1. In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Copy !req
2. just a normal girl with a normal life,
Copy !req
3. but there's something about me
that no one knows yet.
Copy !req
4. 'Cause I have a secret.
Copy !req
5. So, what do you think of the first single
off my next album?
Copy !req
6. Can you feel it, Bob? Isn't it killer?
Copy !req
7. Not bad, Jagged, not bad.
Copy !req
8. But if you really want
to be making something killer,
Copy !req
9. let's talk about this duet with Mr. XY.
Copy !req
10. No way, he's not a rocker.
Copy !req
11. He's a baby.
Copy !req
12. I bet he doesn't even shave yet.
Copy !req
13. Well, this "baby" just pushed you out
of the number-one sales spot.
Copy !req
14. And? Doesn't make him
a true musician like me.
Copy !req
15. Penny thinks everything I'm doing
is rock star material.
Copy !req
16. She thinks I'm killer.
Copy !req
17. Penny might be your agent,
but I'm your real boss.
Copy !req
18. Listen, bottom line is
that Bob Roth Records
Copy !req
19. cannot afford to be number two in sales.
Copy !req
20. Or rep a number-two rock star.
Copy !req
21. Get real, Jagged.
Copy !req
22. You're gonna have to modernize your music,
Copy !req
23. change the way you look,
get a whole new style.
Copy !req
24. You wanna talk about real?
Copy !req
25. I'm a genuine rock 'n' roller, Bob.
Copy !req
26. Not some pop star in diapers.
Copy !req
27. I'm a real artist with real talent.
Copy !req
28. Even my hair is real.
Copy !req
29. And that's what people love about me.
Copy !req
30. Isn't that right, Fang? Yeah.
Copy !req
31. And the artwork you came up with
for my album is a waste of my time.
Copy !req
32. Seriously, Bob, what is this trash?
Copy !req
33. It looks like a perfume ad.
Copy !req
34. And that's what people want these days.
Copy !req
35. Well I don't.
Copy !req
36. My album covers are raw to the bone,
exuding the smell of sweat and leather.
Copy !req
37. You do know, don't you,
Copy !req
38. that if your next album doesn't
rank number one on the charts,
Copy !req
39. it'll be the last one you'll ever do
with Bob Roth Records!
Copy !req
40. I'd rather put out nothing at all
Copy !req
41. than sing some pathetic duet
with a baby-faced nobody.
Copy !req
42. Bob, Jagged and I had an idea.
Copy !req
43. Its concept is modern,
Copy !req
44. but it also respects
Jagged's own rugged style.
Copy !req
45. The schoolgirl who made these glasses
has some real talent.
Copy !req
46. She totally gets my style.
Copy !req
47. She's gonna design
the cover of my new album.
Copy !req
48. - A schoolgirl? Ha!
- See? That's just it.
Copy !req
49. She's the same age as the target audience.
Copy !req
50. Uh... Here's her address.
Copy !req
51. Okay. But just think about
the duet with Mr. XY.
Copy !req
52. Find that girl, Bob.
Copy !req
53. So are you interested?
Uh, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
54. Let me get this straight.
Copy !req
55. You want me to design the album cover
for Jagged Stone.
Copy !req
56. My all-time favorite singer?
Copy !req
57. That's right.
Requested by Jagged Stone himself.
Copy !req
58. I've brought a few visuals
Copy !req
59. so you can get a sense
of what we're going for.
Copy !req
60. This doesn't seem like
Jagged Stone material.
Copy !req
61. More like a perfume ad.
Copy !req
62. This is the direction of his new image.
Copy !req
63. More modern, current.
Copy !req
64. Really? Wow.
Copy !req
65. I was thinking more along the lines of...
Copy !req
66. Don't think.
This is what is selling these days.
Copy !req
67. Uh, sure.
Copy !req
68. And one last thing, Marinette,
we're in a hurry.
Copy !req
69. We need your proposal
by the end of the day.
Copy !req
70. You up to it?
Copy !req
71. - Mm?
- Hm.
Copy !req
72. Uh, yeah. Okay.
Copy !req
73. See you later, then.
Copy !req
74. My daughter, famous album-cover designer.
Copy !req
75. You're gonna kill it, Marinette-style.
Copy !req
76. Booyah!
Copy !req
77. Why does Jagged Stone
want to change his style?
Copy !req
78. XY's music is so cold
and lifeless, repetitive, mundane.
Copy !req
79. The total opposite of Jagged's.
Copy !req
80. And what I've just done here is
Copy !req
81. so not my style, either.
Copy !req
82. So why're you doing it, then?
Copy !req
83. Because that's what I was asked to do.
Copy !req
84. Maybe you should follow your gut feeling,
do something that's really you.
Copy !req
85. But you heard what Mr. Roth said,
Copy !req
86. "This is what is selling these days."
Copy !req
87. Yeah, but Jagged Stone wanted you
because of your style.
Copy !req
88. The pressure. I can't deal.
Copy !req
89. Marinette, superhero of France,
defender of the innocent,
Copy !req
90. fighter of all the rights,
can't deal with the pressure?
Copy !req
91. What happened to
the raw impulsive artistry that make this?
Copy !req
92. Yeah, about that,
Copy !req
93. - Mr. Roth told me...
- Marinette's young, Jag.
Copy !req
94. She represents our target audience.
Copy !req
95. She's come up with a modern concept
that's exactly what you need.
Copy !req
96. Doesn't it look a lot like
the cover of that YZ guy?
Copy !req
97. Marinette, don't listen to Bob.
Copy !req
98. Could you do another one?
You know, Jagged-style?
Copy !req
99. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
100. Hm.
- But I don't know if...
Copy !req
101. You my girl, Marinette.
Copy !req
102. Remember. Raw impulsive artistry.
Copy !req
103. - I think we're all done here, Bob.
- No, we are not...
Copy !req
104. Come with me, Marinette.
- Huh?
Copy !req
105. Don't worry. Just do your best, okay?
Copy !req
106. - We are not... Aah!
Copy !req
107. Why am I number one?
Copy !req
108. It's simple. It's not about music.
It's about technology.
Copy !req
109. This computer is programmed
Copy !req
110. to produce music
and lyrics that people will like.
Copy !req
111. It's guaranteed success.
Copy !req
112. You knocked Jagged Stone
off the number one spot.
Copy !req
113. What do you think of him?
Copy !req
114. Jagged Stone?
Copy !req
115. The "Hero of Rock 'n' Roll"?
Copy !req
116. Try "Ragged" Stone.
Copy !req
117. That guy is old school, a has-been.
Copy !req
118. - Guitar solos areso ten-minutes-ago.
- Me? Old school? A has-been?
Copy !req
119. He's had his career, but it's over now.
Copy !req
120. He'll never be number one,
not while XY is here.
Copy !req
121. Why you little perfume ad!
Copy !req
122. My music is killer.
Copy !req
123. He's stealing my catchphrases!
Copy !req
124. Tonight, Mr. XY will be
giving a very special one-time concert
Copy !req
125. from the top of the Eiffel Tower,
to celebrate his album's success,
Copy !req
126. - and thank his awesome fans.
Copy !req
127. Hey, Ragged, if you want to know
what today's music sounds like,
Copy !req
128. come to my concert.
Copy !req
129. I'll reserve you a front row seat,
old man.
Copy !req
130. You know, in case your hearing is going.
Copy !req
131. He can't talk about me like that.
Copy !req
132. This guy is an insult to rock.
Copy !req
133. And me!
Copy !req
134. I feel a disharmonious soul,
Copy !req
135. an angry discord.
Copy !req
136. Ideal prey for my evil akumas.
Copy !req
137. Go find that Jagged Stone
and rock his world.
Copy !req
138. Guitar Villain, I am Hawk Moth.
Copy !req
139. I'm giving you
and your vicious crocodile the power
Copy !req
140. to show the whole world
that you are the number one rocker.
Copy !req
141. Just make sure you get me Ladybug
and Cat Noir's Miraculouses in return.
Copy !req
142. Yeah, let's rock.
Copy !req
143. Hey, Marinette. Hey, hi.
Copy !req
144. Hey! Oh. Uh...
Copy !req
145. What's going on?
I mean, uh, how's up? I mean...
Copy !req
146. - Well, uh...
- Hi, Adri-kins!
Copy !req
147. There you are.
Copy !req
148. Amazing Chloé has got a surprise for you.
Copy !req
149. She knows you're a fan of Jagged Stone's.
Copy !req
150. Uh, I am.
Copy !req
151. So you get a private meeting
with your favorite star.
Copy !req
152. He's staying right here, in Daddy's hotel.
Copy !req
153. Is Chloé the best, or is Chloé the best?
Copy !req
154. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
155. Chloé speaking in the third person?
Copy !req
156. Totally annoying.
Copy !req
157. No, the part where
Adrien likes Jagged just like me.
Copy !req
158. Now I definitely can't mess up
the art work.
Copy !req
159. So now what?
Copy !req
160. I'm going to design Jagged Stone's
next album my way and no one else's.
Copy !req
161. Way to go, Marinette.
Follow your instinct.
Copy !req
162. Hm?
Copy !req
163. Uh, talking bag.
Copy !req
164. New technology. Import from Japan.
Copy !req
165. - Mm.
Copy !req
166. You and I, both like
the same kind of music.
Copy !req
167. Isn't that awesome?
Copy !req
168. I thought you liked Mr. XY.
Copy !req
169. Of course I do. Don't you?
Copy !req
170. Not really, no.
Copy !req
171. Uh, well, neither do I.
Copy !req
172. - See? We have the same great taste.
- Mm.
Copy !req
173. A duet with Mr. XY would show everyone
that Jagged's still got it.
Copy !req
174. From now on,
you can call him Guitar Villain.
Copy !req
175. He'll never do a duet with Mr. XY.
Copy !req
176. In fact, soon,
there won't even be a Mr. XY.
Copy !req
177. Rockin' riff, baby!
Copy !req
178. Soon, there'll be nothing
but Guitar Villain fans.
Copy !req
179. The one and only rocker on Earth.
Copy !req
180. Such symphony to my ears.
Copy !req
181. It won't be long before
Ladybug and Cat Noir
Copy !req
182. show up to meet their doom.
Copy !req
183. Hurry, Adrien. Get me outta here.
Copy !req
184. Yeah, Guitar Villain. Whoo!
Copy !req
185. Plagg, claws out!
Copy !req
186. Rockin' riff, baby!
Copy !req
187. Rockin' riff, baby!
Copy !req
188. Huh?
Copy !req
189. Hey, Jagged. Come on,
why don't you try and rock my world?
Copy !req
190. The name's Guitar Villain, pussycat.
Copy !req
191. - Awesome solo!
Copy !req
192. Awesome solo!
Copy !req
193. Welcome to my fan club, baby.
Copy !req
194. Do see what I see, Tikki?
Copy !req
195. If you see a dragon, then yes, I do.
Copy !req
196. I've gotta transform.
Copy !req
197. Tikki, spots on!
Copy !req
198. Ha!
Copy !req
199. Cat Noir, you Okay?
Copy !req
200. Good to see you, m'lady.
Copy !req
201. Cat Noir, your stick!
Copy !req
202. Oh.
Copy !req
203. You're wasting my time.
I've got a concert to get to.
Copy !req
204. Come on, we gotta follow them.
Copy !req
205. His power comes from playing his guitar.
Copy !req
206. We've gotta keep him from performing.
Copy !req
207. Well,
I won't let you do this solo.
Copy !req
208. You're an insult to the music world, XY!
Copy !req
209. A hologram? Huh?
Copy !req
210. Where's the real XY?
Copy !req
211. He's not here yet.
Copy !req
212. The concert's not till tonight.
Copy !req
213. I'm just setting up
the special effects, dude.
Copy !req
214. Awesome solo!
Copy !req
215. Where's Mr. XY? Answer me!
Copy !req
216. On TV. He's at the TV station.
Copy !req
217. Rockin' riff, baby!
Copy !req
218. Huh? You again?
Copy !req
219. To the TV studios, Fang.
Copy !req
220. He gonna get there before us!
Copy !req
221. Then we better make sure he doesn't find
what he's looking for.
Copy !req
222. Kids Plus TV, how can I help you?
Copy !req
223. Ladybug says we're in danger.
Copy !req
224. - Mr. XY, um,
Copy !req
225. we have to leave the studio. Immediately.
Copy !req
226. What the heck?
Copy !req
227. We just got a call from Ladybug.
You're not safe here.
Copy !req
228. Hit the credits!
Copy !req
229. - Where's that studio?
Copy !req
230. Uh, third floor!
Copy !req
231. Awesome solo!
Copy !req
232. Everything is gonna be fine.
Copy !req
233. I'm sure this is just a precaution.
Copy !req
234. We must get you to safety.
Copy !req
235. So, what's this Guitar Villain gonna do,
Copy !req
236. blow me away with his evil guitar solo?
Copy !req
237. - Yeah!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
238. Once we catch Guitar Villain,
we'll get you to the Eiffel Tower,
Copy !req
239. just in time for your live performance.
Copy !req
240. Who even cares?
Copy !req
241. My roadies can just project
my image onstage.
Copy !req
242. Live concerts are so ten-minutes-ago.
Copy !req
243. Good job, Fang.
Copy !req
244. I've found you at last, XY.
Copy !req
245. Ready for the show?
Copy !req
246. Dude, are you Jagged Stone?
Copy !req
247. Was Jagged Stone. Now I'm Guitar Villain.
Copy !req
248. Don't worry.
Copy !req
249. You're not gonna become one of my fans.
Copy !req
250. You don't deserve it.
Copy !req
251. I've got something special
in store for you.
Copy !req
252. Something with a little rock 'n' roll.
Copy !req
253. No!
Copy !req
254. Back to square one.
Copy !req
255. I get the feeling
we're in for quite a concert.
Copy !req
256. You ready?
Copy !req
257. To rock 'n' riff, baby!
Copy !req
258. Hello, Paris!
Copy !req
259. You said your music
is the only killer music around.
Copy !req
260. Is that right?
Copy !req
261. I didn't mean it.
Copy !req
262. Listen, Mr. Guitar,
Copy !req
263. we can do the duet your style.
Copy !req
264. Too late.
Copy !req
265. I'm going to show you
what killer music really sounds like.
Copy !req
266. - Ultimate solo!
Copy !req
267. - MR. XY: Stop it, please.
Copy !req
268. XY's gonna fall!
Copy !req
269. Talk about being
between a rock and a hard place.
Copy !req
270. Easy, easy, nice dragon.
Copy !req
271. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
272. Enough already.
Copy !req
273. We've got a stuck kitty to rescue.
Copy !req
274. Uh...
Copy !req
275. Whoa!
Copy !req
276. Well, the bug mastered the dragon.
Copy !req
277. So how'd you like the concert?
Copy !req
278. You still think your music
is the only killer music out there?
Copy !req
279. No. Please, don't.
Copy !req
280. - Awesome solo...
Not so fast!
Copy !req
281. - My dragon.
Copy !req
282. MR. XY: Ladybug, Cat Noir, hurry!
Copy !req
283. - Nice job.
Copy !req
284. - You're too late.
Copy !req
285. Nothing can stop Guitar Villain.
Copy !req
286. Rockin' riff, baby!
Copy !req
287. We only rock
to the real Jagged Stone.
Copy !req
288. The akuma must be in his guitar.
Copy !req
289. - How are we gonna get to that?
- Let's go backstage.
Copy !req
290. Where did they go?
Copy !req
291. You okay?
Copy !req
292. Too bad for them.
They're gonna miss the final song.
Copy !req
293. Solo!
Copy !req
294. Oh. Are you scared?
Copy !req
295. Or is it too awesome for you?
Copy !req
296. Please, Mr. Guitar Villain.
Copy !req
297. Lucky charm!
Copy !req
298. - Extreme fixing gel?
- You planning on doing his hair?
Copy !req
299. Actually, yes!
Copy !req
300. Go get him, Cat Noir!
Copy !req
301. Maybe you haven't heard it properly.
Copy !req
302. Cataclysm!
Copy !req
303. Awesome solo!
Copy !req
304. I can't see! Where are my fans?
Copy !req
305. Ah.
Copy !req
306. MR. XY: Hey, don't forget about me!
Copy !req
307. - Please, help!
Copy !req
308. Music's over, akuma.
Copy !req
309. Time to de-evilize!
Copy !req
310. Rock 'n' Roll!
Copy !req
311. Bye-bye, little butterfly.
Copy !req
312. Miraculous Ladybug!
Copy !req
313. Pound it!
Copy !req
314. What's he doing here?
Copy !req
315. He came to tell you that perhaps you've,
uh, underestimated the power of his music
Copy !req
316. - This guy's crazy!
- Thank you.
Copy !req
317. How about an autograph, Jagged?
Copy !req
318. Which reminds me, I still have work to do.
Copy !req
319. - Bug out!
Copy !req
320. Don't do your victory dance just yet,
Copy !req
321. because one day,
I'll play you my favorite music,
Copy !req
322. the anthem of your defeat,
Ladybug and Cat Noir!
Copy !req
323. Done!
Copy !req
324. Jagged Stone will love it.
Copy !req
325. I hope so. It's 100% Marinette.
Copy !req
326. It's my awesome solo!
Copy !req
327. Rock 'n' roll!
Copy !req
328. Oh, yeah, this is it.
Copy !req
329. You did it, girl.
Copy !req
330. I can almost smell the leather and sweat
Copy !req
331. just radiating off of this design.
Copy !req
332. Uh, you actually are smelling it.
Copy !req
333. I concocted a special scented sticker
for your album.
Copy !req
334. I want it. I gotta have it.
It's authentic. It's original.
Copy !req
335. It's so Jagged.
Copy !req
336. No, you can't.
Copy !req
337. It's not what the public...
Copy !req
338. Fine, then I'm outta here.
Copy !req
339. I'm sure another record company
would be perfectly happy
Copy !req
340. - with a number two chart topper.
- Wha...
Copy !req
341. Yee-haa, Tikki!
Copy !req
342. I can't believe
I've just designed the cover
Copy !req
343. for Jagged Stone's new album.
Copy !req
344. I'm so proud of you, Marinette.
Copy !req
345. In today's headlines,
Jagged Stone's new album
Copy !req
346. hit the charts at number one,
knocking Mr. XY off his throne.
Copy !req
347. Welcome back, King of Rock 'n' Roll.
Copy !req
348. Uh, hey there, Marinette.
Copy !req
349. So, actually,
I'm a huge fan of Jagged Stone's,
Copy !req
350. and I saw you designed
his new album cover.
Copy !req
351. I... I did.
Copy !req
352. Crazy, huh?
Copy !req
353. I wanted to ask
if I could get it autographed?
Copy !req
354. Uh, okay, sure.
Copy !req
355. Uh, I'll ask him.
Copy !req
356. Uh, no, um, actually, I meant you.
Copy !req
357. Me?
Copy !req
358. Me?
Copy !req
359. If you wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
360. Awesome! Thanks, Marinette.
Copy !req
361. Girl, did I just imagine it
Copy !req
362. or did you just sign
an autograph for Adrien?
Copy !req
363. I can't feel my legs anymore.
Copy !req
364. Hold me up. I'm gonna fall over.
Copy !req
365. Is he still around?
Copy !req
366. It's okay, he's gone.
Copy !req
367. You can fall over.
Copy !req
368. This is the happiest day of my life.
Copy !req
369. Rock 'n' Roll!
Copy !req