1. Oh, right.
Copy !req
2. There. That's it.
Copy !req
3. I made your bed
every day for a year.
Copy !req
4. Wow. Congratulations. I can't
believe you actually did it.
Copy !req
5. According to our deal,
that means from now on
Copy !req
6. I get to sleep in this bed.
Copy !req
7. That wasn't exactly
our deal, Dewey.
Copy !req
8. Yes, it was. You promised
that if I did it,
Copy !req
9. I'd get the bed
every day after that.
Copy !req
10. Right. Every day,
Copy !req
11. but I still
get it at night.
Copy !req
12. That's not fair!
Copy !req
13. I don't know, Dewey.
Copy !req
14. His case sounds
pretty solid to me.
Copy !req
15. Oh, and, Dewey,
Copy !req
16. I don't want to ruin it
by being too specific,
Copy !req
17. but something you wear now has
some kind of creature in it.
Copy !req
18. Jamie's making
such strides.
Copy !req
19. He's so in touch
with his emotions.
Copy !req
20. I wish I could be
more like that
Copy !req
21. and just cry for
hours and hours.
Copy !req
22. Oh, here's the flyer
Copy !req
23. for the "daddy and child" class
I'll be teaching
Copy !req
24. at the rec center.
Copy !req
25. Polly, this is
Copy !req
26. the fifth flyer you've given me.
Copy !req
27. I'm sorry, I was
just so excited.
Copy !req
28. It was such a revelation to me
that I should be teaching.
Copy !req
29. I've always tried
Copy !req
30. to follow my bliss,
but up until now
Copy !req
31. my blisses have turned out to be
Copy !req
32. treacherous
and self-destructive.
Copy !req
33. Can't wait.
Copy !req
34. Do I really have to...
Copy !req
35. Yes, Hal.
Copy !req
36. Boys, I wanted
to talk to you.
Copy !req
37. I've got some good news.
I've been thinking.
Copy !req
38. You're both growing up.
Copy !req
39. You're showing a lot
more maturity these days.
Copy !req
40. I think you've
earned the right
Copy !req
41. to a little bit
more independence.
Copy !req
42. We're getting a car!
Copy !req
43. You're both getting jobs.
Copy !req
44. What?
Copy !req
45. Malcolm, I talked to the manager
of the Lucky Aide this morning.
Copy !req
46. You start there tomorrow.
Copy !req
47. You want me to work
Copy !req
48. at your store? With you?
Copy !req
49. Yes. Reese— since you've
been mentioned six times
Copy !req
50. by name
in the security handbook,
Copy !req
51. you have to look
for a job somewhere else,
Copy !req
52. but I want you in a paper hat
by the end of the week.
Copy !req
53. Please don't
do this to me.
Copy !req
54. Just let me find my own job.
Copy !req
55. Malcolm, it's already done.
Copy !req
56. I had to call in
Copy !req
57. a lot of favors
with Mr. Young for you.
Copy !req
58. You are not going
to make me look bad
Copy !req
59. by not honoring
your commitments.
Copy !req
60. How is it my commitment?
Copy !req
61. Because I'm your mother and
you're doing it. That's final.
Copy !req
62. I was thinking there's a lot
of germs flying around.
Copy !req
63. Dad, Mom has this stupid
idea about working...
Copy !req
64. Huh! Huh! Huh!
That's enough!
Copy !req
65. You boys heard your mother.
Copy !req
66. We have always said
Copy !req
67. you have to concentrate
on your schoolwork
Copy !req
68. before wasting your time
on dead-end jobs.
Copy !req
69. You have got your
whole life to work
Copy !req
70. and only one chance to learn.
Copy !req
71. I told them to
get jobs, Hal.
Copy !req
72. The value
of hard work.
Copy !req
73. Money doesn't
grow on trees.
Copy !req
74. The sooner you two kids
have jobs, the better.
Copy !req
75. My first paycheck,
I'm buying this house
Copy !req
76. and kicking them out.
Copy !req
77. As we emerge
from the cocoon of self-doubt...
Copy !req
78. reaching
for unconditional affirmation...
Copy !req
79. defeating our inner critics.
Copy !req
80. And rest.
Copy !req
81. See, daddies can be just
as good mommies as mommies.
Copy !req
82. Oh! I have to make
a quick phone call
Copy !req
83. to the parole officer.
Copy !req
84. Oh, don't worry,
it's not about me.
Copy !req
85. It's about one of my dads,
but while I'm gone,
Copy !req
86. why don't you do that
"baby-ssage" thing I showed you.
Copy !req
87. You know,
babies feel stress, too.
Copy !req
88. Man, I'm so bored I can
feel my own hair growing.
Copy !req
89. Maybe I should wait a couple
years to bond with Jamie.
Copy !req
90. It's got to be easier
when he can do more than
Copy !req
91. just burble
and sit up.
Copy !req
92. Your baby can sit up?
Copy !req
93. For how long?
Copy !req
94. I don't know.
Ten seconds?
Copy !req
95. My baby can sit
up for 20.
Copy !req
96. Jasmine can
do it for 30.
Copy !req
97. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
98. Do it, Jamie. Come on,
buddy, you can do it!
Copy !req
99. Do it for Daddy.
Copy !req
100. Do it for Daddy.
Copy !req
101. Stay up. Stay up. Stay up.
Copy !req
102. One more. One more.
Copy !req
103. Come on, baby. Come on, baby.
Copy !req
104. Come on, baby,
you can...
Copy !req
105. Yes! Way to go, Jamie.
Copy !req
106. I think this belongs to me.
Copy !req
107. Hello, you've reached
The Grotto. Please hold.
Copy !req
108. Hello, you've reached
The Grotto. Please hold.
Copy !req
109. Hello, you've reached
The Grotto.
Copy !req
110. You are a terrible brother!
Copy !req
111. Dewey?
Malcolm and Reese do nothing
Copy !req
112. but torture me all day long.
Copy !req
113. My life is horrible
and it's not fair!
Copy !req
114. Dewey, you're not
making any sense.
Copy !req
115. You were nice
to Malcolm and Reese
Copy !req
116. but then you got kicked out
before I was even old enough
Copy !req
117. to know what was going on.
Copy !req
118. So they got to have
a good big brother
Copy !req
119. and all I got was them.
Copy !req
120. Look, I'm sorry, okay, I just,
I don't live there anymore.
Copy !req
121. I don't care!
Copy !req
122. You have to make this
up to me. I deserve
Copy !req
123. a good big brother, too.
Copy !req
124. Dewey, I know this is
Copy !req
125. really important to you,
Copy !req
126. but I just don't
have the time right now,
Copy !req
127. so I'll call you
in a couple days, okay?
Copy !req
128. No, do not hang up on me.
Copy !req
129. Don't you look handsome?
My little working man's
Copy !req
130. first day on the job.
Copy !req
131. Do not do anything
to mess this up.
Copy !req
132. Our whole family needs me
Copy !req
133. to have this job.
Copy !req
134. Don't worry, Mom,
if it will save the family,
Copy !req
135. I won't stack
the toilet paper sideways.
Copy !req
136. Those kinds of
wisenheimer remarks
Copy !req
137. are exactly what I'm
talking about. Now go.
Copy !req
138. You don't want to be late
for the training session.
Copy !req
139. Hello, I'm Dale Young,
district supervisor.
Copy !req
140. Now, we're going to have
a lot of Lucky Aide fun today,
Copy !req
141. but there's also a lot
for our new trainees to learn.
Copy !req
142. Not to mention our employees
who need a little refresher.
Copy !req
143. What is this, Feldspar—
the fifth time?
Copy !req
144. We can call it that.
Copy !req
145. You leave the store
unlocked one night,
Copy !req
146. it's like the
sky fell in.
Copy !req
147. Mr. Feldspar,
I'm sure you don't want
Copy !req
148. to get your fellow
trainee in trouble.
Copy !req
149. You must be Malcolm, Lois' boy.
Copy !req
150. Hey, tell me,
Copy !req
151. is Beans as much fun at home
Copy !req
152. as she is at work?
Copy !req
153. Who?
Hey, Dave,
Copy !req
154. can you picture
Beans having kids?
Copy !req
155. Beans?
Copy !req
156. Now, we're gonna start with
a little instructional video,
Copy !req
157. and then I hope everyone has
their role-playing hats on.
Copy !req
158. Lucky Aide—
Copy !req
159. It's another word for "family,"
and like family,
Copy !req
160. we all pull
in the same direction,
Copy !req
161. toward the same goal,
from the lowliest stock boy...
Copy !req
162. to the district managers...
all the way up to the president.
Copy !req
163. Was that...?
Copy !req
164. We're proud of our 95%
employee retention rate.
Copy !req
165. You may think you're
just starting a job,
Copy !req
166. but when you join
the Lucky Aide family,
Copy !req
167. you're here for life.
Copy !req
168. Mr. Young said you
did great in training.
Copy !req
169. Well, what can
I say, Beans?
Copy !req
170. Oh, I'm sorry, Beans.
Copy !req
171. Did I say something
wrong, Beans?
Copy !req
172. Now, I went
to a lot of trouble
Copy !req
173. to make sure you
could work with Albert.
Copy !req
174. He really knows
what he's doing.
Copy !req
175. You're gonna learn
a lot from him.
Copy !req
176. Hey, Albert!
Copy !req
177. This is my son, Malcolm.
Copy !req
178. Nah, that can't be your son.
Copy !req
179. He ain't beautiful enough.
Copy !req
180. Did she just giggle?
Copy !req
181. Okay, now.
Copy !req
182. Those are empty boxes.
Copy !req
183. Yes. They are.
Copy !req
184. Good. Now, what you do is
Copy !req
185. you take them
in the freight elevator
Copy !req
186. to the basement
Copy !req
187. to the box-flattening area.
Copy !req
188. You flatten the boxes,
Copy !req
189. then take them
back up the elevator,
Copy !req
190. go out by the loading dock
and throw them in the Dumpster.
Copy !req
191. I figure, it's about
six or seven trips.
Copy !req
192. Shouldn't take you
more than two hours.
Copy !req
193. That Dumpster
right over there?
Copy !req
194. Yes.
Copy !req
195. If I flatten them here, I can
Copy !req
196. be done in, like, 20 minutes.
Copy !req
197. You take them in the freight
elevator to the basement
Copy !req
198. to the box-flattening area.
Copy !req
199. No, I got it.
I was just wondering if...
Copy !req
200. I understand.
Copy !req
201. So I broke down the boxes
right next to the Dumpster
Copy !req
202. and saved so much time
Copy !req
203. I was able
to sweep out the stock room
Copy !req
204. and do a whole week's
worth of returns.
Copy !req
205. That's great. Sounds like
you had a good first day.
Copy !req
206. So, what part
Copy !req
207. of "box-flattening area"
don't you understand?
Copy !req
208. Huh?
Copy !req
209. You were seen flattening boxes
Copy !req
210. outside of the designated
box-flattening area.
Copy !req
211. I thought
I made myself clear.
Copy !req
212. Why even have
a box-flattening area
Copy !req
213. if you don't flatten
the boxes there?
Copy !req
214. But it only took me 20 minutes,
so I was able to... Mom.
Copy !req
215. Albert, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
216. I'll write him up.
Copy !req
217. What? But you just said that...
Copy !req
218. You're supposed to
do as you're told.
Copy !req
219. Thanks for taking
the heat off me.
Copy !req
220. I forgot my shoes again.
Copy !req
221. This is ridiculous!
You're being completely
arbitrary and asinine.
Copy !req
222. One minute you're
telling me I'm
Copy !req
223. doing a great job,
and the next minute
Copy !req
224. you're writing me up!
Copy !req
225. You broke the rules, Malcolm.
Copy !req
226. Come on, that box-flattening
area is a stupid rule.
Copy !req
227. You know I'm right.
Copy !req
228. Albert is
a grade-five employee.
Copy !req
229. He has put in
20 years of service time.
Copy !req
230. Sometimes
that's more important
Copy !req
231. than what's right or wrong.
Copy !req
232. Who a you?
Copy !req
233. Stop being
so melodramatic.
Copy !req
234. No, seriously, I want to know.
Copy !req
235. Because the mother I know
Copy !req
236. has spent her entire
life ranting
Copy !req
237. about always doing the right
thing, no matter what the cost,
Copy !req
238. no matter how
unpopular it is,
Copy !req
239. and now you're
standing here
Copy !req
240. getting all caught up
in who's a grade five
Copy !req
241. and blindly
obeying authority.
Copy !req
242. Honestly, Malcolm,
where'd you get the idea
Copy !req
243. that a job is
supposed to be fun?
Copy !req
244. That's not what
I'm talking about!
Copy !req
245. The truth is, work
is hard and miserable
Copy !req
246. and nobody likes doing it.
Copy !req
247. I have the greatest job
in the world!
Copy !req
248. You got a job?
Copy !req
249. Yeah,
with Hygienic Meat Packing.
Copy !req
250. All I do all day is cut meat.
Copy !req
251. With knives and saws.
Copy !req
252. There's blood everywhere
Copy !req
253. and there's all these guys
swearing in Spanish,
Copy !req
254. and they pay me
12 bucks an hour!
Copy !req
255. 12 bucks an hour?
I only make $5.50.
Copy !req
256. Actually,
Copy !req
257. with the write-up,
you're bumped down to $3.75.
Copy !req
258. Now you better go
finish your homework.
Copy !req
259. Dinner's in
a half an hour.
Copy !req
260. I am so proud of you guys.
Copy !req
261. You're so open
to connecting with your babies.
Copy !req
262. If my dads
were like you,
Copy !req
263. I'm sure I wouldn't have slept
with so many men in college.
Copy !req
264. See you next class.
Copy !req
265. We can't wait.
Copy !req
266. Okay, I've got Jamie to win
and Kevin to show.
Copy !req
267. Jamie's diaper...
Copy !req
268. Two pounds.
Copy !req
269. Dakota...
Copy !req
270. Two and a
quarter pounds.
Copy !req
271. Jasmine...
Copy !req
272. Four pounds?
Copy !req
273. Man, that's unholy.
Copy !req
274. I am so sorry
Copy !req
275. I was ever disappointed
you were born a girl.
Copy !req
276. Reese, this meat
is delicious. Thank you.
Copy !req
277. Malcolm, would you
like another piece?
Copy !req
278. I don't think I'm authorized
to make that decision.
Copy !req
279. Maybe we should ask
a grade-five employee.
Copy !req
280. Hey, I'm a grade-five employee.
Copy !req
281. Wow. How
do they get
Copy !req
282. the meat this tender?
Copy !req
283. Well, that's
the thing about veal.
Copy !req
284. Imagine if you took Jamie
and put him in a little box
Copy !req
285. where he would never
see daylight.
Copy !req
286. You don't let him move so his
muscles don't get all tough.
Copy !req
287. He's basically blind and you
force-feed him nothing but milk.
Copy !req
288. That's what makes him
taste so good.
Copy !req
289. Hal, how did Jamie
Copy !req
290. do in class today?
Copy !req
291. Fine. I guess.
Copy !req
292. For a kid
who can't fill a diaper.
Copy !req
293. This is strange.
Why would we have
Copy !req
294. so many leftovers?
Copy !req
295. You hung up on me!
Copy !req
296. What are you doing here?
I told you.
Copy !req
297. I can't handle Reese
and Malcolm anymore.
Copy !req
298. I need a good big brother
Copy !req
299. before it's too late!
Copy !req
300. I'm like one wedgie away
from an eating disorder.
Copy !req
301. You're here by yourself?
Copy !req
302. Francis, please, all
I want is a few minutes
Copy !req
303. of someone being nice to me.
Copy !req
304. Is that really
Copy !req
305. such a big thing for
a kid my age to ask?
Copy !req
306. Dad, Dad, Dad,
calm down. He's fine.
Copy !req
307. I have the day off Saturday.
Copy !req
308. I'll bring him home then.
Copy !req
309. You gotta give him
credit, you know.
Copy !req
310. He got to the ranch
all by himself.
Copy !req
311. The first time you tried,
you ended up in Mexico.
Copy !req
312. Of course, I'd be happy
Copy !req
313. to carry your bags outside.
Copy !req
314. We wouldn't want you
Copy !req
315. to get all hot and sweaty
Copy !req
316. out in the blaring heat
of the parking lot.
Copy !req
317. Malcolm. You're not
scheduled for today.
Copy !req
318. I'm just looking
for my mom.
Copy !req
319. She's out back on her break.
Copy !req
320. Last night, Mom accused me
Copy !req
321. of being obsessive
about getting written up.
Copy !req
322. So I stayed up all last night
Copy !req
323. thinking up
a bunch of comebacks,
Copy !req
324. and I even have
potential comebacks
Copy !req
325. to every possible comeback
of hers. There is no way she...
Copy !req
326. You're smoking?
Copy !req
327. After all the times
you lectured us?
Copy !req
328. After telling us
if we smoked,
Copy !req
329. you would kill us
before the cancer did?
Copy !req
330. After you would
push Francis'
Copy !req
331. lit cigarettes back in his mouth
Copy !req
332. and make him swallow?
And you smoke?
Copy !req
333. You smoke?
Copy !req
334. Look, it's not what you think.
Copy !req
335. When I work,
Copy !req
336. I have two cigarettes—
Copy !req
337. one on my morning break,
one in the afternoon.
Copy !req
338. No more, no less.
Copy !req
339. Who are you?
Copy !req
340. You have to stop saying that.
Copy !req
341. I will quit eventually,
Copy !req
342. but until then, the only thing
Copy !req
343. that's stopping your father
Copy !req
344. from smoking six packs a day
Copy !req
345. is knowing that
we quit together.
Copy !req
346. But you didn't quit.
Copy !req
347. But he knows I did.
Copy !req
348. But you didn't!
Copy !req
349. He knows I did.
Copy !req
350. You lie and you smoke.
Copy !req
351. Oh, for God's sake, Malcolm.
Copy !req
352. Lois, Lois, I just remembered
Copy !req
353. you were holding
my lit cigarette in your hand,
Copy !req
354. and I wanted
to thank you
Copy !req
355. for holding on
to my cigarettes...
Copy !req
356. which are mine.
Copy !req
357. He knows.
Copy !req
358. I think I left
my register open.
Copy !req
359. Okay, Malcolm, you caught me.
Copy !req
360. This has to be kept secret.
Copy !req
361. So I'm going to ask you
for a favor.
Copy !req
362. A favor?
Copy !req
363. You're asking me
for a favor
Copy !req
364. after you totally
hung me out to dry.
Copy !req
365. I'm just asking for
a little flexibility.
Copy !req
366. Please.
Copy !req
367. For your father and for me,
Copy !req
368. just keep the smoking
to yourself.
Copy !req
369. Please.
Copy !req
370. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
371. Wow, she's talking to me
like a human being.
Copy !req
372. This can't get
any weirder.
Copy !req
373. Thank you, Malcolm.
Copy !req
374. Yes, it can.
Copy !req
375. I can't believe
I used to think
Copy !req
376. that taking care
of the baby was a chore.
Copy !req
377. This class has
really opened my eyes.
Copy !req
378. Time.
Copy !req
379. Aiden wins again.
Copy !req
380. I knew I shouldn't let you have
that cracker.
Copy !req
381. I'll pay you
next class.
Copy !req
382. I got to go.
Copy !req
383. You're not going
to stick around
Copy !req
384. for the suction contest?
Copy !req
385. Will you take a watch?
Copy !req
386. Don't get too down about
this probation thing.
Copy !req
387. This job is mostly
a beauty pageant.
Copy !req
388. You know what's weird?
Copy !req
389. You get used to thinking
of a person as being
Copy !req
390. so much more powerful
than you,
Copy !req
391. then something shifts and
it becomes kind of awkward.
Copy !req
392. Oh, my God, are you
my boss now?
Copy !req
393. This is so unfair.
Copy !req
394. Year after year,
Copy !req
395. why can't...
Copy !req
396. It's nice to see one
of the good guys win.
Copy !req
397. Why don't you
take a load off.
Copy !req
398. I'll go get you
a cup of joe.
Copy !req
399. No worries, chief.
Copy !req
400. Whoa.
Copy !req
401. Malcolm.
Copy !req
402. It's not what it looks like.
Copy !req
403. Lois, sorry,
are you in there?
Copy !req
404. I'll explain later.
Copy !req
405. I know exactly what this
looks like to you,
Copy !req
406. but I'm asking you for
a little flexibility.
Copy !req
407. Trust me.
Copy !req
408. Lois, where's the...?
Copy !req
409. What's going on here?
Copy !req
410. Well, I'll have to
write Malcolm up again.
Copy !req
411. He's flattened
Copy !req
412. another box
Copy !req
413. outside of the box
flattening area.
Copy !req
414. The guys at work are great.
Copy !req
415. I already have a nickname—
Ten Fingers.
Copy !req
416. The old Ten Fingers
wasn't using it anymore.
Copy !req
417. I'm proud of you, son.
Copy !req
418. You're working now.
Copy !req
419. I feel like I could
talk to you, man to man.
Copy !req
420. You know, about
grown up things—
Copy !req
421. expenses...
Copy !req
422. cheaters...
Copy !req
423. Can I borrow
some money from you?
Copy !req
424. Yeah. How much do you need?
Copy !req
425. Uh... how much do you have?
Copy !req
426. Why don't you just tell me
how much you need.
Copy !req
427. 100... 2...
Copy !req
428. and another 100.
Copy !req
429. You might want to rinse off
the bills in cold water.
Copy !req
430. They stick together.
Copy !req
431. It was so cool
when that guy
at the truck stop
Copy !req
432. blew the smoke ring
out of the hole in his throat.
Copy !req
433. That was fun, wasn't it?
Copy !req
434. How come you're the only good
one in the family?
Copy !req
435. Why didn't any of it
Copy !req
436. rub off on Reese or Malcolm?
Copy !req
437. Dewey, would you cut it out?
Copy !req
438. No, I mean it.
You're such a good brother.
Copy !req
439. I'll bet they didn't
even appreciate it.
Copy !req
440. Dewey! I was never like this
with Reese and Malcolm.
Copy !req
441. I treated them like crap.
Copy !req
442. Way worse than
they treat you.
Copy !req
443. That's impossible.
Copy !req
444. I tortured them all the time.
I beat them up,
Copy !req
445. I took their stuff,
Copy !req
446. I locked them in closets.
Copy !req
447. You know that scar
on Reese's back?
Copy !req
448. That's from a bayonet.
Copy !req
449. Where did I even get a bayonet?
Copy !req
450. But you couldn't have.
Copy !req
451. The way they talk about you...
They love you so much.
Copy !req
452. Dewey, let me let you in
on a little secret.
Copy !req
453. Sometimes people love people
for no reason.
Copy !req
454. Like Whoopi Goldberg.
Copy !req
455. Hmm.
Copy !req
456. It's even weirder with brothers.
Copy !req
457. So you're saying...
Copy !req
458. I'm the only one
you were ever nice to?
Copy !req
459. Pretty much.
Copy !req
460. You know, you have
a real opportunity here.
Copy !req
461. You can break the cycle.
Copy !req
462. You can be a good
brother to Jamie.
Copy !req
463. You can be the one
kid in this family
Copy !req
464. who takes care of the younger
one and looks out for him.
Copy !req
465. How is that fair?
Copy !req
466. Yeah, you're right.
Copy !req
467. Trying to impress
Copy !req
468. the cool kids?
Copy !req
469. Hey, Malcolm. Good news.
Copy !req
470. The head
of security told me
Copy !req
471. that the surveillance
cameras proved
Copy !req
472. you didn't flatten
that box on purpose.
Copy !req
473. You're also using
too much soap in the bathroom.
Copy !req
474. Anyway, you're off probation.
Copy !req
475. Wow, thanks for going
to the mat for me.
Copy !req
476. What is your problem?
Copy !req
477. My problem is, I have
no idea who you are.
Copy !req
478. I thought I had
this mother
Copy !req
479. that was abrupt
and short-tempered and rude,
Copy !req
480. but who at least would stand up
for what's right.
Copy !req
481. That's not who you are.
Copy !req
482. I did something nice for you,
Copy !req
483. and you act like it
didn't even happen.
Copy !req
484. You did something nice for me
Copy !req
485. because it was
the right thing to do.
Copy !req
486. I'm simply making you obey rules
because I'm your mother.
Copy !req
487. That's not fair.
Copy !req
488. If this favor thing
doesn't work both ways,
Copy !req
489. then why am I keeping
a big secret for you?
Copy !req
490. Why shouldn't I just tell Dad?
Copy !req
491. You're not going
to tell your father.
Copy !req
492. How do you know?
Copy !req
493. Because, Malcolm,
that's not who you are.
Copy !req
494. Why do you do this to me?
Copy !req
495. Malcolm, I know
this is hard for you.
Copy !req
496. You're growing up.
Copy !req
497. You're sick of living
under my authority.
Copy !req
498. You want me to cut
you some slack.
Copy !req
499. You're wondering
when I'll finally
Copy !req
500. see you as an adult.
Copy !req
501. Well... that's never
going to happen.
Copy !req
502. That's just not
the way
Copy !req
503. it works.
Copy !req
504. You can move
away from home,
Copy !req
505. you can get married,
even have kids of your own,
Copy !req
506. you can even become
a professor of physics at MIT.
Copy !req
507. I will always be your mother.
Copy !req
508. And that's just the way
it is until one of us dies.
Copy !req
509. You want to put your head
Copy !req
510. between your knees
for a few seconds?
Copy !req
511. No, I'm okay.
Copy !req
512. Look...
Copy !req
513. will you please
Copy !req
514. just give me one thing?
Copy !req
515. Please stop smoking.
Copy !req
516. I already quit.
Copy !req
517. Are you lying?
Copy !req
518. Of course not.
Copy !req
519. Okay, Jamie.
Copy !req
520. It all comes down to this.
Copy !req
521. Just do it like we practiced
in the garage.
Copy !req
522. Go, go, go.
Copy !req
523. We've got the whole family
Copy !req
524. We should celebrate with
a nice dinner at...
Copy !req
525. Pay up, suckers!
Copy !req
526. You treated your babies
Copy !req
527. like they were made of glass,
Copy !req
528. and now you suffer.
Copy !req
529. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
530. I want to remember
that goofy smile.
Copy !req
531. Nobody's going to be
seeing that for a long time.
Copy !req
532. Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!
Look at me! Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req