1. Now you... Who are you?
Copy !req
2. If you think this girl
can win against Hikaru,
Copy !req
3. you're saying you could win against me.
Copy !req
4. Not so fast!
Copy !req
5. I don't care who I'm up against!
You hear me?
Copy !req
6. I will be the greatest coach in the world!
Copy !req
7. Good morning.
Copy !req
8. S-Sorry. Did I wake you?
Copy !req
9. Yeah.
Copy !req
10. Our next meet
will be the West Japan Championship
Copy !req
11. for elementary schoolers.
Copy !req
12. Unlike the Meikoh Cup,
Copy !req
13. you'll be up against athletes
from all over Western Japan.
Copy !req
14. Kyoto, where this event is held,
Copy !req
15. is turning out some of the best athletes
in the game right now.
Copy !req
16. Who knows what we'll see there.
Copy !req
17. MEIKOH CUP 12.64
Copy !req
18. To win, you'll need to score about eight
points higher than you did at Meikoh.
Copy !req
19. That'll put you squarely in the 20s.
Copy !req
20. Twenty points.
Copy !req
21. Yep. We'll need to update your program
with two different types of double jumps.
Copy !req
22. And she's got
the Badge Test to practice for too.
Copy !req
23. I know she's been struggling with doubles.
She must be worried.
Copy !req
24. The heck is that face about?
Copy !req
25. I thought about keeping this a secret
for a little bit, but I can't!
Copy !req
26. You wanna know what I did on Sunday?
Copy !req
27. A double jump.
Copy !req
28. Wait, for real? Is that true?
Copy !req
29. I sure did!
Copy !req
30. She learned a broken leg sit spin
on her own and now a double jump too?
Copy !req
31. Incredible. She's barreling on ahead
Copy !req
32. - before I even get a chance to coach her.
- Ha! Got it!
Copy !req
33. - Go, go, go, go...
- So?
Copy !req
34. - Huh?
- You wanna see me do one right now?
Copy !req
35. You know I do!
Copy !req
36. Whoa, are you okay?
Copy !req
37. I-I'm okay, but...
Copy !req
38. That was great!
Copy !req
39. Your form's improved immensely
since the competition!
Copy !req
40. If you've already come this far
on your own,
Copy !req
41. you're gonna master it by the next one.
Copy !req
42. I promise I wasn't lying to you!
I really did it last time.
Copy !req
43. I know. It's okay! I believe you!
Copy !req
44. And check it out.
I borrowed a tablet today.
Copy !req
45. Now we can double-check
your form and stuff
Copy !req
46. while you're still feeling it
all in your muscles.
Copy !req
47. You wanna go again?
Copy !req
48. But I did it. I had it...
Copy !req
49. It's okay, don't beat yourself up.
Copy !req
50. - Okay, I got it!
- Huh.
Copy !req
51. We're gonna be looking at your head,
torso and legs.
Copy !req
52. We wanna get everything spinning
at the same time.
Copy !req
53. So let's check to see
where you're not in sync,
Copy !req
54. and we can adjust accordingly from there.
Copy !req
55. - Sound good?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
56. Ah, your head and shoulders
are rotating at the same time,
Copy !req
57. but your legs are lagging behind. See?
Copy !req
58. Can I try again right now?
Copy !req
59. Wait, hang on.
Copy !req
60. Oof.
She's falling apart out there.
Copy !req
61. I'll tell you what,
Copy !req
62. let's switch gears and practice
for the Badge Test for a while.
Copy !req
63. No, I want to keep trying.
Copy !req
64. I don't want to stop till I can land it.
Copy !req
65. It's no problem for everyone else my age.
Copy !req
66. She's in a hurry.
Copy !req
67. Her desire to improve
gives her a lot of strength,
Copy !req
68. but it also means
she's extra hard on herself.
Copy !req
69. - Inori.
- What?
Copy !req
70. Don't worry that you're not
on the same level as the other girls yet.
Copy !req
71. That's not gonna change overnight,
but don't panic.
Copy !req
72. You're building yourself up
little by little.
Copy !req
73. It's okay if you can't do everything.
Copy !req
74. You don't need to rush.
Copy !req
75. Plus, the time you spend
working through challenges now
Copy !req
76. is gonna make you that much better
at facing them in the future.
Copy !req
77. It'll help in the future.
Copy !req
78. Yep.
Copy !req
79. Wow, you always know exactly what to say
to make me feel better, Coach Tsukasa!
Copy !req
80. Oh, so it's working? Good.
Copy !req
81. But I gotta stay ahead
of the 8 ball.
Copy !req
82. Inori moves fast
and I need to start anticipating that,
Copy !req
83. or I might miss teaching
something crucial for her at this level.
Copy !req
84. So, how...
Copy !req
85. - That goes for me too!
- What does?
Copy !req
86. Nothing! Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
87. I talked a big game about
"No need to rush,"
Copy !req
88. but I'm freaking out too.
Copy !req
89. Everything I just said to her,
I need to be telling myself double.
Copy !req
90. How lucky am I that talking with her
helps me recognize my own blind spots.
Copy !req
91. We're raising each other up.
Copy !req
92. And to keep it that way,
I need to focus on the now.
Copy !req
93. - Hey, Inori.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
94. Mark my words! I'm not gonna lose to you!
Copy !req
95. Huh?
Copy !req
96. Just wear another layer.
You'll catch a cold.
Copy !req
97. Hey, level one
starts at eight o'clock, right?
Copy !req
98. Yeah, they put level seven
in the early slot.
Copy !req
99. Where are you, Ema?
Copy !req
100. Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry!
Copy !req
101. Sorry for being so adorable, that is.
Copy !req
102. Wha...
Copy !req
103. Wait. You're Suzu Kamoto, aren't you?
Copy !req
104. Second place in Novice B last year?
Copy !req
105. Yep, that's me. Nice to meet ya.
Copy !req
106. Second place?
Copy !req
107. - You're a Kyoto girl, right?
- The best athlete after Hikaru Kamisaki.
Copy !req
108. My coach did.
Copy !req
109. - Hey! Pardon me.
- Huh?
Copy !req
110. Sorry, but I lost track
of one of my elementary school-age kiddos.
Copy !req
111. You ain't seen her, have you?
Copy !req
112. Uh...
Copy !req
113. Yeah. There's my buddies.
Copy !req
114. Nothing like a squirmy little wormy
to help calm me down.
Copy !req
115. I wish I could get Coach
to appreciate you like I do, though.
Copy !req
116. Huh?
Copy !req
117. Pigeons.
Copy !req
118. Is she some
kind of pigeon goddess?
Copy !req
119. She's so cool.
Copy !req
120. I kinda can't believe she's not scared
with all those birds on top of her.
Copy !req
121. Help is on the way!
Copy !req
122. - There she is.
- Inori?
Copy !req
123. Thanks for helping me track her down.
Copy !req
124. I appreciate it.
Copy !req
125. Nah, it's all good. Seriously.
Happy to lend a hand.
Copy !req
126. Well, thanks anyway.
I'm Yudai Jakuzure, by the way.
Copy !req
127. Rengecha FSC.
Copy !req
128. This is Ema Yamato.
Copy !req
129. She's here for her level one test.
Copy !req
130. Level one? So am I!
Copy !req
131. Thank you kindly for your help, Inori.
You were so valiant out there.
Copy !req
132. V-Valiant?
Copy !req
133. Not like you to go runnin' off.
Copy !req
134. I'd expect that from Suzu.
Copy !req
135. That's not very nice to say!
Copy !req
136. Now let me go already!
Copy !req
137. Coach, you're so rude!
Copy !req
138. I know I'm a cutie patootie and all,
but really!
Copy !req
139. If you don't stop carrying me around
like some kinda rag doll...
Copy !req
140. - Coach Jakki.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
141. You're supposed to say "Then what?"
Copy !req
142. Oh, all right. Then what?
Copy !req
143. You wanna know?
Copy !req
144. I'll get all cute-mad
and you won't hear the end of it!
Copy !req
145. Ooh, boy. We can't have that!
Copy !req
146. Now, let's get you girls registered.
Copy !req
147. Hey! You didn't listen
to a word I said, did ya?
Copy !req
148. He seems so used to
wrangling grade-schoolers.
Copy !req
149. Respect.
Copy !req
150. All right,
let's get your level one test started.
Copy !req
151. First up, we'll be looking
for a single Salchow.
Copy !req
152. Go ahead and line up for me.
Copy !req
153. Ema! You got this!
Copy !req
154. Inori is so calm.
Talk about growth!
Copy !req
155. Okay. Next.
Copy !req
156. She did that so easily
it looked like she was in slow motion.
Copy !req
157. It was just a single, but,
it reminds me of watching Hikaru.
Copy !req
158. Wow, she looks like
she eats singles for breakfast.
Copy !req
159. I passed level one!
Copy !req
160. I can't believe I get to start
competing in meets at this level.
Copy !req
161. Well, I can't wait to compete
in the level seven free skatin'.
Copy !req
162. But did you see the way everyone was
watching me during the exam, like, gosh!
Copy !req
163. They were all like,
"Wow, what a cutie-pie.
Copy !req
164. I hope she doesn't have
to go back to Kyoto so soon!"
Copy !req
165. I don't think that's true.
Copy !req
166. Well, pretty successful day.
Copy !req
167. Heya. Are you gonna
head straight back to Kyoto?
Copy !req
168. Nah. I figured we may as well
skate here this afternoon
Copy !req
169. and at the Minato rink tomorrow.
Copy !req
170. As long as we're not gettin' in
anybody's way.
Copy !req
171. In that case, if it's all right with you,
Copy !req
172. I'd like to pick your brain
a little bit tomorrow.
Copy !req
173. Oh?
Copy !req
174. I really want you to show me
your technique for teaching jumps.
Copy !req
175. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
176. Whoa.
Copy !req
177. What are you doing?
Don't bother other coaches!
Copy !req
178. Rengecha is the strongest FSC
in Japan right now!
Copy !req
179. You can't just go asking them for help!
Copy !req
180. What? That's why I'm asking.
Copy !req
181. Lower your voice!
Copy !req
182. Those stronger clubs put in
the work and time and research
Copy !req
183. to refine their training methods.
Copy !req
184. They take it so seriously!
Copy !req
185. They're not just gonna share that stuff
with any bozo who asks!
Copy !req
186. I'll try anything to improve myself,
but it's not just for me.
Copy !req
187. Because when you're an athlete,
you only get one shot.
Copy !req
188. Uh...
Copy !req
189. Sure thing, bud!
Copy !req
190. Sure thing?
Copy !req
191. Good Morning.
Copy !req
192. Morning.
Copy !req
193. Inori!
Copy !req
194. Aren't you lucky you get to
see me again so soon.
Copy !req
195. Uh, yes?
Copy !req
196. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
197. Thanks again for your time, man.
Copy !req
198. Sure thing.
I genuinely think this is a great idea.
Copy !req
199. If you ask me,
we ought to be sharing info more often.
Copy !req
200. Cheese.
Copy !req
201. On top of which,
I know exactly how you feel, Coach.
Copy !req
202. The West Japan Championship next month?
Copy !req
203. I was getting Ema prepped
and ready to sign up at level one,
Copy !req
204. but she came down with a fever
Copy !req
205. and couldn't take
the earlier Badge Test in Kyoto.
Copy !req
206. That's why you came to Nagoya.
Copy !req
207. Ema's my first student who's this green.
Copy !req
208. I've been working with her
since way before Prelims.
Copy !req
209. But she's got talent.
I want folks to see that.
Copy !req
210. Yeah! Heck, yeah, Coach!
Copy !req
211. I so get it! I know exactly how you feel!
Copy !req
212. Let's both put in that there elbow grease!
Copy !req
213. All right, cool it with the accent
or I'm gonna think your makin' fun of me!
Copy !req
214. Wow.
Copy !req
215. What do you think?
Copy !req
216. Mmm, let's see.
Copy !req
217. It's hard to find areas of improvement
for kiddos I'm not coachin'.
Copy !req
218. Frankly, I'm really impressed with her.
Copy !req
219. How long has she been skatin'?
Copy !req
220. It's been about four months now.
Copy !req
221. Four months?
Copy !req
222. Dang. And she's this stable.
Copy !req
223. Y'all been workin' hard.
Copy !req
224. Great job.
Copy !req
225. That really was
some beautiful skatin' there, girlie.
Copy !req
226. Your landings are real strong,
Copy !req
227. and when you nail a move just right,
you got the cutest lil smile.
Copy !req
228. Wow, thank you very much.
Copy !req
229. It's a great smile
that proves you're having fun.
Copy !req
230. Ain't it? Back me up, Coach!
Copy !req
231. Yes, he's exactly right, but...
Copy !req
232. I still think that compliment
is inadequate.
Copy !req
233. - Perhaps he just doesn't understand yet...
- What's with the face?
Copy !req
234. Say something, man.
You're freaking me out.
Copy !req
235. Oh.
Copy !req
236. Nothing. Sorry.
Copy !req
237. Well, you wanted to talk jumps, right?
Copy !req
238. Are there any problem areas
in particular, or...
Copy !req
239. Oh, yeah. It's her doubles.
Copy !req
240. Her legs are lagging behind
the rest of her pretty bad.
Copy !req
241. Oh, I gotcha.
Copy !req
242. She's got more than enough speed,
Copy !req
243. but she's getting destabilized
by her own centrifugal force.
Copy !req
244. So I think her spin is off
Copy !req
245. 'cause she's subconsciously
slowing down right before she jumps.
Copy !req
246. I think if she digs in with her edge
a little more on her very last step,
Copy !req
247. she'll be in a better position
to use that momentum for her rotations.
Copy !req
248. Oh... What?
Copy !req
249. - 'Kay, so, why not go with that?
- Huh?
Copy !req
250. You just said pretty much everything
I had to say on the matter,
Copy !req
251. so you should run with it.
Copy !req
252. Anything else?
Copy !req
253. Or are we just gonna call it there?
Copy !req
254. Well, can you stay a little longer?
Copy !req
255. If you already knew all that, I don't know
what you need my input for, but, sure.
Copy !req
256. Huh? Is there... is there not like
a special pedagogy for singles skating?
Copy !req
257. Hell, if there is, I'd like to know!
Copy !req
258. I just worry.
I don't have competitive singles training.
Copy !req
259. I was only really taught ice dancing.
Copy !req
260. And even then, I only started at 20.
Copy !req
261. At 20?
Copy !req
262. So, you know...
I get so anxious about coaching correctly!
Copy !req
263. Seriously, I have no idea what I'm doing!
Copy !req
264. Gettin' all fired up
about your lack of confidence
Copy !req
265. ought to prove to you
that you know what you're talkin' about!
Copy !req
266. So chill out!
Copy !req
267. B-But...
Copy !req
268. You got nothing
to be anxious about whatsoever.
Copy !req
269. Really?
Copy !req
270. Maybe it's because
you were an ice dancer,
Copy !req
271. but you got a real good eye
on ya there, Coach.
Copy !req
272. Oh...
Copy !req
273. Ema, give me a double Salchow real quick!
Copy !req
274. Mmm.
Copy !req
275. Her double is as pretty
as her single...
Copy !req
276. Now why don't ya tell me
what you saw with my kiddo, huh?
Copy !req
277. Might help a rookie coach
get a little more self-confidence,
Copy !req
278. you know what I'm sayin'?
Copy !req
279. Oh. You think?
Copy !req
280. Yeah, go ahead! What'd ya see? Hmm?
Copy !req
281. Hmm.
Copy !req
282. Well, uh, she flies and lands beautifully.
Copy !req
283. But on her approach, she's not really
tapping into the full momentum
Copy !req
284. I think she should have.
Copy !req
285. If she can keep her head steady
through the cross,
Copy !req
286. that might give her a little more oomph.
Copy !req
287. The full momentum
she should have? Meaning?
Copy !req
288. Huh? Oh, let me think.
Copy !req
289. I try to consider what a trajectory
should look like from point A to point B,
Copy !req
290. and I think there's a discrepancy
in her posture.
Copy !req
291. In the cross before her windup,
Copy !req
292. she tilts her head down
to look where she's going.
Copy !req
293. If she can keep her head up,
she can push off the ice more firmly.
Copy !req
294. - Wow.
- Wow?
Copy !req
295. That's the kinda thing I do too:
Fix the stuff that seems wrong to me,
Copy !req
296. but I can't diagnose anything
to that extent with just one look.
Copy !req
297. I'm willing to bet
your ice dance background
Copy !req
298. is what makes you so good at that.
Copy !req
299. Gotta know where your partner is
at all times.
Copy !req
300. But still, ain't everyone
got those chops, Coach.
Copy !req
301. You think so?
Copy !req
302. Not that you asked me,
but you wanna know what I think?
Copy !req
303. I think your biggest issue
is believing in yourself.
Copy !req
304. You know what I mean?
Copy !req
305. Tsukasa.
Copy !req
306. The only thing
you don't have enough of is time.
Copy !req
307. And your biggest problem
is believing in yourself.
Copy !req
308. Yeah, you're probably right.
Copy !req
309. But hey,
Copy !req
310. - we all got our own stuff to worry about.
- Huh?
Copy !req
311. We just gotta keep calm and skate on,
and it'll all work out.
Copy !req
312. Yeah! Skate on!
Copy !req
313. Now that's a man
who's ready to go in guns a-blazin'...
Copy !req
314. Forgive me, Inori.
Copy !req
315. I must go.
Copy !req
316. I wish I could stay,
Copy !req
317. but the poor citizens of Kyoto
are weeping in my absence!
Copy !req
318. All right. See y'all around!
Copy !req
319. Hey, don't leave without me!
Copy !req
320. I'm gonna catch up to you
in level seven one day, Suzu!
Copy !req
321. I'm gonna work hard to be your rival too,
not just Hikaru's!
Copy !req
322. Bring it! We'll have a skating battle
of the belles!
Copy !req
323. 'Kay...
Copy !req
324. Don't you just be focusin' on
lil ol' Suzu, now.
Copy !req
325. 'Cause by the time
you make it up to level seven,
Copy !req
326. Ema's gonna be there too.
Copy !req
327. West Japan's around the bend,
Copy !req
328. but that's only the first time y'all
are gonna be pitted against each other.
Copy !req
329. And we're going for the gold, honey.
Copy !req
330. Better bring your A-game, then!
Copy !req
331. Nah.
Copy !req
332. We don't need our A-game to win.
Copy !req
333. Winning in high-stakes situations
is easier if you don't psych yourself out.
Copy !req
334. But I think we're a pretty tough
opponent regardless,
Copy !req
335. and I'm lookin' forward to fightin' y'all
for a spot on that podium.
Copy !req
336. That sound good to you, Coach?
Copy !req
337. Yeah! Bring it on, dude!
Copy !req
338. I can't believe
I didn't realize it until he said it.
Copy !req
339. No one else can give me confidence.
Copy !req
340. I have to trust myself,
over and over again.
Copy !req
341. I need to believe that anything
and everything can be a strength,
Copy !req
342. a weapon,
and use that as fuel for victory.
Copy !req
343. Trust your abilities,
use them to their fullest,
Copy !req
344. and never stop looking
for what you can improve.
Copy !req
345. I hate admitting
when I can't do something.
Copy !req
346. I just want to erase
those parts of myself.
Copy !req
347. But that can be an asset.
Copy !req
348. I just need to take that feeling...
Copy !req
349. Keep my head up...
Copy !req
350. and look!
Copy !req
351. She landed a double loop!
Copy !req
Copy !req
353. - Well, we're here...
- Yep.
Copy !req
354. Let's go in, I guess...
Copy !req
355. Hey, Coach Tsukasa! Inori!
Copy !req
356. Huh?
Copy !req
357. It's a pleasure
to see you folks again so soon!
Copy !req
358. Nice suit.
Copy !req
359. Man! Should I be wearing one too?
Copy !req
360. You're fine. This is just my style.
Copy !req
361. I don't want you to go feeling
like you're underdressed or something.
Copy !req
362. Let's go inside.
Copy !req
363. Come on!
Copy !req
364. Hey! Stop pulling!
Copy !req
365. There's so many people here.
Copy !req
366. That's amazing!
They've got two whole rinks in this place.
Copy !req
367. You could practice as much as you want
in here and it would never get crowded.
Copy !req
368. Boo!
Copy !req
369. Hey. What level are you?
Copy !req
370. Oh, me?
Copy !req
371. Um, level one.
Copy !req
372. Really? Yay! I found another level one!
Copy !req
373. This is my first time
ever competing at this level.
Copy !req
374. But that doesn't matter
'cause I'm gonna win!
Copy !req
375. Seira Shishido.
Copy !req
376. O-Oh, that's your name.
Copy !req
377. Mmm. Well, I'm aiming to win today too!
So let's both do our best out there!
Copy !req
378. Oh, you won't win. Sorry!
Copy !req
379. There's always next year, though! See ya!
Copy !req
380. Watch where you're going.
Copy !req
381. It's too crowded in here
to be running around.
Copy !req
382. You're right. My bad.
You're not hurt, are you?
Copy !req
383. - I'm fine.
- Oh.
Copy !req
384. But who would have guessed
that someone so horrid and ill-mannered
Copy !req
385. would even be allowed to
figure skate here in the first place.
Copy !req
386. How times have changed.
Copy !req
387. She's mad.
Copy !req
388. Whatever, I bet you suck anyway.
Copy !req
389. I skate better than you!
Copy !req
390. You think? Well, we're just gonna
have to see about th—
Copy !req
391. Stop it, idiot!
Copy !req
392. Quit making our club look bad,
it's embarrassing me.
Copy !req
393. I can't take it!
Copy !req
394. - Oh.
- Oh.
Copy !req
395. It's Rengecha FSC.
Copy !req
396. The Nedefuji triplets
and Suzu Kamoto in the back.
Copy !req
397. If I wanna compete
at the All-Japans at the senior level,
Copy !req
398. I'm gonna have to beat
all of these athletes, huh?
Copy !req
399. - I really wanna win today.
- Oh.
Copy !req
400. Except for Ema,
Copy !req
401. all of their level one skaters
are kindergarteners.
Copy !req
402. That club must be really strong.
I wonder if I can beat 'em.
Copy !req
403. Don't worry about them. Relax.
Copy !req
404. Hi, Coach.
Copy !req
405. We got a while before we start.
Let's go stretch and warm up.
Copy !req
406. We even have time to go through
your program a couple of times too.
Copy !req
407. Go put your skates on
and grab your yoga mat, 'kay?
Copy !req
408. Yes!
Copy !req
409. Okay, uh, got my yoga mat and my skates...
Copy !req
410. Oh, that's right, they're in my suitcase.
Copy !req
411. Uh...
Copy !req
412. Huh.
Copy !req
413. Where'd I put it? Oh, man.
Copy !req
414. What if someone thought it was theirs
and took it by accident?
Copy !req
415. Um, I got to the arena,
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416. and they said this is where
I was supposed to leave my stuff.
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417. So I came and put my yoga mat
and my backpack down by the wall...
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418. Oh, no, I didn't have it then either.
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419. My skates. I don't have my skates!
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