1. Excuse me.
Hotel security. Take the next one.
Copy !req
2. No! No!
Copy !req
3. Ow!
Copy !req
4. Hey!
Let me go!
Copy !req
5. She told me that she could cook!
Copy !req
6. She said she could make cakes and cupcakes!
Cupcakes and cakes!
Copy !req
7. She said she could cook!
She cooks cakes and pancakes!
Copy !req
8. Pancakes and cakes!
Copy !req
9. Está loco, ¿verdad?
Copy !req
10. He looks dusted.
- You want her?
Copy !req
11. Take her!
Take her and her cakes and her cupcakes!
Copy !req
12. P.C.P.
Are-Are you hotel security?
Copy !req
13. Unfortunately, yeah.
Well, get that madman out of here!
Copy !req
14. Shut him up. Now, look,
you people go back to your room.
Copy !req
15. And, relax.
We got everything under control.
Copy !req
16. He just had a little bad chowder.
Copy !req
17. Hey, pal. How you doin'?
Copy !req
18. He's gonna kill me!
He's gonna kill me!
Copy !req
19. No, you're not.
Copy !req
20. You're not gonna do that,
are you, buddy?
Copy !req
21. You don't wanna hurt anybody,
now, do ya?
Copy !req
22. What do you say
we let the lady go?
Copy !req
23. Huh?
- What the hell are you waitin' for?
Copy !req
24. Get that maniac out of here!
- Shut up!
Copy !req
25. Let her go.
Copy !req
26. It's okay.
It's all right.
Copy !req
27. Now, just-just relax now, buddy.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, everything's okay.
Copy !req
29. Yeah, you're doin' good.
Doin' good.
Copy !req
30. No, lady! No!
Copy !req
31. Get her out of here, Tubbs!
Get her...
Copy !req
32. Get her out of here!
Hey, get this woman out of here!
Copy !req
33. The cupcakes...
Copy !req
34. Get her out of here!
Let me go!
Copy !req
35. You want the cakes? You can
have the cakes! I don't want 'em!
Copy !req
36. I told you, you can have 'em!
I hate 'em! I hate 'em!
Copy !req
37. I hate the cakes!
If you want 'em, you can take 'em!
Copy !req
38. Take the cakes!
Take my cupcakes!
Copy !req
39. Cakes!
Copy !req
40. The cakes!
Shut up, would you?
Copy !req
41. Cakes! Take 'em!
Take the cakes!
Copy !req
42. Take the cupcakes! Take the cakes!
Take my cupcakes!
Copy !req
43. I thought hotel security
was supposed to be easy.
Copy !req
44. I hate this assignment.
Take the cakes if you want 'em!
Copy !req
45. Hey buddy.
Copy !req
46. Where is he?
Around the corner.
Copy !req
47. Dos cafés cubanos, por favor.
Copy !req
48. Three days as hotel security,
and nothin'.
Copy !req
49. Oh, that's not exactly right. We've been
referee for about a half a dozen domestics.
Copy !req
50. Got the sand whipped out of
us by a crazed doper. Gracias.
Copy !req
51. And now you want off this detail, right?
Copy !req
52. You got it.
- But not for those reasons.
Copy !req
53. We don't like head-huntin' cops.
Copy !req
54. If we did,
we'd sign up for Internal Affairs.
Copy !req
55. These cops are extorting payoffs
from hookers working the high-rent hotels.
Copy !req
56. Extortion, blackmail, assault.
Copy !req
57. These aren't cops.
They're outlaws.
Copy !req
58. They're not your brothers.
They never were.
Copy !req
59. Build your evidence for a criminal
complaint, not just interdepartmental.
Copy !req
60. I don't just want their badges.
Copy !req
61. I want that slime flushed down the sewer.
Copy !req
62. We need a new approach.
Copy !req
63. Excuse me. Um, I was wondering...
- Yes?
Copy !req
64. Would you mind, uh,
putting some oil on my back?
Copy !req
65. Um... Uh, well...
Copy !req
66. Sure. Sure.
Copy !req
67. It would be my pleasure.
Copy !req
68. And, uh, would you warm it up a little?
Copy !req
69. I hate cold things touching my body.
Copy !req
70. Yes, uh, I'll bet you do.
Copy !req
71. Do you... Do you mind if I...
Copy !req
72. Mmm, that feels good.
Copy !req
73. Good.
Where are you from?
Copy !req
74. Wichita.
Copy !req
75. Are you a guest here?
Copy !req
76. Uh, well, yes. As a matter of fact.
I just checked in this afternoon.
Copy !req
77. This is my first time in Miami.
Copy !req
78. What do you say we have a little party?
Just you and me.
Copy !req
79. Uh...
Copy !req
80. Well,
Copy !req
81. is-is this going
to, uh, cost me anything?
Copy !req
82. Well, I'm not exactly
the welcome wagon.
Copy !req
83. How much?
Copy !req
84. Fifty bucks for a straight.
Copy !req
85. Anything à la carte
is a separate negotiation.
Copy !req
86. I see.
Copy !req
87. And, sugar, if it ain't on the menu,
you just ask.
Copy !req
88. I wanna make your first night in Miami
Copy !req
89. Well, uh,
Copy !req
90. I sure like the sounds of that.
Copy !req
91. Let me see your room key.
Copy !req
92. Okay.
Copy !req
93. You're a cop.
Copy !req
94. Are you, uh... You're a cop!
Copy !req
95. Do you need any more oil,
or are you greased up enough, honey?
Copy !req
96. What do you say, uh, we go somewhere
and work this out, save the hassle?
Copy !req
97. No can do, sweetheart.
Let's go.
Copy !req
98. Terrific!
I'm really losin' it, you know?
Copy !req
99. Boy, I'm fallin' apart. I see you across the pool
and I say, "No way that guy's a cop. No way."
Copy !req
100. Is that right?
Damn right it's right.
Copy !req
101. You got hungry eyes.
Copy !req
102. Well, am I right or what?
Copy !req
103. Yeah, I'm right.
Scopin' out men is how I make my livin'.
Copy !req
104. Well, you can't be
too good at it, mama.
Copy !req
105. Busted three times for soliciting.
Copy !req
106. Lewd and lascivious acts,
all pending.
Copy !req
107. One for holding coke.
That was dropped.
Copy !req
108. All I see here is time...
Whole lot of time.
Copy !req
109. Wanna tell me
what's goin' on, guys, or what?
Copy !req
110. If this was a routine bust, I'd be
sittin' in the tank waitin' on the judge.
Copy !req
111. Like it says there, I know the drill.
Copy !req
112. So you must want somethin'.
Copy !req
113. What?
- Someone's shaking down
the girls working the hotel.
Copy !req
114. You took me down to tell me that?
- We know they're cops.
Copy !req
115. Well, then why ain't they sittin' here
instead of me?
Copy !req
116. That's where we want them.
Copy !req
117. I don't know who they are.
I never paid.
Copy !req
118. They sent me a warning
through another girl.
Copy !req
119. Who's the other girl?
- She split.
Copy !req
120. You know what department they work for?
- A cop's a cop.
Copy !req
121. You could have done yourself some good.
Copy !req
122. Wait a minute!
Copy !req
123. If I knew, I'd tell you.
It's gotta be worth something.
Copy !req
124. It's not enough.
Copy !req
125. I said I'd play.
Copy !req
126. Just tell me the game.
- We suspect these two... Ross and Garcia.
Copy !req
127. Ever see 'em?
Copy !req
128. We leave you on the street,
you work for us.
Copy !req
129. What do you think I've been sayin'?
Copy !req
130. I'll help you.
Copy !req
131. Damn right I will.
Copy !req
132. Wear a wire?
Copy !req
133. Pull my package... all of it...
Copy !req
134. And wipe it clean.
Copy !req
135. Deal.
Copy !req
136. Supplement your income, gentlemen.
Copy !req
137. You're pimps.
Copy !req
138. We'll use Gina and Trudy.
Copy !req
139. Just keep me as your number one lady.
Copy !req
140. You ain't my number one nothin', toots.
Copy !req
141. You hiccup funny
and you're right back here.
Copy !req
142. Oh, I love it when you scold me.
Copy !req
143. My advice to you is after this is done,
vacate Miami.
Copy !req
144. Hey, that's real nice.
Copy !req
145. A girl could always use
some friendly advice.
Copy !req
146. Well, we don't provide
those kinds of services here.
Copy !req
147. Check with the manager.
Copy !req
148. Yes, sir. I'd like to see
about a safety deposit box.
Copy !req
149. Okay, what you do is fill this out...
No, no.
Copy !req
150. I don't fill out any forms or hand
over anything till I seen where it's goin'.
Copy !req
151. Yo, Wally.
Security plus one.
Copy !req
152. Puttin' in or takin' out?
Copy !req
153. He wants to make sure it's safe.
Copy !req
154. Well, it sure is safe, mister, against
the acts of God or the vagaries of man.
Copy !req
155. Can I get my property out
anytime I want?
Copy !req
156. Except between 12:00 midnight
and 6:00 a.m.
Copy !req
157. Thanks. This'll be okay.
Copy !req
158. I'm glad you like it.
Thanks, Wally.
Copy !req
159. There's so much to choose from here.
Copy !req
160. It's been a hell of a day.
A department store.
Copy !req
161. Yeah. I'm gonna take a look,
though, okay? Go ahead.
Copy !req
162. Check this out.
Copy !req
163. I like the Latin one.
Copy !req
164. You got it.
Copy !req
165. Who's up?
Copy !req
166. Room 312.
Make it quick.
Copy !req
167. Zito's off duty in a half hour.
Copy !req
168. Anything for you, baby.
I like the way you say that.
Copy !req
169. Remember, it's only make-believe.
Copy !req
170. I'll be damned!
Copy !req
171. Hotel security's
runnin' a string of girls.
Copy !req
172. Thank you.
Copy !req
173. Okay, we're on.
Copy !req
174. Something wrong, Officer?
I mean, I wasn't... I wasn't...
Copy !req
175. What it is is 500 a week.
Copy !req
176. Hey, we sent you a message already.
Copy !req
177. You know how slow the mail is.
Copy !req
178. Yeah. We figured
it must be something like that.
Copy !req
179. Now, wait a minute, Officer.
This is going too far.
Copy !req
180. So we thought we'd make this
special delivery.
Copy !req
181. They're gonna work her, man.
Let's go!
Copy !req
182. The other girl... Hold it.
Copy !req
183. You're the guys who did that.
- You're like the other one.
Copy !req
184. You got an attitude.
Well, wait a minute, Officer...
Copy !req
185. What it is is 500 a week.
Copy !req
186. And you tell those two pimps
we want our taste tomorrow.
Copy !req
187. And so it don't get lost in the mail... No,
Copy !req
188. No, no, not in her face.
She can't pay if she can't work.
Copy !req
189. Oh, God!
That's it. That's enough.
Copy !req
190. Candy, you all right?
You all right?
Copy !req
191. I'm fine.
Copy !req
192. I'm sorry it went down this way. Yeah,
we're all sorry. Did you get it?
Copy !req
193. Yeah, we got it.
- Good.
Copy !req
194. Then we're quits.
Copy !req
195. Tell your boss to make his calls.
Copy !req
196. I will.
- Is there anything we can do for you?
Copy !req
197. Yeah. Eat dirt and die!
Copy !req
198. Well, that's gotta be
some sort of record.
Copy !req
199. Thanks a lot.
Yeah, thanks.
Copy !req
200. So?
They're out!
Copy !req
201. One hour after A.I.D. turns them over
to the D.A., they're out.
Copy !req
202. It's the system, man.
The system.
Copy !req
203. You want a cold one?
Sure. Why not?
Copy !req
204. You're gettin' a little long there, buddy.
Copy !req
205. Ouch!
Copy !req
206. What are you doin',
man? What do you mean, "what am I doin"?
Copy !req
207. What's it look like I'm doin'?
You're filin' Elvis's nails.
Copy !req
208. Well, he can't do it himself.
Copy !req
209. You're crazy.
Copy !req
210. We got company, man.
Copy !req
211. What do those meatheads want?
Copy !req
212. I'd like to talk to you guys.
Copy !req
213. You could have done that at the hotel. No,
not our kind of business.
Copy !req
214. Is that a real alligator?
Copy !req
215. I've been watching you.
I see this boat, the car.
Copy !req
216. I ask myself, "How's it done?"
Copy !req
217. Mirrors? I mean, how do you have all this
stuff on what you make as a rent-a-cop?
Copy !req
218. What, are you writin' a book?
Copy !req
219. Yeah, maybe.
Copy !req
220. Well, then kiss me
and make it a love story.
Copy !req
221. Just figured you might be interested
in a little moonlightin'.
Copy !req
222. What kind of score?
The vault.
Copy !req
223. Let us hear the deal.
Copy !req
224. Soon. We'll talk later.
Copy !req
225. Partner, I think we're gettin'
too good at playin' bad guys.
Copy !req
226. All right. That about does it.
Put your John Hancock here.
Copy !req
227. Albert Szarbo.
I think you stumbled onto something.
Copy !req
228. He's not right.
Copy !req
229. Oh, he sure isn't.
Copy !req
230. Hmm. I thought
he was after the vault.
Copy !req
231. Maybe he still is.
Hey, that's doubtful.
Copy !req
232. This cat's got every felony
on here but burglary.
Copy !req
233. Kind of late in life for a career move.
Copy !req
234. It happens.
Yeah, not often.
Copy !req
235. A burglar may slide over
into, uh, armed robbery.
Copy !req
236. But, Szarbo...
This score's strictly not his style.
Copy !req
237. Stay on it.
Copy !req
238. What's this guy after?
Copy !req
239. Beats the hell out of me.
Copy !req
240. Funny. I do the same thing.
Copy !req
241. Pretty good at it, you know.
I'm just hysterical...
Copy !req
242. Hey, watch it!
Let's have a little chat.
Copy !req
243. Say, uh, what's going on?
Copy !req
244. Don't buy into this, pal. It's all right,
honey. This is my, uh, cousin.
Copy !req
245. Why don't you just go upstairs
and wait in the room?
Copy !req
246. And when I get up there,
I'll show you such a good time.
Copy !req
247. I don't want any trouble.
There won't be any trouble.
Copy !req
248. Don't bet on it. I don't. Say,
uh, maybe some other time.
Copy !req
249. Damn, Crockett! You wanna
tell me what you're doin' here?
Copy !req
250. Same as you... workin'.
Copy !req
251. Here? You're hookin' here?
Have you lost your mind?
Copy !req
252. Ain't this the cabbage patch?
Copy !req
253. Not for you it ain't, sweetheart.
Copy !req
254. Remember?
I'm the cop that busted you.
Copy !req
255. Right. I know.
Copy !req
256. You're a cop, not hotel security.
Copy !req
257. I won't tell if you don't.
Oh, no, you don't.
Copy !req
258. You're not gonna pull that with me, pal.
Copy !req
259. Hi.
How you doin'?
Copy !req
260. Could be better.
Anything I can do?
Copy !req
261. You looking for me or what, Szarbo?
- I never told you my name.
Copy !req
262. I like to know who I'm dealin' with.
It pays to be in hotel security.
Copy !req
263. Yeah, I guess it does.
Copy !req
264. What's your name, sweet pea?
Sweet pea'll do just fine.
Copy !req
265. Yeah.
Copy !req
266. You're all right.
She's all right, huh?
Copy !req
267. Eh...
Copy !req
268. I'm so better than "all right."
Copy !req
269. Do you wanna talk, or not?
Copy !req
270. No. Later.
Copy !req
271. Right now, I'm gonna have a little chat
with sweet pea here.
Copy !req
272. Come on.
Copy !req
273. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
274. She's crazy!
She's a hooker.
Copy !req
275. Does she think for one second that
I'm gonna let this go by?
Copy !req
276. Looks like.
- You're gonna have to get her
out of here, man.
Copy !req
277. And I mean get her out of here, fast.
Wait. Me? Why me?
Copy !req
278. Because I'm gonna...
I'm liable to kill her!
Copy !req
279. She's gonna bury us.
- No, I'm not.
Copy !req
280. I'm gonna help you.
Tit for tat. Here.
Copy !req
281. I don't want your damn car.
Copy !req
282. Not mine. Szarbo's.
Copy !req
283. Thought you might like to check it out.
Copy !req
284. That's it right there.
How'd you get these?
Copy !req
285. Told him I wanted a little Chinese.
He threw me his keys.
Copy !req
286. Yeah, I'll bet
that ain't all he threw ya.
Copy !req
287. All right, look.
I was out of line, okay?
Copy !req
288. I'm just trying to make it right now. Yeah,
bull Twinkie. You smell a score.
Copy !req
289. What's the buzz? Huh?
Copy !req
290. He's a dealer. That's it.
Copy !req
291. Come on. You can tell me.
Copy !req
292. What's this?
Copy !req
293. Looks like the auto club.
Copy !req
294. He's got everything he needs here
to punch the boxes in the vault.
Copy !req
295. What's that?
Copy !req
296. It's a carbon copy of a motel bill.
Pine Hollow.
Copy !req
297. He checked in today.
- I know that place.
Copy !req
298. It's a real dive. Ten bucks
a night and up. Mostly down.
Copy !req
299. No TV, fights every night.
Copy !req
300. What's Szarbo doing in a dump like that when
he's got a two-bills-a-night suite here?
Copy !req
301. Beats the hell out of me.
Copy !req
302. Whatever it is, it's got something to do
with this. Come on. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
303. All right, Candy, hit the bricks.
Copy !req
304. Beat it.
Ah, come on.
Copy !req
305. Isn't there a little something in
this for me? Oh, yeah... trouble.
Copy !req
306. Now, you got a clean sheet in Miami,
so take it and walk.
Copy !req
307. We don't care where you take it.
Just take it.
Copy !req
308. Look, sweetheart,
it's for your own good, all right?
Copy !req
309. Now, get out of Miami.
Copy !req
310. Uh, how about that Chinese, huh?
Copy !req
311. It's all right, sweet pea.
Get the Chinese later.
Copy !req
312. Right now,
we got other things to talk about.
Copy !req
313. You see anything in that Caddy
that interested you?
Copy !req
314. Just bein' careful.
Copy !req
315. Let's take a walk.
Copy !req
316. Well, I'll just go wait up
in the, uh...
Copy !req
317. - No, you come too.
- Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
318. She's got no part in this.
- She does now.
Copy !req
319. That's them.
- Who's this?
Copy !req
320. This here's Mr. Ross.
Copy !req
321. He's an ex-cop,
recently suspended.
Copy !req
322. You checked me out.
I checked you out.
Copy !req
323. You're stool pigeons.
Copy !req
324. According to Mr. Ross, he was shakin'
down your operation, and you guys ratted.
Copy !req
325. Snitches make me
very uncomfortable.
Copy !req
326. Me too.
And I never saw this guy before.
Copy !req
327. I sent word to you
through that bimbo!
Copy !req
328. After that, I took the fall.
Copy !req
329. I dropped the dime on you,
you piece of garbage.
Copy !req
330. I turned you in.
Copy !req
331. You? Why?
Copy !req
332. What he did...
I don't take that from anybody.
Copy !req
333. You slut!
- Ow!
Copy !req
334. You touch one of our ladies again,
and I'll kill ya.
Copy !req
335. Come on. We're out of here.
Where are you goin'?
Copy !req
336. We're out of here, man.
Hey, come on! Come on!
Copy !req
337. You checked on me, I check on you.
I picked a bad source.
Copy !req
338. Big deal.
I'm satisfied.
Copy !req
339. You?
Up to you.
Copy !req
340. All right,
what do you really want?
Copy !req
341. Run and get us that Chinese,
will ya, sweat pea?
Copy !req
342. Ah, come... Come on.
Copy !req
343. Hey, get out of here.
Copy !req
344. What's the deal?
- We're gonna hit the hotel's
safety deposit boxes.
Copy !req
345. No kidding.
Copy !req
346. So what do you need us for?
Copy !req
347. To get me past the guard.
Copy !req
348. Uh-uh. I don't believe that.
There's got to be another way.
Copy !req
349. Hey, a little insurance.
Copy !req
350. Besides, I like having
hotel security on the payroll.
Copy !req
351. So this ain't your first time
out of the box, huh?
Copy !req
352. Nah. My man here,
he's the real pro.
Copy !req
353. So what's our end of the deal?
- Sixty for us, you split 40.
Copy !req
354. When?
Copy !req
355. First, I need to get inside alone.
No guard. Make a little survey.
Copy !req
356. So how do you know
which boxes to punch?
Copy !req
357. I don't.
We're gonna punch 'em all.
Copy !req
358. Run it down.
Copy !req
359. Well, Szarbo wants to make his move
just before the guard leaves at midnight.
Copy !req
360. And one of us gets the guard
to open up.
Copy !req
361. We put the guard to sleep,
and then they take it down.
Copy !req
362. Leave us tied up with the guard.
Copy !req
363. Which box does he want?
Copy !req
364. He wants to punch 'em all.
Copy !req
365. How far do we let him go, Lieutenant?
Copy !req
366. All the way.
We'll see what falls out of the boxes.
Copy !req
367. People put some strange things
in those boxes.
Copy !req
368. You can mark
this one down, Lieutenant.
Copy !req
369. It's in the jar.
- When's he gonna hit?
Copy !req
370. Soon. He said he'd give us
a couple days' notice.
Copy !req
371. How the hell did they get in here
without us?
Copy !req
372. But why do they open all these boxes...
Copy !req
373. and leave jewelry, C. D.s
and these other goodies behind?
Copy !req
374. How the hell do I know?
Copy !req
375. What's this?
Copy !req
376. Papers. That's what the score is...
It's papers.
Copy !req
377. Well, all they needed was to get inside and have someone
distract the guard so they could do a little recon.
Copy !req
378. And you gave 'em the time they needed.
Well, once they knew that...
Copy !req
379. the alarm was tied into the telephone
lines, they disconnected them.
Copy !req
380. And from there on, it was...
Well, it was easy.
Copy !req
381. Oh, yeah? Well, then tell me
how the hell they got through this.
Copy !req
382. I didn't know the combination.
Neither did Tubbs.
Copy !req
383. Who gave it to 'em? Wally?
Copy !req
384. Well, it's your standard
three-code number.
Copy !req
385. I mean, they simply hooked up this computer
device called a random digital selector.
Copy !req
386. It spins through all the combinations
of the lock at 1500 per minute, and...
Copy !req
387. Well, when it hits the right one, pop!
The doors open, the alarms are off.
Copy !req
388. And from there on in,
it's good night, Irene.
Copy !req
389. You let 'em in the first time.
You've been had unconditionally.
Copy !req
390. Will that be all, Lieutenant?
Copy !req
391. Yeah. Thank you.
Copy !req
392. That sandbaggin' son of a...
Copy !req
393. We found them, Lieutenant.
Copy !req
394. Dead?
- What?
Copy !req
395. Szarbo was.
Copy !req
396. The other guy died
while we were there.
Copy !req
397. He, um,
kept talkin' about paper.
Copy !req
398. Papers, like it was
a joke or something.
Copy !req
399. As if, uh, all their trouble...
Copy !req
400. was just for some papers,
or something like that.
Copy !req
401. What's the matter?
- No loot?
Copy !req
402. Gone.
Copy !req
403. Who got to these guys?
Copy !req
404. What the hell came out of that box?
Copy !req
405. Who else is tied to this?
Copy !req
406. What about Ross?
Copy !req
407. What? What are... Miami Vice.
Be real still. Put him down, Stan.
Copy !req
408. Cops? Why didn't you guys
tell me you're cops?
Copy !req
409. Now, wait a minute.
Guys, let's talk this out.
Copy !req
410. The charge is murder.
Copy !req
411. Read him his rights.
Copy !req
412. No. No, I didn't kill 'em.
Copy !req
413. No. No, I... See, I was supposed
to meet Szarbo right after the job.
Copy !req
414. Help him get out of town
in case there was any trouble.
Copy !req
415. He didn't show,
so I went looking for him.
Copy !req
416. But they were already taken out when I
got there. I swear. They were dead when I...
Copy !req
417. Are you saying that
someone else killed them?
Copy !req
418. I swear, that's exactly the way it was.
I ain't goin' for it.
Copy !req
419. No, man, no.
It's the truth!
Copy !req
420. I walked in, and boom!
I found them just like...
Copy !req
421. Like they were.
Copy !req
422. So I-I grabbed what I could carry
and I ran.
Copy !req
423. I panicked. I wasn't thinkin' of nothin' but
just getting out of there, just getting clear.
Copy !req
424. But I didn't kill them. You gotta
believe that. I'm a cop like you.
Copy !req
425. I'd never... You ain't no cop.
Copy !req
426. I'm not a murderer.
Not like that.
Copy !req
427. I could never do that.
Copy !req
428. You believe him?
Copy !req
429. Then who the hell
killed these guys?
Copy !req
430. I believe Ross.
Copy !req
431. I think he thought they were both dead,
so he picked up and he ran.
Copy !req
432. It had to be a setup.
Just had to be.
Copy !req
433. I mean, Szarbo knew exactly
what was in one of those boxes.
Copy !req
434. He just ripped off
the wrong dude.
Copy !req
435. Papers. He said, "Papers."
Copy !req
436. It must have been worth
a whole, whole lot.
Copy !req
437. Yeah, 'cause they just didn't wanna
kill him. They wanted to kill him.
Copy !req
438. You should have seen Szarbo's tongue.
Copy !req
439. The way they did that Thai,
he was gonna take a long time to die.
Copy !req
440. What did you say?
Copy !req
441. Nothin'.
Copy !req
442. You never told me that it was a Thai.
Copy !req
443. You never said anything
that the other guy was a Thai.
Copy !req
444. How did you know he was Thai?
Copy !req
445. A tattoo in Thai down his arm.
Copy !req
446. Who knew it made a difference?
Copy !req
447. The other autopsy's been performed.
Copy !req
448. This guy's just like he was delivered.
Copy !req
449. The other body was mutilated?
Exactly the same.
Copy !req
450. What do we got on this guy?
Copy !req
451. A name.
Copy !req
452. You got to have gotten his name.
No. It never came up.
Copy !req
453. Lieutenant, what's this all about?
Copy !req
454. You were right when you said
Szarbo was after something specific.
Copy !req
455. This mutilation, man, it looks too
calculated not to mean something.
Copy !req
456. Thank you, Tony.
Copy !req
457. It does mean something.
Copy !req
458. It says the killer
was a Thai assassin.
Copy !req
459. This is his signature.
Copy !req
460. It says its victim defied
a very, very important man.
Copy !req
461. How do you know that?
Because I've seen it before.
Copy !req
462. On an informant I had in Thailand.
I was working on General Lao Li.
Copy !req
463. It's a warning to anyone who sees it
not to make the same mistake.
Copy !req
464. Lieutenant, what's goin' on?
Copy !req
465. And who the hell is General Lao Li?
Copy !req
466. He's a nationalist Chinese
ex-general living in Thailand.
Copy !req
467. He controls most of the opium
coming out of the Golden Triangle.
Copy !req
468. The heroin.
It comes in by way of Toronto.
Copy !req
469. My guess is that they're moving
their operations to Miami.
Copy !req
470. And the papers?
Copy !req
471. Delivery schedules, contacts...
Copy !req
472. I don't know.
Copy !req
473. The vault was a dead drop.
Copy !req
474. Somebody put it in there
for somebody else to pick up.
Copy !req
475. Let's go.
Copy !req
476. You know somethin', Sonny?
Copy !req
477. Castillo is strange.
Copy !req
478. Wonder what's really
goin' on with him.
Copy !req
479. Whatever it is, for him it's personal.
Copy !req
480. How many recent immigrants
did we get off of Immigration?
Copy !req
481. Five.
Copy !req
482. Lieutenant, this Boon Phratek guy
is the last.
Copy !req
483. If we strike out with him,
what do we do?
Copy !req
484. Did you get through to Crockett?
He'll be here in a few minutes.
Copy !req
485. Good evening.
Two for dinner?
Copy !req
486. Lieutenant, you didn't tell me
you spoke Thai.
Copy !req
487. Hey, come on, man.
Don't make me work for it.
Copy !req
488. It's all part of it now.
Copy !req
489. I worked with the D.E.A. for three years...
Copy !req
490. undercover...
Copy !req
491. in the mountains
between Burma and Thailand.
Copy !req
492. Three years.
It's a long time.
Copy !req
493. It's a lifetime.
Copy !req
494. What's wrong?
- Cover the back.
Copy !req
495. What's the matter?
- Remember who you're dealing with.
Copy !req
496. In case you forget,
think about the corpse.
Copy !req
497. Cover the back.
Copy !req
498. You all right?
Copy !req
499. Head him off.
Copy !req
500. Crockett, around the back,
down the alley!
Copy !req
501. General Li's assassin.
Copy !req
502. He's swallowing his tongue!
He's killing himself!
Copy !req
503. What do you got here?
Stuff from Szarbo and the other guy.
Copy !req
504. What's this about?
Copy !req
505. That was delivered by a messenger
this morning.
Copy !req
506. She's pretty.
Copy !req
507. Lieutenant, there's nothing here
to explain the papers they took.
Copy !req
508. They weren't papers.
They were immigration visas.
Copy !req
509. They're not bringing in heroin.
They're bringing in people.
Copy !req
510. Lao Li's not coming. He's here.
Copy !req
511. Miami International Airport.
Copy !req
512. She looks Thai.
Who is she?
Copy !req
513. It's my wife.
Copy !req