1. When people finish their day
and hurry home,
Copy !req
2. my day starts.
Copy !req
3. My diner is open from midnight
to 7:00 in the morning.
Copy !req
4. They call it "Midnight Diner."
Copy !req
5. Do I even have customers?
Copy !req
6. More than you would expect.
Copy !req
7. This is still here, not sold?
Copy !req
8. I don't care if he's sold or not.
I want him to stay now.
Copy !req
9. You feel attached to him.
Copy !req
10. Yes, I know it's only junk.
Copy !req
11. Oh, it's about time.
Copy !req
12. - Thank you.
- Okay.
Copy !req
13. Here you are.
Copy !req
14. Exact amount.
Copy !req
15. What's that?
Copy !req
16. This?
Copy !req
17. It's like a merry-go-round.
Copy !req
18. He is lonely on his own, though.
Copy !req
19. This won't sell, either.
Copy !req
20. It's just walking the same spot
again and again.
Copy !req
21. Like our life.
Copy !req
22. Be lost in thought later.
Let's get back to work.
Copy !req
23. You're right. See you.
Copy !req
24. Thank you.
Copy !req
25. I confirm the stolen wallet is in the bag.
Copy !req
26. Yes, I will take him to Headquarters.
Copy !req
27. Sorry to have bothered you, everyone.
Copy !req
28. Stealing? What did this man steal?
Copy !req
29. He has repeatedly stolen bags
at midnight movie theaters.
Copy !req
30. A habitual offender.
Copy !req
31. I see.
Copy !req
32. Because the movie theater is dark.
Copy !req
33. Sometimes I was so into the movie,
I forgot to steal, though.
Copy !req
34. For instance, recently—
Copy !req
35. I'll listen to your film reviews
at the office.
Copy !req
36. Yes.
Copy !req
37. Thank you. We may need to ask you
more questions later.
Copy !req
38. Sure.
Copy !req
39. So, can I order whatever I'd like here?
Copy !req
40. If I have enough ingredients.
Copy !req
41. I see.
Copy !req
42. It sounds like customers are given
more choices,
Copy !req
43. but decisions are actually led
by the diner.
Copy !req
44. What an interesting strategy.
Copy !req
45. What's the strategy?
Copy !req
46. Don't know.
Copy !req
47. Can you make chicken rice?
Copy !req
48. Sure.
Copy !req
49. I can.
Copy !req
50. Also a beer, please.
Copy !req
51. Okay.
Copy !req
52. Here you go.
Copy !req
53. Thank you.
Copy !req
54. How's it?
Copy !req
55. Delicious!
Copy !req
56. My name is Akai.
Copy !req
57. That's why you wear red?
Copy !req
58. Funny. You even order red-colored food.
Copy !req
59. The color red gives you power.
Some people wear red underwear, you know.
Copy !req
60. Don't you like peas?
Copy !req
61. I didn't when I was a kid.
Copy !req
62. But now...
Copy !req
63. These days, I can't find any restaurant
that serves this old-style chicken rice.
Copy !req
64. Since then,
Copy !req
65. it seems he liked my chicken rice,
Copy !req
66. and he's been coming here sometimes.
Copy !req
67. Mr. Momi, this...
Copy !req
68. It's Shinichiro Akai indeed.
Copy !req
69. Is he that famous?
Copy !req
70. He's a super famous game creator.
Copy !req
71. Just the video games, right?
Copy !req
72. The game he created, Door to Door,
Copy !req
73. commonly known as D to D series,
Copy !req
74. is a very popular one
and is played worldwide.
Copy !req
75. Who are you?
Copy !req
76. Mr. Momi is my game master.
Copy !req
77. Master means my teacher
not as in diner's owner!
Copy !req
78. Here, another one.
Copy !req
79. Thanks.
Copy !req
80. Why did he leave his business card?
Copy !req
81. He said he's been asked to go on TV.
Copy !req
82. They will make a documentary program
about him.
Copy !req
83. He asked me if it could be shot here, too.
Copy !req
84. What? That's amazing!
Make sure you accept that!
Copy !req
85. Anyway, I think he'd better stop wearing
those red suits.
Copy !req
86. Even his name is Akai.
Copy !req
87. Master, I think a man who can only make
silly jokes like that
Copy !req
88. needs a walkthrough manual of life.
Copy !req
89. Life, it's not like a game.
You can't reset it.
Copy !req
90. Mr. Momi, you're so deep.
Copy !req
91. We'll frame the paper lantern and...
Copy !req
92. That's how they started shooting
a documentary here.
Copy !req
93. Master.
Copy !req
94. Please get ready to cook.
Copy !req
95. Thank you.
Copy !req
96. Like this?
Copy !req
97. Okay.
Copy !req
98. Mr. Akai, let's start.
Copy !req
99. Sure.
Copy !req
100. Set...
Copy !req
101. Three, two...
Copy !req
102. Excuse me.
Copy !req
103. I've finished with the adjustments
you asked me to do yesterday.
Copy !req
104. Quick work. Can I see it now?
Copy !req
105. Of course.
Copy !req
106. I'm happy with the movement of fingers,
but not the neck.
Copy !req
107. The neck is important.
Copy !req
108. It won't be dynamic enough
if it doesn't move like this.
Copy !req
109. It won't be dynamic enough
if it doesn't move like this.
Copy !req
110. It was when he was in high school
when Akai encountered video games.
Copy !req
111. He says it was a means to escape reality.
Copy !req
112. My husband used to be a barkeep.
Copy !req
113. But he passed away five years ago.
Copy !req
114. I have no children,
and as long as I don't employ anyone,
Copy !req
115. I can enjoy working here.
Copy !req
116. I see.
Copy !req
117. I'd started it just before
the Showa era ended.
Copy !req
118. - It's over 30 years, then?
- Yes.
Copy !req
119. Congratulations!
Copy !req
120. Thank you!
Copy !req
121. Here, come on.
Copy !req
122. Thank you.
Copy !req
123. I heard you have fond memories
about chicken rice.
Copy !req
124. When I was little, this was our main dish
for celebrations, like my birthday.
Copy !req
125. Akai grew up in an orphanage.
Copy !req
126. Shinichiro Akai is not his real name.
Copy !req
127. The name was given to him
by the head of the orphanage.
Copy !req
128. This photo was taken
after he was brought to...
Copy !req
129. - Today's story is quite somber, isn't it?
- Yes.
Copy !req
130. You can hear
that kind of story everywhere.
Copy !req
131. That was hard for me
as I can't change my past.
Copy !req
132. That's why I decided to overwrite my life,
Copy !req
133. - and stop worrying about who I am.
- Ma'am.
Copy !req
134. - Ma'am.
- What?
Copy !req
135. Can I have whiskey and water?
Copy !req
136. Sure.
Copy !req
137. I, your mother...
Copy !req
138. I wanted to see you so much, Shin.
Copy !req
139. On the program, I said
Copy !req
140. that's how I remembered
my mother called me.
Copy !req
141. That's why you call me that, right?
Copy !req
142. Don't be silly.
Copy !req
143. You are my Shin.
Copy !req
144. Can you take a DNA test?
Copy !req
145. You're the son of your father's ex-wife,
Copy !req
146. so I'm not your biological mother.
Copy !req
147. Many women turned up
and claimed to be his mom?
Copy !req
148. After watching Mr. Akai's documentary?
Copy !req
149. He talked about it, laughing,
Copy !req
150. but he hasn't been here for a while.
Copy !req
151. I can see how depressed he must be,
Copy !req
152. because he knows
all they want is his money.
Copy !req
153. Master looks depressed as well.
Copy !req
154. Why?
Copy !req
155. What? Well...
Copy !req
156. He was so worried about
running out of ingredients,
Copy !req
157. thinking many viewers would rush in here
after the documentary.
Copy !req
158. But it didn't happen.
Copy !req
159. Master! We are here to support you!
Copy !req
160. It turned out to be
nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
161. It was a good thing in the end, right?
Copy !req
162. - He expected more customers?
- Of course.
Copy !req
163. Otherwise, he wouldn't say "in the end."
Copy !req
164. Welcome.
Copy !req
165. I watched the program the other day—
Copy !req
166. Wow!
Copy !req
167. Master, see? It attracted a customer!
Copy !req
168. Yeah.
Copy !req
169. Do you play video games?
Copy !req
170. No way. I'm here for his chicken rice.
Copy !req
171. Could I have a chicken rice, please?
Copy !req
172. It looked so delicious on TV.
Copy !req
173. Sure.
Copy !req
174. Is this the game?
Copy !req
175. Right. It'll be finally on sale.
Copy !req
176. A long time ago,
Copy !req
177. I used to make this dish often.
Copy !req
178. For your children?
Copy !req
179. Yes.
Copy !req
180. Excuse me...
Copy !req
181. The man who was interviewed...
Does he come here?
Copy !req
182. He must be very busy these days.
Copy !req
183. I haven't seen him recently.
Copy !req
184. I see.
Copy !req
185. I'll check the schedule now.
Copy !req
186. We don't have time for this.
Copy !req
187. You seem so exhausted.
Copy !req
188. Because of my age, perhaps.
Copy !req
189. I feel exhausted
after working through the night.
Copy !req
190. She came here after watching the program
Copy !req
191. because the chicken rice looked good.
Copy !req
192. Is that so? I like it very much, too.
Copy !req
193. I'm so sorry...
Copy !req
194. Shin.
Copy !req
195. Your father had...
Copy !req
196. a wife...
Copy !req
197. and a child.
Copy !req
198. He said I could have the baby
Copy !req
199. but he couldn't officially
acknowledge you.
Copy !req
200. He left me in the end.
Copy !req
201. I tried my best to raise you alone...
Copy !req
202. But I had no skills to get a job,
Copy !req
203. and it was too much to take
for a 20-year-old girl.
Copy !req
204. My parents cut ties with me.
Copy !req
205. I didn't have anyone to talk to.
Copy !req
206. I thought about killing both of us.
Copy !req
207. How selfish.
Copy !req
208. Please don't get me wrong.
Copy !req
209. I didn't say that,
thinking you're my mother.
Copy !req
210. Then...
Copy !req
211. I thought we should have good memories
before we die...
Copy !req
212. and we went to an amusement park.
Copy !req
213. When I was looking at your happy face...
Copy !req
214. I felt scared to take your life with me.
Copy !req
215. You said, "I want to get on that one."
Copy !req
216. I left you there and ran away.
Copy !req
217. It was on a horse of a merry-go-round.
Copy !req
218. In the end,
Copy !req
219. you couldn't kill yourself.
Copy !req
220. That's disgusting.
Copy !req
221. I don't have a mother.
Copy !req
222. She can't call herself a mother, either,
because she abandoned me.
Copy !req
223. You're right.
Copy !req
224. I have no rights to be your mother
after all these years.
Copy !req
225. Red color suits you very much,
Copy !req
226. Shinichi.
Copy !req
227. I could survive without having parents...
Copy !req
228. I believed so.
Copy !req
229. Why should I change that now?
Copy !req
230. Here you go.
Copy !req
231. Is this...
Copy !req
232. "He refused to eat peas,
Copy !req
233. but he started eating them
when I put peas like this."
Copy !req
234. Your mother told me so.
Copy !req
235. That woman...
Copy !req
236. She called me Shinichi.
Copy !req
237. Is that your real name?
Copy !req
238. Yes.
Copy !req
239. I've been told...
Copy !req
240. that only a note with my real name
Copy !req
241. was in my pocket when I was found.
Copy !req
242. In addition...
Copy !req
243. the fact that I was found
at the merry-go-round...
Copy !req
244. Only a handful of people know that.
Copy !req
245. She knew she was not
in a position to see you,
Copy !req
246. but she came here to do so, I guess?
Copy !req
247. For the last two weeks...
Copy !req
248. she came in every day,
Copy !req
249. thinking you would turn up any minute.
Copy !req
250. She had been waiting for you,
feeling scared.
Copy !req
251. When I was rescued,
Copy !req
252. I was wearing a red jacket.
Copy !req
253. I kept wearing
Copy !req
254. the red jacket...
Copy !req
255. until it was threadbare.
Copy !req
256. Because I wanted her to find me.
Copy !req
257. I wanted my mother to find me...
Copy !req
258. for a very long time.
Copy !req
259. A while later,
Copy !req
260. Mr. Akai's new game was released.
Copy !req
261. See you.
Copy !req
262. It was delicious.
Copy !req
263. Mr. Momi,
Copy !req
264. you look exhausted.
Copy !req
265. So do you.
You haven't had much sleep, have you?
Copy !req
266. They're so hooked on the game,
without having enough sleep every night.
Copy !req
267. It takes away my time.
Copy !req
268. Instead of getting angry
about my time being taken away,
Copy !req
269. I'd like to thank it.
Copy !req
270. Talk about a crazy contradiction.
Copy !req
271. I want to tell him about this feeling.
Copy !req
272. Do you think Mr. Akai is coming here?
Copy !req
273. Who knows.
Copy !req
274. It seems he's found another place
that serves better chicken rice.
Copy !req
275. Welcome.
Copy !req
276. Here is the menu.
Copy !req
277. Beer and a chicken rice, please.
Copy !req
278. Sure.
Copy !req
279. No worries. I'll do it myself.
Copy !req
280. I'm starving.
Copy !req
281. Okay.
Copy !req
282. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
283. A parent and a child, who lived apart
for several decades,
Copy !req
284. they met again at Midnight Diner.
They had some issues at first,
Copy !req
285. but I heard they made amends.
Copy !req
286. That kind of thing happens at his place.
Copy !req
287. People can reconcile.
Copy !req
288. Isn't that nice once in a while?
Copy !req
289. Right.
Copy !req