1. When people finish their day
and hurry home,
Copy !req
2. my day starts.
Copy !req
3. My diner is open from midnight
to 7:00 in the morning.
Copy !req
4. They call it "Midnight Diner."
Copy !req
Copy !req
6. That's all I have on my menu.
Copy !req
7. But I make whatever customers request,
as long as I have ingredients for it.
Copy !req
8. That's my policy.
Copy !req
9. Do I even have customers?
Copy !req
10. More than you would expect.
Copy !req
11. Here you go.
Copy !req
12. Here you are.
Copy !req
13. Here you are.
Copy !req
14. Everyone's so quiet.
Copy !req
15. Autumn is the best time for good food.
Copy !req
16. Here you go.
Copy !req
17. Grilled salted salmon
and mushrooms sautéed in butter.
Copy !req
18. I've been waiting for it.
Copy !req
19. This fragrance...
Copy !req
20. - Thank you.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
21. Master, another whiskey sour, please.
Copy !req
22. Sure.
Copy !req
23. Mr. Uehara and Kimie are a married couple
Copy !req
24. who runs a barbershop
called Barber Uehara.
Copy !req
25. Sometimes they come here together.
Copy !req
26. The mushrooms are delicious.
Copy !req
27. The salmon is delicious, too.
Copy !req
28. Where are you two from?
Copy !req
29. I'm from Nemuro in Hokkaido.
Copy !req
30. I'm from Nagano.
Copy !req
31. Deep in the mountains of Kiso.
Copy !req
32. That explains your tastes.
Copy !req
33. My dad would often send me out
to hunt for mushrooms in the fall.
Copy !req
34. As a kid, a fisherman my family knew
Copy !req
35. used to give us fresh salmon every year.
Copy !req
36. By the way, Kimie,
Copy !req
37. you said you might travel to Shanghai
with your friend.
Copy !req
38. Are you going?
Copy !req
39. Yes, I decided to go.
Copy !req
40. When?
Copy !req
41. Day after tomorrow.
Copy !req
42. It's a five-night all-you-can-eat tour
to eat crabs.
Copy !req
43. I'm so jealous! I love Shanghai crabs.
Copy !req
44. This is the best season for them.
Copy !req
45. Here you are.
Copy !req
46. - Are you staying home, Mr. Uehara?
- Yes.
Copy !req
47. Kimie has always wanted to go to Shanghai,
Copy !req
48. but we had to prioritize the business.
Copy !req
49. - It'll be a nice break.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
50. Well,
Copy !req
51. what a thoughtful husband!
Copy !req
52. It's only one week, so I'll be fine...
Copy !req
53. on my own.
Copy !req
54. That's what Mr. Uehara said,
Copy !req
55. but the day after Kimie left for Shanghai,
Copy !req
56. he started coming to my place
almost every night.
Copy !req
57. I'm fine when I'm in the shop,
Copy !req
58. but when I'm home alone,
Copy !req
59. I get restless and anxious.
Copy !req
60. It makes me want to go
somewhere with people.
Copy !req
61. Another beer, please.
Copy !req
62. Sure.
Copy !req
63. Kimie is out spreading
her wings in Shanghai,
Copy !req
64. so I think it's okay
if you do some unwinding, too. Right?
Copy !req
65. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
66. Actually, I just went to pachinko
for the first time in a long time.
Copy !req
67. I lost 30,000 yen.
Copy !req
68. You've unwound too much.
Copy !req
69. I got a little too deep.
Copy !req
70. Thank you.
Copy !req
71. Is Mr. Uehara going to be okay like that?
Copy !req
72. Don't worry about it.
Kimie will be back in a few days.
Copy !req
73. - Welcome.
- Good evening.
Copy !req
74. Good evening.
Copy !req
75. Welcome.
Copy !req
76. So you two are childhood friends?
Copy !req
77. We used to be neighbors.
Copy !req
78. When I was looking for someone
Copy !req
79. to teach my new staff how to put
on kimonos, we crossed paths again.
Copy !req
80. It was such a surprise.
It's been decades since we last met.
Copy !req
81. - You teach how to put on kimonos?
- Yes.
Copy !req
82. I lived in Kansai for a long time
after I had got married,
Copy !req
83. but my husband passed away last year,
and I came here.
Copy !req
84. Here you go.
Copy !req
85. You're very good.
Copy !req
86. Master, some pickles, please.
Copy !req
87. Sure.
Copy !req
88. My name is Sayoko Kagami.
Copy !req
89. It's nice to meet you.
Copy !req
90. Maybe it's just me, but...
Copy !req
91. you look like you've regained your youth.
Copy !req
92. That's amazing!
Copy !req
93. Can you tell?
Copy !req
94. Could it be love?
Copy !req
95. No!
Copy !req
96. I've been getting shaves.
Copy !req
97. Shaves?
Copy !req
98. You know Mr. Uehara who was just here?
Copy !req
99. He's a barber.
Copy !req
100. He's actually really good at it.
Copy !req
101. When he touches your face
Copy !req
102. you can tell he has softer hands
than other men.
Copy !req
103. Especially the balls of his fingertips...
Copy !req
104. Welcome.
Copy !req
105. Are you closed already?
Copy !req
106. No.
Copy !req
107. I don't have a reservation.
Copy !req
108. Could I just ask for a shave?
Copy !req
109. Of course.
Copy !req
110. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
111. My earlobes are sensitive.
Copy !req
112. Should I stop?
Copy !req
113. No.
Copy !req
114. Keep going.
Copy !req
115. Yes.
Copy !req
116. Here's your change.
Copy !req
117. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
118. I've made you close late.
Copy !req
119. No, don't worry about it.
Copy !req
120. I heard about you at a restaurant.
Copy !req
121. Is that so?
Copy !req
122. It was better than expected.
Copy !req
123. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
124. Can you join me for dinner?
If you don't mind.
Copy !req
125. It's on me.
As thanks for staying open late.
Copy !req
126. No, it was nothing...
Copy !req
127. Actually...
Copy !req
128. I'm on my own tonight.
Copy !req
129. Please?
Copy !req
130. Were the Shanghai crabs good?
Copy !req
131. Yes, I ate as much as I possibly could.
Copy !req
132. This mooncake is really good.
Copy !req
133. In Japan we eat dango
while gazing at the moon,
Copy !req
134. but in China they eat these mooncakes.
Copy !req
135. Mr. Uehara was acting
a little strange while you were gone.
Copy !req
136. Really?
Copy !req
137. He's no good without his wife around.
Copy !req
138. Here you go.
Copy !req
139. Shanghai crabs are good,
but salmons are still my favorite.
Copy !req
140. This salmon is caught from wild
in the Sea of Okhotsk.
Copy !req
141. I'm so excited!
Copy !req
142. By the way, the woman who came here...
Copy !req
143. What's her name?
Copy !req
144. The childhood friend of the hostess.
Copy !req
145. Mrs. Sayoko who teaches
how to put on kimonos.
Copy !req
146. Her.
Copy !req
147. Did she go to your shop?
Copy !req
148. No.
Copy !req
149. She was a real mature beauty, wasn't she?
Copy !req
150. That kimono sure suited her.
Copy !req
151. Master, can I have some rice, too?
Copy !req
152. Sure thing.
Copy !req
153. I'm glad to hear
you were able to relax, anyway.
Copy !req
154. Indeed.
Copy !req
155. I'm sorry for leaving everything to you
at the shop.
Copy !req
156. It was nothing.
Copy !req
157. Must be nice...
Copy !req
158. One moment please.
Copy !req
159. Hello, Barber Uehara.
Copy !req
160. I see. Just a shave?
Copy !req
161. At 3:00 tomorrow.
Copy !req
162. And your name?
Copy !req
163. Mrs. Sayoko Kagami.
Copy !req
164. My apologies.
Copy !req
165. We're looking forward to seeing you.
Thank you.
Copy !req
166. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
167. Are you okay?
Copy !req
168. I saw you dropped your razor.
Copy !req
169. I must be tired.
Copy !req
170. Did something happen while I was gone?
Copy !req
171. What do you mean?
Copy !req
172. I won't get mad,
so please just don't lie to me.
Copy !req
173. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
174. Kimie...
Copy !req
175. I...
Copy !req
176. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
177. This is the first time I've...
Copy !req
178. It's your fault.
Copy !req
179. Touching my face like that...
Copy !req
180. I completely lost my senses.
Copy !req
181. There are some things we have to do...
Copy !req
182. even if we know they're wrong.
Copy !req
183. Yes...
Copy !req
184. I'll go...
Copy !req
185. take a shower first.
Copy !req
186. Yes.
Copy !req
187. Can you...
Copy !req
188. put on kimonos?
Copy !req
189. No...
Copy !req
190. Men used to know how to do it.
Copy !req
191. They always made sure
a naked woman went home as a lady.
Copy !req
192. So, he's completely terrified.
Copy !req
193. His hands shake so much
he can't even hold a razor.
Copy !req
194. What a fool. It's so pitiful.
Copy !req
195. A former gangster's wife...
Copy !req
196. She must have kept the room dark.
Copy !req
197. But you'd think he would
still see her back, though...
Copy !req
198. No, normally, you'd definitely see it...
Copy !req
199. What's he doing now?
Copy !req
200. He left.
Copy !req
201. He's probably staying
in a capsule hotel or something.
Copy !req
202. - Master, beer, please.
- Sure.
Copy !req
203. Everything had been
going almost too smoothly.
Copy !req
204. We don't have kids,
so it's just the two of us
Copy !req
205. doing the same thing everyday,
over and over again.
Copy !req
206. - Tell me, master.
- What?
Copy !req
207. What sort of woman is Sayoko?
Copy !req
208. You met her, right?
Copy !req
209. Yeah.
Copy !req
210. Is she so beautiful that men
just can't help but want her?
Copy !req
211. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
212. She's coming tomorrow.
Copy !req
213. To the shop.
Copy !req
214. What?
Copy !req
215. I wonder how I'll feel.
Copy !req
216. Welcome.
Copy !req
217. I called in a reservation yesterday.
Copy !req
218. I'm sorry,
Copy !req
219. my husband is out on some urgent business.
Copy !req
220. I see.
Copy !req
221. Then...
Copy !req
222. could you do it for me instead?
Copy !req
223. Me? Are you sure?
Copy !req
224. Please. You can, right?
Copy !req
225. Yes.
Copy !req
226. You're also very good.
Copy !req
227. - Thank you.
- I'll come again.
Copy !req
228. Ten years...
Copy !req
229. this shop has been open.
Copy !req
230. It was our dream...
Copy !req
231. to have our own shop even if it's small.
Copy !req
232. - Is that so?
- Therefore...
Copy !req
233. please don't come again.
Copy !req
234. Please.
Copy !req
235. My husband apologizes as well.
Copy !req
236. All right.
Copy !req
237. Give my regards to him.
Copy !req
238. Here you are.
Copy !req
239. That woman...
Copy !req
240. she knew that I knew.
Copy !req
241. But she fell asleep in the chair.
Copy !req
242. I was afraid my hands
would move on their own.
Copy !req
243. I'm glad you were able to talk things out.
Copy !req
244. Welcome.
Copy !req
245. I got on a train to go back to Nagano...
Copy !req
246. but I turned back halfway.
Copy !req
247. How selfish of you.
Copy !req
248. Sorry.
Copy !req
249. Try it if you like.
Copy !req
250. Salmon and mushrooms
are good on their own, but...
Copy !req
251. I think...
Copy !req
252. they're best together.
Copy !req
253. Come on.
Copy !req
254. Let's eat before they get cold.
Copy !req
255. No cheating next time.
Copy !req
256. Let's eat.
Copy !req
257. Cut a large piece of tinfoil
and wrap up the ingredients tightly.
Copy !req
258. The aroma of the butter
will permeate the dish
Copy !req
259. without losing the salmon
and mushrooms' flavors.
Copy !req
260. Master...
Copy !req
261. You wouldn't happen to know
a good barbershop, would you?
Copy !req
262. Don't tell her because the last place
prevented her from coming again.
Copy !req
263. I thought he might be good in bed, too.
Copy !req
264. He works with his hands after all.
Copy !req
265. What's so funny?
Copy !req
266. Can I talk to you for a minute?
Copy !req
267. What was it?
Copy !req
268. Let's not go there today.
Let's go somewhere else.
Copy !req