1. To be honest, you surprised me.
Copy !req
2. Abyss.
Copy !req
3. I thought Rayne was the only student
capable of facing his Evil Eye.
Copy !req
4. You can't possibly be a better magic user
than Rayne, a Divine Visionary.
Copy !req
5. But could it be that...
Copy !req
6. What's wrong, so suddenly?
Copy !req
7. No! It's nothing. Please, go on.
Copy !req
8. In any case, you seem quite capable.
Copy !req
9. Which is why someone superior
like you should understand...
Copy !req
10. that this world does not treat
everyone equally.
Copy !req
11. I mentioned our beastly natures
to you once before.
Copy !req
12. I can't abide by inferior genes.
Copy !req
13. They're on the receiving end,
yet they take advantage of our kindness.
Copy !req
14. And they selfishly assert their rights.
Copy !req
15. Audacious, is it not?
Copy !req
16. We don't need to burden ourselves
with useless luggage.
Copy !req
17. Um, that means
people who can't use magic...
Copy !req
18. Yes, that's right.
Copy !req
19. We must dispose of them.
Copy !req
20. Merely segregating them
from society is too kind.
Copy !req
21. I will change that system.
Copy !req
22. This includes other underachievers
and people who shelter the weak.
Copy !req
23. Those sheltering...
Copy !req
24. Mash.
Copy !req
25. You really are a good, honest boy.
Copy !req
26. What? A double back somersault
at this age!
Copy !req
27. Here, have my cream puff and...
Copy !req
28. He's eating it before I told him to!
Copy !req
29. Mash, I'm so proud of you, my son.
Copy !req
30. Okay, I understand.
Copy !req
31. Your way is kind of a problem for me.
So I don't think we can be friends.
Copy !req
32. I see. So you cannot understand.
Copy !req
33. It seems you're a little dense.
Copy !req
34. And inferior genes must be eradicated.
Copy !req
35. Phew, I sure worked hard today.
Copy !req
36. Huh? It's kinda broken.
Copy !req
37. Lord Abel and Mushroom Head
are fighting each other!
Copy !req
38. Talk about bad timing!
Copy !req
39. That doll has acid in it.
Copy !req
40. You should be careful.
Copy !req
41. Okay.
Copy !req
42. What exactly is his plan
under these circumstances?
Copy !req
43. Huh-wha?
Copy !req
44. Huh-wha-wha?
Copy !req
45. He took them out with one throw
without touching the acidic dolls.
Copy !req
46. Like a bunch of bowling pins!
Copy !req
47. So you mentioned something
about inferior genes earlier.
Copy !req
48. But if I beat you,
does that mean you have inferior genes?
Copy !req
49. You don't know when to keep quiet.
Copy !req
50. Also, what did you do with Lemon?
Copy !req
51. Lemon? I have no idea
who you're talking about.
Copy !req
52. All I'm doing is receiving
magical power from everyone.
Copy !req
53. All you're doing?
But everyone is getting sick because of it.
Copy !req
54. I told you.
The strong take from the weak.
Copy !req
55. That's our right.
Copy !req
56. You can't even stop them.
Copy !req
57. But that shows your current skill level.
Copy !req
58. It's over!
Copy !req
59. He has grown since last we met.
Copy !req
60. The strong take from the weak,
and that's their right, yes?
Copy !req
61. Then,
Copy !req
62. when I win,
you'll tell me where Lemon is.
Copy !req
63. I think I should move back home.
Copy !req
64. You're not just talk, I see.
Copy !req
65. Thanks.
Copy !req
66. And that's all I have to say about that.
Copy !req
67. What was that?
Copy !req
68. Sorry.
Copy !req
69. That was just too one-sided.
It lacks class.
Copy !req
70. Finn.
Copy !req
71. This is your friend, right?
Copy !req
72. I captured him, thinking
he'd make good entertainment.
Copy !req
73. Your spiky-haired friend
was too badly injured to be useful.
Copy !req
74. I'm looking forward to an interesting show.
Copy !req
75. Did I say you could lift a hand against him?
Copy !req
76. I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to attack.
Copy !req
77. If you break the rules,
I will break your friend apart.
Copy !req
78. I see, so that's the way you play.
Copy !req
79. You can break your friend apart
if you'd like.
Copy !req
80. If you don't,
you'll be the one who breaks.
Copy !req
81. You can't do that?
You can't choose to sacrifice?
Copy !req
82. Humans always want to believe
they are good.
Copy !req
83. But I'm saying that is a lie.
Copy !req
84. It seems the axe broke first.
Copy !req
85. It kind of sounds like...
Copy !req
86. you think you're a pretty deep person, huh?
Copy !req
87. War is on!
Copy !req
88. Oh, by the way,
you wanted my gold coin, right?
Copy !req
89. You finally feel like handing it over?
Copy !req
90. Yes, if you want it that badly.
Copy !req
91. He used the coin on the threads?
Copy !req
92. I'm sorry. I guess this coin just likes me.
Copy !req
93. I'm sick of you nitpicking on what I say.
Copy !req
94. I'm sorry I can't keep playing along with it.
Copy !req
95. It's useless. Human power can't resist it.
Copy !req
96. In the end, you are nothing more
than another puppet.
Copy !req
97. What I am doesn't matter.
Copy !req
98. I need to have you...
Copy !req
99. regret lashing out at my friends.
Copy !req
100. Marioness Change!
Copy !req
101. I am impressed.
Copy !req
102. You made me cast this spell.
Copy !req
103. But, it's still survival of the fittest.
Copy !req
104. The weak are but prey.
Copy !req
105. In my eyes, you are nothing more
than an unusually clever rabbit.
Copy !req
106. I will take your coin.
Copy !req
107. You were good sport for a rabbit.
Copy !req
108. But in the end, a rabbit is still a rabbit.
Copy !req
109. You cannot become a wolf...
Copy !req
110. What is this?
Copy !req
111. Oh!
Copy !req
112. Why is my cream puff
that I hid in my robe pocket here?
Copy !req
113. You don't normally put a cream puff
directly into your robe pocket.
Copy !req
114. But how could he...
Copy !req
115. He was fully transformed into a puppet.
How did he move on his own?
Copy !req
116. My puppet magic blocks
electric signals from the brain
Copy !req
117. and wrests away
voluntary physical movement.
Copy !req
118. He shouldn't have been able to move.
Copy !req
119. Was it...
Copy !req
120. a spinal reflex?
Copy !req
121. Spinal reflex.
Copy !req
122. It's when you pull back
after touching something hot,
Copy !req
123. or when your foot jolts up when the part
below your kneecap is tapped.
Copy !req
124. In order to respond quickly
to external threats,
Copy !req
125. your neurotransmitters use a shortcut
that bypasses your brain.
Copy !req
126. It's true my magic only transforms
the exterior which I then puppet, but...
Copy !req
127. internally, they remain human.
Copy !req
128. A spontaneous response in puppet form
Copy !req
129. would have to be the result of a spinal reflex.
Copy !req
130. In other words...
Copy !req
131. BAM
Copy !req
132. An unconscious defense against a threat.
Copy !req
133. Hanging on to that cream puff
was that important to you!
Copy !req
134. It seems hanging on to the cream puff
was that important to him.
Copy !req
135. Survival of the fittest demands that
the weak fight to protect themselves as well.
Copy !req
136. All right. I will acknowledge that.
Copy !req
137. I can extract magic power from my dolls.
Copy !req
138. And I can use the magic power
that I extract.
Copy !req
139. I'll crush you with the ultimate spell.
Copy !req
140. Marioness Secondth.
Copy !req
141. Harm Puppet!
Copy !req
142. Harm Puppet turns anything
within a 100-meter radius into puppets.
Copy !req
143. Transformation begins
the moment the strings touch you.
Copy !req
144. Strings you cannot see, of course.
Copy !req
145. That means me too?
Copy !req
146. When the strings descend upon you,
they will rob you of bodily control.
Copy !req
147. There is no way to counter them.
Copy !req
148. Once you are a puppet, your body
will be toyed with until you can't recover.
Copy !req
149. This is my respect for you.
Copy !req
150. Even against a rabbit,
I must use all that I have.
Copy !req
151. I had too much pride.
Copy !req
152. And I thank you for showing me...
Copy !req
153. Huh?
Copy !req
154. Am I being appreciated?
Copy !req
155. How did you stop the transformation?
Copy !req
156. I tore the strings.
Copy !req
157. He can't have!
Copy !req
158. It's impossible to see the strings
as they descend.
Copy !req
159. No human can stop them.
Copy !req
160. Lemme tell y'all what I saw.
Copy !req
161. Right after Lord Abel used his magic,
the dude turned his body in a peculiar way.
Copy !req
162. It must have been to delay contact
with the rest of the strings.
Copy !req
163. And most likely,
once he felt the strings on his left side...
Copy !req
164. before he lost control of his right side,
he snapped the strings!
Copy !req
165. A savage and way too instinctive strategy!
Copy !req
166. Impossible.
Copy !req
167. He's inhuman!
Copy !req
168. What's wrong?
Copy !req
169. You're sweating, Mr. Rabbit.
Copy !req
170. You really are amusing,
Mash Burnedead!
Copy !req
171. Ah... I'd never considered...
Copy !req
172. Erector Spinae Magic.
Copy !req
173. Hell Fall!
Copy !req
174. That yours truly could be...
Copy !req
175. the rabbit.
Copy !req
176. My mother was very kind
and compassionate towards others.
Copy !req
177. Though born into nobility,
she treated commoners just as equally.
Copy !req
178. My mother said it was only by chance
that we were born privileged.
Copy !req
179. Then one day,
my kind mother was stabbed.
Copy !req
180. She was distributing food to the poor
as she always did.
Copy !req
181. A man hoarded all the food for himself,
and stabbed my mother when she resisted.
Copy !req
182. He said that...
Copy !req
183. getting stabbed was a comeuppance
for always having it so lucky.
Copy !req
184. She believed in the goodness of humanity.
Copy !req
185. My mother, the noble.
My mother, the naïf.
Copy !req
186. My gentle mother was gone.
Copy !req
187. Mother was mistaken.
Copy !req
188. They don't need our pity.
Copy !req
189. The dregs of society
are there for a reason.
Copy !req
190. We can't live in harmony.
Copy !req
191. I sought the best talent for my plan.
Copy !req
192. Abyss and others like him,
those who are dissatisfied with this world.
Copy !req
193. I dipped my hand into powers
I never should have.
Copy !req
194. All for my goals...
Copy !req
195. You won't change my mind.
Copy !req
196. It's only natural to pillage weak scum.
Copy !req
197. No, they deserve to be pillaged.
Copy !req
198. Bad guys are bad
no matter what their social status is.
Copy !req
199. The majority of those fools
are at the bottom.
Copy !req
200. That is why the bottom class
should be cut off altogether.
Copy !req
201. That would be a problem.
Copy !req
202. Yeah, a problem. Really.
Copy !req
203. I heard you the first time.
Copy !req
204. That aside...
Copy !req
205. Could you tell me where Lemon is?
Copy !req
206. Since you lost.
Copy !req
207. You're right.
Copy !req
208. I will release the students
who I turned into puppets. I have lost.
Copy !req
209. Thanks.
Copy !req
210. Oh.
Copy !req
211. But since you did this
all for your mom,
Copy !req
212. I guess you're not that terrible a person.
Copy !req
213. I'm slightly relieved by that.
Copy !req
214. Marioness Liberation.
Copy !req
215. Oh, that's right.
Copy !req
216. I was captured by a puppet.
Copy !req
217. Mash! Lemon!
Copy !req
218. I'm glad! You guys were all right!
Copy !req
219. I'm sorry to make you worry.
Copy !req
220. I was worried, but I'm glad.
I'm really glad.
Copy !req
221. Hip, hip, hooray!
Copy !req
222. They're all such fools,
aren't they, Mother?
Copy !req
223. Hip, hip, hooray!
Copy !req
224. Coin, coin, coin, coin, coin, coin.
Copy !req
225. Hero, hero!
Copy !req
226. Husband! Husband!
Copy !req
227. Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Copy !req
228. I was so scared!
Copy !req
229. - Thank you, Mash!
- It's cool.
Copy !req
230. Mash.
Copy !req
231. I'm really sorry about this.
It's my fault.
Copy !req
232. But really, um...
Copy !req
233. I really, truly thank you very much.
Copy !req
234. Yeah. I'm glad you're safe.
Copy !req
235. You cad!
Copy !req
236. Why?
Copy !req
237. Me too! I worked hard too!
Copy !req
238. Oh, Dot.
Copy !req
239. It's Dot.
Copy !req
240. Dot.
Copy !req
241. Hip, hip, hooray!
Copy !req
242. Truly, they're all fools.
Copy !req
243. Huh? By the way, where's Lance?
Copy !req
244. Huh?
Copy !req
245. Stop.
Copy !req
246. You don't belong
at this school, do you?
Copy !req
247. Whatever might you be suggest...
Copy !req
248. My magic was countered?
Copy !req
249. Spider counter maxed!
Copy !req
250. However did you find me out?
Copy !req
251. Guilty until proven innocent
is more expedient.
Copy !req
252. I see. So you were fooled at first.
Copy !req
253. I even chose the face of a student here, too.
Copy !req
254. Innocent Zero.
Copy !req
255. A dark magic organization
working in the shadows of society.
Copy !req
256. What are sewer rats like you
doing in this school?
Copy !req
257. Tell me.
If you speak nonsense, I'll kill you.
Copy !req
258. Searching.
Copy !req
259. Searching?
Copy !req
260. Yes, it's something
very, very, very important to us.
Copy !req
261. It should be in this school right now.
How strange.
Copy !req
262. We had Abel searching for it,
but he couldn't find it at all.
Copy !req
263. He's so useless.
Copy !req
264. That's not an answer, punk.
Copy !req
265. You're so dumb.
Copy !req
266. Why would I tell you?
We're not even friends.
Copy !req
267. To get information out of someone,
you have to open their heart first.
Copy !req
268. That's just common sense.
Copy !req
269. Oh, no, no, no.
Copy !req
270. I don't have time
to be doing things like this.
Copy !req
271. I have to go kill Abel
now that we're done with him.
Copy !req
272. Sorry. I won't be able to deal with you.
Copy !req
273. I'll be your opponent.
The serial killer and cannibalist, Jon Pierre.
Copy !req
274. This is bad. His power's on par
with a Divine Visionary's.
Copy !req
275. They won't stand a chance against him.
Copy !req
276. Hip, hip, hooray!
Copy !req