1. Cake!
Copy !req
2. Aaah!
Copy !req
3. Cake!
Copy !req
4. Cake!
Copy !req
5. Cake!
Copy !req
6. I'll protect my pastries
Copy !req
7. if it's the last thing I do!
Copy !req
8. - You're going to get hurt!
- Cake!
Copy !req
9. No, Dad... Mr Dupain! Move aside!
Copy !req
10. Wow! My heart is just like
that yoyo-wrapped baby's wrist,
Copy !req
11. taken prisoner by Milady forever!
Copy !req
12. - Aaah!
- Cake!
Copy !req
13. Ah! Adrien's lips! Aaah!
Copy !req
14. Admit it. For a second there,
you almost fell
Copy !req
15. for my poetic verse.
Copy !req
16. I never fall for your poetry,
Copy !req
17. but I do find your foolishness
incredibly powerful.
Copy !req
18. Lucky charm!
Copy !req
19. Cake!
Copy !req
20. Not cake!
- Your plastic doughnut
Copy !req
21. doesn't stand a chance against
the best macaroons in Paris.
Copy !req
22. That baby has taste!
Copy !req
23. That's Marinette's bedroom!
Copy !req
24. Marinette! Marinette!
Copy !req
25. Cat Noir, grab this!
Copy !req
26. - (Tom) Marinette!
Copy !req
27. - Marinette! Marinette!
Miraculous Ladybug!
Copy !req
28. Marinette? Marinette!
Copy !req
29. Marinette?
Copy !req
30. So, what was it this time?
Copy !req
31. A late-night craving, huh, baby August?
Copy !req
32. Oh, you're so cute!
Copy !req
33. I'm a bit jealous.
Copy !req
34. Don't be. Here, you can have him.
Copy !req
35. Bye-bye, little guy.
Copy !req
36. I meant jealous of him!
Copy !req
37. Spots off!
Copy !req
38. Tom?
Copy !req
39. Marinette is not in her bedroom!
Copy !req
40. You miss her already, too?
I know how it feels.
Copy !req
41. Gummy.
Copy !req
42. Ah, of course! The pacifier!
Copy !req
43. Gummy!
Copy !req
44. Marinette?
Copy !req
45. - This isn't the first time
Copy !req
46. I've seen you right after
Ladybug's transformed back.
Copy !req
47. Could you be...?
Copy !req
48. In love with you!
Copy !req
49. Marinette?
Copy !req
50. - Cake!
- Well, I never! Whoa!
Copy !req
51. Oh! Well, perfect timing.
Copy !req
52. I have to go and
bring him back to his mother!
Copy !req
53. Wait! Why don't you come have
Sunday brunch with us tomorrow?
Copy !req
54. Ah...
Copy !req
55. I'll make macaroons!
Copy !req
56. How could I say no to that?
Well, see you tomorrow, then!
Copy !req
57. I just thought
that she followed us everywhere
Copy !req
58. because she's a fan of Ladybug.
Copy !req
59. But it turns out
that she's in love with me.
Copy !req
60. Do you realize? It's the
first time that a girl's told me
Copy !req
61. she's in love with me.
Copy !req
62. Tell me about it.
Copy !req
63. If only Ladybug
would confess her love to me
Copy !req
64. like that.
Copy !req
65. This is a total disaster!
Copy !req
66. You shouldn't have lied, Marinette.
Copy !req
67. But he was about to figure out
Copy !req
68. - that I'm Ladybug!
- Now everyone thinks
Copy !req
69. - that you're in love with him!
Copy !req
70. Our daughter's boyfriend
is coming for lunch!
Copy !req
71. Do you realize Marinette has a boyfriend?
Copy !req
72. And he's a superhero on top of that!
Copy !req
73. She'll be safe with him.
Copy !req
74. Aren't you jumping the gun a little, Tom?
Copy !req
75. You're right. I can't be baking dessert
Copy !req
76. when I haven't even started
on the first course yet!
Copy !req
77. I know! I'm going to cook them
Copy !req
78. a delicious sweethearts' vol-au-vent!
Copy !req
79. Now, where are the candied oranges?
Copy !req
80. What I meant is that
Cat Noir hasn't said anything
Copy !req
81. about his feelings.
Copy !req
82. Come on, it's obvious
Copy !req
83. he's in love with Marinette!
Copy !req
84. Besides, who wouldn't love Marinette?
Copy !req
85. Everyone loves Marinette!
Copy !req
86. You finally got yourself a girlfriend.
Copy !req
87. And not any girlfriend.
Copy !req
88. The daughter of the best baker in Paris!
Copy !req
89. Marinette in love with Cat Noir?
I didn't think he was her type!
Copy !req
90. Before you know it, we'll be enjoying
Copy !req
91. some warm and crispy bread
Copy !req
92. to go with every piece of cheese.
Copy !req
93. Our life is about to change!
Copy !req
94. Stop it, Plagg.
Copy !req
95. You know I'm in love with Ladybug!
Copy !req
96. So? I don't see the problem
in keeping two pots
Copy !req
97. simmering on the stove!
Copy !req
98. Especially when
there's actually only one pot.
Copy !req
99. I have to be honest with Marinette.
Copy !req
100. I'll go over for brunch,
but only to tell her the truth.
Copy !req
101. Are you kidding? At least, please wait
Copy !req
102. until after the cheese platter is served!
Copy !req
103. He's not coming.
Copy !req
104. But if he does, what are you going
Copy !req
105. to say to him?
Copy !req
106. I'm sure he's not coming!
Copy !req
107. He's in love with Ladybug!
Copy !req
108. He's not gonna come
Copy !req
109. just for macaroons!
Copy !req
110. He's been rejected so many times
Copy !req
111. by Ladybug.
Copy !req
112. Maybe he's changed his mind!
Copy !req
113. Cat Noir, change his mind? Ha!
I seriously doubt it.
Copy !req
114. No one's as stubborn
and one-track minded as him!
Copy !req
115. Shouldn't we be at Marinette's already?
Copy !req
116. Shh!
Copy !req
117. Adrien, you have 24 minutes
to finish your lunch
Copy !req
118. before it's time to review
your Chinese lesson.
Copy !req
119. Is my father too busy
to have lunch with me again?
Copy !req
120. Indeed. Your next meal with your father
Copy !req
121. is next Thursday,
Copy !req
122. between 7:30 am and 7:45 am.
Copy !req
123. In that case,
I'll have my lunch in my room
Copy !req
124. while studying Chinese.
Copy !req
125. At least talking while I eat
Copy !req
126. will feel like I have some company!
Copy !req
127. Delicious bread, here we come!
Copy !req
128. I told you, we're not going for brunch.
Copy !req
129. I'll only tell Marinette
that she's not the one I love.
Copy !req
130. Then we'll leave.
Copy !req
131. She's going to be so sad.
Copy !req
132. How could I make this easier on her?
Copy !req
133. You're right.
Breaking her heart with flowers
Copy !req
134. will be much more romantic.
Copy !req
135. I told you he won't come.
Copy !req
136. Huh!
Copy !req
137. Looks like you underestimated
Cat Noir's love of macaroons!
Copy !req
138. I don't believe it! What a glutton!
Copy !req
139. Oh, no! What if this doofus has
actually fallen in love with me?
Copy !req
140. For what, seconds? Is that all
his love for Ladybug is worth?
Copy !req
141. Just one tiny declaration
of love and that's it, poof!
Copy !req
142. He changes his mind?
Copy !req
143. Uh, since you and Ladybug
are the same person,
Copy !req
144. he didn't exactly change his mind.
Copy !req
145. Oh, no! I definitely have to tell him
Copy !req
146. that I'm not really in love with him!
Copy !req
147. Wait! I can't! If I tell him
that I don't love him,
Copy !req
148. he won't understand
why I told him that I loved him!
Copy !req
149. I only told him so he wouldn't
figure out I'm Ladybug,
Copy !req
150. but if he sees that I lied,
he'll also see I did all that
Copy !req
151. so he wouldn't guess that I'm Ladybug...
Copy !req
152. and he'll figure out that I'm Ladybug!
Copy !req
153. (Tom) Marinette! Marinette!
Copy !req
154. Tikki, help me!
Copy !req
155. Voilà!
Copy !req
156. - This is a nightmare!
Copy !req
157. Come on, sweetie. Let him in.
Copy !req
158. Uh... hello, Marinette.
Copy !req
159. - Uh... Hello, Cat Noir.
- Welcome to our home!
Copy !req
160. Tom, let him come up for some air, huh?
Copy !req
161. Oops! Sorry! Ha, ha!
Copy !req
162. - Um... how are you?
- Uh, fine and you?
Copy !req
163. Oh! He brought a pink rose
for Marinette! She loves pink!
Copy !req
164. You two already know each other so well!
Copy !req
165. Everyone loves pink!
It doesn't mean anything.
Copy !req
166. And actually, we don't
know each other that well.
Copy !req
167. He's right! It all happened so fast!
Copy !req
168. Love at first sight?
That's even more romantic!
Copy !req
169. Have a seat, kids.
I'll bring out the first course.
Copy !req
170. I have something to tell you!
Copy !req
171. Voilà! Sweethearts' vol-au-vent!
Copy !req
172. For two, of course!
Copy !req
173. Tell me, Cat Noir, is being
a superhero a steady profession?
Copy !req
174. - Tom!
Copy !req
175. - (Tom) What?
- You're right, Dad!
Copy !req
176. It must be dangerous,
being a superhero's girlfriend!
Copy !req
177. - Maybe I should rethink this.
- (Tom) Of course not, sweetie!
Copy !req
178. Cat Noir won't be a superhero
all his life!
Copy !req
179. Once he's defeated Hawk Moth,
Copy !req
180. he won't need to run on the roofs
Copy !req
181. with a stick.
Copy !req
182. I know! He could work
in the bakery with me!
Copy !req
183. - I could train you, young man!
- Uh...
Copy !req
184. Maybe Cat Noir doesn't want
to be a baker at all!
Copy !req
185. Ah! See? He'd love to!
Everyone loves bakers!
Copy !req
186. - Uh...
- The Dupain-Cat Noir bakery!
Copy !req
187. - Doesn't that sound purr-fect?
- Tom!
Copy !req
188. I can already see the little kittens
Copy !req
189. running around in the house.
Copy !req
190. And pet hamsters! Do you like hamsters?
Copy !req
191. Because my daughter loves them!
Copy !req
192. What did you want to name
your future hamster again?
Copy !req
193. - This is a nightmare!
- Nightmare, right!
Copy !req
194. That's a funny name, isn't it?
Copy !req
195. I'm bringing the soufflé!
Copy !req
196. Voilà! Hmm?
Copy !req
197. Tom, how about we let Cat Noir
tell us himself what he wants?
Copy !req
198. Good idea. He seems like the kind of boy
Copy !req
199. who changes his mind rather quickly!
Copy !req
200. Well, actually...
Copy !req
201. Mr Dupain,
Copy !req
202. Mrs Dupain-Cheng, Marinette...
Copy !req
203. Here's the thing. You're really nice
Copy !req
204. and this meal is delicious,
Copy !req
205. and the friendliest
Copy !req
206. I've had in a long time.
Copy !req
207. Marinette, you're awesome
Copy !req
208. and I get that you have feelings for me.
Copy !req
209. After all, I'm awesome in so many ways,
Copy !req
210. even I could fall in love with myself.
Copy !req
211. Anyway, I'm afraid my heart
belongs to someone else.
Copy !req
212. Even if she keeps rejecting me,
even if she loves somebody else,
Copy !req
213. I'm in love with Ladybug.
I'm really sorry, Marinette.
Copy !req
214. Oh, this is so...
Copy !req
215. so sad!
Copy !req
216. To think I spent all this time
following you everywhere
Copy !req
217. to tell you that I loved you, Cat Noir!
Copy !req
218. I am so miserable!
Copy !req
219. No one will ever love me!
Copy !req
220. I'll end up all alone with my hamster,
Copy !req
221. and its name will be Loneliness!
Copy !req
222. Oh, this is such a relief,
Tikki! He's not in love with me!
Copy !req
223. Well, uh... I don't want
to bother you any longer.
Copy !req
224. I'm really sorry.
Thanks for having me, anyway.
Copy !req
225. Is there a more delicious
recipe than a father's heart
Copy !req
226. broken by his child's heartache?
Copy !req
227. Fly, my dreadful akuma,
Copy !req
228. an evil feast of darkness awaits you!
Copy !req
229. How can he not love Marinette?
Everyone loves Marinette!
Copy !req
230. One day, Marinette will meet another boy.
Copy !req
231. She'll love him with all her heart, and—
Copy !req
232. He'll break it too! Never again!
Copy !req
233. I won't let anyone
break my daughter's heart again!
Copy !req
234. Weredad, I am Hawk Moth.
Copy !req
235. I'm giving you the power
to protect your daughter
Copy !req
236. from anything that brings her harm.
Copy !req
237. In return...
Copy !req
238. (Tom) I'll bring you some Cat Noir pâté!
Copy !req
239. That, and his and Ladybug's
Miraculous would be perfect.
Copy !req
240. What is this? Tikki!
Copy !req
241. Marinette!
Copy !req
242. I messed up.
Copy !req
243. I really messed up! Marinette!
Copy !req
244. Marinette!
Copy !req
245. I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!
Copy !req
246. Of course not, Cat Noir! It's Tom.
Copy !req
247. No matter how many times I tell him,
Copy !req
248. he always takes things too far.
Copy !req
249. I'll bring your husband back to
his senses and help Marinette,
Copy !req
250. I promise!
Copy !req
251. Shouldn't you wait for Ladybug?
Copy !req
252. I trust her. She always shows up
Copy !req
253. at the right time.
Copy !req
254. You really love her, huh?
Copy !req
255. Yes. But, um,
Copy !req
256. Marinette seems like an
awesome girl too, you know!
Copy !req
257. - Don' worry. I'll save her!
- I've faith in you.
Copy !req
258. You're a good person.
Copy !req
259. Never apologize for your feelings.
Copy !req
260. Thank you, Mrs Dupain-Cheng.
Copy !req
261. Good luck, Cat Noir!
Copy !req
262. Marinette!
Copy !req
263. Tikki!
Copy !req
264. Tikki!
Copy !req
265. Marinette!
Copy !req
266. - Marinette!
- Tikki? I'm here!
Copy !req
267. - Marinette, where are you?
Copy !req
268. Marinette? Mr Dupain?
Copy !req
269. How dare you come back
after what you've done?
Copy !req
270. Aaah!
Copy !req
271. I will always be here to save Marinette.
Copy !req
272. She's safe from you!
Copy !req
273. And all the boys
who want to break her heart!
Copy !req
274. I didn't mean to break
her heart, sir, I swear!
Copy !req
275. And I swear that I'm about
to crush your bones!
Copy !req
276. Where are you, Ladybug?
Copy !req
277. I'm sorry, but... Aaah!
I can't let you do that!
Copy !req
278. - Why not?
- Aaah!
Copy !req
279. Because I have... Whoa!
Copy !req
280. a damsel in distress to rescue!
Copy !req
281. I forbid you to rescue her!
You don't deserve to save her!
Copy !req
282. From now on, no one else
but I will protect her!
Copy !req
283. Are you planning to protect her
all her life?
Copy !req
284. Exactly! I'll keep her safe
from sadness, hardship
Copy !req
285. and anything that could hurt her!
Copy !req
286. You can't protect her
from what hurts most!
Copy !req
287. Know what that is?
Copy !req
288. My great, big punches?
Copy !req
289. No, what hurts the most is solitude.
Copy !req
290. Believe me, I know all about it!
Copy !req
291. Nothing hurts more
Copy !req
292. than isolation,
Copy !req
293. sitting alone
Copy !req
294. in front of a cold meal!
Copy !req
295. Is that what you want
Copy !req
296. for your daughter?
Copy !req
297. A lifetime of cold meals
Copy !req
298. in her prison of roses?
Copy !req
299. She will never be alone!
Someday a prince will come.
Copy !req
300. A prince worthy of her,
daring enough to face me,
Copy !req
301. who will brave the many dangers
and pick the magic rose for her!
Copy !req
302. He will be worthy
of taking her from my guard.
Copy !req
303. Tikki!
Copy !req
304. This is a magic prison, Marinette.
Copy !req
305. It looks like it's trying
to keep me from finding you!
Copy !req
306. There must be a way out of here!
Copy !req
307. Hmm.
Copy !req
308. That rose...
it's the one Cat Noir gave me!
Copy !req
309. Okay.
Copy !req
310. I may not be her prince, but
I'm charming enough to free her!
Copy !req
311. I forbid you to do so!
Copy !req
312. Marinette? Marinette?
Copy !req
313. I'm okay! I can do it!
Copy !req
314. Not being in love with her
Copy !req
315. and losing my stick won't
keep me from saving her!
Copy !req
316. I'll never give up, never!
Copy !req
317. You're not worthy of my daughter!
Copy !req
318. The Miraculous! Grab his ring!
Copy !req
319. Gotcha!
Copy !req
320. Aaah!
Copy !req
321. What? What's going on? Aaah!
Copy !req
322. - Aaah!
- Marinette!
Copy !req
323. Tikki, spots on!
Copy !req
324. Gotcha!
Copy !req
325. Bye-bye, little butterfly!
Copy !req
326. Milady!
Copy !req
327. - I'm coming!
- No! Take care of Marinette!
Copy !req
328. - She's around here!
- Don't worry!
Copy !req
329. I've already taken her to safety!
Copy !req
330. She's as wonderful as ever.
Copy !req
331. Who wouldn't be in love with Ladybug?
Copy !req
332. Oh! I... She also has
some flaws, you know!
Copy !req
333. Not all of us can land on our feet,
Copy !req
334. so I guess we're gonna need
a little bit of luck.
Copy !req
335. Lucky charm!
Copy !req
336. - (Tom) Oh!
- Do your thing, Cat noir!
Copy !req
337. Cataclysm!
Copy !req
338. - Hang on!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
339. - Tom!
- Honey!
Copy !req
340. Pound it, Milady!
Copy !req
341. Pound it, Cat Noir.
Copy !req
342. Miraculous Ladybug!
Copy !req
343. - (Tom) Marinette! Marinette!
Copy !req
344. Wait! The Miraculous
repaired everything, so she must
Copy !req
345. be safely back in her room!
Copy !req
346. Marinette!
- Marinette!
Copy !req
347. - Dad... Dad, I can't breathe!
- Oh! Sorry! I was so scared!
Copy !req
348. You were so heartbroken
because of that... Grr!
Copy !req
349. Dad, stop.
Copy !req
350. Cat Noir has every right
to be in love with Ladybug.
Copy !req
351. She's very lucky to have you.
Copy !req
352. And just because you and I aren't in love,
Copy !req
353. doesn't mean that we can't be friends.
Copy !req
354. Really? Oh, phew!
Copy !req
355. I really didn't want to hurt you.
Copy !req
356. You seem like such an awesome person.
Copy !req
357. Even though you're not a fan,
Copy !req
358. like I thought when I saw you on the roof!
Copy !req
359. What? You just thought
I was a fan of yours?
Copy !req
360. Well, yeah! That's what I was about to say
Copy !req
361. when you jumped on me. "Could it be
Copy !req
362. that she's a fan of mine?"
Copy !req
363. You see, Tom?
Copy !req
364. Your daughter can handle
Copy !req
365. her own disappointments.
Copy !req
366. And even if he's not in love
Copy !req
367. with Marinette,
Copy !req
368. Cat Noir proved himself
Copy !req
369. by saving her today.
Copy !req
370. It's true. Your courage and tenacity
Copy !req
371. match those of the greatest pastry chefs!
Copy !req
372. Are you sure that you don't want to learn?
Copy !req
373. If you bring fresh croissants
to Ladybug every day,
Copy !req
374. she'll surely wind up
falling in love with you!
Copy !req
375. Dad!
Copy !req