1. Seven, carry the three,
times 28—
Copy !req
2. Here are the new receipts.
Copy !req
3. Put 'em there with the others.
Copy !req
4. So, uh, is all that
because of me?
Copy !req
5. I don't know, Hulk.
You tell me.
Copy !req
6. Millions of dollars in damages
from when you knocked over
a warehouse,
Copy !req
7. from when you smashed
the loading docks,
Copy !req
8. from when you stomped
on a tanker truck
full of gasoline—
Copy !req
9. But the truck was already
on fire when I got there.
Copy !req
10. And from when
you smashed that toy factory
that makes talking teddy bears.
Copy !req
11. Hey, those mouthy little bears
had it coming.
Copy !req
12. Come on, Hawkeye.
Smashing is what Hulk does best.
Copy !req
13. Against an alien invasion
or cyborg army, sure.
Copy !req
14. But somebody's gotta
take care of all this.
Copy !req
15. You gotta work
on suppressing that rage.
Copy !req
16. I'm suppressing
my rage now.
Copy !req
17. Avengers Compound,
hold your fire!
Copy !req
18. Black Panther?
Copy !req
19. Hawkeye, stop trying
to shoot us down.
Copy !req
20. There's nobody
firing at you.
Copy !req
21. It's just me, Hulk,
and Ms. Marvel.
Copy !req
22. Cap's right.
Somebody's on the roof!
Copy !req
23. Then that someone's
gonna get smashed!
Copy !req
24. You attack my friends,
then you're just begging
Copy !req
25. to get smashed!
Copy !req
26. Doctor Strange?
Copy !req
27. Get out of the way, Hulk.
Copy !req
28. All is not as it seems.
Copy !req
29. Oh, well, that's a relief,
'cause it seems
Copy !req
30. like you're trying
to shoot down our friends.
Copy !req
31. My own arrow?
Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
32. Nice to meet you,
Doctor Strange.
Copy !req
33. Now, this may sting
a little bit.
Copy !req
34. Ms. Marvel, you are interfering
in matters you don't understand.
Copy !req
35. And you're interfering
with the Avengers!
Copy !req
36. Release me!
You don't know
what you're doing!
Copy !req
37. We have questions, Doctor.
Copy !req
38. Let's start with why
you were attacking us.
Copy !req
39. I assure you,
I was not aiming
at the Avengers.
Copy !req
40. Funny.
Sure looked like it.
Copy !req
41. Doctor Strange,
the Avengers have never
had reason not to trust you.
Copy !req
42. Till now.
Copy !req
43. We do need to know
what's going on
and why Doctor Strange is here.
Copy !req
44. Get him out
of the restraints.
Copy !req
45. No need.
I can do it myself.
Copy !req
46. Peribittio.
Copy !req
47. My apologies,
Copy !req
48. but you were transporting
with you something—
Copy !req
49. or someone—
that shouldn't be here.
Copy !req
50. I am the keeper
of the Eye of Agamotto.
Copy !req
51. The Eye sensed a presence
not felt in this realm
for thousands of years.
Copy !req
52. It sensed the presence...
of Agamotto.
Copy !req
53. Okay, I have no idea
who that is.
Copy !req
54. Wait a minute.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
55. As in "Eye of Agamotto"?
Copy !req
56. Agamotto is an actual guy?
Copy !req
57. All this time we've known you,
you've been wearing
Copy !req
58. his eye around your neck?
Copy !req
59. Ew.
Copy !req
60. Long ago, Agamotto was
Copy !req
61. the first sorcerer supreme.
Copy !req
62. But his hunger
for the knowledge and power
of the unknown had no end,
Copy !req
63. and he became
corrupt and evil.
Copy !req
64. Agamotto was banished,
but not before his powers
Copy !req
65. were passed into this amulet
Copy !req
66. called the Eye of Agamotto.
Copy !req
67. By the Vishanti,
you mortals love to talk.
Copy !req
68. The Eye sees all.
Copy !req
69. Even the deceit
of its former owner, Agamotto.
Copy !req
70. No need to wear
this disguise anymore.
Copy !req
71. The Eye is all that matters.
Copy !req
72. The rest of you
are of no consequence.
Copy !req
73. Your world is lost in chaos.
Copy !req
74. The Eye of Agamotto
will restore me
to my full cosmic power
Copy !req
75. so that I can cleanse
this wretched realm.
Copy !req
76. Now give me the Eye.
Copy !req
77. You know the rules, Agamotto.
Copy !req
78. The Eye cannot be taken,
even by you.
Copy !req
79. It must be given freely,
and that is not something
I choose to do.
Copy !req
80. Then you've chosen your fate.
Copy !req
81. After all...
Copy !req
82. the dead have no
possessions to bestow.
Copy !req
83. Hmm?
Copy !req
84. There, foolish ogre.
Copy !req
85. Mm...
Copy !req
86. Huh?
Copy !req
87. Your token resistance
is pathetic.
Copy !req
88. Venix, holbrum, ascaria!
Copy !req
89. Hurry it up, Doc!
Copy !req
90. Hmm? Mm.
Copy !req
91. You cannot defeat Agamotto
Copy !req
92. with conventional tactics.
Copy !req
93. Yeah!
Copy !req
94. Aah!
Copy !req
95. Get down!
Copy !req
96. Still, you try
to fight against me.
Copy !req
97. Then I will make you
fight for me.
Copy !req
98. Corse Predominate!
Copy !req
99. By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
He's used the shadows curse!
Copy !req
100. What does that do?
Copy !req
101. Cap and Panther?
Copy !req
102. These are not
our friends.
Copy !req
103. These are shadows,
cursed by the darkness.
Copy !req
104. Fulfill your evil purpose,
my puppets,
Copy !req
105. and destroy your friends!
Copy !req
106. So, these aren't
Cap and Panther?
Copy !req
107. No. These are only shadow copies
of their form and powers.
Copy !req
108. "Only," he says.
Copy !req
109. Hulk not afraid of ghosts!
Copy !req
110. Don't make Hulk mad!
Copy !req
111. Excellent.
Copy !req
112. My next puppet
will be the most powerful.
Copy !req
113. No, we can't let him
get the Hulk.
Copy !req
114. Gotta control the rage.
Copy !req
115. Ah, nothing but a weak mortal.
Copy !req
116. Bruce Banner?
Copy !req
117. Uhh!
Copy !req
118. Impressive.
I never imagined Hulk
Copy !req
119. possessed that kind
of self-control.
Copy !req
120. Okay, Merlin, let's see you
magic your way out of this!
Copy !req
121. Hm.
Copy !req
122. I hate magic so much!
Copy !req
123. Corse Predominate!
Copy !req
124. Avengers, with me!
Copy !req
125. They are not to escape
with the Eye.
Copy !req
126. Find them!
Copy !req
127. Into my lab.
We can find some way
to fight back.
Copy !req
128. I've never fought anyone
as strong as Agamotto before.
Copy !req
129. I cannot hope
to simply overpower him.
Copy !req
130. I need time to find the magic
that will defeat Agamotto.
Copy !req
131. I don't know about
all your hocus-pocus,
Copy !req
132. but maybe I can come up
with a scientific solution.
Copy !req
133. Man, this place is a mess.
Copy !req
134. What, did, like,
Hulk smash it?
Copy !req
135. I have a rule with myself.
Or with him, I mean.
Copy !req
136. No Hulk smash in the lab,
no matter
how frustrated we get.
Copy !req
137. It must take
a great amount of restraint
to stand up to the Hulk.
Copy !req
138. Yeah. You have no idea.
Copy !req
139. True. But science
and magic are alike.
Copy !req
140. We are both tasked
with controlling
incredible power.
Copy !req
141. Everything in the universe
has a frequency.
Copy !req
142. Magic or not
shouldn't matter.
Copy !req
143. This energy device
should disrupt
Copy !req
144. the frequency field around us,
hopefully masking the Eye.
Copy !req
145. That is so cool!
Copy !req
146. One question: why does it
look like a monkey wrench?
Copy !req
147. What? No, no.
Copy !req
148. This is a sophisticated,
highly sensitive
piece of technology.
Copy !req
149. It doesn't look like a—
Oh, man, you're right.
Copy !req
150. It looks exactly
like a wrench.
Copy !req
151. They found us!
Copy !req
152. It didn't work.
Copy !req
153. I can't believe
it didn't work!
Copy !req
154. Where science failed,
magic may yet triumph.
Copy !req
155. This will dispel the shadows!
Copy !req
156. It didn't work?
Copy !req
157. Will something please work?
Copy !req
158. Aah!
Copy !req
159. Whoo! Go, me!
Copy !req
160. Corse Predominate!
Copy !req
161. Aahh!
Copy !req
162. No!
Copy !req
163. Join the ranks
Copy !req
164. of the dark,
twisted shadows!
Copy !req
165. Stop running and fight me,
Copy !req
166. Your power against mine.
Copy !req
167. I cannot fight you head-on.
Copy !req
168. A magic battle
of such magnitude
would tear this world apart.
Copy !req
169. No. There is always
another way.
Copy !req
170. By the traveling tempest
of Danaughey!
Copy !req
171. No! Stop him!
Copy !req
172. The Eye may be gone,
but I see what it sees.
Copy !req
173. I will find Strange
soon enough.
Copy !req
174. So this is where Agamotto
broke through to our reality?
Copy !req
175. Yes. The barriers
between our realm
Copy !req
176. and the dimensions
of light and dark
are thinner here.
Copy !req
177. I believe I can reopen a portal,
and we can push him
back through.
Copy !req
178. Let's get to work
on that equation, Doctor.
Copy !req
179. You know nothing
of magic.
Copy !req
180. But you will learn
the meaning of power,
Copy !req
181. and the meaning
of my wrath!
Copy !req
182. Did you really think
this place would help you?
Copy !req
183. By the calamitous chains
of Kah-noo-ski!
Copy !req
184. I have the power
to destroy you,
Copy !req
185. and once I have the Eye,
Copy !req
186. the power
to destroy everything.
Copy !req
187. Bruce— Can't cast spells...
without my hands.
Copy !req
188. I think I can reach...
my wrench.
Copy !req
189. Got it!
Copy !req
190. Aah!
Copy !req
191. Score one for science.
Copy !req
192. By the Winds of Watoomb!
Copy !req
193. Is this the best you can do,
Doctor Strange?
Copy !req
194. No wonder the Eye calls
to Agamotto!
Copy !req
195. By the Bogs of Bardeaux!
Copy !req
196. As if you could keep
the Eye from me.
Copy !req
197. I have power of the dimensions
light and dark,
Copy !req
198. fueled by anger
you can never understand
or defeat!
Copy !req
199. "Fueled by anger"?
Copy !req
200. Well, perhaps I've been
going about this all wrong.
Copy !req
201. By the Mists of Munnopor!
Copy !req
202. You have anything stronger
than mists or winds
of Munn-whatever?
Copy !req
203. It's not science or magic
that wins this fight, Bruce.
Copy !req
204. It's willpower.
Come on. I have a plan.
Copy !req
205. You can't run from me.
Copy !req
206. By the Flames
of the Faltine!
Copy !req
207. Infuriating gnat!
Copy !req
208. For the last time,
give me the Eye!
Copy !req
209. You are mistaken, Agamotto.
Copy !req
210. The Eye is no longer
mine to give.
Copy !req
211. What?
Copy !req
212. The Eye! Where is it?
Copy !req
213. I am so close
to power incarnate.
Copy !req
214. You and your heroes
can never defeat me
and my anger!
Copy !req
215. I know someone angrier
than you.
Copy !req
216. Hulk magic smash!
Copy !req
217. Doc, do your thing!
Copy !req
218. Hulk gonna teach old wizard
new magic tricks.
Copy !req
219. You? Well,
it doesn't matter
Copy !req
220. whose body I take
the Eye from.
Copy !req
221. You will pay for that,
you cursed ogre!
Copy !req
222. Hulk use magic
to smash magic man!
Copy !req
223. But how could one like him...
Copy !req
224. No blundering ogre
will defeat me!
Copy !req
225. Impossible.
Copy !req
226. Oh, it's possible.
Copy !req
227. Hulk, the barriers
have weakened.
Copy !req
228. I am... Agamotto!
Copy !req
229. I am Hulk!
Copy !req
230. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
231. Right hand
a little higher, Hulk.
Copy !req
232. Point the index finger.
Copy !req
233. Hm.
Copy !req
234. Puny wizard doesn't have
the magic Eye.
Copy !req
235. Only Hulk has the magic!
Copy !req
236. Hulk, now!
The doorway is ready!
Copy !req
237. Magic hands harder
than it looks.
Copy !req
238. By the green fists of smash!
Copy !req
239. Well, bye.
Copy !req
240. Nooo!
Copy !req
241. Here you go, Doc.
Good as new.
Copy !req
242. Agamotto's portal
to our dimension sank
to the bottom of the ocean,
Copy !req
243. so he must
be gone for good.
Copy !req
244. Well, hey, us not being
evil shadow creatures
is proof of that, right?
Copy !req
245. So, who's gonna tell Hulk
how much the final
damage total is?
Copy !req
246. Leave those to me.
The nation of Wakanda
Copy !req
247. will cover
the Avengers' bills.
Copy !req
248. Besides,
from what I heard,
Copy !req
249. those talking teddy bears
had it coming.
Copy !req
250. Who would've imagined
that Dr. Banner
Copy !req
251. and Doctor Strange
would make such a great team?
Copy !req
252. Hulk and Doctor Strange
make a good team too.
Copy !req
253. Thanks for teaching me
a little magic.
Copy !req
254. All I did was demonstrate.
Copy !req
255. You were the one who learned
to respect magic.
Copy !req
256. Hmm. Well,
now I'm gonna teach you
Copy !req
257. how to respect smash.
Copy !req
258. My hands aren't really good
for that sort of thing.
Copy !req
259. I wouldn't even
know how to... smash.
Copy !req
260. Just get angry
and do what comes next.
Copy !req
261. Smash!
Copy !req