1. How much do you suppose
this stuff's worth
Copy !req
2. on the black market?
Copy !req
3. What would you do
with your share?
Copy !req
4. Pay for my
hernia operation.
Copy !req
5. All right, lemme see...
Copy !req
6. Blankets, powdered milk,
Copy !req
7. Okay, that's everything.
Copy !req
8. All right,
Sister Theresa, all set.
Copy !req
9. Oh, how can I ever
thank you, Hawkeye?
Copy !req
10. And you, Trapper.
Copy !req
11. Oh, don't thank us.
Copy !req
12. We're just
acting on orders.
Copy !req
13. But whose?
Copy !req
14. Who is the author of
all this generosity?
Copy !req
15. Uh, Tuttle.
Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
16. That's who.
Right, uh, Trap?
Copy !req
17. Captain Tuttle?
Copy !req
18. Yeah, one of our
finest officers.
Copy !req
19. And a beautiful man.
Copy !req
20. Just picture George Washington
with John Wayne's agent.
Copy !req
21. I'll have the children
at the orphanage
Copy !req
22. write him a thank-you
letter tomorrow.
Copy !req
23. Oh, don't do that.
Copy !req
24. He doesn't like anybody
to make a fuss.
Copy !req
25. No, no. Uh-uh.
That's right.
Copy !req
26. I mean,
he's Mr. Humility.
Copy !req
27. Captain Humility,
Copy !req
28. Captain Humility.
Copy !req
29. Just tell the good captain
I'll be praying for him.
Copy !req
30. - Goodbye.
Copy !req
31. Lovely lady.
Copy !req
32. Yeah, but she could never be
more than a sister to me.
Copy !req
33. Isn't she wasting her
prayers on somebody
Copy !req
34. who doesn't exist?
Copy !req
35. Who doesn't exist?
Copy !req
36. This, uh, this
Tuttle you made up.
Copy !req
37. Who says
I made him up?
Copy !req
38. Don't con me.
Copy !req
39. He's a figment
of your imagination.
Copy !req
40. And what makes you
think you're not?
Copy !req
41. Rough shift?
Copy !req
42. Picnic.
Copy !req
43. Oh. Not too many wounded, huh?
Copy !req
44. No, no wounded.
I worked on a pregnant
Copy !req
45. Oh.
Copy !req
46. Nobody can figure out
how it happened either.
Copy !req
47. He hasn't been near
a woman in months.
Copy !req
48. Ohh, that's coffee.
Copy !req
49. Hawkeye...
Copy !req
50. Anybody coming
in here telling me
about more wounded
Copy !req
51. is sucking around
for a lobotomy.
Copy !req
52. Captain Tuttle's gotta
sign this requisition form
Copy !req
53. before Sister Theresa
can get her next batch
of supplies.
Copy !req
54. Listen, how did you
come up with a name
like Tuttle, anyway?
Copy !req
55. He was my imaginary
childhood friend.
Copy !req
56. You had an
imaginary friend?
Copy !req
57. Yeah, if anybody
said "Who knocked
over the garbage?"
Copy !req
58. I said "Tuttle".
Copy !req
59. If they said
"Who broke that window?"
Copy !req
60. "Tuttle."
Copy !req
61. "Who wet the bed?"
Copy !req
62. Tuttle.
Copy !req
63. He had no control
at all.
Copy !req
64. So when you
got drafted...
Copy !req
65. He got drafted.
Copy !req
66. Just in case
you wet your cot.
Copy !req
67. Precisely.
Copy !req
68. I-I had an imaginary friend
when I was a little boy.
Copy !req
69. Terrific.
Copy !req
70. Her name was Shirley.
Copy !req
71. Your imaginary
friend was a girl?
Copy !req
72. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
73. What'd she look like?
Copy !req
74. Like me.
Copy !req
75. Only with tiny
little breasts.
Copy !req
76. Out!
Copy !req
77. Out!
Copy !req
78. - Morning, sir.
- Morning, Radar.
Copy !req
79. - Sign these, please?
- Right.
Copy !req
80. Oh, those stockings
came out nice, sir.
Copy !req
81. Yeah, my wife sent me
some new soap powder.
Copy !req
82. - Uh-huh.
- Uh, Where do I—
Copy !req
83. Sign the original
of each form, sir,
Copy !req
84. and initial
the carbon copies.
Copy !req
85. Or if you want, you can
sign the carbon copies
Copy !req
86. and initial the originals.
Copy !req
87. And then sign
this form signifying that
Copy !req
88. you signed what you
should have initialled.
Copy !req
89. Radar, do you really
understand all this army stuff?
Copy !req
90. Uh, it helps not to be
too bright, sir.
Copy !req
91. Uh, sir, would you sign
Copy !req
92. the supplementary
supply form, please?
Copy !req
93. It only needs
a countersignature.
Copy !req
94. Captain Tuttle's
already OK'd it.
Copy !req
95. Right.
Copy !req
96. Captain Tuttle?
Which one's Captain Tuttle?
Copy !req
97. Oh, you know, sir.
That new man...
Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
98. Did I meet him
yesterday at breakfast?
Copy !req
99. Yes.
Copy !req
100. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
101. I didn't have breakfast
Copy !req
102. Then you must have met him
somewhere else, sir.
Copy !req
103. Oh, right.
Copy !req
104. You put him in charge
of supplementary supplies.
Copy !req
105. Oh, yeah, that's why
he signed the supply form.
Copy !req
106. Tuttle. I knew I'd
seen his name somewhere.
Copy !req
107. - If you'll just OK
the duty roster.
- Yep.
Copy !req
108. Major Burns is Officer
of the Day again?
Copy !req
109. He volunteered.
Copy !req
110. Frank always volunteers.
Copy !req
111. If we had a firing squad,
he'd volunteer to be
in charge of it.
Copy !req
112. Or in front of it...
or both.
Copy !req
113. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
114. I knew you'd say that.
Copy !req
115. Oh...
Copy !req
116. - Radar?
- Sir?
Copy !req
117. Let's give Frank a little help
winning the war.
Copy !req
118. Sir?
Copy !req
119. What about Captain Tuttle?
Copy !req
120. What about him?
Copy !req
121. Well, has he ever
pulled any OD duty?
Copy !req
122. No, sir.
Copy !req
123. Radar, if it's one thing
I insist on
Copy !req
124. it's that every officer
in my command pulls his
fair share of the load.
Copy !req
125. No matter who he is.
Copy !req
126. Or isn't.
Copy !req
127. MAN
Attention! A change
in the duty roster.
Copy !req
128. Tomorrow,
Captain Jonathan S. Tuttle
Copy !req
129. will be Officer
of the Day.
Copy !req
130. Frank, did you
hear that?
Copy !req
131. But I volunteered.
Copy !req
132. If you're free
tomorrow night,
Copy !req
133. I've got some new literature
on pelvic deviations.
Copy !req
134. Margaret, I don't know
any Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
135. Do you? Tuttle?
Copy !req
136. Well, he must be new.
Copy !req
137. Well, then, why didn't
he-he report to me?
Copy !req
138. I'm second in command.
Copy !req
139. I'm sure Colonel Blake
will get around to it,
Copy !req
140. once he finishes
his laundry.
Copy !req
141. Yes, there he is.
Copy !req
142. Well, it's Tuttle's
responsibility to
present himself.
Copy !req
143. The man is obviously
ignoring me.
Copy !req
144. Oh, Frank, why would
he ignore you?
Copy !req
145. Guilt. He can't face the man
he's gonna replace.
Copy !req
146. Who says he's
going to replace you?
Copy !req
147. Everyone here's
against me, Margaret.
Copy !req
148. Aw, only Pierce
and Mclntyre.
Copy !req
149. Did I tell you they
glued my Bible together?
Copy !req
150. Oh, Frank...
Copy !req
151. And they drew fangs
on my picture
of Senator McCarthy.
Copy !req
152. My poor darling.
Copy !req
153. Why don't we just
check out this
Captain Tuttle ourselves.
Copy !req
154. Oh, Margaret, you're my
snug harbour.
Copy !req
155. I don't know what I'd do
if I didn't have you
to sail into.
Copy !req
156. - Corporal?
- Sir?
Copy !req
157. - Where's the colonel?
- Colonel?
Copy !req
158. Colonel Blake?
Copy !req
159. Uh, I'm afraid
he's doing
Copy !req
160. some very important sleeping
for the army right now.
Copy !req
161. Typical.
Copy !req
162. I want to see
the personnel file
Copy !req
163. on this new man,
uh, Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
164. Uh, sir, these files
are locked.
Copy !req
165. I'm afraid you're gonna
need a-an authorization
Copy !req
166. from Colonel Blake.
Copy !req
167. - Well, get it.
- Wake him.
Copy !req
168. Uh, wake him?
Copy !req
169. Well, he could be
dreaming up some
new medicine
Copy !req
170. that could, uh,
help all mankind.
Copy !req
171. Henry Blake?
That launderette?
Copy !req
172. Well, I'll get
an authorization
Copy !req
173. to see that
Tuttle file.
Copy !req
174. Okay now, let's see.
When was Tuttle born?
Copy !req
175. Um... how about,
uh, 1924?
Copy !req
176. That was a good year
for doctors.
Copy !req
177. Okay.
Copy !req
178. Mother?
Copy !req
179. Mmm, yes.
Copy !req
180. Father?
Copy !req
181. One.
Copy !req
182. Harry and Frieda Tuttle.
Copy !req
183. Birthplace?
Copy !req
184. Uh, hey, how
about my hometown?
Copy !req
185. No, they've already got
enough to be proud of.
Copy !req
186. - How about, uh...
- Battle Creek, Michigan.
Copy !req
187. Yeah, that's good.
That's perfect.
Copy !req
188. Yeah, good.
Copy !req
189. Okay.
Copy !req
190. Um, uh...
Copy !req
191. Uh... atheist.
Copy !req
192. I don't believe
in atheism.
Copy !req
193. Let's make him
a Druid.
Copy !req
194. - What's that?
- They worship trees.
Copy !req
195. Ahh, a tree surgeon.
Copy !req
196. Druid, reformed.
Copy !req
197. They're allowed
to pray at bushes.
Copy !req
198. All right, now what
about medical school?
Copy !req
199. Harvard.
Copy !req
200. No-no, we can't make it
anyplace they'll check.
Copy !req
201. Oh, how about,
uh, um...
Copy !req
202. Berlin Polytechnic.
Copy !req
203. Perfect.
Copy !req
204. "Berlinishish
Copy !req
205. - Oh...
Copy !req
206. Right after he graduated
from Adolf Hitler High.
Copy !req
207. No, that's a bit much.
Copy !req
208. You should write fiction.
Copy !req
209. You should read
my file.
Copy !req
210. All right, now a little
something for Hot Lips.
Copy !req
211. 6 feet 4.
Copy !req
212. 195 pounds.
Copy !req
213. Hair... auburn.
Copy !req
214. hazel.
Copy !req
215. Hawkeye...
Copy !req
216. Huh?
Copy !req
217. I think I'm in love.
Copy !req
218. I'd certainly like
to know why it's so
all-fired important
Copy !req
219. for you two to see
the file on Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
220. Because neither
the major nor I
Copy !req
221. remember ever
having seen him,
Copy !req
222. and that strikes us
as very strange.
Copy !req
223. Well, I've seen him.
Copy !req
224. I had breakfast with
the man only yesterday.
Copy !req
225. Here it is.
Copy !req
226. "Tuttle, Jonathan,
Copy !req
227. "Serial number:
Copy !req
228. "Berlinishish
Copy !req
229. Probably a Nazi.
Copy !req
230. Very impressive.
Copy !req
231. Well, if you two
will excuse me...
Copy !req
232. I told Tuttle I'd
have lunch with him.
Copy !req
233. So long, Radar.
Copy !req
234. - I'll hold down the fort.
- Hold down the fort.
Copy !req
235. "Auburn hair,
hazel eyes..."
Copy !req
236. Oh, for Pete's sake, Margaret.
You're practically drooling.
Copy !req
237. Oh, Frank!
You're not jealous?
Copy !req
238. Not jealous?
Copy !req
239. If I lost you
to anyone,
Copy !req
240. I'd put a scalpel
through my neck.
Copy !req
241. No, Frank!
No, no, no.
Copy !req
242. Not here.
Copy !req
243. No one can see us
or hear us.
Copy !req
244. Frank...
Copy !req
245. You know, there's
still something spooky
Copy !req
246. about this Tuttle.
Copy !req
247. Now, I'll just call
General Clayton
Copy !req
248. and have him
check it out.
Copy !req
249. Sir?
Copy !req
250. Corporal O'Reilly,
get me General Clayton,
Copy !req
251. Headquarters,
in Seoul.
Copy !req
252. Uh, yes, ma'am.
Just a minute, ma'am.
Copy !req
253. Psst.
Copy !req
254. Get me Captain Pierce
over here right away.
Copy !req
255. HQ, Seoul.
This is Sergeant Pryor.
Copy !req
256. Hi, Sparky.
This is Radar.
Copy !req
257. Hey, how are you doin', boy?
Copy !req
258. Fine. Hey, listen,
Copy !req
259. Hey, I wanted to
thank you for sending
Copy !req
260. the "Captain Marvel
Copy !req
261. It just come today.
Copy !req
262. Okay, okay, look...
Uh, listen...
Copy !req
263. I'm gonna be making
a call on this line
any second.
Copy !req
264. I want you to
patch it back to me.
Copy !req
265. Shazam!
Copy !req
266. What's up, Radar?
Copy !req
267. Major Houlihan is makin'
a call to General Clayton.
Copy !req
268. HQ Seoul on
the phone, ma'am.
Copy !req
269. Thank you.
Copy !req
270. HQ Seoul,
Sergeant Pryor.
Copy !req
271. Uh, General Clayton,
Copy !req
272. Major Margaret Houlihan.
Copy !req
273. Hello?
Copy !req
274. Hello, General?
Major Houlihan.
Copy !req
275. Margaret, I do hope
this is going to be
Copy !req
276. an obscene phone call.
Copy !req
277. I-I-I wish it
could be, sir.
Copy !req
278. That is, um...
Copy !req
279. I wonder if you
might do me a favor.
Copy !req
280. You just say
the word, Margaret,
Copy !req
281. and I'll get
a hormone shot.
Copy !req
282. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
283. What I want
to know...
Copy !req
284. Say, what did you
think of that new man
Copy !req
285. I sent down there?
Uh, Tuttle?
Copy !req
286. You sent Captain Tuttle?
Copy !req
287. Yes, he's going
to marry my niece.
Copy !req
288. Now try to keep
him pure, Margaret.
Copy !req
289. If you can keep your
hot little hands off him.
Copy !req
290. Goodbye, Margaret.
Copy !req
291. Hi, Frank.
Copy !req
292. Hmph.
Copy !req
293. You want what, Frank?
Copy !req
294. I want you
to change my tent.
Copy !req
295. I want you to make
Captain Tuttle my roomie.
Copy !req
296. Your roomie?
Copy !req
297. Well, General Clayton
asked that I personally
Copy !req
298. look after him.
Copy !req
299. - Tuttle?
- Johnny.
Copy !req
300. Isn't it "Jonathan"?
Copy !req
301. Well, not to
his close friends.
Copy !req
302. Yeah, well, uh, just
leave it with me, Frank,
Copy !req
303. and I'll see
what I can do.
Copy !req
304. I can only tell
you Tuttle and I
Copy !req
305. are both anxious
for the change.
Copy !req
306. We both speak
the same language.
Copy !req
307. Right.
Copy !req
308. Radar, there's something
going on with Major Burns.
Copy !req
309. Uh, yes, sir,
with Major Houlihan.
Copy !req
310. I know one guy
who got pictures.
Copy !req
311. No, I mean with
Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
312. Major Burns and
Captain Tuttle, sir?
Copy !req
313. If there's one thing
I'm not gonna have
Copy !req
314. in this outfit, Radar,
it's politics.
Copy !req
315. I'm getting into this
Tuttle business right now.
Copy !req
316. MAN (on P. A.):
Uh, attention! Attention!
Copy !req
317. Captain Jonathan Tuttle
will report to
Copy !req
318. Colonel Henry Blake,
on the double.
Copy !req
319. Captain Jonathan Tuttle,
report at once.
Copy !req
320. Should we go back
inside and build one?
Copy !req
321. - Where is he?
- I dunno know, sir. Well, I mean it's not like
Tuttle to keep me waiting.
Copy !req
322. Is it?
Copy !req
323. The last I saw him,
he was in the compound, sir.
Copy !req
324. Want me to go check?
Copy !req
325. Oh, no, no,
no, no, no.
Copy !req
326. - I'll do it.
- Volunteering again, Frank?
Copy !req
327. I don't want Tuttle
to get in trouble
with you, sir.
Copy !req
328. It's the least I
can do for my buddy.
Copy !req
329. Buddies?
Copy !req
330. - Phillips!
- Here.
Copy !req
331. Sterner!
Copy !req
332. - Tuttle!
- Yo!
Copy !req
333. Uh, Captain Tuttle?
Copy !req
334. No, Captain Pierce, MD,
manic depressive.
Copy !req
335. Is that yours?
Copy !req
336. No, the only mail
I'll accept
Copy !req
337. is a full apology
from President Truman.
Copy !req
338. That is addressed
to Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
339. Very good, Frank.
Copy !req
340. You read well enough
to be a druggist.
Copy !req
341. Where is he?
Copy !req
342. Who, Tuttle?
He's in Post-Op.
Copy !req
343. I'm gonna drop
this off for him.
Copy !req
344. Oh, well,
I can do that.
Copy !req
345. Oh, that's very
kind of you, Frank.
Copy !req
346. It certainly belies
all the vicious gossip
Copy !req
347. somebody is spreading
about what a twisted,
Copy !req
348. selfish, mean-spirited,
overbearing fusspot you are.
Copy !req
349. It certainly does.
Copy !req
350. Then I'll stop
spreading it.
Copy !req
351. You're not fit to be
in the same camp
Copy !req
352. with a man like
Captain Tuttle!
Copy !req
353. Mclntyre?
Copy !req
354. Frank, if you're
here to help,
Copy !req
355. all the bedpans have
already been emptied.
Copy !req
356. Have you seen Tuttle?
Copy !req
357. You just missed him.
Copy !req
358. He's over at X-ray
with Hot Lips.
Copy !req
359. He said something about
doing some chest pictures.
Copy !req
360. You're a liar.
Copy !req
361. Well, uh, loo—
Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
362. I— Well, don't let me
interfere with your work.
Copy !req
363. I'll just, uh, put this
package for you down
and-and-and wait outside.
Copy !req
364. I-I know what you're
doing must be very
important, sir.
Copy !req
365. That is,
if you are doing it... uh...
Copy !req
366. Well, thank you
very much.
Copy !req
367. Oh, Major!
Copy !req
368. Margaret,
have you seen him?
Copy !req
369. - Who?
- Tuttle.
Copy !req
370. Pierce said
he was with you.
Copy !req
371. Mclntyre said
he was with you!
Copy !req
372. Margaret, you haven't
been seeing him secretly,
have you?
Copy !req
373. Shh, Frank!
There are people.
Copy !req
374. If I find out
you're seeing Tuttle,
Copy !req
375. I'll put my head
under a jeep.
Copy !req
376. Uh, j—
Copy !req
377. Frank, no one can
take your place.
Copy !req
378. No matter how attractive
I find Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
379. Just as I thought.
Copy !req
380. Tuttle hasn't been
paid in 14 months.
Copy !req
381. And he never
said a word.
Copy !req
382. What a guy.
Copy !req
383. Soldier, where do I find
Captain Jonathan Tuttle?
Copy !req
384. Uh, well, he's in
surgery right now, sir.
Copy !req
385. Now where is that?
I have a mess of
back pay for him.
Copy !req
386. Uh, yes, he said I could
take it and sign for him.
Copy !req
387. Corporal, when it
involves this much money,
Copy !req
388. I have to get
his signature.
Copy !req
389. I'm sorry, Captain Tuttle.
I had to have you sign
Copy !req
390. to make sure that
the signatures match.
Copy !req
391. You'd be surprised
the number of people
Copy !req
392. that want to stick it
to Uncle Sam.
Copy !req
393. I hope the lack of pay was
not an inconvenience to you.
Copy !req
394. No-no, fortunately,
I'm independently wealthy.
Copy !req
395. My father invented
bill padding.
Copy !req
396. Now you understand
that all my future pay
Copy !req
397. is to go directly to
Sister Theresa's orphanage.
Copy !req
398. You are an inspiration
to us all.
Copy !req
399. I know.
Copy !req
400. - Colonel?
- Hmm?
Copy !req
401. It's for you.
General Clayton.
Copy !req
402. General...?
Copy !req
403. Colonel Clayton,
General Blake here, sir.
Copy !req
404. Steady, Henry.
Copy !req
405. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
406. Uh, I just call to offer
my congratulations.
Copy !req
407. Well, that certainly means
a lot coming from you, sir.
Copy !req
408. Uh, may I ask for what?
Copy !req
409. Well, I just got a letter
from Sister Theresa.
Copy !req
410. Oh, I didn't know
you had a sister.
Copy !req
411. She's a nun.
Copy !req
412. Oh, you must be
very proud, sir.
Copy !req
413. Sister Theresa is a nun
who runs an orphanage
Copy !req
414. near your outfit.
Copy !req
415. Oh, well, I mean, I don't
know every nun in the, uh...
Copy !req
416. It's not my habit,
sir, to, uh—
Copy !req
417. That's not what I mean.
Copy !req
418. She told me
that Captain Tuttle
Copy !req
419. donated 14 months' pay
to her orphanage.
Copy !req
420. Well, we're all mighty
proud of Captain Tuttle.
Copy !req
421. I was, uh, just telling him
that, last night at dinner.
Copy !req
422. We've got to make
our appreciation
Copy !req
423. more, uh, tangible,
Copy !req
424. I mean, it's one thing
to admire a man's work.
Copy !req
425. But it's another
thing to get
Copy !req
426. your picture in the
paper doing it, huh?
Copy !req
427. Therefore, I've
decided to come out
Copy !req
428. on the field tomorrow
Copy !req
429. and personally give
Captain Tuttle a decoration.
Copy !req
430. Wow!
Copy !req
431. What's that?
Copy !req
432. I mean, uh, "Wow, sir."
Copy !req
433. - Yes, sir?
- Rad—
Copy !req
434. Where is he?
Where is Tuttle?
Copy !req
435. Captain Pierce went
to get him, sir.
Copy !req
436. - Radar, do I seem, uh—
- Scared to death. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
437. Go hurry them up.
Copy !req
438. One day he'll be coming
to decorate you, Frank.
Copy !req
439. Well, it's easy for Tuttle.
He had all the breaks.
Copy !req
440. Oh, Frank,
don't be bitter.
Copy !req
441. He's a fine American.
Copy !req
442. The finest.
Copy !req
443. Our country can use all
the Tuttles we can get.
Copy !req
444. General Clayton.
Copy !req
445. How do you do,
Copy !req
446. Good work.
We're proud of you.
Copy !req
447. Well...
Copy !req
448. Shall we get on
with it, Henry?
Copy !req
449. Eh, on with it.
Uh, yes, General.
Copy !req
450. Well, where's Tuttle?
Copy !req
451. Oh, uh,
he's coming, sir.
Copy !req
452. He's quite busy.
Copy !req
453. Busier than
a Brigadier General?
Copy !req
454. Excuse me.
Copy !req
455. Would you tell Radar
to tell Pierce
Copy !req
456. - to tell Tuttle to get...
- He's here, sir.
Copy !req
457. He's here, sir.
Copy !req
458. Uh, I mean...
Copy !req
459. He's here, sir.
Copy !req
460. General.
Copy !req
461. Pierce, isn't it?
Copy !req
462. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
463. I'm afraid you're not
gonna like this, sir.
Copy !req
464. Well, then, uh, keep it
to yourself, Pierce.
Copy !req
465. Tell us after we
decorate Tuttle.
Copy !req
466. There is no Tuttle.
Copy !req
467. No Tuttle?
Copy !req
468. No Tuttle?
Copy !req
469. Not any more, sir.
Copy !req
470. That's all that's left.
Copy !req
471. Well, how-how'd
it happen?
Copy !req
472. Well, you know Tuttle...
Copy !req
473. No sacrifice too great.
Copy !req
474. This morning,
while the rest of us
Copy !req
475. were selfishly
having a cup of coffee,
Copy !req
476. he went off in a helicopter
to do some field surgery.
Copy !req
477. He jumped with
his plasma, his bag...
Copy !req
478. everything an army
doctor needs...
Copy !req
479. except his parachute.
Copy !req
480. Oh, how awful!
Copy !req
481. I'll see that he gets a
personal citation for this.
Copy !req
482. I, uh, think that all of us
who knew and loved Tuttle
Copy !req
483. would like to pay tribute
to this, uh, heroic man.
Copy !req
484. And I think
it's only fitting
Copy !req
485. that the man
who knew him best,
Copy !req
486. Captain Pierce,
deliver the eulogy.
Copy !req
487. That's not true.
I knew him best.
Copy !req
488. Shh!
Copy !req
489. We can all be comforted
by the thought
Copy !req
490. that he's not
really gone,
Copy !req
491. that there's a little
Tuttle left in all of us.
Copy !req
492. In fact, you might say
that all of us together
Copy !req
493. made up Tuttle.
Copy !req
494. I'll never forget him.
Copy !req
495. Our grief will pass.
Copy !req
496. It's already hard
to remember
Copy !req
497. exactly how
Johnny looked,
Copy !req
498. how he talked.
Copy !req
499. His little laugh.
Copy !req
500. Thankfully, he's left
behind a memorial.
Copy !req
501. I've been informed
by Radar
Copy !req
502. that Captain Tuttle's
GI insurance
Copy !req
503. named Sister
Theresa's orphanage
Copy !req
504. as his sole beneficiary.
Copy !req
505. How typical.
Copy !req
506. We salute you,
Captain Tuttle...
Copy !req
507. humanitarian and healer.
Copy !req
508. Good luck, Doctor...
Copy !req
509. in that great big
waiting room in the sky.
Copy !req
510. He was the best
damn OD we ever had.
Copy !req
511. Yeah, I have
a question.
Copy !req
512. Where'd you guys
get the parachute
and the dog tags?
Copy !req
513. Uh, that was
Major Murdock.
Copy !req
514. - Who?
- Who's Major Murdock?
Copy !req
515. You know, Murdock?
Tall, skinny guy.
Copy !req
516. Tuttle's replacement.
Copy !req
517. Oh, yeah, I had breakfast
with him this morning.
Copy !req