1. When people finish their day
and hurry home,
Copy !req
2. my day starts.
Copy !req
3. My diner is open from midnight
to 7:00 in the morning.
Copy !req
4. They call it "Midnight Diner."
Copy !req
5. Do I even have customers?
Copy !req
6. More than you would expect.
Copy !req
7. We don't keep bread,
because we mainly serve rice.
Copy !req
8. If some customers
really want to eat sandwiches,
Copy !req
9. they bring their own bread.
Copy !req
10. Here you go.
Copy !req
11. Welcome.
Copy !req
12. Master, make me the usual
with these, please.
Copy !req
13. You brought so many again today.
Copy !req
14. Please serve some to everyone
if they want.
Copy !req
15. Okay.
Copy !req
16. Here you are.
Copy !req
17. This is the one!
Copy !req
18. Mr. Kotani is a successful businessman
who runs cat cafés and dog cafés,
Copy !req
19. but somehow he always orders
this yakisoba sandwich here.
Copy !req
20. What's the point of putting
yakisoba noodles between bread?
Copy !req
21. They both contain carbohydrates, right?
Copy !req
22. I agree. Just looking at it makes me full.
Copy !req
23. That's why it's great.
Copy !req
24. Meat and carbohydrates
are essential to our youth, right?
Copy !req
25. Our youth.
Copy !req
26. Mr. Kotani, you seem to be so happy today.
Copy !req
27. Has anything good happened to you?
Copy !req
28. Thank you for asking!
Copy !req
29. My high school will participate
Copy !req
30. in the Spring National Invitational
High School Baseball Tournament.
Copy !req
31. For the first time in 40 years!
Copy !req
32. Congratulations.
Copy !req
33. Well done!
Copy !req
34. They did their best.
Copy !req
35. Were you in the baseball club?
Copy !req
36. Yeah, as a substitute, though.
Copy !req
37. One of my classmates back then
is the manager now.
Copy !req
38. Please give him a glass.
Copy !req
39. Congrats. Would you like some?
Copy !req
40. Yes, please.
Copy !req
41. Ryu doesn't look like it,
but he played baseball in high school.
Copy !req
42. So I guess he understands very well
how he feels.
Copy !req
43. That manager promised me once
Copy !req
44. that he'd make sure to take his students
to Koshien Stadium one day.
Copy !req
45. He kept his promise for sure.
Copy !req
46. Yes.
Copy !req
47. No need to cry.
Copy !req
48. Let's celebrate!
Copy !req
49. Master, beer for everyone. They're on me!
Copy !req
50. Sure.
Copy !req
51. Mr. Kotani!
Copy !req
52. Long time no see!
Copy !req
53. Let's go for a drink!
Copy !req
54. He must be so happy
that he's been drinking every day since.
Copy !req
55. He was so drunk.
Copy !req
56. He stood up and started singing
his school song.
Copy !req
57. He made a mess at my bar, too.
Copy !req
58. At your place, too?
Copy !req
59. That's right.
Copy !req
60. He kept talking
to other customers persistently,
Copy !req
61. so I told him off, saying, "Stop it!"
Copy !req
62. You should've told him off, too, Master.
Copy !req
63. Next time he comes around.
Copy !req
64. Give him a break.
Copy !req
65. He works hard as the head of the company.
Copy !req
66. He must feel so pleased and nostalgic.
Copy !req
67. I like high school baseball games.
Copy !req
68. Young baseball players tickle
my motherly instinct.
Copy !req
69. I want to treat them with lots of food.
Copy !req
70. But they're the ones
who achieved the result, right?
Copy !req
71. Do high school baseball games
make adults get excited so much?
Copy !req
72. In spring and summer.
Copy !req
73. Isn't it one of the Japanese traditions?
Copy !req
74. What's wrong with getting excited
twice a year?
Copy !req
75. You're consistently excited
throughout the year.
Copy !req
76. Isn't that so?
Copy !req
77. What's wrong with Mr. Kotani?
Copy !req
78. He'd never been that drunk before.
Copy !req
79. Crap.
Copy !req
80. Thanks for the other night.
Copy !req
81. You're good!
Copy !req
82. Have you played baseball before?
Copy !req
83. You're so bad.
Is it true you were in the club?
Copy !req
84. Were you watching me?
Copy !req
85. I haven't played at all
since I was a high school student.
Copy !req
86. I've got some blisters on my hand.
Copy !req
87. But it's so nice
to play sometimes, isn't it?
Copy !req
88. It reminds me of high school days.
Copy !req
89. Nice batting!
Copy !req
90. Your form is not right.
Copy !req
91. What?
Copy !req
92. If you keep batting,
you'll get the right feeling back.
Copy !req
93. You won't easily forget
what you learned kinesthetically.
Copy !req
94. Here.
Copy !req
95. I'm sorry for being so drunk
the other day.
Copy !req
96. I understand how happy you are,
Copy !req
97. but don't you think
you drink too much lately?
Copy !req
98. Look at this.
Copy !req
99. "Keep making small efforts.
Copy !req
100. I want my students
to believe in themselves
Copy !req
101. and to play their baseball games
to the fullest."
Copy !req
102. He's a good manager, Mr. Yokokawa.
Copy !req
103. Right?
Copy !req
104. We both went to the university here
after graduating from high school.
Copy !req
105. During summer vacation, when we were 20,
Copy !req
106. he told me to walk home to our hometown
in Kōchi prefecture. So I walked with him.
Copy !req
107. On foot? Why?
Copy !req
108. He played baseball in university,
Copy !req
109. but he injured his shoulder.
Copy !req
110. I think he was thinking
about his choices ahead.
Copy !req
111. It was when we were walking
a straight road along Suruga Bay,
Copy !req
112. if I remember correctly.
Copy !req
113. We bought a yakisoba sandwich,
the last one at a shop, and we shared it.
Copy !req
114. Yokokawa!
Copy !req
115. Let's take a break!
Copy !req
116. Hey!
Copy !req
117. Shut up and keep walking!
Copy !req
118. Then he told me...
Copy !req
119. "If I can make it home,
I'd continue playing baseball.
Copy !req
120. As I can't be a professional
baseball player any more,
Copy !req
121. I'll be a high school teacher
and take my students to Koshien Stadium."
Copy !req
122. You told me the other day.
Copy !req
123. He made it home on foot, but I couldn't.
Copy !req
124. I got diarrhea on the way
and went back to Tokyo by myself.
Copy !req
125. I see.
Copy !req
126. But I felt for sure at that time
Copy !req
127. that I should do something.
Copy !req
128. Because I couldn't live like Yokokawa.
Copy !req
129. Do you still see him?
Copy !req
130. Not at all after he graduated from
university and went back to our hometown.
Copy !req
131. I haven't paid him back
Copy !req
132. the money I owe him.
Copy !req
133. I see.
Copy !req
134. In that case, why don't you
donate the money to his school?
Copy !req
135. It'd cost a lot of money to go
to the national tournament, wouldn't it?
Copy !req
136. Donation.
Copy !req
137. That's not a bad idea.
Copy !req
138. Hello?
Copy !req
139. Are you Kotani?
Copy !req
140. It's me.
Copy !req
141. I talked to Yokokawa
for the first time in 30 years.
Copy !req
142. He called me
because he learned about my donation.
Copy !req
143. That's great.
Copy !req
144. Thanks to you, Master.
Copy !req
145. I didn't do anything.
I just thought of an idea.
Copy !req
146. He remembered, too.
Copy !req
147. He said to me on the phone...
Copy !req
148. I finally kept my promise.
Copy !req
149. Here.
Copy !req
150. I wrapped them all up as you told me.
Do you want something to eat?
Copy !req
151. No, thank you.
I'm going somewhere far away.
Copy !req
152. Here. I don't need the change.
Please keep it.
Copy !req
153. Okay. Thank you.
Copy !req
154. Master, thank you.
Copy !req
155. By the way,
Copy !req
156. when I walked past Mr. Kotani's cat café,
it was closed.
Copy !req
157. Really?
Copy !req
158. I thought it was popular, wasn't it?
Copy !req
159. I heard so, too,
Copy !req
160. but according to the note, a new Taiwanese
tapioca shop will open next month.
Copy !req
161. Tapioca? What's that?
Copy !req
162. Don't you know? Tapioca.
Copy !req
163. Tapioca?
Copy !req
164. Tapioca.
Copy !req
165. Welcome.
Copy !req
166. Has the guy called Kotani been around?
Copy !req
167. Mr. Kotani?
Copy !req
168. I haven't seen him lately.
Copy !req
169. I see. That's fine.
Copy !req
170. What was that about?
Copy !req
171. A loan shark.
Copy !req
172. They're not very nice.
Copy !req
173. Kotani, come out!
Copy !req
174. You're there, aren't you?
Copy !req
175. According to Ryu, Mr. Kotani...
Copy !req
176. his business had gone bad,
Copy !req
177. and he borrowed one million yen
from the company
Copy !req
178. and disappeared.
Copy !req
179. Come out, you! Hey!
Copy !req
180. Looking back at how drunk he was getting,
he might have felt desperate.
Copy !req
181. He looked so happy when he talked
about his donation to his school.
Copy !req
182. Maybe the money also came from...
Copy !req
183. Probably.
Copy !req
184. He can't come back to this town.
Copy !req
185. It must be nearly the end
of the hay fever season, right?
Copy !req
186. I'm allergic to Japanese cypress,
not to Japanese cedar.
Copy !req
187. I'm fed up with this.
Copy !req
188. Welcome.
Copy !req
189. Good evening.
Copy !req
190. Are you, perhaps...
Copy !req
191. I'm Yokokawa. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
192. This is the classmate of Mr. Kotani
and the manager he was talking about.
Copy !req
193. Is that so?
Copy !req
194. I learned about the donation from Kotani.
Copy !req
195. He told me this diner's Master
had suggested he do it.
Copy !req
196. Yeah.
Copy !req
197. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
198. Is beer okay for you?
Copy !req
199. Yes.
Copy !req
200. It's on me.
Copy !req
201. To celebrate the participation
in the tournament.
Copy !req
202. Thank you, but...
Copy !req
203. Excuse me.
Copy !req
204. That was a close game, wasn't it?
Copy !req
205. We lost badly.
Copy !req
206. We managed to hit back and score
in the last inning at least,
Copy !req
207. and avoided a shutout game.
Copy !req
208. It's wonderful
just to participate in the tournament.
Copy !req
209. That's right.
Copy !req
210. Thank you.
Copy !req
211. I wish Mr. Kotani were as honest
as you are, even 10% as much as you.
Copy !req
212. You know about...
Copy !req
213. his debt, is that correct?
Copy !req
214. He came all the way to the stadium.
Copy !req
215. Did you see him?
Copy !req
216. Yes. He told me about the debt
at the time.
Copy !req
217. I haven't seen him since then.
Copy !req
218. We made a promise to meet up here.
Copy !req
219. Meet him? Here?
Copy !req
220. Yes.
Copy !req
221. Ryu!
Copy !req
222. Master, make me the usual
with these, please.
Copy !req
223. Sure.
Copy !req
224. This is Mr. Kenzaki.
Copy !req
225. He helped me so much
with the recent event.
Copy !req
226. This is Yokokawa.
Copy !req
227. The manager of my high school team
I told you about the other day.
Copy !req
228. I wish your team good luck
for the summer tournament.
Copy !req
229. Thank you.
Copy !req
230. I thought about killing myself by jumping
off a cliff after watching their game.
Copy !req
231. He told me off, saying,
"It's so silly to die because of money."
Copy !req
232. That's why I came back here.
Copy !req
233. Then I bumped into him in a batting cage.
Copy !req
234. Then, he sorted things out for you?
Copy !req
235. Yes, he did.
Copy !req
236. After Mr. Kenzaki talked to them,
Copy !req
237. they postponed the due date
Copy !req
238. and they even reduced the interest.
Copy !req
239. Thank you so much for saving my life.
Copy !req
240. You should choose your friends.
Copy !req
241. For your students, too.
Copy !req
242. I'll make sure
that he keeps his promise to you.
Copy !req
243. Hey...
Copy !req
244. Yokokawa, what do you mean by that?
Copy !req
245. Mr. Kotani...
Copy !req
246. you're so clueless.
Copy !req
247. If you miss paying back your debt,
Copy !req
248. Ryu also needs to take responsibility,
as he protected you.
Copy !req
249. Ryu is too nice.
Copy !req
250. I was so happy about your donation.
Copy !req
251. I'd be happier if the money
wasn't from the loan company.
Copy !req
252. Here you are.
Copy !req
253. Mr. Kotani always orders this.
Copy !req
254. When I was in university,
we tried to walk to our hometown.
Copy !req
255. We shared this on the way.
Copy !req
256. Yes, he told me about it.
Copy !req
257. At first, he said, "I won't eat it.
Copy !req
258. I don't get hungry, because I don't play
sports as much as you do."
Copy !req
259. A weird theory.
Copy !req
260. But his stomach was rumbling.
Copy !req
261. So, I asked him to cut it in half,
and then he did...
Copy !req
262. Like this.
Copy !req
263. It's not even at all.
Copy !req
264. He looked at me like a puppy.
Copy !req
265. He gave me...
Copy !req
266. the bigger one.
Copy !req
267. That's a nice story.
Copy !req
268. That's the time when you were depressed...
Copy !req
269. because you couldn't
play baseball any more.
Copy !req
270. At that time...
Copy !req
271. when I saw the wistful look on your face,
Copy !req
272. I felt so much better.
Copy !req
273. I felt like thinking
about my future a little, like,
Copy !req
274. "Even not as a player,
Copy !req
275. I can be involved
with baseball in different ways."
Copy !req
276. You made us go to Koshien Stadium.
Copy !req
277. I'm sure you can get over this.
Copy !req
278. It's my turn to support you.
Copy !req
279. Eat this.
Copy !req