1. Kanna! I'm here to play!
Copy !req
2. Yay! A Saikawa!
Copy !req
3. Welcome, Saikawa. Be at home.
Copy !req
4. Sure thing! Your home is my home.
Copy !req
5. Where's your mom?
Copy !req
6. Shopping with Lady Tohru.
Copy !req
7. So that means...
Copy !req
8. We're all alone?
Copy !req
9. Oh... Oh my.
Copy !req
10. Is this like that one song?
Copy !req
11. Have I climbed the steps to adulthood
Copy !req
12. Saikawa?
Copy !req
13. and stopped being Cinderella?
Copy !req
14. Kanna, is it okay if I use your bathroom?
Copy !req
15. Right door.
Copy !req
16. I'm so nervous.
Copy !req
17. Uh, sorry.
Copy !req
18. Wh-Who the heck's that?
Copy !req
19. Ilulu.
Copy !req
20. A friend.
Copy !req
21. So we weren't all alone.
Copy !req
22. How long have you been friends?
Copy !req
23. For some time.
Copy !req
24. She came over here a bit ago,
and now she lives with us.
Copy !req
25. She lives with you?
Copy !req
26. Thinking about it, there are a ton of
unexplained things about Kanna.
Copy !req
27. She calls her mom "Kobayashi,"
like her last name.
Copy !req
28. She's super polite with her maid,
like she's the boss.
Copy !req
29. She comes across as airheaded,
Copy !req
30. but then she's weirdly smart and good at sports.
Copy !req
31. Come on, Saikawa! Let's play!
Copy !req
32. Ah, who cares?
She's just so dang cute!
Copy !req
33. Okay. I brought cards.
Copy !req
34. Would you like to play, too, Ilulu?
Copy !req
35. Play with us!
Copy !req
36. I'm good.
Copy !req
37. Did I say something to offend her?
Copy !req
38. Darn it! I lost.
Copy !req
39. Your face is an open book.
Copy !req
40. Time for your punishment.
Copy !req
41. Rub my tummy.
Copy !req
42. More like my prize!
Copy !req
43. Hiya. I was in the neighborhood,
Copy !req
44. so I brought some snacks over.
Copy !req
45. Miss Kobayashi and Lady Tohru aren't here.
Copy !req
46. Aw, I guess I'll wait for them,
if that's okay with you.
Copy !req
47. You and Saikawa can share the snacks I brought.
Copy !req
48. Yay!
Copy !req
49. Hey.
Copy !req
50. Don't you wanna play with Kanna and her friend?
Copy !req
51. I don't deserve to.
Copy !req
52. I tried to destroy this town.
Copy !req
53. I haven't forgiven myself yet.
Copy !req
54. Shall I turn back time
and make it so that didn't happen?
Copy !req
55. If that's what you need,
I'll make it happen.
Copy !req
56. No, I don't want to do that.
Copy !req
57. I can't just invalidate what
Kobayashi said to me like that.
Copy !req
58. I see.
Copy !req
59. You don't deserve to, huh?
Copy !req
60. But if we think that way,
Copy !req
61. there aren't too many dragons
who deserve to get close to humans.
Copy !req
62. This won't go as easily as it did
with Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
63. Why don't you try talking to her?
Copy !req
64. Wait in the bathroom.
Copy !req
65. I mean, I do want to play with them.
Copy !req
66. I can't deny those feelings any more,
Copy !req
67. but I can't deny what I did, either.
Copy !req
68. And I don't want to drag Kobayashi into this.
Copy !req
69. I'm sure she'd work right through this.
Copy !req
70. I lost again!
Copy !req
71. Are you losing on purpose?
Copy !req
72. Now, why would I do that?
Copy !req
73. Okay. But I'm bored
playing cards with just you.
Copy !req
74. True, true! Not exciting with just us two!
Copy !req
75. Pee beam!
Copy !req
76. I'm just gonna use the bathroom.
Copy !req
77. Again?
Copy !req
78. Why do I have to pee so much today?
Copy !req
79. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
80. Huh? What's going on?
Copy !req
81. Hey. What's your name?
Copy !req
82. It's Saikawa.
Copy !req
83. So, Saikawa,
Copy !req
84. the truth is, I actually wanted
to play with you earlier.
Copy !req
85. But I used to be a punk,
Copy !req
86. so I wasn't sure that'd be okay.
Copy !req
87. A punk?
Copy !req
88. I tried to destroy stuff.
Copy !req
89. You mean, like, a bad girl?
Copy !req
90. You don't like punks, do you?
Copy !req
91. You know, I'm a punk, too.
Copy !req
92. Really?
Copy !req
93. Yeah.
Copy !req
94. I get mad if things don't go my way.
Copy !req
95. I didn't like Kanna at first, and I was gonna kick her butt.
Copy !req
96. Th-This girl.
Copy !req
97. But then, like,
Copy !req
98. I thought that she's so cute that
I wanna be friends with her!
Copy !req
99. This girl.
Copy !req
100. You're cute, too, Ilulu.
Copy !req
101. You wanna be friends?
Copy !req
102. She doesn't think anything through!
Copy !req
103. Struggling with your wrongdoings.
Copy !req
104. Dealing with taking responsibility.
Copy !req
105. Kids are still learning all of that.
Copy !req
106. But Ilulu's environment didn't
give her that opporunity.
Copy !req
107. If she didn't change,
she'd be deceived and attacked.
Copy !req
108. If she didn't change, she wouldn't
be able to stand and fight among the adults.
Copy !req
109. But she can forget all of that now
Copy !req
110. and come back.
Copy !req
111. There's an adult here who'll
pull the wool over her eyes with kindness.
Copy !req
112. She should just go straight back to being
an irresponsible kid without inhibitions.
Copy !req
113. We're back!
Copy !req
114. Oh, you're here Lucoa.
Copy !req
115. So, we bumped into Elma and got chatting—
Copy !req
116. Shall we wake them up?
Copy !req
117. Nah. Bring the spare mattress.
Copy !req
118. I'd better call Saikawa's parents.
Copy !req
119. Miss Kobayashi's looking at me.
Copy !req
120. She just won't stop staring at me.
Copy !req
121. I can feel her hot gaze.
Copy !req
122. It's like she's gobbling me up with her eyes.
Copy !req
123. What's a girl to do?
Copy !req
124. Did you just sigh?
Copy !req
125. It's not you.
Copy !req
126. It's that maid outfit.
Copy !req
127. This one?
Copy !req
128. Yeah.
Copy !req
129. I bought a similar one
when I was in high school.
Copy !req
130. I saved up for it working my first job.
Copy !req
131. I showed it to my family and...
Copy !req
132. And?
Copy !req
133. "That looks terrible on you."
Copy !req
134. That's what they told me.
Everyone hated it.
Copy !req
135. That's when I joined the Observer faction.
Copy !req
136. After that conversation, I got to thinking...
Copy !req
137. How about making the perfect
maid outfit for Miss Kobayashi?
Copy !req
138. And that's where all of you come in.
Copy !req
139. You never spare any effort when
Miss Kobayashi's involved, do you?
Copy !req
140. I'm really grateful to you all for coming.
Copy !req
141. I didn't invite you!
Copy !req
142. Takiya invited me.
Copy !req
143. Takiya!
Copy !req
144. I felt sorry for her being left out.
Copy !req
145. You shouldn't cover up your
embarrassment with fake anger.
Copy !req
146. It's a bad habit.
Copy !req
147. That's not what I'm doing!
Copy !req
148. Sorry, everyone.
Copy !req
149. By the time I woke up,
Tohru had already rounded you all up.
Copy !req
150. There's no need to be so polite, Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
151. We are kindred spirits.
Copy !req
152. Who would hesitate to make time for a kindred spirit?
Copy !req
153. Georgie.
Copy !req
154. All right! Let's get to it!
Copy !req
155. If you could all draw your ideas, please.
Copy !req
156. Okay!
Copy !req
157. Kanna, that's amazing!
Copy !req
158. Buy one more property, and you'll have
a monopoly over that whole area!
Copy !req
159. Monopoly?
Copy !req
160. You'll be the queen!
Copy !req
161. The area will be yours to do with as you please!
Copy !req
162. Hey! What are you doing putting
such a huge house in Kanna's area?
Copy !req
163. Sorry, but we are competing, after all.
Copy !req
164. You devil!
Copy !req
165. I don't really get this game,
but it seems to bring out the worst in people.
Copy !req
166. You stupid, cold-blooded devil!
Copy !req
167. Done!
Copy !req
168. That was quick, Elma.
Copy !req
169. Miss Kobayashi is stoic and efficient at work.
Copy !req
170. That's why I went with this!
Copy !req
171. That totally makes her out
as some kind of rice cake junkie!
Copy !req
172. You don't like it?
Copy !req
173. I just wanted her to be able to refuel quickly.
Copy !req
174. Why don't you go and play with
the kids in the next room?
Copy !req
175. So it's my turn next, right?
Copy !req
176. A bit too cutesy, wouldn't you say?
Copy !req
177. I don't think this sort of thing is for me.
Copy !req
178. I didn't really design it with you in mind.
Copy !req
179. C'mon, buddy.
Copy !req
180. I'm finished, too!
Copy !req
181. It's so revealing!
Copy !req
182. Back home, the servants
all wore this kinda thing.
Copy !req
183. It's a little too exotic.
Copy !req
184. Done.
Copy !req
185. Georgie?
Copy !req
186. The favorite's stepping up.
Copy !req
187. I wonder what she's come up with.
Copy !req
188. Here you are, Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
189. Oh, thanks.
Copy !req
190. A long dress.
Copy !req
191. A design that conveys a certain elegance
despite the simplicity and lack of adornments.
Copy !req
192. I believe that's your preference.
Copy !req
193. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
194. But what is a maid outfit, really?
Copy !req
195. It's true that maid clothing
is constantly changing, becoming refined
Copy !req
196. and having its designs elaborated together
with changing times and customs.
Copy !req
197. But it's always maids that wear it.
Copy !req
198. It's not that they become maids
because they wear a maid outfit.
Copy !req
199. But rather, it's maids wearing it
that makes it a maid outfit.
Copy !req
200. Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
201. I'm a student, so I can't wear
my maid outfit all the time.
Copy !req
202. However, whatever I wear,
Copy !req
203. even should it be a student uniform,
as long as I'm a maid, that student uniform
Copy !req
204. will merit being called
a maid outfit, don't you think?
Copy !req
205. In other words, maid clothing
Copy !req
206. is worn by the soul!
Copy !req
207. The spirit of service!
Copy !req
208. You're going off point!
Copy !req
209. Tohru.
Copy !req
210. We were perfectly happy without you.
Copy !req
211. We reached a good stopping point, okay?
Copy !req
212. Setting that aside,
Copy !req
213. you keep mocking my efforts,
but what did you draw?
Copy !req
214. U-Uh, well...
Copy !req
215. Why are you acting so suspicious?
Copy !req
216. Show me!
Copy !req
217. Hands to yourself, pervert!
Copy !req
218. What's this? A blank page?
Copy !req
219. You couldn't think of anything at all?
Copy !req
220. Not exactly.
Copy !req
221. I just thought, um...
Copy !req
222. That maybe Miss Kobayashi
could try mine on instead.
Copy !req
223. What you wear is way too cute to fit my style.
Copy !req
224. Yeah. Maybe.
Copy !req
225. But I'll do it.
Copy !req
226. Since you got everyone together just for me,
Copy !req
227. I'll put them on.
Copy !req
228. Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
229. There we are! I put them on.
Copy !req
230. You look great!
Copy !req
231. You're very cute, Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
232. Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the flattery.
Copy !req
233. Let's take a picture!
Copy !req
234. A double maid shot of you and me!
Copy !req
235. If we're gonna do that,
I'd rather take one with everyone.
Copy !req
236. Everyone gather around, then.
Copy !req
237. I'm next to Kobayashi!
Copy !req
238. Hey, no fair!
Copy !req
239. Cut it out, you two! I was here first!
Copy !req
240. Hey, Tohru.
Copy !req
241. Yes?
Copy !req
242. I realized something today.
Copy !req
243. What's that?
Copy !req
244. Do you remember what Georgie said?
Copy !req
245. Yeah.
Copy !req
246. Maid clothes are clothes worn by maids.
Copy !req
247. That means that regardless of what
non-maids wear, it'll never be maid clothing.
Copy !req
248. It's no more than playing dress-up.
Copy !req
249. That's why I've always disapproved
of you wearing that maid outfit.
Copy !req
250. But when I tried them on, I'm embarrassed
to admit it, but I had a change of heart.
Copy !req
251. It felt pretty good.
Copy !req
252. It got me thinking that maybe this
is what I've always wanted to wear.
Copy !req
253. Since I got it in my head that cute
clothes don't look good on me,
Copy !req
254. I've been wearing nothing but boyish clothes,
Copy !req
255. only paying any mind to what
"looks good on me" and what doesn't.
Copy !req
256. If I want to wear something, I should just wear it.
Copy !req
257. And that's when I remembered.
Copy !req
258. I wanted to dress up.
Copy !req
259. But because I'm not cute
Copy !req
260. I leaned towards a more reserved and formulaic style
Copy !req
261. and just become some boring maid nerd.
Copy !req
262. Miss Kobayashi.
Copy !req
263. And then I looked at you and thought that
if you're living in this house as a maid,
Copy !req
264. then whatever you wear is maid clothing.
Copy !req
265. That's what I realized.
Copy !req
266. You're so genuine when you're
taking back something you said.
Copy !req
267. I like that crafty side of yours.
Copy !req
268. When you first got here,
Copy !req
269. I never, ever would've been
able to say these sorta things.
Copy !req
270. I hope you'll keep being my house help, Tohru.
Copy !req
271. Please, call me your maid!
Copy !req
272. Uh-oh, I'm out of money.
Copy !req
273. You wasted too much of it.
Copy !req
274. Don't worry. You can go to the bank soon.
Copy !req
275. Your funds will be replenished.
Copy !req
276. Really?
Copy !req
277. But I have to get past Shouta Street first.
Copy !req
278. Wherever I land, I'll have to pay a ton of rent.
Copy !req
279. Just relax and roll the dice!
Copy !req
280. Devil!
Copy !req
281. You're out.
Copy !req
282. Do you have any hobbies, Tohru?
Copy !req
283. Hobbies? I'm a maid.
Copy !req
284. Do you think I have that kind of spare—
Copy !req
285. You know, I do.
Copy !req
286. What kind of hobbies are you into?
Copy !req
287. I've been really into making candy recently.
Copy !req
288. Is that what that piercing,
high-pitched noise was just now?
Copy !req
289. Sorry! Was it that loud?
Copy !req
290. I can't think of anything.
Copy !req
291. I used to enjoy traveling, but...
Copy !req
292. Music!
Copy !req
293. It seems to be somewhat
popular among humans.
Copy !req
294. Our emo friend Yana is
the person to go to about music.
Copy !req
295. You wanted to ask me something?
Copy !req
296. I want you to teach me
what's so fun about music.
Copy !req
297. I guess it's the way it fires up your soul
Copy !req
298. and makes your heart pulsate
like a ticking time bomb.
Copy !req
299. A time bomb?
Copy !req
300. I'll help you, so give it a go.
Copy !req
301. All right.
Copy !req
302. I really don't get it.
Copy !req
303. Huh? What's wrong?
Copy !req
304. It hurts.
Copy !req
305. Your talent hurts!
Copy !req
306. I guess I upset him somehow.
Copy !req
307. Oh, hi, Mr. Sone.
Copy !req
308. I brought you another one
of my little creations.
Copy !req
309. Wow! You've done a great job once again.
Copy !req
310. Is it fun making these things?
Copy !req
311. Wanna have a go?
Copy !req
312. Finished!
Copy !req
313. It's an extremely intricate design.
Copy !req
314. There are very few that can
make something like this.
Copy !req
315. Still, I don't really get what's so fun about it.
Copy !req
316. I had the same feeling about
playing music just now.
Copy !req
317. Yeah. I heard that, too.
Copy !req
318. It sounded like someone just playing
the right notes at the right time.
Copy !req
319. Oh, so you heard it?
Copy !req
320. It was probably too easy for you,
Copy !req
321. so there was no space for you to feel anything.
Copy !req
322. Hobbies only bring fulfillment
if they spark curiosity and emotion.
Copy !req
323. I see. So that's what it is.
Copy !req
324. I'm home.
Copy !req
325. Welcome home!
Copy !req
326. Do you have any hobbies, Kanna?
Copy !req
327. Hobbies?
Copy !req
328. I like walking on this white line.
Copy !req
329. What's so fun about this?
Copy !req
330. If you fall, you die.
Copy !req
331. I see.
Copy !req
332. This is a drill for fighting in
a particular type of environment.
Copy !req
333. I had underestimated
Kanna's dragonly instincts.
Copy !req
334. Oh, a gap.
Copy !req
335. And that's how it's done!
Copy !req
336. Too much.
Copy !req
337. But you can't really say that's a hobby.
Copy !req
338. It's fun when I do it with Saikawa.
Copy !req
339. Welcome home—
Copy !req
340. Hey! No fair, Kanna!
Copy !req
341. Give me a donut, too!
Copy !req
342. No!
Copy !req
343. Tohru!
Copy !req
344. You just sit around all day.
Copy !req
345. You have to work to earn
your keep, remember?
Copy !req
346. Ilulu, don't you have any hobbies?
Copy !req
347. Hobbies?
Copy !req
348. Well, I like to laze around.
Copy !req
349. That's not a hobby.
That's just your state of being.
Copy !req
350. Hey! That's just mea—
Copy !req
351. What flavor is it?
Copy !req
352. Chocolate?
Copy !req
353. What about yours?
Copy !req
354. Cinnamon?
Copy !req
355. Hobbies are a tricky business.
Copy !req
356. All the kids at school are into "idols."
Copy !req
357. Worshiping sacred imagery, huh?
Copy !req
358. I'm not sure that's really my thing.
Copy !req
359. Hang on a second. That's it!
Copy !req
360. Idolizing Miss Kobayashi!
Copy !req
361. Finally, the day's over.
Copy !req
362. You're telling me!
Copy !req
363. Hello?
Copy !req
364. Kobayashi! Kobayashi!
Come home quick!
Copy !req
365. It's Lady Tohru. She's...
Copy !req
366. What happened!
Copy !req
367. Love's kiss! A sloppy kiss!
Love's kiss! A sloppy kiss!
Copy !req
368. I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
Copy !req
369. Love's kiss! A sloppy kiss!
Love's kiss! A sloppy kiss!
Copy !req
370. I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
Copy !req
371. Love a sloppy kiss!
Copy !req
372. What the heck?
Copy !req
373. Lady Tohru won't stop making
Kobayashi stuff and showing it off.
Copy !req
374. And making us listen to her singing.
Copy !req
375. Miss Kobayashi!
Copy !req
376. Hobbies sure are fun, aren't they?
Copy !req
377. Miss Kobayashi! Miss Kobayashi! Miss Kobayashi!
Copy !req
378. I get like this sometimes
when I'm really hammered
Copy !req
379. so I can't really say anything.
Copy !req
380. I've got the required funds.
Copy !req
381. Now I just have to get to the goal.
Copy !req
382. Saikawa, what shall we do?
Copy !req
383. No way!
Copy !req
384. I knew you could do it, Kanna!
Copy !req
385. How did you—
Copy !req
386. I transferred all my assets to Kanna.
Copy !req
387. Hey, that's not fair!
Copy !req
388. What's mine is Kanna's!
Copy !req
389. My body, my soul, all of it!
Copy !req
390. I am nothing!
Copy !req
391. Let us pray!
Copy !req
392. What's your hobby, Lucoa?
Copy !req
393. I guess that would be Shouta, yeah?
Copy !req
394. No shocker there.
Copy !req
395. What about you, Fafnir?
It's gaming, right?
Copy !req
396. Wrong.
Copy !req
397. Yeah, it's gaming.
Copy !req
398. No.
Copy !req
399. Come on!
Copy !req
400. I'm telling you, you're wrong!
Copy !req
401. Who's the degenerate of the week?
Copy !req
402. Sagittarius.
Copy !req