1. We've defeated the Beyonder.
Copy !req
2. Well done. But now, Loki,
Copy !req
3. I need you to return
the Eye of Agamotto to me.
Copy !req
4. About that, Doctor Strange...
Copy !req
5. No.
Copy !req
6. Loki...
Copy !req
7. I really had you
this time, didn't I?
Copy !req
8. Gaining your trust,
fighting the Beyonder,
Copy !req
9. allowing me
to join the Avengers,
Copy !req
10. winning the Secret Wars,
Copy !req
11. giving me
the Eye of Agamotto.
Copy !req
12. By Odin's beard,
I am evil.
Copy !req
13. How did Loki take
the Eye of Agamotto?
Copy !req
14. The Eye cannot be taken.
Copy !req
15. It must be given.
Copy !req
16. To stop The Beyonder,
I had to give it to him.
Copy !req
17. But now that the Eye
is mine,
Copy !req
18. I am the most powerful wielder
of magic in the universe.
Copy !req
19. Let's make it official,
shall we?
Copy !req
20. With a sad heart,
I resign from the Avengers.
Copy !req
21. I'm leaving to explore other
exciting new opportunities,
Copy !req
22. a universe full
of strings to pull.
Copy !req
23. Not going to let that
happen, Loki.
Copy !req
24. Don't worry your little heads.
Copy !req
25. I'll get to you
and yours soon enough.
Copy !req
26. Uhh! Aah!
Copy !req
27. Except you, brother.
Copy !req
28. I have plans for you.
Copy !req
29. Back home
on planet Earth.
Copy !req
30. Too bad
we can't stay.
Copy !req
31. You got that right.
Copy !req
32. We need to get back
at Loki.
Copy !req
33. We're going to do
more than that.
Copy !req
34. We're gonna plan.
We're gonna fight.
Copy !req
35. We're going to avenge.
Copy !req
36. We are here.
Copy !req
37. The Avengers have assembled.
Copy !req
38. So do we
have one of those—
Copy !req
39. What do the kids call them
nowadays? Plans?
Copy !req
40. 'Cause we can't
just wait here
Copy !req
41. for Loki
to make the next move.
Copy !req
42. Ant-Man's right.
Copy !req
43. Aw. Thank you, Hulk.
Copy !req
44. It means a lot
to have your support.
Copy !req
45. I'll shut up now.
Copy !req
46. When do we leave for Asgard?
Copy !req
47. I'm trying,
but Loki's sealed all
the magical pathways
Copy !req
48. and portals between
the Nine Realms.
Copy !req
49. There's no way through.
Copy !req
50. So even if we possessed
Thor's hammer,
Copy !req
51. we could not
get back to Asgard.
Copy !req
52. Even if we had Thor's hammer,
Copy !req
53. I wouldn't know
what to do with it.
Copy !req
54. Dr. Foster?
Copy !req
55. I'm here.
Copy !req
56. We were
a little worried
Copy !req
57. the way you ran off
like that.
Copy !req
58. Sorry. I had to step back.
Copy !req
59. It's all so overwhelming.
Copy !req
60. I'm supposed to be
a scientist,
Copy !req
61. not an Asgardian-whatever
of Thunder.
Copy !req
62. I don't know
if I can do this.
Copy !req
63. Hey, look at what
you've already done.
Copy !req
64. You found
the missing Avengers,
Copy !req
65. sent us
across dimensions,
Copy !req
66. stopped Ragnarok,
became a sheriff,
Copy !req
67. rode dinosaurs.
Copy !req
68. Asgardian-whatever
should be a cakewalk.
Copy !req
69. No one knows what they
can do until they try.
Copy !req
70. Trust your instincts,
Copy !req
71. You know more about being
an Avenger than you think.
Copy !req
72. I don't know capes,
but I know science.
Copy !req
73. Loki!
Copy !req
74. I should have foreseen
this betrayal.
Copy !req
75. Your misguided ambitions
will come to naught!
Copy !req
76. This is a momentous
occasion in history.
Copy !req
77. All-Father Odin's defeat,
Copy !req
78. falling at the hands
of his son.
Copy !req
79. Deluded boy!
Copy !req
80. Many would-be conquerors
Copy !req
81. have tried to usurp me
and failed.
Copy !req
82. You are an arrogant whelp,
Copy !req
83. with neither the magic nor
the fortitude to defeat me.
Copy !req
84. Oh, I beg to differ.
Copy !req
85. I have power,
Copy !req
86. and I know how to use it.
Copy !req
87. Aah!
Copy !req
88. What are you supposed to do
Copy !req
89. when all your dreams
come true?
Copy !req
90. Rhetorical question.
Copy !req
91. I know exactly
what I'm going to do.
Copy !req
92. But I'll grant you a chance
to beg for mercy anyway.
Copy !req
93. You have no right
Copy !req
94. to our father's throne!
Copy !req
95. Aah!
Copy !req
96. Oh, it seems he doesn't
need his throne anymore,
Copy !req
97. since he'll be staying
in the dungeon
Copy !req
98. for the foreseeable future.
Copy !req
99. Everything
that belonged to him
Copy !req
100. belongs to me.
Copy !req
101. And this is
just the beginning.
Copy !req
102. You have no idea the things
that belong to me now.
Copy !req
103. The Casket of Darkness?
Copy !req
104. One of the most dangerous
Copy !req
105. that belonged to Odin,
Copy !req
106. filled with mystical All-Dark,
Copy !req
107. and it's all mine.
Copy !req
108. Loki.
Copy !req
109. Oh. Hoo!
Ho ho ho ho!
Copy !req
110. The All-Dark ends life.
Copy !req
111. Even you must respect
its danger.
Copy !req
112. I am the Sorcerer Supreme now,
Copy !req
113. so maybe the All-Dark
needs to respect me.
Copy !req
114. Oh.
Copy !req
115. Maybe later.
Copy !req
116. I have something different
in mind for now.
Copy !req
117. Take your hammer, Thor.
I offer it to you.
Copy !req
118. All you have to do
is call it.
Copy !req
119. Oh, no.
Copy !req
120. You have no hammer.
Copy !req
121. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
122. Ehh.
Copy !req
123. Hitting someone
when they're not looking?
Copy !req
124. Ooh, that's really
more my thing.
Copy !req
125. Naah!
Copy !req
126. Hyah!
Copy !req
127. I could use magic,
Copy !req
128. but I have a sneaking suspicion
Copy !req
129. that this way
is more humiliating!
Copy !req
130. Aah!
Copy !req
131. I am not worthy
Copy !req
132. to lift Mjolnir
like you are,
Copy !req
133. but I am
the Sorcerer Supreme.
Copy !req
134. And with Father
Copy !req
135. I'm also now the All-Father.
Copy !req
136. Which means I can do anything.
Copy !req
137. I'll take that.
Copy !req
138. No!
Copy !req
139. I used the power
of the All-Father
Copy !req
140. to seal the pathways
between Asgard and Earth.
Copy !req
141. No one gets through
unless I will it.
Copy !req
142. Technology work-around.
Copy !req
143. I'm mortal and not under
the power of the All-Father,
Copy !req
144. so you have no power over me.
Copy !req
145. Or us!
Copy !req
146. Ho ho ho ho! How angry.
Copy !req
147. But if your mightiest
are here,
Copy !req
148. oh, who's protecting
your precious Earth?
Copy !req
149. While I was one of you,
fighting in your Secret War,
Copy !req
150. I discovered
that your greatest strength
Copy !req
151. is your greatest weakness.
Copy !req
152. Your strength is your focus
Copy !req
153. and ability
to protect others.
Copy !req
154. But your weakness is
that you'll never be able
Copy !req
155. to protect everyone.
Copy !req
156. The Bifrost!
Copy !req
157. I have unlimited magic,
Copy !req
158. unlimited beasts,
Copy !req
159. so go do what you always do—
Copy !req
160. save your Earth.
Copy !req
161. Uh, Cap, if you ever wanted
Copy !req
162. to say one of those bad words
I taught you,
Copy !req
163. now would be a perfect time.
Copy !req
164. You think you can stop me,
Copy !req
165. stop my army,
save the people of Earth,
Copy !req
166. be the heroes.
Copy !req
167. Predictable.
Copy !req
168. But whatever you decide to do,
Copy !req
169. it will all be for nothing.
Copy !req
170. Thors, Doctor Strange,
your team has Loki.
Copy !req
171. The rest of you, with me.
Copy !req
172. Ho-hmm.
Copy !req
173. I'm finished toying with you.
Copy !req
174. I will see you fall—
Copy !req
175. in tears, then in death.
Copy !req
176. If this is the end,
Copy !req
177. then how better
than in battle,
Copy !req
178. standing with my friends
next to me?
Copy !req
179. For Asgard!
Copy !req
180. For Midgard!
Copy !req
181. For myself!
Copy !req
182. Hyah!
Copy !req
183. I have you!
Copy !req
184. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
185. Can't leave so soon.
Copy !req
186. I'm not through with you yet!
Copy !req
187. Give me the Eye, Loki.
Copy !req
188. Its power is wasted
on the likes of you.
Copy !req
189. Petty insults are so
unbecoming of a doctor.
Copy !req
190. Raah!
Copy !req
191. My insults
and my magic
Copy !req
192. are stronger
than yours.
Copy !req
193. By the Crimson Bands
of Cyttorak!
Copy !req
194. Uhh! Uhh. Oh. Ohh!
Copy !req
195. Excuse me, Doctor.
Copy !req
196. It's been fun
mingling with you,
Copy !req
197. but I see some people
Copy !req
198. who I'm dying
to get reacquainted with.
Copy !req
199. Loki, no!
Copy !req
200. Aah!
Copy !req
201. Crushing the Avengers
has been my goal,
Copy !req
202. but crushing the two of you
has been my dream.
Copy !req
203. If you had any idea
Copy !req
204. the power
flowing through me—
Copy !req
205. Uhh!
Copy !req
206. Aah! Uhh!
Copy !req
207. I think you're starting
to get the idea.
Copy !req
208. Avengers, this is it!
Copy !req
209. We cannot allow Loki's army
Copy !req
210. to create a beachhead
here on Earth.
Copy !req
211. Whatever happens in Asgard
right now is out of our hands.
Copy !req
212. But we control
what happens here.
Copy !req
213. Ready.
Copy !req
214. Set.
Copy !req
215. And go!
Copy !req
216. Hit 'em hard, Avengers.
Copy !req
217. Wait!
Copy !req
218. Okay, go!
Copy !req
219. These guys are
even weirder up close.
Copy !req
220. Although now I see why they
call them "mindless ones."
Copy !req
221. Yep. Not too bright.
Copy !req
222. Aah!
Copy !req
223. Loki! I'm sorry, brother,
Copy !req
224. but you give me no choice!
Copy !req
225. Don't apologize.
Copy !req
226. Ever.
Copy !req
227. Oh, brother.
You look awful.
Copy !req
228. I should put you
out of your misery,
Copy !req
229. and indeed I will,
Copy !req
230. when you perish among
the branches of Yggdrasil,
Copy !req
231. the Tree of Life!
Copy !req
232. Aah!
Copy !req
233. Ohh! Uhh.
Copy !req
234. Ohh.
Copy !req
235. I must keep fighting.
Copy !req
236. But by Odin's beard,
Copy !req
237. I know not
if I have the strength.
Copy !req
238. But perhaps I can find help
Copy !req
239. amongst the ruins
of this ancient battle.
Copy !req
240. Uhh!
Copy !req
241. They just keep coming!
Copy !req
242. We can't fail.
We have to hold the line!
Copy !req
243. Special delivery!
Copy !req
244. We're slowing them down.
But it's not enough.
Copy !req
245. Loki!
Copy !req
246. Now where
did you find the ax?
Copy !req
247. Not that it will matter
in the end.
Copy !req
248. Aah!
Copy !req
249. We have him!
Copy !req
250. You have nothing.
Copy !req
251. I hadn't figured out
how best to slay you.
Copy !req
252. I hoped an idea
would just come to me.
Copy !req
253. And it has.
Copy !req
254. The All-Dark!
Copy !req
255. Farewell, Avengers.
Copy !req
256. Ooh, you and your little
magic tricks.
Copy !req
257. But only Asgardian magic
can block the All-Dark. Hyah!
Copy !req
258. No!
Copy !req
259. That tar is burning
through the tree.
Copy !req
260. We must get the All-Dark
off the Tree of Life.
Copy !req
261. If the tree dies,
the universe dies with it.
Copy !req
262. By the blinding blades
of Eldredim!
Copy !req
263. It's no use.
Copy !req
264. It's consuming
the whole tree!
Copy !req
265. Ah! Naah!
Copy !req
266. Uhh! Aah!
Copy !req
267. Almost out of
rainbow real estate.
Copy !req
268. Lousy mindless jerks!
Copy !req
269. Hulk, you seem angry.
Copy !req
270. Of course I'm angry!
Now get big and get fighting!
Copy !req
271. Uhh! Oh.
Copy !req
272. Oh, ho ho! Hulk,
you just gave me an idea.
Copy !req
273. You're really gonna hate me
after this one,
Copy !req
274. but, uh, trust me,
the drooling is normal.
Copy !req
275. Scott, you know
Hulk is gonna kill you
Copy !req
276. when this is over, right?
Copy !req
277. If this works,
it'll be worth it.
Copy !req
278. Ant-man!
Copy !req
279. Raah!
Copy !req
280. Raah!
Copy !req
281. Oh, Thor, don't you see?
Copy !req
282. You and all life
in the universe are doomed.
Copy !req
283. But before the universe goes,
Copy !req
284. you go first!
Copy !req
285. Uhh! Keep working
on the All-Dark.
Copy !req
286. Loki's mine.
Copy !req
287. Huhh... uh!
Copy !req
288. Hyah!
Copy !req
289. You've been a thorn
in my side for too long.
Copy !req
290. You may be stronger
than you were before, Loki,
Copy !req
291. but so am I!
Copy !req
292. Loki's magic
has enchanted the All-Dark.
Copy !req
293. The only way to stop it
is through Loki himself.
Copy !req
294. But how?
Copy !req
295. He's your brother.
Copy !req
296. You must make him
see the truth.
Copy !req
297. Aah!
Copy !req
298. Yaah!
Copy !req
299. Uhh!
Copy !req
300. Come to join the party,
Copy !req
301. Listen to me, Loki.
Copy !req
302. If the Tree of Life dies,
Copy !req
303. you will not survive.
Copy !req
304. Bah! I'm the All-Father
Copy !req
305. and the Sorcerer Supreme
of the universe.
Copy !req
306. I can survive anything.
Copy !req
307. Not this you can't!
Copy !req
308. If you don't believe me,
use the Eye of Agamotto.
Copy !req
309. It sees all.
Copy !req
310. What are you up to?
Copy !req
311. Is this your idea
of a trick?
Copy !req
312. No. No tricks.
Copy !req
313. This is the truth, brother.
Copy !req
314. Ahh. Aah!
Copy !req
315. I cannot be defeated!
Copy !req
316. This Eye doesn't reveal truth.
Copy !req
317. It lies!
Copy !req
318. Now's our chance!
Copy !req
319. I am Loki,
the winner and the truth!
Copy !req
320. Everyone here is a liar
except me!
Copy !req
321. You've gone mad,
Copy !req
322. I'm not mad. You're mad!
Because I have won!
Copy !req
323. Loki, shut up!
Copy !req
324. Oof!
Copy !req
325. But I won.
Copy !req
326. Anyone who tells you
Copy !req
327. is a liar!
Copy !req
328. I've removed
Loki's enchantment
Copy !req
329. on the All-Dark.
Copy !req
330. It's now or never.
Copy !req
331. Are you ready?
Copy !req
332. Oh, I am so ready.
Copy !req
333. No! Get away
from the All-Dark!
Copy !req
334. It's not yours to command!
Copy !req
335. It belongs to me!
Copy !req
336. All-powerful—
Copy !req
337. Loki...
Copy !req
338. Oh, no.
Copy !req
339. Thor!
Copy !req
340. Brother.
Copy !req
341. Heroes are not
designed nor produced.
Copy !req
342. Heroes rise.
Copy !req
343. Jane Foster,
Copy !req
344. having fought to restore
the throne of Asgard,
Copy !req
345. you have proven yourself
Copy !req
346. I dub thee Thunderstrike,
Copy !req
347. and with it, a weapon worthy.
Copy !req
348. May you continue
to fight valiantly
Copy !req
349. to the end of your days.
Copy !req
350. My best friend's an android,
Copy !req
351. my hero is my teammate,
Copy !req
352. and that over there
is Asgard.
Copy !req
353. It doesn't seem real
Copy !req
354. I so didn't think I was
gonna make it as an Avenger.
Copy !req
355. I would've quit
on my first day
Copy !req
356. if you hadn't stopped me.
Copy !req
357. I thought you'd be
a good Avenger,
Copy !req
358. and I was right.
Copy !req
359. Saving the universe...
Copy !req
360. Never gets old, does it?
Copy !req
361. Nope. Even still,
Copy !req
362. I could go
for some vacation.
Copy !req
363. But you know
the moment I try,
Copy !req
364. the world's gonna
need us again.
Copy !req
365. Alas,
Copy !req
366. time is unpredictable,
Copy !req
367. and the future is unknowable.
Copy !req
368. Well, I know the future
will be better than the past,
Copy !req
369. because heroes
will make it that way.
Copy !req
370. Heroes like the Avengers.
Copy !req
371. Avengers Assemble!
Copy !req