you failed!
Copy !req
240. This Tohru in my head
is saying some really mean things.
Copy !req
241. Hey you! I'm looking for someone.
Copy !req
242. Have you seen any kids?
Copy !req
243. Do you wanna be eaten?
Copy !req
244. Damn!
Copy !req
245. It's just one thing after another!
Copy !req
246. Where? Where the heck—
Copy !req
247. Where the hell are they?
Copy !req
248. Kanna, look! It's that monster
that was at the river the other day!
Copy !req
249. Sleep!
Copy !req
250. Lady Elma!
Copy !req
251. Sorry.
Copy !req
252. You really had me worried.
Copy !req
253. Sorry.
Copy !req
254. This is for you, Lady Elma.
Copy !req
255. What is it? A flower?
Copy !req
256. We picked it for you.
Copy !req
257. So please forgive us.
Copy !req
258. Kanna! Where's mine? Where's mine?
Copy !req
259. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
260. It's sweet! I forgive you!
Copy !req
261. So simple.
Copy !req
262. Thanks a ton.
Copy !req
263. I should have been there.
Copy !req
264. No worries.
Copy !req
265. The flower nectar was really good.
Copy !req
266. Flower nectar?
Copy !req
267. I picked it.
Copy !req
268. Whaddya think, Tohru?
Copy !req
269. You can stop pitying me and calling me dumb now!
Copy !req
270. I never did anything of the sort.
Copy !req
271. Wow. What kind of flower was it?
Copy !req
272. A big one that smelled really good.
Copy !req
273. Wow.
Copy !req
274. Here's your coffee.
Copy !req
275. No cake?
Copy !req
276. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Copy !req
277. It's getting hot.
Copy !req
278. Yeah, well, it is summer.
Copy !req
279. Under normal circumstances,
I'd pay no heed to the pleas of an Order dragon,
Copy !req
280. but I like the way you rely on your brute strength.
Copy !req
281. I'll go along with you and accommodate
your request, just this once.
Copy !req
282. Thank you.
Copy !req
283. Today, we're visiting the mobile zoo, ZooTown!
Copy !req
284. Here's our main attraction: the giraffes!
Copy !req
285. Yes?
Copy !req
286. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
287. Now I'm going to interview
the zoo director, Mr. Miyamoto.
Copy !req
288. It's unusual for Elma to invite Tohru out.
Copy !req
289. Apparently she asked her
Copy !req
290. to come and work out with her
because she's getting weaker these days.
Copy !req
291. What's even more unusual is that Tohru graciously accepted the invitation.
Copy !req
292. I guess their ill feelings towards
each other have finally worn off.
Copy !req
293. Their attitudes toward each other have softened, too.
Copy !req
294. This could be the end of their grudge.
Copy !req
295. You're so naïve, Kobayashi.
Copy !req
296. Why do you think they called us here?
Copy !req
297. Why?
Copy !req
298. Tohru!
Copy !req
299. Kobayashi.
Copy !req
300. It's up to you when you want to stop them.
Copy !req
301. Getting weaker, you say? You're a damn liar.
Copy !req
302. Are you looking to finish this now?
Copy !req
303. If I win, will you go back to the other world?
Copy !req
304. This again?
Copy !req
305. I knew you were dangerous.
Copy !req
306. Dangerous?
Copy !req
307. You control human hearts.
Copy !req
308. Huh?
Copy !req
309. Nonsense!
Copy !req
310. She's says she's Order faction and that she's leading humans,
Copy !req
311. but that's just because she's in that position.
Copy !req
312. She's been used and betrayed.
Copy !req
313. In some ways, I'm sure she's been keeping
a distance from humans.
Copy !req
314. That's why she still distrusts Tohru.
Copy !req
315. I don't think that's it.
Copy !req
316. What?
Copy !req
317. I'm not plotting anything bad
Copy !req
318. or planning to do anything to humans.
Copy !req
319. All I did was get to know them!
Copy !req
320. And that's why you look so happy working
alongside humans in that maid café, is it?
Copy !req
321. You were so adamant in your stance
of not trusting humans before,
Copy !req
322. but then you suddenly changed your tune!
Copy !req
323. You ridiculed me in the other world
for being worshiped by humans.
Copy !req
324. That was...
Copy !req
325. That was because it was so absurd the way you
were held up as an object of worship,
Copy !req
326. and you enjoyed it even though you
weren't really part of it.
Copy !req
327. But now you don't have to rely on offerings.
Copy !req
328. You can go and buy your own food.
Copy !req
329. But the food tasted better back then.
Copy !req
330. That's what I struggle
to understand more than anything.
Copy !req
331. It was so good!
Copy !req
332. In that case, why don't you hurry along and go back?
Copy !req
333. It tasted better
Copy !req
334. because you were there with me!
Copy !req
335. But then you were gone.
Copy !req
336. And they told me you were dead.
Copy !req
337. Do you know how much I worried?
Copy !req
338. And then I found you.
Copy !req
339. And you were so cold towards me
Copy !req
340. even though you get along so happily with humans.
Copy !req
341. All I want...
Copy !req
342. All I want...
Copy !req
343. Is for you to be nice to me like before!
Copy !req
344. You jerk!
Copy !req
345. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
346. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
347. Tohru.
Copy !req
348. But be that as it may...
Copy !req
349. Let's finish this thing.
Copy !req
350. You betcha!
Copy !req
351. Brace yourself, Tohru!
Copy !req
352. That's my line.
Copy !req
353. What a load of nonsense.
Copy !req
354. I'm going home.
Copy !req
355. See ya.
Copy !req
356. I've seen dragons fight a few times now.
Copy !req
357. I've gotten used to it, I guess?
Copy !req
358. Watching this fight gives me a sense of relief.
Copy !req
359. Tohru.
Copy !req
360. What?
Copy !req
361. I won. The food's on you.
Copy !req
362. No, I won.
Copy !req
363. You can pay.
Copy !req
364. No, I won!
Copy !req
365. No, it was me!
Copy !req
366. I'll pay.
Copy !req
367. Yay!
Copy !req
368. What are you so happy about?
Copy !req
369. All right. It's a tie!
Copy !req
370. What are you gonna treat us to?
Copy !req
371. What do you wanna eat, Elma?
Copy !req
372. A5 rank wagyu beef!
Copy !req
373. Damn. You've gone and acquired
some really useless knowledge.
Copy !req
374. Who's the degenerate of the week?
Copy !req
375. Gemini.
Copy !req
376. burning
Copy !req
377. burning
Copy !req
378. burning
Copy !req
379. burning
Copy !req
380. burning
Copy !req
381. burning
Copy !req
382. burning
Copy !req
383. burning
Copy !req
384. burning
Copy !req
385. burning
Copy !req
386. burning
Copy !req
387. burning
Copy !req
388. parappagao
Copy !req
389. parappagao
Copy !req
390. parappagao
Copy !req
391. parappagao
Copy !req
392. parappagao
Copy !req
393. parappagao
Copy !req
394. parappagao
Copy !req
395. parappagao
Copy !req
396. parappagao
Copy !req
397. howling
Copy !req
398. howling
Copy !req
399. howling
Copy !req
400. howling
Copy !req
401. howling
Copy !req
402. parappagao
Copy !req
403. parappagao
Copy !req
404. parappagao
Copy !req
405. growling
Copy !req
406. growling
Copy !req
407. parappagao
Copy !req
408. parappagao
Copy !req
409. parappagao
Copy !req
410. parappagao
Copy !req
411. parappagao
Copy !req
412. parappagao
Copy !req
413. loving
Copy !req
414. loving
Copy !req
415. loving
Copy !req
416. loving
Copy !req
417. loving
Copy !req
418. loving
Copy !req
419. loving
Copy !req
420. parappagao
Copy !req
421. super
Copy !req
422. super
Copy !req
423. super
Copy !req
424. super
Copy !req
425. super
Copy !req
426. super
Copy !req
427. super
Copy !req
428. super
Copy !req
429. super
Copy !req
430. super
Copy !req
431. super
Copy !req
432. super
Copy !req
433. super
Copy !req
434. super
Copy !req
435. super
Copy !req
436. super
Copy !req
437. super
Copy !req
438. super
Copy !req
439. chorogons
Copy !req
440. chorogons
Copy !req
441. chorogons
Copy !req
442. chorogons
Copy !req
443. chorogons
Copy !req
444. chorogons
Copy !req
445. chorogons
Copy !req
446. chorogons
Copy !req
447. chorogons
Copy !req
448. chorogons
Copy !req
449. chorogons
Copy !req
450. chorogons
Copy !req
451. chorogons
Copy !req
452. chorogons
Copy !req
453. chorogons
Copy !req
454. chorogons
Copy !req
455. chorogons
Copy !req
456. chorogons
Copy !req
457. Burning
Copy !req
458. Burning
Copy !req
459. Burning
Copy !req
460. Burning
Copy !req
461. Burning
Copy !req
462. Burning
Copy !req
463. Burning
Copy !req
464. Burning
Copy !req
465. Burning
Copy !req
466. Burning
Copy !req
467. Burning
Copy !req
468. Burning
Copy !req
469. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
470. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
471. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
472. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
473. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
474. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
475. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
476. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
477. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
478. Howling
Copy !req
479. Howling
Copy !req
480. Howling
Copy !req
481. Howling
Copy !req
482. Howling
Copy !req
483. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
484. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
485. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
486. Growling
Copy !req
487. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
488. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
489. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
490. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
491. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
492. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
493. Loving
Copy !req
494. Loving
Copy !req
495. Loving
Copy !req
496. Loving
Copy !req
497. Loving
Copy !req
498. Loving
Copy !req
499. Loving
Copy !req
500. Parappa Rawr
Copy !req
501. Super
Copy !req
502. Super
Copy !req
503. Super
Copy !req
504. Super
Copy !req
505. Super
Copy !req
506. Super
Copy !req
507. Super
Copy !req
508. Super
Copy !req
509. Super
Copy !req
510. Super
Copy !req
511. Super
Copy !req
512. Super
Copy !req
513. Super
Copy !req
514. Super
Copy !req
515. Super
Copy !req
516. Super
Copy !req
517. Super
Copy !req
518. Super
Copy !req
519. Duhragons!
Copy !req
520. Duhragons!
Copy !req
521. Duhragons!
Copy !req
522. Duhragons!
Copy !req
523. Duhragons!
Copy !req
524. Duhragons!
Copy !req
525. Duhragons!
Copy !req
526. Duhragons!
Copy !req
527. Duhragons!
Copy !req
528. Duhragons!
Copy !req
529. Duhragons!
Copy !req
530. Duhragons!
Copy !req
531. Duhragons!
Copy !req
532. Duhragons!
Copy !req
533. Duhragons!
Copy !req
534. Duhragons!
Copy !req
535. Duhragons!
Copy !req
536. Duhragons!
Copy !req
537. Rawr
Copy !req
538. Rawr
Copy !req
539. Rawr
Copy !req
540. Rawr
Copy !req
541. Rawr
Copy !req
542. Rawr
Copy !req
543. Rawr
Copy !req
544. Rawr
Copy !req
545. Rawr
Copy !req
546. Rawr
Copy !req