1. Bend your legs a bit more.
Push firmly off the ice.
Copy !req
2. One, two. Yeah. Good rhythm.
Copy !req
3. Ah. You're flapping your arms
every time you push off.
Copy !req
4. Try to resist moving 'em.
Copy !req
5. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
6. And a one, two. One, two.
Copy !req
7. All of my arm muscles feel like jelly.
Copy !req
8. Yeah, skating requires a lot more
upper body strength than people realize.
Copy !req
9. But if you're getting sore,
that means you're growing.
Copy !req
10. Let's get you nice and strong!
Copy !req
11. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
12. I can't believe it. Her forward crossover
is almost perfect in only three lessons.
Copy !req
13. Oh, composure.
Copy !req
14. What... What the heck?
Copy !req
15. Learning to skate gracefully
is harder than it looks.
Copy !req
16. And yet I'm having so much fun.
Copy !req
17. Hmm?
Copy !req
18. A high jump. So cool.
Copy !req
19. She looks like a first grader,
but her sit spin is really good.
Copy !req
20. Coach keeps telling me I'm doing well,
but I still can't do anything.
Copy !req
21. I'm no good.
Copy !req
22. Inori.
Copy !req
23. Mom, you're here.
Copy !req
24. Where's Coach Tsukasa?
Copy !req
25. He's, uh... I don't know.
Copy !req
26. Oh.
Copy !req
27. There's a Badge Test coming up.
Wanna take it?
Copy !req
28. What's a Badge Test?
Copy !req
29. A Badge Test
is figure skating's certification exam.
Copy !req
30. Think of it like an English or
kanji proficiency test in school.
Copy !req
31. Starting with Prelims, or level zero,
Copy !req
32. you'll gain a badge every time
you pass the test for the next level up.
Copy !req
33. These tests determine your qualification
level for different tiers of competition.
Copy !req
34. Up to the international stage.
Copy !req
35. Here's what the badges look like.
Copy !req
36. If I can get this badge,
Copy !req
37. that means people think
I'm good at skating.
Copy !req
38. And if I can get them all,
then everyone will think that.
Copy !req
39. And one day...
Copy !req
40. I'll take it.
Copy !req
41. But she's only had three lessons so far.
Copy !req
42. Honestly, this one you can pass
just by going for it.
Copy !req
43. Otherwise, we could start preparing
for next month's test instead.
Copy !req
44. No, let's do it now!
Copy !req
45. - Yeah?
- Great.
Copy !req
46. After this, we'll be able to get you
started practicing spins and jumps.
Copy !req
47. Then start thinking about
a song you'd like to skate to.
Copy !req
48. Once you can jump,
I'll choreograph a program for you.
Copy !req
49. My very own program?
Copy !req
50. Yeah!
Copy !req
51. - Program!
- Tone it down, Inori.
Copy !req
52. Well, at least the waltz jump
will come naturally to her.
Copy !req
53. We haven't been here for a minute,
have we?
Copy !req
54. Remember, for your sister?
Copy !req
55. Yeah.
Copy !req
56. Mmm?
Copy !req
57. Oh, honey, I need to take this.
Copy !req
58. Hello?
Copy !req
59. Yeah. Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
60. My very first test.
What happens if I don't pass?
Copy !req
61. We're here!
I'm so sorry we're late.
Copy !req
62. No worries. We got time.
Copy !req
63. Wow.
Copy !req
64. This place is huge.
Copy !req
65. See that? Those are level five kids.
Copy !req
66. They're finishing up
the last of their exams.
Copy !req
67. Level five.
Copy !req
68. Wow.
Copy !req
69. A program. Amazing.
Copy !req
70. Programs are a required element
of the exams for all of the higher levels.
Copy !req
71. Unfortunately you didn't have
enough rotation in your jumps,
Copy !req
72. including the one where you fell.
Copy !req
73. But we hope to see you try again.
Copy !req
74. Okay.
Copy !req
75. Looks like the Prelim tests
are scheduled for the very end today.
Copy !req
76. Do you wanna hang out here with me?
Copy !req
77. Watch the higher level kids skate
until we...
Copy !req
78. Hmm? Hey, kid?
Copy !req
79. Uh...
Copy !req
80. You're such a cutie.
Copy !req
81. I feel much better now.
Copy !req
82. When you're feeling
kinda down, just worm hunt around.
Copy !req
83. Down on the ground,
wormy worming—
Copy !req
84. Huh?
Copy !req
85. Oh.
Copy !req
86. I'm so sorry! I didn't realize
someone was already here.
Copy !req
87. It's okay.
Copy !req
88. Not like this is my patch of grass.
Copy !req
89. You're so...
Copy !req
90. Your dress makes you
look like a fairy tale princess.
Copy !req
91. Do you wanna be friends?
Copy !req
92. You mean that?
Copy !req
93. Sure I do. I mean, you skate, right?
Copy !req
94. I do.
Copy !req
95. Your leggings gave it away.
Copy !req
96. Oh.
Copy !req
97. This is my home rink.
I'm here all the time.
Copy !req
98. I see.
Copy !req
99. So you're a beginner? What level?
Copy !req
100. Huh? How did you know I'm a beginner?
Copy !req
101. Did you find it yet?
Copy !req
102. I did.
Copy !req
103. Whoa, it really did get thrown out.
Copy !req
104. Whatever. I found it.
Copy !req
105. Looks like he broke his phone again,
by the way.
Copy !req
106. No wonder I couldn't reach him earlier.
Copy !req
107. Damn that grumpy old man.
Copy !req
108. Mmm? Who's this kid?
Copy !req
109. Huh?
Copy !req
110. I'm, uh... I... My name is Inori Yuits—
Copy !req
111. I wasn't talking to you, you ugly shrimp!
Copy !req
112. Rioh. You're always so mean.
Apologize to her!
Copy !req
113. "Ugly shrimp?"
Copy !req
114. I wouldn't expect you to get it.
Copy !req
115. Hey, wait!
Copy !req
116. I don't give a crap what you have to say.
Copy !req
117. If we don't already know
who you are at your age,
Copy !req
118. you're either an outsider or you suck.
Copy !req
119. If you can't even skate,
don't even bother talking to me.
Copy !req
120. Ignore him. He's just a jerk.
Copy !req
121. Rioh!
Copy !req
122. I'm back.
Copy !req
123. What the...
Copy !req
124. Oh. Hey, you dropped your...
Copy !req
125. Inori, what happened to your hair?
Copy !req
126. Come here. I'll fix it.
Copy !req
127. Well, this is chaos.
Copy !req
128. Just get out there and do your best
like you do every week in practice, 'kay?
Copy !req
129. Yeah. 'Kay.
Copy !req
130. Something's really shaking her up.
Copy !req
131. - Hey, Inori.
- Y-Yes?
Copy !req
132. How about we do a little review, huh?
Copy !req
133. What do you do to keep yourself from
braking while you're gliding?
Copy !req
134. Uh...
Copy !req
135. Just think through your practice runs,
Copy !req
136. I can't... Um...
Copy !req
137. I... I don't remember.
Copy !req
138. Oh, no. What do I do?
Copy !req
139. What do I do?
Copy !req
140. If she skates like this
she could hurt herself.
Copy !req
141. - Maybe she ought to sit this one out.
- Sit it out?
Copy !req
142. No, let's do it now. Okay?
Copy !req
143. We can't do that.
She needs this win and she needs it now.
Copy !req
144. Here, grab my finger.
Copy !req
145. Tsukasa.
Copy !req
146. How is that gonna help?
Copy !req
147. Ignore them. Do it.
Copy !req
148. All right. Now you're gonna grab
this one over here with your other hand.
Copy !req
149. Yeah, perfect.
Copy !req
150. Now touch my thumb with your thumb.
Copy !req
151. Now pinkies.
Copy !req
152. Now repeat on the left.
Copy !req
153. Thumb.
Copy !req
154. Left pinky.
Copy !req
155. Right pointer.
Copy !req
156. Feeling calmer now?
Copy !req
157. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
158. Take a good look.
Copy !req
159. This is no different from our rink in Osu.
Copy !req
160. So we're gonna do
what we always do out there one more time,
Copy !req
161. and then your mom is gonna take you home.
Copy !req
162. It'll all be over soon.
Copy !req
163. One more time.
Copy !req
164. Can I hold on to these
until they say it's my turn to go?
Copy !req
165. It calms me down. They're wormy.
Copy !req
166. You don't say? Yeah, do it.
Copy !req
167. Oh, my gosh. He's such a great coach.
Copy !req
168. Thank God
that distraction trick really works.
Copy !req
169. We would've been cooked
if she'd stressed herself out any more.
Copy !req
170. Next up is number five, Yuitsuka.
Copy !req
171. It's time.
Copy !req
172. You ready?
Copy !req
173. Mmm.
Copy !req
174. I'm going to do what I always do.
Copy !req
175. I just gotta do it one more time.
Copy !req
176. I can do it. I can remember.
Copy !req
177. Your first exam will see
how well you can skate on one foot.
Copy !req
178. Start on this line here, push off
and skate in a semicircle.
Copy !req
179. You need to push hard enough
that you can make it all the way around
Copy !req
180. without stopping in the middle.
Copy !req
181. When you get back to the line,
you'll switch feet and push off again.
Copy !req
182. Then repeat that all the way down.
Copy !req
183. Once you've skated
that inside, outside track,
Copy !req
184. you'll turn
and skate the same thing again.
Copy !req
185. Only this time, you'll do it backwards.
Copy !req
186. Remember that a good push
still only gets you so far.
Copy !req
187. The more important thing
is learning how to balance your weight
Copy !req
188. in exactly the right place on your blades.
Copy !req
189. To go forward,
keep your weight aligned with your ankle.
Copy !req
190. To go backwards, put your weight
just in front of your arch.
Copy !req
191. Get it right, and you'll get the ice and
your blades to do all the work for you.
Copy !req
192. And you only need to tilt your ankle
very slightly to change edges.
Copy !req
193. You'll derail yourself if you're unsteady,
Copy !req
194. so focus on keeping your core strong.
Copy !req
195. Her forward and backward skating
is perfect.
Copy !req
196. Cross is next.
Copy !req
197. So just listen to the music.
Skate, "one, two."
Copy !req
198. Wow, Inori really locked in, huh?
Copy !req
199. I'm so proud of both of you.
Copy !req
200. Yes!
Copy !req
201. Next, Miss Inori Yuitsuka.
Copy !req
202. Yes.
Copy !req
203. You pass. Good work.
Copy !req
204. Congratulations!
Copy !req
205. Thanks.
Copy !req
206. - Mom, look. I passed my first exam.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
207. Oh, that's wonderful.
You've worked really hard for this.
Copy !req
208. I think you've earned the right
to keep skating.
Copy !req
209. Seriously?
Copy !req
210. Yes. I'll let you do it
up till middle school
Copy !req
211. like your sister did.
Copy !req
212. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
213. The little ones
outgrow their costumes so fast.
Copy !req
214. I know, right?
Copy !req
215. Till middle school.
Copy !req
216. But I don't know.
Maybe I can stay if I'm really good.
Copy !req
217. Only, how good would I have to be?
Copy !req
218. That Inori Yuitsuka girl annoys me though.
Copy !req
219. Yeah, I don't get it.
Copy !req
220. She's already 11,
and she still can't even jump yet?
Copy !req
221. If the coaches
have that much time to spare,
Copy !req
222. they should be spending it
on the kids who can actually skate.
Copy !req
223. Hey, are you okay?
Copy !req
224. Wait.
Copy !req
225. Don't I know you? You're the beginner.
Copy !req
226. Huh? Oh. Yeah, hi.
Copy !req
227. My regular rink is having an inspection,
Copy !req
228. but I wanted to practice
so I came here instead.
Copy !req
229. - I heard she's still Prelim.
- Huh?
Copy !req
230. And a blind dog could pass level zero.
Copy !req
231. At her age,
she should be at least level four.
Copy !req
232. Like they'd have any idea.
I bet they can't skate at all.
Copy !req
233. Uh...
Copy !req
234. So cool.
Copy !req
235. Whoa. Isn't that Hikaru?
Copy !req
236. - Hikaru?
- It is.
Copy !req
237. If they can't get out on the ice,
then don't listen to a word they say.
Copy !req
238. Wait. Is that who she is?
Copy !req
239. The girl who won Japan's National
Novice B Contest last year.
Copy !req
240. Hikaru Kamisaki!
Copy !req
241. Sh-She's fast! How is she so fast?
Copy !req
242. She only pushed off once,
but she's like the wind.
Copy !req
243. It's like the ice is moving her
all on its own.
Copy !req
244. The right point of balance
will maximize your speed and your grace.
Copy !req
245. So find your center
and just keep practicing.
Copy !req
246. Before you know it, you'll be flying.
Copy !req
247. Huh?
Copy !req
248. Ah, you startled me!
Copy !req
249. And, hey. You can really keep up.
Copy !req
250. Are you really Prelim?
Copy !req
251. Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?
Copy !req
252. - You...
- What?
Copy !req
253. You're so cool!
I want to jump like that too!
Copy !req
254. Oh.
Copy !req
255. Oh, you wanna jump, huh?
Copy !req
256. I wanna do that.
Copy !req
257. I've never seen a jump
up close like that before!
Copy !req
258. You got so high,
and you made landing look so easy.
Copy !req
259. I've never seen anyone do that. Ever!
Copy !req
260. I can't jump like that.
Copy !req
261. Well, yeah. But you're still Prelim.
Copy !req
262. So no one expects you to be jumping yet.
Copy !req
263. But I'm never gonna beat you
unless I can jump like that right now!
Copy !req
264. Hikaru, please teach me.
Copy !req
265. I need to learn that jump now.
Copy !req
266. I want it. I need it.
Copy !req
267. Um... Did you get possessed, or what?
Copy !req
268. Teach me jump.
Copy !req
269. Please teach jump. I need it. Tell me how.
Copy !req
270. Well... I mean...
Copy !req
271. I have to learn that jump
as soon as possible.
Copy !req
272. I don't have time.
Copy !req
273. We're the exact same age,
but we're so far apart.
Copy !req
274. I know I can jump, but I can't teach
someone who's never done it.
Copy !req
275. And different clubs.
Copy !req
276. Oh. I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
277. It's cool. I'm glad to see you again.
Copy !req
278. So, uh, what's your name?
Copy !req
279. Oh, that's right. I'm, uh, Inori Yuitsuka.
Copy !req
280. And I'm Hikaru.
Copy !req
281. Now we get to be friends for real.
What do you say?
Copy !req
282. You really want to be friends,
Copy !req
283. like, with me?
Copy !req
284. You're totally different
from my first impression of you outside.
Copy !req
285. And you were really fun to skate with.
We should do it again soon.
Copy !req
286. Yeah. If you really want to!
Copy !req
287. - Do you practice now?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
288. I always like getting to the rink
right after lunchtime.
Copy !req
289. What? Like, you leave school early?
Copy !req
290. Some days I leave early.
Copy !req
291. Some days I don't go at all.
Copy !req
292. The rink is only open certain hours,
and with the way I wanna skate,
Copy !req
293. I need all the practice I can get.
Copy !req
294. Really?
Copy !req
295. It sounds like you spend more time
at practice than you do anything else.
Copy !req
296. You should practice
as much as you can too.
Copy !req
297. I want to,
Copy !req
298. but I don't think my mom will
give me permission.
Copy !req
299. I don't get why she'd stand
in the way of you wanting to improve.
Copy !req
300. But I don't have a mom, so I guess
I'm not really one to talk, am I?
Copy !req
301. You should tell her
that you want to get better at this.
Copy !req
302. It's not like
she can read your mind, right?
Copy !req
303. Wow, Hikaru.
Copy !req
304. Let's go again.
Copy !req
305. You wanna know why
I practice as much as I do?
Copy !req
306. I asked my coach
to get me to the Olympics.
Copy !req
307. You did? Really?
Copy !req
308. The problem is,
adults all assume they know how we feel.
Copy !req
309. That we'll be satisfied with good enough.
Copy !req
310. Not me. I'm not like that.
Copy !req
311. And if you feel the same way,
then you've gotta speak up.
Copy !req
312. You have to tell them.
Or they'll never know.
Copy !req
313. That simple?
Copy !req
314. I really hope you get to join me
in competitions soon, Inori.
Copy !req
315. The skaters I look up to
work so hard to be where they are.
Copy !req
316. They practice all the time,
earn their badges.
Copy !req
317. They go to competitions together.
Copy !req
318. She's right. I don't want to be
good enough.
Copy !req
319. I want to be like her.
Copy !req
320. Am I allowed to want that?
It's so selfish.
Copy !req
321. Hey, Inori!
Copy !req
322. I didn't think you were
gonna be here today
Copy !req
323. since we didn't have a lesson
on the books. Glad I came to check.
Copy !req
324. Ta-da!
Copy !req
325. What is it?
Copy !req
326. Well, open it.
Copy !req
327. No way.
Copy !req
328. Congratulations on your very first badge.
Copy !req
329. You're really killing it.
Copy !req
330. And now we get to work on your jumps.
Copy !req
331. You finished my original lesson plan
in half the time.
Copy !req
332. I've had to scramble
to put our next lesson together.
Copy !req
333. I'm still pretty new at
this whole coaching thing,
Copy !req
334. but I promise
I'm gonna do my absolute best for you—
Copy !req
335. Coach Tsukasa.
Copy !req
336. Uh—
Copy !req
337. If I tell you I want to be the best skater
in the whole entire world,
Copy !req
338. would you please help me do that?
Copy !req
339. Literally. I want to be
number one in skating.
Copy !req
340. I don't care if I never get to do
anything else fun for the rest of my life.
Copy !req
341. I don't care if I have to do
a bunch of hard stuff I hate
Copy !req
342. for hours on end every single day.
Copy !req
343. And I don't know how long it will take
or how hard it will be,
Copy !req
344. but I want to be the best.
Copy !req
345. I wanna win.
Copy !req
346. I want to go to the Olympics,
win a gold medal.
Copy !req
347. But I need help from a lot of people.
Copy !req
348. And if you help me out,
then maybe I could get my mom to—
Copy !req
349. Let's do it.
Copy !req
350. I swear to you, I'm gonna make you
such an incredible athlete,
Copy !req
351. people will think
you were born in those skates.
Copy !req
352. Mark my words, I'll make you
a figure skater Japan will be proud of.
Copy !req
353. Mmm.
Copy !req
354. So our first order of business is
passing level one,
Copy !req
355. because you still don't know how to jump.
Copy !req
356. Right!
Copy !req
357. Hmm.
Copy !req
358. Mmm.
Copy !req