1. On the ice,
Copy !req
2. it's hard for even the world's
best athletes to land
Copy !req
3. every move successfully.
Copy !req
4. There are so many elements to consider.
Copy !req
5. But if you can do tricks
Copy !req
6. that other skaters never could,
Copy !req
7. if you can dance so beautifully and freely
Copy !req
8. that it makes people forget
you're on the ice at all,
Copy !req
9. that's real magic.
Copy !req
10. That's what it means
to be a world-class figure skater.
Copy !req
11. In order to reach that beautiful moment,
Copy !req
12. little kids from all over jumped right in,
Copy !req
13. too young to realize that
achieving their dreams means
Copy !req
14. that they and their families will
have to pay a great and terrible price.
Copy !req
15. Four o'clock already.
Copy !req
16. No wonder there are
so many kids out on the ice.
Copy !req
17. At least say you're sorry.
Copy !req
18. She's got to be about five.
Copy !req
19. If I had started when I was that young,
Copy !req
20. I'd be in a way more successful
position right now.
Copy !req
21. You're 14? And you're a total beginner?
Copy !req
22. You can just forget it.
Copy !req
23. I'm going home.
Copy !req
24. Came all the way from Yokohama
because they said there was a skating job,
Copy !req
25. and now they don't even want to talk?
Copy !req
26. What am I supposed to do?
Just hang around until tomorrow?
Copy !req
27. Guess I could go to a net café.
Copy !req
28. Huh?
Copy !req
29. Okay. What's a kid doing
behind the rental counter?
Copy !req
30. Hello there.
Copy !req
31. Sorry to bother you.
Copy !req
32. I just want to ask you
a couple of questions.
Copy !req
33. So, where are your parents?
Copy !req
34. Let's take a look at your entry ticket,
why don't we?
Copy !req
35. Oh, dear. Did you pay?
Copy !req
36. Hey! Where are you going?
Copy !req
37. I have to have a whole ass job
to pay for these entrance fees.
Copy !req
38. I don't care if she is a little kid,
no one skates for free on my watch!
Copy !req
39. You get back here!
Copy !req
40. - Please. Wait, sir. Let me explain.
- What?
Copy !req
41. No way.
Copy !req
42. Dang it!
Copy !req
43. Come on.
She can't have gotten that far yet.
Copy !req
44. Huh?
Copy !req
45. Must be hearing things.
Copy !req
46. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
47. Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Copy !req
48. Get down from there.
Copy !req
49. Please don't die.
Copy !req
50. Stop crying. I'm fine.
Copy !req
51. Really, I'm not hurt or any—
Copy !req
52. So you're giving bags of worms
to the old guy at the reception desk,
Copy !req
53. and because he lets you
into the rink with that,
Copy !req
54. you're technically not skating for free.
Copy !req
55. Is that it? Because—
Copy !req
56. Please believe me.
I'm telling you the truth!
Copy !req
57. He has lots of pet birds
and so I dig them up.
Copy !req
58. See? I've got them right here.
Copy !req
59. Whoa! Okay!
I believe you, now put them away.
Copy !req
60. I'd bet money he's just using that
as an excuse to be nice to her.
Copy !req
61. I'm kind of surprised
they managed to get away with it.
Copy !req
62. No one's caught on?
Copy !req
63. Hey, uh, you're trembling pretty bad.
Copy !req
64. Are you feeling okay?
Copy !req
65. I don't like wiggly stuff
like worms and snakes,
Copy !req
66. so please keep those away from me forever.
Copy !req
67. Okay.
Copy !req
68. - Anyhow...
- Huh?
Copy !req
69. You did run away, which means that
you must know what you're doing is wrong.
Copy !req
70. You really need to quit that.
Copy !req
71. If everyone tried to pay with worms,
the skating rink would go broke.
Copy !req
72. - Okay.
- At least she listens.
Copy !req
73. Hmm? Hey.
Copy !req
74. That book...
Copy !req
75. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
76. Talk about a blast from the past.
Copy !req
77. I had this book too.
Copy !req
78. These notes...
Copy !req
Copy !req
80. Yeah.
I really want to do figure skating.
Copy !req
81. But my mom says I can't
because she doesn't want me to get hurt.
Copy !req
82. So I thought if I just followed the book,
I could learn by myself.
Copy !req
83. - Have you told her that?
- Huh?
Copy !req
84. Did you tell your mom
how badly you want to skate?
Copy !req
85. Here, take this.
Copy !req
86. It's a list of phone numbers for
all the figure skating clubs in Nagoya.
Copy !req
87. Talk to your mom and have her reach out
Copy !req
88. to see which one might have
the right program for you.
Copy !req
89. Which skating club do you coach at?
I could just go to yours.
Copy !req
90. Huh? Wait. Who, me?
Copy !req
91. Yeah.
Copy !req
92. I'm not a coach.
You wouldn't want me anyway.
Copy !req
93. Huh?
Copy !req
94. It's already 6:00?
Copy !req
95. Anyway, no more worms.
You hear me?
Copy !req
96. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
97. - Hey, what grade are you in?
- Huh?
Copy !req
98. The fifth.
Copy !req
99. So ten or 11?
Copy !req
100. If you're serious about going pro,
you're right at the cutoff age.
Copy !req
101. I mean it. Talk to your mom
first thing, okay?
Copy !req
102. See ya.
Copy !req
103. Hi, Mom.
Copy !req
104. Welcome back.
You were out for a long time.
Copy !req
105. Yeah.
Copy !req
106. I want to ask. Can you—
Copy !req
107. I can't help you
with your homework right now.
Copy !req
108. I'll review it after dinner, okay?
Copy !req
109. Okay.
Copy !req
110. Sorry, what should I be doing?
Copy !req
111. Huh?
Copy !req
112. You don't have to do anything.
Copy !req
113. You wouldn't be
very good at it anyway.
Copy !req
114. It'll be fine. We can do
the whole presentation ourselves.
Copy !req
115. You can just sit and wait.
Copy !req
116. Okay.
Copy !req
117. Did your drawing turn out good?
Copy !req
118. Yeah, it's good enough.
Copy !req
119. I just want to go skate.
Copy !req
120. I'll dig up a whole bunch of worms.
Then I can skate as long as I want.
Copy !req
121. What you're doing is wrong,
and I think you know it.
Copy !req
122. You're gonna have to cut that out.
Copy !req
123. If you're serious
about going pro,
Copy !req
124. you're right at the cutoff age.
Copy !req
125. An assistant coach?
Copy !req
126. Yeah.
Copy !req
127. The fact that you went to nationals
for ice dancing,
Copy !req
128. and the fact that you did that with me,
Copy !req
129. if I recommend you for this,
they're going to hire you on the spot.
Copy !req
130. - I don't know.
- What?
Copy !req
131. You don't want to?
Copy !req
132. I'm not qualified.
Copy !req
133. The only reason I made it to nationals
in the first place was because of you.
Copy !req
134. Ice dancing is
a two-person sport, Tsukasa.
Copy !req
135. Yeah. But that was just a fluke.
Copy !req
136. So what? You're going to work dead-end
part-time jobs until you pass auditions?
Copy !req
137. Look, you're 26 years old and you're not
making much of a living right now.
Copy !req
138. I'm not saying you should quit doing
ice shows if that's what you want to do.
Copy !req
139. Only, being an assistant coach
is just as good a skating job.
Copy !req
140. - Excuse me.
- Huh?
Copy !req
141. Are you Coach Takamine
from Lux Higashiyama?
Copy !req
142. I'm Yuitsuka.
I called earlier asking to meet.
Copy !req
143. Oh! Yes, hello!
Copy !req
144. I've been expecting you. Come in.
Copy !req
145. Oh, good. This won't take very long.
Copy !req
146. Inori.
Copy !req
147. What? Do you know this girl?
Copy !req
148. Uh, yeah, kind of.
Copy !req
149. Then why don't you sit and talk with us?
Copy !req
150. I bet you'll pick up the coaching role
before you even know it.
Copy !req
151. Here, want a snack?
Copy !req
152. I see you told her after all.
Great job.
Copy !req
153. Hmm?
Copy !req
154. Take a look.
I recommend this school for beginners.
Copy !req
155. The lesson fees here are low
if she's enrolled once a week.
Copy !req
156. It would take a full two years
for her to graduate though.
Copy !req
157. Oh, I see you've done your research.
Copy !req
158. Well, I know because my
eldest daughter used to figure skate.
Copy !req
159. Oh, is that so?
Copy !req
160. Yes, I started her when she was only five.
Copy !req
161. She had worked so hard.
Copy !req
162. But she had an accident and had to quit.
Copy !req
163. You see? I couldn't bear to put Inori
through all that too.
Copy !req
164. Besides, she's not doing
very well in school.
Copy !req
165. Her teachers have been worried
about her grades for a long time already.
Copy !req
166. To add skating on top of all that
would just be too much.
Copy !req
167. Then why are you—
Copy !req
168. She's been so insistent about it.
Copy !req
169. So I'm taking her to different clubs.
Copy !req
170. I figured if the coaches tell her "no",
then maybe she'll finally drop it.
Copy !req
171. Well, it's just a theory, but if she joins
a club and starts private lessons—
Copy !req
172. What for?
Copy !req
173. Her sister did this for years,
so I know how the figure skating world is.
Copy !req
174. There's no way she'll be able to catch up.
Copy !req
175. Her peers will all have started
at five or six and she'll be left behind.
Copy !req
176. Inori, look out there.
Copy !req
177. See how good they are.
Copy !req
178. So small and already practicing jumps.
Copy !req
179. Think of how miserable you'd be
if you joined them.
Copy !req
180. Wouldn't you be embarrassed?
Copy !req
181. You know what?
Let's just see what she can do.
Copy !req
182. Uh, but...
Copy !req
183. I'm not ready to believe she's hopeless.
Copy !req
184. I'll decide that for myself.
Copy !req
185. Hey there, Coach. A word, please.
Copy !req
186. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
187. I couldn't just sit there
and listen to that any longer.
Copy !req
188. Check out the big brain on you, smarty.
Copy !req
189. You're going to butter up that kid and
toss her right in the club, aren't ya?
Copy !req
190. See? I know what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
191. You're going to be
a great assistant coach.
Copy !req
192. No. My mouth just started moving
Copy !req
193. before I had a chance
to think about what I was saying.
Copy !req
194. But be careful what you say to her!
Copy !req
195. The eyes of the ice moms
are ever watchful.
Copy !req
196. If they think one of our coaches
is playing favorites,
Copy !req
197. I'm never gonna hear the end of it.
Copy !req
198. I know how loud you can get,
Copy !req
199. so I need a verbal confirmation
that you get it.
Copy !req
200. Yeah. I got it.
Copy !req
201. Good. And I don't need to remind you
how expensive figure skating can be
Copy !req
202. for those who take it seriously.
Copy !req
203. If she can't hack it, her family
will suffer just as much as her.
Copy !req
204. Just keep that in mind.
Copy !req
205. I know.
Copy !req
206. Doesn't look like we have a 21 back there,
so are you okay with a 22?
Copy !req
207. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
208. That is not a happy face.
Copy !req
209. I wish I could cheer her up,
but I have to remember what Hitomi said.
Copy !req
210. - I'm really sorry.
- Huh?
Copy !req
211. I should have told my mom a long time ago,
Copy !req
212. because if I had,
maybe I would actually have a chance.
Copy !req
213. I wasted so much time.
Copy !req
214. If I had only started earlier...
Copy !req
215. Let's get these on.
Copy !req
216. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
217. I talked to you
like I knew better,
Copy !req
218. but I couldn't tell my parents
when I was young either.
Copy !req
219. Huh?
Copy !req
220. You're brave. Way more than you know.
Copy !req
221. All right. Are you ready?
Copy !req
222. I think so.
Copy !req
223. Wait. What about her helmet?
Copy !req
224. Oh! Hey! Wait a sec!
Copy !req
225. She's fast.
Copy !req
226. She's just gliding, but it looks like
she's leaving a trail of stars behind her.
Copy !req
227. Who is this girl?
Copy !req
228. She's a completely different
person on the ice!
Copy !req
229. If you ask me, she's got it.
Copy !req
230. - Huh?
- Huh?
Copy !req
231. And you're not forcing compliments
just so she'll join the club, right?
Copy !req
232. Of course not.
Copy !req
233. Tsukasa! Choose your words wisely!
Copy !req
234. Okay then.
Let's test you on some of the basics.
Copy !req
235. Forward swizzle. Know it?
Copy !req
236. Yeah.
Copy !req
237. Single forward.
Copy !req
238. Backward swizzle.
Copy !req
239. T-stop.
Copy !req
240. See, she doesn't need skating school!
Copy !req
241. Let's admit her to the club right now.
Copy !req
242. Hey! Keep it down!
Copy !req
243. I don't know that
I've ever been more stunned.
Copy !req
244. When did she get so good?
Copy !req
245. Two-foot slalom.
Copy !req
246. Forward crossover.
Copy !req
247. I'm telling you! She's a natural!
Copy !req
248. Would you stop yelling?
Copy !req
249. Yeah. She's got no fear in her at all.
Copy !req
250. I've already seen her do stuff that a
normal beginner would be too scared to do.
Copy !req
251. All self-taught.
Copy !req
252. All right, what do you say
we try a little skating?
Copy !req
253. Skating?
Copy !req
254. I thought that's what I was doing.
Copy !req
255. You are, but I'll show you how a figure
skater moves all fancy and graceful.
Copy !req
256. Look here. You're going to be using
both edges of the blade on the skates
Copy !req
257. for different things.
Copy !req
258. The inside edge
and this is the outside edge.
Copy !req
259. The first step to skating
Copy !req
260. is to distinguish
how they're used to propel you.
Copy !req
261. First, place your feet
at a 45-degree angle. Like this.
Copy !req
262. Then, firmly bend your knees,
stick your arms out.
Copy !req
263. Now lean your ankle in
towards your big toe,
Copy !req
264. then you're on the inside edge.
Copy !req
265. And then push off the ice
with the entire blade.
Copy !req
266. Now eventually,
you'll be able to raise your free leg.
Copy !req
267. That looks really cool.
Copy !req
268. But that takes muscle,
so don't push yourself at first.
Copy !req
269. Wow. Long legs.
Copy !req
270. Once you start moving,
stretch the gliding leg all the way up
Copy !req
271. and bring your free leg in to meet it.
Copy !req
272. When you're steady on both legs,
Copy !req
273. you can lean your gliding leg
to the inside edge this time
Copy !req
274. and push off again.
Copy !req
275. Glide along until you're ready to
bring that leg back in and repeat like so.
Copy !req
276. - Now you give it a try.
- Uh, do my leg like this...
Copy !req
277. Um, I'm not moving at all.
Copy !req
278. Am I doing this right?
Copy !req
279. Yeah, if you lean forward like that,
that's what puts on the brakes.
Copy !req
280. Just try to keep your head up.
Copy !req
281. Keep my head...
Copy !req
282. Hey, kid! That looked painful.
Are you okay?
Copy !req
283. My mom was right.
I guess I can't do this after all.
Copy !req
284. This girl's moods
are kind of extreme.
Copy !req
285. This isn't something
you can master on your first day.
Copy !req
286. No one can.
Copy !req
287. You have to find your center,
keep practicing
Copy !req
288. and refine it every time you skate.
Copy !req
289. Before you know it, you'll be flying.
Copy !req
290. Let's try again.
Copy !req
291. Yeah!
Copy !req
292. Bend your knees and push!
Copy !req
293. Now try to straighten
your leg out a little more.
Copy !req
294. Okay.
Copy !req
295. She's picking it up so fast.
Copy !req
296. This is fun!
Copy !req
297. Inori, you're doing amazing!
Copy !req
298. What did you say?
Did you just compliment me, Mom?
Copy !req
299. I said you're doing amazing.
Copy !req
300. You've really impressed me, Inori.
Copy !req
301. And it's so good to see you smile again.
Copy !req
302. - Does that mean that I can—
- Absolutely not.
Copy !req
303. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
304. I've made up my mind.
Copy !req
305. And I do not want my daughter
to figure skate.
Copy !req
306. - But you just—
- Inori's sister worked so hard.
Copy !req
307. From the time she was five, she had
absolutely no time to play or be a kid.
Copy !req
308. She gave everything to this sport.
Copy !req
309. And in the end...
Copy !req
310. And in the end,
she had nothing to show for it.
Copy !req
311. I just think Inori hasn't
found a dream other than skating yet.
Copy !req
312. I want her to experience
other things she could enjoy.
Copy !req
313. I don't want her time or money wasted.
Copy !req
314. I'm trying to do
what's best for my daughter.
Copy !req
315. She's got a point.
Copy !req
316. It's going to be hard
to start skating at 11.
Copy !req
317. I should know.
Copy !req
318. She could still find something
with a lower barrier of entry.
Copy !req
319. - Something else she could love.
- I...
Copy !req
320. I don't like myself right now.
Copy !req
321. Inori?
Copy !req
322. Listen to me. I've always wanted...
Copy !req
323. I've always wanted to skate,
no matter what it takes.
Copy !req
324. I-I know that skating is really hard.
Copy !req
325. I know a lot of people quit. I get it.
Copy !req
326. And I know that I'm causing
a lot of trouble for you, Mom.
Copy !req
327. And my teachers too.
Copy !req
328. I feel so bad all the time.
Copy !req
329. I don't want to make you worry.
Copy !req
330. I don't want to complain.
Copy !req
331. And I know I'm not
very good at anything.
Copy !req
332. But I've always wanted to do this!
Copy !req
333. It's the only thing that makes me happy!
Copy !req
334. When I think about skating,
I can ignore all the bad stuff at school.
Copy !req
335. I get to think,
"I could do something they can't."
Copy !req
336. But I can't do it either.
I'm just faking it.
Copy !req
337. I'm just useless!
Copy !req
338. But I want to be better.
Copy !req
339. I want to have something I'm not bad at.
Copy !req
340. Something I love
where no one's going to talk down to me.
Copy !req
341. I want to have something
that I'm actually good at.
Copy !req
342. I don't want to be embarrassed of myself!
Copy !req
343. I just want to skate.
Copy !req
344. - Ms. Yuitsuka.
- Huh?
Copy !req
345. Let's just get her ass in here already.
Copy !req
346. Beg your pardon?
Copy !req
347. Watch your language!
Copy !req
348. Here's the thing.
Copy !req
349. I can't guarantee that she's going to
become an Olympic athlete or anything.
Copy !req
350. And yet, she already has everything she
needs to be successful as a figure skater.
Copy !req
351. She has dedication for the rink.
Copy !req
352. And it's true.
Copy !req
353. Figure skating takes up way more time
and money than other extracurriculars do.
Copy !req
354. So if you want to overcome that,
Copy !req
355. your skater is going to need
a lot of optimism and an iron will.
Copy !req
356. But the other children have been skating
for so much longer.
Copy !req
357. You keep saying that, but look.
Copy !req
358. I wanna go home.
Copy !req
359. Most kids that age
can't practice a damn thing.
Copy !req
360. You can't act like
they're serious about it.
Copy !req
361. I'm begging, be quiet.
Copy !req
362. Am I stupid?
Copy !req
363. Why did I hesitate?
Copy !req
364. I should have jumped in way sooner.
Copy !req
365. I know how this girl feels
better than anyone.
Copy !req
366. It never mattered how old
or how insecure I was.
Copy !req
367. I wasn't going to give up!
Copy !req
368. What was it? What did I need back then?
Copy !req
369. What was I hoping for?
Copy !req
370. Screw it, then! If you let her stay,
I'll teach her myself!
Copy !req
371. Let me be her skating coach! I'm begging!
Copy !req
372. This girl has learned some much already
entirely on her own.
Copy !req
373. She can absolutely still catch up!
Copy !req
374. She's got loads of talent,
and I know she'll only get better.
Copy !req
375. She's not afraid to get hurt.
She has great core strength.
Copy !req
376. She listens. And she has the ambition.
Copy !req
377. As long as you can bring her to practice,
we can take care of the rest, okay?
Copy !req
378. I think your daughter is going to be
an incredible skater some day.
Copy !req
379. In fact,
Copy !req
380. mark my words.
Copy !req
381. I'm going to make her a qualifier
in the National Championship.
Copy !req
382. I'll do whatever it takes!
Copy !req
383. You really mean that?
Copy !req
384. Then sure, if you insist, Coach.
Copy !req
385. Let's do it!
Copy !req
386. Isn't that great?
Copy !req
387. Oh, hey, uh, what's your name?
Copy !req
388. - Inori.
- Huh?
Copy !req
389. I'm Inori Yuitsuka!
Copy !req
390. That's a very good name.
Copy !req
391. Rise.
Copy !req
392. - Bow.
- See you!
Copy !req
393. She took off.
I've never seen her act like that before.
Copy !req
394. Yeah, she's been a lot happier than usual.
Copy !req
395. I guess she has something fun going on.
Copy !req
396. Do you have any idea
what you put me through?
Copy !req
397. The other parents have been
breathing down my neck all week. It sucks.
Copy !req
398. You can't make it sound like
you're giving her preferential treatment.
Copy !req
399. - Do you hear me?
- What?
Copy !req
400. Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
401. Maybe I'll stop worrying about it
when you stop making me worry about it,
Copy !req
402. you absolute baboon.
Copy !req
403. - I'm here, Coach!
- Huh?
Copy !req
404. I'm ready to go!
Copy !req
405. Now that's a gold medal smile, kid!
Copy !req
406. What did I literally just tell you
not to do?
Copy !req