1. "How angry would you be
Copy !req
2. if someone broke
your antique music box?"
Copy !req
3. What do you mean?
Does it play at all?
Copy !req
4. Great.
Copy !req
5. What, were you roughhousing
in my bedroom?
Copy !req
6. And I don't suppose
you're even gonna come out here
Copy !req
7. and face your punishment?
Copy !req
8. Hal, is that you?
Copy !req
9. Stevie, come on.
Copy !req
10. Jonas Salk would've
solved this days ago.
Copy !req
11. He wasn't... working with...
Copy !req
12. an idiot.
Copy !req
13. You're calling me an idiot?
Copy !req
14. You want to make
Copy !req
15. a type-two-restriction
enzyme in yeast
Copy !req
16. without using any bacteria,
Copy !req
17. and I'm the idiot?
Copy !req
18. Yes...
Copy !req
19. and yes.
Copy !req
20. We have to... try something.
Copy !req
21. What do you think I've been
doing for the last two weeks?
Copy !req
22. When am I getting
my room back?
Copy !req
23. I can't work on my sexy-face
out there in front of Mom.
Copy !req
24. What are you guys
doing in here anyway?
Copy !req
25. Trying to create a new kind
of restriction enzyme.
Copy !req
26. What does it look like?
Copy !req
27. You're messing up
my room for that?
Copy !req
28. This is important.
Copy !req
29. Restriction enzymes
are used
Copy !req
30. for chromosome mapping,
Copy !req
31. DNA testing, gene splicing.
Copy !req
32. It's for a big
national competition.
Copy !req
33. If we win this,
Copy !req
34. our paper will be published
in a scientific journal.
Copy !req
35. We'll probably be able
to write our ticket
Copy !req
36. to any college in the country.
Copy !req
37. Then everyone... will pay.
Copy !req
38. Only our incubator
keeps breaking down.
Copy !req
39. Plus, we're running low on agar,
we're completely out of blood,
Copy !req
40. our yeast keeps
getting contaminated...
Copy !req
41. Maybe I can help.
Copy !req
42. That's okay, Reese.
Copy !req
43. If we need a head caught
in a wastepaper basket,
Copy !req
44. we'll give you a call.
Copy !req
45. Why do you do that?
Copy !req
46. I offered to help you,
and you turn it around
Copy !req
47. and make it about
me being stupid.
Copy !req
48. Seriously.
Copy !req
49. I might have something
to contribute.
Copy !req
50. Why don't you just
give me a chance?
Copy !req
51. That's two pints.
We'd better not take any more.
Copy !req
52. This is so exciting.
Copy !req
53. I feel like I'm going to faint!
Copy !req
54. Four dollars, right?
Copy !req
55. Thanks. Say hi
to Dewey for me.
Copy !req
56. Who was that?
Copy !req
57. Oh, some kid from Dewey's class
selling chocolate.
Copy !req
58. Enjoy your strained beets,
Copy !req
59. little man.
Copy !req
60. Is it that time of year again?
Copy !req
61. Mom, please don't make me.
Copy !req
62. Aha! I wondered
what you were doing
Copy !req
63. with a book bag.
Copy !req
64. I don't want to go
door-to-door selling
stupid candy.
Copy !req
65. Dewey, your father and I
have missed everything
at school this year—
Copy !req
66. the paper drive, the car wash,
the bake sale.
Copy !req
67. We need you
to pick up the slack.
Copy !req
68. You are doing this.
Copy !req
69. Dad, do I have to?
Copy !req
70. Dad?
Copy !req
71. Of course you're doing it.
Copy !req
72. It'll be great
Copy !req
73. for your character to sell—
Copy !req
74. oh, what's a good number—
Copy !req
75. 275 bars.
Copy !req
76. Looks like there's
about another half hour
Copy !req
77. of sunlight left—
what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
78. Fine, I'll do it!
Copy !req
79. But I just want
you to know,
Copy !req
80. if some crazy couple
steals me and then
raises me as a girl,
Copy !req
81. it's on your head.
Copy !req
82. No, it's not.
Copy !req
83. Hello?
Copy !req
84. Hey, Dewey. What's going on?
Copy !req
85. You won't believe
what Mom's putting me through.
Copy !req
86. What is it this time?
Copy !req
87. They're doing a candy bar drive
at school,
Copy !req
88. and we've all been given
a ton of candy bars to sell.
Copy !req
89. Oh, I used to hate that.
Copy !req
90. And you know what Mom did?
Copy !req
91. She forbid me to sell them.
Copy !req
92. She said I'd never be able
Copy !req
93. to sell a single one.
Copy !req
94. Oh, she did?
Copy !req
95. That is horrible!
Copy !req
96. I'll buy a dozen
right now, Dewey.
Copy !req
97. She even compared me selling
candy to you getting married.
Copy !req
98. You know what?
Make it two dozen.
Copy !req
99. But don't tell Mom—
she'll think I did it
Copy !req
100. just to make her mad.
Copy !req
101. Tell her someone else
bought them.
Copy !req
102. Wouldn't that be a lie?
Copy !req
103. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
104. It's justified—
she's the reason
Copy !req
105. that no one in this family
has any confidence.
Copy !req
106. I'm hanging up right now
so I can write you a check.
Copy !req
107. Hey, Fred, where are you
going with that piglet?
Copy !req
108. Well, can't keep him in the pen.
The sow rejected him.
Copy !req
109. So you're gonna take him home?
Copy !req
110. Yeah, that's what
I'm gonna do.
Copy !req
111. Oh, no!
Copy !req
112. Do you have to?
Copy !req
113. Well, listen, he's half the size
Copy !req
114. of the rest of the litter.
Copy !req
115. The other piglets
won't let him feed.
Copy !req
116. It's the humane thing to do.
Copy !req
117. Fred, you can't do this.
Look at his face.
Copy !req
118. He knows you're gonna
take him out and kill him.
Copy !req
119. Well, he does now.
Copy !req
120. Ralph!
Copy !req
121. You can't kill him
if he has a name.
Copy !req
122. It's Ralph.
Little Ralph the piglet.
Copy !req
123. Aw, geez.
Copy !req
124. That's my kid's name. Here.
Copy !req
125. Did it separate?
Copy !req
126. Hell, no.
Copy !req
127. So we still don't have
an enzyme.
Copy !req
128. What is our problem?
Copy !req
129. We've tried...
Copy !req
130. every variable...
Copy !req
131. of heat... and pressure?
Copy !req
132. Yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
133. We've tried acids,
we've tried bases.
Copy !req
134. How much blood
do we have left?
Copy !req
135. Plenty.
Copy !req
136. I snuck...
Copy !req
137. another pint...
when he was sleeping.
Copy !req
138. Stevie!
He wants... to help.
Copy !req
139. I know, but I took care of that.
Copy !req
140. He kept bugging me,
so I gave him some food coloring
Copy !req
141. and told him
they were chemicals.
Copy !req
142. Guys, guys!
I've made a discovery!
Copy !req
143. When you mix blue and yellow,
you get an entirely new color!
Copy !req
144. I'm gonna name it...
Copy !req
145. "blellow."
Copy !req
146. Hey, look at this.
Copy !req
147. Dewey has already
sold 52 candy bars.
Copy !req
148. He still has
a long way to go, Lois.
Copy !req
149. Let's keep our feet
on the ground.
Copy !req
150. For now.
Copy !req
151. Kitty, come down.
Copy !req
152. Fear not!
Copy !req
153. Have your pets
spayed or neutered.
Copy !req
154. It's nice Dewey's working
so hard for the school.
Copy !req
155. If he keeps this up,
we'll be able to blow
off the Safety Fair.
Copy !req
156. Hello, sir.
Copy !req
157. Sorry. I don't eat candy.
Copy !req
158. Oh, these aren't candy bars.
Copy !req
159. These are America Bars.
Copy !req
160. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
161. You know, America Bars.
Copy !req
162. Well, actually, I prefer
the term "Freedom Bars."
Copy !req
163. You love America, right?
Copy !req
164. Well, of course I do.
Copy !req
165. Well, there are
a lot of people out there
Copy !req
166. who are hoping
we won't do our part.
Copy !req
167. What do you mean?
Copy !req
168. You know. People.
People who don't have
Copy !req
169. this country's best interests
at heart.
Copy !req
170. So, these candy bars
help fight terrorism?
Copy !req
171. With every chocolatey,
nougaty bite.
Copy !req
172. How much are they?
Copy !req
173. $9.50.
Copy !req
174. I'll take two.
Copy !req
175. Thank you.
Copy !req
176. No, young man. Thank you.
Copy !req
177. Separate!
Copy !req
178. Hello...
Copy !req
179. trade school.
Copy !req
180. I wish Reggie would kill Archie
Copy !req
181. and take over this comic.
Copy !req
182. Malcolm, I need you
to watch Jamie for a while.
Copy !req
183. Mom, we're at a very critical
point in our experiment.
Copy !req
184. I'm sorry. Are you new?
Copy !req
185. Stevie, explain to
your friend how things
work around here.
Copy !req
186. Anything?
Copy !req
187. No change.
Copy !req
188. Bounce him higher.
Copy !req
189. Well, none of these worked.
Copy !req
190. Maybe we should...
Copy !req
191. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
192. It... separated!
Copy !req
193. Yeah! We did it!
Copy !req
194. We made an enzyme!
Copy !req
195. Unbelievable!
Copy !req
196. What'd you do to it?
Copy !req
197. I didn't... do anything.
Copy !req
198. What? Well, neither did I.
Copy !req
199. Blellow!
Copy !req
200. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
201. How did... you do it?
Copy !req
202. I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
203. Look, we're not
mad at you.
Copy !req
204. We just need to know
what you did.
Copy !req
205. Why are you always
blaming me?
Copy !req
206. Reese, you did a good thing.
Copy !req
207. You somehow got this thing
to separate.
Copy !req
208. You must have added something.
Copy !req
209. What was it?
Copy !req
210. Oh.
Copy !req
211. I just... I don't know
if I can even remember.
Copy !req
212. I mean, I wasn't paying
that much attention,
Copy !req
213. and there was all this
other stuff going on.
Copy !req
214. And I'm not sure
why I'd tell you...
Copy !req
215. if you're not going
to give me credit!
Copy !req
216. What?
Copy !req
217. This is a big contest.
Copy !req
218. Big enough for
the three of us.
Copy !req
219. So, either we split
the credit three ways,
Copy !req
220. or I'm not talking.
Copy !req
221. You are picking
Copy !req
222. the wrong guys
to mess with, Reese.
Copy !req
223. Yeah.
Copy !req
224. Let's tattle.
Copy !req
225. and he won't tell us
what he did
Copy !req
226. unless we give him credit
for it.
Copy !req
227. It's so unfair.
Copy !req
228. All he did was just
read comic books
Copy !req
229. and we've been working on it
for weeks.
Copy !req
230. What is it you want me
to do, Malcolm?
Copy !req
231. Force him to tell us.
Copy !req
232. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
233. It seems to me if Reese
fixed your experiment,
Copy !req
234. he should get some credit.
Copy !req
235. What? No.
Copy !req
236. He doesn't even know
why it works.
Copy !req
237. I've been working for 20 years
without knowing why.
Copy !req
238. Give Reese the credit.
Copy !req
239. Calm down, Ralph, it's okay.
Copy !req
240. You're all right.
Copy !req
241. What happened?
Copy !req
242. The other piglets
were mean to him.
Copy !req
243. Francis, you said last week
Copy !req
244. you'd put that thing
back in its pen.
Copy !req
245. I tried, but he's just
so good-natured and sweet,
Copy !req
246. the others won't let him feed.
Copy !req
247. I am not putting him
back in there
Copy !req
248. until I teach him
to be more assertive.
Copy !req
249. But we're spending
every second of the day
taking care of him.
Copy !req
250. Hey, no one ever said
raising a pig would be easy.
Copy !req
251. No one ever said
we'd be raising a pig.
Copy !req
252. Listen, Francis...
Copy !req
253. either you return Ralph
to his pen tonight,
Copy !req
254. or he's gonna be looking up
at you from an omelet.
Copy !req
255. Come on, Ralph.
Copy !req
256. It's gut-check time.
Copy !req
257. Your brothers don't think
you can keep up with them.
Copy !req
258. Is that what you think?
Copy !req
259. Come on, I know you can do it.
Copy !req
260. You just gotta get tough.
Copy !req
261. Come on, show me your mean face.
Copy !req
262. Hmm. What's that?
Copy !req
263. Ah. The stink of failure.
Copy !req
264. Okay, Reese. We give up.
Copy !req
265. Just tell us what you did
and we'll give you credit.
Copy !req
266. Okay, just sign this.
Copy !req
267. "Reese is a full partner
in this experiment
Copy !req
268. "and is entitled to
a full share of the credit
Copy !req
269. "because without his help,
Copy !req
270. this would have
been impossible."
Copy !req
271. Outwitted...
Copy !req
272. by a dumb ass.
Copy !req
273. Everything seems to be in order.
Copy !req
274. All right, Reese,
tell us what you did.
Copy !req
275. Okay.
Copy !req
276. I have no idea.
Copy !req
277. I don't remember doing
anything special to it.
Copy !req
278. What?
But now when you
Copy !req
279. make fun of me
and tell people I'm stupid,
Copy !req
280. I have actual evidence
in your own handwriting
Copy !req
281. that says
I'm just as smart as you are.
Copy !req
282. Hah! Finally,
there is justice in...
Copy !req
283. This baby's mother
is 13 years old.
Copy !req
284. Every candy bar you buy
Copy !req
285. goes towards buying
unwed mothers like her
Copy !req
286. schoolbooks and hot lunches.
Copy !req
287. I'll get my purse.
Copy !req
288. I'm telling you
I don't remember!
Copy !req
289. Okay, let him up.
Copy !req
290. Reese...
Copy !req
291. this is important.
Copy !req
292. It's for medicine.
Copy !req
293. This enzyme could help save
somebody's life one day.
Copy !req
294. Just please try to think
about what you did.
Copy !req
295. Um...
Copy !req
296. I can't.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
297. I don't know.
Copy !req
298. I was just hanging out
in the room like I always do.
Copy !req
299. Re... create it.
Copy !req
300. Yeah,
that's a great idea.
Copy !req
301. Just do everything
you did
Copy !req
302. when you were
in the room by yourself.
Copy !req
303. Just close your eyes
and pretend.
Copy !req
304. See everything you did
in your mind's eye
Copy !req
305. and then just
do what you see.
Copy !req
306. Stevie and I
aren't even here.
Copy !req
307. You're alone in the room
just like before.
Copy !req
308. Okay, let's see...
Copy !req
309. First thing was...
Copy !req
310. you guys left.
Copy !req
311. And then I went
to the test tubes...
Copy !req
312. to see what
an enzyme tasted like.
Copy !req
313. But then it was boring already.
Copy !req
314. And then...
I saw something shiny...
Copy !req
315. and I put it
in my "shiny" box.
Copy !req
316. And then...
Copy !req
317. Right.
Copy !req
318. And then I got
one of Malcolm's shirts...
Copy !req
319. and then I...
Copy !req
320. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
321. Then I played
with Dewey's Game Boy.
Copy !req
322. And your teacher
called to say
Copy !req
323. you sold more chocolate
bars than anyone else.
Copy !req
324. She said all your
classmates hate you.
Copy !req
325. I'm so proud, Dewey.
Copy !req
326. Well, you know,
it's a good product.
Copy !req
327. They really
sell themselves.
Copy !req
328. I can't believe it.
Copy !req
329. Dewey sold over
1,500 candy bars.
Copy !req
330. 1,500...
Copy !req
331. Page 12.
Copy !req
332. They'll eat your
dad's dust.
Copy !req
333. Hi.
Copy !req
334. Is this where the boy lives
who's selling Eco-Bars?
Copy !req
335. Sorry, we're all out.
Come back later.
Copy !req
336. Well, there you are.
We wanted to buy some more
Copy !req
337. of those candy bars
that heal the forests.
Copy !req
338. You should be
so proud of your boy.
Copy !req
339. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
340. Of course you do.
Copy !req
341. You said every bar
plants a seedling
Copy !req
342. in fire-ravaged
Copy !req
343. Ooh, and I love
the little bonus
Copy !req
344. of 10% going
to pro-life causes.
Copy !req
345. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
346. He told me 10%
went to pro-choice causes.
Copy !req
347. I didn't know
you felt that way.
Copy !req
348. I didn't know you
felt that way.
Copy !req
349. Excuse me, ladies,
Copy !req
350. I have to tell someone
how I feel.
Copy !req
351. You are in
Copy !req
352. so much trouble.
Copy !req
353. I hope you'll think
about what you did
Copy !req
354. every time you see me
driving by in your prize.
Copy !req
355. He's not getting
any prize.
Copy !req
356. You've been lying
Copy !req
357. to everyone
to get them to buy candy?
Copy !req
358. What did we tell
you about lying?
Copy !req
359. Lying is the worst thing
you can do.
Copy !req
360. It destroys character,
Copy !req
361. It destroys the trust
people have in each other.
Copy !req
362. Do you understand?
Copy !req
363. Yes.
Copy !req
364. What do you have
to say for yourself?
Copy !req
365. Francis told me to do it.
Copy !req
366. I should have known.
Copy !req
367. Did you tell your brother
to lie about those candy bars?
Copy !req
368. You bet I did.
Copy !req
369. And I'm sick of you
Copy !req
370. standing on the sidelines
Copy !req
371. sabotaging everything
we try to do.
Copy !req
372. Have you lost your mind,
Copy !req
373. What kind of advice is that
to give to your brother?
Copy !req
374. This is all your fault.
Copy !req
375. I'm just trying
Copy !req
376. to help the kid
Copy !req
377. instead of tearing
him down all the time.
Copy !req
378. And I'm sick of you thinking
Copy !req
379. that everything we do
is stupid.
Copy !req
380. Okay, Ralph, remember
your visualization.
Copy !req
381. You're mean, you're tough.
Copy !req
382. You're the biggest
pig in the pen
Copy !req
383. and you're not
afraid of anyone.
Copy !req
384. Get in there, kick some ass
Copy !req
385. and nurse like you have
never nursed before.
Copy !req
386. Hey, that's it, Ralph.
Copy !req
387. Get in there. Good for you.
Copy !req
388. Good.
Copy !req
389. Okay, stop, Ralph.
Copy !req
390. Ralph, no biting.
Copy !req
391. Oh, not the mother, too!
Copy !req
392. That's gross.
Copy !req
393. No, Ralph, not the...
Copy !req
394. chicken coop.
Copy !req
395. If I were you, I'd hurry up
and start naming the cattle.
Copy !req
396. and then my ears
Copy !req
397. were finally
Copy !req
398. Then I was going
to update
Copy !req
399. my enemies list,
Copy !req
400. but I remembered I
had math homework.
Copy !req
401. Didn't get it.
Copy !req
402. Didn't get it.
Didn't get it.
Copy !req
403. Didn't get it.
Copy !req
404. Stupid. Stupid.
Copy !req
405. Stupid.
Copy !req
406. Stupid.
Copy !req
407. I hate you, I hate you.
Copy !req
408. Then I worked
on my triceps.
Copy !req
409. Hey, no one likes math.
Copy !req
410. Sorry.
Copy !req
411. That's okay.
Copy !req
412. So, what'd
you do next?
Copy !req
413. Nothing.
Copy !req
414. I started playing
with the ball.
Copy !req
415. Well, I guess we won't...
Copy !req
416. Throw it... again.
Copy !req
417. What?
Copy !req
418. Reese, keep throwing it.
Copy !req
419. Look.
Copy !req
420. It separated.
Copy !req
421. It separated!
Copy !req
422. There must be asbestos
in the ceiling.
Copy !req
423. Of course.
Copy !req
424. What are you talking about?
Reese, you did it.
Copy !req
425. Asbestos is a highly
mutagenic material.
Copy !req
426. It can change the way cells
reproduce— these cells.
Copy !req
427. And it's been here
the whole time.
Copy !req
428. We have asbestos
in our ceiling.
Copy !req
429. We have asbestos in our ceiling.
Copy !req
430. We have asbestos
in our ceiling.
Copy !req
431. Yay.
Copy !req
432. What?
Copy !req
433. Scrabbled eggs,
coming up.
Copy !req
434. So we're living out here
Copy !req
435. till they get
the asbestos cleaned out.
Copy !req
436. Oh, and we won the contest.
Copy !req
437. Turns out the company
sponsoring it
Copy !req
438. keeps all the patent rights.
Copy !req
439. They're using our work
to make a new cholesterol drug
Copy !req
440. that'll earn billions.
Copy !req
441. And you know what we got?
Copy !req
442. A pencil case.
Copy !req
443. It has a compass in it.
Copy !req
444. Mom, Dad, anybody
need a pencil?
Copy !req
445. No, Reese.
We still don't need a pencil.
Copy !req
446. Well, if you do, you
know where to find it.
Copy !req
447. Okay, Francis, how
much longer are we
Copy !req
448. going to have to share
the bed with Ralph?
Copy !req
449. It's getting
Copy !req
450. He puts up
a brave front,
Copy !req
451. but I don't think he really
feels that confident.
Copy !req
452. He'll let us know
when he's ready.
Copy !req