1. Come on.
Copy !req
2. I can't keep this up. Just keep walkin',
baby, okay? Just keep walkin'.
Copy !req
3. Why? You think I'm just gonna
walk this off? Come on. Easy, all right?
Copy !req
4. We'll find somebody soon, all right? We're
gonna score, right? Tell me we're gonna score.
Copy !req
5. All right! Come on. Hey,
my friends call me Santa Claus.
Copy !req
6. Yeah, well,
we ain't your friends,
Copy !req
7. so just get lost, puke.
Copy !req
8. Hey, yours, mama.
- No, no. Come back. Don't go. Don't let him go.
Copy !req
9. He's just a cop.
Copy !req
10. Hey, why don't you look again, baby?
Copy !req
11. Get me high.
Copy !req
12. Okay, you got it, mama.
Copy !req
13. Come on.
You got some stuff?
Copy !req
14. Yeah, I got it. Gotta just keep her together, all right?
Hey, we're gonna take care of her. 'Cause she needs some bad.
Copy !req
15. Come on, lizard. Take us
somewhere. Are you talkin' to me?
Copy !req
16. No, I'm not talkin' to you, Stan.
Copy !req
17. Back up.
Copy !req
18. I'm not gettin' anything, Larry.
Copy !req
19. What's wrong with this?
Copy !req
20. A million dollars.
Copy !req
21. They're gonna pay this guy a million
dollars not to play football next year.
Copy !req
22. Man!
Copy !req
23. When I was laid up in the hospital with my knee in a
thousand pieces, I didn't even get a box of chocolates.
Copy !req
24. Tubbs.
Yeah, Tubbs.
Copy !req
25. We lost 'em.
Copy !req
26. Hey, cupcake. You're lookin' sharp.
They're with me.
Copy !req
27. Oh, don't mind Gary.
Copy !req
28. He died three years ago.
Copy !req
29. Come on.
Copy !req
30. Hey. I hope you're not
gonna speedball.
Copy !req
31. Had a problem with
a damn guy last night.
Copy !req
32. Blood all over the place.
Copy !req
33. Hey, put this one on my tab.
Copy !req
34. Hey. Hey, this pop's on me.
Copy !req
35. Hey, Luther might dance,
and Luther might joke,
Copy !req
36. but Luther's gonna get you well.
Copy !req
37. And then you're
gonna do for Luther.
Copy !req
38. Ain't that right, sugar?
Copy !req
39. We gotta find the shootin' gallery.
There's Royco, Miami's favorite junkie.
Copy !req
40. If anybody knows, he will.
Let's get him!
Copy !req
41. Aah! I didn't do nothin'!
I didn't do nothin', man!
Copy !req
42. Where's the fix-it shop, Royco? I don't
know what you're talkin' about, man.
Copy !req
43. Read my lips, Royco. Where? Oh,
man, I wanna see a lawyer.
Copy !req
44. You're gonna need a coroner!
Where, you little worm?
Copy !req
45. We don't care about you, man!
Where's the gallery?
Copy !req
46. Ow! Glades Hotel, man, Room 419.
Copy !req
47. Grade A, baby.
Copy !req
48. This stuff's gonna make you fly,
sugar fly. Then me and you,
Copy !req
49. we're gonna get down
and talk about some real business.
Copy !req
50. All right?
Copy !req
51. Everybody freeze!
Copy !req
52. Miami Vice! Freeze!
Copy !req
53. Crockett!
Copy !req
54. Ow!
Copy !req
55. Freeze! Don't move!
Copy !req
56. What took you so long?
Stopped for doughnuts.
Copy !req
57. Must be a fire escape.
Cover me.
Copy !req
58. wanted for a murder in Broward. Zito,
Switek, can I see you in my office, please?
Copy !req
59. Hey, Crockett, look who else made
tonight's guest list. Fifth one down.
Copy !req
60. Uh-oh. Headlines in tomorrow's
social register. Mark Jorgenson Jr.
Copy !req
61. Isn't his old man the guy that buys and
sells corporations like they were used cars?
Copy !req
62. Mr. Wall Street Raider himself,
number 387 on Forbes 400.
Copy !req
63. Since when do you read Forbes,
Copy !req
64. When I'm at the dentist.
Copy !req
65. Tubbs, let's go shake this kid out.
Copy !req
66. I'll call you later.
Copy !req
67. Well, the police report says here this is
your second offense in eight months, Mark.
Copy !req
68. You violated probation, pal.
Copy !req
69. I just love it when you poor little
rich kids slip up twice. You know why?
Copy !req
70. 'Cause then you're just like
everybody else.
Copy !req
71. What do you want with me?
Copy !req
72. Oh, not too much, just a couple of
names... your dealer, his supplier.
Copy !req
73. I can't do that.
Copy !req
74. What it is, Mark, is you got some
kind of bright future ahead of you.
Copy !req
75. You don't want
to poison it with this.
Copy !req
76. This is what it is, pal: You're gonna do every
day of six months, just for the possession alone.
Copy !req
77. By the time you get out,
you'll be the volleyball.
Copy !req
78. You get my drift?
Copy !req
79. We're gonna drop the charges.
You got it in writing.
Copy !req
80. I can't give up my friends.
- They're not your friends, Mark.
Copy !req
81. All right.
Copy !req
82. I'm Alan Farber with Sloves and Warner.
- I don't give a damn if you're Bailey and Belli!
Copy !req
83. Who the hell do you
think you are to bust in here?
Copy !req
84. I have a court order from Judge Fairfax here
for the release of Mark Jorgenson Jr.
Copy !req
85. Let's go, Mark.
Copy !req
86. Damn it.
Copy !req
87. So what else is new?
Copy !req
88. The Gucci class
slips through the cracks.
Copy !req
89. They do it all the time.
Copy !req
90. Doesn't mean
I have to get used to it.
Copy !req
91. Man.
Copy !req
92. It was a nice touch
playin' the good cop routine.
Copy !req
93. I wasn't playin'.
Copy !req
94. I've seen guys in the Bronx,
Copy !req
95. Lower East Side,
strung out, slammed down.
Copy !req
96. They got a thousand and one reasons
to want to escape,
Copy !req
97. and a thousand and one nights
of learnin' the ropes.
Copy !req
98. But the saddest thing
is an uptown junkie.
Copy !req
99. They're only into it because they
hurt so much inside. I hear you.
Copy !req
100. I got a feelin' this kid
can lead us to something.
Copy !req
101. Like what?
Don't lose these.
Copy !req
102. Dealers that won't get within 10 miles
of nickle-and-dime junkies...
Copy !req
103. will fall all over themselves to rub
shoulders with a celebrity like Jorgenson.
Copy !req
104. I figure this kid can hand us
a dozen mid-level suppliers.
Copy !req
105. Trudy, what were you saying
about Jorgenson just a little while ago?
Copy !req
106. The kid comes from a family
high up on the social register.
Copy !req
107. He has one prior.
I wanna run it down.
Copy !req
108. I wanna pull the jacket on the kid and do a back-trace
through the computers and see what kicks out.
Copy !req
109. In the meantime,
we'll rattle the kid's cage.
Copy !req
110. Piece of cake.
Copy !req
111. Hah!
Copy !req
112. Hah! Hah!
Copy !req
113. Hah!
Copy !req
114. Nicely played.
Copy !req
115. Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Copy !req
116. Training for life's hard falls?
- Watch your blind side the next time, kiddo.
Copy !req
117. Oh, there he is.
Copy !req
118. You played wonderfully.
- Yeah, I fall pretty good, huh?
Copy !req
119. Hello, Mark. How are ya?
Copy !req
120. I'll see you in a little while.
What the hell are you doing here?
Copy !req
121. I just love polo.
It's one of my real fave raves.
Copy !req
122. Hi, there. Sonny Burnett.
Oh, hi. Mary McDermott.
Copy !req
123. Pleasure. Well,
how do you two know each other?
Copy !req
124. Uh, we... We ran into each other sailing
over at the Cypress Club, literally.
Copy !req
125. Oh, that's nice.
Hi, honey.
Copy !req
126. Hi. Mm. Mark, uh, this is Sonny Burnett,
a friend of Mark Jr.'s.
Copy !req
127. Hi.
- I'm gonna hit the showers.
Copy !req
128. Uh, we're gonna meet Philip and Ray
in the bar in about 20.
Copy !req
129. Okay.
Copy !req
130. Well, nice to meet you, Sonny.
My pleasure.
Copy !req
131. Bye.
Copy !req
132. Excuse me.
Copy !req
133. Hey, Mary Mac.
Copy !req
134. Hey.
Copy !req
135. My father's not here.
Copy !req
136. Yeah, I know. I'm meeting him.
Copy !req
137. I heard about last night.
Copy !req
138. Hey, you look good in white, Mary.
Copy !req
139. You notice how white
this whole house is?
Copy !req
140. Mark, I thought you were over this.
Copy !req
141. Is white even a color?
Copy !req
142. Where's Mark?
He's sleeping.
Copy !req
143. You mean, he's stoned.
Copy !req
144. Yeah, I think he's a little ashamed
about what happened.
Copy !req
145. Oh, yeah. Well...
Copy !req
146. I don't care if he was planning to leverage
those assets to buy the Trump Tower.
Copy !req
147. Sell off that inventory if you
can't come up with the money.
Copy !req
148. Then we'll sue him
for breach of contract.
Copy !req
149. Because I've had it up to my teeth with
these two-bit, sandbagging wastes of time.
Copy !req
150. Let 'em take their bush-league crap
somewhere else.
Copy !req
151. Can I get you something
from inside?
Copy !req
152. Oh, it finally
came through, huh?
Copy !req
153. Yeah, I figured that
would please you.
Copy !req
154. The short interest on that stock is so high, if
we touch it on the open market it'll explode.
Copy !req
155. Why don't we take, uh,
a hundred thousand shares next week?
Copy !req
156. Sell the T.H.I. That oughta
raise enough capital to cover it.
Copy !req
157. Thank you, Henry.
Copy !req
158. I wanted you know that Alan seems to think
he can plead no contest...
Copy !req
159. and get you a suspended sentence.
That sounds fine.
Copy !req
160. With the proviso that you spend six months
away at a drug rehabilitation center.
Copy !req
161. That's like sending me to jail. No!
No, I won't do it.
Copy !req
162. I'm not going.
You don't have a choice.
Copy !req
163. You can finish the last semester
at school, of course,
Copy !req
164. and the polo season.
Copy !req
165. Felix called from downtown.
Copy !req
166. Said they're gonna push
the Jorgenson preliminary back to Friday.
Copy !req
167. Couple more days of, uh,
the high life. High life, my eye.
Copy !req
168. If I have to sit through one more polo match,
I'm turnin' in my badge. There you are!
Copy !req
169. Just love doing
you guys' grunt work.
Copy !req
170. Come on, honey.
Now, we'd do it for you.
Copy !req
171. Yeah, right.
What'd you get?
Copy !req
172. Well, it's routine stuff on Junior...
Copy !req
173. Being bounced out of prep school
like it was his hobby.
Copy !req
174. And then I spot the package
on the old man. Whoo!
Copy !req
175. The whole world has
had him under glass...
Copy !req
176. I.R.S., Swiss bank authorities,
Federal Trade.
Copy !req
177. Last year he was under surveillance
for inside trading... S.E.C.
Copy !req
178. They had the whole thing... they had
him surveilled, they had wire on him.
Copy !req
179. When Jorgenson got a hold of it, he took the entire
commission to court for harassment and beat 'em.
Copy !req
180. Wow. Guy was voted most likely to
become Robert Vesco in high school.
Copy !req
181. There's more.
Remember Andre Gilbert?
Copy !req
182. You mean the coke financier that married the Italian
actress? This is the company he's been keeping.
Copy !req
183. Ha! Wow.
Copy !req
184. I didn't expect this to lead
to his own father. Jorgenson.
Copy !req
185. Uh-huh.
Little, uh, R&R in Hotel du Cap in Antibes.
Copy !req
186. I smell a little offshore
money laundering here.
Copy !req
187. You know what this is?
This is a major thread.
Copy !req
188. Let's pick it up.
I'll check out those wiretap tapes.
Copy !req
189. You know what you guys are gonna pick up is a
couple hundred million dollars worth of old money,
Copy !req
190. some heavy-duty lawyers
and tons of political clout.
Copy !req
191. So what?
Copy !req
192. Just because he has money
doesn't mean he's not dirty.
Copy !req
193. I was just thinking about you.
Copy !req
194. And what were you thinking? That
you're gonna kill me if I don't watch out.
Copy !req
195. I still haven't recovered from last night.
Oh, gimme a break.
Copy !req
196. I'll go easy on you, I promise.
Copy !req
197. Please, don't.
Copy !req
198. Mark, I think I found
a warehouse for the inventory.
Copy !req
199. The van is delivering here now.
Copy !req
200. What?
- I know that sound.
Copy !req
201. I said, I just wanted to know if you want
to see it. It's a train... a commuter train.
Copy !req
202. Good work, Holmes. You narrowed
things down to a 60-mile stretch.
Copy !req
203. Sounds like a church clock,
Copy !req
204. way in the background.
Copy !req
205. That could be St. Charles.
Copy !req
206. Are there any warehouses
around here?
Copy !req
207. Over there.
See? Right over there.
Copy !req
208. Thanks.
Copy !req
209. Sure. I had the chance
to get in on the ground floor...
Copy !req
210. with the hot pretzel thing.
Copy !req
211. Zeb and I could have become
millionaires three times by now.
Copy !req
212. Right, Zeb? You ever see anyone unloading
stuff into any of these warehouses?
Copy !req
213. Sure. Trucks come by here
all the time. Here. Trucks?
Copy !req
214. How about vans?
Copy !req
215. Hey, Zeb, didn't we see a green
van come by here the other day?
Copy !req
216. Sure, we did. Right into that warehouse
across the street, right by the garbage bin.
Copy !req
217. Whew.
Copy !req
218. Crockett.
Copy !req
219. Hey. Have I got a surprise for you,
Copy !req
220. About a hundred and 50 kilos
or thereabouts.
Copy !req
221. Let's see, 40 grand, that's, uh,
about five million wholesale.
Copy !req
222. Gentlemen, we're lookin' at
about 75 million on the street.
Copy !req
223. Is it Jorgenson's?
It's somebody's.
Copy !req
224. Let's sit on it.
Copy !req
225. Ah, there.
How 'bout the mission?
Copy !req
226. Looks good. Let's set up shop.
Copy !req
227. Looks good from here.
Copy !req
228. No place like home.
Come on. Let's get the gear.
Copy !req
229. I'll go check out
who owns the warehouse.
Copy !req
230. So, who actually owns the warehouse?
Copy !req
231. The V.B.A. Corporation out of
Lauderdale is the owner of record.
Copy !req
232. And who owns that?
Copy !req
233. Ownership of the V.B.A. Corporation
is listed to a Delaware holding company.
Copy !req
234. And who owns that?
Copy !req
235. A Bahamian company.
Copy !req
236. How long can the string
stretch? A long way.
Copy !req
237. I can't get any names... not stockholders,
not board of directors, nothing.
Copy !req
238. Phone number,
an address, something.
Copy !req
239. Just the one in the Bahamas
that doesn't answer.
Copy !req
240. You might try the I.R.S.
Copy !req
241. How long would that take?
A long time.
Copy !req
242. Gina.
Copy !req
243. No, no, no, no, no.
That's never gonna work, Stan.
Copy !req
244. What you gotta do
is tell her somethin' outrageous.
Copy !req
245. You're right, Lawrence.
When you're right, you're right.
Copy !req
246. Yeah, so forget the truth.
They never believe the truth.
Copy !req
247. You tell 'em the truth,
they laugh in your face. You're right.
Copy !req
248. Lying's easier. It always is.
- It is. It's more natural.
Copy !req
249. Sure.
How you doin'?
Copy !req
250. Not a sound.
Copy !req
251. Get the car.
Copy !req
252. Freeze! Miami Vice!
Copy !req
253. What is it? Were you just,
uh, helpin' Jorgenson out?
Copy !req
254. Doin' him a favor?
Copy !req
255. You don't really know what was
in that warehouse, now, do you?
Copy !req
256. Officer, I specifically
requested an attorney.
Copy !req
257. Now, if you persist in questioning me now, at
this time, without my lawyer being present,
Copy !req
258. you are in violation of about
four separate statutes.
Copy !req
259. And any case you think you have,
you're about to blow now.
Copy !req
260. Lady, this is not a traffic ticket.
Copy !req
261. What we're talkin' about is a hundred
and 50 kilos. That's some serious time.
Copy !req
262. You better do yourself
some good while you can.
Copy !req
263. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
264. Kilos? Packages?
Copy !req
265. Uh, what, was there something
with my name on it, or my address?
Copy !req
266. See, I heard that the building was for rent, and I
thought it might be suitable to store some antiques.
Copy !req
267. And beyond that, I don't know
what you're talking about, Officer.
Copy !req
268. Yeah? Well,
what I'm talkin' about...
Copy !req
269. is a very pretty lady
in her 30s...
Copy !req
270. who's gonna come out of prison
old, tired and in her 40s.
Copy !req
271. Detective, I specifically
requested an attorney.
Copy !req
272. Who went with Mary today?
Copy !req
273. Felix and Jesús.
Why, was there a problem?
Copy !req
274. I lost $5 million.
That's a problem.
Copy !req
275. Mary's been arrested.
What? For what?
Copy !req
276. They say she's been selling narcotics. She may have
even used my offices and my properties to do it.
Copy !req
277. Well, you gonna help her?
Copy !req
278. You can't just let her stay in jail. Yeah, I know.
I also can't be connected with that sort of thing.
Copy !req
279. Connected with it? She's your... Yes, but too many
businessmen have become entangled in this sort of thing.
Copy !req
280. My credibility would
come into question.
Copy !req
281. Banks are headed up
by a bunch of old women.
Copy !req
282. You want me to go? It won't make
any difference to my credibility...
Copy !req
283. or reputation.
Copy !req
284. Don't bring her back here.
Copy !req
285. Don't worry.
I'll bring her to her apartment.
Copy !req
286. I'll let her know how worried
you were about her.
Copy !req
287. Damn it! Why can't you ever see
things from my point of view?
Copy !req
288. It's too depressing.
Copy !req
289. The lady's like ice.
- I don't know what she thinks she's tryin' to prove.
Copy !req
290. Love. Right. Jorgenson's gonna visit
her every weekend while she's doin' time.
Copy !req
291. So it's take a number and back in line. We've got
enough for a surveillance and a wiretap on Jorgenson.
Copy !req
292. Let's get on it.
Copy !req
293. Gentlemen.
Copy !req
294. Good work.
Copy !req
295. If it's such a good bust,
Copy !req
296. how come I feel so lousy?
Copy !req
297. Crockett.
Copy !req
298. Detain him. I don't care what you have to do.
You keep him there. We want to talk to him.
Copy !req
299. I don't believe it.
Copy !req
300. She's been running the game
for your father all along.
Copy !req
301. No! No, I'm sorry.
There's just no way.
Copy !req
302. She keeps him away from it, Mark.
She's his middleman.
Copy !req
303. That is not who she is.
Copy !req
304. My father doesn't need to sell drugs.
- Why isn't he here to help Mary?
Copy !req
305. Time to grow up, Mark.
Open your eyes.
Copy !req
306. So what do you want now?
For me to turn the screws on her?
Copy !req
307. She can help herself.
Copy !req
308. You can both go to hell.
Copy !req
309. This was my first experience
in a place like that.
Copy !req
310. They were more considerate than
I thought they'd be... almost polite.
Copy !req
311. Dad told me to take you
to your apartment.
Copy !req
312. Yeah, I don't think staying
at the house would be wise.
Copy !req
313. No, I was really surprised.
Copy !req
314. It was all very antiseptic...
Copy !req
315. Sort of like a series
of job interviews, yeah.
Copy !req
316. He plans to disassociate himself,
Copy !req
317. to do nothing whatsoever to help you.
Copy !req
318. Well, at this point,
that's the wisest choice.
Copy !req
319. Don't worry, Mark.
He knows what he's doing.
Copy !req
320. It's all for the best, really.
Copy !req
321. May I drop you off first, Mr. Jorgenson?
It's on the way.
Copy !req
322. No.
Yes, please do.
Copy !req
323. Look, Mark,
your caring really moves me,
Copy !req
324. but I just want to go home and be
alone for a while, if that's all right.
Copy !req
325. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
326. Look, Mary Mac,
if there's anything you want me to do...
Copy !req
327. Anything that, you know,
like, anyway I... I know.
Copy !req
328. Hey, you're a good friend.
Copy !req
329. But follow your father's lead,
Copy !req
330. and keep some space between us,
at least for a while.
Copy !req
331. Thanks.
Copy !req
332. Don't worry.
I'm not, and don't you.
Copy !req
333. Okay. Bye.
Copy !req
334. They're callin' it suicide.
Copy !req
335. This is Jorgenson's work.
Copy !req
336. He knew it was just a matter
of time before she gave him up.
Copy !req
337. It's gonna be hard to prove.
Maybe not.
Copy !req
338. The ends justify the means, eh,
Lieutenant? Hey, take it easy, Sonny.
Copy !req
339. I can't take it easy! Not when
we keep screwin' up people's lives!
Copy !req
340. They screwed up. What? We can't get 'em on
one thing, so we drive 'em to somethin' else.
Copy !req
341. Is that it? I didn't write the game plan,
Sonny. They did.
Copy !req
342. Jorgenson killed the girl.
Copy !req
343. What else do we do?
We let him walk?
Copy !req
344. Of course he walks.
Copy !req
345. I'm sorry, Mark.
Copy !req
346. She took the fall for my father,
and this is how he repays her.
Copy !req
347. You brought me here to see this.
Copy !req
348. That's right.
Copy !req
349. Mark, let's take a walk.
Copy !req
350. Okay.
Copy !req
351. What do you want me to do?
Copy !req
352. We want you
to talk to your father.
Copy !req
353. Mary's dead.
I know.
Copy !req
354. They say she killed herself.
Copy !req
355. Why?
Copy !req
356. When your mother died,
I promised myself...
Copy !req
357. that I would raise you in a way
that would make her proud.
Copy !req
358. I realize now that I failed to
keep good on that promise.
Copy !req
359. But for the life of me, I don't know where
I went wrong. You did the best you could.
Copy !req
360. I thought that being
a Jorgenson was enough.
Copy !req
361. Something in our blood
made us superior to everybody else.
Copy !req
362. Above it all. Above the law.
Copy !req
363. Sometimes you remind me so
much of your mother. Yeah. Weak.
Copy !req
364. Not weak.
Copy !req
365. Sensitive.
Copy !req
366. When I was a little boy,
Copy !req
367. I fell and cut my knee.
Copy !req
368. My father hit me
because I was crying.
Copy !req
369. A Jorgenson doesn't cry. I tried to
train you to that way of thinking...
Copy !req
370. Make you into a Jorgenson,
tougher and smarter.
Copy !req
371. I guess that all I was really doing...
was doing what got done to me.
Copy !req
372. Dad, I... - You know,
I always admired the way you fought it...
Copy !req
373. Well, why didn't you ever tell
me that? the way you rebelled.
Copy !req
374. Why didn't you tell me
these things a long time ago?
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375. I killed her, Mark.
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376. I killed Mary.
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377. No!
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378. You get away!
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379. You leave him alone!
- It's too late.
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380. Be advised you're under arrest
and charged with...
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381. conspiracy to commit murder in the first
degree in the death of Mary McDermott.
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382. You have the right to remain silent. The Constitution
requires that I so inform you of this right,
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383. and that you need not talk to me
if you do not wish to do so.
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384. You do not have to answer
any of my questions.
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385. Should you talk to me, anything which
you may say in answer to my questions...
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386. can and will be introduced
into evidence in court against you.
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387. If you want an attorney to be present
at this time, or any time hereafter,
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388. you are entitled to such counsel.
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389. God, I hate these
hot winter nights.
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390. I tell you three times already.
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391. No, señor.
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392. Hm. Gracias.
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393. He's never comin'
back here again, man.
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394. Come on.
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395. Tell me somethin', man.
What we did today...
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396. Good, routine police work.
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397. I'm afraid the kid's gonna
end up O.D.'d somewhere.
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398. Maybe not. Maybe now he has a chance.
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