1. When people finish their day
Copy !req
2. and hurry home,
Copy !req
3. my day starts.
Copy !req
4. My diner is open from midnight
Copy !req
5. to seven in the morning.
Copy !req
6. They call it "Midnight Diner."
Copy !req
Copy !req
8. That's all I have on my menu.
Copy !req
9. But I'll make whatever customers request,
Copy !req
10. as long as I have the ingredients for it.
Copy !req
11. That's my policy.
Copy !req
12. Do I even have customers?
Copy !req
13. More than you would expect.
Copy !req
Copy !req
15. Hot...
Copy !req
16. Okae,
Copy !req
17. you like it?
Copy !req
18. Yes, I love it.
Copy !req
19. It's a hassle to prepare at home.
Copy !req
20. Besides, I always have a ton of
leftovers afterwards.
Copy !req
21. Kae was Chu's classmate.
Copy !req
22. Recently, she's been coming here
after work
Copy !req
23. and ordering this hot pot for one.
Copy !req
24. Thank you for the meal.
Copy !req
25. Well done.
Copy !req
26. - Would you like a drink?
- Sorry.
Copy !req
27. I must go back to work.
Copy !req
28. Now?
Copy !req
29. Cleaning at the no-tell motel?
Nobody leaves until the morning.
Copy !req
30. Actually, many people do at this time.
Copy !req
31. A young part-timer took the day off,
Copy !req
32. so I have to cover his shift.
Copy !req
33. Too bad.
Copy !req
34. Take care of yourself.
Copy !req
35. Worry about yourself, Chu.
You drink too much.
Copy !req
36. Here.
Copy !req
37. Thank you.
Copy !req
38. Well...
Copy !req
39. See you around.
Copy !req
40. Take care.
Copy !req
41. Okae was the daughter
of a shoe store owner
Copy !req
42. that used to be at the corner.
Copy !req
43. She used to be quite pretty.
Copy !req
44. Even though she was born
and raised in Shinjuku,
Copy !req
45. she was like a pure maiden,
Copy !req
46. carrying a white parasol all the time.
Copy !req
47. - She spoke like an upper-class lady.
- I don't like her.
Copy !req
48. She sounds like a pretentious girl.
Copy !req
49. I knew some girls like that.
They don't know who they really are.
Copy !req
50. We can't befriend such a girl.
Copy !req
51. Chu, she was your first love, huh?
Copy !req
52. Stop it.
Copy !req
53. You have the wrong idea.
Copy !req
54. And then...
Copy !req
55. she was discovered
by a famous movie director,
Copy !req
56. but her acting career wasn't successful.
Copy !req
57. Later on,
Copy !req
58. she married some rich guy.
That's what I heard.
Copy !req
59. She doesn't look rich, does she?
Copy !req
60. I bet the story is made up.
Copy !req
61. That's why I don't like women.
Copy !req
62. To be honest,
I don't know if it's true or not.
Copy !req
63. Besides, we hadn't seen each other
for almost four decades.
Copy !req
64. She seems to make a hard living.
Copy !req
65. Then you don't really know
Copy !req
66. about her life for those years?
Copy !req
67. She came back to this area recently.
Copy !req
68. At first, I didn't even recognize her.
Copy !req
69. Their croquettes are great.
Eat it while they're still hot.
Copy !req
70. Eat it as soon as you get home. Okay?
Copy !req
71. Or would you like to eat it now?
Copy !req
72. Yes?
Copy !req
73. Here you—
Copy !req
74. Chu?
Copy !req
75. It is you.
Copy !req
76. Chu, right?
Copy !req
77. What?
Copy !req
78. It's Kae, from the shoe store.
Copy !req
79. Okae?
Copy !req
80. Long time, no see.
Copy !req
81. How have you been?
Copy !req
82. Had some ups and downs...
Copy !req
83. but I'm okay, as you can see.
Copy !req
84. See you soon.
Copy !req
85. Teppei.
Copy !req
86. Wait.
Copy !req
87. I'm what?
Copy !req
88. Lavishing money on a young lover?
Copy !req
89. Chu's losing his mind, isn't he?
Copy !req
90. I hope he's okay.
Copy !req
91. But he is not completely...
Copy !req
92. wrong about it.
Copy !req
93. That young man is the only son
of Kae's brother.
Copy !req
94. She saw him
at her brother's funeral last year
Copy !req
95. for the first time in more than ten years.
Copy !req
96. So...
Copy !req
97. do you have the money
to cover the service?
Copy !req
98. Of course, not.
Copy !req
99. No?
Copy !req
100. The body's been cremated.
Copy !req
101. That's why I called you, Auntie.
Copy !req
102. For money? I don't have any either.
Copy !req
103. Then we'll have to run.
Copy !req
104. How can you run away?
Copy !req
105. - What about the ashes?
- I don't care.
Copy !req
106. Come on. He's your father.
Copy !req
107. That asshole? He is no one to me.
Copy !req
108. I was relieved when he disappeared
without a trace. Then he died.
Copy !req
109. It's not even worth picking up his bones.
Copy !req
110. Listen here.
Copy !req
111. No matter how terrible he was,
he's still your father.
Copy !req
112. Blood is thicker than water.
Copy !req
113. You can't ignore it.
Copy !req
114. And you know it.
That's why you called me.
Copy !req
115. You are hopeless.
Copy !req
116. I'll ask them to see
if you can pay in installments.
Copy !req
117. Unfortunately,
Copy !req
118. Kae's nephew is a bum,
Copy !req
119. just like his father.
Copy !req
120. His wife left him.
Copy !req
121. He has no job, and he's in his 40s.
Copy !req
122. I'm home.
Copy !req
123. Teppei,
Copy !req
124. have you eaten dinner?
Copy !req
125. What a mess!
Copy !req
126. Shut up.
Copy !req
127. You are so sloppy.
Copy !req
128. Hey, Nguyen, come here.
Copy !req
129. Get the other side.
Copy !req
130. Ready?
Copy !req
131. Grip the ends.
Copy !req
132. Okay.
Copy !req
133. Here you go.
Copy !req
134. You like it? Delicious, isn't it?
Copy !req
135. I've wanted to feed you
this hot pot for one for a while.
Copy !req
136. But it's not "hot pot for one"
Copy !req
137. if the two of us eat it together.
Copy !req
138. Okae.
Copy !req
139. - Want some?
- Sorry.
Copy !req
140. I have to go back to work.
Copy !req
141. The part-timer quit.
Copy !req
142. These days, young folks don't know
what hard work means.
Copy !req
143. Why don't you ask
your nephew to help you?
Copy !req
144. - You agree?
- Stop your nonsense.
Copy !req
145. Where are you going?
Copy !req
146. I finished it, so don't complain.
Copy !req
147. Can I borrow some money?
Copy !req
148. Going out for a drink again?
Copy !req
149. I lent you money the other day.
Copy !req
150. Fine.
Copy !req
151. Wait.
Copy !req
152. You give me no choice.
Copy !req
153. You don't have a job?
Copy !req
154. No job and you just get drunk?
Copy !req
155. Don't you even want to help her?
Copy !req
156. Hey, cut it out.
Copy !req
157. Don't worry about me.
Copy !req
158. What have you done?
Copy !req
159. He's struggling to figure out
how to go on with his life.
Copy !req
160. Why can't he have a drink?
Copy !req
161. Just mind your own business.
Copy !req
162. Master, check please.
Copy !req
163. Twelve hundred yen.
Copy !req
164. Thank you.
Copy !req
165. Should I have said nothing?
Copy !req
166. You are her childhood friend.
Copy !req
167. That wasn't so out of line for you.
Copy !req
168. First loves...
Copy !req
169. never work out.
Copy !req
170. Right?
Copy !req
171. Wait for me, Teppei. Look.
Copy !req
172. I circled the good ones.
Copy !req
173. Look.
Copy !req
174. Auntie,
Copy !req
175. do you think that a man who filed
for bankruptcy can find a good job?
Copy !req
176. There are a lot of jobs
if you keep your expectations realistic.
Copy !req
177. What he said may be a good idea.
The no-tell motel.
Copy !req
178. I can ask the manager for you.
Copy !req
179. Come on.
Copy !req
180. I'm still young.
Copy !req
181. Unlike you,
I can't give up on my future yet.
Copy !req
182. Then... what do you want to do?
Copy !req
183. I was like you once.
Copy !req
184. When I was young,
Copy !req
185. I chased after something fancy.
Copy !req
186. A luxurious life that everyone would envy.
Copy !req
187. But...
Copy !req
188. I found nothing in my hand
Copy !req
189. when I thought that I finally got it.
Copy !req
190. I know you have to learn
from your own failures.
Copy !req
191. Get a drink, okay?
Copy !req
192. Come home safely.
Copy !req
193. Teppei?
Copy !req
194. Wake up.
Copy !req
195. Regarding the job,
Copy !req
196. my manager wants to interview—
Copy !req
197. Hey, Chu.
Copy !req
198. Did you lose at the horse races again?
Copy !req
199. No.
Copy !req
200. Remember Kae's nephew?
Copy !req
201. He took everything,
including credit cards,
Copy !req
202. her ATM card, cash, and ran away.
Copy !req
203. Okae shouldn't have spoiled him.
Copy !req
204. But still...
Copy !req
205. Good evening.
Copy !req
206. Welcome.
Copy !req
207. Give me warm sake and the hot pot.
Copy !req
208. Kae, did something good happen?
Copy !req
209. Look at this.
Copy !req
210. Isn't it pretty?
Copy !req
211. Teppei sent it to me
Copy !req
212. as a birthday gift.
Copy !req
213. It looks great on you.
Copy !req
214. Doesn't it?
Copy !req
215. I was right.
Blood is thicker than water.
Copy !req
216. Did you get your money back?
Copy !req
217. I don't care about that anymore.
Copy !req
218. Okae,
Copy !req
219. you disappoint me.
Copy !req
220. Why?
Copy !req
221. You're deceived by such a gift.
Copy !req
222. I'm sure he bought it with your money.
Copy !req
223. I'm telling you,
Copy !req
224. it's not about the money.
Copy !req
225. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
226. Wake up.
Copy !req
227. When you were young,
Copy !req
228. you were beautiful and independent.
Copy !req
229. You were an awesome lady.
Copy !req
230. Are you saying
that I'm embarrassing now?
Copy !req
231. Yes, you're embarrassing.
Copy !req
232. He's the only family you have?
So, what?
Copy !req
233. You're being irrational.
Copy !req
234. You have no idea.
Copy !req
235. Once I started living with Teppei,
I learned it was a joy
Copy !req
236. to work for someone else
for the first time in my life.
Copy !req
237. I should be thanking him.
Copy !req
238. Okae, are you being serious?
Copy !req
239. I'm serious. Completely serious.
Copy !req
240. How can you criticize me?
Copy !req
241. You have no family.
Copy !req
242. You get drunk by yourself every night.
Copy !req
243. You're more embarrassing than I am.
Copy !req
244. Here you go.
Copy !req
245. Enjoy.
Copy !req
246. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
247. I was too harsh.
Copy !req
248. Have some.
Copy !req
249. No thanks.
Copy !req
250. Just eat it.
Copy !req
251. So, you like it?
Copy !req
252. Later, I can make rice porridge
with the soup for you.
Copy !req
253. Good idea!
Copy !req
254. Hello?
Copy !req
255. Yes.
Copy !req
256. I understand.
Copy !req
257. Teppei was arrested.
Copy !req
258. Kae's nephew was charged
Copy !req
259. with several offenses,
including theft,
Copy !req
260. swindling on small loans,
Copy !req
261. and more.
Copy !req
262. He got a prison sentence.
Copy !req
263. Now Kae visits him in prison often.
That's what I heard.
Copy !req
264. About six months have passed
since then.
Copy !req
265. - Good evening.
- Welcome.
Copy !req
266. Have a seat there.
Copy !req
267. Master, make him anything he wants.
Copy !req
268. Kae, who is this?
Copy !req
269. This is Teppei's son.
His name is Shohei.
Copy !req
270. I didn't know
that Teppei had such a big boy.
Copy !req
271. Since his mother got remarried,
he has no place to stay.
Copy !req
272. So, I took custody of him.
Copy !req
273. Man,
Copy !req
274. what a nuisance, huh?
Copy !req
275. What would you like?
Copy !req
276. Meat!
Copy !req
277. - And you, Kae? Hot pot for one?
- Nothing for me.
Copy !req
278. We ate hot pot at home
last night together.
Copy !req
279. Wait. Warm sake.
Copy !req
280. Sure.
Copy !req
281. Here you go.
A special plate full of meat.
Copy !req
282. - Let's eat.
- Go ahead.
Copy !req
283. Hey.
Copy !req
284. Make sure you chew it well.
Copy !req
285. - Master, give him some juice.
- Sure.
Copy !req
286. I never imagined...
Copy !req
287. I'd have the chance...
Copy !req
288. to raise a kid at this age.
Copy !req
289. Okae...
Copy !req
290. never looked at her feet,
under her nose,
Copy !req
291. even though she was
a shoe store's daughter.
Copy !req
292. I just guess...
Copy !req
293. that she wanted to see other scenaries.
Copy !req
294. You're right.
Copy !req
295. That's what she wanted.
Copy !req
296. Tonight, she looked even better
Copy !req
297. than when she was young.
Copy !req
298. Chu,
Copy !req
299. this one's on me.
Copy !req
300. Are you sure?
Copy !req
301. It's not easy to live one's life,
Copy !req
302. whether you're alone
or have someone else.
Copy !req
303. That's good.
Copy !req
304. In an earthen pot for one,
Copy !req
305. simmer Chinese cabbage,
Copy !req
306. pork and enoki mushrooms
in a bonito broth.
Copy !req
307. That's all there is to it.
Copy !req
308. Simple is the best.
Copy !req
309. It looks delicious.
Copy !req
310. Here you go.
Copy !req
311. Hold it, Kae.
Copy !req
312. Don't forget the bushukan.
Copy !req
313. That's very important.
Copy !req
314. Bushukan is a citrus fruit from Tosa.
Copy !req
315. The juice is a perfect match
for my hot pot.
Copy !req
316. Make sure to eat a lot.
Copy !req
317. - It's so delicious.
- Isn't it?
Copy !req