1. In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Copy !req
2. just a normal girl with a normal life,
Copy !req
3. but there's something about me
that no one knows yet.
Copy !req
4. 'Cause I have a secret.
Copy !req
5. Don't blink now,
'cause we are live from Paris.
Copy !req
6. Yo, peeps, Alya here bringing
you the one and only Ladyblog.
Copy !req
7. - Huh? What is that?
Copy !req
8. Ladybug in action.
Copy !req
9. Hang on, 'cause we're going for a ride.
Copy !req
10. Oh! Freak out!
Copy !req
11. What you've got here is no ordinary book.
Copy !req
12. It's a tenth grade history book,
Copy !req
13. and I should know
'cause I've got this very same book.
Copy !req
14. Could our very own Ladybug
be a high school student in real life?
Copy !req
15. Whoa!
Copy !req
16. I told you from day one, Tikki,
I'm a total klutz.
Copy !req
17. What's done is done.
We can't change what happened.
Copy !req
18. We can only move forward.
Copy !req
19. Alya must not find out who you are.
Copy !req
20. You know how persistent she can be
with her blog
Copy !req
21. totally dedicated to Ladybug.
Copy !req
22. But how?
Copy !req
23. Maybe I'm not cut out
for this whole Ladybug thing.
Copy !req
24. You are the chosen one, Marinette.
Copy !req
25. It will all work out. Trust me.
Copy !req
26. Everyone has a past they can work from.
Copy !req
27. This will show you why.
Copy !req
28. An exhibition at the Louvre
on the Pharaoh Tutankhamun?
Copy !req
29. What does that have to do
with my book and Alya?
Copy !req
30. You must persuade Alya
to go there with you
Copy !req
31. and make sure she brings the book.
Copy !req
32. You'll tell her you found out
something about Ladybug.
Copy !req
33. At the museum?
Copy !req
34. You'll see.
Copy !req
35. Well, I don't know how
I'm gonna convince Alya
Copy !req
36. to go to an Egyptian exhibit,
Copy !req
37. much less convince her
that I'm not Ladybug.
Copy !req
38. She will be interested and so will you.
Copy !req
39. Promise.
Copy !req
40. Can you believe it?
Copy !req
41. All I've gotta do is find out
who this history book belongs to, and bam!
Copy !req
42. I've figured out
Ladybug's true identity.
Copy !req
43. I'm so on this one.
Copy !req
44. You really think you can figure out
who Ladybug is
Copy !req
45. from a textbook
that every high school student owns?
Copy !req
46. Yup. 'Cause our school
is the only school that uses that book.
Copy !req
47. Ha!
Copy !req
48. So, all I gotta do is find out
which girl in tenth grade
Copy !req
49. lost her book last week.
Copy !req
50. There are 43 girls,
not counting myself.
Copy !req
51. Forty-two, not counting you or me.
Copy !req
52. - Oof!
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
53. Yesterday somebody didn't have
her textbook in class.
Copy !req
54. I left it at home.
Copy !req
55. You know I always forget my stuff.
Copy !req
56. Hmm.
Copy !req
57. Just messing with you, Marinette.
Copy !req
58. Of course, I'll only drop you
from my investigation...
Copy !req
59. when you bring
your history book back to class.
Copy !req
60. Oh!
Copy !req
61. It's not broken.
Copy !req
62. Uh, I'm okay, too. Thanks for asking.
Copy !req
63. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
64. Hey, you're in the same grade
as Alix, right?
Copy !req
65. I'm her older brother, Jalil Kubdel.
Copy !req
66. So, you're into Tutankhamun, too?
Copy !req
67. Dad!
Copy !req
68. Weird.
Copy !req
69. So, again, girl, why are we here?
Copy !req
70. This exhibit's got something to do
with Ladybug, for reals?
Copy !req
71. - Well, uh...
Copy !req
72. Yeah, it's over there.
Copy !req
73. - Uh...
- Hmm.
Copy !req
74. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride.
Copy !req
75. Oh! Freak out.
Copy !req
76. What you've got here is no ordinary book.
Copy !req
77. It's a tenth grade history book,
Copy !req
78. and I should know
'cause I've got this very same book.
Copy !req
79. Could our very own Ladybug
be a high school student in real life?
Copy !req
80. That's crazy!
Copy !req
81. What are the odds
that we have the same textbook?
Copy !req
82. Maybe we even go to the same school.
Copy !req
83. Don't you think you'd know her then?
Copy !req
84. Why bother yourself with ladies
when you could be enjoying this?
Copy !req
85. For one, ladies smell
Copy !req
86. about a thousand times better
than that cheese
Copy !req
87. and they're much better-looking.
Copy !req
88. Suit yourself. Your loss.
Copy !req
89. - My only loss is my appetite.
Copy !req
90. Come on, tell me what it is already.
Copy !req
91. No, no, 'cause it wouldn't
be a surprise then.
Copy !req
92. To you or me.
Copy !req
93. I'm telling you, Father,
it's right there in the hieroglyphics.
Copy !req
94. Excuse me.
Copy !req
95. There, as you know,
the one with the scepter
Copy !req
96. is Tutankhamun the First,
Copy !req
97. and there, opposite,
is Nefertiti, his princess.
Copy !req
98. There are exactly 100 mummies beside them.
Copy !req
99. She died several years before him,
Copy !req
100. and the sun god, Ra,
took her as his goddess.
Copy !req
101. Yes, I know all that.
Copy !req
102. I'm the director
of this exhibition, remember?
Copy !req
103. Then you also know that Tutankhamun
Copy !req
104. wanted to bring his princess back to life
Copy !req
105. by offering the sun god a new wife.
Copy !req
106. This scene illustrates
a ritual he devised.
Copy !req
107. Nobody has ever fully deciphered
the hieroglyphics.
Copy !req
108. But I have!
Copy !req
109. It's a magic chant
that needs to be recited
Copy !req
110. in order to complete the ritual.
Copy !req
111. I'm sure of it!
Copy !req
112. He kind of reminds me of someone else
with crazy ideas.
Copy !req
113. - You.
Copy !req
114. You might think my theories
about Ladybug are crazy,
Copy !req
115. but you watch, girl, I'll prove you wrong.
Copy !req
116. Jalil, these types of frescoes
are almost always the illustration
Copy !req
117. of a "legend."
Copy !req
118. They call it a legend for a reason.
Copy !req
119. That's what everyone thinks,
but I know it's real.
Copy !req
120. - I can prove it!
- Really?
Copy !req
121. And exactly how are you going to prove it?
Copy !req
122. I just need to get my hands
on Tutankhamun's scepter
Copy !req
123. and recite the spell.
Copy !req
124. - MR. Are you serious?
- Aah.
Copy !req
125. Don't even think of touching that scepter.
Copy !req
126. I'd lose my job on the spot.
Copy !req
127. It's a priceless,
historical object, not a toy.
Copy !req
128. Come on, Dad,
we have to try out the spell!
Copy !req
129. What if Tutankhamun had found out
Copy !req
130. how to bring people back to life?
Copy !req
131. Listen, Jalil, that's enough.
Copy !req
132. Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls
Copy !req
133. and focus on the real world, this one.
Copy !req
134. There's nothing wrong
with living out a fantasy,
Copy !req
135. especially when I can make it a reality.
Copy !req
136. Fly away, my evil akuma,
and transform that young man.
Copy !req
137. Uh...
Copy !req
138. Uh...
Copy !req
139. Gah! Put that down!
Copy !req
140. I'm gonna show you the secret
I found out about Ladybug.
Copy !req
141. About time! This better be blog-worthy.
Copy !req
142. Pharaoh, I am Hawk Moth.
Copy !req
143. I have endowed you with the magical power
of the ancient gods.
Copy !req
144. You must do me a favor
in return for this gift.
Copy !req
145. My precious Nefertiti
will come back to life.
Copy !req
146. - Uh...
- This thing's making my eyes hurt.
Copy !req
147. Look closely. It is in there.
Copy !req
148. Huh?
Copy !req
149. Hey, you!
Copy !req
150. Tut, give me time!
Copy !req
151. Oh!
Copy !req
152. Hey!
Copy !req
153. Alya, hide!
Copy !req
154. Get out of here! Faster!
Copy !req
155. We gotta transform.
Copy !req
156. Tikki, spots on!
Copy !req
157. Yeah!
Copy !req
158. OMG.
Copy !req
159. Coming to you live, Ladyblog viewers.
Copy !req
160. I am at the scene
even before Ladybug or Cat Noir.
Copy !req
161. This is insane!
- Wow, I love the face changes.
Copy !req
162. You could use that one.
Copy !req
163. Time to transform.
Copy !req
164. Plagg, claws out!
Copy !req
165. You know that's considered stealing.
Copy !req
166. Actually, I'm taking back
what rightfully belongs to me.
Copy !req
167. Maybe if you were the real Pharaoh,
which you're not.
Copy !req
168. Look at Ladybug go!
Copy !req
169. If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up.
Copy !req
170. Ladybug waved at me. No way!
Copy !req
171. Sekhmet, give me your strength!
Copy !req
172. How nice of you
to hold the door open for me.
Copy !req
173. Hah!
Copy !req
174. Enjoy your coffin.
Copy !req
175. This is hecka crazy.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Copy !req
176. Huh? Hiya.
Copy !req
177. Your face.
Fate has placed you on my path.
Copy !req
178. - Come with me.
Hey, hands off the threads!
Copy !req
179. I can walk myself!
Copy !req
180. Seriously?
Copy !req
181. Let her go!
Copy !req
182. Hiding behind
an innocent bystander?
Copy !req
183. You're weak, Pharaoh.
Copy !req
184. I'm way more powerful
than you are.
Copy !req
185. And don't forget.
Copy !req
186. All the latest behind the scenes
are on my blog.
Copy !req
187. That Alya is one brave chick.
Copy !req
188. If by "brave" you mean
bossy, feisty, and bold,
Copy !req
189. yup, that's her.
Copy !req
190. Come on, get us out of here, Cat Noir.
Copy !req
191. Cataclysm!
Copy !req
192. How are we gonna find them?
Copy !req
193. Alya's got a livestream on her blog.
Copy !req
194. Hi, everyone, Alya here,
Copy !req
195. live blogging from the shoulder
of a terrifying villain.
Copy !req
196. Huge scoop to come. Stay tuned!
Copy !req
197. Uh, go ahead.
Copy !req
198. I'll join you as soon as my Miraculous
is charged up again.
Copy !req
199. Hurry up. It's gonna take both of us
to defeat him.
Copy !req
200. - Hey!
- Onto the next phase.
Copy !req
201. Anubis, bring me mummies!
Copy !req
202. Soon we will be together again,
my Nefertiti,
Copy !req
203. my long-lost love.
Copy !req
204. This is gonna be one major scoop.
Copy !req
205. Uh, excuse me, Pharaoh,
but, uh, what exactly is going on here?
Copy !req
206. I am going to carry out the sacred spell
to bring Nefertiti back.
Copy !req
207. Ah, hmm, gotcha.
Copy !req
208. You're talking about the spell
on the papyrus, right?
Copy !req
209. Correct, the 100 mummies and the offering.
Copy !req
210. Offering? What offering?
Copy !req
211. To persuade the sun god Ra
to give me back my sweet princess,
Copy !req
212. I must give him something in return,
a pure soul.
Copy !req
213. Dude, that's hard to come by.
Copy !req
214. But I've already found her.
You look so much like her.
Copy !req
215. Say what?
Copy !req
216. Hold on, Alya.
Copy !req
217. Whoa!
Copy !req
218. Oh, no, I ran right into
one of those time bubbles.
Copy !req
219. I've got to get out of this.
Copy !req
220. Ladybug, this is Alya.
Copy !req
221. I just found out
I'm the sacrificial offering
Copy !req
222. to the sun god.
Copy !req
223. Please hurry!
Copy !req
224. Hold on, Alya.
Copy !req
225. I'm nearly there.
Copy !req
226. Oh, do you seriously think
this mumbo jumbo with the sun
Copy !req
227. and mummy stuff is gonna work?
Copy !req
228. - You have no respect.
Copy !req
229. Your batteries are charged up enough.
Copy !req
230. Plagg, claws out!
Copy !req
231. Hmm.
Copy !req
232. Whoa!
Copy !req
233. Thanks for waitin' around for me.
Copy !req
234. No problem.
Copy !req
235. We've gotta find the hidden akuma
Copy !req
236. and free it before he sacrifices
that poor girl.
Copy !req
237. I can't see her or Pharaoh.
Copy !req
238. - Over there.
Copy !req
239. Huh?
Copy !req
240. Whoa, back up.
Copy !req
241. Who's that goddess chick
with the black spots,
Copy !req
242. there on your papyrus?
Copy !req
243. Ladybug, my sworn enemy.
Copy !req
244. My nemesis may have kept me
Copy !req
245. from carrying out my ritual
5,000 years before,
Copy !req
246. but she will not stop Nefertiti
from coming back to me this time.
Copy !req
247. Did you say, "Ladybug 5,000 years ago"?
Copy !req
248. Everyone does have a past
they can learn from.
Copy !req
249. Well, you don't look a day over 3,000.
Copy !req
250. Now you know why
I'm so much wiser than you.
Copy !req
251. Humph.
Copy !req
252. Oh, sacred Ra, god of the sun,
Copy !req
253. I, Pharaoh, offer to thee a pure soul.
Copy !req
254. This sacrifice
for the return of Nefertiti.
Copy !req
255. I bow to you and present this gift
with my mummies.
Copy !req
256. In company, we pray to you
Copy !req
257. the safe return of Princess Nefertiti!
Copy !req
258. Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Copy !req
259. Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Copy !req
260. Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Copy !req
261. Ladybug!
Copy !req
262. We've gotta save her
before he completes the ritual
Copy !req
263. or Alya will be gone forever.
Copy !req
264. What should we do?
Copy !req
265. Hold back the mummies
while I take on the Pharaoh.
Copy !req
266. Why do I have to deal with these freaks
Copy !req
267. while you get to slip calmly around back?
Copy !req
268. Because I'm the only one
who can capture his akuma,
Copy !req
269. and because you're the bravest one
out of both of us.
Copy !req
270. Sure.
Copy !req
271. Ha!
Copy !req
272. I know you don't really think that,
but I'll pretend you do.
Copy !req
273. Awaken!
Copy !req
274. Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Copy !req
275. Awaken, Nefertiti, awaken!
Copy !req
276. Awaken, Nefertiti—
Copy !req
277. Hey there,
you bunch of bandages.
Copy !req
278. What do you say we wrap this up?
Copy !req
279. Cat Noir!
Copy !req
280. Seize him!
Copy !req
281. Is that really as fast as you can go? Ha!
Copy !req
282. Wait. This looks like a trap!
Copy !req
283. Gotcha!
Copy !req
284. Horus, give me your wings!
Copy !req
285. Peeps, you've just witnessed
another insane feat from Ladybug.
Copy !req
286. Thanks for saving my butt.
Copy !req
287. Oh, uh, you're welcome.
But it's not over yet.
Copy !req
288. - Not until...
- Not until Ladybug destroys the pendant
Copy !req
289. containing the akuma
and turns everything back to normal.
Copy !req
290. - I pay attention.
Copy !req
291. The pendant! Good eye!
Copy !req
292. - Huh?
Copy !req
293. - Phew!
Way to go, Ladybug!
Copy !req
294. No!
Copy !req
295. You're not going
to win this time, Ladybug.
Copy !req
296. Help me, Ladybug!
Copy !req
297. Crush that insect!
Copy !req
298. What the...
Copy !req
299. - Cat Noir, this way!
Copy !req
300. We have to save Alya
before she reaches the circle of darkness.
Copy !req
301. You will not stop me
from bringing Nefertiti back.
Copy !req
302. I'll finish you off.
Copy !req
303. Anubis, bring me mummies!
Copy !req
304. Horus, give me your wings!
Copy !req
305. Huh?
Copy !req
306. Cat Noir, the pendant!
That's where the akuma is!
Copy !req
307. Sekhmet, give me your strength!
Copy !req
308. It's over.
Copy !req
309. Ladybug, save me!
Copy !req
310. Oh, Ra, god of the sun,
accept this humble offering,
Copy !req
311. and return the princess to me!
Copy !req
312. Lucky Charm!
Copy !req
313. - A Ladybug outfit?
- That's our last hope?
Copy !req
314. Hmm...
Copy !req
315. This offering
isn't good enough for Nefertiti.
Copy !req
316. Hey! Thanks a lot!
Copy !req
317. Too late, Ladybug. The ritual has begun.
Copy !req
318. Set Alya free and sacrifice me instead.
Copy !req
319. Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge,
5,000 years later?
Copy !req
320. After all, I'm the one who kept Nefertiti
from you all these years.
Copy !req
321. It's true that you would make
a much more precious offering
Copy !req
322. than this mortal.
Copy !req
323. Horus, give me wings.
Copy !req
324. Seriously?
Copy !req
325. Excuse you,
Copy !req
326. but I make excellent sacrificing material.
Copy !req
327. Take her Miraculous. The earring.
Copy !req
328. You win, Pharaoh.
Copy !req
329. If you want my Miraculous, go get it!
Copy !req
330. Get it!
Copy !req
331. A toy? You tricked me!
Copy !req
332. No more evildoing for you, little akuma.
Copy !req
333. Time to de-evilize!
Copy !req
334. Gotcha!
Copy !req
335. Bye-bye, little butterfly.
Copy !req
336. Miraculous Ladybug!
Copy !req
337. What happened?
Copy !req
338. Thanks, Ladybug, but, uh...
Copy !req
339. I've still gotta ask,
how old are you really?
Copy !req
340. Um, much older than a high school student,
Copy !req
341. that's for sure.
Copy !req
342. Don't you wanna know how old I am?
Copy !req
343. In a sec, looks like
I'll be able to tell for myself.
Copy !req
344. Where have you been?
Copy !req
345. You won't believe this. I got mummified.
Copy !req
346. Hope you weren't one of the ones
trying to swap me for Nefertiti.
Copy !req
347. - Creepy!
- What?
Copy !req
348. You were almost sacrificed?
Copy !req
349. If it hadn't been for you,
Copy !req
350. I'd never have found out
that Ladybug is at least 5,000 years old.
Copy !req
351. Hey, what are friends for?
Copy !req
352. I still don't get it though.
Copy !req
353. What was she doing with that
tenth grade history textbook?
Copy !req
354. Uh, she, she probably had to find out
Copy !req
355. what's been going on
for the past 50 centuries.
Copy !req
356. You're probably right.
It's tough staying in the loop.
Copy !req
357. Hey, Ladybug's textbook! It's gone!
Copy !req
358. You might've gotten away this time,
Copy !req
359. but I assure you, Ladybug,
Copy !req
360. someday, wherever you are,
I will have your Miraculous,
Copy !req
361. and you'll be nothing!
Copy !req
362. Nothing at all!
Copy !req
363. I don't get it.
Copy !req
364. I know I'm not 5,000 years old.
Copy !req
365. So who exactly was that Ladybug
in the papyrus?
Copy !req
366. Kwamis like me, and superheroes like you
Copy !req
367. have always existed.
Copy !req
368. So that wasn't you on the papyrus either?
Copy !req
369. What do you think?
Copy !req
370. You don't look 5,000 years old.
Copy !req
371. Well, I'm not.
Copy !req
372. I'm older than that.
Copy !req
373. I'm the kwami who has watched over
Copy !req
374. every single Ladybug
since the very beginning.
Copy !req
375. You must've known much less
klutzy Ladybugs than me, right?
Copy !req
376. Every Ladybug is different.
Copy !req
377. Yeah, that's what I thought.
Copy !req
378. Marinette, you are different.
Copy !req
379. But different as in surprising,
unpredictable, and endearing.
Copy !req
380. And very talented. You learn fast.
Copy !req
381. - Really?
- Yes.
Copy !req
382. You'd better get to sleep.
Copy !req
383. Remember, you have that
history test tomorrow.
Copy !req
384. Oh, yeah.
Good thing it's on ancient Egypt.
Copy !req